2021-01-05 17:05:55 +00:00
# Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead {#cataclysm-dark-days-ahead}
2020-08-20 17:08:02 +00:00
## How to install Cataclysm DDA
To install the latest stable release of Cataclysm DDA to your profile, execute
`nix-env -f "<nixpkgs>" -iA cataclysm-dda`. For the curses build (build
without tiles), install `cataclysmDDA.stable.curses`. Note: `cataclysm-dda` is
an alias to `cataclysmDDA.stable.tiles`.
If you like access to a development build of your favorite git revision,
override `cataclysm-dda-git` (or `cataclysmDDA.git.curses` if you like curses
cataclysm-dda-git.override {
version = "YYYY-MM-DD";
The sha256 checksum can be obtained by
nix-prefetch-url --unpack "https://github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA/archive/${YOUR_FAVORITE_REVISION}.tar.gz"
The default configuration directory is `~/.cataclysm-dda`. If you prefer
`$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/cataclysm-dda`, override the derivation:
cataclysm-dda.override {
useXdgDir = true;
2021-04-12 18:23:04 +00:00
## Important note for overriding packages
After applying `overrideAttrs`, you need to fix `passthru.pkgs` and
`passthru.withMods` attributes either manually or by using `attachPkgs`:
# You enabled parallel building.
myCDDA = cataclysm-dda-git.overrideAttrs (_: {
enableParallelBuilding = true;
# Unfortunately, this refers to the package before overriding and
# parallel building is still disabled.
badExample = myCDDA.withMods (_: []);
inherit (cataclysmDDA) attachPkgs pkgs wrapCDDA;
# You can fix it by hand
goodExample1 = myCDDA.overrideAttrs (old: {
passthru = old.passthru // {
pkgs = pkgs.override { build = goodExample1; };
withMods = wrapCDDA goodExample1;
# or by using a helper function `attachPkgs`.
goodExample2 = attachPkgs pkgs myCDDA;
# badExample # parallel building disabled
# goodExample1.withMods (_: []) # parallel building enabled
goodExample2.withMods (_: []) # parallel building enabled
2020-08-20 17:08:02 +00:00
## Customizing with mods
To install Cataclysm DDA with mods of your choice, you can use `withMods`
cataclysm-dda.withMods (mods: with mods; [
All mods, soundpacks, and tilesets available in nixpkgs are found in
Here is an example to modify existing mods and/or add more mods not available
in nixpkgs:
customMods = self: super: lib.recursiveUpdate super {
# Modify existing mod
tileset.UndeadPeople = super.tileset.UndeadPeople.overrideAttrs (old: {
# If you like to apply a patch to the tileset for example
patches = [ ./path/to/your.patch ];
# Add another mod
mod.Awesome = cataclysmDDA.buildMod {
modName = "Awesome";
version = "0.x";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Someone";
repo = "AwesomeMod";
rev = "...";
sha256 = "...";
# Path to be installed in the unpacked source (default: ".")
modRoot = "contents/under/this/path/will/be/installed";
# Add another soundpack
soundpack.Fantastic = cataclysmDDA.buildSoundPack {
# ditto
# Add another tileset
tileset.SuperDuper = cataclysmDDA.buildTileSet {
# ditto
cataclysm-dda.withMods (mods: with mods.extend customMods; [