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"""An organization. Can have multiple members and graphs.""" type Account{auditLogExports:[AuditLogExport!]"""These are the roles that the account is able to use""" availableRoles:[UserPermission!]!"""Get an URL to which an avatar image can be uploaded. Client uploads by sending a PUT request
with the image data to MediaUploadInfo.url. Client SHOULD set the "Content-Type" header to the
browser-inferred MIME type, and SHOULD set the "x-apollo-content-filename" header to the
filename, if such information is available. Client MUST set the "x-apollo-csrf-token" header to
MediaUploadInfo.csrfToken.""" avatarUpload:AvatarUploadResult """Get an image URL for the account's avatar. Note that CORS is not enabled for these URLs. The size
argument is used for bandwidth reduction, and should be the size of the image as displayed in the
application. Apollo's media server will downscale larger images to at least the requested size,
but this will not happen for third-party media servers.""" avatarUrl(size:Int!=40):String billingInfo:BillingInfo companyUrl:String currentBillingMonth:BillingMonth currentPlan:BillingPlan!currentPlanV2:BillingPlanV2!currentSubscription:BillingSubscription currentSubscriptionV2:BillingSubscriptionV2 experimentalFeatures:AccountExperimentalFeatures!expiredTrialSubscription:BillingSubscription expiredTrialSubscriptionV2:BillingSubscriptionV2 graphIDAvailable(id:ID!):Boolean!hasBeenOnTrial:Boolean!hasBeenOnTrialV2:Boolean!"""Globally unique identifier, which isn't guaranteed stable (can be changed by administrators).""" id:ID!"""Internal immutable identifier for the account. Only visible to Apollo admins (because it really
shouldn't be used in normal client apps).""" internalID:ID!invitations(includeAccepted:Boolean!=false):[AccountInvitation!]invoices:[Invoice!]invoicesV2:[InvoiceV2!]!isOnExpiredTrial:Boolean!isOnTrial:Boolean!legacyIsOnTrial:Boolean!memberships:[AccountMembership!]"""Name of the organization, which can change over time and isn't unique.""" name:String!provisionedAt:Timestamp recurlyEmail:String """Returns a different registry related stats pertaining to this account.""" registryStatsWindow(from:Timestamp!resolution:Resolution to:Timestamp):RegistryStatsWindow requests(from:Timestamp!to:Timestamp!):Long requestsInCurrentBillingPeriod:Long roles:AccountRoles """How many seats would be included in your next bill, as best estimated today""" seatCountForNextBill:Int seats:Seats secondaryIDs:[ID!]!"""Graphs belonging to this organization.""" services(includeDeleted:Boolean):[Service!]!"""If non-null, this organization tracks its members through an upstream, eg PingOne;
invitations are not possible on SSO-synchronized account.""" sso:OrganizationSSO state:AccountState """A list of reusable invitations for the organization.""" staticInvitations:[OrganizationInviteLink!]stats(from:Timestamp!"""Granularity of buckets. Defaults to the entire range (aggregate all data into a single durationBucket) when null.""" resolution:Resolution """Defaults to the current time when null.""" to:Timestamp):AccountStatsWindow!@deprecated(reason:"use Account.statsWindow instead")statsWindow(from:Timestamp!"""Granularity of buckets. Defaults to the entire range (aggregate all data into a single durationBucket) when null.""" resolution:Resolution """Defaults to the current time when null.""" to:Timestamp):AccountStatsWindow subscriptions:[BillingSubscription!]subscriptionsV2:[BillingSubscriptionV2!]!"""Gets a ticket for this org, by id""" ticket(id:ID!):ZendeskTicket """List of Zendesk tickets submitted for this org""" tickets:[ZendeskTicket!]}"""Columns of AccountBillingUsageStats.""" enum AccountBillingUsageStatsColumn{OPERATION_COUNT OPERATION_COUNT_PROVIDED_EXPLICITLY SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP}type AccountBillingUsageStatsDimensions{operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in AccountBillingUsageStats. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input AccountBillingUsageStatsFilter{and:[AccountBillingUsageStatsFilter!]in:AccountBillingUsageStatsFilterIn not:AccountBillingUsageStatsFilter """Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {operationCountProvidedExplicitly: [null]}} instead.""" operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String or:[AccountBillingUsageStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String """Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {serviceId: [null]}} instead.""" serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in AccountBillingUsageStats. Fields match if the corresponding dimension's value is in the given list. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input AccountBillingUsageStatsFilterIn{"""Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" operationCountProvidedExplicitly:[String]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" schemaTag:[String]"""Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" serviceId:[ID]}type AccountBillingUsageStatsMetrics{operationCount:Long!}input AccountBillingUsageStatsOrderBySpec{column:AccountBillingUsageStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type AccountBillingUsageStatsRecord{"""Dimensions of AccountBillingUsageStats that can be grouped by.""" groupBy:AccountBillingUsageStatsDimensions!"""Metrics of AccountBillingUsageStats that can be aggregated over.""" metrics:AccountBillingUsageStatsMetrics!"""Starting segment timestamp.""" timestamp:Timestamp!}type AccountChecksStatsMetrics{totalFailedChecks:Long!totalSuccessfulChecks:Long!}type AccountChecksStatsRecord{id:ID!metrics:AccountChecksStatsMetrics!timestamp:Timestamp!}"""Columns of AccountEdgeServerInfos.""" enum AccountEdgeServerInfosColumn{BOOT_ID EXECUTABLE_SCHEMA_ID LIBRARY_VERSION PLATFORM RUNTIME_VERSION SCHEMA_TAG SERVER_ID SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP USER_VERSION}type AccountEdgeServerInfosDimensions{bootId:ID executableSchemaId:ID libraryVersion:String platform:String runtimeVersion:String schemaTag:String serverId:ID serviceId:ID userVersion:String}"""Filter for data in AccountEdgeServerInfos. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input AccountEdgeServerInfosFilter{and:[AccountEdgeServerInfosFilter!]"""S
subscription's Recurly expiration).""" trialExpiresAt:Timestamp uuid:ID!}type BillingSubscriptionAddon{id:ID!pricePerUnitInUsdCents:Int!quantity:Int!}type BillingSubscriptionAddonV2{id:ID!pricePerUnitInUsdCents:Int!quantity:Int!}type BillingSubscriptionV2{"""The price of every unit in the subscription (hence multiplied by quantity to get to the basePriceInUsdCents)""" activatedAt:Timestamp!addons:[BillingSubscriptionAddonV2!]!autoRenew:Boolean!canceledAt:Timestamp currentPeriodEndsAt:Timestamp!currentPeriodStartedAt:Timestamp!expiresAt:Timestamp plan:BillingPlanV2!"""The price of every seat""" pricePerSeatInUsdCents:Int quantity:Int!state:SubscriptionStateV2!"""When this subscription's trial period expires (if it is a trial). Not the same as the
subscription's Recurly expiration).""" trialExpiresAt:Timestamp uuid:ID!}"""Columns of BillingUsageStats.""" enum BillingUsageStatsColumn{ACCOUNT_ID OPERATION_COUNT OPERATION_COUNT_PROVIDED_EXPLICITLY SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP}type BillingUsageStatsDimensions{accountId:ID operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in BillingUsageStats. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input BillingUsageStatsFilter{"""Selects rows whose accountId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {accountId: [null]}} instead.""" accountId:ID and:[BillingUsageStatsFilter!]in:BillingUsageStatsFilterIn not:BillingUsageStatsFilter """Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {operationCountProvidedExplicitly: [null]}} instead.""" operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String or:[BillingUsageStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String """Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {serviceId: [null]}} instead.""" serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in BillingUsageStats. Fields match if the corresponding dimension's value is in the given list. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input BillingUsageStatsFilterIn{"""Selects rows whose accountId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" accountId:[ID]"""Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" operationCountProvidedExplicitly:[String]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" schemaTag:[String]"""Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" serviceId:[ID]}type BillingUsageStatsMetrics{operationCount:Long!}input BillingUsageStatsOrderBySpec{column:BillingUsageStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type BillingUsageStatsRecord{"""Dimensions of BillingUsageStats that can be grouped by.""" groupBy:BillingUsageStatsDimensions!"""Metrics of BillingUsageStats that can be aggregated over.""" metrics:BillingUsageStatsMetrics!"""Starting segment timestamp.""" timestamp:Timestamp!}"""A blob (base64'ed in JSON & GraphQL)""" scalar Blob type Build{input:BuildInput!result:BuildResult}type BuildError{code:String locations:[SourceLocation!]!message:String!}type BuildFailure{errorMessages:[BuildError!]!}union BuildInput=CompositionBuildInput|FilterBuildInput union BuildResult=BuildFailure|BuildSuccess type BuildSuccess{coreSchema:CoreSchema!}enum CacheScope{PRIVATE PUBLIC UNKNOWN UNRECOGNIZED}"""A specific change to a definition in your schema.""" type Change{affectedQueries:[AffectedQuery!]"""Target arg of change made.""" argNode:NamedIntrospectionArg """Indication of the category of the change (e.g. addition, removal, edit).""" category:ChangeCategory!"""Node related to the top level node that was changed, such as a field in an object,
a value in an enum or the object of an interface.""" childNode:NamedIntrospectionValue """Indication of the kind of target and action of the change, e.g. 'TYPE_REMOVED'.""" code:String!"""Human-readable description of the change.""" description:String!"""Top level node affected by the change.""" parentNode:NamedIntrospectionType """Severity of the change, either failure or warning.""" severity:ChangeSeverity!"""Indication of the success of the overall change, either failure, warning, or notice.""" type:ChangeType!@deprecated(reason:"use severity instead")}"""Defines a set of categories that a schema change
can be grouped by.""" enum ChangeCategory{ADDITION DEPRECATION EDIT REMOVAL}"""These schema change codes represent all of the possible changes that can
occur during the schema diff algorithm.""" enum ChangeCode{"""Type of the argument was changed.""" ARG_CHANGED_TYPE """Argument was changed from nullable to non-nullable.""" ARG_CHANGED_TYPE_OPTIONAL_TO_REQUIRED """Default value added or changed for the argument.""" ARG_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHANGE """Description was added, removed, or updated for argument.""" ARG_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE """Argument to a field was removed.""" ARG_REMOVED """Argument to the directive was removed.""" DIRECTIVE_ARG_REMOVED """Location of the directive was removed.""" DIRECTIVE_LOCATION_REMOVED """Directive was removed.""" DIRECTIVE_REMOVED """Repeatable flag was removed for directive.""" DIRECTIVE_REPEATABLE_REMOVED """Enum was deprecated.""" ENUM_DEPRECATED """Reason for enum deprecation changed.""" ENUM_DEPRECATED_REASON_CHANGE """Enum deprecation was removed.""" ENUM_DEPRECATION_REMOVED """Description was added, removed, or updated for enum value.""" ENUM_VALUE_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE """Field was added to the type.""" FIELD_ADDED """Return type for the field was changed.""" FIELD_CHANGED_TYPE """Field was deprecated.""" FIELD_DEPRECATED """Reason for field deprecation changed.""" FIELD_DEPRECATED_REASON_CHANGE """Field deprecation removed.""" FIELD_DEPRECATION_REMOVED """Description was added, removed, or updated for field.""" FIELD_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE """Type of the field in the input object was changed.""" FIELD_ON_INPUT_OBJECT_CHANGED_TYPE """Field was removed from the type.""" FIELD_REMOVED """Field was removed from the input object.""" FIELD_REMOVED_FROM_INPUT_OBJECT """Non-nullable field was added to the input object. (Deprecated.)""" NON_NULLABLE_FIELD_ADDED_TO_INPUT_OBJECT """Nullable field was added to the input type. (Deprecated.)""" NULLABLE_FIELD_ADDED_TO_INPUT_OBJECT """Nullable argument was added to the field.""" OPTIONAL_ARG_ADDED """Optional field was added to the input type.""" OPTIONAL_FIELD_ADDED_TO_INPUT_OBJECT """Non-nullable argument was added to the field.""" REQUIRED_ARG_ADDED """Non-nullable argument added to directive.""" REQUIRED_DIRECTIVE_ARG_ADDED """Required field was added to the input object.""" REQUIRED_FIELD_ADDED_TO_INPUT_OBJECT """Type was added to the schema.""" TYPE_ADDED """Type now implements the interface.""" TYPE_ADDED_TO_INTERFACE """A new value was added to the enum.""" TYPE_ADDED_TO_UNION """Type was changed from one kind to another.
Ex: scalar to object or enum to union.""" TYPE_CHANGED_KIND """Description was added, removed, or updated for type.""" TYPE_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE """Type (object or scalar) was removed from the schema.""" TYPE_REMOVED """Type no longer implements the interface.""" TYPE_REMOVED_FROM_INTERFACE """Type is no longer included in the union.""" TYPE_REMOVED_FROM_UNION """A new value was added to the enum.""" VALUE_ADDED_TO_ENUM """Value was removed from the enum.""" VALUE_REMOVED_FROM_ENUM}"""Represents the tuple of static information
about a particular kind of schema change.""" type ChangeDefinition{category:ChangeCategory!code:ChangeCode!defaultSeverity:ChangeSeverity!}"""Info about a change in the context of an operation it affects""" type ChangeOnOperation{"""Human-readable explanation of the impact of this change on the operation""" impact:String """The semantic info about this change, i.e. info about the change that doesn't depend on the operation""" semanticChange:SemanticChange!}enum ChangeSeverity{FAILURE NOTICE}"""Summary of the changes for a schema diff, computed by placing the changes into categories and then
counting the size of each category. This categorization can be done in different ways, and
accordingly there are multiple fields here for each type of categorization.
Note that if an object or interface field is added/removed, there won't be any addition/removal
changes generated for its arguments or @deprecated usages. If an enum type is added/removed, there
will be addition/removal changes generated for its values, but not for those values' @deprecated
usages. Description changes won't be generated for a schema element if that element (or an
ancestor) was added/removed.""" type ChangeSummary{"""Counts for changes to fields of objects, input objects, and interfaces.""" field:FieldChangeSummaryCounts!"""Counts for all changes.""" total:TotalChangeSummaryCounts!"""Counts for changes to non-field aspects of objects, input objects, and interfaces,
and all aspects of enums, unions, and scalars.""" type:TypeChangeSummaryCounts!}enum ChangeType{FAILURE NOTICE}type ChangelogLaunchResult{createdAt:Timestamp!schemaTagID:ID!}"""Destination for notifications""" interface Channel{id:ID!name:String!subscriptions:[ChannelSubscription!]!}interface ChannelSubscription{channels:[Channel!]!enabled:Boolean!id:ID!variant:String}type CheckConfiguration{"""Time when check configuration was created""" createdAt:Timestamp!"""Clients to ignore during validation""" excludedClients:[ClientFilter!]!"""Operation names to ignore during validation""" excludedOperationNames:[OperationNameFilter]"""Operations to ignore during validation""" excludedOperations:[ExcludedOperation!]!"""Graph that this check configuration belongs to""" graphID:ID!"""ID of the check configuration""" id:ID!"""Default configuration to include operations on the base variant.""" includeBaseVariant:Boolean!"""Variant overrides for validation""" includedVariants:[String!]!"""Minimum number of requests within the window for an operation to be considered.""" operationCountThreshold:Int!"""Number of requests within the window for an operation to be considered, relative to
total request count. Expected values are between 0 and 0.05 (minimum 5% of
total request volume)""" operationCountThresholdPercentage:Float!"""Only check operations from the last <timeRangeSeconds> seconds.
The default is 7 days (604,800 seconds).""" timeRangeSeconds:Long!"""Time when check configuration was last updated""" updatedAt:Timestamp!"""Identity of the last user to update the check configuration""" updatedBy:Identity}"""Filter options available when listing checks.""" input CheckFilterInput{authors:[String!]branches:[String!]status:CheckFilterInputStatusOption subgraphs:[String!]}"""Options for filtering CheckWorkflows by status""" enum CheckFilterInputStatusOption{FAILED PASSED PENDING}"""The result of performing a subgraph check, including all steps.""" type CheckPartialSchemaResult{"""Overall result of the check. This will be null if composition validation was unsuccessful.""" checkSchemaResult:CheckSchemaResult """Result of compostion run as part of the overall subgraph check.""" compositionValidationResult:CompositionValidationResult!"""Whether any modifications were detected in the composed core schema.""" coreSchemaModified:Boolean!"""Check workflow associated with the overall subgraph check.""" workflow:CheckWorkflow}type CheckSchemaResult{"""Schema diff and affected operations generated by the schema check""" diffToPrevious:SchemaDiff!"""ID of the operations check that was created""" operationsCheckID:ID!"""Generated url to view schema diff in Engine""" targetUrl:String """Workflow associated with this check result""" workflow:CheckWorkflow}type CheckWorkflow{"""The variant provided as a base to check against. Only the differences from the
base schema will be tested in operations checks.""" baseVariant:GraphVariant completedAt:Timestamp createdAt:Timestamp!"""Contextual parameters supplied by the runtime environment where the check was run.""" gitContext:GitContext id:ID!"""The name of the implementing service that was responsible for triggering the validation.""" implementingServiceName:String """If this check is triggered for an sdl fetched using introspection, this is the endpoint where that schema was being served.""" introspectionEndpoint:String """Only true if the check was triggered from Sandbox Checks page.""" isSandboxCheck:Boolean!"""If this check was created by rerunning, the original check that was rerun.""" rerunOf:CheckWorkflow """Checks created by re-running this check, most recent first.""" reruns(limit:Int!=20):[CheckWorkflow!]startedAt:Timestamp """Overall status of the workflow, based on the underlying task statuses.""" status:CheckWorkflowStatus!"""The set of check tasks associated with this workflow, e.g. OperationsCheck, GraphComposition, etc.""" tasks:[CheckWorkflowTask!]!"""Identity of the user who ran this check""" triggeredBy:Identity """Configuration of validation at the time the check was run.""" validationConfig:SchemaDiffValidationConfig}type CheckWorkflowMutation{"""Re-run a check workflow using the current configuration. A new workflow is created and returned.""" rerun:CheckWorkflowRerunResult}type CheckWorkflowRerunResult{"""Check workflow created by re-running.""" result:CheckWorkflow """Check workflow that was rerun.""" source:CheckWorkflow}enum CheckWorkflowStatus{FAILED PASSED PENDING}interface CheckWorkflowTask{completedAt:Timestamp createdAt:Timestamp!id:ID!status:CheckWorkflowTaskStatus!"""The workflow that this task belongs to.""" workflow:CheckWorkflow!}enum CheckWorkflowTaskStatus{BLOCKED FAILED PASSED PENDING}"""Client filter configuration for a graph.""" type ClientFilter{"""name of the client set by the user and reported alongside metrics""" name:String """version of the client set by the user and reported alongside metrics""" version:String}"""Options to filter by client reference ID, client name, and client version.
If passing client version, make sure to either provide a client reference ID or client name.""" input ClientFilterInput{"""name of the client set by the user and reported alongside metrics""" name:String """version of the client set by the user and reported alongside metrics""" version:String}"""Filter options to exclude by client reference ID, client name, and client version.""" input ClientInfoFilter{name:String """Ignored""" referenceID:ID version:String}"""Filter options to exclude clients. Used as an output type for SchemaDiffValidationConfig.""" type ClientInfoFilterOutput{name:String version:String}enum ComparisonOperator{EQUALS GREATER_THAN GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO LESS_THAN LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO NOT_EQUALS UNRECOGNIZED}"""The result of composition run in the cloud, upon an attempted subgraph deletion.""" type CompositionAndRemoveResult{"""The produced composition config. Will be null if there are any errors""" compositionConfig:CompositionConfig """Whether the removed implementing service existed.""" didExist:Boolean!""" List of errors during composition. Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
graph variant's subgraphs into a GraphQL schema. If present, gateways / routers
are not updated.""" errors:[SchemaCompositionError]!"""ID that points to the results of composition.""" graphCompositionID:String!"""List of subgraphs that are included in this composition.""" subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!"""Whether the gateway/router was updated via Uplink, or would have been for dry runs.""" updatedGateway:Boolean!}"""The result of composition run in the cloud, upon attempted publish of a subgraph.""" type CompositionAndUpsertResult{"""The produced composition config, or null if there are any errors.""" compositionConfig:CompositionConfig """List of errors during composition. Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
graph variant's subgraphs into a supergraph schema. If present, gateways / routers
are not updated.""" errors:[SchemaCompositionError]!"""ID that points to the results of composition.""" graphCompositionID:String!"""Copy text for the launch result of a publish.""" launchCliCopy:String """Link to corresponding launches page on Studio if available.""" launchUrl:String """List of subgraphs that are included in this composition.""" subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!"""Whether the gateway/router was updated via Uplink, or would have been for dry runs.""" updatedGateway:Boolean!"""Whether a subgraph was created as part of this mutation.""" wasCreated:Boolean!"""Whether an implementingService was updated as part of this mutation""" wasUpdated:Boolean!}type CompositionBuildInput{subgraphs:[Subgraph!]!version:String}type CompositionCheckTask implements CheckWorkflowTask{completedAt:Timestamp createdAt:Timestamp!id:ID!"""The result of the composition.""" result:CompositionResult status:CheckWorkflowTaskStatus!workflow:CheckWorkflow!}"""Composition configuration exposed to the gateway.""" type CompositionConfig{"""List of GCS links for implementing services that comprise a composed graph. Is empty if tag/inaccessible is enabled.""" implementingServiceLocations:[ImplementingServiceLocation!]!@deprecated(reason:"Soon we will stop writing to GCS locations")"""Hash of the API schema.""" schemaHash:String!}"""The result of composition run in the cloud.""" type CompositionPublishResult implements CompositionResult{"""The produced composition config. Will be null if there are any errors""" compositionConfig:CompositionConfig """Supergraph SDL generated by composition (this is not the CSDL, that is a deprecated format).""" csdl:GraphQLDocument@deprecated(reason:"Use supergraphSdl instead")"""List of errors during composition. Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
graph variant's subgraphs into a supergraph schema. If present, gateways / routers
are not updated.""" errors:[SchemaCompositionError!]!"""ID for a particular composition.""" graphCompositionID:ID!"""List of subgraphs that are included in this composition.""" subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!"""Supergraph SDL generated by composition.""" supergraphSdl:GraphQLDocument """Whether the gateway/router was updated via Uplink, or would have been for dry runs.""" updatedGateway:Boolean!webhookNotificationBody:String}"""Result of a composition, often as the result of a subgraph check or subgraph publish.
See implementations for more details.""" interface CompositionResult{"""Supergraph SDL generated by composition (this is not the cSDL, a deprecated format).""" csdl:GraphQLDocument@deprecated(reason:"Use supergraphSdl instead")"""List of errors during composition. Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
graph variant's subgraphs into a supergraph schema. If present, gateways / routers
are not updated.""" errors:[SchemaCompositionError!]!"""Globally unique identifier for the composition.""" graphCompositionID:ID!"""List of subgraphs included in this composition.""" subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!"""Supergraph SDL generated by composition.""" supergraphSdl:GraphQLDocument}type CompositionStatusSubscription implements ChannelSubscription{channels:[Channel!]!createdAt:Timestamp!enabled:Boolean!id:ID!lastUpdatedAt:Timestamp!variant:String}"""The composition config exposed to the gateway""" type CompositionValidationDetails{"""List of implementing service partial schemas that comprised the graph composed during validation""" implementingServices:[FederatedImplementingServicePartialSchema!]!"""Hash of the composed schema""" schemaHash:String}"""Metadata about the result of compositions validation run in the cloud, during a subgraph check.""" type CompositionValidationResult implements CompositionResult{"""Describes whether composition succeeded.""" compositionSuccess:Boolean!"""Akin to a composition config, represents the subgraph schemas and corresponding subgraphs that were used
in running composition. Will be null if any errors are encountered. Also may contain a schema hash if
one could be computed, which can be used for schema validation.""" compositionValidationDetails:CompositionValidationDetails """Supergraph SDL generated by composition (this is not the CSDL, that is a deprecated format).""" csdl:GraphQLDocument@deprecated(reason:"Use supergraphSdl instead")"""List of errors during composition. Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
graph variant's subgraphs into a supergraph schema. If present, gateways / routers
are not updated.""" errors:[SchemaCompositionError!]!"""ID that points to the results of this composition.""" graphCompositionID:ID!"""The implementing service that was responsible for triggering the validation""" proposedImplementingService:FederatedImplementingServicePartialSchema!"""List of subgraphs that are included in this composition.""" subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!"""Supergraph schema document generated by composition.""" supergraphSdl:GraphQLDocument """If created as part of a check workflow, the associated workflow task.""" workflowTask:CompositionCheckTask}type ContractPreview{result:ContractPreviewResult!upstreamLaunch:Launch!}type ContractPreviewErrors{errors:[String!]!failedAt:ContractVariantFailedStep!}union ContractPreviewResult=ContractPreviewErrors|ContractPreviewSuccess type ContractPreviewSuccess{apiDocument:String!coreDocument:String!fieldCount:Int!typeCount:Int!}enum ContractVariantFailedStep{ADD_DIRECTIVE_DEFINITIONS_IF_NOT_PRESENT DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION_LOCATION_AUGMENTING EMPTY_ENUM_MASKING EMPTY_INPUT_OBJECT_MASKING EMPTY_OBJECT_AND_INTERFACE_FIELD_MASKING EMPTY_OBJECT_AND_INTERFACE_MASKING EMPTY_UNION_MASKING INPUT_VALIDATION PARSING PARSING_TAG_DIRECTIVES PARTIAL_INTERFACE_MASKING SCHEMA_RETRIEVAL TAG_INHERITING TAG_MATCHING TO_API_SCHEMA TO_FILTER_SCHEMA UNKNOWN VERSION_CHECK}type ContractVariantPreviewErrors{errorMessages:[String!]!failedStep:ContractVariantFailedStep!}union ContractVariantPreviewResult=ContractVariantPreviewErrors|ContractVariantPreviewSuccess type ContractVariantPreviewSuccess{baseApiSchema:String!baseCoreSchema:String!contractApiSchema:String!contractCoreSchema:String!}type ContractVariantUpsertErrors{errorMessages:[String!]!}union ContractVariantUpsertResult=ContractVariantUpsertErrors|ContractVariantUpsertSuccess type ContractVariantUpsertSuccess{contractVariant:GraphVariant!}type CoreSchema{apiDocument:GraphQLDocument!coreDocument:GraphQLDocument!coreHash:String!fieldCount:Int!tags:[String!]!typeCount:Int!}union CreateOperationCollectionResult=OperationCollection|PermissionError|ValidationError type CronExecution{completedAt:Timestamp failure:String id:ID!job:CronJob!resolvedAt:Timestamp resolvedBy:Actor schedule:String!startedAt:Timestamp!}type CronJob{group:String!name:String!recentExecutions(n:Int):[CronExecution!]!}enum DatadogApiRegion{EU EU1 US US1 US1FED US3 US5}type DatadogMetricsConfig{apiKey:String!apiRegion:DatadogApiRegion!enabled:Boolean!legacyMetricNames:Boolean!}union DeleteOperationCollectionResult=DeleteOperationCollectionSuccess|PermissionError type DeleteOperationCollectionSuccess{sandboxOwner:User variants:[GraphVariant!]!}"""The result of attempting to delete a graph variant.""" type DeleteSchemaTagResult{"""WHether a variant was deleted or not.""" deleted:Boolean!}enum DeletionTargetType{ACCOUNT USER}"""Support for a single directive on a graph variant""" type DirectiveSupportStatus{"""whether the directive is supported on the current graph variant""" enabled:Boolean!"""name of the directive""" name:String!}union DuplicateOperationCollectionResult=OperationCollection|PermissionError|ValidationError type DurationHistogram{averageDurationMs:Float buckets:[DurationHistogramBucket!]!durationMs("""Percentile (between 0 and 1)""" percentile:Float!):Float """Counts per durationBucket, where sequences of zeroes are replaced with the negative of their size""" sparseBuckets:[Long!]!totalCount:Long!totalDurationMs:Float!}type DurationHistogramBucket{count:Long!index:Int!rangeBeginMs:Float!rangeEndMs:Float!}input EdgeServerInfo{"""A randomly generated UUID, immutable for the lifetime of the edge server runtime.""" bootId:String!"""A unique identifier for the executable GraphQL served by the edge server. length must be <= 64 characters.""" executableSchemaId:String!"""The graph variant, defaults to 'current'""" graphVariant:String!="current" """The version of the edge server reporting agent, e.g. apollo-server-2.8, graphql-java-3.1, etc. length must be <= 256 characters.""" libraryVersion:String """The infra environment in which this edge server is runnin
See for more information.""" type FederatedImplementingService{"""The subgraph schema actively published, used for composition for the graph variant this subgraph belongs to.""" activePartialSchema:PartialSchema!"""Timestamp of when this subgraph was created.""" createdAt:Timestamp!"""The ID of the graph this subgraph belongs to.""" graphID:String!"""Which variant of a graph this subgraph belongs to.""" graphVariant:String!"""Name of the subgraph.""" name:String!"""The particular version/edition of a subgraph, entered by users. Typically a Git SHA or docker image ID.""" revision:String!"""Timestamp for when this subgraph was updated.""" updatedAt:Timestamp!"""URL of the subgraph's GraphQL endpoint.""" url:String}"""A minimal representation of a federated implementing service, using only a name and partial schema SDL""" type FederatedImplementingServicePartialSchema{"""The name of the implementing service""" name:String!"""The partial schema of the implementing service""" sdl:String!}"""Container for a list of subgraphs composing a graph.""" type FederatedImplementingServices{"""The list of underlying subgraphs.""" services:[FederatedImplementingService!]!}"""Counts of changes at the field level, including objects, interfaces, and input fields.""" type FieldChangeSummaryCounts{"""Number of changes that are additions of fields to object, interface, and input types.""" additions:Int!"""Number of changes that are field edits. This includes fields changing type and any field
deprecation and description changes, but also includes any argument changes and any input object
field changes.""" edits:Int!"""Number of changes that are removals of fields from object, interface, and input types.""" removals:Int!}"""Columns of FieldExecutions.""" enum FieldExecutionsColumn{ESTIMATED_EXECUTION_COUNT FIELD_NAME OBSERVED_EXECUTION_COUNT PARENT_TYPE REFERENCING_OPERATION_COUNT SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP}type FieldExecutionsDimensions{fieldName:String parentType:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in FieldExecutions. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input FieldExecutionsFilter{and:[FieldExecutionsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose fieldName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {fieldName: [null]}} instead.""" fieldName:String in:FieldExecutionsFilterIn not:FieldExecutionsFilter or:[FieldExecutionsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose parentType dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {parentType: [null]}} instead.""" parentType:String """Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String """Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {serviceId: [null]}} instead.""" serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in FieldExecutions. Fields match if the corresponding dimension's value is in the given list. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input FieldExecutionsFilterIn{"""Selects rows whose fieldName dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" fieldName:[String]"""Selects rows whose parentType dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" parentType:[String]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" schemaTag:[String]"""Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" serviceId:[ID]}type FieldExecutionsMetrics{estimatedExecutionCount:Long!observedExecutionCount:Long!referencingOperationCount:Long!}input FieldExecutionsOrderBySpec{column:FieldExecutionsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type FieldExecutionsRecord{"""Dimensions of FieldExecutions that can be grouped by.""" groupBy:FieldExecutionsDimensions!"""Metrics of FieldExecutions that can be aggregated over.""" metrics:FieldExecutionsMetrics!"""Starting segment timestamp.""" timestamp:Timestamp!}"""Columns of FieldLatencies.""" enum FieldLatenciesColumn{FIELD_HISTOGRAM FIELD_NAME PARENT_TYPE SCHEMA_HASH SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP}type FieldLatenciesDimensions{field:String fieldName:String parentType:String schemaHash:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in FieldLatencies. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input FieldLatenciesFilter{and:[FieldLatenciesFilter!]"""Selects rows whose fieldName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {fieldName: [null]}} instead.""" fieldName:String in:FieldLatenciesFilterIn not:FieldLatenciesFilter or:[FieldLatenciesFilter!]"""Selects rows whose parentType dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {parentType: [null]}} instead.""" parentType:String """Selects rows whose schemaHash dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaHash: [null]}} instead.""" schemaHash:String """Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String """Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {serviceId: [null]}} instead.""" serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in FieldLatencies. Fields match if the corresponding dimension's value is in the
See for more details.""" type GraphVariant{"""As new schema tags keep getting published, activeSchemaPublish refers to the latest.""" activeSchemaPublish:SchemaTag """The version of composition currently in use, if applicable""" compositionVersion:String """Filter configuration used to create the contract schema""" contractFilterConfig:FilterConfig """Preview a Contract schema built from this source variant.""" contractPreview(filters:FilterConfigInput!):ContractPreview!defaultHeaders:String@deprecated(reason:"Use sharedHeaders instead")derivedVariantCount:Int!"""Graph the variant belongs to.""" graph:Service!"""Graph ID of the variant. Prefer using graph { id } when feasible.""" graphId:String!"""If the variant has managed subgraphs.""" hasManagedSubgraphs:Boolean """Global identifier for the graph variant, in the form `graph@variant`.""" id:ID!"""Represents whether this variant is a Contract.""" isContract:Boolean!"""Is this variant one of the current user's favorite variants?""" isFavoriteOfCurrentUser:Boolean!"""If the variant has managed subgraphs.""" isFederated:Boolean@deprecated(reason:"Replaced by hasManagedSubgraphs")"""If the variant is protected""" isProtected:Boolean!isPublic:Boolean!"""Represents whether this variant should be listed in the public variants directory. This can only be true if the variant is also public.""" isPubliclyListed:Boolean!"""Represents whether Apollo has verified the authenticity of this public variant. This can only be true if the variant is also public.""" isVerified:Boolean!"""Latest approved launch for the variant, and what is served through Uplink.""" latestApprovedLaunch:Launch """Latest launch for the variant, whether successful or not.""" latestLaunch:Launch """Latest publication for the variant.""" latestPublication:SchemaTag launch(id:ID!):Launch launchHistory(limit:Int!=100):[Launch!]!links:[LinkInfo!]"""Name of the variant, like `variant`.""" name:String!operationCollections:[OperationCollection!]!"""Which permissions the current user has for interacting with this variant""" permissions:GraphVariantPermissions!"""Generate a federated operation plan for a given operation""" plan(document:GraphQLDocument!operationName:String):QueryPlan """Explorer setting for preflight script to run before the actual GraphQL operations is run.""" preflightScript:String readme:Readme """Registry stats for this particular graph variant""" registryStatsWindow(from:Timestamp!resolution:Resolution to:Timestamp):RegistryStatsWindow """The total number of requests for this variant in the last 24 hours""" requestsInLastDay:Long """If the graphql endpoint is set up to accept cookies.""" sendCookies:Boolean """Explorer setting for shared headers for a graph""" sharedHeaders:String sourceVariant:GraphVariant """Subgraph of a given name, null if non-existent.""" subgraph(name:ID!):FederatedImplementingService """List of subgraphs that comprise a variant, null if not federated.
Set includeDeleted to see deleted subgraphs.""" subgraphs(includeDeleted:Boolean!=false):[FederatedImplementingService!]"""URL where subscription operations can be executed.""" subscriptionUrl:String """A list of supported directives""" supportedDirectives:[DirectiveSupportStatus!]"""URL where non-subscription operations can be executed.""" url:String """The last instant that usage information (e.g. operation stat, client stats) was reported for this variant""" usageLastReportedAt:Timestamp}"""Result of looking up a variant by ref""" union GraphVariantLookup=GraphVariant|InvalidRefFormat """Modifies a variant of a graph, also called a schema tag in parts of our product.""" type GraphVariantMutation{addLinkToVariant(title:String type:LinkInfoType!url:String!):GraphVariant!configureComposition(enableTagAndInaccessible:Boolean version:String):GraphVariant """Delete the variant.""" delete:DeleteSchemaTagResult!enableTagAndInaccessible(enabled:Boolean!):GraphVariant@deprecated(reason:"Use configureComposition instead")"""Graph ID of the variant""" graphId:String!"""Global identifier for the graph variant, in the form `graph@variant`.""" id:ID!"""Name of the variant, like `variant`.""" name:String!relaunch:RelaunchResult!removeLinkFromVariant(linkInfoId:ID!):GraphVariant!setIsFavoriteOfCurrentUser(favorite:Boolean!):GraphVariant!updateDefaultHeaders(defaultHeaders:String):GraphVariant@deprecated(reason:"Use updateSharedHeaders instead")updateIsProtected(isProtected:Boolean!):GraphVariant updatePreflightScript(preflightScript:String):GraphVariant updateSendCookies(sendCookies:Boolean!):GraphVariant updateSharedHeaders(sharedHeaders:String):GraphVariant updateSubscriptionURL(subscriptionUrl:String):GraphVariant updateURL(url:String):GraphVariant updateVariantIsPublic(isPublic:Boolean!):GraphVariant updateVariantIsPubliclyListed(isPubliclyListed:Boolean!):GraphVariant updateVariantIsVerified(isVerified:Boolean!):GraphVariant updateVariantReadme(readme:String!):GraphVariant}"""A map from permission String to boolean that the currently authenticated user is allowed for a particular graph variant.""" type GraphVariantPermissions{canCreateCollectionInVariant:Boolean!"""Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to manage/update the build configuration (e.g. build pipeline version) for this variant.""" canManageBuildConfig:Boolean!"""Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to update variant-level settings for the Schema Explorer.""" canManageExplorerSettings:Boolean!"""Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to publish schemas to this variant.""" canPushSchemas:Boolean!"""Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to view details regarding the build configuration (e.g. build pipeline version) for this variant.""" canQueryBuildConfig:Boolean!"""Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to download schemas associated to this variant.""" canQuerySchemas:Boolean!canShareCollectionInVariant:Boolean!canUpdateVariantLinkInfo:Boolean!"""Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to update the README for this variant.""" canUpdateVariantReadme:Boolean!variantId:ID!}enum HTTPMethod{CONNECT DELETE GET HEAD OPTIONS PATCH POST PUT TRACE UNKNOWN UNRECOGNIZED}input HistoricQueryParameters{"""A list of clients to filter out during validation.""" excludedClients:[ClientInfoFilter!]=null """A list of operation names to filter out during validation.""" excludedOperationNames:[OperationNameFilterInput!]=null from:Timestamp="-86400" """A list of operation IDs to filter out during validation.""" ignoredOperations:[ID!]=null """A list of variants to include in the validation. If no variants are provided
then this defaults to the "current" variant along with the base variant. The
base variant indicates the schema that generates diff and marks the metrics that
are checked for broken queries. We union this base variant with the untagged values('',
same as null inside of `in`, and 'current') in this metrics fetch. This strategy
supports users who have not tagged their metrics or schema.""" includedVariants:[String!]=null """Minimum number of requests within the window for a query to be considered.""" queryCountThreshold:Int=1 """Number of requests within the window for a query to be considered, relative to
total request count. Expected values are between 0 and 0.05 (minimum 5% of total
request volume)""" queryCountThresholdPercentage:Float=0 to:Timestamp="-0"}"""An identity (e.g. Anonymous, a specific User) within Apollo Studio. See implementations.""" interface Identity{"""A view of the identity as an Actor type.""" asActor:Actor!"""An identifier for a given identity, unique within the context of the identity type.""" id:ID!"""A human-readable name for the identity in question.""" name:String!}"""An actor's identity and info about the client they used to perform the action""" type IdentityAndClientInfo{"""Client name provided when the actor performed the action""" clientName:String """Client version provided when the actor performed the action""" clientVersion:String """Identity info about the actor""" identity:Identity}union IdentityMutation=ServiceMutation|UserMutation type IgnoreOperationsInChecksResult{graph:Service!}"""The location of the implementing service config file in storage""" type ImplementingServiceLocation{"""The name of the implementing service""" name:String!"""The path in storage to access the implementing service config file""" path:String!}type InternalAdminUser{role:InternalMdgAdminRole!userID:String!}type InternalIdentity implements Identity{accounts:[Account!]!asActor:Actor!email:String id:ID!name:String!}enum InternalMdgAdminRole{INTERNAL_MDG_READ_ONLY INTERNAL_MDG_SALES INTERNAL_MDG_SUPER_ADMIN INTERNAL_MDG_SUPPORT}type IntrospectionDirective{args:[IntrospectionInputValue!]!description:String locations:[IntrospectionDirectiveLocation!]!name:String!}input IntrospectionDirectiveInput{args:[IntrospectionInputValueInput!]!description:String isRepeatable:Boolean locations:[IntrospectionDirectiveLocation!]!name:String!}"""__DirectiveLocation introspection type""" enum IntrospectionDirectiveLocation{"""Location adjacent to an argument definition.""" ARGUMENT_DEFINITION """Location adjacent to an enum definition.""" ENUM """Location adjacent to an enum value definition.""" ENUM_VALUE """Location adjacent to a field.""" FIELD """Location adjacent to a field definition.""" FIELD_DEFINITION """Location adjacent to a fragment definition.""" FRAGMENT_DEFINITION """Location adjacent to a fragment spread.""" FRAGMENT_SPREAD """Location adjacent to an inline fragment.""" INLINE_FRAGMENT """Location adjacent to an input object field definition.""" INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION """Location adjacent to an input object type definition.""" INPUT_OBJECT """Location adjacent to an interface definition.""" INTERFACE """Location adjacent to a mutation operation.""" MUTATION """Location adjacent to an object type definition.""" OBJECT """Location adjacent to a query operation.""" QUERY """Location adjacent to a scalar definition.""" SCALAR """Location adjacent to a schema definition.""" SCHEMA """Location adjacent to a subscription operation.""" SUBSCRIPTION """Location adjacent to a union definition.""" UNION """Location adjacent to a variable definition.""" VARIABLE_DEFINITION}"""Values associated with introspection result for an enum value""" type IntrospectionEnumValue{depreactionReason:String@deprecated(reason:"Use deprecationReason instead")deprecationReason:String description:String isDeprecated:Boolean!name:String!}"""__EnumValue introspection type""" input IntrospectionEnumValueInput{deprecationReason:String description:String isDeprecated:Boolean!name:String!}"""Values associated with introspection result for field""" type IntrospectionField{args:[IntrospectionInputValue!]!deprecationReason:String description:String isDeprecated:Boolean!name:String!type:IntrospectionType!}"""__Field introspection type""" input IntrospectionFieldInput{args:[IntrospectionInputValueInput!]!deprecationReason:String description:String isDeprecated:Boolean!name:String!type:IntrospectionTypeInput!}"""Values associated with introspection result for an input field""" type IntrospectionInputValue{defaultValue:String description:String name:String!type:IntrospectionType!}"""__Value introspection type""" input IntrospectionInputValueInput{defaultValue:String deprecationReason:String description:String isDeprecated:Boolean nam
fields""" INTERFACE """Indicates this type is a list. 'ofType' is a valid field.""" LIST """Indicates this type is a non-null. 'ofType' is a valid field.""" NON_NULL """Indicates this type is an object. 'fields' and 'interfaces' are valid fields.""" OBJECT """Indicates this type is a scalar.""" SCALAR """Indicates this type is a union. 'possibleTypes' is a valid field.""" UNION}"""Shallow __Type introspection type""" input IntrospectionTypeRefInput{kind:String name:String!}type InvalidOperation{errors:[OperationValidationError!]signature:ID!}"""Type returned by reference lookup when the reference was invalid""" type InvalidRefFormat implements Error{message:String!}type InvalidTarget implements Error{message:String!}type Invoice{closedAt:Timestamp collectionMethod:String createdAt:Timestamp!invoiceNumber:Int!state:InvoiceState!totalInCents:Int!updatedAt:Timestamp!uuid:ID!}enum InvoiceState{COLLECTED FAILED OPEN PAST_DUE UNKNOWN}enum InvoiceStateV2{COLLECTED FAILED OPEN PAST_DUE UNKNOWN}type InvoiceV2{closedAt:Timestamp collectionMethod:String createdAt:Timestamp!invoiceNumber:Int!state:InvoiceStateV2!totalInCents:Int!updatedAt:Timestamp!uuid:ID!}"""A Launch represents the complete process of making a set of updates to your deployed graph.""" type Launch{"""The time at which this launch was approved.""" approvedAt:Timestamp """The build for the variant being launched. Is non-null once the build is initiated.""" build:Build """Set of items that will be passed to the build.""" buildInput:BuildInput!"""The time at which this launch completed.""" completedAt:Timestamp """The time at which this launch initiated.""" createdAt:Timestamp!"""Contract launches that were triggered by this launch.""" downstreamLaunches:[Launch!]!"""The ID of the graph that this launch was initiated for.""" graphId:String!"""The name of the variant that this launch was initiated for.""" graphVariant:String!"""Unique identifier for this launch.""" id:ID!isAvailable:Boolean """Whether the launch completed.""" isCompleted:Boolean """Whether the launch was published.""" isPublished:Boolean isTarget:Boolean """Returns the most recent launch sequence step.""" latestSequenceStep:LaunchSequenceStep """A specific publication of a graph variant pertaining to this launch.""" publication:SchemaTag """The outcome of the launch.""" results:[LaunchResult!]!schemaTag:SchemaTag """This represents a sequence in the Launch. Returns a list of sequence steps that represents points of time in the launch.""" sequence:[LaunchSequenceStep!]!"""A shortened version of Contains the first 8 characters of the ID.""" shortenedID:String!"""The status of the launch.""" status:LaunchStatus!"""Changes that were made to the subgraphs for this launch.""" subgraphChanges:[SubgraphChange!]"""The time at which this launch was superseded by another launch.""" supersededAt:Timestamp """Represents the launch that caused this launch to not continue/publish.""" supersededBy:Launch """Upstream launch represents the launch of the source variant.""" upstreamLaunch:Launch}"""more result types will be supported in the future""" union LaunchResult=ChangelogLaunchResult type LaunchSequenceBuildStep{completedAt:Timestamp startedAt:Timestamp}type LaunchSequenceCheckStep{completedAt:Timestamp startedAt:Timestamp}type LaunchSequenceCompletedStep{completedAt:Timestamp}type LaunchSequenceInitiatedStep{startedAt:Timestamp}type LaunchSequencePublishStep{completedAt:Timestamp startedAt:Timestamp}union LaunchSequenceStep=LaunchSequenceBuildStep|LaunchSequenceCheckStep|LaunchSequenceCompletedStep|LaunchSequenceInitiatedStep|LaunchSequencePublishStep|LaunchSequenceSupersededStep type LaunchSequenceSupersededStep{completedAt:Timestamp}enum LaunchStatus{LAUNCH_COMPLETED LAUNCH_FAILED LAUNCH_INITIATED}type LinkInfo{createdAt:Timestamp!id:ID!title:String type:LinkInfoType!url:String!}enum LinkInfoType{DEVELOPER_PORTAL OTHER REPOSITORY}"""Long type""" scalar Long type MarkChangesForOperationAsSafeResult{"""Nice to have for the frontend since the Apollo cache is already watching for AffectedQuery to update.
This might return null if no behavior changes were found for the affected operation ID.
This is a weird situation that should never happen.""" affectedOperation:AffectedQuery message:String!success:Boolean!}type MediaUploadInfo{csrfToken:String!maxContentLength:Int!url:String!}union MoveOperationCollectionEntryResult=InvalidTarget|MoveOperationCollectionEntrySuccess|PermissionError type MoveOperationCollectionEntrySuccess{operation:OperationCollectionEntry!originCollection:OperationCollection!targetCollection:OperationCollection!}type Mutation{account(id:ID!):AccountMutation """Creates an operation collection for the given variantRefs, or make a sandbox collection without variantRefs.""" createOperationCollection(description:String editRoles:[UserPermission!]isSandbox:Boolean!isShared:Boolean!name:String!variantRefs:[ID!]):CreateOperationCollectionResult!"""Finalize a password reset with a token included in the E-mail link,
returns the corresponding login email when successful""" finalizePasswordReset(newPassword:String!resetToken:String!):String """Mutation a graph.""" graph(id:ID!):ServiceMutation """Join an account with a token""" joinAccount(accountId:ID!joinToken:String!):Account me:IdentityMutation newAccount(companyUrl:String id:ID!):Account newService(accountId:ID!description:String hiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers:Boolean!=false id:ID!isDev:Boolean!=false name:String onboardingArchitecture:OnboardingArchitecture title:String):Service operationCollection(id:ID!):OperationCollectionMutation """Report a running GraphQL server's schema.""" reportSchema("""Only sent if previously requested i.e. received ReportSchemaResult with withCoreSchema = true. This is a GraphQL schema document as a string. Note that for a GraphQL server with a core schema, this should be the core schema, not the API schema.""" coreSchema:String """Information about server and its schema.""" report:SchemaReport!):ReportSchemaResult """Ask for a user's password to be reset by E-mail""" resetPassword(email:String!):Void resolveAllInternalCronExecutions(group:String name:String):Void resolveInternalCronExecution(id:ID!):CronExecution service(id:ID!):ServiceMutation """Set the subscriptions for a given email""" setSubscriptions(email:String!subscriptions:[EmailCategory!]!token:String!):EmailPreferences """Set the studio settings for the current user""" setUserSettings(newSettings:UserSettingsInput):UserSettings signUp(email:String!fullName:String!password:String!referrer:String trackingGoogleClientId:String trackingMarketoClientId:String userSegment:UserSegment utmCampaign:String utmMedium:String utmSource:String):User """This is called by the form shown to users after they delete their user or organization account.""" submitPostDeletionFeedback(feedback:String!targetIdentifier:ID!targetType:DeletionTargetType!):Void """Mutation for basic engagement tracking in studio""" track(event:EventEnum!graphID:String!graphVariant:String!="current"):Void """Rover session tracking. Reserved to (""" trackRoverSession(anonymousId:ID!arguments:[RoverArgumentInput!]!ci:String command:String!cwdHash:SHA256!os:String!remoteUrlHash:SHA256 sessionId:ID!version:String!):Void """Unsubscribe a given email from all emails""" unsubscribeFromAll(email:String!token:String!):EmailPreferences user(id:ID!):UserMutation}type NamedIntrospectionArg{description:String name:String}type NamedIntrospectionArgNoDescription{name:String}"""The shared fields for a named introspection type. Currently this is returned for the
top level value affected by a change. In the future, we may update this
type to be an interface, which is extended by the more specific types:
scalar, object, input object, union, interface, and enum
For an in-depth look at where these types come from, see:""" type NamedIntrospectionType{description:String kind:IntrospectionTypeKind name:String}type NamedIntrospectionTypeNoDescription{name:String}"""Introspection values that can be children of other types for changes, such
as input fields, objects in interfaces, enum values. In the future, this
value could become an interface to allow fields specific to the types
returned.""" type NamedIntrospectionValue{description:String name:String printedType:String}type NamedIntrospectionValueNoDescription{name:String printedType:String}"""A non-federated service for a monolithic graph.""" type NonFederatedImplementingService{"""Timestamp of when this implementing service was created.""" createdAt:Timestamp!"""Identifies which graph this non-implementing service belongs to.
Formerly known as "service_id".""" graphID:String!"""Specifies which variant of a graph this implementing service belongs to".
Formerly known as "tag".""" graphVariant:String!}type NotFoundError implements Error{message:String!}"""Arbitrary JSON object""" scalar Object type OdysseyAttempt{completedAt:Timestamp id:ID!responses:[OdysseyResponse!]!startedAt:Timestamp!testId:String!}type OdysseyCertification{certificationId:String!earnedAt:Timestamp!id:ID!owner:OdysseyCertificationOwner}type OdysseyCertificationOwner{fullName:String!id:ID!}type OdysseyCourse{completedAt:Timestamp enrolledAt:Timestamp id:ID!}input OdysseyCourseInput{completedAt:Timestamp courseId:String!}type OdysseyResponse{correct:Boolean!id:ID!questionId:String!values:[OdysseyValue!]!}input OdysseyResponseInput{attemptId:ID!correct:Boolean!questionId:String!values:[String!]!}type OdysseyTask{completedAt:Timestamp id:ID!value:String}input OdysseyTaskInput{completedAt:Timestamp taskId:String!value:String}type OdysseyValue{id:ID!value:String!}enum OnboardingArchitecture{MONOLITH SUPERGRAPH}type Operation{id:ID!name:String signature:String truncated:Boolean!}type OperationAcceptedChange{acceptedAt:Timestamp!acceptedBy:Identity!change:StoredApprovedChange!checkID:ID!graphID:ID!id:ID!operationID:String!}"""Columns of OperationCheckStats.""" enum OperationCheckStatsColumn{CACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP UNCACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT}type OperationCheckStatsDimensions{clientName:String clientVersion:String queryId:ID queryName:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in OperationCheckStats. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input OperationCheckStatsFilter{and:[OperationCheckStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {clientName: [null]}} instead.""" clientName:String """Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {clientVersion: [null]}} instead.""" clientVersion:String in:OperationCheckStatsFilterIn not:OperationCheckStatsFilter or:[OperationCheckStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose queryId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {queryId: [null]}} instead.""" queryId:ID """Selects rows whose queryName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {queryName: [null]}} instead.""" queryName:String """Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String """Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {serviceId: [null]}} instead.""" serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in OperationCheckStats. Fields match if the corresponding dimension's value is in the given list. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input OperationCheckStatsFilterIn{"""Selects rows whose clientName dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" clientName:[String]"""Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" clientVersion:[String]"""Selects rows whose queryId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" queryId:[ID]"""Selects rows whose queryName dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" queryName:[String]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" schemaTag:[String]"""Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" serviceId:[ID]}type OperationCheckStatsMetrics{cachedRequestsCount:Long!uncachedRequestsCount:Long!}input OperationCheckStatsOrderBySpec{column:OperationCheckStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type OperationCheckStatsRecord{"""D
collection. This will be null if and only if \`isShared\` is false""" editRoles:[UserPermission!]@deprecated(reason:"deprecated in favour of minEditRole")id:ID!isFavorite:Boolean!isSandbox:Boolean!isShared:Boolean!lastUpdatedAt:Timestamp!lastUpdatedBy:Identity minEditRole:UserPermission name:String!operation(id:ID!):OperationCollectionEntryResult operations:[OperationCollectionEntry!]!""" Permissions the current user has for this collection""" permissions:OperationCollectionPermissions!variants:[GraphVariant!]!}type OperationCollectionEntry{collection:OperationCollection!createdAt:Timestamp!createdBy:Identity currentOperationRevision:OperationCollectionEntryState!id:ID!lastUpdatedAt:Timestamp!lastUpdatedBy:Identity name:String!orderingIndex:String!}type OperationCollectionEntryMutation{moveToCollection(collectionId:ID!lowerOrderingBound:String upperOrderingBound:String):MoveOperationCollectionEntryResult!reorderEntry(lowerOrderingBound:String upperOrderingBound:String):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateName(name:String!):UpdateOperationCollectionEntryResult updateValues(operationInput:OperationCollectionEntryStateInput!):UpdateOperationCollectionEntryResult}union OperationCollectionEntryMutationResult=NotFoundError|OperationCollectionEntryMutation|PermissionError union OperationCollectionEntryResult=NotFoundError|OperationCollectionEntry type OperationCollectionEntryState{body:String!createdAt:Timestamp!createdBy:Identity headers:[OperationHeader!]variables:String}input OperationCollectionEntryStateInput{body:String!headers:[OperationHeaderInput!]""" I'm assuming this is non null""" variables:String}type OperationCollectionMutation{addOperation(name:String!operationInput:OperationCollectionEntryStateInput!):AddOperationCollectionEntryResult addToVariant(variantRef:ID!):AddOperationCollectionToVariantResult!@deprecated(reason:"Will throw NotImplemented")delete:DeleteOperationCollectionResult deleteOperation(id:ID!):RemoveOperationCollectionEntryResult duplicateCollection(description:String isSandbox:Boolean!isShared:Boolean!name:String!variantRef:ID):DuplicateOperationCollectionResult!operation(id:ID!):OperationCollectionEntryMutationResult removeFromVariant(variantRef:ID!):RemoveOperationCollectionFromVariantResult!@deprecated(reason:"Will throw NotImplemented")setMinEditRole(editRole:UserPermission):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateDescription(description:String):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateEditRoles(editRoles:[UserPermission!]!):UpdateOperationCollectionResult@deprecated(reason:"Deprecated in favour of setMinEditRole")updateIsFavorite(isFavorite:Boolean!):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateIsShared(isShared:Boolean!):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateName(name:String!):UpdateOperationCollectionResult}type OperationCollectionPermissions{canEditOperations:Boolean!canManage:Boolean!canReadOperations:Boolean!}union OperationCollectionResult=NotFoundError|OperationCollection|PermissionError type OperationDocument{"""Operation document body""" body:String!"""Operation name""" name:String}input OperationDocumentInput{"""Operation document body""" body:String!"""Operation name""" name:String}type OperationHeader{name:String!value:String!}input OperationHeaderInput{name:String!value:String!}"""Operation name filter configuration for a graph.""" type OperationNameFilter{"""name of the operation by the user and reported alongside metrics""" name:String!}"""Options to filter by operation name.""" input OperationNameFilterInput{"""name of the operation set by the user and reported alongside metrics""" name:String!}type OperationValidationError{message:String!}type OperationsCheckResult{"""Operations affected by all changes in diff""" affectedQueries:[AffectedQuery!]"""Summary/counts for all changes in diff""" changeSummary:ChangeSummary!"""List of schema changes with associated affected clients and operations""" changes:[Change!]!"""Indication of the success of the change, either failure, warning, or notice.""" checkSeverity:ChangeSeverity!"""The variant that was used as a base to check against""" checked
One of the fields must be specified (validated server-side).
If a new partialSchemaSDL is passed in, this operation will store it before
creating the association.
If both the sdl and hash are specified, an error will be thrown if the provided
hash doesn't match our hash of the sdl contents. If the sdl field is specified,
the hash does not need to be and will be computed server-side.""" input PartialSchemaInput{"""Hash of the partial schema to associate; error is thrown if only the hash is
specified and the hash has not been seen before""" hash:String """Contents of the partial schema in SDL syntax, but may reference types
that aren't defined in this document""" sdl:String}type PermissionError implements Error{message:String!}type PromoteSchemaError{code:PromoteSchemaErrorCode!message:String!}enum PromoteSchemaErrorCode{CANNOT_PROMOTE_SCHEMA_FOR_FEDERATED_GRAPH}type PromoteSchemaResponse{code:PromoteSchemaResponseCode!tag:SchemaTag!}enum PromoteSchemaResponseCode{NO_CHANGES_DETECTED PROMOTION_SUCCESS}union PromoteSchemaResponseOrError=PromoteSchemaError|PromoteSchemaResponse type Protobuf{json:String!object:Object!raw:Blob!text:String!}type Query{"""Account by ID""" account(id:ID!):Account """Retrieve account by billing provider identifier""" accountByBillingCode(id:ID!):Account """Retrieve account by internal id""" accountByInternalID(id:ID!):Account """Whether an account ID is available for mutation{newAccount(id:)}""" accountIDAvailable(id:ID!):Boolean!"""All accounts""" allAccounts(search:String tier:BillingPlanTier):[Account!]"""All available plans""" allPlans:[BillingPlan!]!allPublicVariants:[GraphVariant!]"""All services""" allServices(search:String):[Service!]"""All timezones with their offsets from UTC""" allTimezoneOffsets:[TimezoneOffset!]!"""All users""" allUsers(search:String):[User!]"""Look up a plan by ID""" billingPlan(id:ID):BillingPlanV2 """All available plans""" billingPlans:[BillingPlanV2!]!"""If this is true, the user is an Apollo administrator who can ignore restrictions based purely on billing plan.""" canBypassPlanRestrictions:Boolean!diffSchemas(baseSchema:String!nextSchema:String!):[Change!]!"""Get the unsubscribe settings for a given email.""" emailPreferences(email:String!token:String!):EmailPreferences experimentalFeatures:GlobalExperimentalFeatures!"""Address of the Studio frontend.""" frontendUrlRoot:String!"""Access a graph by ID.""" graph(id:ID!):Service internalActiveCronJobs:[CronJob!]!internalAdminUsers:[InternalAdminUser!]internalUnresolvedCronExecutionFailures:[CronExecution!]!"""User or graph querying the API, null if not authenticated.""" me:Identity odysseyCertification(id:ID!):OdysseyCertification operationCollection(id:ID!):OperationCollectionResult!operationCollectionEntries(collectionEntryIds:[ID!]!):[OperationCollectionEntry!]!"""Access an organization by ID.""" organization(id:ID!):Account """Look up a plan by ID""" plan(id:ID):BillingPlan """A list of public variants that have been selected to be shown on our Graph Directory.""" publiclyListedVariants:[GraphVariant!]"""Service by ID""" service(id:ID!):Service """Query statistics across all services. For admins only; normal users must go through AccountsStatsWindow or ServiceStatsWindow.""" stats(from:Timestamp!"""Granularity of buckets. Defaults to the entire range (aggregate all data into a single durationBucket) when null.""" resolution:Resolution """Defaults to the current time when null.""" to:Timestamp):StatsWindow!"""Get the studio settings for the current user""" studioSettings:UserSettings """The plan started by AccountMutation.startTeamSubscription""" teamBillingPlan(billingPeriod:BillingPeriod!):BillingPlanV2!"""The plan started by AccountMutation.startTeamSubscription""" teamPlan(billingPeriod:BillingPeriod!):BillingPlan!"""Schema transformation for the Apollo platform API. Renames types. Internal to Apollo.""" transformSchemaForPlatformApi(baseSchema:GraphQLDocument!):GraphQLDocument """The plan started by AccountMutation.startTrial""" trialBillingPlan:BillingPlanV2!"""The plan started by AccountMutation.startTrial""" trialPlan:BillingPlan!"""User by ID""" user(id:ID!):User """Access a variant by reference of the form `graphID@variantName`, or `graphID` for the default `current` variant.
Returns null when the graph or variant do not exist, or when the graph cannot be accessed.
Note that we can return more types implementing Error in the future.""" variant(ref:ID!):GraphVariantLookup}"""query documents to validate against""" input QueryDocumentInput{document:String}type QueryPlan{json:String!object:Object!text:String!}"""Columns of QueryStats.""" enum QueryStatsColumn{ACCOUNT_ID CACHED_HISTOGRAM CACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT CACHE_TTL_HISTOGRAM CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION FORBIDDEN_OPERATION_COUNT FROM_ENGINEPROXY QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME REGISTERED_OPERATION_COUNT REQUESTS_WITH_ERRORS_COUNT SCHEMA_HASH SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP UNCACHED_HISTOGRAM UNCACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT}type QueryStatsDimensions{accountId:ID clientName:String clientVersion:String fromEngineproxy:String queryId:ID queryName:String querySignature:String schemaHash:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in QueryStats. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input QueryStatsFilter{"""Selects rows whose accountId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {accountId: [null]}} instead.""" accountId:ID and:[QueryStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {clientName: [null]}} instead.""" clientName:String """Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {clientVersion: [null]}} instead.""" clientVersion:String """Selects rows whose fromEngineproxy dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {fromEngineproxy: [null]}} instead.""" fromEngineproxy:String in:QueryStatsFilterIn not:QueryStatsFilter or:[QueryStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose queryId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {queryId: [null]}} instead.""" queryId:ID """Selects rows whose queryName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {queryName: [null]}} instead.""" queryName:String """Selects rows whose schemaHash dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaHash: [null]}} instead.""" schemaHash:String """Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String """Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {serviceId: [null]}} instead.""" serviceId:ID}"""Filter for data in QueryStats. Fields match if the corresponding dimension's value is in the given list. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input QueryStatsFilterIn{"""Selects rows whose accountId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" accountId:[ID]"""Selects rows whose clientName dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" clientName:[String]"""Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" clientVersion:[String]"""Selects rows whose fromEngineproxy dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" fromEngineproxy:[String]"""Selects rows whose queryId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" queryId:[ID]"""Selects rows whose queryName dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" queryName:[String]"""Selects rows whose schemaHash dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" schemaHash:[String]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" schemaTag:[String]"""Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" se
for reported metrics included in a schema diff. A day window from the present
day would have a `from` value of -86400. In rare cases, this could be an ISO
timestamp if the user passed one in on diff creation""" from:Timestamp """Operation IDs to ignore during validation.""" ignoredOperations:[ID!]"""Variants to include during validation.""" includedVariants:[String!]"""Minimum number of requests within the window for a query to be considered.""" queryCountThreshold:Int """Number of requests within the window for a query to be considered, relative to
total request count. Expected values are between 0 and 0.05 (minimum 5% of
total request volume)""" queryCountThresholdPercentage:Float """delta in seconds from current time that determines the end of the
window for reported metrics included in a schema diff. A day window
from the present day would have a `to` value of -0. In rare
cases, this could be an ISO timestamp if the user passed one in on diff
creation""" to:Timestamp}type SchemaPublishSubscription implements ChannelSubscription{channels:[Channel!]!createdAt:Timestamp!enabled:Boolean!id:ID!lastUpdatedAt:Timestamp!variant:String}input SchemaReport{"""A randomly generated UUID, immutable for the lifetime of the edge server runtime.""" bootId:String!"""The hex SHA256 hash of the schema being reported. Note that for a GraphQL server with a core schema, this should be the core schema, not the API schema.""" coreSchemaHash:String!"""The graph ref (eg, 'id@variant')""" graphRef:String!"""The version of the edge server reporting agent, e.g. apollo-server-2.8, graphql-java-3.1, etc. length must be <= 256 characters.""" libraryVersion:String """The infra environment in which this edge server is running, e.g. localhost, Kubernetes, AWS Lambda, Google CloudRun, AWS ECS, etc. length must be <= 256 characters.""" platform:String """The runtime in which the edge server is running, e.g. node 12.03, zulu8.46.0.19-ca-jdk8.0.252-macosx_x64, etc. length must be <= 256 characters.""" runtimeVersion:String """If available, an identifier for the edge server instance, such that when restarting this instance it will have the same serverId, with a different bootId. For example, in Kubernetes this might be the pod name. Length must be <= 256 characters.""" serverId:String """An identifier used to distinguish the version (from the user's perspective) of the edge server's code itself. For instance, the git sha of the server's repository or the docker sha of the associated image this server runs with. Length must be <= 256 characters.""" userVersion:String}"""A specific publication of a graph variant.""" type SchemaTag{"""The result of composition, including either a supergraph schema or errors,
executed during this publication. Only available with managed federation.""" compositionResult:CompositionResult createdAt:Timestamp!"""Differences with the schema from the previous successful publication.""" diffToPrevious:SchemaDiff gitContext:GitContext """List of previously uploaded SchemaTags under the same tag name, starting with
the selected published schema record. Sorted in reverse chronological order
by creation date (newest publish first).
Note: This does not include the history of checked schemas""" history(includeUnchanged:Boolean!=true limit:Int!=3 offset:Int=0):[SchemaTag!]!"""Number of tagged schemas created under the same tag name.
Also represents the maximum size of the history's limit argument.""" historyLength:Int!"""Number of schemas tagged prior to this one under the same tag name, its position
in the tag history.""" historyOrder:Int!"""The identifier for this specific publication.""" id:ID!"""Time of publication.""" publishedAt:Timestamp!"""The Identity that published this schema and their client info, or null if this isn't
a publish. Sub-fields may be null if they weren't recorded.""" publishedBy:IdentityAndClientInfo """Indicates the schemaTag of the schema's original upload, null if this is the
first upload of the schema.""" reversionFrom:SchemaTag """The published schema.""" schema:Schema!slackNotificationBody(graphDisplayName:String!):String tag:String!@deprecated(reason:"Please use variant { name } instead")"""The graph variant this belongs to.""" variant:GraphVariant!webhookNotificationBody:String!}"""How many seats of the given types does an organization have (regardless of plan type)?""" type Seats{"""How many members that are free in this organization.""" free:Int!"""How many members that are not free in this organization.""" fullPrice:Int!}type SemanticChange{"""Target arg of change made.""" argNode:NamedIntrospectionArg """Node related to the top level node that was changed, such as a field in an object,
a value in an enum or the object of an interface""" childNode:NamedIntrospectionValue """Semantic metadata about the type of change""" definition:ChangeDefinition!"""Top level node affected by the change""" parentNode:NamedIntrospectionType}"""A graph in Apollo Studio represents a graph in your organization.
Each graph has one or more variants, which correspond to the different environments where that graph runs (such as staging and production).
Each variant has its own GraphQL schema, which means schemas can differ between environments.""" type Service implements Identity{"""Organization that this graph belongs to.""" account:Account accountId:ID apiKeys:[GraphApiKey!]"""A view of the identity as an Actor type.""" asActor:Actor!"""Get an URL to which an avatar image can be uploaded. Client uploads by sending a PUT request
with the image data to MediaUploadInfo.url. Client SHOULD set the "Content-Type" header to the
browser-inferred MIME type, and SHOULD set the "x-apollo-content-filename" header to the
filename, if such information is available. Client MUST set the "x-apollo-csrf-token" header to
MediaUploadInfo.csrfToken.""" avatarUpload:AvatarUploadResult """Get an image URL for the service's avatar. Note that CORS is not enabled for these URLs. The size
argument is used for bandwidth reduction, and should be the size of the image as displayed in the
application. Apollo's media server will downscale larger images to at least the requested size,
but this will not happen for third-party media servers.""" avatarUrl(size:Int!=40):String """Get available notification endpoints""" channels(channelIds:[ID!]):[Channel!]"""Get check configuration for this graph.""" checkConfiguration:CheckConfiguration """Get a check workflow for this graph by its ID""" checkWorkflow(id:ID!):CheckWorkflow """Get check workflows for this graph ordered by creation time, most recent first.""" checkWorkflows(filter:CheckFilterInput limit:Int!=100):[CheckWorkflow!]!"""List of options available for filtering checks for this graph by author.
If a filter is passed, constrains results to match the filter.""" checksAuthorOptions(filter:CheckFilterInput):[String!]!"""List of options available for filtering checks for this graph by branch.
If a filter is passed, constrains results to match the filter.""" checksBranchOptions(filter:CheckFilterInput):[String!]!"""List of options available for filtering checks for this graph by subgraph name.
If a filter is passed, constrains results to match the filter.""" checksSubgraphOptions(filter:CheckFilterInput):[String!]!"""Given a graphCompositionID, return the results of composition. This can represent either a validation or a publish.""" compositionResultById(id:ID!):CompositionResult createdAt:Timestamp!createdBy:Identity datadogMetricsConfig:DatadogMetricsConfig defaultBuildPipelineTrack:String deletedAt:Timestamp description:String devGraphOwner:User """Get a GraphQL document by hash""" document(hash:SHA256):GraphQLDocument """When this is true, this graph will be hidden from non-admin members of the org who haven't been explicitly assigned a
role on this graph.""" hiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers:Boolean!"""Globally unique identifier for this graph.""" id:ID!"""List of subgraphs that comprise a graph. A non-federated graph should have a single implementing service.
Set includeDeleted to see deleted subgraphs.""" implementingServices(graphVariant:String!includeDeleted:Boolean):GraphImplementors lastReportedAt(graphVariant:String):Timestamp """Current identity, null if not authenticated.""" me:Identity """The composition result that was most recently published to a graph variant.""" mostRecentCompositionPublish(graphVariant:String!):CompositionPublishResult """Permissions of the current user in this graph.""" myRole:UserPermission """Name of this graph. Note that this field is deprecated.""" name:String!@deprecated(reason:"Use Service.title")onboardingArchitecture:OnboardingArchitecture operation(id:ID!):Operation """Gets the operations and their approved changes for this graph, checkID, and operationID.""" operationsAcceptedChanges(checkID:ID!operationID:String!):[OperationAcceptedChange!]!"""Get an operations check result for a specific check ID""" operationsCheck(checkID:ID!):OperationsCheckResult """Get query triggers for a given variant. If variant is null all the triggers for this service will be gotten.""" queryTriggers(graphVariant:String operationNames:[String!]):[QueryTrigger!]readme:Readme """Registry specific stats for this graph.""" registryStatsWindow(from:Timestamp!resolution:Resolution to:Timestamp):RegistryStatsWindow """Whether registry subscriptions (with any options) are enabled. If variant is not passed, returns true if configuration is present for any variant""" registrySubscriptionsEnabled(graphVariant:String):Boolean!@deprecated(reason:"This field will be removed")reportingEnabled:Boolean!"""The list of members that can access this graph, accounting for graph role overrides""" roleOverrides:[RoleOverride!]"""Which permissions the current user has for interacting with this graph""" roles:ServiceRoles scheduledSummaries:[ScheduledSummary!]!"""Get a schema by hash or current tag""" schema(hash:ID tag:String):Schema """The current publish associated to a given variant (with 'tag' as the variant name).""" schemaTag(tag:String!):SchemaTag schemaTagById(id:ID!):SchemaTag """Get schema tags, with optional filtering to a set of tags. Always sorted by creation
date in reverse chronological order.""" schemaTags(tags:[String!]):[SchemaTag!]stats(from:Timestamp!"""Granularity of buckets. Defaults to the entire range (aggregate all data into a single durationBucket) when null.""" resolution:Resolution """Defaults to the current time when null.""" to:Timestamp):ServiceStatsWindow!@deprecated(reason:"use Service.statsWindow instead")statsWindow(from:Timestamp!"""Granularity of buckets. Defaults to the entire range (aggregate all data into a single durationBucket) when null.""" resolution:Resolution """Defaults to the current time when null.""" to:Timestamp):ServiceStatsWindow """Generate a test schema publish notification body""" testSchemaPublishBody(variant:String!):String!"""Name of this graph.""" title:String!trace(id:ID!):Trace traceStorageEnabled:Boolean!"""A particular variant often representing a live traffic environment (such as "dev", "staging", or "prod").
Each variant can represent a specific URL or destination to query at, analytics, and its own schema history.
Pass in a name to get a specific variant. Use `Graph.variants` to get a list of variants.""" variant(name:String!):GraphVariant """The list of variants that exist for this graph""" variants:[GraphVariant!]!}"""Columns of ServiceBillingUsageStats.""" enum ServiceBillingUsageStatsColumn{OPERATION_COUNT OPERATION_COUNT_PROVIDED_EXPLICITLY SCHEMA_TAG TIMESTAMP}type ServiceBillingUsageStatsDimensions{operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String schemaTag:String}"""Filter for data in ServiceBillingUsageStats. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilter{and:[ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilter!]in:ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilterIn not:ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilter """Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {operationCountProvidedExplicitly: [null]}} instead.""" operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String or:[ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String}"""Filter for data in ServiceBillingUsageStats. Fields match if the corresponding dimension's value is in the given list. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilterIn{"""Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" operationCountProvidedExplicitly:[String]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" schemaTag:[String]}type ServiceBillingUsageStatsMetrics{operationCount:Long!}input ServiceBillingUsageStatsOrderBySpec{column:ServiceBillingUsageStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type ServiceBillingUsageStatsRecord{"""Dimensions of ServiceBillingUsageStats that can be grouped by.""" groupBy:ServiceBillingUsageStatsDimensions!"""Metrics of ServiceBillingUsageStats that can be aggregated over.""" metrics:ServiceBillingUsageStatsMetrics!"""Starting segment timestamp.""" timestamp:Timestamp!}"""Columns of ServiceEdgeServerInfos.""" enum ServiceEdgeServerInfosColumn{BOOT_ID EXECUTABLE_SCHEMA_ID LIBRARY_VERSION PLATFORM RUNTIME_VERSION SCHEMA_TAG SERVER_ID TIMESTAMP USER_VERSION}type ServiceEdgeServerInfosDimensions{bootId:ID executableSchemaId:ID libraryVersion:String platform:String runtimeVersion:String schemaTag:String serverId:ID userVersion:String}"""Filter for data in ServiceEdgeServerInfos. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilter{and:[ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilter!]"""Selects rows whose bootId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {bootId: [null]}} instead.""" bootId:ID """Selects rows whose executableSchemaId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {executableSchemaId: [null]}} instead.""" executableSchemaId:ID in:ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilterIn """Selects rows whose libraryVersion dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {libraryVersion: [null]}} instead.""" libraryVersion:String not:ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilter or:[ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilter!]"""Selects rows whose platform dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {platform: [null]}} instead.""" platform:String """Selects rows whose runtimeVersion dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {runtimeVersion: [null]}} instead.""" runtimeVersion:String """Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String """Selects rows whose serverId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {serverId: [null]}} instead.""" serverId:ID """S
If the proposal composes successfully, perform a usage check for the resulting schema.""" checkPartialSchema("""Deprecated and ignored.""" frontend:String gitContext:GitContextInput """Specifies which variant of a graph this mutation operates on.""" graphVariant:String!historicParameters:HistoricQueryParameters """Name of the implementing service to validate the partial schema against""" implementingServiceName:String!"""If this check is triggered for an sdl fetched using introspection, this is the endpoint where that schema was being served.""" introspectionEndpoint:String isSandboxCheck:Boolean!=false """The partial schema to validate against an implementing service""" partialSchema:PartialSchemaInput!"""Whether to use the maximum retention for historical validation. This only takes
effect if historicParameters is null.""" useMaximumRetention:Boolean):CheckPartialSchemaResult!"""Checks a proposed schema against the schema that has been published to
a particular variant, using metrics corresponding to `historicParameters`.
Callers can set `historicParameters` directly or rely on defaults set in the
graph's check configuration (7 days by default).
If they do not set `historicParameters` but set `useMaximumRetention`,
validation will use the maximum retention the graph has access to.""" checkSchema(baseSchemaTag:String="current" """Deprecated and ignored.""" frontend:String gitContext:GitContextInput historicParameters:HistoricQueryParameters """If this check is triggered for an sdl fetched using introspection, this is the endpoint where that schema was being served.""" introspectionEndpoint:String isSandboxCheck:Boolean!=false """Only one of proposedSchema, proposedSchemaDocument, and proposedSchemaHash
may be specified""" proposedSchema:IntrospectionSchemaInput proposedSchemaDocument:String proposedSchemaHash:String useMaximumRetention:Boolean):CheckSchemaResult!"""Make changes to a check workflow.""" checkWorkflow(id:ID!):CheckWorkflowMutation createCompositionStatusSubscription("""ID of Slack channel for registry notification.""" channelID:ID!"""Variant to notify on.""" variant:String!):SchemaPublishSubscription!createSchemaPublishSubscription("""ID of Slack channel for registry notification.""" channelID:ID!"""Variant to notify on.""" variant:String!):SchemaPublishSubscription!"""Soft delete a graph. Data associated with the graph is not permanently deleted; Apollo support can undo.""" delete:Void """Delete the service's avatar. Requires Service.roles.canUpdateAvatar to be true.""" deleteAvatar:AvatarDeleteError """Delete an existing channel""" deleteChannel(id:ID!):Boolean!"""Delete an existing query trigger""" deleteQueryTrigger(id:ID!):Boolean!"""Deletes this service's current subscriptions specific to the ID, returns true if it existed""" deleteRegistrySubscription(id:ID!):Boolean!"""Deletes this service's current registry subscription(s) specific to its graph variant,
returns a list of subscription IDs that were deleted.""" deleteRegistrySubscriptions(variant:String!):[ID!]!deleteScheduledSummary(id:ID!):Boolean!"""Delete a variant by name.""" deleteSchemaTag(tag:String!):DeleteSchemaTagResult!"""Given a UTC timestamp, delete all traces associated with this Service, on that corresponding day. If a timestamp to is provided, deletes all days inclusive.""" deleteTraces(from:Timestamp!to:Timestamp):Void disableDatadogForwardingLegacyMetricNames:Service """Hard delete a graph and all data associated with it. Its ID cannot be reused.""" hardDelete:Void id:ID!@deprecated(reason:"Use")"""Ignore an operation in future checks;
changes affecting it will be tracked,
but won't affect the outcome of the check.
Returns true if the operation is newly ignored,
false if it already was.""" ignoreOperationsInChecks(ids:[ID!]!):IgnoreOperationsInChecksResult """Mark the changeset that affects an operation in a given check instance as safe.
Note that only operations marked as behavior changes are allowed to be marked as safe.""" markChangesForOperationAsSafe("""ID of the schema check.""" checkID:ID!"""ID of the operation to accept changes for.""" operationID:ID!):MarkChangesForOperationAsSafeResult!newKey(keyName:String role:UserPermission!=GRAPH_ADMIN):GraphApiKey!"""Adds an override to the given users permission for this graph""" overrideUserPermission(permission:UserPermission userID:ID!):Service """Promote the schema with the given SHA-256 hash to active for the given variant/tag.""" promoteSchema(graphVariant:String!historicParameters:HistoricQueryParameters overrideComposedSchema:Boolean!=false sha256:SHA256!):PromoteSchemaResponseOrError!"""Publish to a subgraph. If composition is successful, this will update running routers.""" publishSubgraph(activePartialSchema:PartialSchemaInput!gitContext:GitContextInput graphVariant:String!name:String!revision:String!url:String):CompositionAndUpsertResult registerOperationsWithResponse(clientIdentity:RegisteredClientIdentityInput gitContext:GitContextInput """Specifies which variant of a graph these operations belong to.
Formerly known as "tag"
Defaults to "current"
""" graphVariant:String!="current" manifestVersion:Int operations:[RegisteredOperationInput!]!):RegisterOperationsMutationResponse """Removes a subgraph. If composition is successful, this will update running routers.""" removeImplementingServiceAndTriggerComposition("""Do not remove the service, but recompose without it and report any errors.""" dryRun:Boolean!=false graphVariant:String!name:String!):CompositionAndRemoveResult!removeKey("""API key ID""" id:ID):Void renameKey(id:ID!newKeyName:String):GraphApiKey reportServerInfo("""Only sent if previously requested i.e. received ReportServerInfoResult with withExecutableSchema = true. An executable schema is a schema document that describes the full GraphQL schema that an external client could execute queries against. This must be a valid GraphQL schema document, as per the GraphQL specification:""" executableSchema:String """Information about the edge server, see descriptions for individual fields.""" info:EdgeServerInfo!):ReportServerInfoResult@deprecated(reason:"use Mutation.reportSchema instead")service:Service!setDefaultBuildPipelineTrack(version:String!):String """Store a given schema document. This schema will be attached to the graph but
not be associated with any variant. On success, returns the schema hash.""" storeSchemaDocument(schemaDocument:String!):StoreSchemaResponseOrError!"""Test Slack notification channel""" testSlackChannel(id:ID!notification:SlackNotificationInput!):Void testSubscriptionForChannel(channelID:ID!subscriptionID:ID!):String!transfer(to:String!):Service triggerRepublish(graphVariant:String!):Void undelete:Service """Revert the effects of ignoreOperation.
Returns true if the operation is no longer ignored,
false if it wasn't.""" unignoreOperationsInChecks(ids:[ID!]!):UnignoreOperationsInChecksResult """Unmark changes for an operation as safe.""" unmarkChangesForOperationAsSafe("""ID of the schema check.""" checkID:ID!"""ID of the operation to unmark changes for.""" operationID:ID!):MarkChangesForOperationAsSafeResult!"""Update schema check configuration for a graph.""" updateCheckConfiguration("""Clients to ignore during validation.""" excludedClients:[ClientFilterInput!]"""Operation names to ignore during validation.""" excludedOperationNames:[OperationNameFilterInput!]"""Operations to ignore during validation.""" excludedOperations:[ExcludedOperationInput!]"""Default configuration to include operations on the base variant.""" includeBaseVariant:Boolean """Variant overrides for validation.""" includedVariants:[String!]"""Minimum number of requests within the window for a query to be considered.""" operationCountThreshold:Int """Number of requests within the window for a query to be considered, relative to
total request count. Expected values are between 0 and 0.05 (minimum 5% of
total request volume)""" operationCountThresholdPercentage:Float """Only check operations from the last <timeRangeSeconds> seconds. The default is 7 days (604,800 seconds).""" timeRangeSeconds:Long):CheckConfiguration!updateDatadogMetricsConfig(apiKey:String apiRegion:DatadogApiRegion enabled:Boolean):DatadogMetricsConfig updateDescription(description:String!):Service """Update hiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers""" updateHiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers(hiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers:Boolean!):Service updateReadme(readme:String!):Service updateTitle(title:String!):Service """Publish a schema to this variant, either via a document or an introspection query result.""" uploadSchema(errorOnBadRequest:Boolean!=true gitContext:GitContextInput historicParameters:HistoricQueryParameters overrideComposedSchema:Boolean!=false schema:IntrospectionSchemaInput schemaDocument:String tag:String!):UploadSchemaMutationResponse upsertChannel(id:ID pagerDutyChannel:PagerDutyChannelInput slackChannel:SlackChannelInput webhookChannel:WebhookChannelInput):Channel """Creates a contract schema from a source variant and a set of filter configurations""" upsertContractVariant(contractVariantName:String!filterConfig:FilterConfigInput!initiateLaunch:Boolean!=true sourceVariant:String!):ContractVariantUpsertResult!"""Publish to a subgraph. If composition is successful, this will update running routers.""" upsertImplementingServiceAndTriggerComposition(activePartialSchema:PartialSchemaInput!gitContext:GitContextInput graphVariant:String!name:String!revision:String!url:String):CompositionAndUpsertResult """Create/update PagerDuty notification channel""" upsertPagerDutyChannel(channel:PagerDutyChannelInput!id:ID):PagerDutyChannel upsertQueryTrigger(id:ID trigger:QueryTriggerInput!):QueryTrigger """Create or update a subscription for a service.""" upsertRegistrySubscription("""ID of Slack channel for registry notification.""" channelID:ID """ID of registry subscription""" id:ID """Set of options/customization for notification.""" options:SubscriptionOptionsInput """Variant to notify on.""" variant:String):RegistrySubscription!upsertScheduledSummary(channelID:ID enabled:Boolean id:ID """Deprecated, use the 'variant' argument instead""" tag:String timezone:String variant:String):ScheduledSummary """Create/update Slack notification channel""" upsertSlackChannel(channel:SlackChannelInput!id:ID):SlackChannel upsertWebhookChannel(id:ID name:String secretToken:String url:String!):WebhookChannel validateOperations(gitContext:GitContextInput operations:[OperationDocumentInput!]!tag:String="current"):ValidateOperationsResult!"""This mutation will not result in any changes to the implementing service
Run composition with the Implementing Service's partial schema replaced with the one provided
in the mutation's input. Store the composed schema, return the hash of the composed schema,
and any warnings and errors pertaining to composition.
This mutation will not run validation against operations.""" validatePartialSchemaOfImplementingServiceAgainstGraph(graphVariant:String!implementingServiceName:String!partialSchema:PartialSchemaInput!):CompositionValidationResult!"""Make changes to a graph variant.""" variant(name:String!):GraphVariantMutation}"""Columns of ServiceOperationCheckStats.""" enum ServiceOperationCheckStatsColumn{CACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME SCHEMA_TAG TIMESTAMP UNCACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT}type ServiceOperationCheckStatsDimensions{clientName:String clientVersion:String queryId:ID queryName:String schemaTag:String}"""Filter for data in ServiceOperationCheckStats. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilter{and:[ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {clientName: [null]}} instead.""" clientName:String """Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {clientVersion: [null]}} instead.""" clientVersion:String in:ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilterIn not:ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilter or:[ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose queryId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {queryId: [null]}} instead.""" queryId:ID """Selects rows whose queryName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {queryName: [null]}} instead.""" queryName:String """Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String}"""Filter for data in ServiceOperationCheckStats. Fields match if the corresponding dimension's value is in the given list. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilterIn{"""Selects rows whose clientName dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" clientName:[String]"""Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" clientVersion:[String]"""Selects rows whose queryId dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" queryId:[ID]"""Selects rows whose queryName dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" queryName:[String]"""Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension is in the given list. A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension.""" schemaTag:[String]}type ServiceOperationCheckStatsMetrics{cachedRequestsCount:Long!uncachedRequestsCount:Long!}input ServiceOperationCheckStatsOrderBySpec{column:ServiceOperationCheckStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type ServiceOperationCheckStatsRecord{"""Dimensions of ServiceOperationCheckStats that can be grouped by.""" groupBy:ServiceOperationCheckStatsDimensions!"""Metrics of ServiceOperationCheckStats that can be aggregated over.""" metrics:ServiceOperationCheckStatsMetrics!"""Starting segment timestamp.""" timestamp:Timestamp!}"""Columns of ServiceQueryStats.""" enum ServiceQueryStatsColumn{CACHED_HISTOGRAM CACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT CACHE_TTL_HISTOGRAM CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION FORBIDDEN_OPERATION_COUNT FROM_ENGINEPROXY QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME REGISTERED_OPERATION_COUNT REQUESTS_WITH_ERRORS_COUNT SCHEMA_HASH SCHEMA_TAG TIMESTAMP UNCACHED_HISTOGRAM UNCACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT}type ServiceQueryStatsDimensions{clientName:String clientVersion:String fromEngineproxy:String queryId:ID queryName:String querySignature:String schemaHash:String schemaTag:String}"""Filter for data in ServiceQueryStats. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input ServiceQueryStatsFilter{and:[ServiceQueryStatsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value
object, and interface types, adding values to enums, adding members to interfaces and unions, and
adding arguments.""" additions:Int!"""Number of changes that are new usages of the @deprecated directive.""" deprecations:Int!"""Number of changes that are edits. This includes types changing kind, fields and arguments
changing type, arguments changing default value, and any description changes. This also includes
edits to @deprecated reason strings.""" edits:Int!"""Number of changes that are removals. This includes removing types, removing fields from object,
input object, and interface types, removing values from enums, removing members from interfaces
and unions, and removing arguments. This also includes removing @deprecated usages.""" removals:Int!}type Trace{cacheMaxAgeMs:Float cacheScope:CacheScope clientName:String clientVersion:String durationMs:Float!endTime:Timestamp!http:TraceHTTP id:ID!operationName:String protobuf:Protobuf!root:TraceNode!signature:String!startTime:Timestamp!unexecutedOperationBody:String unexecutedOperationName:String variablesJSON:[StringToString!]!}type TraceError{json:String!locations:[TraceSourceLocation!]!message:String!timestamp:Timestamp}type TraceHTTP{host:String method:HTTPMethod!path:String protocol:String requestHeaders:[StringToString!]!responseHeaders:[StringToString!]!secure:Boolean!statusCode:Int!}type TraceNode{cacheMaxAgeMs:Float cacheScope:CacheScope children:[TraceNode!]!childrenIds:[ID!]!descendants:[TraceNode!]!descendantsIds:[ID!]!endTime:Timestamp!errors:[TraceError!]!id:ID!key:StringOrInt originalFieldName:String parent:ID!parentId:ID path:[String!]!startTime:Timestamp!type:String}"""Columns of TracePathErrorsRefs.""" enum TracePathErrorsRefsColumn{CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION DURATION_BUCKET ERRORS_COUNT_IN_PATH ERRORS_COUNT_IN_TRACE ERROR_MESSAGE PATH QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME SCHEMA_HASH SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP TRACE_HTTP_STATUS_CODE TRACE_ID TRACE_SIZE_BYTES TRACE_STARTS_AT}type TracePathErrorsRefsDimensions{clientName:String clientVersion:String durationBucket:Int errorMessage:String """If metrics were collected from a federated service, this field will be prefixed with `service:<SERVICE_NAME>.`""" path:String queryId:ID queryName:String schemaHash:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID traceHttpStatusCode:Int traceId:ID traceStartsAt:Timestamp}"""Filter for data in TracePathErrorsRefs. Fields with dimension names represent equality checks. All fields are implicitly ANDed together.""" input TracePathErrorsRefsFilter{and:[TracePathErrorsRefsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {clientName: [null]}} instead.""" clientName:String """Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {clientVersion: [null]}} instead.""" clientVersion:String """Selects rows whose durationBucket dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {durationBucket: [null]}} instead.""" durationBucket:Int """Selects rows whose errorMessage dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {errorMessage: [null]}} instead.""" errorMessage:String in:TracePathErrorsRefsFilterIn not:TracePathErrorsRefsFilter or:[TracePathErrorsRefsFilter!]"""Selects rows whose path dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {path: [null]}} instead.""" path:String """Selects rows whose queryId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {queryId: [null]}} instead.""" queryId:ID """Selects rows whose queryName dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {queryName: [null]}} instead.""" queryName:String """Selects rows whose schemaHash dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaHash: [null]}} instead.""" schemaHash:String """Selects rows whose schemaTag dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {schemaTag: [null]}} instead.""" schemaTag:String """Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {serviceId: [null]}} instead.""" serviceId:ID """Selects rows whose traceHttpStatusCode dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {traceHttpStatusCode: [null]}} instead.""" traceHttpStatusCode:Int """Selects rows whose traceId dimension equals the given value if not null. To query for the null value, use {in: {traceId: [null]}} instead.""" traceId:ID}"""Filter for data in TracePathErrorsRefs. Fields match if the corresponding dimension's value is
changes, but also includes adding/removing values from enums, adding/removing members from
interfaces and unions, and any enum value deprecation and description changes.""" edits:Int!"""Number of changes that are removals of types.""" removals:Int!}"""the TypeFilterConfig is used to isolate
types, and subsequent fields, through
various configuration settings.
It defaults to filter towards user defined
types only""" input TypeFilterConfig{"""include abstract types (interfaces and unions)""" includeAbstractTypes:Boolean=true """include built in scalars (i.e. Boolean, Int, etc)""" includeBuiltInTypes:Boolean=false """include reserved introspection types (i.e. __Type)""" includeIntrospectionTypes:Boolean=false}type URI{"""A GCS URI""" gcs:String!}type UnignoreOperationsInChecksResult{graph:Service!}union UpdateOperationCollectionEntryResult=OperationCollectionEntry|PermissionError|ValidationError union UpdateOperationCollectionResult=OperationCollection|PermissionError|ValidationError """The result of a schema publish to a graph variant.""" type UploadSchemaMutationResponse{"""A response code for processing via machines (e.g. UPLOAD_SUCCESS or NO_CHANGES)""" code:String!"""Human readable result of a schema publish.""" message:String!"""If successful, the corresponding publication.""" publication:SchemaTag """Whether the schema publish successfully completed or encountered errors.""" success:Boolean!"""If successful, the corresponding publication.""" tag:SchemaTag}"""A registered user.""" type User implements Identity{acceptedPrivacyPolicyAt:Timestamp accounts:[Account!]!@deprecated(reason:"Replaced with User.memberships.account")apiKeys(includeCookies:Boolean=false):[UserApiKey!]!"""Translation of this user identity to an 'Actor' type.""" asActor:Actor!"""Get an URL to which an avatar image can be uploaded. Client uploads by sending a PUT request
with the image data to MediaUploadInfo.url. Client SHOULD set the "Content-Type" header to the
browser-inferred MIME type, and SHOULD set the "x-apollo-content-filename" header to the
filename, if such information is available. Client MUST set the "x-apollo-csrf-token" header to
MediaUploadInfo.csrfToken.""" avatarUpload:AvatarUploadResult """Get an image URL for the user's avatar. Note that CORS is not enabled for these URLs. The size
argument is used for bandwidth reduction, and should be the size of the image as displayed in the
application. Apollo's media server will downscale larger images to at least the requested size,
but this will not happen for third-party media servers.""" avatarUrl(size:Int!=40):String betaFeaturesOn:Boolean!canUpdateAvatar:Boolean!canUpdateEmail:Boolean!canUpdateFullName:Boolean!createdAt:Timestamp!email:String emailModifiedAt:Timestamp emailVerified:Boolean!experimentalFeatures:UserExperimentalFeatures!featureIntros:FeatureIntros fullName:String!"""The user's GitHub username, if they log in via GitHub. May be null even for GitHub users in some edge cases.""" githubUsername:String """The unique identifier for a user.""" id:ID!"""This role is reserved exclusively for internal MDG employees, and it controls what access they may have to other
organizations. Only admins are allowed to see this field.""" internalAdminRole:InternalMdgAdminRole """Last time any API token from this user was used against AGM services""" lastAuthenticatedAt:Timestamp logoutAfterIdleMs:Int """Which organizations a user belongs to.""" memberships:[UserMembership!]!"""The name (first and last) of a user.""" name:String!odysseyAttempt(id:ID!):OdysseyAttempt odysseyAttempts:[OdysseyAttempt!]!odysseyCertifications:[OdysseyCertification!]odysseyCourses:[OdysseyCourse!]odysseyHasEarlyAccess:Boolean!odysseyHasRequestedEarlyAccess:Boolean!odysseyTasks:[OdysseyTask!]sandboxOperationCollections:[OperationCollection!]!synchronized:Boolean!"""List of Zendesk tickets this user has submitted""" tickets:[ZendeskTicket!]type:UserType!}type UserApiKey implements ApiKey{id:ID!keyName:String token:String!}type UserExperimentalFeatures{exampleFeature:Boolean!}"""An organization a given user belongs to.""" type UserMembership{"""The organization a user is a member of.""" account:Account!"""When the user joined the organization.""" createdAt:Timestamp!"""What level of access a use has to an organization.""" permission:UserPermission!"""The user that is a member of an organization.""" user:User!}type UserMutation{acceptPrivacyPolicy:Void """Change the user's password""" changePassword(newPassword:String!previousPassword:String!):Void createOdysseyAttempt(testId:String!):OdysseyAttempt createOdysseyCertification(certificationId:String!):OdysseyCertification createOdysseyCourses(courses:[OdysseyCourseInput!]!):[OdysseyCourse!]createOdysseyTasks(tasks:[OdysseyTaskInput!]!):[OdysseyTask!]"""Delete the user's avatar. Requires User.canUpdateAvatar to be true.""" deleteAvatar:AvatarDeleteError """Hard deletes the associated user. Throws an error otherwise with reason included.""" hardDelete:Void """Create a new API key for this user. Must take in a name for this key.""" newKey(keyName:String!):UserApiKey!"""Create a new API key for this user if there are no current API keys.
If an API key already exists, this will return one at random and not create a new one.""" provisionKey(keyName:String!="add-a-name"):ApiKeyProvision """Refresh information about the user from its upstream service (eg list of organizations from GitHub)""" refresh:User """Removes the given key from this user. Can be used to remove either a web cookie or a user API key.""" removeKey(id:ID!):Void """Renames the given key to the new key name.""" renameKey(id:ID!newKeyName:String):UserApiKey resendVerificationEmail:Void setOdysseyCourse(course:OdysseyCourseInput!):OdysseyCourse setOdysseyResponse(response:OdysseyResponseInput!):OdysseyResponse setOdysseyTask(task:OdysseyTaskInput!):OdysseyTask """Submit a zendesk ticket for this user""" submitZendeskTicket(collaborators:[String!]email:String!ticket:ZendeskTicketInput!):ZendeskTicket """Update information about a user; all arguments are optional""" update(email:String fullName:String referrer:String trackingGoogleClientId:String trackingMarketoClientId:String userSegment:UserSegment utmCampaign:String utmMedium:String utmSource:String):User """Updates this users' preference concerning opting into beta features.""" updateBetaFeaturesOn(betaFeaturesOn:Boolean!):User """Update the status of a feature for this. For example, if you want to hide an introductory popup.""" updateFeatureIntros(newFeatureIntros:FeatureIntrosInput):User updateOdysseyAttempt(completedAt:Timestamp id:ID!):OdysseyAttempt """Update user to have the given internal mdg admin role.
It is necessary to be an MDG_INTERNAL_SUPER_ADMIN to perform update.
Additionally, upserting a null value explicitly revokes this user's
admin status.""" updateRole(newRole:InternalMdgAdminRole):User user:User!verifyEmail(token:String!):User}enum UserPermission{BILLING_MANAGER CONSUMER CONTRIBUTOR DOCUMENTER GRAPH_ADMIN LEGACY_GRAPH_KEY OBSERVER ORG_ADMIN}enum UserSegment{JOIN_MY_TEAM LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT NOT_SPECIFIED PRODUCTION_GRAPHS SANDBOX SANDBOX_OPERATION_COLLECTIONS TRY_TEAM}type UserSettings{appNavCollapsed:Boolean!autoManageVariables:Boolean!id:String!mockingResponses:Boolean!preflightScriptEnabled:Boolean!responseHints:ResponseHints!tableMode:Boolean!themeName:ThemeName!}"""Explorer user settings input""" input UserSettingsInput{appNavCollapsed:Boolean autoManageVariables:Boolean mockingResponses:Boolean preflightScriptEnabled:Boolean responseHints:ResponseHints tableMode:Boolean themeName:ThemeName}enum UserType{APOLLO GITHUB SSO}type ValidateOperationsResult{validationResults:[ValidationResult!]!}type ValidationError implements Error{message:String!}enum ValidationErrorCode{DEPRECATED_FIELD INVALID_OPERATION NON_PARSEABLE_DOCUMENT}enum ValidationErrorType{FAILURE INVALID WARNING}"""Represents a single validation error, with information relating to the error
and its respective operation""" type ValidationResult{"""The validation result's error code""" code:ValidationErrorCode!"""Description of the validation error""" description:String!"""The operation related to this validation result""" operation:OperationDocument!"""The type of validation error thrown - warning, failure, or invalid.""" type:ValidationErrorType!}"""Always null""" scalar Void """Webhook notification channel""" type WebhookChannel implements Channel{id:ID!name:String!secretToken:String subscriptions:[ChannelSubscription!]!url:String!}"""PagerDuty notification channel parameters""" input WebhookChannelInput{name:String secretToken:String url:String!}type ZendeskTicket{createdAt:Timestamp!description:String!graph:Service id:Int!organization:Account priority:TicketPriority!status:TicketStatus subject:String!user:User}"""Zendesk ticket input""" input ZendeskTicketInput{description:String!graphId:String organizationId:String priority:TicketPriority!subject:String!}