#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'slop'
# Returns a repo URL for a given package name.
def repo_url value
if value && value.start_with?('http')
elsif value
# Returns a system image URL for a given system image name.
def image_url value, dir
if dir == "default"
dir = "android"
# Returns a JSON with the data and structure of the input XML
def to_json_collector doc
json = {}
index = 0
doc.element_children.each { |node|
if node.children.length == 1 and node.children.first.text?
json["#{node.name}:#{index}"] ||= node.content
index += 1
json["#{node.name}:#{index}"] ||= to_json_collector node
element_attributes = {}
doc.attribute_nodes.each do |attr|
if attr.name == "type"
type = attr.value.split(':', 2).last
case attr.value
when 'generic:genericDetailsType'
element_attributes["xsi:type"] ||= "ns5:#{type}"
when 'addon:extraDetailsType'
element_attributes["xsi:type"] ||= "ns8:#{type}"
when 'addon:mavenType'
when 'sdk:platformDetailsType'
element_attributes["xsi:type"] ||= "ns11:#{type}"
when 'sdk:sourceDetailsType'
when 'sys-img:sysImgDetailsType'
element_attributes["xsi:type"] ||= "ns12:#{type}"
when 'addon:addonDetailsType' then
element_attributes[attr.name] ||= attr.value
if !element_attributes.empty?
json['element-attributes'] ||= element_attributes
# Returns a tuple of [type, revision, revision components] for a package node.
def package_revision package
type_details = package.at_css('> type-details')
type = type_details.attributes['type']
type &&= type.value
revision = nil
components = nil
case type
when 'generic:genericDetailsType', 'addon:extraDetailsType', 'addon:mavenType'
major = text package.at_css('> revision > major')
minor = text package.at_css('> revision > minor')
micro = text package.at_css('> revision > micro')
preview = text package.at_css('> revision > preview')
revision = ''
components = []
unless empty?(major)
revision << major
components << major
unless empty?(minor)
revision << ".#{minor}"
components << minor
unless empty?(micro)
revision << ".#{micro}"
components << micro
unless empty?(preview)
revision << "-rc#{preview}"
components << preview
codename = text type_details.at_css('> codename')
api_level = text type_details.at_css('> api-level')
revision = empty?(codename) ? api_level : codename
components = [revision]
revision, components = api_level, [api_level]
id = text type_details.at_css('> tag > id')
abi = text type_details.at_css('> abi')
if empty?(codename)
revision << api_level
components << api_level
revision << codename
components << codename
unless empty?(id)
revision << "-#{id}"
components << id
unless empty?(abi)
revision << "-#{abi}"
components << abi
revision = api_level
components = [api_level, id]
[type, revision, components]
# Returns a hash of archives for the specified package node.
def package_archives package
archives = {}
package.css('> archives > archive').each do |archive|
host_os = text archive.at_css('> host-os')
host_arch = text archive.at_css('> host-arch')
host_os = 'all' if empty?(host_os)
host_arch = 'all' if empty?(host_arch)
archives[host_os + host_arch] = {
'os' => host_os,
'arch' => host_arch,
'size' => Integer(text(archive.at_css('> complete > size'))),
'sha1' => text(archive.at_css('> complete > checksum')),
'url' => yield(text(archive.at_css('> complete > url')))
# Returns the text from a node, or nil.
def text node
node ? node.text : nil
# Nil or empty helper.
def empty? value
!value || value.empty?
# Fixes up returned hashes by converting archives like
# (e.g. {'linux' => {'sha1' => ...}, 'macosx' => ...} to
# [{'os' => 'linux', 'sha1' => ...}, {'os' => 'macosx', ...}, ...].
def fixup value
Hash[value.map do |k, v|
if k == 'archives' && v.is_a?(Hash)
[k, v.map do |os, archive|
elsif v.is_a?(Hash)
[k, fixup(v)]
[k, v]
# Today since Unix Epoch, January 1, 1970.
def today
Time.now.utc.to_i / 24 / 60 / 60
# The expiration strategy. Expire if the last available day was before the `oldest_valid_day`.
def expire_records record, oldest_valid_day
if record.is_a?(Hash)
if record.has_key?('last-available-day') &&
record['last-available-day'] < oldest_valid_day
return nil
update = {}
# This should only happen in the first run of this scrip after adding the `expire_record` function.
if record.has_key?('displayName') &&
update['last-available-day'] = today
record.each {|key, value|
v = expire_records value, oldest_valid_day
update[key] = v if v
# Normalize the specified license text.
# See: https://brash-snapper.glitch.me/ for how the munging works.
def normalize_license license
license = license.dup
license.gsub!(/([^\n])\n([^\n])/m, '\1 \2')
license.gsub!(/ +/, ' ')
# Gets all license texts, deduplicating them.
def get_licenses doc
licenses = {}
doc.css('license[type="text"]').each do |license_node|
license_id = license_node['id']
if license_id
licenses[license_id] ||= []
licenses[license_id] |= [normalize_license(text(license_node))]
def parse_package_xml doc
licenses = get_licenses doc
packages = {}
# check https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/373785
extras = {}
doc.css('remotePackage').each do |package|
name, _, version = package['path'].partition(';')
next if version == 'latest'
is_extras = name == 'extras'
if is_extras
name = package['path'].tr(';', '-')
type, revision, _ = package_revision(package)
next unless revision
path = package['path'].tr(';', '/')
display_name = text package.at_css('> display-name')
uses_license = package.at_css('> uses-license')
uses_license &&= uses_license['ref']
obsolete ||= package['obsolete']
type_details = to_json_collector package.at_css('> type-details')
revision_details = to_json_collector package.at_css('> revision')
archives = package_archives(package) {|url| repo_url url}
dependencies_xml = package.at_css('> dependencies')
dependencies = to_json_collector dependencies_xml if dependencies_xml
target = extras
component = package['path']
target = (target[component] ||= {})
target = (packages[name] ||= {})
target = (target[revision] ||= {})
target['name'] ||= name
target['path'] ||= path
target['revision'] ||= revision
target['displayName'] ||= display_name
target['license'] ||= uses_license if uses_license
target['obsolete'] ||= obsolete if obsolete == 'true'
target['type-details'] ||= type_details
target['revision-details'] ||= revision_details
target['dependencies'] ||= dependencies if dependencies
target['archives'] ||= {}
merge target['archives'], archives
target['last-available-day'] = today
[licenses, packages, extras]
def parse_image_xml doc
images = {}
doc.css('remotePackage[path^="system-images;"]').each do |package|
type, revision, components = package_revision(package)
obsolete &&= package['obsolete']
archives = package_archives(package) {|url| image_url url, components[-2]}
target = images
components.each do |component|
target[component] ||= {}
target = target[component]
target['name'] ||= "system-image-#{revision}"
target['obsolete'] ||= obsolete if obsolete
[licenses, images]
def parse_addon_xml doc
addons, extras = {}, {}
when 'addon:addonDetailsType'
name = components.last
target = addons
# Hack for Google APIs 25 r1, which displays as 23 for some reason
archive_name = text package.at_css('> archives > archive > complete > url')
if archive_name == 'google_apis-25_r1.zip'
path = 'add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-25'
revision = '25'
components = [revision, components.last]
when 'addon:extraDetailsType', 'addon:mavenType'
components = [package['path']]
[licenses, addons, extras]
# Make the clean diff by always sorting the result before puting it in the stdout.
def sort_recursively value
if value.is_a?(Hash)
value.map do |k, v|
[k, sort_recursively(v)]
end.sort_by {|(k, v)| k }
elsif value.is_a?(Array)
value.map do |v| sort_recursively(v) end
def merge_recursively a, b
a.merge!(b) {|key, a_item, b_item|
if a_item.is_a?(Hash) && b_item.is_a?(Hash)
merge_recursively(a_item, b_item)
elsif b_item != nil
def merge dest, src
merge_recursively dest, src
opts = Slop.parse do |o|
o.array '-p', '--packages', 'packages repo XMLs to parse'
o.array '-i', '--images', 'system image repo XMLs to parse'
o.array '-a', '--addons', 'addon repo XMLs to parse'
result = {}
result['licenses'] = {}
result['packages'] = {}
result['images'] = {}
result['addons'] = {}
result['extras'] = {}
opts[:packages].each do |filename|
licenses, packages, extras = parse_package_xml(Nokogiri::XML(File.open(filename)) { |conf| conf.noblanks })
merge result['licenses'], licenses
merge result['packages'], packages
merge result['extras'], extras
opts[:images].each do |filename|
licenses, images = parse_image_xml(Nokogiri::XML(File.open(filename)) { |conf| conf.noblanks })
merge result['images'], images
opts[:addons].each do |filename|
licenses, addons, extras = parse_addon_xml(Nokogiri::XML(File.open(filename)) { |conf| conf.noblanks })
merge result['addons'], addons
# As we keep the old packages in the repo JSON file, we should have
# a strategy to remove them at some point!
# So with this variable we claim it's okay to remove them from the
# JSON after two years that they are not available.
two_years_ago = today - 2 * 365
input = {}
input_json = (STDIN.tty?) ? "{}" : $stdin.read
if input_json != nil && !input_json.empty?
input = expire_records(JSON.parse(input_json), two_years_ago)
rescue JSON::ParserError => e
fixup_result = fixup(result)
# Regular installation of Android SDK would keep the previously installed packages even if they are not
# in the uptodate XML files, so here we try to support this logic by keeping un-available packages,
# therefore the old packages will work as long as the links are working on the Google servers.
output = merge input, fixup_result
puts JSON.pretty_generate(sort_recursively(output))