#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -I nixpkgs=channel:nixpkgs-unstable -i python3 -p "python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ aiohttp packaging ])" -p git nurl pyright ruff isort
import argparse
import asyncio
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from subprocess import check_output, run
from typing import Dict, Final, List, Optional, Union
import aiohttp
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from packaging.version import Version
ROOT: Final = check_output([
def run_sync(cmd: List[str]) -> None:
print(f"$ {' '.join(cmd)}")
process = run(cmd)
if process.returncode != 0:
async def check_async(cmd: List[str]) -> str:
process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
stdout, stderr = await process.communicate()
error = stderr.decode()
raise RuntimeError(f"{cmd[0]} failed: {error}")
return stdout.decode().strip()
async def run_async(cmd: List[str]):
class File:
def __init__(self, path: str):
self.path = os.path.join(ROOT, path)
def __enter__(self):
with open(self.path, "r") as handle:
self.text = handle.read()
return self
def get_exact_match(self, attr: str, value: str):
matches = re.findall(
n = len(matches)
if n > 1:
raise ValueError(f"multiple occurrences found for {attr}={value}")
elif n == 1:
return matches.pop()
raise ValueError(f"no occurrence found for {attr}={value}")
def substitute(self, attr: str, old_value: str, new_value: str) -> None:
old_line = self.get_exact_match(attr, old_value)
new_line = old_line.replace(old_value, new_value)
self.text = self.text.replace(old_line, new_line)
print(f"Substitute `{attr}` value `{old_value}` with `{new_value}`")
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
with open(self.path, "w") as handle:
class Nurl:
async def prefetch(cls, url: str, version: str, *extra_args: str) -> str:
cmd = [
return await check_async(cmd)
class Nix:
base_cmd: Final = [
"--extra-experimental-features", "nix-command"
async def _run(cls, args: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
return await check_async(cls.base_cmd + args)
async def eval(cls, expr: str) -> Union[List, Dict, int, float, str, bool]:
response = await cls._run([
"-f", f"{ROOT}/default.nix",
if response is None:
raise RuntimeError("Nix eval expression returned no response")
return json.loads(response)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise RuntimeError("Nix eval response could not be parsed from JSON")
async def hash_to_sri(cls, algorithm: str, value: str) -> Optional[str]:
return await cls._run([
"--type", algorithm,
class HomeAssistant:
def __init__(self, session: ClientSession):
self._session = session
async def get_latest_core_version(
owner: str = "home-assistant",
repo: str = "core"
) -> str:
async with self._session.get(
) as response:
document = await response.json()
return str(document.get("name"))
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("No tag name in response document")
async def get_latest_frontend_version(
core_version: str
document = await response.json(content_type="text/plain")
requirements = [
for requirement in document.get("requirements", [])
if requirement.startswith("home-assistant-frontend==")
if len(requirements) > 1:
raise RuntimeError(
"Found more than one version specifier for the frontend package"
elif len(requirements) == 1:
requirement = requirements.pop()
_, version = requirement.split("==", maxsplit=1)
return str(version)
"Found no version specifier for frontend package"
async def update_core(self, old_version: str, new_version: str) -> None:
old_sdist_hash = str(await Nix.eval("home-assistant.sdist.outputHash"))
new_sdist_hash = await Nurl.prefetch("https://pypi.org/project/homeassistant/", new_version)
print(f"sdist: {old_sdist_hash} -> {new_sdist_hash}")
old_git_hash = str(await Nix.eval("home-assistant.src.outputHash"))
new_git_hash = await Nurl.prefetch("https://github.com/home-assistant/core/", new_version)
print(f"git: {old_git_hash} -> {new_git_hash}")
with File("pkgs/servers/home-assistant/default.nix") as file:
file.substitute("hassVersion", old_version, new_version)
file.substitute("hash", old_sdist_hash, new_sdist_hash)
file.substitute("hash", old_git_hash, new_git_hash)
async def update_frontend(self, old_version: str, new_version: str) -> None:
old_hash = str(await Nix.eval("home-assistant.frontend.src.outputHash"))
new_hash = await Nurl.prefetch(
"-A", "format", "wheel",
"-A", "dist", "py3",
"-A", "python", "py3"
print(f"frontend: {old_hash} -> {new_hash}")
with File("pkgs/servers/home-assistant/frontend.nix") as file:
file.substitute("version", old_version, new_version)
file.substitute("hash", old_hash, new_hash)
async def update_components(self):
await run_async([
async def main(target_version: Optional[str] = None):
headers = {}
if token := os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN", None):
headers.update({"GITHUB_TOKEN": token})
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as client:
hass = HomeAssistant(client)
core_current = str(await Nix.eval("home-assistant.version"))
core_latest = target_version or await hass.get_latest_core_version()
if Version(core_latest) > Version(core_current):
print(f"New Home Assistant version {core_latest} is available")
await hass.update_core(str(core_current), str(core_latest))
frontend_current = str(await Nix.eval("home-assistant.frontend.version"))
frontend_latest = await hass.get_latest_frontend_version(str(core_latest))
if Version(frontend_latest) > Version(frontend_current):
await hass.update_frontend(str(frontend_current), str(frontend_latest))
await hass.update_components()
print(f"Home Assistant {core_current} is still the latest version.")
# wait for async client sessions to close
# https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/client_advanced.html#graceful-shutdown
await asyncio.sleep(0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("version", nargs="?")
args = parser.parse_args()
run_sync(["pyright", __file__])
run_sync(["ruff", "check", "--ignore=E501", __file__])
run_sync(["isort", __file__])