129 lines
4.8 KiB
129 lines
4.8 KiB
![]() |
diff --git a/src/client/opamInitDefaults.ml b/src/client/opamInitDefaults.ml
index eca13a7c..1fd66f43 100644
--- a/src/client/opamInitDefaults.ml
+++ b/src/client/opamInitDefaults.ml
@@ -35,11 +35,15 @@ let eval_variables = [
let os_filter os =
FOp (FIdent ([], OpamVariable.of_string "os", None), `Eq, FString os)
+let os_distribution_filter distro =
+ FOp (FIdent ([], OpamVariable.of_string "os-distribution", None), `Eq, FString distro)
let linux_filter = os_filter "linux"
let macos_filter = os_filter "macos"
let openbsd_filter = os_filter "openbsd"
let freebsd_filter = os_filter "freebsd"
let sandbox_filter = FOr (linux_filter, macos_filter)
+let nixos_filter = os_distribution_filter "nixos"
let gpatch_filter = FOr (openbsd_filter, freebsd_filter)
let patch_filter = FNot gpatch_filter
@@ -50,6 +54,11 @@ let wrappers ~sandboxing () =
CString t, None;
] in
let w = OpamFile.Wrappers.empty in
+ let w = { w with
+ OpamFile.Wrappers.
+ pre_build = [[CString "%{hooks}%/shebangs.sh", None], Some nixos_filter];
+ }
+ in
if sandboxing then
{ w with
@@ -113,6 +122,7 @@ let required_tools ~sandboxing () =
let init_scripts () = [
("sandbox.sh", OpamScript.bwrap), Some bwrap_filter;
("sandbox.sh", OpamScript.sandbox_exec), Some macos_filter;
+ ("shebangs.sh", OpamScript.patch_shebangs), Some nixos_filter;
module I = OpamFile.InitConfig
diff --git a/src/state/opamScript.mli b/src/state/opamScript.mli
index 03449970..83de0b53 100644
--- a/src/state/opamScript.mli
+++ b/src/state/opamScript.mli
@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ val env_hook : string
val env_hook_zsh : string
val env_hook_csh : string
val env_hook_fish : string
+val patch_shebangs : string
diff --git a/src/state/shellscripts/patch_shebangs.sh b/src/state/shellscripts/patch_shebangs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3ea84e2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state/shellscripts/patch_shebangs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# This setup hook causes the fixup phase to rewrite all script
+# interpreter file names (`#! /path') to paths found in $PATH. E.g.,
+# /bin/sh will be rewritten to /nix/store/<hash>-some-bash/bin/sh.
+# /usr/bin/env gets special treatment so that ".../bin/env python" is
+# rewritten to /nix/store/<hash>/bin/python. Interpreters that are
+# already in the store are left untouched.
+header() { echo "$1"; }
+stopNest() { true; }
+fixupOutputHooks+=('if [ -z "${dontPatchShebangs-}" -a -e "$prefix" ]; then patchShebangs "$prefix"; fi')
+patchShebangs() {
+ local dir="$1"
+ header "patching script interpreter paths in $dir"
+ local f
+ local oldPath
+ local newPath
+ local arg0
+ local args
+ local oldInterpreterLine
+ local newInterpreterLine
+ find "$dir" -type f -perm -0100 | while read f; do
+ if [ "$(head -1 "$f" | head -c+2)" != '#!' ]; then
+ # missing shebang => not a script
+ continue
+ fi
+ oldInterpreterLine=$(head -1 "$f" | tail -c+3)
+ read -r oldPath arg0 args <<< "$oldInterpreterLine"
+ if $(echo "$oldPath" | grep -q "/bin/env$"); then
+ # Check for unsupported 'env' functionality:
+ # - options: something starting with a '-'
+ # - environment variables: foo=bar
+ if $(echo "$arg0" | grep -q -- "^-.*\|.*=.*"); then
+ echo "unsupported interpreter directive \"$oldInterpreterLine\" (set dontPatchShebangs=1 and handle shebang patching yourself)"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ newPath="$(command -v "$arg0" || true)"
+ else
+ if [ "$oldPath" = "" ]; then
+ # If no interpreter is specified linux will use /bin/sh. Set
+ # oldpath="/bin/sh" so that we get /nix/store/.../sh.
+ oldPath="/bin/sh"
+ fi
+ newPath="$(command -v "$(basename "$oldPath")" || true)"
+ args="$arg0 $args"
+ fi
+ # Strip trailing whitespace introduced when no arguments are present
+ newInterpreterLine="$(echo "$newPath $args" | sed 's/[[:space:]]*$//')"
+ if [ -n "$oldPath" -a "${oldPath:0:${#NIX_STORE}}" != "$NIX_STORE" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$newPath" -a "$newPath" != "$oldPath" ]; then
+ echo "$f: interpreter directive changed from \"$oldInterpreterLine\" to \"$newInterpreterLine\""
+ # escape the escape chars so that sed doesn't interpret them
+ escapedInterpreterLine=$(echo "$newInterpreterLine" | sed 's|\\|\\\\|g')
+ # Preserve times, see: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/33281
+ touch -r "$f" "$f.timestamp"
+ sed -i -e "1 s|.*|#\!$escapedInterpreterLine|" "$f"
+ touch -r "$f.timestamp" "$f"
+ rm "$f.timestamp"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ stopNest
+patchShebangs .