28 lines
1.1 KiB
28 lines
1.1 KiB
# shellcheck shell=bash
nodejsInstallExecutables() {
local -r packageJson="${1-./package.json}"
local -r packageOut="$out/lib/node_modules/$(@jq@ --raw-output '.name' package.json)"
# Based on code from Python's buildPythonPackage wrap.sh script, for
# supporting both the case when makeWrapperArgs is an array and a
# IFS-separated string.
# TODO: remove the string branch when __structuredAttrs are used.
if [[ "${makeWrapperArgs+defined}" == "defined" && "$(declare -p makeWrapperArgs)" =~ ^'declare -a makeWrapperArgs=' ]]; then
local -a user_args=("${makeWrapperArgs[@]}")
local -a user_args="(${makeWrapperArgs:-})"
while IFS=" " read -ra bin; do
mkdir -p "$out/bin"
makeWrapper @hostNode@ "$out/bin/${bin[0]}" --add-flags "$packageOut/${bin[1]}" "${user_args[@]}"
done < <(@jq@ --raw-output '(.bin | type) as $typ | if $typ == "string" then
.name + " " + .bin
elif $typ == "object" then .bin | to_entries | map(.key + " " + .value) | join("\n")
elif $typ == "null" then empty
else "invalid type " + $typ | halt_error end' "$packageJson")