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"""An organization. Can have multiple members and graphs.""" type Account { auditLogExports : [ AuditLogExport ! ] """These are the roles that the account is able to use""" availableRoles : [ UserPermission ! ] ! """ Get an URL to which an avatar image can be uploaded . Client uploads by sending a PUT request
with the image data to MediaUploadInfo . url . Client SHOULD set the "Content-Type" header to the
browser - inferred MIME type , and SHOULD set the "x-apollo-content-filename" header to the
filename , if such information is available . Client MUST set the "x-apollo-csrf-token" header to
MediaUploadInfo . csrfToken . """ avatarUpload:AvatarUploadResult """ Get an image URL for the account ' s avatar . Note that CORS is not enabled for these URLs . The size
argument is used for bandwidth reduction , and should be the size of the image as displayed in the
application . Apollo ' s media server will downscale larger images to at least the requested size ,
but this will not happen for third - party media servers . """ avatarUrl(size:Int!=40):String billingInfo:BillingInfo companyUrl:String currentBillingMonth:BillingMonth currentPlan:BillingPlan!currentPlanV2:BillingPlanV2!currentSubscription:BillingSubscription currentSubscriptionV2:BillingSubscriptionV2 experimentalFeatures:AccountExperimentalFeatures!expiredTrialSubscription:BillingSubscription expiredTrialSubscriptionV2:BillingSubscriptionV2 graphIDAvailable(id:ID!):Boolean!hasBeenOnTrial:Boolean!hasBeenOnTrialV2:Boolean!""" Globally unique identifier , which isn ' t guaranteed stable ( can be changed by administrators ) . """ id:ID!""" Internal immutable identifier for the account . Only visible to Apollo admins ( because it really
shouldn ' t be used in normal client apps ) . """ internalID:ID!invitations(includeAccepted:Boolean!=false):[AccountInvitation!]invoices:[Invoice!]invoicesV2:[InvoiceV2!]!isOnExpiredTrial:Boolean!isOnTrial:Boolean!legacyIsOnTrial:Boolean!memberships:[AccountMembership!]""" Name of the organization , which can change over time and isn ' t unique . """ name:String!provisionedAt:Timestamp recurlyEmail:String """ Returns a different registry related stats pertaining to this account . """ registryStatsWindow(from:Timestamp!resolution:Resolution to:Timestamp):RegistryStatsWindow requests(from:Timestamp!to:Timestamp!):Long requestsInCurrentBillingPeriod:Long roles:AccountRoles """ How many seats would be included in your next bill , as best estimated today """ seatCountForNextBill:Int seats:Seats secondaryIDs:[ID!]!""" Graphs belonging to this organization . """ services(includeDeleted:Boolean):[Service!]!""" If non - null , this organization tracks its members through an upstream , eg PingOne ;
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invitations are not possible on SSO - synchronized account . """ sso:OrganizationSSO state:AccountState """ A list of reusable invitations for the organization . """ staticInvitations:[OrganizationInviteLink!]stats(from:Timestamp!""" Granularity of buckets . Defaults to the entire range ( aggregate all data into a single durationBucket ) when null . """ resolution:Resolution """ Defaults to the current time when null . """ to:Timestamp):AccountStatsWindow!@deprecated(reason:"use Account.statsWindow instead")statsWindow(from:Timestamp!""" Granularity of buckets . Defaults to the entire range ( aggregate all data into a single durationBucket ) when null . """ resolution:Resolution """ Defaults to the current time when null . """ to:Timestamp):AccountStatsWindow subscriptions:[BillingSubscription!]subscriptionsV2:[BillingSubscriptionV2!]!""" Gets a ticket for this org , by id """ ticket(id:ID!):ZendeskTicket """ List of Zendesk tickets submitted for this org """ tickets:[ZendeskTicket!]}""" Columns of AccountBillingUsageStats . """ enum AccountBillingUsageStatsColumn{OPERATION_COUNT OPERATION_COUNT_PROVIDED_EXPLICITLY SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP}type AccountBillingUsageStatsDimensions{operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in AccountBillingUsageStats . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input AccountBillingUsageStatsFilter{and:[AccountBillingUsageStatsFilter!]in:AccountBillingUsageStatsFilterIn not:AccountBillingUsageStatsFilter """ Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { operationCountProvidedExplicitly : [ null ] } } instead . """ operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String or:[AccountBillingUsageStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String """ Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { serviceId : [ null ] } } instead . """ serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in AccountBillingUsageStats . Fields match if the corresponding dimension ' s value is in the given list . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input AccountBillingUsageStatsFilterIn{""" Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ operationCountProvidedExplicitly:[String]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ schemaTag:[String]""" Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ serviceId:[ID]}type AccountBillingUsageStatsMetrics{operationCount:Long!}input AccountBillingUsageStatsOrderBySpec{column:AccountBillingUsageStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type AccountBillingUsageStatsRecord{""" Dimensions of AccountBillingUsageStats that can be grouped by . """ groupBy:AccountBillingUsageStatsDimensions!""" Metrics of AccountBillingUsageStats that can be aggregated over . """ metrics:AccountBillingUsageStatsMetrics!""" Starting segment timestamp . """ timestamp:Timestamp!}type AccountChecksStatsMetrics{totalFailedChecks:Long!totalSuccessfulChecks:Long!}type AccountChecksStatsRecord{id:ID!metrics:AccountChecksStatsMetrics!timestamp:Timestamp!}""" Columns of AccountEdgeServerInfos . """ enum AccountEdgeServerInfosColumn{BOOT_ID EXECUTABLE_SCHEMA_ID LIBRARY_VERSION PLATFORM RUNTIME_VERSION SCHEMA_TAG SERVER_ID SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP USER_VERSION}type AccountEdgeServerInfosDimensions{bootId:ID executableSchemaId:ID libraryVersion:String platform:String runtimeVersion:String schemaTag:String serverId:ID serviceId:ID userVersion:String}""" Filter for data in AccountEdgeServerInfos . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input AccountEdgeServerInfosFilter{and:[AccountEdgeServerInfosFilter!]""" S
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
subscription ' s Recurly expiration ) . """ trialExpiresAt:Timestamp uuid:ID!}type BillingSubscriptionAddon{id:ID!pricePerUnitInUsdCents:Int!quantity:Int!}type BillingSubscriptionAddonV2{id:ID!pricePerUnitInUsdCents:Int!quantity:Int!}type BillingSubscriptionV2{""" The price of every unit in the subscription ( hence multiplied by quantity to get to the basePriceInUsdCents ) """ activatedAt:Timestamp!addons:[BillingSubscriptionAddonV2!]!autoRenew:Boolean!canceledAt:Timestamp currentPeriodEndsAt:Timestamp!currentPeriodStartedAt:Timestamp!expiresAt:Timestamp plan:BillingPlanV2!""" The price of every seat """ pricePerSeatInUsdCents:Int quantity:Int!state:SubscriptionStateV2!""" When this subscription ' s trial period expires ( if it is a trial ) . Not the same as the
subscription ' s Recurly expiration ) . """ trialExpiresAt:Timestamp uuid:ID!}""" Columns of BillingUsageStats . """ enum BillingUsageStatsColumn{ACCOUNT_ID OPERATION_COUNT OPERATION_COUNT_PROVIDED_EXPLICITLY SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP}type BillingUsageStatsDimensions{accountId:ID operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in BillingUsageStats . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input BillingUsageStatsFilter{""" Selects rows whose accountId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { accountId : [ null ] } } instead . """ accountId:ID and:[BillingUsageStatsFilter!]in:BillingUsageStatsFilterIn not:BillingUsageStatsFilter """ Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { operationCountProvidedExplicitly : [ null ] } } instead . """ operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String or:[BillingUsageStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String """ Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { serviceId : [ null ] } } instead . """ serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in BillingUsageStats . Fields match if the corresponding dimension ' s value is in the given list . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input BillingUsageStatsFilterIn{""" Selects rows whose accountId dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ accountId:[ID]""" Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ operationCountProvidedExplicitly:[String]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ schemaTag:[String]""" Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ serviceId:[ID]}type BillingUsageStatsMetrics{operationCount:Long!}input BillingUsageStatsOrderBySpec{column:BillingUsageStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type BillingUsageStatsRecord{""" Dimensions of BillingUsageStats that can be grouped by . """ groupBy:BillingUsageStatsDimensions!""" Metrics of BillingUsageStats that can be aggregated over . """ metrics:BillingUsageStatsMetrics!""" Starting segment timestamp . """ timestamp:Timestamp!}""" A blob ( base64 ' ed in JSON & GraphQL ) """ scalar Blob type Build{input:BuildInput!result:BuildResult}type BuildError{code:String locations:[SourceLocation!]!message:String!}type BuildFailure{errorMessages:[BuildError!]!}union BuildInput=CompositionBuildInput|FilterBuildInput union BuildResult=BuildFailure|BuildSuccess type BuildSuccess{coreSchema:CoreSchema!}enum CacheScope{PRIVATE PUBLIC UNKNOWN UNRECOGNIZED}""" A specific change to a definition in your schema . """ type Change{affectedQueries:[AffectedQuery!]""" Target arg of change made . """ argNode:NamedIntrospectionArg """ Indication of the category of the change ( e . g . addition , removal , edit ) . """ category:ChangeCategory!""" Node related to the top level node that was changed , such as a field in an object ,
a value in an enum or the object of an interface . """ childNode:NamedIntrospectionValue """ Indication of the kind of target and action of the change , e . g . ' TYPE_REMOVED ' . """ code:String!""" Human - readable description of the change . """ description:String!""" Top level node affected by the change . """ parentNode:NamedIntrospectionType """ Severity of the change , either failure or warning . """ severity:ChangeSeverity!""" Indication of the success of the overall change , either failure , warning , or notice . """ type:ChangeType!@deprecated(reason:"use severity instead")}""" Defines a set of categories that a schema change
can be grouped by . """ enum ChangeCategory{ADDITION DEPRECATION EDIT REMOVAL}""" These schema change codes represent all of the possible changes that can
occur during the schema diff algorithm . """ enum ChangeCode{""" Type of the argument was changed . """ ARG_CHANGED_TYPE """ Argument was changed from nullable to non - nullable . """ ARG_CHANGED_TYPE_OPTIONAL_TO_REQUIRED """ Default value added or changed for the argument . """ ARG_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHANGE """ Description was added , removed , or updated for argument . """ ARG_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE """ Argument to a field was removed . """ ARG_REMOVED """ Argument to the directive was removed . """ DIRECTIVE_ARG_REMOVED """ Location of the directive was removed . """ DIRECTIVE_LOCATION_REMOVED """ Directive was removed . """ DIRECTIVE_REMOVED """ Repeatable flag was removed for directive . """ DIRECTIVE_REPEATABLE_REMOVED """ Enum was deprecated . """ ENUM_DEPRECATED """ Reason for enum deprecation changed . """ ENUM_DEPRECATED_REASON_CHANGE """ Enum deprecation was removed . """ ENUM_DEPRECATION_REMOVED """ Description was added , removed , or updated for enum value . """ ENUM_VALUE_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE """ Field was added to the type . """ FIELD_ADDED """ Return type for the field was changed . """ FIELD_CHANGED_TYPE """ Field was deprecated . """ FIELD_DEPRECATED """ Reason for field deprecation changed . """ FIELD_DEPRECATED_REASON_CHANGE """ Field deprecation removed . """ FIELD_DEPRECATION_REMOVED """ Description was added , removed , or updated for field . """ FIELD_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE """ Type of the field in the input object was changed . """ FIELD_ON_INPUT_OBJECT_CHANGED_TYPE """ Field was removed from the type . """ FIELD_REMOVED """ Field was removed from the input object . """ FIELD_REMOVED_FROM_INPUT_OBJECT """ Non - nullable field was added to the input object . ( Deprecated . ) """ NON_NULLABLE_FIELD_ADDED_TO_INPUT_OBJECT """ Nullable field was added to the input type . ( Deprecated . ) """ NULLABLE_FIELD_ADDED_TO_INPUT_OBJECT """ Nullable argument was added to the field . """ OPTIONAL_ARG_ADDED """ Optional field was added to the input type . """ OPTIONAL_FIELD_ADDED_TO_INPUT_OBJECT """ Non - nullable argument was added to the field . """ REQUIRED_ARG_ADDED """ Non - nullable argument added to directive . """ REQUIRED_DIRECTIVE_ARG_ADDED """ Required field was added to the input object . """ REQUIRED_FIELD_ADDED_TO_INPUT_OBJECT """ Type was added to the schema . """ TYPE_ADDED """ Type now implements the interface . """ TYPE_ADDED_TO_INTERFACE """ A new value was added to the enum . """ TYPE_ADDED_TO_UNION """ Type was changed from on e kind to another .
Ex : scalar to object or enum to union . """ TYPE_CHANGED_KIND """ Description was added , removed , or updated for type . """ TYPE_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE """ Type ( object or scalar ) was removed from the schema . """ TYPE_REMOVED """ Type no longer implements the interface . """ TYPE_REMOVED_FROM_INTERFACE """ Type is no longer included in the union . """ TYPE_REMOVED_FROM_UNION """ A new value was added to the enum . """ VALUE_ADDED_TO_ENUM """ Value was removed from the enum . """ VALUE_REMOVED_FROM_ENUM}""" Represents the tuple of static information
about a particular kind of schema change . """ type ChangeDefinition{category:ChangeCategory!code:ChangeCode!defaultSeverity:ChangeSeverity!}""" Info about a change in the context of an operation it affects """ type ChangeOnOperation{""" Human - readable explanation of the impact of this change on the operation """ impact:String """ The semantic info about this change , i . e . info about the change that doesn ' t depend on the operation """ semanticChange:SemanticChange!}enum ChangeSeverity{FAILURE NOTICE}""" Summary of the changes for a schema diff , computed by placing the changes into categories and then
counting the size of each category . This categorization can be done in different ways , and
accordingly there are multiple fields here for each type of categorization .
Note that if an object or interface field is added / removed , there won ' t be any addition / removal
changes generated for its arguments or @deprecated usages . If an enum type is added / removed , there
will be addition / removal changes generated for its values , but not for those values ' @deprecated
usages . Description changes won ' t be generated for a schema element if that element ( or an
ancestor ) was added / removed . """ type ChangeSummary{""" Counts for changes to fields of objects , input objects , and interface s . """ field:FieldChangeSummaryCounts!""" Counts for all changes . """ total:TotalChangeSummaryCounts!""" Counts for changes to non - field aspects of objects , input objects , and interface s ,
and all aspects of enum s , union s , and scalar s . """ type:TypeChangeSummaryCounts!}enum ChangeType{FAILURE NOTICE}type ChangelogLaunchResult{createdAt:Timestamp!schemaTagID:ID!}""" Destination for notifications """ interface Channel{id:ID!name:String!subscriptions:[ChannelSubscription!]!}interface ChannelSubscription{channels:[Channel!]!enabled:Boolean!id:ID!variant:String}type CheckConfiguration{""" Time when check configuration was created """ createdAt:Timestamp!""" Clients to ignore during validation """ excludedClients:[ClientFilter!]!""" Operation names to ignore during validation """ excludedOperationNames:[OperationNameFilter]""" Operations to ignore during validation """ excludedOperations:[ExcludedOperation!]!""" Graph that this check configuration belongs to """ graphID:ID!""" ID of the check configuration """ id:ID!""" Default configuration to include operations on the base variant . """ includeBaseVariant:Boolean!""" Variant overrides for validation """ includedVariants:[String!]!""" Minimum number of requests within the window for an operation to be considered . """ operationCountThreshold:Int!""" Number of requests within the window for an operation to be considered , relative to
total request count . Expected values are between 0 and 0 .05 ( minimum 5 % of
total request volume ) """ operationCountThresholdPercentage:Float!""" Only check operations from the last < timeRangeSeconds > seconds .
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The default is 7 days ( 604 , 800 seconds ) . """ timeRangeSeconds:Long!""" Time when check configuration was last updated """ updatedAt:Timestamp!""" Identity of the last user to update the check configuration """ updatedBy:Identity}""" Filter options available when listing checks . """ input CheckFilterInput{authors:[String!]branches:[String!]status:CheckFilterInputStatusOption subgraphs:[String!]}""" Options for filtering CheckWorkflows by status """ enum CheckFilterInputStatusOption{FAILED PASSED PENDING}""" The result of performing a subgraph check , including all steps . """ type CheckPartialSchemaResult{""" Overall result of the check . This will be null if composition validation was unsuccessful . """ checkSchemaResult:CheckSchemaResult """ Result of compostion run as part of the overall subgraph check . """ compositionValidationResult:CompositionValidationResult!""" Whether any modifications were detected in the composed core schema . """ coreSchemaModified:Boolean!""" Check workflow associated with the overall subgraph check . """ workflow:CheckWorkflow}type CheckSchemaResult{""" Schema diff and affected operations generated by the schema check """ diffToPrevious:SchemaDiff!""" ID of the operations check that was created """ operationsCheckID:ID!""" Generated url to view schema diff in Engine """ targetUrl:String """ Workflow associated with this check result """ workflow:CheckWorkflow}type CheckWorkflow{""" The variant provided as a base to check against . Only the differences from the
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
base schema will be tested in operations checks . """ baseVariant:GraphVariant completedAt:Timestamp createdAt:Timestamp!""" Contextual parameters supplied by the runtime environment where the check was run . """ gitContext:GitContext id:ID!""" The name of the implementing service that was responsible for triggering the validation . """ implementingServiceName:String """ If this check is triggered for an sdl fetched using introspection , this is the endpoint where that schema was being served . """ introspectionEndpoint:String """ Only true if the check was triggered from Sandbox Checks page . """ isSandboxCheck:Boolean!""" If this check was created by rerunning , the original check that was rerun . """ rerunOf:CheckWorkflow """ Checks created by re - running this check , most recent first . """ reruns(limit:Int!=20):[CheckWorkflow!]startedAt:Timestamp """ Overall status of the workflow , based on the underlying task statuses . """ status:CheckWorkflowStatus!""" The set of check tasks associated with this workflow , e . g . OperationsCheck , GraphComposition , etc . """ tasks:[CheckWorkflowTask!]!""" Identity of the user who ran this check """ triggeredBy:Identity """ Configuration of validation at the time the check was run . """ validationConfig:SchemaDiffValidationConfig}type CheckWorkflowMutation{""" Re - run a check workflow using the current configuration . A new workflow is created and returned . """ rerun:CheckWorkflowRerunResult}type CheckWorkflowRerunResult{""" Check workflow created by re - running . """ result:CheckWorkflow """ Check workflow that was rerun . """ source:CheckWorkflow}enum CheckWorkflowStatus{FAILED PASSED PENDING}interface CheckWorkflowTask{completedAt:Timestamp createdAt:Timestamp!id:ID!status:CheckWorkflowTaskStatus!""" The workflow that this task belongs to . """ workflow:CheckWorkflow!}enum CheckWorkflowTaskStatus{BLOCKED FAILED PASSED PENDING}""" Client filter configuration for a graph . """ type ClientFilter{""" name of the client set by the user and reported alongside metrics """ name:String """ version of the client set by the user and reported alongside metrics """ version:String}""" Options to filter by client reference ID , client name , and client version .
If passing client version , make sure to either provide a client reference ID or client name . """ input ClientFilterInput{""" name of the client set by the user and reported alongside metrics """ name:String """ version of the client set by the user and reported alongside metrics """ version:String}""" Filter options to exclude by client reference ID , client name , and client version . """ input ClientInfoFilter{name:String """ Ignored """ referenceID:ID version:String}""" Filter options to exclude clients . Used as an output type for SchemaDiffValidationConfig . """ type ClientInfoFilterOutput{name:String version:String}enum ComparisonOperator{EQUALS GREATER_THAN GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO LESS_THAN LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO NOT_EQUALS UNRECOGNIZED}""" The result of composition run in the cloud , upon an attempted subgraph deletion . """ type CompositionAndRemoveResult{""" The produced composition config . Will be null if there are any errors """ compositionConfig:CompositionConfig """ Whether the removed implementing service existed . """ didExist:Boolean!""" List of errors during composition . Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
graph variant ' s subgraphs into a GraphQL schema . If present , gateways / routers
are not updated . """ errors:[SchemaCompositionError]!""" ID that points to the results of composition . """ graphCompositionID:String!""" List of subgraphs that are included in this composition . """ subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!""" Whether the gateway / router was updated via Uplink , or would have been for dry runs . """ updatedGateway:Boolean!}""" The result of composition run in the cloud , upon attempted publish of a subgraph . """ type CompositionAndUpsertResult{""" The produced composition config , or null if there are any errors . """ compositionConfig:CompositionConfig """ List of errors during composition . Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
graph variant ' s subgraphs into a supergraph schema . If present , gateways / routers
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
are not updated . """ errors:[SchemaCompositionError]!""" ID that points to the results of composition . """ graphCompositionID:String!""" Copy text for the launch result of a publish . """ launchCliCopy:String """ Link to corresponding launches page on Studio if available . """ launchUrl:String """ List of subgraphs that are included in this composition . """ subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!""" Whether the gateway / router was updated via Uplink , or would have been for dry runs . """ updatedGateway:Boolean!""" Whether a subgraph was created as part of this mutation . """ wasCreated:Boolean!""" Whether an implementingService was updated as part of this mutation """ wasUpdated:Boolean!}type CompositionBuildInput{subgraphs:[Subgraph!]!version:String}type CompositionCheckTask implements CheckWorkflowTask{completedAt:Timestamp createdAt:Timestamp!id:ID!""" The result of the composition . """ result:CompositionResult status:CheckWorkflowTaskStatus!workflow:CheckWorkflow!}""" Composition configuration exposed to the gateway . """ type CompositionConfig{""" List of GCS links for implementing services that comprise a composed graph . Is empty if tag / inaccessible is enabled . """ implementingServiceLocations:[ImplementingServiceLocation!]!@deprecated(reason:"Soon we will stop writing to GCS locations")""" Hash of the API schema . """ schemaHash:String!}""" The result of composition run in the cloud . """ type CompositionPublishResult implements CompositionResult{""" The produced composition config . Will be null if there are any errors """ compositionConfig:CompositionConfig """ Supergraph SDL generated by composition ( this is not the CSDL , that is a deprecated format ) . """ csdl:GraphQLDocument@deprecated(reason:"Use supergraphSdl instead")""" List of errors during composition . Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
graph variant ' s subgraphs into a supergraph schema . If present , gateways / routers
are not updated . """ errors:[SchemaCompositionError!]!""" ID for a particular composition . """ graphCompositionID:ID!""" List of subgraphs that are included in this composition . """ subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!""" Supergraph SDL generated by composition . """ supergraphSdl:GraphQLDocument """ Whether the gateway / router was updated via Uplink , or would have been for dry runs . """ updatedGateway:Boolean!webhookNotificationBody:String}""" Result of a composition , often as the result of a subgraph check or subgraph publish .
See implementations for more details . """ interface CompositionResult{""" Supergraph SDL generated by composition ( this is not the cSDL , a deprecated format ) . """ csdl:GraphQLDocument@deprecated(reason:"Use supergraphSdl instead")""" List of errors during composition . Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
graph variant ' s subgraphs into a supergraph schema . If present , gateways / routers
are not updated . """ errors:[SchemaCompositionError!]!""" Globally unique identifier for the composition . """ graphCompositionID:ID!""" List of subgraphs included in this composition . """ subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!""" Supergraph SDL generated by composition . """ supergraphSdl:GraphQLDocument}type CompositionStatusSubscription implements ChannelSubscription{channels:[Channel!]!createdAt:Timestamp!enabled:Boolean!id:ID!lastUpdatedAt:Timestamp!variant:String}""" The composition config exposed to the gateway """ type CompositionValidationDetails{""" List of implementing service partial schema s that comprised the graph composed during validation """ implementingServices:[FederatedImplementingServicePartialSchema!]!""" Hash of the composed schema """ schemaHash:String}""" Metadata about the result of compositions validation run in the cloud , during a subgraph check . """ type CompositionValidationResult implements CompositionResult{""" Describes whether composition succeeded . """ compositionSuccess:Boolean!""" Akin to a composition config , represents the subgraph schema s and corresponding subgraphs that were used
in running composition . Will be null if any errors are encountered . Also may contain a schema hash if
on e could be computed , which can be used for schema validation . """ compositionValidationDetails:CompositionValidationDetails """ Supergraph SDL generated by composition ( this is not the CSDL , that is a deprecated format ) . """ csdl:GraphQLDocument@deprecated(reason:"Use supergraphSdl instead")""" List of errors during composition . Errors mean that Apollo was unable to compose the
graph variant ' s subgraphs into a supergraph schema . If present , gateways / routers
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
are not updated . """ errors:[SchemaCompositionError!]!""" ID that points to the results of this composition . """ graphCompositionID:ID!""" The implementing service that was responsible for triggering the validation """ proposedImplementingService:FederatedImplementingServicePartialSchema!""" List of subgraphs that are included in this composition . """ subgraphConfigs:[SubgraphConfig!]!""" Supergraph schema document generated by composition . """ supergraphSdl:GraphQLDocument """ If created as part of a check workflow , the associated workflow task . """ workflowTask:CompositionCheckTask}type ContractPreview{result:ContractPreviewResult!upstreamLaunch:Launch!}type ContractPreviewErrors{errors:[String!]!failedAt:ContractVariantFailedStep!}union ContractPreviewResult=ContractPreviewErrors|ContractPreviewSuccess type ContractPreviewSuccess{apiDocument:String!coreDocument:String!fieldCount:Int!typeCount:Int!}enum ContractVariantFailedStep{ADD_DIRECTIVE_DEFINITIONS_IF_NOT_PRESENT DIRECTIVE_DEFINITION_LOCATION_AUGMENTING EMPTY_ENUM_MASKING EMPTY_INPUT_OBJECT_MASKING EMPTY_OBJECT_AND_INTERFACE_FIELD_MASKING EMPTY_OBJECT_AND_INTERFACE_MASKING EMPTY_UNION_MASKING INPUT_VALIDATION PARSING PARSING_TAG_DIRECTIVES PARTIAL_INTERFACE_MASKING SCHEMA_RETRIEVAL TAG_INHERITING TAG_MATCHING TO_API_SCHEMA TO_FILTER_SCHEMA UNKNOWN VERSION_CHECK}type ContractVariantPreviewErrors{errorMessages:[String!]!failedStep:ContractVariantFailedStep!}union ContractVariantPreviewResult=ContractVariantPreviewErrors|ContractVariantPreviewSuccess type ContractVariantPreviewSuccess{baseApiSchema:String!baseCoreSchema:String!contractApiSchema:String!contractCoreSchema:String!}type ContractVariantUpsertErrors{errorMessages:[String!]!}union ContractVariantUpsertResult=ContractVariantUpsertErrors|ContractVariantUpsertSuccess type ContractVariantUpsertSuccess{contractVariant:GraphVariant!}type CoreSchema{apiDocument:GraphQLDocument!coreDocument:GraphQLDocument!coreHash:String!fieldCount:Int!tags:[String!]!typeCount:Int!}union CreateOperationCollectionResult=OperationCollection|PermissionError|ValidationError type CronExecution{completedAt:Timestamp failure:String id:ID!job:CronJob!resolvedAt:Timestamp resolvedBy:Actor schedule:String!startedAt:Timestamp!}type CronJob{group:String!name:String!recentExecutions(n:Int):[CronExecution!]!}enum DatadogApiRegion{EU EU1 US US1 US1FED US3 US5}type DatadogMetricsConfig{apiKey:String!apiRegion:DatadogApiRegion!enabled:Boolean!legacyMetricNames:Boolean!}union DeleteOperationCollectionResult=DeleteOperationCollectionSuccess|PermissionError type DeleteOperationCollectionSuccess{sandboxOwner:User variants:[GraphVariant!]!}""" The result of attempting to delete a graph variant . """ type DeleteSchemaTagResult{""" WHether a variant was deleted or not . """ deleted:Boolean!}enum DeletionTargetType{ACCOUNT USER}""" Support for a single directive on a graph variant """ type DirectiveSupportStatus{""" whether the directive is supported on the current graph variant """ enabled:Boolean!""" name of the directive """ name:String!}union DuplicateOperationCollectionResult=OperationCollection|PermissionError|ValidationError type DurationHistogram{averageDurationMs:Float buckets:[DurationHistogramBucket!]!durationMs(""" Percentile ( between 0 and 1 ) """ percentile:Float!):Float """ Counts per durationBucket , where sequences of zeroes are replaced with the negative of their size """ sparseBuckets:[Long!]!totalCount:Long!totalDurationMs:Float!}type DurationHistogramBucket{count:Long!index:Int!rangeBeginMs:Float!rangeEndMs:Float!}input EdgeServerInfo{""" A randomly generated UUID , immutable for the lifetime of the edge server runtime . """ bootId:String!""" A unique identifier for the executable GraphQL served by the edge server . length must be < = 64 characters . """ executableSchemaId:String!""" The graph variant , defaults to ' current ' """ graphVariant:String!="current" """ The version of the edge server reporting agent , e . g . apollo - server - 2 .8 , graphql - java - 3 .1 , etc . length must be < = 256 characters . """ libraryVersion:String """ The infra environment in which this edge server is runnin
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
See https : / / www . apollographql . com / docs / federation / managed - federation / overview / for more information . """ type FederatedImplementingService{""" The subgraph schema actively published , used for composition for the graph variant this subgraph belongs to . """ activePartialSchema:PartialSchema!""" Timestamp of when this subgraph was created . """ createdAt:Timestamp!""" The ID of the graph this subgraph belongs to . """ graphID:String!""" Which variant of a graph this subgraph belongs to . """ graphVariant:String!""" Name of the subgraph . """ name:String!""" The particular version / edition of a subgraph , entered by users . Typically a Git SHA or docker image ID . """ revision:String!""" Timestamp for when this subgraph was updated . """ updatedAt:Timestamp!""" URL of the subgraph ' s GraphQL endpoint . """ url:String}""" A minimal representation of a federated implementing service , using on ly a name and partial schema SDL """ type FederatedImplementingServicePartialSchema{""" The name of the implementing service """ name:String!""" The partial schema of the implementing service """ sdl:String!}""" Container for a list of subgraphs composing a graph . """ type FederatedImplementingServices{""" The list of underlying subgraphs . """ services:[FederatedImplementingService!]!}""" Counts of changes at the field level , including objects , interface s , and input fields . """ type FieldChangeSummaryCounts{""" Number of changes that are additions of fields to object , interface , and input types . """ additions:Int!""" Number of changes that are field edits . This includes fields changing type and any field
deprecation and description changes , but also includes any argument changes and any input object
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
field changes . """ edits:Int!""" Number of changes that are removals of fields from object , interface , and input types . """ removals:Int!}""" Columns of FieldExecutions . """ enum FieldExecutionsColumn{ESTIMATED_EXECUTION_COUNT FIELD_NAME OBSERVED_EXECUTION_COUNT PARENT_TYPE REFERENCING_OPERATION_COUNT SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP}type FieldExecutionsDimensions{fieldName:String parentType:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in FieldExecutions . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input FieldExecutionsFilter{and:[FieldExecutionsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose fieldName dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { fieldName : [ null ] } } instead . """ fieldName:String in:FieldExecutionsFilterIn not:FieldExecutionsFilter or:[FieldExecutionsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose parentType dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { parentType : [ null ] } } instead . """ parentType:String """ Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String """ Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { serviceId : [ null ] } } instead . """ serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in FieldExecutions . Fields match if the corresponding dimension ' s value is in the given list . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input FieldExecutionsFilterIn{""" Selects rows whose fieldName dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ fieldName:[String]""" Selects rows whose parentType dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ parentType:[String]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ schemaTag:[String]""" Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ serviceId:[ID]}type FieldExecutionsMetrics{estimatedExecutionCount:Long!observedExecutionCount:Long!referencingOperationCount:Long!}input FieldExecutionsOrderBySpec{column:FieldExecutionsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type FieldExecutionsRecord{""" Dimensions of FieldExecutions that can be grouped by . """ groupBy:FieldExecutionsDimensions!""" Metrics of FieldExecutions that can be aggregated over . """ metrics:FieldExecutionsMetrics!""" Starting segment timestamp . """ timestamp:Timestamp!}""" Columns of FieldLatencies . """ enum FieldLatenciesColumn{FIELD_HISTOGRAM FIELD_NAME PARENT_TYPE SCHEMA_HASH SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP}type FieldLatenciesDimensions{field:String fieldName:String parentType:String schemaHash:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in FieldLatencies . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input FieldLatenciesFilter{and:[FieldLatenciesFilter!]""" Selects rows whose fieldName dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { fieldName : [ null ] } } instead . """ fieldName:String in:FieldLatenciesFilterIn not:FieldLatenciesFilter or:[FieldLatenciesFilter!]""" Selects rows whose parentType dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { parentType : [ null ] } } instead . """ parentType:String """ Selects rows whose schema Hash dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaHash : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaHash:String """ Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String """ Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { serviceId : [ null ] } } instead . """ serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in FieldLatencies . Fields match if the corresponding dimension ' s value is in the
See https : / / www . apollographql . com / docs / studio / org / graphs / for more details . """ type GraphVariant{""" As new schema tags keep getting published , activeSchemaPublish refers to the latest . """ activeSchemaPublish:SchemaTag """ The version of composition currently in use , if applicable """ compositionVersion:String """ Filter configuration used to create the contract schema """ contractFilterConfig:FilterConfig """ Preview a Contract schema built from this source variant . """ contractPreview(filters:FilterConfigInput!):ContractPreview!defaultHeaders:String@deprecated(reason:"Use sharedHeaders instead")derivedVariantCount:Int!""" Graph the variant belongs to . """ graph:Service!""" Graph ID of the variant . Prefer using graph { id } when feasible . """ graphId:String!""" If the variant has managed subgraphs . """ hasManagedSubgraphs:Boolean """ Global identifier for the graph variant , in the form ` graph @variant ` . """ id:ID!""" Represents whether this variant is a Contract . """ isContract:Boolean!""" Is this variant on e of the current user ' s favorite variants ? """ isFavoriteOfCurrentUser:Boolean!""" If the variant has managed subgraphs . """ isFederated:Boolean@deprecated(reason:"Replaced by hasManagedSubgraphs")""" If the variant is protected """ isProtected:Boolean!isPublic:Boolean!""" Represents whether this variant should be listed in the public variants directory . This can on ly be true if the variant is also public . """ isPubliclyListed:Boolean!""" Represents whether Apollo has verified the authenticity of this public variant . This can on ly be true if the variant is also public . """ isVerified:Boolean!""" Latest approved launch for the variant , and what is served through Uplink . """ latestApprovedLaunch:Launch """ Latest launch for the variant , whether successful or not . """ latestLaunch:Launch """ Latest publication for the variant . """ latestPublication:SchemaTag launch(id:ID!):Launch launchHistory(limit:Int!=100):[Launch!]!links:[LinkInfo!]""" Name of the variant , like ` variant ` . """ name:String!operationCollections:[OperationCollection!]!""" Which permissions the current user has for interacting with this variant """ permissions:GraphVariantPermissions!""" Generate a federated operation plan for a given operation """ plan(document:GraphQLDocument!operationName:String):QueryPlan """ Explorer setting for preflight script to run before the actual GraphQL operations is run . """ preflightScript:String readme:Readme """ Registry stats for this particular graph variant """ registryStatsWindow(from:Timestamp!resolution:Resolution to:Timestamp):RegistryStatsWindow """ The total number of requests for this variant in the last 24 hours """ requestsInLastDay:Long """ If the graphql endpoint is set up to accept cookies . """ sendCookies:Boolean """ Explorer setting for shared headers for a graph """ sharedHeaders:String sourceVariant:GraphVariant """ Subgraph of a given name , null if non - existent . """ subgraph(name:ID!):FederatedImplementingService """ List of subgraphs that comprise a variant , null if not federated .
Set includeDeleted to see deleted subgraphs . """ subgraphs(includeDeleted:Boolean!=false):[FederatedImplementingService!]""" URL where subscription operations can be executed . """ subscriptionUrl:String """ A list of supported directive s """ supportedDirectives:[DirectiveSupportStatus!]""" URL where non - subscription operations can be executed . """ url:String """ The last instant that usage information ( e . g . operation stat , client stats ) was reported for this variant """ usageLastReportedAt:Timestamp}""" Result of looking up a variant by ref """ union GraphVariantLookup=GraphVariant|InvalidRefFormat """ Modifies a variant of a graph , also called a schema tag in parts of our product . """ type GraphVariantMutation{addLinkToVariant(title:String type:LinkInfoType!url:String!):GraphVariant!configureComposition(enableTagAndInaccessible:Boolean version:String):GraphVariant """ Delete the variant . """ delete:DeleteSchemaTagResult!enableTagAndInaccessible(enabled:Boolean!):GraphVariant@deprecated(reason:"Use configureComposition instead")""" Graph ID of the variant """ graphId:String!""" Global identifier for the graph variant , in the form ` graph @variant ` . """ id:ID!""" Name of the variant , like ` variant ` . """ name:String!relaunch:RelaunchResult!removeLinkFromVariant(linkInfoId:ID!):GraphVariant!setIsFavoriteOfCurrentUser(favorite:Boolean!):GraphVariant!updateDefaultHeaders(defaultHeaders:String):GraphVariant@deprecated(reason:"Use updateSharedHeaders instead")updateIsProtected(isProtected:Boolean!):GraphVariant updatePreflightScript(preflightScript:String):GraphVariant updateSendCookies(sendCookies:Boolean!):GraphVariant updateSharedHeaders(sharedHeaders:String):GraphVariant updateSubscriptionURL(subscriptionUrl:String):GraphVariant updateURL(url:String):GraphVariant updateVariantIsPublic(isPublic:Boolean!):GraphVariant updateVariantIsPubliclyListed(isPubliclyListed:Boolean!):GraphVariant updateVariantIsVerified(isVerified:Boolean!):GraphVariant updateVariantReadme(readme:String!):GraphVariant}""" A map from permission String to boolean that the currently authenticated user is allowed for a particular graph variant . """ type GraphVariantPermissions{canCreateCollectionInVariant:Boolean!""" Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to manage / update the build configuration ( e . g . build pipeline version ) for this variant . """ canManageBuildConfig:Boolean!""" Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to update variant - level settings for the Schema Explorer . """ canManageExplorerSettings:Boolean!""" Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to publish schema s to this variant . """ canPushSchemas:Boolean!""" Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to view details regarding the build configuration ( e . g . build pipeline version ) for this variant . """ canQueryBuildConfig:Boolean!""" Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to download schema s associated to this variant . """ canQuerySchemas:Boolean!canShareCollectionInVariant:Boolean!canUpdateVariantLinkInfo:Boolean!""" Whether the currently authenticated user is permitted to update the README for this variant . """ canUpdateVariantReadme:Boolean!variantId:ID!}enum HTTPMethod{CONNECT DELETE GET HEAD OPTIONS PATCH POST PUT TRACE UNKNOWN UNRECOGNIZED}input HistoricQueryParameters{""" A list of clients to filter out during validation . """ excludedClients:[ClientInfoFilter!]=null """ A list of operation names to filter out during validation . """ excludedOperationNames:[OperationNameFilterInput!]=null from:Timestamp="-86400" """ A list of operation IDs to filter out during validation . """ ignoredOperations:[ID!]=null """ A list of variants to include in the validation . If no variants are provided
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then this defaults to the "current" variant along with the base variant . The
base variant indicates the schema that generates diff and marks the metrics that
are checked for broken queries . We union this base variant with the untagged values ( ' ' ,
same as null inside of ` in ` , and ' current ' ) in this metrics fetch . This strategy
supports users who have not tagged their metrics or schema . """ includedVariants:[String!]=null """ Minimum number of requests within the window for a query to be considered . """ queryCountThreshold:Int=1 """ Number of requests within the window for a query to be considered , relative to
total request count . Expected values are between 0 and 0 .05 ( minimum 5 % of total
request volume ) """ queryCountThresholdPercentage:Float=0 to:Timestamp="-0"}""" An identity ( e . g . Anonymous , a specific User ) within Apollo Studio . See implementations . """ interface Identity{""" A view of the identity as an Actor type . """ asActor:Actor!""" An identifier for a given identity , unique within the context of the identity type . """ id:ID!""" A human - readable name for the identity in question . """ name:String!}""" An actor ' s identity and info about the client they used to perform the action """ type IdentityAndClientInfo{""" Client name provided when the actor performed the action """ clientName:String """ Client version provided when the actor performed the action """ clientVersion:String """ Identity info about the actor """ identity:Identity}union IdentityMutation=ServiceMutation|UserMutation type IgnoreOperationsInChecksResult{graph:Service!}""" The location of the implementing service config file in storage """ type ImplementingServiceLocation{""" The name of the implementing service """ name:String!""" The path in storage to access the implementing service config file """ path:String!}type InternalAdminUser{role:InternalMdgAdminRole!userID:String!}type InternalIdentity implements Identity{accounts:[Account!]!asActor:Actor!email:String id:ID!name:String!}enum InternalMdgAdminRole{INTERNAL_MDG_READ_ONLY INTERNAL_MDG_SALES INTERNAL_MDG_SUPER_ADMIN INTERNAL_MDG_SUPPORT}type IntrospectionDirective{args:[IntrospectionInputValue!]!description:String locations:[IntrospectionDirectiveLocation!]!name:String!}input IntrospectionDirectiveInput{args:[IntrospectionInputValueInput!]!description:String isRepeatable:Boolean locations:[IntrospectionDirectiveLocation!]!name:String!}""" __DirectiveLocation introspection type """ enum IntrospectionDirectiveLocation{""" Location adjacent to an argument definition . """ ARGUMENT_DEFINITION """ Location adjacent to an enum definition . """ ENUM """ Location adjacent to an enum value definition . """ ENUM_VALUE """ Location adjacent to a field . """ FIELD """ Location adjacent to a field definition . """ FIELD_DEFINITION """ Location adjacent to a fragment definition . """ FRAGMENT_DEFINITION """ Location adjacent to a fragment spread . """ FRAGMENT_SPREAD """ Location adjacent to an inline fragment . """ INLINE_FRAGMENT """ Location adjacent to an input object field definition . """ INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION """ Location adjacent to an input object type definition . """ INPUT_OBJECT """ Location adjacent to an interface definition . """ INTERFACE """ Location adjacent to a mutation operation . """ MUTATION """ Location adjacent to an object type definition . """ OBJECT """ Location adjacent to a query operation . """ QUERY """ Location adjacent to a scalar definition . """ SCALAR """ Location adjacent to a schema definition . """ SCHEMA """ Location adjacent to a subscription operation . """ SUBSCRIPTION """ Location adjacent to a union definition . """ UNION """ Location adjacent to a variable definition . """ VARIABLE_DEFINITION}""" Values associated with introspection result for an enum value """ type IntrospectionEnumValue{depreactionReason:String@deprecated(reason:"Use deprecationReason instead")deprecationReason:String description:String isDeprecated:Boolean!name:String!}""" __EnumValue introspection type """ input IntrospectionEnumValueInput{deprecationReason:String description:String isDeprecated:Boolean!name:String!}""" Values associated with introspection result for field """ type IntrospectionField{args:[IntrospectionInputValue!]!deprecationReason:String description:String isDeprecated:Boolean!name:String!type:IntrospectionType!}""" __Field introspection type """ input IntrospectionFieldInput{args:[IntrospectionInputValueInput!]!deprecationReason:String description:String isDeprecated:Boolean!name:String!type:IntrospectionTypeInput!}""" Values associated with introspection result for an input field """ type IntrospectionInputValue{defaultValue:String description:String name:String!type:IntrospectionType!}""" __Value introspection type """ input IntrospectionInputValueInput { defaultValue : String deprecationReason : String description : String isDeprecated : Boolean nam
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fields """ INTERFACE """ Indicates this type is a list . ' ofType ' is a valid field . """ LIST """ Indicates this type is a non - null . ' ofType ' is a valid field . """ NON_NULL """ Indicates this type is an object . ' fields ' and ' interface s ' are valid fields . """ OBJECT """ Indicates this type is a scalar . """ SCALAR """ Indicates this type is a union . ' possibleTypes ' is a valid field . """ UNION}""" Shallow __Type introspection type """ input IntrospectionTypeRefInput{kind:String name:String!}type InvalidOperation{errors:[OperationValidationError!]signature:ID!}""" Type returned by reference lookup when the reference was invalid """ type InvalidRefFormat implements Error{message:String!}type InvalidTarget implements Error{message:String!}type Invoice{closedAt:Timestamp collectionMethod:String createdAt:Timestamp!invoiceNumber:Int!state:InvoiceState!totalInCents:Int!updatedAt:Timestamp!uuid:ID!}enum InvoiceState{COLLECTED FAILED OPEN PAST_DUE UNKNOWN}enum InvoiceStateV2{COLLECTED FAILED OPEN PAST_DUE UNKNOWN}type InvoiceV2{closedAt:Timestamp collectionMethod:String createdAt:Timestamp!invoiceNumber:Int!state:InvoiceStateV2!totalInCents:Int!updatedAt:Timestamp!uuid:ID!}""" A Launch represents the complete process of making a set of updates to your deployed graph . """ type Launch{""" The time at which this launch was approved . """ approvedAt:Timestamp """ The build for the variant being launched . Is non - null on ce the build is initiated . """ build:Build """ Set of items that will be passed to the build . """ buildInput:BuildInput!""" The time at which this launch completed . """ completedAt:Timestamp """ The time at which this launch initiated . """ createdAt:Timestamp!""" Contract launches that were triggered by this launch . """ downstreamLaunches:[Launch!]!""" The ID of the graph that this launch was initiated for . """ graphId:String!""" The name of the variant that this launch was initiated for . """ graphVariant:String!""" Unique identifier for this launch . """ id:ID!isAvailable:Boolean """ Whether the launch completed . """ isCompleted:Boolean """ Whether the launch was published . """ isPublished:Boolean isTarget:Boolean """ Returns the most recent launch sequence step . """ latestSequenceStep:LaunchSequenceStep """ A specific publication of a graph variant pertaining to this launch . """ publication:SchemaTag """ The outcome of the launch . """ results:[LaunchResult!]!schemaTag:SchemaTag """ This represents a sequence in the Launch . Returns a list of sequence steps that represents points of time in the launch . """ sequence:[LaunchSequenceStep!]!""" A shortened version of Launch . id . Contains the first 8 characters of the ID . """ shortenedID:String!""" The status of the launch . """ status:LaunchStatus!""" Changes that were made to the subgraphs for this launch . """ subgraphChanges:[SubgraphChange!]""" The time at which this launch was superseded by another launch . """ supersededAt:Timestamp """ Represents the launch that caused this launch to not continue / publish . """ supersededBy:Launch """ Upstream launch represents the launch of the source variant . """ upstreamLaunch:Launch}""" more result type s will be supported in the future """ union LaunchResult=ChangelogLaunchResult type LaunchSequenceBuildStep{completedAt:Timestamp startedAt:Timestamp}type LaunchSequenceCheckStep{completedAt:Timestamp startedAt:Timestamp}type LaunchSequenceCompletedStep{completedAt:Timestamp}type LaunchSequenceInitiatedStep{startedAt:Timestamp}type LaunchSequencePublishStep{completedAt:Timestamp startedAt:Timestamp}union LaunchSequenceStep=LaunchSequenceBuildStep|LaunchSequenceCheckStep|LaunchSequenceCompletedStep|LaunchSequenceInitiatedStep|LaunchSequencePublishStep|LaunchSequenceSupersededStep type LaunchSequenceSupersededStep{completedAt:Timestamp}enum LaunchStatus{LAUNCH_COMPLETED LAUNCH_FAILED LAUNCH_INITIATED}type LinkInfo{createdAt:Timestamp!id:ID!title:String type:LinkInfoType!url:String!}enum LinkInfoType{DEVELOPER_PORTAL OTHER REPOSITORY}""" Long type """ scalar Long type MarkChangesForOperationAsSafeResult{""" Nice to have for the frontend since the Apollo cache is already watching for AffectedQuery to update .
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This might return null if no behavior changes were found for the affected operation ID .
This is a weird situation that should never happen . """ affectedOperation:AffectedQuery message:String!success:Boolean!}type MediaUploadInfo{csrfToken:String!maxContentLength:Int!url:String!}union MoveOperationCollectionEntryResult=InvalidTarget|MoveOperationCollectionEntrySuccess|PermissionError type MoveOperationCollectionEntrySuccess{operation:OperationCollectionEntry!originCollection:OperationCollection!targetCollection:OperationCollection!}type Mutation{account(id:ID!):AccountMutation """ Creates an operation collection for the given variantRefs , or make a sandbox collection without variantRefs . """ createOperationCollection(description:String editRoles:[UserPermission!]isSandbox:Boolean!isShared:Boolean!name:String!variantRefs:[ID!]):CreateOperationCollectionResult!""" Finalize a password reset with a token included in the E - mail link ,
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returns the corresponding login email when successful """ finalizePasswordReset(newPassword:String!resetToken:String!):String """ Mutation a graph . """ graph(id:ID!):ServiceMutation """ Join an account with a token """ joinAccount(accountId:ID!joinToken:String!):Account me:IdentityMutation newAccount(companyUrl:String id:ID!):Account newService(accountId:ID!description:String hiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers:Boolean!=false id:ID!isDev:Boolean!=false name:String onboardingArchitecture:OnboardingArchitecture title:String):Service operationCollection(id:ID!):OperationCollectionMutation """ Report a running GraphQL server ' s schema . """ reportSchema(""" Only sent if previously requested i . e . received ReportSchemaResult with withCoreSchema = true . This is a GraphQL schema document as a string . Note that for a GraphQL server with a core schema , this should be the core schema , not the API schema . """ coreSchema:String """ Information about server and its schema . """ report:SchemaReport!):ReportSchemaResult """ Ask for a user ' s password to be reset by E - mail """ resetPassword(email:String!):Void resolveAllInternalCronExecutions(group:String name:String):Void resolveInternalCronExecution(id:ID!):CronExecution service(id:ID!):ServiceMutation """ Set the subscription s for a given email """ setSubscriptions(email:String!subscriptions:[EmailCategory!]!token:String!):EmailPreferences """ Set the studio settings for the current user """ setUserSettings(newSettings:UserSettingsInput):UserSettings signUp(email:String!fullName:String!password:String!referrer:String trackingGoogleClientId:String trackingMarketoClientId:String userSegment:UserSegment utmCampaign:String utmMedium:String utmSource:String):User """ This is called by the form shown to users after they delete their user or organization account . """ submitPostDeletionFeedback(feedback:String!targetIdentifier:ID!targetType:DeletionTargetType!):Void """ Mutation for basic engagement tracking in studio """ track(event:EventEnum!graphID:String!graphVariant:String!="current"):Void """ Rover session tracking . Reserved to https : / / rover . apollo . dev / telemetry ( https : / / github . com / apollographql / orbiter ) . """ trackRoverSession(anonymousId:ID!arguments:[RoverArgumentInput!]!ci:String command:String!cwdHash:SHA256!os:String!remoteUrlHash:SHA256 sessionId:ID!version:String!):Void """ Unsubscribe a given email from all emails """ unsubscribeFromAll(email:String!token:String!):EmailPreferences user(id:ID!):UserMutation}type NamedIntrospectionArg{description:String name:String}type NamedIntrospectionArgNoDescription{name:String}""" The shared fields for a named introspection type . Currently this is returned for the
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top level value affected by a change . In the future , we may update this
type to be an interface , which is extend ed by the more specific type s :
scalar , object , input object , union , interface , and enum
For an in - depth look at where these type s come from , see :
https : / / github . com / DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / blob / 659eb50d3 / type s / graphql / utilities / introspectionQuery . d . ts #L31-L37""" type NamedIntrospectionType{description:String kind:IntrospectionTypeKind name:String}type NamedIntrospectionTypeNoDescription{name:String}"""Introspection values that can be children of other types for changes, such
as input fields , objects in interface s , enum values . In the future , this
value could become an interface to allow fields specific to the type s
returned . """ type NamedIntrospectionValue{description:String name:String printedType:String}type NamedIntrospectionValueNoDescription{name:String printedType:String}""" A non - federated service for a monolithic graph . """ type NonFederatedImplementingService{""" Timestamp of when this implementing service was created . """ createdAt:Timestamp!""" Identifies which graph this non - implementing service belongs to .
Formerly known as "service_id" . """ graphID:String!""" Specifies which variant of a graph this implementing service belongs to " .
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
Formerly known as "tag" . """ graphVariant:String!}type NotFoundError implements Error{message:String!}""" Arbitrary JSON object """ scalar Object type OdysseyAttempt{completedAt:Timestamp id:ID!responses:[OdysseyResponse!]!startedAt:Timestamp!testId:String!}type OdysseyCertification{certificationId:String!earnedAt:Timestamp!id:ID!owner:OdysseyCertificationOwner}type OdysseyCertificationOwner{fullName:String!id:ID!}type OdysseyCourse{completedAt:Timestamp enrolledAt:Timestamp id:ID!}input OdysseyCourseInput{completedAt:Timestamp courseId:String!}type OdysseyResponse{correct:Boolean!id:ID!questionId:String!values:[OdysseyValue!]!}input OdysseyResponseInput{attemptId:ID!correct:Boolean!questionId:String!values:[String!]!}type OdysseyTask{completedAt:Timestamp id:ID!value:String}input OdysseyTaskInput{completedAt:Timestamp taskId:String!value:String}type OdysseyValue{id:ID!value:String!}enum OnboardingArchitecture{MONOLITH SUPERGRAPH}type Operation{id:ID!name:String signature:String truncated:Boolean!}type OperationAcceptedChange{acceptedAt:Timestamp!acceptedBy:Identity!change:StoredApprovedChange!checkID:ID!graphID:ID!id:ID!operationID:String!}""" Columns of OperationCheckStats . """ enum OperationCheckStatsColumn{CACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP UNCACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT}type OperationCheckStatsDimensions{clientName:String clientVersion:String queryId:ID queryName:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in OperationCheckStats . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input OperationCheckStatsFilter{and:[OperationCheckStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { clientName : [ null ] } } instead . """ clientName:String """ Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { clientVersion : [ null ] } } instead . """ clientVersion:String in:OperationCheckStatsFilterIn not:OperationCheckStatsFilter or:[OperationCheckStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose query Id dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { queryId : [ null ] } } instead . """ queryId:ID """ Selects rows whose query Name dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { queryName : [ null ] } } instead . """ queryName:String """ Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String """ Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { serviceId : [ null ] } } instead . """ serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in OperationCheckStats . Fields match if the corresponding dimension ' s value is in the given list . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input OperationCheckStatsFilterIn{""" Selects rows whose clientName dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ clientName:[String]""" Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ clientVersion:[String]""" Selects rows whose query Id dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ queryId:[ID]""" Selects rows whose query Name dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ queryName:[String]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ schemaTag:[String]""" Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ serviceId:[ID]}type OperationCheckStatsMetrics{cachedRequestsCount:Long!uncachedRequestsCount:Long!}input OperationCheckStatsOrderBySpec{column:OperationCheckStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type OperationCheckStatsRecord{""" D
collection . This will be null if and on ly if \ ` isShared \ ` is false """ editRoles:[UserPermission!]@deprecated(reason:"deprecated in favour of minEditRole")id:ID!isFavorite:Boolean!isSandbox:Boolean!isShared:Boolean!lastUpdatedAt:Timestamp!lastUpdatedBy:Identity minEditRole:UserPermission name:String!operation(id:ID!):OperationCollectionEntryResult operations:[OperationCollectionEntry!]!""" Permissions the current user has for this collection """ permissions:OperationCollectionPermissions!variants:[GraphVariant!]!}type OperationCollectionEntry{collection:OperationCollection!createdAt:Timestamp!createdBy:Identity currentOperationRevision:OperationCollectionEntryState!id:ID!lastUpdatedAt:Timestamp!lastUpdatedBy:Identity name:String!orderingIndex:String!}type OperationCollectionEntryMutation{moveToCollection(collectionId:ID!lowerOrderingBound:String upperOrderingBound:String):MoveOperationCollectionEntryResult!reorderEntry(lowerOrderingBound:String upperOrderingBound:String):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateName(name:String!):UpdateOperationCollectionEntryResult updateValues(operationInput:OperationCollectionEntryStateInput!):UpdateOperationCollectionEntryResult}union OperationCollectionEntryMutationResult=NotFoundError|OperationCollectionEntryMutation|PermissionError union OperationCollectionEntryResult=NotFoundError|OperationCollectionEntry type OperationCollectionEntryState{body:String!createdAt:Timestamp!createdBy:Identity headers:[OperationHeader!]variables:String}input OperationCollectionEntryStateInput{body:String!headers:[OperationHeaderInput!]""" I ' m assuming this is non null """ variables:String}type OperationCollectionMutation{addOperation(name:String!operationInput:OperationCollectionEntryStateInput!):AddOperationCollectionEntryResult addToVariant(variantRef:ID!):AddOperationCollectionToVariantResult!@deprecated(reason:"Will throw NotImplemented")delete:DeleteOperationCollectionResult deleteOperation(id:ID!):RemoveOperationCollectionEntryResult duplicateCollection(description:String isSandbox:Boolean!isShared:Boolean!name:String!variantRef:ID):DuplicateOperationCollectionResult!operation(id:ID!):OperationCollectionEntryMutationResult removeFromVariant(variantRef:ID!):RemoveOperationCollectionFromVariantResult!@deprecated(reason:"Will throw NotImplemented")setMinEditRole(editRole:UserPermission):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateDescription(description:String):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateEditRoles(editRoles:[UserPermission!]!):UpdateOperationCollectionResult@deprecated(reason:"Deprecated in favour of setMinEditRole")updateIsFavorite(isFavorite:Boolean!):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateIsShared(isShared:Boolean!):UpdateOperationCollectionResult updateName(name:String!):UpdateOperationCollectionResult}type OperationCollectionPermissions{canEditOperations:Boolean!canManage:Boolean!canReadOperations:Boolean!}union OperationCollectionResult=NotFoundError|OperationCollection|PermissionError type OperationDocument{""" Operation document body """ body:String!""" Operation name """ name:String}input OperationDocumentInput{""" Operation document body """ body:String!""" Operation name """ name:String}type OperationHeader{name:String!value:String!}input OperationHeaderInput{name:String!value:String!}""" Operation name filter configuration for a graph . """ type OperationNameFilter{""" name of the operation by the user and reported alongside metrics """ name:String!}""" Options to filter by operation name . """ input OperationNameFilterInput{""" name of the operation set by the user and reported alongside metrics """ name:String!}type OperationValidationError{message:String!}type OperationsCheckResult{""" Operations affected by all changes in diff """ affectedQueries:[AffectedQuery!]""" Summary / counts for all changes in diff """ changeSummary:ChangeSummary!""" List of schema changes with associated affected clients and operations """ changes:[Change!]!""" Indication of the success of the change , either failure , warning , or notice . """ checkSeverity:ChangeSeverity!""" The variant that was used as a base to check against """ checked
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
One of the fields must be specified ( validated server - side ) .
If a new partialSchemaSDL is passed in , this operation will store it before
creating the association .
If both the sdl and hash are specified , an error will be thrown if the provided
hash doesn ' t match our hash of the sdl contents . If the sdl field is specified ,
the hash does not need to be and will be computed server - side . """ input PartialSchemaInput{""" Hash of the partial schema to associate ; error is thrown if on ly the hash is
specified and the hash has not been seen before """ hash:String """ Contents of the partial schema in SDL syntax , but may reference type s
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
that aren ' t defined in this document """ sdl:String}type PermissionError implements Error{message:String!}type PromoteSchemaError{code:PromoteSchemaErrorCode!message:String!}enum PromoteSchemaErrorCode{CANNOT_PROMOTE_SCHEMA_FOR_FEDERATED_GRAPH}type PromoteSchemaResponse{code:PromoteSchemaResponseCode!tag:SchemaTag!}enum PromoteSchemaResponseCode{NO_CHANGES_DETECTED PROMOTION_SUCCESS}union PromoteSchemaResponseOrError=PromoteSchemaError|PromoteSchemaResponse type Protobuf{json:String!object:Object!raw:Blob!text:String!}type Query{""" Account by ID """ account(id:ID!):Account """ Retrieve account by billing provider identifier """ accountByBillingCode(id:ID!):Account """ Retrieve account by internal id """ accountByInternalID(id:ID!):Account """ Whether an account ID is available for mutation { newAccount ( id : ) } """ accountIDAvailable(id:ID!):Boolean!""" All accounts """ allAccounts(search:String tier:BillingPlanTier):[Account!]""" All available plans """ allPlans:[BillingPlan!]!allPublicVariants:[GraphVariant!]""" All services """ allServices(search:String):[Service!]""" All timezones with their offsets from UTC """ allTimezoneOffsets:[TimezoneOffset!]!""" All users """ allUsers(search:String):[User!]""" Look up a plan by ID """ billingPlan(id:ID):BillingPlanV2 """ All available plans """ billingPlans:[BillingPlanV2!]!""" If this is true , the user is an Apollo administrator who can ignore restrictions based purely on billing plan . """ canBypassPlanRestrictions:Boolean!diffSchemas(baseSchema:String!nextSchema:String!):[Change!]!""" Get the unsubscribe settings for a given email . """ emailPreferences(email:String!token:String!):EmailPreferences experimentalFeatures:GlobalExperimentalFeatures!""" Address of the Studio frontend . """ frontendUrlRoot:String!""" Access a graph by ID . """ graph(id:ID!):Service internalActiveCronJobs:[CronJob!]!internalAdminUsers:[InternalAdminUser!]internalUnresolvedCronExecutionFailures:[CronExecution!]!""" User or graph query ing the API , null if not authenticated . """ me:Identity odysseyCertification(id:ID!):OdysseyCertification operationCollection(id:ID!):OperationCollectionResult!operationCollectionEntries(collectionEntryIds:[ID!]!):[OperationCollectionEntry!]!""" Access an organization by ID . """ organization(id:ID!):Account """ Look up a plan by ID """ plan(id:ID):BillingPlan """ A list of public variants that have been selected to be shown on our Graph Directory . """ publiclyListedVariants:[GraphVariant!]""" Service by ID """ service(id:ID!):Service """ Query statistics across all services . For admins on ly ; normal users must go through AccountsStatsWindow or ServiceStatsWindow . """ stats(from:Timestamp!""" Granularity of buckets . Defaults to the entire range ( aggregate all data into a single durationBucket ) when null . """ resolution:Resolution """ Defaults to the current time when null . """ to:Timestamp):StatsWindow!""" Get the studio settings for the current user """ studioSettings:UserSettings """ The plan started by AccountMutation . startTeamSubscription """ teamBillingPlan(billingPeriod:BillingPeriod!):BillingPlanV2!""" The plan started by AccountMutation . startTeamSubscription """ teamPlan(billingPeriod:BillingPeriod!):BillingPlan!""" Schema transformation for the Apollo platform API . Renames type s . Internal to Apollo . """ transformSchemaForPlatformApi(baseSchema:GraphQLDocument!):GraphQLDocument """ The plan started by AccountMutation . startTrial """ trialBillingPlan:BillingPlanV2!""" The plan started by AccountMutation . startTrial """ trialPlan:BillingPlan!""" User by ID """ user(id:ID!):User """ Access a variant by reference of the form ` graphID @variantName ` , or ` graphID ` for the default ` current ` variant .
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
Returns null when the graph or variant do not exist , or when the graph cannot be accessed .
Note that we can return more type s implementing Error in the future . """ variant(ref:ID!):GraphVariantLookup}""" query documents to validate against """ input QueryDocumentInput{document:String}type QueryPlan{json:String!object:Object!text:String!}""" Columns of QueryStats . """ enum QueryStatsColumn{ACCOUNT_ID CACHED_HISTOGRAM CACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT CACHE_TTL_HISTOGRAM CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION FORBIDDEN_OPERATION_COUNT FROM_ENGINEPROXY QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME REGISTERED_OPERATION_COUNT REQUESTS_WITH_ERRORS_COUNT SCHEMA_HASH SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP UNCACHED_HISTOGRAM UNCACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT}type QueryStatsDimensions{accountId:ID clientName:String clientVersion:String fromEngineproxy:String queryId:ID queryName:String querySignature:String schemaHash:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in QueryStats . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input QueryStatsFilter{""" Selects rows whose accountId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { accountId : [ null ] } } instead . """ accountId:ID and:[QueryStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { clientName : [ null ] } } instead . """ clientName:String """ Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { clientVersion : [ null ] } } instead . """ clientVersion:String """ Selects rows whose fromEngineproxy dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { fromEngineproxy : [ null ] } } instead . """ fromEngineproxy:String in:QueryStatsFilterIn not:QueryStatsFilter or:[QueryStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose query Id dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { queryId : [ null ] } } instead . """ queryId:ID """ Selects rows whose query Name dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { queryName : [ null ] } } instead . """ queryName:String """ Selects rows whose schema Hash dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaHash : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaHash:String """ Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String """ Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { serviceId : [ null ] } } instead . """ serviceId:ID}""" Filter for data in QueryStats . Fields match if the corresponding dimension ' s value is in the given list . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input QueryStatsFilterIn{""" Selects rows whose accountId dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ accountId:[ID]""" Selects rows whose clientName dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ clientName:[String]""" Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ clientVersion:[String]""" Selects rows whose fromEngineproxy dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ fromEngineproxy:[String]""" Selects rows whose query Id dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ queryId:[ID]""" Selects rows whose query Name dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ queryName:[String]""" Selects rows whose schema Hash dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ schemaHash:[String]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ schemaTag:[String]""" Selects rows whose serviceId dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ se
for reported metrics included in a schema diff . A day window from the present
day would have a ` from ` value of - 86400 . In rare cases , this could be an ISO
timestamp if the user passed on e in on diff creation """ from:Timestamp """ Operation IDs to ignore during validation . """ ignoredOperations:[ID!]""" Variants to include during validation . """ includedVariants:[String!]""" Minimum number of requests within the window for a query to be considered . """ queryCountThreshold:Int """ Number of requests within the window for a query to be considered , relative to
total request count . Expected values are between 0 and 0 .05 ( minimum 5 % of
total request volume ) """ queryCountThresholdPercentage:Float """ delta in seconds from current time that determines the end of the
window for reported metrics included in a schema diff . A day window
from the present day would have a ` to ` value of - 0 . In rare
cases , this could be an ISO timestamp if the user passed on e in on diff
creation """ to:Timestamp}type SchemaPublishSubscription implements ChannelSubscription{channels:[Channel!]!createdAt:Timestamp!enabled:Boolean!id:ID!lastUpdatedAt:Timestamp!variant:String}input SchemaReport{""" A randomly generated UUID , immutable for the lifetime of the edge server runtime . """ bootId:String!""" The hex SHA256 hash of the schema being reported . Note that for a GraphQL server with a core schema , this should be the core schema , not the API schema . """ coreSchemaHash:String!""" The graph ref ( eg , ' id @variant ' ) """ graphRef:String!""" The version of the edge server reporting agent , e . g . apollo - server - 2 .8 , graphql - java - 3 .1 , etc . length must be < = 256 characters . """ libraryVersion:String """ The infra environment in which this edge server is running , e . g . localhost , Kubernetes , AWS Lambda , Google CloudRun , AWS ECS , etc . length must be < = 256 characters . """ platform:String """ The runtime in which the edge server is running , e . g . node 12 .03 , zulu8 .46 .0 .19 - ca - jdk8 .0 .252 - macosx_x64 , etc . length must be < = 256 characters . """ runtimeVersion:String """ If available , an identifier for the edge server instance , such that when restarting this instance it will have the same serverId , with a different bootId . For example , in Kubernetes this might be the pod name . Length must be < = 256 characters . """ serverId:String """ An identifier used to distinguish the version ( from the user ' s perspective ) of the edge server ' s code itself . For instance , the git sha of the server ' s repository or the docker sha of the associated image this server runs with . Length must be < = 256 characters . """ userVersion:String}""" A specific publication of a graph variant . """ type SchemaTag{""" The result of composition , including either a supergraph schema or errors ,
executed during this publication . Only available with managed federation . """ compositionResult:CompositionResult createdAt:Timestamp!""" Differences with the schema from the previous successful publication . """ diffToPrevious:SchemaDiff gitContext:GitContext """ List of previously uploaded SchemaTags under the same tag name , starting with
the selected published schema record . Sorted in reverse chronological order
by creation date ( newest publish first ) .
Note : This does not include the history of checked schema s """ history(includeUnchanged:Boolean!=true limit:Int!=3 offset:Int=0):[SchemaTag!]!""" Number of tagged schema s created under the same tag name .
Also represents the maximum size of the history ' s limit argument . """ historyLength:Int!""" Number of schema s tagged prior to this on e under the same tag name , its position
in the tag history . """ historyOrder:Int!""" The identifier for this specific publication . """ id:ID!""" Time of publication . """ publishedAt:Timestamp!""" The Identity that published this schema and their client info , or null if this isn ' t
a publish . Sub - fields may be null if they weren ' t recorded . """ publishedBy:IdentityAndClientInfo """ Indicates the schema Tag of the schema ' s original upload , null if this is the
first upload of the schema . """ reversionFrom:SchemaTag """ The published schema . """ schema:Schema!slackNotificationBody(graphDisplayName:String!):String tag:String!@deprecated(reason:"Please use variant { name } instead")""" The graph variant this belongs to . """ variant:GraphVariant!webhookNotificationBody:String!}""" How many seats of the given type s does an organization have ( regardless of plan type ) ? """ type Seats{""" How many members that are free in this organization . """ free:Int!""" How many members that are not free in this organization . """ fullPrice:Int!}type SemanticChange{""" Target arg of change made . """ argNode:NamedIntrospectionArg """ Node related to the top level node that was changed , such as a field in an object ,
a value in an enum or the object of an interface """ childNode:NamedIntrospectionValue """ Semantic metadata about the type of change """ definition:ChangeDefinition!""" Top level node affected by the change """ parentNode:NamedIntrospectionType}""" A graph in Apollo Studio represents a graph in your organization .
Each graph has on e or more variants , which correspond to the different environments where that graph runs ( such as staging and production ) .
Each variant has its own GraphQL schema , which means schema s can differ between environments . """ type Service implements Identity{""" Organization that this graph belongs to . """ account:Account accountId:ID apiKeys:[GraphApiKey!]""" A view of the identity as an Actor type . """ asActor:Actor!""" Get an URL to which an avatar image can be uploaded . Client uploads by sending a PUT request
with the image data to MediaUploadInfo . url . Client SHOULD set the "Content-Type" header to the
browser - inferred MIME type , and SHOULD set the "x-apollo-content-filename" header to the
filename , if such information is available . Client MUST set the "x-apollo-csrf-token" header to
MediaUploadInfo . csrfToken . """ avatarUpload:AvatarUploadResult """ Get an image URL for the service ' s avatar . Note that CORS is not enabled for these URLs . The size
argument is used for bandwidth reduction , and should be the size of the image as displayed in the
application . Apollo ' s media server will downscale larger images to at least the requested size ,
but this will not happen for third - party media servers . """ avatarUrl(size:Int!=40):String """ Get available notification endpoints """ channels(channelIds:[ID!]):[Channel!]""" Get check configuration for this graph . """ checkConfiguration:CheckConfiguration """ Get a check workflow for this graph by its ID """ checkWorkflow(id:ID!):CheckWorkflow """ Get check workflows for this graph ordered by creation time , most recent first . """ checkWorkflows(filter:CheckFilterInput limit:Int!=100):[CheckWorkflow!]!""" List of options available for filtering checks for this graph by author .
If a filter is passed , constrains results to match the filter . """ checksAuthorOptions(filter:CheckFilterInput):[String!]!""" List of options available for filtering checks for this graph by branch .
If a filter is passed , constrains results to match the filter . """ checksBranchOptions(filter:CheckFilterInput):[String!]!""" List of options available for filtering checks for this graph by subgraph name .
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
If a filter is passed , constrains results to match the filter . """ checksSubgraphOptions(filter:CheckFilterInput):[String!]!""" Given a graphCompositionID , return the results of composition . This can represent either a validation or a publish . """ compositionResultById(id:ID!):CompositionResult createdAt:Timestamp!createdBy:Identity datadogMetricsConfig:DatadogMetricsConfig defaultBuildPipelineTrack:String deletedAt:Timestamp description:String devGraphOwner:User """ Get a GraphQL document by hash """ document(hash:SHA256):GraphQLDocument """ When this is true , this graph will be hidden from non - admin members of the org who haven ' t been explicitly assigned a
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
role on this graph . """ hiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers:Boolean!""" Globally unique identifier for this graph . """ id:ID!""" List of subgraphs that comprise a graph . A non - federated graph should have a single implementing service .
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
Set includeDeleted to see deleted subgraphs . """ implementingServices(graphVariant:String!includeDeleted:Boolean):GraphImplementors lastReportedAt(graphVariant:String):Timestamp """ Current identity , null if not authenticated . """ me:Identity """ The composition result that was most recently published to a graph variant . """ mostRecentCompositionPublish(graphVariant:String!):CompositionPublishResult """ Permissions of the current user in this graph . """ myRole:UserPermission """ Name of this graph . Note that this field is deprecated . """ name:String!@deprecated(reason:"Use Service.title")onboardingArchitecture:OnboardingArchitecture operation(id:ID!):Operation """ Gets the operations and their approved changes for this graph , checkID , and operationID . """ operationsAcceptedChanges(checkID:ID!operationID:String!):[OperationAcceptedChange!]!""" Get an operations check result for a specific check ID """ operationsCheck(checkID:ID!):OperationsCheckResult """ Get query triggers for a given variant . If variant is null all the triggers for this service will be gotten . """ queryTriggers(graphVariant:String operationNames:[String!]):[QueryTrigger!]readme:Readme """ Registry specific stats for this graph . """ registryStatsWindow(from:Timestamp!resolution:Resolution to:Timestamp):RegistryStatsWindow """ Whether registry subscription s ( with any options ) are enabled . If variant is not passed , returns true if configuration is present for any variant """ registrySubscriptionsEnabled(graphVariant:String):Boolean!@deprecated(reason:"This field will be removed")reportingEnabled:Boolean!""" The list of members that can access this graph , accounting for graph role overrides """ roleOverrides:[RoleOverride!]""" Which permissions the current user has for interacting with this graph """ roles:ServiceRoles scheduledSummaries:[ScheduledSummary!]!""" Get a schema by hash or current tag """ schema(hash:ID tag:String):Schema """ The current publish associated to a given variant ( with ' tag ' as the variant name ) . """ schemaTag(tag:String!):SchemaTag schemaTagById(id:ID!):SchemaTag """ Get schema tags , with optional filtering to a set of tags . Always sorted by creation
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
date in reverse chronological order . """ schemaTags(tags:[String!]):[SchemaTag!]stats(from:Timestamp!""" Granularity of buckets . Defaults to the entire range ( aggregate all data into a single durationBucket ) when null . """ resolution:Resolution """ Defaults to the current time when null . """ to:Timestamp):ServiceStatsWindow!@deprecated(reason:"use Service.statsWindow instead")statsWindow(from:Timestamp!""" Granularity of buckets . Defaults to the entire range ( aggregate all data into a single durationBucket ) when null . """ resolution:Resolution """ Defaults to the current time when null . """ to:Timestamp):ServiceStatsWindow """ Generate a test schema publish notification body """ testSchemaPublishBody(variant:String!):String!""" Name of this graph . """ title:String!trace(id:ID!):Trace traceStorageEnabled:Boolean!""" A particular variant often representing a live traffic environment ( such as "dev" , "staging" , or "prod" ) .
Each variant can represent a specific URL or destination to query at , analytics , and its own schema history .
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
Pass in a name to get a specific variant . Use ` Graph . variants ` to get a list of variants . """ variant(name:String!):GraphVariant """ The list of variants that exist for this graph """ variants:[GraphVariant!]!}""" Columns of ServiceBillingUsageStats . """ enum ServiceBillingUsageStatsColumn{OPERATION_COUNT OPERATION_COUNT_PROVIDED_EXPLICITLY SCHEMA_TAG TIMESTAMP}type ServiceBillingUsageStatsDimensions{operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String schemaTag:String}""" Filter for data in ServiceBillingUsageStats . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilter{and:[ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilter!]in:ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilterIn not:ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilter """ Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { operationCountProvidedExplicitly : [ null ] } } instead . """ operationCountProvidedExplicitly:String or:[ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String}""" Filter for data in ServiceBillingUsageStats . Fields match if the corresponding dimension ' s value is in the given list . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input ServiceBillingUsageStatsFilterIn{""" Selects rows whose operationCountProvidedExplicitly dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ operationCountProvidedExplicitly:[String]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ schemaTag:[String]}type ServiceBillingUsageStatsMetrics{operationCount:Long!}input ServiceBillingUsageStatsOrderBySpec{column:ServiceBillingUsageStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type ServiceBillingUsageStatsRecord{""" Dimensions of ServiceBillingUsageStats that can be grouped by . """ groupBy:ServiceBillingUsageStatsDimensions!""" Metrics of ServiceBillingUsageStats that can be aggregated over . """ metrics:ServiceBillingUsageStatsMetrics!""" Starting segment timestamp . """ timestamp:Timestamp!}""" Columns of ServiceEdgeServerInfos . """ enum ServiceEdgeServerInfosColumn{BOOT_ID EXECUTABLE_SCHEMA_ID LIBRARY_VERSION PLATFORM RUNTIME_VERSION SCHEMA_TAG SERVER_ID TIMESTAMP USER_VERSION}type ServiceEdgeServerInfosDimensions{bootId:ID executableSchemaId:ID libraryVersion:String platform:String runtimeVersion:String schemaTag:String serverId:ID userVersion:String}""" Filter for data in ServiceEdgeServerInfos . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilter{and:[ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilter!]""" Selects rows whose bootId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { bootId : [ null ] } } instead . """ bootId:ID """ Selects rows whose executableSchemaId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { executableSchemaId : [ null ] } } instead . """ executableSchemaId:ID in:ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilterIn """ Selects rows whose libraryVersion dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { libraryVersion : [ null ] } } instead . """ libraryVersion:String not:ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilter or:[ServiceEdgeServerInfosFilter!]""" Selects rows whose platform dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { platform : [ null ] } } instead . """ platform:String """ Selects rows whose runtimeVersion dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { runtimeVersion : [ null ] } } instead . """ runtimeVersion:String """ Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String """ Selects rows whose serverId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { serverId : [ null ] } } instead . """ serverId:ID """ S
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
If the proposal composes successfully , perform a usage check for the resulting schema . """ checkPartialSchema(""" Deprecated and ignored . """ frontend:String gitContext:GitContextInput """ Specifies which variant of a graph this mutation operates on . """ graphVariant:String!historicParameters:HistoricQueryParameters """ Name of the implementing service to validate the partial schema against """ implementingServiceName:String!""" If this check is triggered for an sdl fetched using introspection , this is the endpoint where that schema was being served . """ introspectionEndpoint:String isSandboxCheck:Boolean!=false """ The partial schema to validate against an implementing service """ partialSchema:PartialSchemaInput!""" Whether to use the maximum retention for historical validation . This on ly takes
effect if historicParameters is null . """ useMaximumRetention:Boolean):CheckPartialSchemaResult!""" Checks a proposed schema against the schema that has been published to
a particular variant , using metrics corresponding to ` historicParameters ` .
Callers can set ` historicParameters ` directly or rely on defaults set in the
graph ' s check configuration ( 7 days by default ) .
If they do not set ` historicParameters ` but set ` useMaximumRetention ` ,
validation will use the maximum retention the graph has access to . """ checkSchema(baseSchemaTag:String="current" """ Deprecated and ignored . """ frontend:String gitContext:GitContextInput historicParameters:HistoricQueryParameters """ If this check is triggered for an sdl fetched using introspection , this is the endpoint where that schema was being served . """ introspectionEndpoint:String isSandboxCheck:Boolean!=false """ Only on e of proposedSchema , proposedSchemaDocument , and proposedSchemaHash
may be specified """ proposedSchema:IntrospectionSchemaInput proposedSchemaDocument:String proposedSchemaHash:String useMaximumRetention:Boolean):CheckSchemaResult!""" Make changes to a check workflow . """ checkWorkflow(id:ID!):CheckWorkflowMutation createCompositionStatusSubscription(""" ID of Slack channel for registry notification . """ channelID:ID!""" Variant to notify on . """ variant:String!):SchemaPublishSubscription!createSchemaPublishSubscription(""" ID of Slack channel for registry notification . """ channelID:ID!""" Variant to notify on . """ variant:String!):SchemaPublishSubscription!""" Soft delete a graph . Data associated with the graph is not permanently deleted ; Apollo support can undo . """ delete:Void """ Delete the service ' s avatar . Requires Service . roles . canUpdateAvatar to be true . """ deleteAvatar:AvatarDeleteError """ Delete an existing channel """ deleteChannel(id:ID!):Boolean!""" Delete an existing query trigger """ deleteQueryTrigger(id:ID!):Boolean!""" Deletes this service ' s current subscription s specific to the ID , returns true if it existed """ deleteRegistrySubscription(id:ID!):Boolean!""" Deletes this service ' s current registry subscription ( s ) specific to its graph variant ,
returns a list of subscription IDs that were deleted . """ deleteRegistrySubscriptions(variant:String!):[ID!]!deleteScheduledSummary(id:ID!):Boolean!""" Delete a variant by name . """ deleteSchemaTag(tag:String!):DeleteSchemaTagResult!""" Given a UTC timestamp , delete all traces associated with this Service , on that corresponding day . If a timestamp to is provided , deletes all days inclusive . """ deleteTraces(from:Timestamp!to:Timestamp):Void disableDatadogForwardingLegacyMetricNames:Service """ Hard delete a graph and all data associated with it . Its ID cannot be reused . """ hardDelete:Void id:ID!@deprecated(reason:"Use service.id")""" Ignore an operation in future checks ;
changes affecting it will be tracked ,
but won ' t affect the outcome of the check .
Returns true if the operation is newly ignored ,
false if it already was . """ ignoreOperationsInChecks(ids:[ID!]!):IgnoreOperationsInChecksResult """ Mark the changeset that affects an operation in a given check instance as safe .
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
Note that on ly operations marked as behavior changes are allowed to be marked as safe . """ markChangesForOperationAsSafe(""" ID of the schema check . """ checkID:ID!""" ID of the operation to accept changes for . """ operationID:ID!):MarkChangesForOperationAsSafeResult!newKey(keyName:String role:UserPermission!=GRAPH_ADMIN):GraphApiKey!""" Adds an override to the given users permission for this graph """ overrideUserPermission(permission:UserPermission userID:ID!):Service """ Promote the schema with the given SHA - 256 hash to active for the given variant / tag . """ promoteSchema(graphVariant:String!historicParameters:HistoricQueryParameters overrideComposedSchema:Boolean!=false sha256:SHA256!):PromoteSchemaResponseOrError!""" Publish to a subgraph . If composition is successful , this will update running routers . """ publishSubgraph(activePartialSchema:PartialSchemaInput!gitContext:GitContextInput graphVariant:String!name:String!revision:String!url:String):CompositionAndUpsertResult registerOperationsWithResponse(clientIdentity:RegisteredClientIdentityInput gitContext:GitContextInput """ Specifies which variant of a graph these operations belong to .
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
Formerly known as "tag"
Defaults to "current"
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
""" graphVariant:String!="current" manifestVersion:Int operations:[RegisteredOperationInput!]!):RegisterOperationsMutationResponse """ Removes a subgraph . If composition is successful , this will update running routers . """ removeImplementingServiceAndTriggerComposition(""" Do not remove the service , but recompose without it and report any errors . """ dryRun:Boolean!=false graphVariant:String!name:String!):CompositionAndRemoveResult!removeKey(""" API key ID """ id:ID):Void renameKey(id:ID!newKeyName:String):GraphApiKey reportServerInfo(""" Only sent if previously requested i . e . received ReportServerInfoResult with withExecutableSchema = true . An executable schema is a schema document that describes the full GraphQL schema that an external client could execute queries against . This must be a valid GraphQL schema document , as per the GraphQL specification : https : / / spec . graphql . org / """ executableSchema:String """ Information about the edge server , see descriptions for individual fields . """ info:EdgeServerInfo!):ReportServerInfoResult@deprecated(reason:"use Mutation.reportSchema instead")service:Service!setDefaultBuildPipelineTrack(version:String!):String """ Store a given schema document . This schema will be attached to the graph but
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
not be associated with any variant . On success , returns the schema hash . """ storeSchemaDocument(schemaDocument:String!):StoreSchemaResponseOrError!""" Test Slack notification channel """ testSlackChannel(id:ID!notification:SlackNotificationInput!):Void testSubscriptionForChannel(channelID:ID!subscriptionID:ID!):String!transfer(to:String!):Service triggerRepublish(graphVariant:String!):Void undelete:Service """ Revert the effects of ignoreOperation .
Returns true if the operation is no longer ignored ,
false if it wasn ' t . """ unignoreOperationsInChecks(ids:[ID!]!):UnignoreOperationsInChecksResult """ Unmark changes for an operation as safe . """ unmarkChangesForOperationAsSafe(""" ID of the schema check . """ checkID:ID!""" ID of the operation to unmark changes for . """ operationID:ID!):MarkChangesForOperationAsSafeResult!""" Update schema check configuration for a graph . """ updateCheckConfiguration(""" Clients to ignore during validation . """ excludedClients:[ClientFilterInput!]""" Operation names to ignore during validation . """ excludedOperationNames:[OperationNameFilterInput!]""" Operations to ignore during validation . """ excludedOperations:[ExcludedOperationInput!]""" Default configuration to include operations on the base variant . """ includeBaseVariant:Boolean """ Variant overrides for validation . """ includedVariants:[String!]""" Minimum number of requests within the window for a query to be considered . """ operationCountThreshold:Int """ Number of requests within the window for a query to be considered , relative to
total request count . Expected values are between 0 and 0 .05 ( minimum 5 % of
total request volume ) """ operationCountThresholdPercentage:Float """ Only check operations from the last < timeRangeSeconds > seconds . The default is 7 days ( 604 , 800 seconds ) . """ timeRangeSeconds:Long):CheckConfiguration!updateDatadogMetricsConfig(apiKey:String apiRegion:DatadogApiRegion enabled:Boolean):DatadogMetricsConfig updateDescription(description:String!):Service """ Update hiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers """ updateHiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers(hiddenFromUninvitedNonAdminAccountMembers:Boolean!):Service updateReadme(readme:String!):Service updateTitle(title:String!):Service """ Publish a schema to this variant , either via a document or an introspection query result . """ uploadSchema(errorOnBadRequest:Boolean!=true gitContext:GitContextInput historicParameters:HistoricQueryParameters overrideComposedSchema:Boolean!=false schema:IntrospectionSchemaInput schemaDocument:String tag:String!):UploadSchemaMutationResponse upsertChannel(id:ID pagerDutyChannel:PagerDutyChannelInput slackChannel:SlackChannelInput webhookChannel:WebhookChannelInput):Channel """ Creates a contract schema from a source variant and a set of filter configurations """ upsertContractVariant(contractVariantName:String!filterConfig:FilterConfigInput!initiateLaunch:Boolean!=true sourceVariant:String!):ContractVariantUpsertResult!""" Publish to a subgraph . If composition is successful , this will update running routers . """ upsertImplementingServiceAndTriggerComposition(activePartialSchema:PartialSchemaInput!gitContext:GitContextInput graphVariant:String!name:String!revision:String!url:String):CompositionAndUpsertResult """ Create / update PagerDuty notification channel """ upsertPagerDutyChannel(channel:PagerDutyChannelInput!id:ID):PagerDutyChannel upsertQueryTrigger(id:ID trigger:QueryTriggerInput!):QueryTrigger """ Create or update a subscription for a service . """ upsertRegistrySubscription(""" ID of Slack channel for registry notification . """ channelID:ID """ ID of registry subscription """ id:ID """ Set of options / customization for notification . """ options:SubscriptionOptionsInput """ Variant to notify on . """ variant:String):RegistrySubscription!upsertScheduledSummary(channelID:ID enabled:Boolean id:ID """ Deprecated , use the ' variant ' argument instead """ tag:String timezone:String variant:String):ScheduledSummary """ Create / update Slack notification channel """ upsertSlackChannel(channel:SlackChannelInput!id:ID):SlackChannel upsertWebhookChannel(id:ID name:String secretToken:String url:String!):WebhookChannel validateOperations(gitContext:GitContextInput operations:[OperationDocumentInput!]!tag:String="current"):ValidateOperationsResult!""" This mutation will not result in any changes to the implementing service
Run composition with the Implementing Service ' s partial schema replaced with the on e provided
in the mutation ' s input . Store the composed schema , return the hash of the composed schema ,
and any warnings and errors pertaining to composition .
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
This mutation will not run validation against operations . """ validatePartialSchemaOfImplementingServiceAgainstGraph(graphVariant:String!implementingServiceName:String!partialSchema:PartialSchemaInput!):CompositionValidationResult!""" Make changes to a graph variant . """ variant(name:String!):GraphVariantMutation}""" Columns of ServiceOperationCheckStats . """ enum ServiceOperationCheckStatsColumn{CACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME SCHEMA_TAG TIMESTAMP UNCACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT}type ServiceOperationCheckStatsDimensions{clientName:String clientVersion:String queryId:ID queryName:String schemaTag:String}""" Filter for data in ServiceOperationCheckStats . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilter{and:[ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { clientName : [ null ] } } instead . """ clientName:String """ Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { clientVersion : [ null ] } } instead . """ clientVersion:String in:ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilterIn not:ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilter or:[ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose query Id dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { queryId : [ null ] } } instead . """ queryId:ID """ Selects rows whose query Name dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { queryName : [ null ] } } instead . """ queryName:String """ Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String}""" Filter for data in ServiceOperationCheckStats . Fields match if the corresponding dimension ' s value is in the given list . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input ServiceOperationCheckStatsFilterIn{""" Selects rows whose clientName dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ clientName:[String]""" Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ clientVersion:[String]""" Selects rows whose query Id dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ queryId:[ID]""" Selects rows whose query Name dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ queryName:[String]""" Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension is in the given list . A null value in the list means a row with null for that dimension . """ schemaTag:[String]}type ServiceOperationCheckStatsMetrics{cachedRequestsCount:Long!uncachedRequestsCount:Long!}input ServiceOperationCheckStatsOrderBySpec{column:ServiceOperationCheckStatsColumn!direction:Ordering!}type ServiceOperationCheckStatsRecord{""" Dimensions of ServiceOperationCheckStats that can be grouped by . """ groupBy:ServiceOperationCheckStatsDimensions!""" Metrics of ServiceOperationCheckStats that can be aggregated over . """ metrics:ServiceOperationCheckStatsMetrics!""" Starting segment timestamp . """ timestamp:Timestamp!}""" Columns of ServiceQueryStats . """ enum ServiceQueryStatsColumn{CACHED_HISTOGRAM CACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT CACHE_TTL_HISTOGRAM CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION FORBIDDEN_OPERATION_COUNT FROM_ENGINEPROXY QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME REGISTERED_OPERATION_COUNT REQUESTS_WITH_ERRORS_COUNT SCHEMA_HASH SCHEMA_TAG TIMESTAMP UNCACHED_HISTOGRAM UNCACHED_REQUESTS_COUNT}type ServiceQueryStatsDimensions{clientName:String clientVersion:String fromEngineproxy:String queryId:ID queryName:String querySignature:String schemaHash:String schemaTag:String}""" Filter for data in ServiceQueryStats . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input ServiceQueryStatsFilter{and:[ServiceQueryStatsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
object , and interface types , adding values to enum s , adding members to interface s and union s , and
adding arguments . """ additions:Int!""" Number of changes that are new usages of the @deprecated directive . """ deprecations:Int!""" Number of changes that are edits . This includes type s changing kind , fields and arguments
changing type , arguments changing default value , and any description changes . This also includes
edits to @deprecated reason strings . """ edits:Int!""" Number of changes that are removals . This includes removing type s , removing fields from object ,
input object , and interface types , removing values from enum s , removing members from interface s
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
and union s , and removing arguments . This also includes removing @deprecated usages . """ removals:Int!}type Trace{cacheMaxAgeMs:Float cacheScope:CacheScope clientName:String clientVersion:String durationMs:Float!endTime:Timestamp!http:TraceHTTP id:ID!operationName:String protobuf:Protobuf!root:TraceNode!signature:String!startTime:Timestamp!unexecutedOperationBody:String unexecutedOperationName:String variablesJSON:[StringToString!]!}type TraceError{json:String!locations:[TraceSourceLocation!]!message:String!timestamp:Timestamp}type TraceHTTP{host:String method:HTTPMethod!path:String protocol:String requestHeaders:[StringToString!]!responseHeaders:[StringToString!]!secure:Boolean!statusCode:Int!}type TraceNode{cacheMaxAgeMs:Float cacheScope:CacheScope children:[TraceNode!]!childrenIds:[ID!]!descendants:[TraceNode!]!descendantsIds:[ID!]!endTime:Timestamp!errors:[TraceError!]!id:ID!key:StringOrInt originalFieldName:String parent:ID!parentId:ID path:[String!]!startTime:Timestamp!type:String}""" Columns of TracePathErrorsRefs . """ enum TracePathErrorsRefsColumn{CLIENT_NAME CLIENT_VERSION DURATION_BUCKET ERRORS_COUNT_IN_PATH ERRORS_COUNT_IN_TRACE ERROR_MESSAGE PATH QUERY_ID QUERY_NAME SCHEMA_HASH SCHEMA_TAG SERVICE_ID TIMESTAMP TRACE_HTTP_STATUS_CODE TRACE_ID TRACE_SIZE_BYTES TRACE_STARTS_AT}type TracePathErrorsRefsDimensions{clientName:String clientVersion:String durationBucket:Int errorMessage:String """ If metrics were collected from a federated service , this field will be prefixed with ` service : < SERVICE_NAME > . ` """ path:String queryId:ID queryName:String schemaHash:String schemaTag:String serviceId:ID traceHttpStatusCode:Int traceId:ID traceStartsAt:Timestamp}""" Filter for data in TracePathErrorsRefs . Fields with dimension names represent equality checks . All fields are implicitly ANDed together . """ input TracePathErrorsRefsFilter{and:[TracePathErrorsRefsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose clientName dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { clientName : [ null ] } } instead . """ clientName:String """ Selects rows whose clientVersion dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { clientVersion : [ null ] } } instead . """ clientVersion:String """ Selects rows whose durationBucket dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { durationBucket : [ null ] } } instead . """ durationBucket:Int """ Selects rows whose errorMessage dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { errorMessage : [ null ] } } instead . """ errorMessage:String in:TracePathErrorsRefsFilterIn not:TracePathErrorsRefsFilter or:[TracePathErrorsRefsFilter!]""" Selects rows whose path dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { path : [ null ] } } instead . """ path:String """ Selects rows whose query Id dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { queryId : [ null ] } } instead . """ queryId:ID """ Selects rows whose query Name dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { queryName : [ null ] } } instead . """ queryName:String """ Selects rows whose schema Hash dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaHash : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaHash:String """ Selects rows whose schema Tag dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { schemaTag : [ null ] } } instead . """ schemaTag:String """ Selects rows whose serviceId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { serviceId : [ null ] } } instead . """ serviceId:ID """ Selects rows whose traceHttpStatusCode dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { traceHttpStatusCode : [ null ] } } instead . """ traceHttpStatusCode:Int """ Selects rows whose traceId dimension equals the given value if not null . To query for the null value , use { in : { traceId : [ null ] } } instead . """ traceId:ID}""" Filter for data in TracePathErrorsRefs . Fields match if the corresponding dimension ' s value is
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
changes , but also includes adding / removing values from enum s , adding / removing members from
interface s and union s , and any enum value deprecation and description changes . """ edits:Int!""" Number of changes that are removals of type s . """ removals:Int!}""" the TypeFilterConfig is used to isolate
type s , and subsequent fields , through
various configuration settings .
It defaults to filter towards user defined
type s on ly """ input TypeFilterConfig{""" include abstract type s ( interface s and union s ) """ includeAbstractTypes:Boolean=true """ include built in scalar s ( i . e . Boolean , Int , etc ) """ includeBuiltInTypes:Boolean=false """ include reserved introspection type s ( i . e . __Type ) """ includeIntrospectionTypes:Boolean=false}type URI{""" A GCS URI """ gcs:String!}type UnignoreOperationsInChecksResult{graph:Service!}union UpdateOperationCollectionEntryResult=OperationCollectionEntry|PermissionError|ValidationError union UpdateOperationCollectionResult=OperationCollection|PermissionError|ValidationError """ The result of a schema publish to a graph variant . """ type UploadSchemaMutationResponse{""" A response code for processing via machines ( e . g . UPLOAD_SUCCESS or NO_CHANGES ) """ code:String!""" Human readable result of a schema publish . """ message:String!""" If successful , the corresponding publication . """ publication:SchemaTag """ Whether the schema publish successfully completed or encountered errors . """ success:Boolean!""" If successful , the corresponding publication . """ tag:SchemaTag}""" A registered user . """ type User implements Identity{acceptedPrivacyPolicyAt:Timestamp accounts:[Account!]!@deprecated(reason:"Replaced with User.memberships.account")apiKeys(includeCookies:Boolean=false):[UserApiKey!]!""" Translation of this user identity to an ' Actor ' type . """ asActor:Actor!""" Get an URL to which an avatar image can be uploaded . Client uploads by sending a PUT request
with the image data to MediaUploadInfo . url . Client SHOULD set the "Content-Type" header to the
browser - inferred MIME type , and SHOULD set the "x-apollo-content-filename" header to the
filename , if such information is available . Client MUST set the "x-apollo-csrf-token" header to
MediaUploadInfo . csrfToken . """ avatarUpload:AvatarUploadResult """ Get an image URL for the user ' s avatar . Note that CORS is not enabled for these URLs . The size
argument is used for bandwidth reduction , and should be the size of the image as displayed in the
application . Apollo ' s media server will downscale larger images to at least the requested size ,
but this will not happen for third - party media servers . """ avatarUrl(size:Int!=40):String betaFeaturesOn:Boolean!canUpdateAvatar:Boolean!canUpdateEmail:Boolean!canUpdateFullName:Boolean!createdAt:Timestamp!email:String emailModifiedAt:Timestamp emailVerified:Boolean!experimentalFeatures:UserExperimentalFeatures!featureIntros:FeatureIntros fullName:String!""" The user ' s GitHub username , if they log in via GitHub . May be null even for GitHub users in some edge cases . """ githubUsername:String """ The unique identifier for a user . """ id:ID!""" This role is reserved exclusively for internal MDG employees , and it controls what access they may have to other
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
organizations . Only admins are allowed to see this field . """ internalAdminRole:InternalMdgAdminRole """ Last time any API token from this user was used against AGM services """ lastAuthenticatedAt:Timestamp logoutAfterIdleMs:Int """ Which organizations a user belongs to . """ memberships:[UserMembership!]!""" The name ( first and last ) of a user . """ name:String!odysseyAttempt(id:ID!):OdysseyAttempt odysseyAttempts:[OdysseyAttempt!]!odysseyCertifications:[OdysseyCertification!]odysseyCourses:[OdysseyCourse!]odysseyHasEarlyAccess:Boolean!odysseyHasRequestedEarlyAccess:Boolean!odysseyTasks:[OdysseyTask!]sandboxOperationCollections:[OperationCollection!]!synchronized:Boolean!""" List of Zendesk tickets this user has submitted """ tickets:[ZendeskTicket!]type:UserType!}type UserApiKey implements ApiKey{id:ID!keyName:String token:String!}type UserExperimentalFeatures{exampleFeature:Boolean!}""" An organization a given user belongs to . """ type UserMembership{""" The organization a user is a member of . """ account:Account!""" When the user joined the organization . """ createdAt:Timestamp!""" What level of access a use has to an organization . """ permission:UserPermission!""" The user that is a member of an organization . """ user:User!}type UserMutation{acceptPrivacyPolicy:Void """ Change the user ' s password """ changePassword(newPassword:String!previousPassword:String!):Void createOdysseyAttempt(testId:String!):OdysseyAttempt createOdysseyCertification(certificationId:String!):OdysseyCertification createOdysseyCourses(courses:[OdysseyCourseInput!]!):[OdysseyCourse!]createOdysseyTasks(tasks:[OdysseyTaskInput!]!):[OdysseyTask!]""" Delete the user ' s avatar . Requires User . canUpdateAvatar to be true . """ deleteAvatar:AvatarDeleteError """ Hard deletes the associated user . Throws an error otherwise with reason included . """ hardDelete:Void """ Create a new API key for this user . Must take in a name for this key . """ newKey(keyName:String!):UserApiKey!""" Create a new API key for this user if there are no current API keys .
If an API key already exists , this will return on e at random and not create a new on e . """ provisionKey(keyName:String!="add-a-name"):ApiKeyProvision """ Refresh information about the user from its upstream service ( eg list of organizations from GitHub ) """ refresh:User """ Removes the given key from this user . Can be used to remove either a web cookie or a user API key . """ removeKey(id:ID!):Void """ Renames the given key to the new key name . """ renameKey(id:ID!newKeyName:String):UserApiKey resendVerificationEmail:Void setOdysseyCourse(course:OdysseyCourseInput!):OdysseyCourse setOdysseyResponse(response:OdysseyResponseInput!):OdysseyResponse setOdysseyTask(task:OdysseyTaskInput!):OdysseyTask """ Submit a zendesk ticket for this user """ submitZendeskTicket(collaborators:[String!]email:String!ticket:ZendeskTicketInput!):ZendeskTicket """ Update information about a user ; all arguments are optional """ update(email:String fullName:String referrer:String trackingGoogleClientId:String trackingMarketoClientId:String userSegment:UserSegment utmCampaign:String utmMedium:String utmSource:String):User """ Updates this users ' preference concerning opting into beta features . """ updateBetaFeaturesOn(betaFeaturesOn:Boolean!):User """ Update the status of a feature for this . For example , if you want to hide an introductory popup . """ updateFeatureIntros(newFeatureIntros:FeatureIntrosInput):User updateOdysseyAttempt(completedAt:Timestamp id:ID!):OdysseyAttempt """ Update user to have the given internal mdg admin role .
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
It is necessary to be an MDG_INTERNAL_SUPER_ADMIN to perform update .
Additionally , upserting a null value explicitly revokes this user ' s
2022-04-27 09:35:20 +00:00
admin status . """ updateRole(newRole:InternalMdgAdminRole):User user:User!verifyEmail(token:String!):User}enum UserPermission{BILLING_MANAGER CONSUMER CONTRIBUTOR DOCUMENTER GRAPH_ADMIN LEGACY_GRAPH_KEY OBSERVER ORG_ADMIN}enum UserSegment{JOIN_MY_TEAM LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT NOT_SPECIFIED PRODUCTION_GRAPHS SANDBOX SANDBOX_OPERATION_COLLECTIONS TRY_TEAM}type UserSettings{appNavCollapsed:Boolean!autoManageVariables:Boolean!id:String!mockingResponses:Boolean!preflightScriptEnabled:Boolean!responseHints:ResponseHints!tableMode:Boolean!themeName:ThemeName!}""" Explorer user settings input """ input UserSettingsInput{appNavCollapsed:Boolean autoManageVariables:Boolean mockingResponses:Boolean preflightScriptEnabled:Boolean responseHints:ResponseHints tableMode:Boolean themeName:ThemeName}enum UserType{APOLLO GITHUB SSO}type ValidateOperationsResult{validationResults:[ValidationResult!]!}type ValidationError implements Error{message:String!}enum ValidationErrorCode{DEPRECATED_FIELD INVALID_OPERATION NON_PARSEABLE_DOCUMENT}enum ValidationErrorType{FAILURE INVALID WARNING}""" Represents a single validation error , with information relating to the error
2022-03-30 09:31:56 +00:00
and its respective operation """ type ValidationResult{""" The validation result ' s error code """ code:ValidationErrorCode!""" Description of the validation error """ description:String!""" The operation related to this validation result """ operation:OperationDocument!""" The type of validation error thrown - warning , failure , or invalid . """ type:ValidationErrorType!}""" Always null """ scalar Void """ Webhook notification channel """ type WebhookChannel implements Channel{id:ID!name:String!secretToken:String subscriptions:[ChannelSubscription!]!url:String!}""" PagerDuty notification channel parameters """ input WebhookChannelInput{name:String secretToken:String url:String!}type ZendeskTicket{createdAt:Timestamp!description:String!graph:Service id:Int!organization:Account priority:TicketPriority!status:TicketStatus subject:String!user:User}""" Zendesk ticket input """ input ZendeskTicketInput { description : String ! graphId : String organizationId : String priority : TicketPriority ! subject : String ! }