import ../../make-test-python.nix (
{ lib, pkgs, ... }:
inherit (lib) mkMerge maintainers;
baseGrafanaConf = {
services.grafana = {
enable = true;
provision.enable = true;
settings = {
analytics.reporting_enabled = false;
server = {
http_addr = "::1";
domain = "localhost";
security = {
admin_user = "testadmin";
admin_password = "$__file{${pkgs.writeText "pwd" "snakeoilpwd"}}";
systemd.tmpfiles.rules =
dashboard = pkgs.writeText "test.json" (builtins.readFile ./test_dashboard.json);
"d /var/lib/grafana/dashboards 0700 grafana grafana -"
"C+ /var/lib/grafana/dashboards/test.json - - - - ${dashboard}"
extraNodeConfs = {
provisionNix = {
services.grafana.provision = {
datasources.settings = {
apiVersion = 1;
datasources = [
name = "Test Datasource";
type = "testdata";
access = "proxy";
uid = "test_datasource";
dashboards.settings = {
providers = [
name = "default";
options.path = "/var/lib/grafana/dashboards";
alerting = {
rules.settings = {
groups = [
name = "test_rule_group";
folder = "test_folder";
interval = "60s";
rules = [
uid = "test_rule";
title = "Test Rule";
condition = "A";
data = [
refId = "A";
datasourceUid = "-100";
model = {
conditions = [
evaluator = {
params = [ 3 ];
type = "git";
operator.type = "and";
query.params = [ "A" ];
reducer.type = "last";
type = "query";
datasource = {
type = "__expr__";
uid = "-100";
expression = "1==0";
intervalMs = 1000;
maxDataPoints = 43200;
type = "math";
for = "60s";
contactPoints.settings = {
contactPoints = [
name = "Test Contact Point";
receivers = [
uid = "test_contact_point";
type = "prometheus-alertmanager";
settings.url = "http://localhost:9000";
policies.settings = {
policies = [
receiver = "Test Contact Point";
templates.settings = {
templates = [
name = "Test Template";
template = "Test message";
muteTimings.settings = {
muteTimes = [
name = "Test Mute Timing";
provisionYaml = {
datasources.path = ./datasources.yaml;
dashboards.path = ./dashboards.yaml;
rules.path = ./rules.yaml;
contactPoints.path = ./contact-points.yaml;
policies.path = ./policies.yaml;
templates.path = ./templates.yaml;
muteTimings.path = ./mute-timings.yaml;
provisionYamlDirs =
mkdir = p: pkgs.writeTextDir (baseNameOf p) (builtins.readFile p);
datasources.path = mkdir ./datasources.yaml;
dashboards.path = mkdir ./dashboards.yaml;
rules.path = mkdir ./rules.yaml;
contactPoints.path = mkdir ./contact-points.yaml;
policies.path = mkdir ./policies.yaml;
templates.path = mkdir ./templates.yaml;
muteTimings.path = mkdir ./mute-timings.yaml;
nodes = builtins.mapAttrs (
_: val:
mkMerge [
) extraNodeConfs;
name = "grafana-provision";
meta = with maintainers; {
maintainers = [ willibutz ];
inherit nodes;
testScript = ''
nodeNix = ("Nix (new format)", provisionNix)
nodeYaml = ("Nix (YAML)", provisionYaml)
nodeYamlDir = ("Nix (YAML in dirs)", provisionYamlDirs)
for description, machine in [nodeNix, nodeYaml, nodeYamlDir]:
with subtest(f"Should start provision node: {description}"):
machine.wait_for_open_port(3000, addr="::1")
with subtest(f"Successful datasource provision with {description}"):
"curl -sSfN -u testadmin:snakeoilpwd http://[::1]:3000/api/datasources/uid/test_datasource | grep Test\ Datasource"
with subtest(f"Successful dashboard provision with {description}"):
"curl -sSfN -u testadmin:snakeoilpwd http://[::1]:3000/api/dashboards/uid/test_dashboard | grep Test\ Dashboard"
with subtest(f"Successful rule provision with {description}"):
"curl -sSfN -u testadmin:snakeoilpwd http://[::1]:3000/api/v1/provisioning/alert-rules/test_rule | grep Test\ Rule"
with subtest(f"Successful contact point provision with {description}"):
"curl -sSfN -u testadmin:snakeoilpwd http://[::1]:3000/api/v1/provisioning/contact-points | grep Test\ Contact\ Point"
with subtest(f"Successful policy provision with {description}"):
"curl -sSfN -u testadmin:snakeoilpwd http://[::1]:3000/api/v1/provisioning/policies | grep Test\ Contact\ Point"
with subtest(f"Successful template provision with {description}"):
"curl -sSfN -u testadmin:snakeoilpwd http://[::1]:3000/api/v1/provisioning/templates | grep Test\ Template"
with subtest("Successful mute timings provision with {description}"):
"curl -sSfN -u testadmin:snakeoilpwd http://[::1]:3000/api/v1/provisioning/mute-timings | grep Test\ Mute\ Timing"