# Management of static files in /etc.
etc' = lib.filter (f: f.enable) (lib.attrValues config.environment.etc);
etc =
pkgs.runCommandLocal "etc"
# This is needed for the systemd module
passthru.targets = map (x: x.target) etc';
} # sh
set -euo pipefail
makeEtcEntry() {
if [[ "$src" = *'*'* ]]; then
# If the source name contains '*', perform globbing.
mkdir -p "$out/etc/$target"
for fn in $src; do
ln -s "$fn" "$out/etc/$target/"
mkdir -p "$out/etc/$(dirname "$target")"
if ! [ -e "$out/etc/$target" ]; then
ln -s "$src" "$out/etc/$target"
echo "duplicate entry $target -> $src"
if [ "$(readlink "$out/etc/$target")" != "$src" ]; then
echo "mismatched duplicate entry $(readlink "$out/etc/$target") <-> $src"
if [ "$mode" != symlink ]; then
echo "$mode" > "$out/etc/$target.mode"
echo "$user" > "$out/etc/$target.uid"
echo "$group" > "$out/etc/$target.gid"
mkdir -p "$out/etc"
${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (
lib.escapeShellArgs [
# Force local source paths to be added to the store
) etc'}
etcHardlinks = lib.filter (f: f.mode != "symlink" && f.mode != "direct-symlink") etc';
imports = [ ../build.nix ];
###### interface
options = {
system.etc.overlay = {
enable = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Mount `/etc` as an overlayfs instead of generating it via a perl script.
Note: This is currently experimental. Only enable this option if you're
confident that you can recover your system if it breaks.
mutable = lib.mkOption {
default = true;
Whether to mount `/etc` mutably (i.e. read-write) or immutably (i.e. read-only).
If this is false, only the immutable lowerdir is mounted. If it is
true, a writable upperdir is mounted on top.
environment.etc = lib.mkOption {
default = { };
example = lib.literalExpression ''
{ example-configuration-file =
{ source = "/nix/store/.../etc/dir/file.conf.example";
mode = "0440";
"default/useradd".text = "GROUP=100 ...";
Set of files that have to be linked in {file}`/etc`.
type =
with lib.types;
attrsOf (
submodule (
Whether this /etc file should be generated. This
option allows specific /etc files to be disabled.
target = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
Name of symlink (relative to
{file}`/etc`). Defaults to the attribute
text = lib.mkOption {
default = null;
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.lines;
description = "Text of the file.";
source = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.path;
description = "Path of the source file.";
mode = lib.mkOption {
default = "symlink";
example = "0600";
If set to something else than `symlink`,
the file is copied instead of symlinked, with the given
file mode.
uid = lib.mkOption {
default = 0;
type = lib.types.int;
UID of created file. Only takes effect when the file is
copied (that is, the mode is not 'symlink').
gid = lib.mkOption {
GID of created file. Only takes effect when the file is
user = lib.mkOption {
default = "+${toString config.uid}";
User name of file owner.
Only takes effect when the file is copied (that is, the
mode is not `symlink`).
When `services.userborn.enable`, this option has no effect.
You have to assign a `uid` instead. Otherwise this option
takes precedence over `uid`.
group = lib.mkOption {
default = "+${toString config.gid}";
Group name of file owner.
You have to assign a `gid` instead. Otherwise this option
takes precedence over `gid`.
config = {
target = lib.mkDefault name;
source = lib.mkIf (config.text != null) (
name' = "etc-" + lib.replaceStrings [ "/" ] [ "-" ] name;
lib.mkDerivedConfig options.text (pkgs.writeText name')
###### implementation
system.build.etc = etc;
system.build.etcActivationCommands =
etcOverlayOptions = lib.concatStringsSep "," (
++ lib.optionals config.system.etc.overlay.mutable [
if config.system.etc.overlay.enable then
# This script atomically remounts /etc when switching configuration.
# On a (re-)boot this should not run because /etc is mounted via a
# systemd mount unit instead.
# The activation script can also be called in cases where we didn't have
# an initrd though, like for instance when using nixos-enter,
# so we cannot assume that /etc has already been mounted.
# To a large extent this mimics what composefs does. Because
# it's relatively simple, however, we avoid the composefs dependency.
# Since this script is not idempotent, it should not run when etc hasn't
# changed.
if [[ ! $IN_NIXOS_SYSTEMD_STAGE1 ]] && [[ "${config.system.build.etc}/etc" != "$(readlink -f /run/current-system/etc)" ]]; then
echo "remounting /etc..."
${lib.optionalString config.system.etc.overlay.mutable ''
# These directories are usually created in initrd,
# but we need to create them here when we're called directly,
# for instance by nixos-enter
mkdir --parents /.rw-etc/upper /.rw-etc/work
chmod 0755 /.rw-etc /.rw-etc/upper /.rw-etc/work
tmpMetadataMount=$(TMPDIR="/run" mktemp --directory -t nixos-etc-metadata.XXXXXXXXXX)
mount --type erofs -o ro ${config.system.build.etcMetadataImage} $tmpMetadataMount
# There was no previous /etc mounted. This happens when we're called
# directly without an initrd, like with nixos-enter.
if ! mountpoint -q /etc; then
mount --type overlay overlay \
--options lowerdir=$tmpMetadataMount::${config.system.build.etcBasedir},${etcOverlayOptions} \
# Mount the new /etc overlay to a temporary private mount.
# This needs the indirection via a private bind mount because you
# cannot move shared mounts.
tmpEtcMount=$(TMPDIR="/run" mktemp --directory -t nixos-etc.XXXXXXXXXX)
mount --bind --make-private $tmpEtcMount $tmpEtcMount
# Before moving the new /etc overlay under the old /etc, we have to
# move mounts on top of /etc to the new /etc mountpoint.
findmnt /etc --submounts --list --noheading --kernel --output TARGET | while read -r mountPoint; do
if [[ "$mountPoint" = "/etc" ]]; then
if config.system.etc.overlay.mutable then
if [[ -f "$mountPoint" ]]; then
touch "$tmpMountPoint"
elif [[ -d "$mountPoint" ]]; then
mkdir -p "$tmpMountPoint"
if [[ ! -e "$tmpMountPoint" ]]; then
echo "Skipping undeclared mountpoint in environment.etc: $mountPoint"
mount --bind "$mountPoint" "$tmpMountPoint"
# Move the new temporary /etc mount underneath the current /etc mount.
# This should eventually use util-linux to perform this move beneath,
# however, this functionality is not yet in util-linux. See this
# tracking issue: https://github.com/util-linux/util-linux/issues/2604
${pkgs.move-mount-beneath}/bin/move-mount --move --beneath $tmpEtcMount /etc
# Unmount the top /etc mount to atomically reveal the new mount.
umount --lazy --recursive /etc
# Unmount the temporary mount
umount --lazy "$tmpEtcMount"
rmdir "$tmpEtcMount"
# Unmount old metadata mounts
# For some reason, `findmnt /tmp --submounts` does not show the nested
# mounts. So we'll just find all mounts of type erofs and filter on the
# name of the mountpoint.
findmnt --type erofs --list --kernel --output TARGET | while read -r mountPoint; do
if [[ ("$mountPoint" =~ ^/run/nixos-etc-metadata\..{10}$ || "$mountPoint" =~ ^/run/nixos-etc-metadata$ ) &&
"$mountPoint" != "$tmpMetadataMount" ]]; then
umount --lazy "$mountPoint"
rmdir "$mountPoint"
# Set up the statically computed bits of /etc.
echo "setting up /etc..."
${pkgs.perl.withPackages (p: [ p.FileSlurp ])}/bin/perl ${./setup-etc.pl} ${etc}/etc
system.build.etcBasedir = pkgs.runCommandLocal "etc-lowerdir" { } ''
mkdir -p "$out/$(dirname "$target")"
cp "$src" "$out/$target"
mkdir -p "$out"
) etcHardlinks}
system.build.etcMetadataImage =
etcJson = pkgs.writeText "etc-json" (builtins.toJSON etc');
etcDump = pkgs.runCommand "etc-dump" { } ''
${lib.getExe pkgs.buildPackages.python3} ${./build-composefs-dump.py} ${etcJson} > $out
pkgs.runCommand "etc-metadata.erofs"
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs.buildPackages; [
mkcomposefs --from-file ${etcDump} $out
fsck.erofs $out