diff --git a/compiler/modulepaths.nim b/compiler/modulepaths.nim
index fa8fab08a..63b0cb44d 100644
--- a/compiler/modulepaths.nim
+++ b/compiler/modulepaths.nim
@@ -73,6 +73,17 @@ proc checkModuleName*(conf: ConfigRef; n: PNode; doLocalError=true): FileIndex =
result = fileInfoIdx(conf, fullPath)
+proc rot13(result: var string) =
+ # don't mangle .nim
+ let finalIdx =
+ if result.endsWith(".nim"): result.len - 4
+ else: result.len
+ for i, c in result[0..<finalIdx]:
+ case c
+ of 'a'..'m', 'A'..'M': result[i] = char(c.uint8 + 13)
+ of 'n'..'z', 'N'..'Z': result[i] = char(c.uint8 - 13)
+ else: discard
proc mangleModuleName*(conf: ConfigRef; path: AbsoluteFile): string =
## Mangle a relative module path to avoid path and symbol collisions.
@@ -81,9 +92,11 @@ proc mangleModuleName*(conf: ConfigRef; path: AbsoluteFile): string =
## Example:
## `foo-#head/../bar` becomes `@foo-@hhead@s..@sbar`
- "@m" & relativeTo(path, conf.projectPath).string.multiReplace(
+ result = "@m" & relativeTo(path, conf.projectPath).string.multiReplace(
{$os.DirSep: "@s", $os.AltSep: "@s", "#": "@h", "@": "@@", ":": "@c"})
+ rot13(result)
proc demangleModuleName*(path: string): string =
## Demangle a relative module path.
result = path.multiReplace({"@@": "@", "@h": "#", "@s": "/", "@m": "", "@c": ":"})
diff --git a/compiler/msgs.nim b/compiler/msgs.nim
index ae4bcfcb8..1ad7e5c08 100644
--- a/compiler/msgs.nim
+++ b/compiler/msgs.nim
@@ -661,8 +661,10 @@ proc uniqueModuleName*(conf: ConfigRef; fid: FileIndex): string =
for i in 0..<trunc:
let c = rel[i]
case c
- of 'a'..'z':
- result.add c
+ of 'a'..'m':
+ result.add char(c.uint8 + 13)
+ of 'n'..'z':
+ result.add char(c.uint8 - 13)
of {os.DirSep, os.AltSep}:
result.add 'Z' # because it looks a bit like '/'
of '.':