2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
{ config, lib, pkgs, options, ... }:
cfg = config.security.acme;
opt = options.security.acme;
user = if cfg.useRoot then "root" else "acme";
# Used to calculate timer accuracy for coalescing
numCerts = lib.length (builtins.attrNames cfg.certs);
_24hSecs = 60 * 60 * 24;
# Used to make unique paths for each cert/account config set
mkHash = with builtins; val: lib.substring 0 20 (hashString "sha256" val);
mkAccountHash = acmeServer: data: mkHash "${toString acmeServer} ${data.keyType} ${data.email}";
accountDirRoot = "/var/lib/acme/.lego/accounts/";
lockdir = "/run/acme/";
concurrencyLockfiles = map (n: "${toString n}.lock") (lib.range 1 cfg.maxConcurrentRenewals);
# Assign elements of `baseList` to each element of `needAssignmentList`, until the latter is exhausted.
# returns: [{fst = "element of baseList"; snd = "element of needAssignmentList"}]
roundRobinAssign = baseList: needAssignmentList:
if baseList == [] then []
else _rrCycler baseList baseList needAssignmentList;
_rrCycler = with builtins; origBaseList: workingBaseList: needAssignmentList:
if (workingBaseList == [] || needAssignmentList == [])
then []
[{ fst = head workingBaseList; snd = head needAssignmentList;}] ++
_rrCycler origBaseList (if (tail workingBaseList == []) then origBaseList else tail workingBaseList) (tail needAssignmentList);
attrsToList = lib.mapAttrsToList (attrname: attrval: {name = attrname; value = attrval;});
# for an AttrSet `funcsAttrs` having functions as values, apply single arguments from
# `argsList` to them in a round-robin manner.
# Returns an attribute set with the applied functions as values.
roundRobinApplyAttrs = funcsAttrs: argsList: lib.listToAttrs (map (x: {inherit (x.snd) name; value = x.snd.value x.fst;}) (roundRobinAssign argsList (attrsToList funcsAttrs)));
wrapInFlock = lockfilePath: script:
# explainer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60896531
exec {LOCKFD}> ${lockfilePath}
echo "Waiting to acquire lock ${lockfilePath}"
${pkgs.flock}/bin/flock ''${LOCKFD} || exit 1
echo "Acquired lock ${lockfilePath}"
+ script + "\n"
+ ''echo "Releasing lock ${lockfilePath}" # only released after process exit'';
# There are many services required to make cert renewals work.
# They all follow a common structure:
# - They inherit this commonServiceConfig
# - They all run as the acme user
# - They all use BindPath and StateDirectory where possible
# to set up a sort of build environment in /tmp
# The Group can vary depending on what the user has specified in
# security.acme.certs.<cert>.group on some of the services.
commonServiceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
User = user;
Group = lib.mkDefault "acme";
UMask = "0022";
StateDirectoryMode = "750";
ProtectSystem = "strict";
ReadWritePaths = [
PrivateTmp = true;
WorkingDirectory = "/tmp";
CapabilityBoundingSet = [ "" ];
DevicePolicy = "closed";
LockPersonality = true;
MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true;
NoNewPrivileges = true;
PrivateDevices = true;
ProtectClock = true;
ProtectHome = true;
ProtectHostname = true;
ProtectControlGroups = true;
ProtectKernelLogs = true;
ProtectKernelModules = true;
ProtectKernelTunables = true;
ProtectProc = "invisible";
ProcSubset = "pid";
RemoveIPC = true;
RestrictAddressFamilies = [
RestrictNamespaces = true;
RestrictRealtime = true;
RestrictSUIDSGID = true;
SystemCallArchitectures = "native";
SystemCallFilter = [
# 1. allow a reasonable set of syscalls
"@system-service @resources"
# 2. and deny unreasonable ones
# 3. then allow the required subset within denied groups
# In order to avoid race conditions creating the CA for selfsigned certs,
# we have a separate service which will create the necessary files.
selfsignCAService = {
description = "Generate self-signed certificate authority";
path = with pkgs; [ minica ];
unitConfig = {
ConditionPathExists = "!/var/lib/acme/.minica/key.pem";
StartLimitIntervalSec = 0;
serviceConfig = commonServiceConfig // {
StateDirectory = "acme/.minica";
BindPaths = "/var/lib/acme/.minica:/tmp/ca";
UMask = "0077";
# Working directory will be /tmp
script = ''
minica \
--ca-key ca/key.pem \
--ca-cert ca/cert.pem \
--domains selfsigned.local
# Ensures that directories which are shared across all certs
# exist and have the correct user and group, since group
# is configurable on a per-cert basis.
userMigrationService = let
script = with builtins; ''
chown -R ${user} .lego/accounts
'' + (lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList (cert: data: ''
for fixpath in ${lib.escapeShellArg cert} .lego/${lib.escapeShellArg cert}; do
if [ -d "$fixpath" ]; then
chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= "$fixpath"
chown -R ${user}:${data.group} "$fixpath"
'') certConfigs));
in {
description = "Fix owner and group of all ACME certificates";
serviceConfig = commonServiceConfig // {
# We don't want this to run every time a renewal happens
RemainAfterExit = true;
# StateDirectory entries are a cleaner, service-level mechanism
# for dealing with persistent service data
StateDirectory = [ "acme" "acme/.lego" "acme/.lego/accounts" ];
StateDirectoryMode = 755;
WorkingDirectory = "/var/lib/acme";
# Run the start script as root
ExecStart = "+" + (pkgs.writeShellScript "acme-fixperms" script);
lockfilePrepareService = {
description = "Manage lock files for acme services";
# ensure all required lock files exist, but none more
script = ''
GLOBIGNORE="${lib.concatStringsSep ":" concurrencyLockfiles}"
rm -f -- *
xargs touch <<< "${toString concurrencyLockfiles}"
serviceConfig = commonServiceConfig // {
# We don't want this to run every time a renewal happens
RemainAfterExit = true;
WorkingDirectory = lockdir;
certToConfig = cert: data: let
acmeServer = data.server;
useDns = data.dnsProvider != null;
destPath = "/var/lib/acme/${cert}";
selfsignedDeps = lib.optionals (cfg.preliminarySelfsigned) [ "acme-selfsigned-${cert}.service" ];
# Minica and lego have a "feature" which replaces * with _. We need
# to make this substitution to reference the output files from both programs.
# End users never see this since we rename the certs.
keyName = builtins.replaceStrings ["*"] ["_"] data.domain;
# FIXME when mkChangedOptionModule supports submodules, change to that.
# This is a workaround
extraDomains = data.extraDomainNames ++ (
(data.extraDomains != "_mkMergedOptionModule")
(builtins.attrNames data.extraDomains)
# Create hashes for cert data directories based on configuration
# Flags are separated to avoid collisions
hashData = with builtins; ''
${lib.concatStringsSep " " data.extraLegoFlags} -
${lib.concatStringsSep " " data.extraLegoRunFlags} -
${lib.concatStringsSep " " data.extraLegoRenewFlags} -
${toString acmeServer} ${toString data.dnsProvider}
${toString data.ocspMustStaple} ${data.keyType}
certDir = mkHash hashData;
# TODO remove domainHash usage entirely. Waiting on go-acme/lego#1532
domainHash = mkHash "${lib.concatStringsSep " " extraDomains} ${data.domain}";
accountHash = (mkAccountHash acmeServer data);
accountDir = accountDirRoot + accountHash;
protocolOpts = if useDns then (
[ "--dns" data.dnsProvider ]
++ lib.optionals (!data.dnsPropagationCheck) [ "--dns.propagation-disable-ans" ]
++ lib.optionals (data.dnsResolver != null) [ "--dns.resolvers" data.dnsResolver ]
) else if data.s3Bucket != null then [ "--http" "--http.s3-bucket" data.s3Bucket ]
else if data.listenHTTP != null then [ "--http" "--http.port" data.listenHTTP ]
else [ "--http" "--http.webroot" data.webroot ];
commonOpts = [
"--accept-tos" # Checking the option is covered by the assertions
"--path" "."
"-d" data.domain
"--email" data.email
"--key-type" data.keyType
] ++ protocolOpts
++ lib.optionals (acmeServer != null) [ "--server" acmeServer ]
++ lib.concatMap (name: [ "-d" name ]) extraDomains
++ data.extraLegoFlags;
# Although --must-staple is common to both modes, it is not declared as a
# mode-agnostic argument in lego and thus must come after the mode.
runOpts = lib.escapeShellArgs (
++ [ "run" ]
++ lib.optionals data.ocspMustStaple [ "--must-staple" ]
++ data.extraLegoRunFlags
renewOpts = lib.escapeShellArgs (
++ [ "renew" "--no-random-sleep" ]
++ lib.optionals data.ocspMustStaple [ "--must-staple" ]
++ data.extraLegoRenewFlags
# We need to collect all the ACME webroots to grant them write
# access in the systemd service.
webroots =
lib.remove null
(certAttrs: certAttrs.webroot)
(lib.attrValues config.security.acme.certs)));
in {
inherit accountHash cert selfsignedDeps;
group = data.group;
renewTimer = {
description = "Renew ACME Certificate for ${cert}";
wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
timerConfig = {
OnCalendar = data.renewInterval;
Unit = "acme-${cert}.service";
Persistent = "yes";
# Allow systemd to pick a convenient time within the day
# to run the check.
# This allows the coalescing of multiple timer jobs.
# We divide by the number of certificates so that if you
# have many certificates, the renewals are distributed over
# the course of the day to avoid rate limits.
AccuracySec = "${toString (_24hSecs / numCerts)}s";
# Skew randomly within the day, per https://letsencrypt.org/docs/integration-guide/.
RandomizedDelaySec = "24h";
FixedRandomDelay = true;
selfsignService = lockfileName: {
description = "Generate self-signed certificate for ${cert}";
after = [ "acme-selfsigned-ca.service" "acme-fixperms.service" ] ++ lib.optional (cfg.maxConcurrentRenewals > 0) "acme-lockfiles.service";
requires = [ "acme-selfsigned-ca.service" "acme-fixperms.service" ] ++ lib.optional (cfg.maxConcurrentRenewals > 0) "acme-lockfiles.service";
path = with pkgs; [ minica ];
unitConfig = {
ConditionPathExists = "!/var/lib/acme/${cert}/key.pem";
StartLimitIntervalSec = 0;
serviceConfig = commonServiceConfig // {
Group = data.group;
UMask = "0027";
StateDirectory = "acme/${cert}";
BindPaths = [
# Working directory will be /tmp
# minica will output to a folder sharing the name of the first domain
# in the list, which will be ${data.domain}
script = (if (lockfileName == null) then lib.id else wrapInFlock "${lockdir}${lockfileName}") ''
minica \
--ca-key ca/key.pem \
--ca-cert ca/cert.pem \
--domains ${lib.escapeShellArg (builtins.concatStringsSep "," ([ data.domain ] ++ extraDomains))}
# Create files to match directory layout for real certificates
cd '${keyName}'
cp ../ca/cert.pem chain.pem
cat cert.pem chain.pem > fullchain.pem
cat key.pem fullchain.pem > full.pem
# Group might change between runs, re-apply it
chown '${user}:${data.group}' -- *
# Default permissions make the files unreadable by group + anon
# Need to be readable by group
chmod 640 -- *
renewService = lockfileName: {
description = "Renew ACME certificate for ${cert}";
after = [ "network.target" "network-online.target" "acme-fixperms.service" "nss-lookup.target" ] ++ selfsignedDeps ++ lib.optional (cfg.maxConcurrentRenewals > 0) "acme-lockfiles.service";
wants = [ "network-online.target" "acme-fixperms.service" ] ++ selfsignedDeps ++ lib.optional (cfg.maxConcurrentRenewals > 0) "acme-lockfiles.service";
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/81371#issuecomment-605526099
wantedBy = lib.optionals (!config.boot.isContainer) [ "multi-user.target" ];
path = with pkgs; [ lego coreutils diffutils openssl ];
serviceConfig = commonServiceConfig // {
Group = data.group;
# Let's Encrypt Failed Validation Limit allows 5 retries per hour, per account, hostname and hour.
# This avoids eating them all up if something is misconfigured upon the first try.
RestartSec = 15 * 60;
# Keep in mind that these directories will be deleted if the user runs
# systemctl clean --what=state
# acme/.lego/${cert} is listed for this reason.
StateDirectory = [
ReadWritePaths = commonServiceConfig.ReadWritePaths ++ webroots;
# Needs to be space separated, but can't use a multiline string because that'll include newlines
BindPaths = [
Squashed 'third_party/nixpkgs/' changes from 76612b17c0ce..dc460ec76cbf
dc460ec76cbf Remove obsolete libXrandr inputs from programs using winit (#354847)
f1b26f503aac nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0 (#352481)
a4761c00db07 smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0 (#354016)
60533322e317 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3 (#354170)
ab599469897c yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47 (#354226)
736b36d5719f niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10 (#355047)
547ac36fb30e spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1 (#354593)
6c3d0282c839 netbird: 0.30.2 -> 0.31.0 (#354756)
fcfcc8e0f43d proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20 (#354849)
2e3b9c403874 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1 (#353939)
c598a008a26b gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2 (#353887)
fcf7e79c02e9 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0 (#354808)
9e9dc89f01d1 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14 (#354763)
3d7216f0da32 nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425 (#312424)
1d4a687f62fc python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1 (#354453)
566bf556282a typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3 (#354980)
9a7641474d1c python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 (#354919)
76e387b03039 python312Packages.{localstack-ext,localstack}: fix build and refactor (#354962)
d056782c98a1 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test (#354988)
1ce8fcbc506b hyprlandPlugins: update plugins (#355037)
43c84259fd1b python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0 (#355007)
8c79491aea4c obsidian: remove white background from icons (#354945)
b3057fce636d niri: add patch for scrolling without mouse config
97ca8ccb1551 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile` (#348166)
f0b14e4fb4be niri: install dinit service files
172f0cee3628 python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 (#355027)
cf81310c69b9 prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20 (#354972)
4d9d042055b6 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0 (#354970)
7514add1990f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354917)
66eab41e34dd python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263 (#354909)
2ec42a007584 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio (#354911)
fa1b67747b3b ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0 (#354912)
918a840f93bf python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1 (#354910)
f5c93dd4908f python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0 (#354918)
9e48e1749f0a python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6 (#354943)
12569c191eb1 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3, move to by-name (#354974)
2049461e5435 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit (#354992)
3f42f0b61e6c linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110 (#355130)
4c3539c70b79 linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110
7ff8d0f160be vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4 (#355129)
7d4246729b44 vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4
e635cf8d9fb5 netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds (#355038)
8feb5e84c9e9 libskk: fix parse error (#355005)
b71ccf87b23c gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true` (#352768)
96e1c83061ff pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval (#352825)
87e380382121 nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1 (#355104)
f257cb5e5ee1 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0, add maintainer rksm (#348297)
b3dc0d06fdad buck2: Add shell completions (#354758)
9d2100929da8 rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1 (#351052)
3f334c14975e scopehal-apps: darwin support (#354815)
f03a58a929b4 roboto-flex: init at 3.200 (#353851)
5c1e2db52711 libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11 (#352703)
f94a3e0cd12e nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1
628110078b5c libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2 (#350821)
db0b0737bfdc obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation (#349326)
b3c4badad7e2 roboto-flex: init at 3.200
5812399690b8 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1 (#351360)
771d3917283d azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0 (#352775)
a8489059c4eb signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps (#354924)
f475d7505046 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests (#353833)
5b27ef3c5495 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2 (#354896)
a0c28de3e7d7 phonemizer: fix build (#354946)
802cb21f2a2a python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject (#354950)
99ad7da9e313 nixosTests.frr: fix node.router.config warning (#354710)
a44589e11da3 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build (#354523)
cb9613de4c67 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354512)
bc1a933e128d evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5 (#355083)
20ee59317101 nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries (#355088)
503b5b4c8cba rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909 (#354931)
dac96aac49af nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries
871087c18d34 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config (#348344)
8c164faef4d4 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering (#352479)
8209b0d9b9b0 netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0 (#354525)
96115f656695 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0 (#354743)
6b5935539883 texlivePackages.xetex: force XeTeX to use fontconfig on Darwin (#354963)
32e064f48c2b evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
1593115346ba piano-rs: init at 0.2.0 (#336405)
a67e90c4928a wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14 (#291723)
5b74eb9b909e scopehal-apps: darwin support
71734a22978f pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval (#355051)
ab58dcfaf4c5 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers (#351744)
95855a90f9d0 aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4 (#355030)
34ed0c9cc1bb scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland (#348427)
ae725bafb39b python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8 (#354925)
eba346ebfead teamspeak3: modernise (#354161)
673033d742b2 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1 (#352448)
8f0c9853d549 pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval
e80622178221 niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10
8aed22ecd71e quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33 and apply patch (#354672)
0198cfb7673a hyprlandPlugins.hyprsplit: 0.44.1 -> 0.45.0
f3f9fcf93c8d hyprlandPlugins.hyprspace: 0-unstable-2024-09-16 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
cbc60c36101f hyprlandPlugins.hyprscroller: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-09
d9e2143b3e56 hyprlandPlugins.hyprgrass: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.2-unstable-2024-10-30
9739ac3afe95 hyprlandPlugins.hyprfocus: 0-unstable-2024-05-30 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-09
7804dcce6c5b hyprlandPlugins.hypr-dynamic-cursors: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-10
7c6c04825999 hyprlandPlugins/hyprland-plugins: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e2b798c525ac hyprlandPlugins.hy3: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e575fc8ffa4b hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0 (#354900)
62d3c4fb592b netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds
0ef26b5dd615 Merge: Linux Hardened Kernel Updates for 2024-11-10 (#355023)
a6f2dfc2572d pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70 (#354954)
91333a0e6dcd team-list: establish java team (#352938)
6b0d4d7f4e8e aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4
3024a6807634 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken (#353672)
fa1ebbeeff0a python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
4fee2cde561f brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123; refactor and nixfmt-rfc-style (#354114)
44bbe5ddad08 nixos/{boinc,guix}: Use exec to start the payload binary of the service (#297526)
9bd781e73301 linux/hardened/patches/6.6: v6.6.59-hardened1 -> v6.6.60-hardened1
3b3ea3ac4b03 linux/hardened/patches/6.11: v6.11.6-hardened1 -> v6.11.7-hardened1
d9b6a745b265 linux/hardened/patches/6.1: v6.1.115-hardened1 -> v6.1.116-hardened1
c367b19a22b7 linux/hardened/patches/5.4: v5.4.284-hardened1 -> v5.4.285-hardened1
fc9089929ad5 linux/hardened/patches/5.15: v5.15.170-hardened1 -> v5.15.171-hardened1
edb9a963e6ea linux/hardened/patches/5.10: v5.10.228-hardened1 -> v5.10.229-hardened1
8db0ec767e6d home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (#355021)
2544da75c5bf home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.dirigera_platform: init at 2.6.4 (#350542)
799b1af3b445 cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated (#353735)
8339db676638 home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
9e1f7a1fc712 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0 (#353684)
6977c6b6c48e piano-rs: init at 0.2.0
e4c62c1fc494 pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70
fd214590b6ac rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909
f5f87e7240f5 dashy-ui: init at 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14 (#349149)
08e65e669ae3 python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0
608a4a6e7042 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module,lomiri.*: Enable qdoc docs (#352601)
f4a76ebd1330 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0 (#354685)
6eafb43ca667 python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75 (#354948)
926dbc8e1c6a jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8 (#352505)
60190159408f gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2
9a333460f50c Merge: postgresql: improve passthru.tests (#352966)
0598c612417e python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 (#352452)
d40ed47baac0 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin; fix source; refactor and modenize (#354973)
d77a2129f3e2 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS (#354063)
4e73fc3d5304 release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels (#262038)
37c3c1a32edf python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0 (#349069)
43544b405735 containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0 (#353113)
3e9874330416 regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02 (#353377)
88b78b3d1881 gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12 (#354521)
83d30478782d python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4 (#354350)
93472981d1ff nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7 (#354452)
886b26bad3d5 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15 (#354462)
b1d782c6fbb9 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0 (#354503)
3e3d0f2c68cf openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4 (#354964)
38ed0b172a2e compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1 (#354858)
c8af02ff2edb kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3 (#354916)
3a92760aa3f9 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13 (#354775)
b6077e3f6067 python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3 (#354801)
84db55f55e00 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47 (#354818)
d932f3609c38 python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354827)
cb0631fce111 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0 (#354838)
1c7bb9a36ff7 jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7 (#354845)
9dcf68f72882 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (#354901)
85a894514e94 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0 (#354985)
77c379fc15b1 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers
aebe24954483 ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10 (#354280)
2b05865a6fa6 glfw3: added vulkan support (#354761)
72d2fc0fe01c python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.12.0 (#354656)
57fa23936966 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test
4b239e8fff18 python3Packages.globus-sdk: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
2b76729d1341 python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0 (#354881)
3bfe9c23d14e clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 (#354882)
67e295df4455 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1 (#354892)
123c88831bff komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1 (#354826)
57fb3a800a9a xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354829)
c9ba25afb896 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3 (#354844)
9d40f67872f2 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3 (#354848)
1d2941554a10 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
45f61aa9a947 python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1 (#354851)
e01ca8d232a0 wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354853)
090349a58995 nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2 (#354856)
a7fcea08bca8 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1
8025d6d17bcd typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3
da9757048d7d buck2: Use stdenvNoCC
982ff0b08e25 buck2: Install completions for bash and zsh
8213a8a557f8 surreal-engine: init at 0-unstable-2024-11-08 (#337069)
6d4ddefd7161 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the dmg (#354846)
494908f0fe86 python312Packages.localstack: fix build and refactor
54394a0c0b71 python312Packages.localstack-ext: fix build and refactor
5b916fd89714 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles` (#353832)
822590d06248 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit
e9c53bdf9a56 nixos/localsend: add package option & allow udp port (#333485)
da404cffefb6 vgmtrans: init at 1.2, libbassmidi: init at (#321129)
551bd11c42de python312Packages.pyftgl: refactor and modenize
beceecb51336 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix source
8618fe6f96b9 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin
9828bad63a49 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3
8f8f60bee8e5 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0
66c47da4338c prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20
88b620a72b65 completely: move to by-name
00cd61f517aa cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1 (#354306)
6cd1dd3dc5e6 vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0 (#335742)
f7911fc460e9 vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54 (#342514)
f69f13279107 vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2 (#350464)
e065e550b153 python3Packages.us: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
ef21cc74e2f1 python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject
925510d32cab vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15 (#353989)
dbb60b6319f3 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15 (#354447)
f696e0dc331c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20 (#354307)
46bbcb7efef5 vgmtrans: init at 1.2
07ca74e13487 teamviewer: add services.teamviewer.package Option + misc improvemens (#346365)
fc94ad90fb0e phonemizer: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
42be8c49fb89 phonemizer: fix build
1531e7712628 typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30 (#354872)
e19b3c8cd386 python312Packages.netifaces2: init at 0.0.22 (#354736)
fc1d56201e17 openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
b306e97ffe30 Libreoffice updates (#354456)
62fa59a63947 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation (#353439)
29ba5b9a2985 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0, move to `by name`, `with lib;` cleanup, RFC format (#354932)
eee079f7e129 xcodes: nix-rfc-format
b45f61402b8a xcodes: with lib; cleanup
7531c8e01dc8 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0
3912015f1d0d python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75
d420f2c9502f maintainers: add llakala (#354625)
757189b3e6b0 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1 (#354817)
214d9423dca6 python312Packages.langgraph: Use correct test directory (#354345)
647624dca6a1 wine-discord-ipc-bridge: unstable-2023-08-09 -> 0.0.3 (#353900)
4c78072d2f27 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.1 (#354168)
3efeb317473e git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4 (#354046)
35305f29a7e3 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next (#352507)
01ddc69668f5 obsidian: remove white background from icons
903f42960df7 fishPlugins.*: fix versions (#354729)
b0b3a70891e6 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present (#354899)
c188d417cf07 python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6
d3cba66b117d python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0 (#354797)
4af121e6ac0f ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0 (#354807)
96e67743abd9 ox: switch to the new darwin sdk pattern
992c80c02e1f ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10
757df4a1b42e xcodes: move to by-name
ae21c33fafab python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8
1bd58487d015 python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
343b0a222530 adolc: modernize; fix clang build (#354642)
27235e1e6da6 python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3
1e6362fe068f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
9d3096074f3e vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0 (#354444)
9e960c976873 python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0
16107665062c dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt (#350053)
b3765ba04029 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (#354459)
012a679db0f8 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0 (#354852)
6ffb12c9f9c3 kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3
27a103786c88 doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init (#351394)
660022ee302b newlib: enable parallel build (#354520)
acf406372cf8 linux_xanmod, linux_xanmod_latest: 2024-11-08 (#354617)
ab244d13144a python312Packages.aiogram: update disabled
bb00b359cce7 ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0
b39ea623743c python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263
4c4420b29b66 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio
b1d0a1aafff5 python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1
465eab85d222 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0, python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.0 (#353963)
85c8b5ba7879 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3 (#354880)
c00d32f28515 beszel: init at 0.6.2 (#345444)
652fd5119056 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
a59e625bb474 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present
f8a4abdc2ed1 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0
e20360e289da leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2 (#354519)
eacbe35bf009 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 (#354574)
72a790c6fc77 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as mainta… (#354794)
de131566b6e4 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1 (#354813)
12fe26865622 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0 (#354726)
176eb0a3d99e doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init
8df19efae58d kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0 (#353577)
f0000fe56d08 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17 (#354586)
09efcc6e4be9 libvirt-glib: relax max stack size limit
f91d2228a0b7 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2
74d1b07edbf2 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1 (#353342)
28f456e3131c GNOME updates 2024-11-05 (#353824)
59ed3fa2c48d scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland
0a0d12f6626d gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
1a4eb8b7a96e libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11
35110b71bd78 azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0
464b1e80245f maintainers: add llakala
d1444b4947b4 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1
08c2eb8e894e nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7
061f86ca2988 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15
ca3eca77cd85 gcsfuse: mark as broken on darwin
64b28c617d26 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1
2ff82ba8deea libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2
8ff9d62e81f6 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1
b49da1f76456 scarab: Remove unused inputs
df10ec72acee mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern (#354735)
b9c73c537391 python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin (#354667)
ae7f0eebdb3b python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354592)
6e82927b9473 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build
dde8f5051682 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system (#354473)
55242bf389de hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0
97a1ad0df003 tulip: fix build (#354236)
b322800344d5 python312Packages.rapidfuzz: 3.10.0 -> 3.10.1
ff18a1b2578d rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1
0dc5bb1584a5 mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7 (#345407)
7135b364b6e3 brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123
301751f1c1bb brave: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
d037904ba3ed brave: refactor package.nix to allow more architectures
e3d50903923e hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3 (#354793)
b83eab78d7ec libvirt: increase timeout on darwin
b5aaa1df2248 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3 (#354393)
a96052fe5ffb virt-manager: disable testCLI0263virt_xml
df6ffb01522b perlPackages.SysVirt: 10.2.0 -> 10.9.0
e6f77dadc335 python312Packages.libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
69119368fdc5 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
ed887863a6d6 clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3
06486aa31e8c python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0
7f76ced7336f nixos/dashy: init module
60bc80aa5cd7 dashy-ui: 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14
ec1f3c7390de wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0 (#354778)
372f9fa1b449 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3
1546e0871c1d nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2 (#354300)
3cebba8819f4 spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1
3a83ddd0062b vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies (#354673)
e6ffd9960ec9 python3Packages.{mirakuru,pgsanity}: fix builds (#354774)
8bee32d8bfa3 maintainers: add caperren
06be8564e527 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1 (#354083)
6648da3db4c4 darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks (#354766)
bbdf7817f839 wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14
a329ca6aea6e immich: unvendor exiftool
ee1cffa25c45 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1
d6899545c5bf typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30
73e03e065ec8 luaPackages.toml-edit: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1
2b3acacf0856 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor (#337284)
d55bf75cb9fe python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata (#354857)
5e5ec22c6f3d skia: unbreak darwin (#354557)
c00cc16b63b0 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0 (#354863)
93a01b05975a teamspeak3: drop 'arch' variable
2ad379b1c350 panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5 (#354771)
10a4498042d9 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0
c48cd19fe52a python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata
25628a6ed53a python3Packages.{consonance,yowsup}: fix build; refactor (#354690)
3bb8fc0f8844 compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1
e4ea814f0c8e teamspeak3: avoid `with lib;`
585c5ae3bcfa teamspeak3: remove NIX_REDIRECTS
4d98fc18e856 teamspeak3: rename from teamspeak_client
05eff5c687c1 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13 (#351778)
e5017770eb89 teamspeak_client: run installer script without -x by default
2568cfa34889 teamspeak_client: install to opt/ subdirectory
3830a3dbf641 teamspeak_client: modernise installPhase
49a5c6431cb9 teamspeak_client: remove unnecessary dependencies
9db530c94c90 teamspeak_client: use autoPatchelfHook rather than manual patchelf
cba4002e45b3 teamspeak_client: refactor libquazip patching
1a5940c3e8b3 teamspeak_client: use wrapQtAppsHook
56a739f756c9 teamspeak_client: make libredirect a regular runtimeDep
0f029a19c62b teamspeak_client: run phase hooks
cdd40cb89c34 teamspeak_client: refactor QT deps
c056c7dd7a11 teamspeak_client: use regular libcxx
f3840380fd31 teamspeak_client: don't wrap with cc's libdir
168a80a4eaea nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2
e3893e5c3c76 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build (#354706)
031786067bea slint-lsp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
e70954dca60d alacritty: remove obsolete libXrandr input
3690e2cfea0d python312Packages.mypy-boto3-*: updates (#354714)
414bf9701593 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18 (#354715)
ce51df0a5ba5 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29 (#354716)
cec3c09abdec cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0 (#354722)
8bfbd4e1f8d3 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0 (#354719)
b003bd16857f wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0
32cd6d84d744 python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0 (#354816)
63a139ae1c3c python312Packages.millheater: refactor
bcbe1d7185f3 python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127 (#354742)
92e125410c20 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0
acc043c769ce python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1
43fa5ea2c9aa sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27 (#354779)
8540b13b1d20 josm: 19230 → 19253 (#354506)
f8486a3f1d9c vscode-extensions.sourcery.sourcery: 1.23.0 -> 1.24.0 (#354612)
d87258ad94bd python311Packages.pymc: fix hash (#354840)
13c119bf1a64 .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template (#342713)
2212fad7704e laravel: 5.8.3 -> 5.9.2 (#354696)
ebc1473d52f3 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3
d429e8592fb8 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1 (#350180)
da39eb7dd037 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install} (#354024)
0120ed5ea9f1 ruffle: remove obsolete libXrandr input
77c0b0b54457 halloy: remove obsolete libXrandr input
68d10c6cc3bb cosmic-term: remove obsolete libXrandr input
86d824132693 cosmic-edit: remove obsolete libXrandr input
f641f65b03b4 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1 (#320790)
d91e9dd0faa5 cosmic-comp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
a0bc021caebf coppwr: remove obsolete libXrandr input
2dcf8afc6007 aider-chat: add playwright version (#354796)
499926182ad1 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the .dmg
3d3185b49655 proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20
52c3ce5d48fe qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1 (#354770)
7cb44f20f6b3 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS
658a8762ea0d jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7
b2f43234a2c3 adolc: fix clang build
5186ad13f487 adolc: modernize
c880f1f46bfe adolc: format
f3cced0b682e python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 (#354831)
a806a3b2e597 python311Packages.pymc: fix hash
9a695a958884 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3
1cd03b9a6446 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0
50cff47c417c bootterm: init at 0.5 (#352951)
0927ff824cde python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1 (#354630)
e42a71a5de98 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 (#354812)
df1e170e33c5 python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
92c3f8cf92c0 wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 (#354116)
8ac37da4f6ed xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
7ecad5abbd99 maintainers: add therealgramdalf
fe17e8dfaa6b python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
b323e1c5c4e2 komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1
c04d7170e047 team-list: establish java team
8b2a02dc9de8 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1
146c62ba33a4 vscode-extensions.ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack: init at 0.26.0
5c44f6f77c96 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 (#354423)
21069db14d33 python312Packages.weblate-language-data: 2024.8 -> 2024.13
b71a8b49f59b live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0 (#354395)
f5e91559fddc python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (#354397)
286db1ef230d wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1 (#354412)
939318029769 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47
45cef36e39b2 nixosTests.postgresql: run nixfmt
128244b59818 nixosTests.postgresql: use a common pattern throughout all tests
9035573855d9 nixosTests.postgresql: move all postgresql related nixosTests into one folder
db2d6a00abe5 postgresqlPackages.anonymizer: make passthru.tests work with correct package
23c19a255fab postgresqlPackages.timescaledb: make passthru.tests work with correct package
6d7da20a9044 postgresqlPackages.tsja: make passthru.tests work with correct package
a5c41ae80a2f postgresqlPackages.pgvecto-rs: make passthru.tests work with correct package
0af934adf740 postgresqlPackages.pgjwt: make passthru.tests work with correct package
ecffab1fdaf8 postgresqlPackages.postgis: move nixosTests.postgis into package
aded718a9824 postgresqlPackages.apache_datasketches: move nixosTests.apache_datasketches into package
139c5466764b postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql-tls-client-cert
f6c2de926290 postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql
319d82d5c218 nixosTests.postgresql-wal2json: avoid manual imports
65ef7381c8d7 nixosTests.postgresql-jit: avoid manual imports
a1ae4377e090 nixosTests.postgresql-wal-receiver: avoid manual imports
75d51c588914 postgresqlVersions: init
d3feaaebea18 nixosTests.pgjwt: fix test
e2636cf342ea python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0
3bf6a063b3c7 Merge: postgresqlPackages: fix some builds on darwin (#354748)
059fc0f2dea1 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1
8f55df5aa879 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1
f11b5ff8a21a Merge: pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available (#354526)
0a7544a42300 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0
b01d3ee0239c python312Packages.polars: 1.9.0 -> 1.12.0
8f3dad550fd1 python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.1
446aa3f0b262 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0
635e9d2ebb5b sile: switch to the zstd based source
172cb3ef53e1 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages (#354287)
91e4660ed8fc git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4
d60f27f889da ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0
b35c45a2c174 python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4 (#354754)
31aa6f6edf2b python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10 (#354750)
bba140c5a34b python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 (#354539)
c61adda6befd python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
6430e02e54ef cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 (#354558)
9139ad63f22f granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1 (#354572)
275614510a2c python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21 (#354596)
cff5cbc5a1d9 python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25 (#354607)
043d2cb44863 python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354613)
646347d50787 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0 (#354618)
807e43e55923 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04 (#353627)
02e3707a2cae python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0 (#354713)
d8a18ae783d8 python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18 (#354717)
b276bfa32bff python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 (#354720)
df67f3f7b25a helix-gpt: 0.31.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354767)
7307a896451d home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0 (#354787)
9559e9044e8a python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68 (#354681)
45d7d8c8b3cd python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0
3061dbd29c06 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19 (#354684)
3be1322ad99d python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0 (#354693)
a8e970898daa ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108 (#354698)
d5df6af63621 python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262 (#354699)
2bac553f5a50 okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 (#354702)
d7a60669490e ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8 (#354650)
011f48fb221a fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10 (#354664)
f8ba284376ec python312Packages.guidata: 3.7.0 -> 3.7.1
d9353697ca64 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4 (#354674)
4f101cae7065 aider-chat: add playwright version
7953deea2419 keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0 (#336886)
20e8995972d4 thunderbird: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr (#354213)
312ce1b65c40 hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3
b89f8a710d16 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as maintainer
d2d4c4f350b9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3 (#354582)
38a52bbfd430 restic: disable tests on non-linux
c98b0cad092c home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0
70ca880f3511 gnome-online-accounts: 3.52.0 → 3.52.1
247ee3b0379e mutter: 47.0 → 47.1
6b438be4d92a gvfs: 1.56.0 → 1.56.1
748ada2ba6e0 gnome-shell-extensions: 47.0 → 47.1
b3b9989a367d gnome-shell: 47.0 → 47.1
d45192210e86 gnome-remote-desktop: 47.0 → 47.1
ea1a562cb95a gnome-control-center: 47.0.1 → 47.1.1
9b6dabf3f2ff kubelogin-oidc: switch to recommended pattern for implicit attr defaults
4d089cffa925 kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0
f0bee68628ec robo: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.0 (#354707)
6fb6032d36ef roave-backward-compatibility-check: 8.9.0 -> 8.10.0 (#354705)
04f72b6930e8 ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3 (#354585)
a4e298635f25 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
7fa514f53139 waylock: port update script to bash
a9669e1be8c7 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8
a31f2a7b37f2 pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements; vimPlugins: sort properly (#353786)
8d9c4bfb9851 helix-gpt: 0.31 -> 0.34
2ef132b3585e gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0 (#346255)
e02828f01cd1 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak (#354509)
7bb5dfe0e470 sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27
894ab7c90845 wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0
bc63a2f7c3c8 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin (#354566)
dcdd61e5e5b2 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2… (#353112)
67fa71469a6b python3Packages.pgsanity: fix build
e07f6a75653d python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin in sandbox
1b89b9a99d80 python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin
2515edf5369e qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30 (#352723)
5f45ecf05c14 python312Packages.docling-parse: 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3 (#354691)
cf6a8c9b4b9f chore: update references to `nix-review` to `nixpkgs-review`
bc5b75eb11b1 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40 (#350248)
9bcab985ab58 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13
ea5908112814 python3Packages.mirakuru: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
a2dc61cee92a panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5
9ba75eb753b5 mysql-shell-innovation: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
194e35dd632a mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
54953ef09a04 qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1
8091ea3f24bb Merge: postgresql_17: fix build (#354571)
274d5afbc552 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14
3b91a81423cd treewide: remove redundant patches and locks (#354215)
c4f452f621f6 vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies
c701c72b71f7 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0 (#353023)
b11943b30173 nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0 (#352589)
82f6fe5a5762 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration (#354753)
44800d7c800e .git-blame-ignore-revs: add 'treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1'
7a56cc79c651 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2 (#354662)
fa2cae8e77f8 treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1 (#354531)
8f29f19bc162 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3, mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0 (#349181)
8c2c5fa14d77 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package (#302204)
f8bb0b875ad8 factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15 (#354040)
ff0df8fe7aee php: 8.4.0RC3 -> 8.4.0RC4, 8.3.12 -> 8.3.13 (#354562)
751912c95af1 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration
648e59c8a3ce python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4
be978743512b Fix: use lib.mkPackageOption
ba83a0dba006 Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
a96dce89d048 PR feedback: Replace pkg variable, move package statement
571c71e6f73a treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1
b5f67acfbf3c nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0 (#354661)
bfd5f3d9ffca glfw3: added vulkan support
e98f8506648f python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10
e79b71782a4c budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 (#354308)
4801d0c2a3a5 postgresql17Packages.{pg_cron,pg_hll}: fix build on x86_64-darwin
b9cf08c8e5ec cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4 (#354677)
dde21924f83f vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies (#354634)
df20742283ba ombi: allow overriding package in module (#345814)
a50d7295727e darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks
112d505ce4a2 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux (#353983)
3fe7c149cbbb libreoffice: disable tests on Qt5
2be7c57b9325 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3 (#354580)
eeb4b7041961 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service (#354098)
dde890851a3c python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
58e6cb8ad805 python312Packages.cle: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
7a83dade0a7d python312Packages.claripy: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
82870db16ad2 python312Packages.pyvex: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
1e20869209d8 python312Packages.ailment: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
5a5694d2ff97 python312Packages.archinfo: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
bf11ccc0e233 clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3 (#354273)
951d196036af stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31 (#354623)
18f2cc30ef90 stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20 (#354616)
90f890e79327 stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22 (#354633)
fd3e1541866a libreoffice-still: ->
b60b7b6b05c1 libreoffice-fresh: ->
dc31ff18ec84 stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10 (#354637)
996e9d64594d python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps and tests, unbreak (#354464)
5f8f11ff862b stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19 (#354614)
f3e2ba5038e9 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06 (#354638)
99d3107b49fe stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13 (#324395)
780275051aa2 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07 (#324404)
ff09150750be basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0 (#354204)
aff0cebe5ab3 fishPlugins.*: fix versions
8b4272426c92 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0
54baabae77a7 ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9 (#353042)
972dfa3efafc python312Packages.objprint: add changelog to meta
ca6c07d985d5 cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0
788591e73b39 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0
b156e982136d .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template
1df32493a41c python312Packages.mypy-boto3-verifiedpermissions: 1.35.30 -> 1.35.55
25114110f49e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-synthetics: 1.35.18 -> 1.35.56
dd882eb62402 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-s3control: 1.35.12 -> 1.35.55
aede3250222f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-resource-explorer-2: 1.35.25 -> 1.35.56
ddb9a7fcd1d7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-quicksight: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.56
6db171d873a5 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.57
c548504474ae nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425
47904c8dd760 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lambda: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.57
1e7b5db19091 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lakeformation: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.55
f04bedb8b097 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-guardduty: 1.35.39 -> 1.35.55
f696f2da0ac9 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-firehose: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
815da64d5641 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-eks: 1.35.45 -> 1.35.57
da42eb80266f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-codebuild: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.55
f283f98e923e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-cleanrooms: 1.35.51 -> 1.35.56
764ae6081bc7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-chime-sdk-media-pipelines: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
df705189ee44 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-batch: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.57
a4a1020e7137 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-autoscaling: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.56
e770aff17974 python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
f396caa8d752 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18
2160918a0b90 python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0
cb5a79de97b2 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29
ac3c8ae13d0a python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18
b7c678532145 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0 (#354708)
1cc81439e761 nixosTests.frr: fix warning, use nodes.router instead of nodes.router.config
f93219dfa08f nixosTests.frr: format using nixfmt
df11922a6da8 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0
63d9179dd4e9 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: refactor
533fffa449e4 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build on darwin
45dd2b73eacf python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262
7c69e10ceb1b okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
83d18d4dc3ee python311Packages.yowsup: refactor
c0ec6c8c3c3c python311Packages.yowsup: fix build
a0f0aac19598 ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108
5abc7f27a20e python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
1fa9b80b0afd release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels
ab7489d373ff python311Packages.consonance: refactor
c76f00a4efe6 python311Packages.consonance: fix build
f323f1ccfef7 nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0
bdfa0f011297 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests
78b5698555d8 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19
8dfa246bb10c python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68
4c7aa6428fe9 cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4
df3d7683fed1 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4
4f0337923244 quarto: apply deno 2 compatibility patch
69cc148de30a quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33
39769f9fc86f python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin
80335810c8c6 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0
cf772c1b5608 fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10
3603e0d5ea48 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2
5a82dc34b00e nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0
40641c90b547 python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.9.0
b5f7f510393d ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8
a784f38df795 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06
2c31f63228ab stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10
66bb24d74424 vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies
02871d95ebeb mesonlsp: fix aarch64-darwin build, mark as broken on x86_64-darwin
2e2d6027352b stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22
e9b1d2d5ac63 vimPlugins: sort properly
a6fe798a015a pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements
8b503ec432ce pluginupdate.py: reformat with ruff
d339f93f3225 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system
385eb6ae4dff python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1
5a1e1f65a908 stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13
4b02cabbbe0c stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19
839ecef9050e stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20
c3fd31e2c4ad stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31
a90b34f9e76b keybase{-gui}: add myself as maintainer
265d9a2adb8b keybase-gui: add `NIXOS_OZONE_WL` support
a024f81d841c keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0
562758261fd4 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0
71330f93ee9e linux_xanmod_latest: 6.11.6 -> 6.11.7
efa0718e7482 linux_xanmod: 6.6.59 -> 6.6.60
61220d768de8 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13
afbbb9aaeb0d python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25
ac5aaaa7336f python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
086bfa238585 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17
a5b695b34b6b python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21
c3afba78f24e python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
0a48b45c5af7 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next
1754ed842e2d ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3
b8e62002b5d3 python312Packages.msprime: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
226843be6a9f python312Packages.pysnow: patch tests, unbreak
b8b4cdc90390 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation
5db8bf44deb0 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages
120103ec7cc9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3
80458ba97944 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07
676db521744e postgresql_17: fix build
b2945bc0a84f python312Packages.langgraph: Fix unit tests that were breaking Hydra
c64c064437f5 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
c26249be9a66 lapce: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
896db32853f5 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin
3e9c905d355a nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2
4a1393afe0f1 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3
78705eaeb106 skia: unbreak darwin
d1478e78c0ac postgresqlPackages.system_stats: fix build on darwin
af11b38d2131 cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2
c78b55b3b684 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3
29d02718132f wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1
1af3b8486fb2 granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1
1bb3362ddfb5 python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
dd59f2cfe919 budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1
0418996c9685 pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available
6ec5b8d597ba netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0
e600b8b00b33 newlib: enable parallel build
16518a3f3d4b factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15
6c2d6fa844bc leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2
84b68b839ac3 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
bd2ea530520b python312Packages.scikit-fmm: run checkPhase hooks, echo check command
1c418186cfd2 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak
ee27c02106f3 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0
0465be1b8f0e python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps, unbreak
eeb52b79d149 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15
19595c35d78c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20
92647d759237 vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0
44992762f0cc basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0
27c93e95f9a8 tulip: fix compilation by adding the `-fpermissive` flag A typecast from unsigned char* to char* in the source broke the build
987c737557b1 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.0
07d2ee58bae2 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2
b74fdd238641 treewide: remove redundant patches and locks
a588dee7465d python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
b75334c2f965 live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0
86fbc2f2d8c6 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3
00cc5342828c python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4
831c38e31987 python3Packages.fastcrc: init at 0.3.2
a01b23fa72ac cartridges: run meson checks
57f23ed8b1a8 cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1
cea2eef9fa5d clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3
b62797a3d7ed tulip: format using nixfmt
fb358db1b51f thunderbird-128-unwrapped: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr
d56656e48729 yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47
43d0f16226c8 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor
0e174ba654b7 python3Packages.proton-vpn-network-manager: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.4
f4485f7c41af python3Packages.proton-vpn-api-core: 0.35.5 -> 0.36.4
074f93408e5a proton-vpn-local-agent: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 1.0.0
da0bfe800600 signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps
de8c3feb7fbf wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1
16970e3252d0 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service
9e1b88a44350 libbassmidi: init at
05ac36fa30a3 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install}
3e646301a07e smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0
9609ea875774 vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15
975f4c45ae5c beszel: init at 0.6.2
887a74fd5784 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux
3f2bbfd68b79 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles`
9642cf41060a cfn-nag: added mathstlouis to maintainers
abcf5fb9b943 maintainer-list: added mathstlouis
c771f151f8bf cfn-nag: added meta.mainProgram
ff17208a821a cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated
dd086ca40200 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04
4b13779f3321 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken
9b7877aa1fc7 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0
aebe9a354b7b regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
db15554b6954 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1
d90f320eb26d bootterm: init at 0.5
45d7127c77df mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7
1a774a95d219 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1
682d4d76aa8c containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0
7abbb28c59b9 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-11-01
b9e3b9dbb22b ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9
4eceb5ba2fef maintainers: add deadbaed
c952a4bfdbec vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2
d4e2d6e00c84 maintainers: add thtrf
1301e4f0b024 pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval
6030ff068ad7 gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true`
b6cf7b27b7c0 qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30
4d8081767bc5 lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: nixfmt, modernise
4ce2e1df58ec lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: nixfmt, modernise
5cc3c54a6425 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: nixfmt, modernise
ba59f61a725a lomiri.u1db-qt: Add meta.changelog
95c0233ed962 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: nixfmt, modernise
bafb37491e96 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Fix version
b8c432b54a5a libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: nixfmt, modernise
8a5f86237dba lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: Enable qdoc docs
03b310e94cbc lomiri.lomiri-indicator-network: Enable qdoc docs
e0d5bd98ffbc lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: Enable qdoc docs
d04843ce6096 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: Enable qdoc docs
ac976c912dfb jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8
8f74b6cdaf78 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: Enable qdoc docs
eeea8d648db2 lomiri.u1db-qt: Enable qdoc docs
4442e5ac9161 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Enable qdoc docs
9dd1f943ecd1 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering
bed43b44613d nixos/hardware.nitrokey: update documentation
38ec993a582f nixos/hardware.nitrokey: replace libnitrokey with nitrokey-udev-rules
d43f004d1fe4 nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0
8ffcca7fd0a0 maintainers: add robinkrahl
2280b9bf4a98 python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
9ce864871fdc python312Packages.rio-tiler: 6.7.0 → 7.0.1
1caf42170d5a vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54
d931f342a429 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40
07c81867c907 dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt
c3ceedeac1ac obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation
cbcee2460787 mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0
c7a381c92a79 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3
933ccc51f4a5 maintainers: add rksm
1a48ff707293 python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0
c02e155285ef vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0
6e6fc7ca2658 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config
7467f7d59f13 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile`
04dbbd436515 teamviewer: introduce services.teamviewer.package option
2928912a7c74 teamviewer: remove "with lib;"
89ecd0313160 teamviewer: format file
5146c143bbf1 gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0
a44e0fe3dc9f pyton312Packages.sphinx-autodoc2: init at 0.5.0
0b097987fe34 nixos/localsend: allow udp port
9ac4777d98d0 nixos/localsend: add package option
a3843a7ee564 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1
5d49d4cfa1a4 nixos/guix: use exec to start the payload binary
410ae87bf5e2 nixos/boinc: use exec to start the payload binary
e8a9775a6167 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package
git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs
git-subtree-split: dc460ec76cbff0e66e269457d7b728432263166c
2024-11-16 15:43:04 +00:00
EnvironmentFile = lib.mkIf (data.environmentFile != null) data.environmentFile;
2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
Squashed 'third_party/nixpkgs/' changes from 76612b17c0ce..dc460ec76cbf
dc460ec76cbf Remove obsolete libXrandr inputs from programs using winit (#354847)
f1b26f503aac nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0 (#352481)
a4761c00db07 smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0 (#354016)
60533322e317 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3 (#354170)
ab599469897c yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47 (#354226)
736b36d5719f niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10 (#355047)
547ac36fb30e spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1 (#354593)
6c3d0282c839 netbird: 0.30.2 -> 0.31.0 (#354756)
fcfcc8e0f43d proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20 (#354849)
2e3b9c403874 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1 (#353939)
c598a008a26b gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2 (#353887)
fcf7e79c02e9 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0 (#354808)
9e9dc89f01d1 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14 (#354763)
3d7216f0da32 nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425 (#312424)
1d4a687f62fc python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1 (#354453)
566bf556282a typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3 (#354980)
9a7641474d1c python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 (#354919)
76e387b03039 python312Packages.{localstack-ext,localstack}: fix build and refactor (#354962)
d056782c98a1 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test (#354988)
1ce8fcbc506b hyprlandPlugins: update plugins (#355037)
43c84259fd1b python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0 (#355007)
8c79491aea4c obsidian: remove white background from icons (#354945)
b3057fce636d niri: add patch for scrolling without mouse config
97ca8ccb1551 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile` (#348166)
f0b14e4fb4be niri: install dinit service files
172f0cee3628 python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 (#355027)
cf81310c69b9 prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20 (#354972)
4d9d042055b6 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0 (#354970)
7514add1990f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354917)
66eab41e34dd python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263 (#354909)
2ec42a007584 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio (#354911)
fa1b67747b3b ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0 (#354912)
918a840f93bf python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1 (#354910)
f5c93dd4908f python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0 (#354918)
9e48e1749f0a python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6 (#354943)
12569c191eb1 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3, move to by-name (#354974)
2049461e5435 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit (#354992)
3f42f0b61e6c linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110 (#355130)
4c3539c70b79 linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110
7ff8d0f160be vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4 (#355129)
7d4246729b44 vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4
e635cf8d9fb5 netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds (#355038)
8feb5e84c9e9 libskk: fix parse error (#355005)
b71ccf87b23c gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true` (#352768)
96e1c83061ff pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval (#352825)
87e380382121 nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1 (#355104)
f257cb5e5ee1 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0, add maintainer rksm (#348297)
b3dc0d06fdad buck2: Add shell completions (#354758)
9d2100929da8 rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1 (#351052)
3f334c14975e scopehal-apps: darwin support (#354815)
f03a58a929b4 roboto-flex: init at 3.200 (#353851)
5c1e2db52711 libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11 (#352703)
f94a3e0cd12e nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1
628110078b5c libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2 (#350821)
db0b0737bfdc obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation (#349326)
b3c4badad7e2 roboto-flex: init at 3.200
5812399690b8 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1 (#351360)
771d3917283d azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0 (#352775)
a8489059c4eb signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps (#354924)
f475d7505046 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests (#353833)
5b27ef3c5495 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2 (#354896)
a0c28de3e7d7 phonemizer: fix build (#354946)
802cb21f2a2a python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject (#354950)
99ad7da9e313 nixosTests.frr: fix node.router.config warning (#354710)
a44589e11da3 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build (#354523)
cb9613de4c67 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354512)
bc1a933e128d evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5 (#355083)
20ee59317101 nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries (#355088)
503b5b4c8cba rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909 (#354931)
dac96aac49af nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries
871087c18d34 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config (#348344)
8c164faef4d4 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering (#352479)
8209b0d9b9b0 netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0 (#354525)
96115f656695 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0 (#354743)
6b5935539883 texlivePackages.xetex: force XeTeX to use fontconfig on Darwin (#354963)
32e064f48c2b evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
1593115346ba piano-rs: init at 0.2.0 (#336405)
a67e90c4928a wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14 (#291723)
5b74eb9b909e scopehal-apps: darwin support
71734a22978f pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval (#355051)
ab58dcfaf4c5 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers (#351744)
95855a90f9d0 aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4 (#355030)
34ed0c9cc1bb scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland (#348427)
ae725bafb39b python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8 (#354925)
eba346ebfead teamspeak3: modernise (#354161)
673033d742b2 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1 (#352448)
8f0c9853d549 pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval
e80622178221 niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10
8aed22ecd71e quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33 and apply patch (#354672)
0198cfb7673a hyprlandPlugins.hyprsplit: 0.44.1 -> 0.45.0
f3f9fcf93c8d hyprlandPlugins.hyprspace: 0-unstable-2024-09-16 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
cbc60c36101f hyprlandPlugins.hyprscroller: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-09
d9e2143b3e56 hyprlandPlugins.hyprgrass: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.2-unstable-2024-10-30
9739ac3afe95 hyprlandPlugins.hyprfocus: 0-unstable-2024-05-30 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-09
7804dcce6c5b hyprlandPlugins.hypr-dynamic-cursors: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-10
7c6c04825999 hyprlandPlugins/hyprland-plugins: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e2b798c525ac hyprlandPlugins.hy3: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e575fc8ffa4b hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0 (#354900)
62d3c4fb592b netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds
0ef26b5dd615 Merge: Linux Hardened Kernel Updates for 2024-11-10 (#355023)
a6f2dfc2572d pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70 (#354954)
91333a0e6dcd team-list: establish java team (#352938)
6b0d4d7f4e8e aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4
3024a6807634 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken (#353672)
fa1ebbeeff0a python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
4fee2cde561f brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123; refactor and nixfmt-rfc-style (#354114)
44bbe5ddad08 nixos/{boinc,guix}: Use exec to start the payload binary of the service (#297526)
9bd781e73301 linux/hardened/patches/6.6: v6.6.59-hardened1 -> v6.6.60-hardened1
3b3ea3ac4b03 linux/hardened/patches/6.11: v6.11.6-hardened1 -> v6.11.7-hardened1
d9b6a745b265 linux/hardened/patches/6.1: v6.1.115-hardened1 -> v6.1.116-hardened1
c367b19a22b7 linux/hardened/patches/5.4: v5.4.284-hardened1 -> v5.4.285-hardened1
fc9089929ad5 linux/hardened/patches/5.15: v5.15.170-hardened1 -> v5.15.171-hardened1
edb9a963e6ea linux/hardened/patches/5.10: v5.10.228-hardened1 -> v5.10.229-hardened1
8db0ec767e6d home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (#355021)
2544da75c5bf home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.dirigera_platform: init at 2.6.4 (#350542)
799b1af3b445 cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated (#353735)
8339db676638 home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
9e1f7a1fc712 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0 (#353684)
6977c6b6c48e piano-rs: init at 0.2.0
e4c62c1fc494 pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70
fd214590b6ac rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909
f5f87e7240f5 dashy-ui: init at 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14 (#349149)
08e65e669ae3 python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0
608a4a6e7042 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module,lomiri.*: Enable qdoc docs (#352601)
f4a76ebd1330 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0 (#354685)
6eafb43ca667 python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75 (#354948)
926dbc8e1c6a jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8 (#352505)
60190159408f gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2
9a333460f50c Merge: postgresql: improve passthru.tests (#352966)
0598c612417e python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 (#352452)
d40ed47baac0 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin; fix source; refactor and modenize (#354973)
d77a2129f3e2 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS (#354063)
4e73fc3d5304 release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels (#262038)
37c3c1a32edf python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0 (#349069)
43544b405735 containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0 (#353113)
3e9874330416 regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02 (#353377)
88b78b3d1881 gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12 (#354521)
83d30478782d python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4 (#354350)
93472981d1ff nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7 (#354452)
886b26bad3d5 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15 (#354462)
b1d782c6fbb9 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0 (#354503)
3e3d0f2c68cf openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4 (#354964)
38ed0b172a2e compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1 (#354858)
c8af02ff2edb kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3 (#354916)
3a92760aa3f9 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13 (#354775)
b6077e3f6067 python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3 (#354801)
84db55f55e00 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47 (#354818)
d932f3609c38 python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354827)
cb0631fce111 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0 (#354838)
1c7bb9a36ff7 jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7 (#354845)
9dcf68f72882 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (#354901)
85a894514e94 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0 (#354985)
77c379fc15b1 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers
aebe24954483 ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10 (#354280)
2b05865a6fa6 glfw3: added vulkan support (#354761)
72d2fc0fe01c python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.12.0 (#354656)
57fa23936966 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test
4b239e8fff18 python3Packages.globus-sdk: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
2b76729d1341 python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0 (#354881)
3bfe9c23d14e clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 (#354882)
67e295df4455 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1 (#354892)
123c88831bff komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1 (#354826)
57fb3a800a9a xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354829)
c9ba25afb896 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3 (#354844)
9d40f67872f2 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3 (#354848)
1d2941554a10 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
45f61aa9a947 python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1 (#354851)
e01ca8d232a0 wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354853)
090349a58995 nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2 (#354856)
a7fcea08bca8 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1
8025d6d17bcd typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3
da9757048d7d buck2: Use stdenvNoCC
982ff0b08e25 buck2: Install completions for bash and zsh
8213a8a557f8 surreal-engine: init at 0-unstable-2024-11-08 (#337069)
6d4ddefd7161 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the dmg (#354846)
494908f0fe86 python312Packages.localstack: fix build and refactor
54394a0c0b71 python312Packages.localstack-ext: fix build and refactor
5b916fd89714 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles` (#353832)
822590d06248 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit
e9c53bdf9a56 nixos/localsend: add package option & allow udp port (#333485)
da404cffefb6 vgmtrans: init at 1.2, libbassmidi: init at (#321129)
551bd11c42de python312Packages.pyftgl: refactor and modenize
beceecb51336 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix source
8618fe6f96b9 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin
9828bad63a49 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3
8f8f60bee8e5 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0
66c47da4338c prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20
88b620a72b65 completely: move to by-name
00cd61f517aa cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1 (#354306)
6cd1dd3dc5e6 vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0 (#335742)
f7911fc460e9 vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54 (#342514)
f69f13279107 vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2 (#350464)
e065e550b153 python3Packages.us: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
ef21cc74e2f1 python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject
925510d32cab vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15 (#353989)
dbb60b6319f3 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15 (#354447)
f696e0dc331c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20 (#354307)
46bbcb7efef5 vgmtrans: init at 1.2
07ca74e13487 teamviewer: add services.teamviewer.package Option + misc improvemens (#346365)
fc94ad90fb0e phonemizer: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
42be8c49fb89 phonemizer: fix build
1531e7712628 typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30 (#354872)
e19b3c8cd386 python312Packages.netifaces2: init at 0.0.22 (#354736)
fc1d56201e17 openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
b306e97ffe30 Libreoffice updates (#354456)
62fa59a63947 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation (#353439)
29ba5b9a2985 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0, move to `by name`, `with lib;` cleanup, RFC format (#354932)
eee079f7e129 xcodes: nix-rfc-format
b45f61402b8a xcodes: with lib; cleanup
7531c8e01dc8 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0
3912015f1d0d python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75
d420f2c9502f maintainers: add llakala (#354625)
757189b3e6b0 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1 (#354817)
214d9423dca6 python312Packages.langgraph: Use correct test directory (#354345)
647624dca6a1 wine-discord-ipc-bridge: unstable-2023-08-09 -> 0.0.3 (#353900)
4c78072d2f27 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.1 (#354168)
3efeb317473e git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4 (#354046)
35305f29a7e3 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next (#352507)
01ddc69668f5 obsidian: remove white background from icons
903f42960df7 fishPlugins.*: fix versions (#354729)
b0b3a70891e6 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present (#354899)
c188d417cf07 python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6
d3cba66b117d python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0 (#354797)
4af121e6ac0f ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0 (#354807)
96e67743abd9 ox: switch to the new darwin sdk pattern
992c80c02e1f ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10
757df4a1b42e xcodes: move to by-name
ae21c33fafab python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8
1bd58487d015 python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
343b0a222530 adolc: modernize; fix clang build (#354642)
27235e1e6da6 python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3
1e6362fe068f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
9d3096074f3e vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0 (#354444)
9e960c976873 python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0
16107665062c dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt (#350053)
b3765ba04029 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (#354459)
012a679db0f8 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0 (#354852)
6ffb12c9f9c3 kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3
27a103786c88 doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init (#351394)
660022ee302b newlib: enable parallel build (#354520)
acf406372cf8 linux_xanmod, linux_xanmod_latest: 2024-11-08 (#354617)
ab244d13144a python312Packages.aiogram: update disabled
bb00b359cce7 ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0
b39ea623743c python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263
4c4420b29b66 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio
b1d0a1aafff5 python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1
465eab85d222 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0, python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.0 (#353963)
85c8b5ba7879 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3 (#354880)
c00d32f28515 beszel: init at 0.6.2 (#345444)
652fd5119056 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
a59e625bb474 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present
f8a4abdc2ed1 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0
e20360e289da leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2 (#354519)
eacbe35bf009 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 (#354574)
72a790c6fc77 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as mainta… (#354794)
de131566b6e4 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1 (#354813)
12fe26865622 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0 (#354726)
176eb0a3d99e doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init
8df19efae58d kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0 (#353577)
f0000fe56d08 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17 (#354586)
09efcc6e4be9 libvirt-glib: relax max stack size limit
f91d2228a0b7 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2
74d1b07edbf2 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1 (#353342)
28f456e3131c GNOME updates 2024-11-05 (#353824)
59ed3fa2c48d scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland
0a0d12f6626d gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
1a4eb8b7a96e libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11
35110b71bd78 azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0
464b1e80245f maintainers: add llakala
d1444b4947b4 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1
08c2eb8e894e nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7
061f86ca2988 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15
ca3eca77cd85 gcsfuse: mark as broken on darwin
64b28c617d26 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1
2ff82ba8deea libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2
8ff9d62e81f6 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1
b49da1f76456 scarab: Remove unused inputs
df10ec72acee mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern (#354735)
b9c73c537391 python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin (#354667)
ae7f0eebdb3b python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354592)
6e82927b9473 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build
dde8f5051682 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system (#354473)
55242bf389de hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0
97a1ad0df003 tulip: fix build (#354236)
b322800344d5 python312Packages.rapidfuzz: 3.10.0 -> 3.10.1
ff18a1b2578d rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1
0dc5bb1584a5 mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7 (#345407)
7135b364b6e3 brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123
301751f1c1bb brave: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
d037904ba3ed brave: refactor package.nix to allow more architectures
e3d50903923e hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3 (#354793)
b83eab78d7ec libvirt: increase timeout on darwin
b5aaa1df2248 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3 (#354393)
a96052fe5ffb virt-manager: disable testCLI0263virt_xml
df6ffb01522b perlPackages.SysVirt: 10.2.0 -> 10.9.0
e6f77dadc335 python312Packages.libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
69119368fdc5 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
ed887863a6d6 clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3
06486aa31e8c python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0
7f76ced7336f nixos/dashy: init module
60bc80aa5cd7 dashy-ui: 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14
ec1f3c7390de wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0 (#354778)
372f9fa1b449 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3
1546e0871c1d nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2 (#354300)
3cebba8819f4 spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1
3a83ddd0062b vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies (#354673)
e6ffd9960ec9 python3Packages.{mirakuru,pgsanity}: fix builds (#354774)
8bee32d8bfa3 maintainers: add caperren
06be8564e527 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1 (#354083)
6648da3db4c4 darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks (#354766)
bbdf7817f839 wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14
a329ca6aea6e immich: unvendor exiftool
ee1cffa25c45 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1
d6899545c5bf typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30
73e03e065ec8 luaPackages.toml-edit: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1
2b3acacf0856 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor (#337284)
d55bf75cb9fe python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata (#354857)
5e5ec22c6f3d skia: unbreak darwin (#354557)
c00cc16b63b0 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0 (#354863)
93a01b05975a teamspeak3: drop 'arch' variable
2ad379b1c350 panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5 (#354771)
10a4498042d9 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0
c48cd19fe52a python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata
25628a6ed53a python3Packages.{consonance,yowsup}: fix build; refactor (#354690)
3bb8fc0f8844 compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1
e4ea814f0c8e teamspeak3: avoid `with lib;`
585c5ae3bcfa teamspeak3: remove NIX_REDIRECTS
4d98fc18e856 teamspeak3: rename from teamspeak_client
05eff5c687c1 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13 (#351778)
e5017770eb89 teamspeak_client: run installer script without -x by default
2568cfa34889 teamspeak_client: install to opt/ subdirectory
3830a3dbf641 teamspeak_client: modernise installPhase
49a5c6431cb9 teamspeak_client: remove unnecessary dependencies
9db530c94c90 teamspeak_client: use autoPatchelfHook rather than manual patchelf
cba4002e45b3 teamspeak_client: refactor libquazip patching
1a5940c3e8b3 teamspeak_client: use wrapQtAppsHook
56a739f756c9 teamspeak_client: make libredirect a regular runtimeDep
0f029a19c62b teamspeak_client: run phase hooks
cdd40cb89c34 teamspeak_client: refactor QT deps
c056c7dd7a11 teamspeak_client: use regular libcxx
f3840380fd31 teamspeak_client: don't wrap with cc's libdir
168a80a4eaea nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2
e3893e5c3c76 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build (#354706)
031786067bea slint-lsp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
e70954dca60d alacritty: remove obsolete libXrandr input
3690e2cfea0d python312Packages.mypy-boto3-*: updates (#354714)
414bf9701593 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18 (#354715)
ce51df0a5ba5 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29 (#354716)
cec3c09abdec cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0 (#354722)
8bfbd4e1f8d3 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0 (#354719)
b003bd16857f wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0
32cd6d84d744 python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0 (#354816)
63a139ae1c3c python312Packages.millheater: refactor
bcbe1d7185f3 python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127 (#354742)
92e125410c20 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0
acc043c769ce python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1
43fa5ea2c9aa sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27 (#354779)
8540b13b1d20 josm: 19230 → 19253 (#354506)
f8486a3f1d9c vscode-extensions.sourcery.sourcery: 1.23.0 -> 1.24.0 (#354612)
d87258ad94bd python311Packages.pymc: fix hash (#354840)
13c119bf1a64 .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template (#342713)
2212fad7704e laravel: 5.8.3 -> 5.9.2 (#354696)
ebc1473d52f3 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3
d429e8592fb8 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1 (#350180)
da39eb7dd037 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install} (#354024)
0120ed5ea9f1 ruffle: remove obsolete libXrandr input
77c0b0b54457 halloy: remove obsolete libXrandr input
68d10c6cc3bb cosmic-term: remove obsolete libXrandr input
86d824132693 cosmic-edit: remove obsolete libXrandr input
f641f65b03b4 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1 (#320790)
d91e9dd0faa5 cosmic-comp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
a0bc021caebf coppwr: remove obsolete libXrandr input
2dcf8afc6007 aider-chat: add playwright version (#354796)
499926182ad1 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the .dmg
3d3185b49655 proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20
52c3ce5d48fe qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1 (#354770)
7cb44f20f6b3 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS
658a8762ea0d jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7
b2f43234a2c3 adolc: fix clang build
5186ad13f487 adolc: modernize
c880f1f46bfe adolc: format
f3cced0b682e python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 (#354831)
a806a3b2e597 python311Packages.pymc: fix hash
9a695a958884 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3
1cd03b9a6446 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0
50cff47c417c bootterm: init at 0.5 (#352951)
0927ff824cde python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1 (#354630)
e42a71a5de98 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 (#354812)
df1e170e33c5 python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
92c3f8cf92c0 wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 (#354116)
8ac37da4f6ed xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
7ecad5abbd99 maintainers: add therealgramdalf
fe17e8dfaa6b python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
b323e1c5c4e2 komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1
c04d7170e047 team-list: establish java team
8b2a02dc9de8 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1
146c62ba33a4 vscode-extensions.ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack: init at 0.26.0
5c44f6f77c96 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 (#354423)
21069db14d33 python312Packages.weblate-language-data: 2024.8 -> 2024.13
b71a8b49f59b live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0 (#354395)
f5e91559fddc python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (#354397)
286db1ef230d wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1 (#354412)
939318029769 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47
45cef36e39b2 nixosTests.postgresql: run nixfmt
128244b59818 nixosTests.postgresql: use a common pattern throughout all tests
9035573855d9 nixosTests.postgresql: move all postgresql related nixosTests into one folder
db2d6a00abe5 postgresqlPackages.anonymizer: make passthru.tests work with correct package
23c19a255fab postgresqlPackages.timescaledb: make passthru.tests work with correct package
6d7da20a9044 postgresqlPackages.tsja: make passthru.tests work with correct package
a5c41ae80a2f postgresqlPackages.pgvecto-rs: make passthru.tests work with correct package
0af934adf740 postgresqlPackages.pgjwt: make passthru.tests work with correct package
ecffab1fdaf8 postgresqlPackages.postgis: move nixosTests.postgis into package
aded718a9824 postgresqlPackages.apache_datasketches: move nixosTests.apache_datasketches into package
139c5466764b postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql-tls-client-cert
f6c2de926290 postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql
319d82d5c218 nixosTests.postgresql-wal2json: avoid manual imports
65ef7381c8d7 nixosTests.postgresql-jit: avoid manual imports
a1ae4377e090 nixosTests.postgresql-wal-receiver: avoid manual imports
75d51c588914 postgresqlVersions: init
d3feaaebea18 nixosTests.pgjwt: fix test
e2636cf342ea python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0
3bf6a063b3c7 Merge: postgresqlPackages: fix some builds on darwin (#354748)
059fc0f2dea1 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1
8f55df5aa879 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1
f11b5ff8a21a Merge: pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available (#354526)
0a7544a42300 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0
b01d3ee0239c python312Packages.polars: 1.9.0 -> 1.12.0
8f3dad550fd1 python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.1
446aa3f0b262 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0
635e9d2ebb5b sile: switch to the zstd based source
172cb3ef53e1 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages (#354287)
91e4660ed8fc git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4
d60f27f889da ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0
b35c45a2c174 python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4 (#354754)
31aa6f6edf2b python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10 (#354750)
bba140c5a34b python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 (#354539)
c61adda6befd python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
6430e02e54ef cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 (#354558)
9139ad63f22f granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1 (#354572)
275614510a2c python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21 (#354596)
cff5cbc5a1d9 python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25 (#354607)
043d2cb44863 python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354613)
646347d50787 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0 (#354618)
807e43e55923 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04 (#353627)
02e3707a2cae python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0 (#354713)
d8a18ae783d8 python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18 (#354717)
b276bfa32bff python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 (#354720)
df67f3f7b25a helix-gpt: 0.31.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354767)
7307a896451d home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0 (#354787)
9559e9044e8a python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68 (#354681)
45d7d8c8b3cd python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0
3061dbd29c06 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19 (#354684)
3be1322ad99d python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0 (#354693)
a8e970898daa ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108 (#354698)
d5df6af63621 python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262 (#354699)
2bac553f5a50 okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 (#354702)
d7a60669490e ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8 (#354650)
011f48fb221a fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10 (#354664)
f8ba284376ec python312Packages.guidata: 3.7.0 -> 3.7.1
d9353697ca64 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4 (#354674)
4f101cae7065 aider-chat: add playwright version
7953deea2419 keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0 (#336886)
20e8995972d4 thunderbird: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr (#354213)
312ce1b65c40 hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3
b89f8a710d16 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as maintainer
d2d4c4f350b9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3 (#354582)
38a52bbfd430 restic: disable tests on non-linux
c98b0cad092c home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0
70ca880f3511 gnome-online-accounts: 3.52.0 → 3.52.1
247ee3b0379e mutter: 47.0 → 47.1
6b438be4d92a gvfs: 1.56.0 → 1.56.1
748ada2ba6e0 gnome-shell-extensions: 47.0 → 47.1
b3b9989a367d gnome-shell: 47.0 → 47.1
d45192210e86 gnome-remote-desktop: 47.0 → 47.1
ea1a562cb95a gnome-control-center: 47.0.1 → 47.1.1
9b6dabf3f2ff kubelogin-oidc: switch to recommended pattern for implicit attr defaults
4d089cffa925 kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0
f0bee68628ec robo: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.0 (#354707)
6fb6032d36ef roave-backward-compatibility-check: 8.9.0 -> 8.10.0 (#354705)
04f72b6930e8 ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3 (#354585)
a4e298635f25 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
7fa514f53139 waylock: port update script to bash
a9669e1be8c7 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8
a31f2a7b37f2 pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements; vimPlugins: sort properly (#353786)
8d9c4bfb9851 helix-gpt: 0.31 -> 0.34
2ef132b3585e gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0 (#346255)
e02828f01cd1 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak (#354509)
7bb5dfe0e470 sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27
894ab7c90845 wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0
bc63a2f7c3c8 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin (#354566)
dcdd61e5e5b2 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2… (#353112)
67fa71469a6b python3Packages.pgsanity: fix build
e07f6a75653d python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin in sandbox
1b89b9a99d80 python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin
2515edf5369e qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30 (#352723)
5f45ecf05c14 python312Packages.docling-parse: 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3 (#354691)
cf6a8c9b4b9f chore: update references to `nix-review` to `nixpkgs-review`
bc5b75eb11b1 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40 (#350248)
9bcab985ab58 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13
ea5908112814 python3Packages.mirakuru: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
a2dc61cee92a panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5
9ba75eb753b5 mysql-shell-innovation: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
194e35dd632a mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
54953ef09a04 qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1
8091ea3f24bb Merge: postgresql_17: fix build (#354571)
274d5afbc552 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14
3b91a81423cd treewide: remove redundant patches and locks (#354215)
c4f452f621f6 vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies
c701c72b71f7 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0 (#353023)
b11943b30173 nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0 (#352589)
82f6fe5a5762 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration (#354753)
44800d7c800e .git-blame-ignore-revs: add 'treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1'
7a56cc79c651 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2 (#354662)
fa2cae8e77f8 treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1 (#354531)
8f29f19bc162 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3, mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0 (#349181)
8c2c5fa14d77 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package (#302204)
f8bb0b875ad8 factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15 (#354040)
ff0df8fe7aee php: 8.4.0RC3 -> 8.4.0RC4, 8.3.12 -> 8.3.13 (#354562)
751912c95af1 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration
648e59c8a3ce python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4
be978743512b Fix: use lib.mkPackageOption
ba83a0dba006 Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
a96dce89d048 PR feedback: Replace pkg variable, move package statement
571c71e6f73a treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1
b5f67acfbf3c nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0 (#354661)
bfd5f3d9ffca glfw3: added vulkan support
e98f8506648f python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10
e79b71782a4c budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 (#354308)
4801d0c2a3a5 postgresql17Packages.{pg_cron,pg_hll}: fix build on x86_64-darwin
b9cf08c8e5ec cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4 (#354677)
dde21924f83f vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies (#354634)
df20742283ba ombi: allow overriding package in module (#345814)
a50d7295727e darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks
112d505ce4a2 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux (#353983)
3fe7c149cbbb libreoffice: disable tests on Qt5
2be7c57b9325 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3 (#354580)
eeb4b7041961 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service (#354098)
dde890851a3c python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
58e6cb8ad805 python312Packages.cle: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
7a83dade0a7d python312Packages.claripy: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
82870db16ad2 python312Packages.pyvex: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
1e20869209d8 python312Packages.ailment: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
5a5694d2ff97 python312Packages.archinfo: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
bf11ccc0e233 clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3 (#354273)
951d196036af stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31 (#354623)
18f2cc30ef90 stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20 (#354616)
90f890e79327 stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22 (#354633)
fd3e1541866a libreoffice-still: ->
b60b7b6b05c1 libreoffice-fresh: ->
dc31ff18ec84 stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10 (#354637)
996e9d64594d python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps and tests, unbreak (#354464)
5f8f11ff862b stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19 (#354614)
f3e2ba5038e9 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06 (#354638)
99d3107b49fe stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13 (#324395)
780275051aa2 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07 (#324404)
ff09150750be basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0 (#354204)
aff0cebe5ab3 fishPlugins.*: fix versions
8b4272426c92 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0
54baabae77a7 ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9 (#353042)
972dfa3efafc python312Packages.objprint: add changelog to meta
ca6c07d985d5 cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0
788591e73b39 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0
b156e982136d .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template
1df32493a41c python312Packages.mypy-boto3-verifiedpermissions: 1.35.30 -> 1.35.55
25114110f49e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-synthetics: 1.35.18 -> 1.35.56
dd882eb62402 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-s3control: 1.35.12 -> 1.35.55
aede3250222f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-resource-explorer-2: 1.35.25 -> 1.35.56
ddb9a7fcd1d7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-quicksight: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.56
6db171d873a5 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.57
c548504474ae nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425
47904c8dd760 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lambda: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.57
1e7b5db19091 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lakeformation: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.55
f04bedb8b097 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-guardduty: 1.35.39 -> 1.35.55
f696f2da0ac9 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-firehose: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
815da64d5641 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-eks: 1.35.45 -> 1.35.57
da42eb80266f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-codebuild: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.55
f283f98e923e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-cleanrooms: 1.35.51 -> 1.35.56
764ae6081bc7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-chime-sdk-media-pipelines: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
df705189ee44 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-batch: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.57
a4a1020e7137 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-autoscaling: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.56
e770aff17974 python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
f396caa8d752 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18
2160918a0b90 python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0
cb5a79de97b2 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29
ac3c8ae13d0a python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18
b7c678532145 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0 (#354708)
1cc81439e761 nixosTests.frr: fix warning, use nodes.router instead of nodes.router.config
f93219dfa08f nixosTests.frr: format using nixfmt
df11922a6da8 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0
63d9179dd4e9 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: refactor
533fffa449e4 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build on darwin
45dd2b73eacf python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262
7c69e10ceb1b okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
83d18d4dc3ee python311Packages.yowsup: refactor
c0ec6c8c3c3c python311Packages.yowsup: fix build
a0f0aac19598 ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108
5abc7f27a20e python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
1fa9b80b0afd release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels
ab7489d373ff python311Packages.consonance: refactor
c76f00a4efe6 python311Packages.consonance: fix build
f323f1ccfef7 nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0
bdfa0f011297 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests
78b5698555d8 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19
8dfa246bb10c python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68
4c7aa6428fe9 cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4
df3d7683fed1 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4
4f0337923244 quarto: apply deno 2 compatibility patch
69cc148de30a quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33
39769f9fc86f python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin
80335810c8c6 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0
cf772c1b5608 fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10
3603e0d5ea48 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2
5a82dc34b00e nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0
40641c90b547 python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.9.0
b5f7f510393d ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8
a784f38df795 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06
2c31f63228ab stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10
66bb24d74424 vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies
02871d95ebeb mesonlsp: fix aarch64-darwin build, mark as broken on x86_64-darwin
2e2d6027352b stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22
e9b1d2d5ac63 vimPlugins: sort properly
a6fe798a015a pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements
8b503ec432ce pluginupdate.py: reformat with ruff
d339f93f3225 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system
385eb6ae4dff python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1
5a1e1f65a908 stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13
4b02cabbbe0c stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19
839ecef9050e stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20
c3fd31e2c4ad stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31
a90b34f9e76b keybase{-gui}: add myself as maintainer
265d9a2adb8b keybase-gui: add `NIXOS_OZONE_WL` support
a024f81d841c keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0
562758261fd4 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0
71330f93ee9e linux_xanmod_latest: 6.11.6 -> 6.11.7
efa0718e7482 linux_xanmod: 6.6.59 -> 6.6.60
61220d768de8 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13
afbbb9aaeb0d python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25
ac5aaaa7336f python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
086bfa238585 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17
a5b695b34b6b python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21
c3afba78f24e python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
0a48b45c5af7 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next
1754ed842e2d ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3
b8e62002b5d3 python312Packages.msprime: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
226843be6a9f python312Packages.pysnow: patch tests, unbreak
b8b4cdc90390 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation
5db8bf44deb0 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages
120103ec7cc9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3
80458ba97944 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07
676db521744e postgresql_17: fix build
b2945bc0a84f python312Packages.langgraph: Fix unit tests that were breaking Hydra
c64c064437f5 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
c26249be9a66 lapce: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
896db32853f5 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin
3e9c905d355a nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2
4a1393afe0f1 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3
78705eaeb106 skia: unbreak darwin
d1478e78c0ac postgresqlPackages.system_stats: fix build on darwin
af11b38d2131 cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2
c78b55b3b684 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3
29d02718132f wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1
1af3b8486fb2 granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1
1bb3362ddfb5 python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
dd59f2cfe919 budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1
0418996c9685 pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available
6ec5b8d597ba netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0
e600b8b00b33 newlib: enable parallel build
16518a3f3d4b factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15
6c2d6fa844bc leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2
84b68b839ac3 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
bd2ea530520b python312Packages.scikit-fmm: run checkPhase hooks, echo check command
1c418186cfd2 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak
ee27c02106f3 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0
0465be1b8f0e python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps, unbreak
eeb52b79d149 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15
19595c35d78c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20
92647d759237 vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0
44992762f0cc basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0
27c93e95f9a8 tulip: fix compilation by adding the `-fpermissive` flag A typecast from unsigned char* to char* in the source broke the build
987c737557b1 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.0
07d2ee58bae2 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2
b74fdd238641 treewide: remove redundant patches and locks
a588dee7465d python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
b75334c2f965 live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0
86fbc2f2d8c6 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3
00cc5342828c python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4
831c38e31987 python3Packages.fastcrc: init at 0.3.2
a01b23fa72ac cartridges: run meson checks
57f23ed8b1a8 cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1
cea2eef9fa5d clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3
b62797a3d7ed tulip: format using nixfmt
fb358db1b51f thunderbird-128-unwrapped: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr
d56656e48729 yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47
43d0f16226c8 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor
0e174ba654b7 python3Packages.proton-vpn-network-manager: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.4
f4485f7c41af python3Packages.proton-vpn-api-core: 0.35.5 -> 0.36.4
074f93408e5a proton-vpn-local-agent: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 1.0.0
da0bfe800600 signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps
de8c3feb7fbf wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1
16970e3252d0 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service
9e1b88a44350 libbassmidi: init at
05ac36fa30a3 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install}
3e646301a07e smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0
9609ea875774 vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15
975f4c45ae5c beszel: init at 0.6.2
887a74fd5784 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux
3f2bbfd68b79 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles`
9642cf41060a cfn-nag: added mathstlouis to maintainers
abcf5fb9b943 maintainer-list: added mathstlouis
c771f151f8bf cfn-nag: added meta.mainProgram
ff17208a821a cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated
dd086ca40200 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04
4b13779f3321 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken
9b7877aa1fc7 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0
aebe9a354b7b regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
db15554b6954 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1
d90f320eb26d bootterm: init at 0.5
45d7127c77df mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7
1a774a95d219 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1
682d4d76aa8c containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0
7abbb28c59b9 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-11-01
b9e3b9dbb22b ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9
4eceb5ba2fef maintainers: add deadbaed
c952a4bfdbec vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2
d4e2d6e00c84 maintainers: add thtrf
1301e4f0b024 pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval
6030ff068ad7 gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true`
b6cf7b27b7c0 qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30
4d8081767bc5 lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: nixfmt, modernise
4ce2e1df58ec lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: nixfmt, modernise
5cc3c54a6425 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: nixfmt, modernise
ba59f61a725a lomiri.u1db-qt: Add meta.changelog
95c0233ed962 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: nixfmt, modernise
bafb37491e96 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Fix version
b8c432b54a5a libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: nixfmt, modernise
8a5f86237dba lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: Enable qdoc docs
03b310e94cbc lomiri.lomiri-indicator-network: Enable qdoc docs
e0d5bd98ffbc lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: Enable qdoc docs
d04843ce6096 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: Enable qdoc docs
ac976c912dfb jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8
8f74b6cdaf78 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: Enable qdoc docs
eeea8d648db2 lomiri.u1db-qt: Enable qdoc docs
4442e5ac9161 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Enable qdoc docs
9dd1f943ecd1 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering
bed43b44613d nixos/hardware.nitrokey: update documentation
38ec993a582f nixos/hardware.nitrokey: replace libnitrokey with nitrokey-udev-rules
d43f004d1fe4 nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0
8ffcca7fd0a0 maintainers: add robinkrahl
2280b9bf4a98 python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
9ce864871fdc python312Packages.rio-tiler: 6.7.0 → 7.0.1
1caf42170d5a vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54
d931f342a429 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40
07c81867c907 dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt
c3ceedeac1ac obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation
cbcee2460787 mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0
c7a381c92a79 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3
933ccc51f4a5 maintainers: add rksm
1a48ff707293 python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0
c02e155285ef vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0
6e6fc7ca2658 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config
7467f7d59f13 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile`
04dbbd436515 teamviewer: introduce services.teamviewer.package option
2928912a7c74 teamviewer: remove "with lib;"
89ecd0313160 teamviewer: format file
5146c143bbf1 gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0
a44e0fe3dc9f pyton312Packages.sphinx-autodoc2: init at 0.5.0
0b097987fe34 nixos/localsend: allow udp port
9ac4777d98d0 nixos/localsend: add package option
a3843a7ee564 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1
5d49d4cfa1a4 nixos/guix: use exec to start the payload binary
410ae87bf5e2 nixos/boinc: use exec to start the payload binary
e8a9775a6167 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package
git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs
git-subtree-split: dc460ec76cbff0e66e269457d7b728432263166c
2024-11-16 15:43:04 +00:00
Environment = lib.mapAttrsToList (k: v: ''"${k}=%d/${k}"'') data.credentialFiles;
2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
Squashed 'third_party/nixpkgs/' changes from 76612b17c0ce..dc460ec76cbf
dc460ec76cbf Remove obsolete libXrandr inputs from programs using winit (#354847)
f1b26f503aac nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0 (#352481)
a4761c00db07 smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0 (#354016)
60533322e317 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3 (#354170)
ab599469897c yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47 (#354226)
736b36d5719f niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10 (#355047)
547ac36fb30e spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1 (#354593)
6c3d0282c839 netbird: 0.30.2 -> 0.31.0 (#354756)
fcfcc8e0f43d proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20 (#354849)
2e3b9c403874 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1 (#353939)
c598a008a26b gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2 (#353887)
fcf7e79c02e9 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0 (#354808)
9e9dc89f01d1 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14 (#354763)
3d7216f0da32 nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425 (#312424)
1d4a687f62fc python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1 (#354453)
566bf556282a typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3 (#354980)
9a7641474d1c python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 (#354919)
76e387b03039 python312Packages.{localstack-ext,localstack}: fix build and refactor (#354962)
d056782c98a1 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test (#354988)
1ce8fcbc506b hyprlandPlugins: update plugins (#355037)
43c84259fd1b python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0 (#355007)
8c79491aea4c obsidian: remove white background from icons (#354945)
b3057fce636d niri: add patch for scrolling without mouse config
97ca8ccb1551 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile` (#348166)
f0b14e4fb4be niri: install dinit service files
172f0cee3628 python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 (#355027)
cf81310c69b9 prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20 (#354972)
4d9d042055b6 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0 (#354970)
7514add1990f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354917)
66eab41e34dd python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263 (#354909)
2ec42a007584 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio (#354911)
fa1b67747b3b ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0 (#354912)
918a840f93bf python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1 (#354910)
f5c93dd4908f python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0 (#354918)
9e48e1749f0a python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6 (#354943)
12569c191eb1 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3, move to by-name (#354974)
2049461e5435 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit (#354992)
3f42f0b61e6c linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110 (#355130)
4c3539c70b79 linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110
7ff8d0f160be vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4 (#355129)
7d4246729b44 vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4
e635cf8d9fb5 netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds (#355038)
8feb5e84c9e9 libskk: fix parse error (#355005)
b71ccf87b23c gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true` (#352768)
96e1c83061ff pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval (#352825)
87e380382121 nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1 (#355104)
f257cb5e5ee1 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0, add maintainer rksm (#348297)
b3dc0d06fdad buck2: Add shell completions (#354758)
9d2100929da8 rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1 (#351052)
3f334c14975e scopehal-apps: darwin support (#354815)
f03a58a929b4 roboto-flex: init at 3.200 (#353851)
5c1e2db52711 libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11 (#352703)
f94a3e0cd12e nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1
628110078b5c libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2 (#350821)
db0b0737bfdc obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation (#349326)
b3c4badad7e2 roboto-flex: init at 3.200
5812399690b8 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1 (#351360)
771d3917283d azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0 (#352775)
a8489059c4eb signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps (#354924)
f475d7505046 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests (#353833)
5b27ef3c5495 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2 (#354896)
a0c28de3e7d7 phonemizer: fix build (#354946)
802cb21f2a2a python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject (#354950)
99ad7da9e313 nixosTests.frr: fix node.router.config warning (#354710)
a44589e11da3 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build (#354523)
cb9613de4c67 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354512)
bc1a933e128d evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5 (#355083)
20ee59317101 nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries (#355088)
503b5b4c8cba rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909 (#354931)
dac96aac49af nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries
871087c18d34 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config (#348344)
8c164faef4d4 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering (#352479)
8209b0d9b9b0 netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0 (#354525)
96115f656695 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0 (#354743)
6b5935539883 texlivePackages.xetex: force XeTeX to use fontconfig on Darwin (#354963)
32e064f48c2b evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
1593115346ba piano-rs: init at 0.2.0 (#336405)
a67e90c4928a wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14 (#291723)
5b74eb9b909e scopehal-apps: darwin support
71734a22978f pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval (#355051)
ab58dcfaf4c5 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers (#351744)
95855a90f9d0 aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4 (#355030)
34ed0c9cc1bb scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland (#348427)
ae725bafb39b python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8 (#354925)
eba346ebfead teamspeak3: modernise (#354161)
673033d742b2 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1 (#352448)
8f0c9853d549 pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval
e80622178221 niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10
8aed22ecd71e quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33 and apply patch (#354672)
0198cfb7673a hyprlandPlugins.hyprsplit: 0.44.1 -> 0.45.0
f3f9fcf93c8d hyprlandPlugins.hyprspace: 0-unstable-2024-09-16 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
cbc60c36101f hyprlandPlugins.hyprscroller: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-09
d9e2143b3e56 hyprlandPlugins.hyprgrass: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.2-unstable-2024-10-30
9739ac3afe95 hyprlandPlugins.hyprfocus: 0-unstable-2024-05-30 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-09
7804dcce6c5b hyprlandPlugins.hypr-dynamic-cursors: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-10
7c6c04825999 hyprlandPlugins/hyprland-plugins: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e2b798c525ac hyprlandPlugins.hy3: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e575fc8ffa4b hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0 (#354900)
62d3c4fb592b netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds
0ef26b5dd615 Merge: Linux Hardened Kernel Updates for 2024-11-10 (#355023)
a6f2dfc2572d pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70 (#354954)
91333a0e6dcd team-list: establish java team (#352938)
6b0d4d7f4e8e aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4
3024a6807634 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken (#353672)
fa1ebbeeff0a python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
4fee2cde561f brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123; refactor and nixfmt-rfc-style (#354114)
44bbe5ddad08 nixos/{boinc,guix}: Use exec to start the payload binary of the service (#297526)
9bd781e73301 linux/hardened/patches/6.6: v6.6.59-hardened1 -> v6.6.60-hardened1
3b3ea3ac4b03 linux/hardened/patches/6.11: v6.11.6-hardened1 -> v6.11.7-hardened1
d9b6a745b265 linux/hardened/patches/6.1: v6.1.115-hardened1 -> v6.1.116-hardened1
c367b19a22b7 linux/hardened/patches/5.4: v5.4.284-hardened1 -> v5.4.285-hardened1
fc9089929ad5 linux/hardened/patches/5.15: v5.15.170-hardened1 -> v5.15.171-hardened1
edb9a963e6ea linux/hardened/patches/5.10: v5.10.228-hardened1 -> v5.10.229-hardened1
8db0ec767e6d home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (#355021)
2544da75c5bf home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.dirigera_platform: init at 2.6.4 (#350542)
799b1af3b445 cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated (#353735)
8339db676638 home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
9e1f7a1fc712 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0 (#353684)
6977c6b6c48e piano-rs: init at 0.2.0
e4c62c1fc494 pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70
fd214590b6ac rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909
f5f87e7240f5 dashy-ui: init at 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14 (#349149)
08e65e669ae3 python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0
608a4a6e7042 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module,lomiri.*: Enable qdoc docs (#352601)
f4a76ebd1330 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0 (#354685)
6eafb43ca667 python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75 (#354948)
926dbc8e1c6a jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8 (#352505)
60190159408f gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2
9a333460f50c Merge: postgresql: improve passthru.tests (#352966)
0598c612417e python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 (#352452)
d40ed47baac0 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin; fix source; refactor and modenize (#354973)
d77a2129f3e2 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS (#354063)
4e73fc3d5304 release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels (#262038)
37c3c1a32edf python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0 (#349069)
43544b405735 containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0 (#353113)
3e9874330416 regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02 (#353377)
88b78b3d1881 gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12 (#354521)
83d30478782d python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4 (#354350)
93472981d1ff nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7 (#354452)
886b26bad3d5 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15 (#354462)
b1d782c6fbb9 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0 (#354503)
3e3d0f2c68cf openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4 (#354964)
38ed0b172a2e compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1 (#354858)
c8af02ff2edb kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3 (#354916)
3a92760aa3f9 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13 (#354775)
b6077e3f6067 python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3 (#354801)
84db55f55e00 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47 (#354818)
d932f3609c38 python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354827)
cb0631fce111 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0 (#354838)
1c7bb9a36ff7 jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7 (#354845)
9dcf68f72882 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (#354901)
85a894514e94 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0 (#354985)
77c379fc15b1 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers
aebe24954483 ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10 (#354280)
2b05865a6fa6 glfw3: added vulkan support (#354761)
72d2fc0fe01c python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.12.0 (#354656)
57fa23936966 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test
4b239e8fff18 python3Packages.globus-sdk: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
2b76729d1341 python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0 (#354881)
3bfe9c23d14e clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 (#354882)
67e295df4455 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1 (#354892)
123c88831bff komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1 (#354826)
57fb3a800a9a xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354829)
c9ba25afb896 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3 (#354844)
9d40f67872f2 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3 (#354848)
1d2941554a10 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
45f61aa9a947 python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1 (#354851)
e01ca8d232a0 wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354853)
090349a58995 nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2 (#354856)
a7fcea08bca8 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1
8025d6d17bcd typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3
da9757048d7d buck2: Use stdenvNoCC
982ff0b08e25 buck2: Install completions for bash and zsh
8213a8a557f8 surreal-engine: init at 0-unstable-2024-11-08 (#337069)
6d4ddefd7161 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the dmg (#354846)
494908f0fe86 python312Packages.localstack: fix build and refactor
54394a0c0b71 python312Packages.localstack-ext: fix build and refactor
5b916fd89714 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles` (#353832)
822590d06248 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit
e9c53bdf9a56 nixos/localsend: add package option & allow udp port (#333485)
da404cffefb6 vgmtrans: init at 1.2, libbassmidi: init at (#321129)
551bd11c42de python312Packages.pyftgl: refactor and modenize
beceecb51336 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix source
8618fe6f96b9 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin
9828bad63a49 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3
8f8f60bee8e5 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0
66c47da4338c prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20
88b620a72b65 completely: move to by-name
00cd61f517aa cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1 (#354306)
6cd1dd3dc5e6 vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0 (#335742)
f7911fc460e9 vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54 (#342514)
f69f13279107 vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2 (#350464)
e065e550b153 python3Packages.us: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
ef21cc74e2f1 python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject
925510d32cab vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15 (#353989)
dbb60b6319f3 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15 (#354447)
f696e0dc331c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20 (#354307)
46bbcb7efef5 vgmtrans: init at 1.2
07ca74e13487 teamviewer: add services.teamviewer.package Option + misc improvemens (#346365)
fc94ad90fb0e phonemizer: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
42be8c49fb89 phonemizer: fix build
1531e7712628 typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30 (#354872)
e19b3c8cd386 python312Packages.netifaces2: init at 0.0.22 (#354736)
fc1d56201e17 openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
b306e97ffe30 Libreoffice updates (#354456)
62fa59a63947 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation (#353439)
29ba5b9a2985 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0, move to `by name`, `with lib;` cleanup, RFC format (#354932)
eee079f7e129 xcodes: nix-rfc-format
b45f61402b8a xcodes: with lib; cleanup
7531c8e01dc8 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0
3912015f1d0d python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75
d420f2c9502f maintainers: add llakala (#354625)
757189b3e6b0 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1 (#354817)
214d9423dca6 python312Packages.langgraph: Use correct test directory (#354345)
647624dca6a1 wine-discord-ipc-bridge: unstable-2023-08-09 -> 0.0.3 (#353900)
4c78072d2f27 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.1 (#354168)
3efeb317473e git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4 (#354046)
35305f29a7e3 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next (#352507)
01ddc69668f5 obsidian: remove white background from icons
903f42960df7 fishPlugins.*: fix versions (#354729)
b0b3a70891e6 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present (#354899)
c188d417cf07 python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6
d3cba66b117d python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0 (#354797)
4af121e6ac0f ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0 (#354807)
96e67743abd9 ox: switch to the new darwin sdk pattern
992c80c02e1f ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10
757df4a1b42e xcodes: move to by-name
ae21c33fafab python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8
1bd58487d015 python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
343b0a222530 adolc: modernize; fix clang build (#354642)
27235e1e6da6 python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3
1e6362fe068f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
9d3096074f3e vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0 (#354444)
9e960c976873 python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0
16107665062c dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt (#350053)
b3765ba04029 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (#354459)
012a679db0f8 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0 (#354852)
6ffb12c9f9c3 kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3
27a103786c88 doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init (#351394)
660022ee302b newlib: enable parallel build (#354520)
acf406372cf8 linux_xanmod, linux_xanmod_latest: 2024-11-08 (#354617)
ab244d13144a python312Packages.aiogram: update disabled
bb00b359cce7 ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0
b39ea623743c python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263
4c4420b29b66 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio
b1d0a1aafff5 python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1
465eab85d222 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0, python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.0 (#353963)
85c8b5ba7879 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3 (#354880)
c00d32f28515 beszel: init at 0.6.2 (#345444)
652fd5119056 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
a59e625bb474 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present
f8a4abdc2ed1 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0
e20360e289da leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2 (#354519)
eacbe35bf009 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 (#354574)
72a790c6fc77 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as mainta… (#354794)
de131566b6e4 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1 (#354813)
12fe26865622 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0 (#354726)
176eb0a3d99e doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init
8df19efae58d kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0 (#353577)
f0000fe56d08 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17 (#354586)
09efcc6e4be9 libvirt-glib: relax max stack size limit
f91d2228a0b7 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2
74d1b07edbf2 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1 (#353342)
28f456e3131c GNOME updates 2024-11-05 (#353824)
59ed3fa2c48d scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland
0a0d12f6626d gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
1a4eb8b7a96e libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11
35110b71bd78 azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0
464b1e80245f maintainers: add llakala
d1444b4947b4 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1
08c2eb8e894e nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7
061f86ca2988 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15
ca3eca77cd85 gcsfuse: mark as broken on darwin
64b28c617d26 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1
2ff82ba8deea libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2
8ff9d62e81f6 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1
b49da1f76456 scarab: Remove unused inputs
df10ec72acee mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern (#354735)
b9c73c537391 python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin (#354667)
ae7f0eebdb3b python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354592)
6e82927b9473 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build
dde8f5051682 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system (#354473)
55242bf389de hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0
97a1ad0df003 tulip: fix build (#354236)
b322800344d5 python312Packages.rapidfuzz: 3.10.0 -> 3.10.1
ff18a1b2578d rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1
0dc5bb1584a5 mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7 (#345407)
7135b364b6e3 brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123
301751f1c1bb brave: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
d037904ba3ed brave: refactor package.nix to allow more architectures
e3d50903923e hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3 (#354793)
b83eab78d7ec libvirt: increase timeout on darwin
b5aaa1df2248 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3 (#354393)
a96052fe5ffb virt-manager: disable testCLI0263virt_xml
df6ffb01522b perlPackages.SysVirt: 10.2.0 -> 10.9.0
e6f77dadc335 python312Packages.libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
69119368fdc5 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
ed887863a6d6 clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3
06486aa31e8c python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0
7f76ced7336f nixos/dashy: init module
60bc80aa5cd7 dashy-ui: 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14
ec1f3c7390de wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0 (#354778)
372f9fa1b449 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3
1546e0871c1d nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2 (#354300)
3cebba8819f4 spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1
3a83ddd0062b vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies (#354673)
e6ffd9960ec9 python3Packages.{mirakuru,pgsanity}: fix builds (#354774)
8bee32d8bfa3 maintainers: add caperren
06be8564e527 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1 (#354083)
6648da3db4c4 darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks (#354766)
bbdf7817f839 wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14
a329ca6aea6e immich: unvendor exiftool
ee1cffa25c45 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1
d6899545c5bf typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30
73e03e065ec8 luaPackages.toml-edit: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1
2b3acacf0856 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor (#337284)
d55bf75cb9fe python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata (#354857)
5e5ec22c6f3d skia: unbreak darwin (#354557)
c00cc16b63b0 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0 (#354863)
93a01b05975a teamspeak3: drop 'arch' variable
2ad379b1c350 panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5 (#354771)
10a4498042d9 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0
c48cd19fe52a python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata
25628a6ed53a python3Packages.{consonance,yowsup}: fix build; refactor (#354690)
3bb8fc0f8844 compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1
e4ea814f0c8e teamspeak3: avoid `with lib;`
585c5ae3bcfa teamspeak3: remove NIX_REDIRECTS
4d98fc18e856 teamspeak3: rename from teamspeak_client
05eff5c687c1 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13 (#351778)
e5017770eb89 teamspeak_client: run installer script without -x by default
2568cfa34889 teamspeak_client: install to opt/ subdirectory
3830a3dbf641 teamspeak_client: modernise installPhase
49a5c6431cb9 teamspeak_client: remove unnecessary dependencies
9db530c94c90 teamspeak_client: use autoPatchelfHook rather than manual patchelf
cba4002e45b3 teamspeak_client: refactor libquazip patching
1a5940c3e8b3 teamspeak_client: use wrapQtAppsHook
56a739f756c9 teamspeak_client: make libredirect a regular runtimeDep
0f029a19c62b teamspeak_client: run phase hooks
cdd40cb89c34 teamspeak_client: refactor QT deps
c056c7dd7a11 teamspeak_client: use regular libcxx
f3840380fd31 teamspeak_client: don't wrap with cc's libdir
168a80a4eaea nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2
e3893e5c3c76 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build (#354706)
031786067bea slint-lsp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
e70954dca60d alacritty: remove obsolete libXrandr input
3690e2cfea0d python312Packages.mypy-boto3-*: updates (#354714)
414bf9701593 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18 (#354715)
ce51df0a5ba5 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29 (#354716)
cec3c09abdec cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0 (#354722)
8bfbd4e1f8d3 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0 (#354719)
b003bd16857f wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0
32cd6d84d744 python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0 (#354816)
63a139ae1c3c python312Packages.millheater: refactor
bcbe1d7185f3 python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127 (#354742)
92e125410c20 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0
acc043c769ce python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1
43fa5ea2c9aa sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27 (#354779)
8540b13b1d20 josm: 19230 → 19253 (#354506)
f8486a3f1d9c vscode-extensions.sourcery.sourcery: 1.23.0 -> 1.24.0 (#354612)
d87258ad94bd python311Packages.pymc: fix hash (#354840)
13c119bf1a64 .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template (#342713)
2212fad7704e laravel: 5.8.3 -> 5.9.2 (#354696)
ebc1473d52f3 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3
d429e8592fb8 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1 (#350180)
da39eb7dd037 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install} (#354024)
0120ed5ea9f1 ruffle: remove obsolete libXrandr input
77c0b0b54457 halloy: remove obsolete libXrandr input
68d10c6cc3bb cosmic-term: remove obsolete libXrandr input
86d824132693 cosmic-edit: remove obsolete libXrandr input
f641f65b03b4 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1 (#320790)
d91e9dd0faa5 cosmic-comp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
a0bc021caebf coppwr: remove obsolete libXrandr input
2dcf8afc6007 aider-chat: add playwright version (#354796)
499926182ad1 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the .dmg
3d3185b49655 proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20
52c3ce5d48fe qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1 (#354770)
7cb44f20f6b3 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS
658a8762ea0d jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7
b2f43234a2c3 adolc: fix clang build
5186ad13f487 adolc: modernize
c880f1f46bfe adolc: format
f3cced0b682e python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 (#354831)
a806a3b2e597 python311Packages.pymc: fix hash
9a695a958884 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3
1cd03b9a6446 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0
50cff47c417c bootterm: init at 0.5 (#352951)
0927ff824cde python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1 (#354630)
e42a71a5de98 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 (#354812)
df1e170e33c5 python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
92c3f8cf92c0 wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 (#354116)
8ac37da4f6ed xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
7ecad5abbd99 maintainers: add therealgramdalf
fe17e8dfaa6b python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
b323e1c5c4e2 komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1
c04d7170e047 team-list: establish java team
8b2a02dc9de8 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1
146c62ba33a4 vscode-extensions.ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack: init at 0.26.0
5c44f6f77c96 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 (#354423)
21069db14d33 python312Packages.weblate-language-data: 2024.8 -> 2024.13
b71a8b49f59b live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0 (#354395)
f5e91559fddc python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (#354397)
286db1ef230d wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1 (#354412)
939318029769 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47
45cef36e39b2 nixosTests.postgresql: run nixfmt
128244b59818 nixosTests.postgresql: use a common pattern throughout all tests
9035573855d9 nixosTests.postgresql: move all postgresql related nixosTests into one folder
db2d6a00abe5 postgresqlPackages.anonymizer: make passthru.tests work with correct package
23c19a255fab postgresqlPackages.timescaledb: make passthru.tests work with correct package
6d7da20a9044 postgresqlPackages.tsja: make passthru.tests work with correct package
a5c41ae80a2f postgresqlPackages.pgvecto-rs: make passthru.tests work with correct package
0af934adf740 postgresqlPackages.pgjwt: make passthru.tests work with correct package
ecffab1fdaf8 postgresqlPackages.postgis: move nixosTests.postgis into package
aded718a9824 postgresqlPackages.apache_datasketches: move nixosTests.apache_datasketches into package
139c5466764b postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql-tls-client-cert
f6c2de926290 postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql
319d82d5c218 nixosTests.postgresql-wal2json: avoid manual imports
65ef7381c8d7 nixosTests.postgresql-jit: avoid manual imports
a1ae4377e090 nixosTests.postgresql-wal-receiver: avoid manual imports
75d51c588914 postgresqlVersions: init
d3feaaebea18 nixosTests.pgjwt: fix test
e2636cf342ea python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0
3bf6a063b3c7 Merge: postgresqlPackages: fix some builds on darwin (#354748)
059fc0f2dea1 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1
8f55df5aa879 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1
f11b5ff8a21a Merge: pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available (#354526)
0a7544a42300 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0
b01d3ee0239c python312Packages.polars: 1.9.0 -> 1.12.0
8f3dad550fd1 python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.1
446aa3f0b262 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0
635e9d2ebb5b sile: switch to the zstd based source
172cb3ef53e1 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages (#354287)
91e4660ed8fc git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4
d60f27f889da ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0
b35c45a2c174 python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4 (#354754)
31aa6f6edf2b python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10 (#354750)
bba140c5a34b python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 (#354539)
c61adda6befd python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
6430e02e54ef cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 (#354558)
9139ad63f22f granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1 (#354572)
275614510a2c python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21 (#354596)
cff5cbc5a1d9 python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25 (#354607)
043d2cb44863 python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354613)
646347d50787 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0 (#354618)
807e43e55923 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04 (#353627)
02e3707a2cae python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0 (#354713)
d8a18ae783d8 python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18 (#354717)
b276bfa32bff python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 (#354720)
df67f3f7b25a helix-gpt: 0.31.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354767)
7307a896451d home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0 (#354787)
9559e9044e8a python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68 (#354681)
45d7d8c8b3cd python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0
3061dbd29c06 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19 (#354684)
3be1322ad99d python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0 (#354693)
a8e970898daa ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108 (#354698)
d5df6af63621 python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262 (#354699)
2bac553f5a50 okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 (#354702)
d7a60669490e ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8 (#354650)
011f48fb221a fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10 (#354664)
f8ba284376ec python312Packages.guidata: 3.7.0 -> 3.7.1
d9353697ca64 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4 (#354674)
4f101cae7065 aider-chat: add playwright version
7953deea2419 keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0 (#336886)
20e8995972d4 thunderbird: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr (#354213)
312ce1b65c40 hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3
b89f8a710d16 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as maintainer
d2d4c4f350b9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3 (#354582)
38a52bbfd430 restic: disable tests on non-linux
c98b0cad092c home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0
70ca880f3511 gnome-online-accounts: 3.52.0 → 3.52.1
247ee3b0379e mutter: 47.0 → 47.1
6b438be4d92a gvfs: 1.56.0 → 1.56.1
748ada2ba6e0 gnome-shell-extensions: 47.0 → 47.1
b3b9989a367d gnome-shell: 47.0 → 47.1
d45192210e86 gnome-remote-desktop: 47.0 → 47.1
ea1a562cb95a gnome-control-center: 47.0.1 → 47.1.1
9b6dabf3f2ff kubelogin-oidc: switch to recommended pattern for implicit attr defaults
4d089cffa925 kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0
f0bee68628ec robo: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.0 (#354707)
6fb6032d36ef roave-backward-compatibility-check: 8.9.0 -> 8.10.0 (#354705)
04f72b6930e8 ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3 (#354585)
a4e298635f25 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
7fa514f53139 waylock: port update script to bash
a9669e1be8c7 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8
a31f2a7b37f2 pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements; vimPlugins: sort properly (#353786)
8d9c4bfb9851 helix-gpt: 0.31 -> 0.34
2ef132b3585e gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0 (#346255)
e02828f01cd1 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak (#354509)
7bb5dfe0e470 sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27
894ab7c90845 wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0
bc63a2f7c3c8 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin (#354566)
dcdd61e5e5b2 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2… (#353112)
67fa71469a6b python3Packages.pgsanity: fix build
e07f6a75653d python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin in sandbox
1b89b9a99d80 python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin
2515edf5369e qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30 (#352723)
5f45ecf05c14 python312Packages.docling-parse: 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3 (#354691)
cf6a8c9b4b9f chore: update references to `nix-review` to `nixpkgs-review`
bc5b75eb11b1 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40 (#350248)
9bcab985ab58 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13
ea5908112814 python3Packages.mirakuru: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
a2dc61cee92a panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5
9ba75eb753b5 mysql-shell-innovation: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
194e35dd632a mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
54953ef09a04 qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1
8091ea3f24bb Merge: postgresql_17: fix build (#354571)
274d5afbc552 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14
3b91a81423cd treewide: remove redundant patches and locks (#354215)
c4f452f621f6 vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies
c701c72b71f7 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0 (#353023)
b11943b30173 nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0 (#352589)
82f6fe5a5762 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration (#354753)
44800d7c800e .git-blame-ignore-revs: add 'treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1'
7a56cc79c651 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2 (#354662)
fa2cae8e77f8 treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1 (#354531)
8f29f19bc162 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3, mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0 (#349181)
8c2c5fa14d77 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package (#302204)
f8bb0b875ad8 factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15 (#354040)
ff0df8fe7aee php: 8.4.0RC3 -> 8.4.0RC4, 8.3.12 -> 8.3.13 (#354562)
751912c95af1 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration
648e59c8a3ce python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4
be978743512b Fix: use lib.mkPackageOption
ba83a0dba006 Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
a96dce89d048 PR feedback: Replace pkg variable, move package statement
571c71e6f73a treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1
b5f67acfbf3c nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0 (#354661)
bfd5f3d9ffca glfw3: added vulkan support
e98f8506648f python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10
e79b71782a4c budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 (#354308)
4801d0c2a3a5 postgresql17Packages.{pg_cron,pg_hll}: fix build on x86_64-darwin
b9cf08c8e5ec cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4 (#354677)
dde21924f83f vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies (#354634)
df20742283ba ombi: allow overriding package in module (#345814)
a50d7295727e darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks
112d505ce4a2 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux (#353983)
3fe7c149cbbb libreoffice: disable tests on Qt5
2be7c57b9325 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3 (#354580)
eeb4b7041961 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service (#354098)
dde890851a3c python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
58e6cb8ad805 python312Packages.cle: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
7a83dade0a7d python312Packages.claripy: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
82870db16ad2 python312Packages.pyvex: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
1e20869209d8 python312Packages.ailment: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
5a5694d2ff97 python312Packages.archinfo: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
bf11ccc0e233 clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3 (#354273)
951d196036af stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31 (#354623)
18f2cc30ef90 stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20 (#354616)
90f890e79327 stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22 (#354633)
fd3e1541866a libreoffice-still: ->
b60b7b6b05c1 libreoffice-fresh: ->
dc31ff18ec84 stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10 (#354637)
996e9d64594d python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps and tests, unbreak (#354464)
5f8f11ff862b stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19 (#354614)
f3e2ba5038e9 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06 (#354638)
99d3107b49fe stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13 (#324395)
780275051aa2 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07 (#324404)
ff09150750be basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0 (#354204)
aff0cebe5ab3 fishPlugins.*: fix versions
8b4272426c92 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0
54baabae77a7 ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9 (#353042)
972dfa3efafc python312Packages.objprint: add changelog to meta
ca6c07d985d5 cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0
788591e73b39 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0
b156e982136d .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template
1df32493a41c python312Packages.mypy-boto3-verifiedpermissions: 1.35.30 -> 1.35.55
25114110f49e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-synthetics: 1.35.18 -> 1.35.56
dd882eb62402 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-s3control: 1.35.12 -> 1.35.55
aede3250222f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-resource-explorer-2: 1.35.25 -> 1.35.56
ddb9a7fcd1d7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-quicksight: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.56
6db171d873a5 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.57
c548504474ae nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425
47904c8dd760 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lambda: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.57
1e7b5db19091 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lakeformation: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.55
f04bedb8b097 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-guardduty: 1.35.39 -> 1.35.55
f696f2da0ac9 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-firehose: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
815da64d5641 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-eks: 1.35.45 -> 1.35.57
da42eb80266f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-codebuild: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.55
f283f98e923e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-cleanrooms: 1.35.51 -> 1.35.56
764ae6081bc7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-chime-sdk-media-pipelines: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
df705189ee44 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-batch: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.57
a4a1020e7137 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-autoscaling: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.56
e770aff17974 python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
f396caa8d752 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18
2160918a0b90 python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0
cb5a79de97b2 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29
ac3c8ae13d0a python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18
b7c678532145 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0 (#354708)
1cc81439e761 nixosTests.frr: fix warning, use nodes.router instead of nodes.router.config
f93219dfa08f nixosTests.frr: format using nixfmt
df11922a6da8 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0
63d9179dd4e9 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: refactor
533fffa449e4 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build on darwin
45dd2b73eacf python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262
7c69e10ceb1b okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
83d18d4dc3ee python311Packages.yowsup: refactor
c0ec6c8c3c3c python311Packages.yowsup: fix build
a0f0aac19598 ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108
5abc7f27a20e python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
1fa9b80b0afd release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels
ab7489d373ff python311Packages.consonance: refactor
c76f00a4efe6 python311Packages.consonance: fix build
f323f1ccfef7 nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0
bdfa0f011297 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests
78b5698555d8 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19
8dfa246bb10c python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68
4c7aa6428fe9 cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4
df3d7683fed1 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4
4f0337923244 quarto: apply deno 2 compatibility patch
69cc148de30a quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33
39769f9fc86f python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin
80335810c8c6 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0
cf772c1b5608 fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10
3603e0d5ea48 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2
5a82dc34b00e nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0
40641c90b547 python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.9.0
b5f7f510393d ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8
a784f38df795 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06
2c31f63228ab stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10
66bb24d74424 vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies
02871d95ebeb mesonlsp: fix aarch64-darwin build, mark as broken on x86_64-darwin
2e2d6027352b stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22
e9b1d2d5ac63 vimPlugins: sort properly
a6fe798a015a pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements
8b503ec432ce pluginupdate.py: reformat with ruff
d339f93f3225 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system
385eb6ae4dff python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1
5a1e1f65a908 stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13
4b02cabbbe0c stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19
839ecef9050e stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20
c3fd31e2c4ad stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31
a90b34f9e76b keybase{-gui}: add myself as maintainer
265d9a2adb8b keybase-gui: add `NIXOS_OZONE_WL` support
a024f81d841c keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0
562758261fd4 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0
71330f93ee9e linux_xanmod_latest: 6.11.6 -> 6.11.7
efa0718e7482 linux_xanmod: 6.6.59 -> 6.6.60
61220d768de8 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13
afbbb9aaeb0d python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25
ac5aaaa7336f python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
086bfa238585 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17
a5b695b34b6b python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21
c3afba78f24e python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
0a48b45c5af7 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next
1754ed842e2d ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3
b8e62002b5d3 python312Packages.msprime: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
226843be6a9f python312Packages.pysnow: patch tests, unbreak
b8b4cdc90390 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation
5db8bf44deb0 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages
120103ec7cc9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3
80458ba97944 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07
676db521744e postgresql_17: fix build
b2945bc0a84f python312Packages.langgraph: Fix unit tests that were breaking Hydra
c64c064437f5 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
c26249be9a66 lapce: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
896db32853f5 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin
3e9c905d355a nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2
4a1393afe0f1 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3
78705eaeb106 skia: unbreak darwin
d1478e78c0ac postgresqlPackages.system_stats: fix build on darwin
af11b38d2131 cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2
c78b55b3b684 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3
29d02718132f wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1
1af3b8486fb2 granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1
1bb3362ddfb5 python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
dd59f2cfe919 budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1
0418996c9685 pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available
6ec5b8d597ba netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0
e600b8b00b33 newlib: enable parallel build
16518a3f3d4b factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15
6c2d6fa844bc leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2
84b68b839ac3 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
bd2ea530520b python312Packages.scikit-fmm: run checkPhase hooks, echo check command
1c418186cfd2 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak
ee27c02106f3 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0
0465be1b8f0e python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps, unbreak
eeb52b79d149 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15
19595c35d78c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20
92647d759237 vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0
44992762f0cc basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0
27c93e95f9a8 tulip: fix compilation by adding the `-fpermissive` flag A typecast from unsigned char* to char* in the source broke the build
987c737557b1 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.0
07d2ee58bae2 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2
b74fdd238641 treewide: remove redundant patches and locks
a588dee7465d python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
b75334c2f965 live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0
86fbc2f2d8c6 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3
00cc5342828c python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4
831c38e31987 python3Packages.fastcrc: init at 0.3.2
a01b23fa72ac cartridges: run meson checks
57f23ed8b1a8 cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1
cea2eef9fa5d clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3
b62797a3d7ed tulip: format using nixfmt
fb358db1b51f thunderbird-128-unwrapped: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr
d56656e48729 yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47
43d0f16226c8 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor
0e174ba654b7 python3Packages.proton-vpn-network-manager: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.4
f4485f7c41af python3Packages.proton-vpn-api-core: 0.35.5 -> 0.36.4
074f93408e5a proton-vpn-local-agent: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 1.0.0
da0bfe800600 signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps
de8c3feb7fbf wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1
16970e3252d0 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service
9e1b88a44350 libbassmidi: init at
05ac36fa30a3 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install}
3e646301a07e smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0
9609ea875774 vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15
975f4c45ae5c beszel: init at 0.6.2
887a74fd5784 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux
3f2bbfd68b79 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles`
9642cf41060a cfn-nag: added mathstlouis to maintainers
abcf5fb9b943 maintainer-list: added mathstlouis
c771f151f8bf cfn-nag: added meta.mainProgram
ff17208a821a cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated
dd086ca40200 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04
4b13779f3321 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken
9b7877aa1fc7 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0
aebe9a354b7b regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
db15554b6954 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1
d90f320eb26d bootterm: init at 0.5
45d7127c77df mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7
1a774a95d219 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1
682d4d76aa8c containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0
7abbb28c59b9 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-11-01
b9e3b9dbb22b ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9
4eceb5ba2fef maintainers: add deadbaed
c952a4bfdbec vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2
d4e2d6e00c84 maintainers: add thtrf
1301e4f0b024 pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval
6030ff068ad7 gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true`
b6cf7b27b7c0 qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30
4d8081767bc5 lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: nixfmt, modernise
4ce2e1df58ec lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: nixfmt, modernise
5cc3c54a6425 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: nixfmt, modernise
ba59f61a725a lomiri.u1db-qt: Add meta.changelog
95c0233ed962 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: nixfmt, modernise
bafb37491e96 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Fix version
b8c432b54a5a libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: nixfmt, modernise
8a5f86237dba lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: Enable qdoc docs
03b310e94cbc lomiri.lomiri-indicator-network: Enable qdoc docs
e0d5bd98ffbc lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: Enable qdoc docs
d04843ce6096 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: Enable qdoc docs
ac976c912dfb jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8
8f74b6cdaf78 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: Enable qdoc docs
eeea8d648db2 lomiri.u1db-qt: Enable qdoc docs
4442e5ac9161 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Enable qdoc docs
9dd1f943ecd1 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering
bed43b44613d nixos/hardware.nitrokey: update documentation
38ec993a582f nixos/hardware.nitrokey: replace libnitrokey with nitrokey-udev-rules
d43f004d1fe4 nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0
8ffcca7fd0a0 maintainers: add robinkrahl
2280b9bf4a98 python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
9ce864871fdc python312Packages.rio-tiler: 6.7.0 → 7.0.1
1caf42170d5a vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54
d931f342a429 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40
07c81867c907 dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt
c3ceedeac1ac obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation
cbcee2460787 mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0
c7a381c92a79 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3
933ccc51f4a5 maintainers: add rksm
1a48ff707293 python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0
c02e155285ef vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0
6e6fc7ca2658 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config
7467f7d59f13 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile`
04dbbd436515 teamviewer: introduce services.teamviewer.package option
2928912a7c74 teamviewer: remove "with lib;"
89ecd0313160 teamviewer: format file
5146c143bbf1 gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0
a44e0fe3dc9f pyton312Packages.sphinx-autodoc2: init at 0.5.0
0b097987fe34 nixos/localsend: allow udp port
9ac4777d98d0 nixos/localsend: add package option
a3843a7ee564 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1
5d49d4cfa1a4 nixos/guix: use exec to start the payload binary
410ae87bf5e2 nixos/boinc: use exec to start the payload binary
e8a9775a6167 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package
git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs
git-subtree-split: dc460ec76cbff0e66e269457d7b728432263166c
2024-11-16 15:43:04 +00:00
LoadCredential = lib.mapAttrsToList (k: v: "${k}:${v}") data.credentialFiles;
2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
# Run as root (Prefixed with +)
ExecStartPost = "+" + (pkgs.writeShellScript "acme-postrun" ''
cd /var/lib/acme/${lib.escapeShellArg cert}
if [ -e renewed ]; then
rm renewed
${lib.optionalString (data.reloadServices != [])
"systemctl --no-block try-reload-or-restart ${lib.escapeShellArgs data.reloadServices}"
} // lib.optionalAttrs (data.listenHTTP != null && lib.toInt (lib.last (lib.splitString ":" data.listenHTTP)) < 1024) {
CapabilityBoundingSet = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
AmbientCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
# Working directory will be /tmp
script = (if (lockfileName == null) then lib.id else wrapInFlock "${lockdir}${lockfileName}") ''
${lib.optionalString data.enableDebugLogs "set -x"}
set -euo pipefail
# This reimplements the expiration date check, but without querying
# the acme server first. By doing this offline, we avoid errors
# when the network or DNS are unavailable, which can happen during
# nixos-rebuild switch.
is_expiration_skippable() {
# This function relies on set -e to exit early if any of the
# conditions or programs fail.
[[ -e $pem ]]
set -euxo pipefail
openssl x509 -noout -enddate <"$pem" \
| grep notAfter \
| sed -e 's/^notAfter=//'
[[ -n "$expiration_line" ]]
expiration_date="$(date -d "$expiration_line" +%s)"
now="$(date +%s)"
expiration_s=$((expiration_date - now))
expiration_days=$((expiration_s / (3600 * 24))) # rounds down
[[ $expiration_days -gt ${toString data.validMinDays} ]]
${lib.optionalString (data.webroot != null) ''
# Ensure the webroot exists. Fixing group is required in case configuration was changed between runs.
# Lego will fail if the webroot does not exist at all.
mkdir -p '${data.webroot}/.well-known/acme-challenge' \
&& chgrp '${data.group}' ${data.webroot}/.well-known/acme-challenge
) || (
echo 'Please ensure ${data.webroot}/.well-known/acme-challenge exists and is writable by acme:${data.group}' \
&& exit 1
echo '${domainHash}' > domainhash.txt
# Check if we can renew.
# We can only renew if the list of domains has not changed.
# We also need an account key. Avoids #190493
if cmp -s domainhash.txt certificates/domainhash.txt && [ -e 'certificates/${keyName}.key' ] && [ -e 'certificates/${keyName}.crt' ] && [ -n "$(find accounts -name '${data.email}.key')" ]; then
# Even if a cert is not expired, it may be revoked by the CA.
# Try to renew, and silently fail if the cert is not expired.
# Avoids #85794 and resolves #129838
if ! lego ${renewOpts} --days ${toString data.validMinDays}; then
if is_expiration_skippable out/full.pem; then
echo 1>&2 "nixos-acme: Ignoring failed renewal because expiration isn't within the coming ${toString data.validMinDays} days"
# High number to avoid Systemd reserved codes.
exit 11
# Otherwise do a full run
elif ! lego ${runOpts}; then
# Produce a nice error for those doing their first nixos-rebuild with these certs
echo Failed to fetch certificates. \
This may mean your DNS records are set up incorrectly. \
${lib.optionalString (cfg.preliminarySelfsigned) "Selfsigned certs are in place and dependant services will still start."}
# Exit 10 so that users can potentially amend SuccessExitStatus to ignore this error.
# High number to avoid Systemd reserved codes.
exit 10
mv domainhash.txt certificates/
# Group might change between runs, re-apply it
chown '${user}:${data.group}' certificates/*
# Copy all certs to the "real" certs directory
if ! cmp -s 'certificates/${keyName}.crt' out/fullchain.pem; then
touch out/renewed
echo Installing new certificate
cp -vp 'certificates/${keyName}.crt' out/fullchain.pem
cp -vp 'certificates/${keyName}.key' out/key.pem
cp -vp 'certificates/${keyName}.issuer.crt' out/chain.pem
ln -sf fullchain.pem out/cert.pem
cat out/key.pem out/fullchain.pem > out/full.pem
# By default group will have no access to the cert files.
# This chmod will fix that.
chmod 640 out/*
certConfigs = lib.mapAttrs certToConfig cfg.certs;
# These options can be specified within
# security.acme.defaults or security.acme.certs.<name>
inheritableModule = isDefaults: { config, ... }: let
defaultAndText = name: default: {
# When ! isDefaults then this is the option declaration for the
# security.acme.certs.<name> path, which has the extra inheritDefaults
# option, which if disabled means that we can't inherit it
default = if isDefaults || ! config.inheritDefaults then default else cfg.defaults.${name};
# The docs however don't need to depend on inheritDefaults, they should
# stay constant. Though notably it wouldn't matter much, because to get
# the option information, a submodule with name `<name>` is evaluated
# without any definitions.
defaultText = if isDefaults then default else lib.literalExpression "config.security.acme.defaults.${name}";
in {
imports = [
(lib.mkRenamedOptionModule [ "credentialsFile" ] [ "environmentFile" ])
options = {
validMinDays = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.int;
inherit (defaultAndText "validMinDays" 30) default defaultText;
description = "Minimum remaining validity before renewal in days.";
renewInterval = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "renewInterval" "daily") default defaultText;
description = ''
Systemd calendar expression when to check for renewal. See
enableDebugLogs = lib.mkEnableOption "debug logging for this certificate" // {
inherit (defaultAndText "enableDebugLogs" true) default defaultText;
webroot = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "webroot" null) default defaultText;
example = "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenge";
description = ''
Where the webroot of the HTTP vhost is located.
{file}`.well-known/acme-challenge/` directory
will be created below the webroot if it doesn't exist.
`http://example.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/` must also
be available (notice unencrypted HTTP).
server = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "server" "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory") default defaultText;
example = "https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory";
description = ''
ACME Directory Resource URI.
Defaults to Let's Encrypt's production endpoint.
For testing Let's Encrypt's [staging endpoint](https://letsencrypt.org/docs/staging-environment/)
should be used to avoid the rather tight rate limit on the production endpoint.
email = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "email" null) default defaultText;
description = ''
Email address for account creation and correspondence from the CA.
It is recommended to use the same email for all certs to avoid account
creation limits.
group = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "group" "acme") default defaultText;
description = "Group running the ACME client.";
reloadServices = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "reloadServices" []) default defaultText;
description = ''
The list of systemd services to call `systemctl try-reload-or-restart`
postRun = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.lines;
inherit (defaultAndText "postRun" "") default defaultText;
example = "cp full.pem backup.pem";
description = ''
Commands to run after new certificates go live. Note that
these commands run as the root user.
Executed in the same directory with the new certificate.
keyType = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "keyType" "ec256") default defaultText;
description = ''
Key type to use for private keys.
For an up to date list of supported values check the --key-type option
at <https://go-acme.github.io/lego/usage/cli/options/>.
dnsProvider = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "dnsProvider" null) default defaultText;
example = "route53";
description = ''
DNS Challenge provider. For a list of supported providers, see the "code"
field of the DNS providers listed at <https://go-acme.github.io/lego/dns/>.
dnsResolver = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "dnsResolver" null) default defaultText;
example = "";
description = ''
Set the resolver to use for performing recursive DNS queries. Supported:
host:port. The default is to use the system resolvers, or Google's DNS
resolvers if the system's cannot be determined.
environmentFile = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.path;
inherit (defaultAndText "environmentFile" null) default defaultText;
description = ''
Path to an EnvironmentFile for the cert's service containing any required and
optional environment variables for your selected dnsProvider.
To find out what values you need to set, consult the documentation at
<https://go-acme.github.io/lego/dns/> for the corresponding dnsProvider.
example = "/var/src/secrets/example.org-route53-api-token";
credentialFiles = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.path);
inherit (defaultAndText "credentialFiles" {}) default defaultText;
description = ''
Environment variables suffixed by "_FILE" to set for the cert's service
for your selected dnsProvider.
To find out what values you need to set, consult the documentation at
<https://go-acme.github.io/lego/dns/> for the corresponding dnsProvider.
This allows to securely pass credential files to lego by leveraging systemd
example = lib.literalExpression ''
"RFC2136_TSIG_SECRET_FILE" = "/run/secrets/tsig-secret-example.org";
dnsPropagationCheck = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
inherit (defaultAndText "dnsPropagationCheck" true) default defaultText;
description = ''
Toggles lego DNS propagation check, which is used alongside DNS-01
challenge to ensure the DNS entries required are available.
ocspMustStaple = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
inherit (defaultAndText "ocspMustStaple" false) default defaultText;
description = ''
Turns on the OCSP Must-Staple TLS extension.
Make sure you know what you're doing! See:
- <https://blog.apnic.net/2019/01/15/is-the-web-ready-for-ocsp-must-staple/>
- <https://blog.hboeck.de/archives/886-The-Problem-with-OCSP-Stapling-and-Must-Staple-and-why-Certificate-Revocation-is-still-broken.html>
extraLegoFlags = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "extraLegoFlags" []) default defaultText;
description = ''
Additional global flags to pass to all lego commands.
extraLegoRenewFlags = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "extraLegoRenewFlags" []) default defaultText;
description = ''
Additional flags to pass to lego renew.
extraLegoRunFlags = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
inherit (defaultAndText "extraLegoRunFlags" []) default defaultText;
description = ''
Additional flags to pass to lego run.
certOpts = { name, config, ... }: {
options = {
# user option has been removed
user = lib.mkOption {
visible = false;
default = "_mkRemovedOptionModule";
# allowKeysForGroup option has been removed
allowKeysForGroup = lib.mkOption {
visible = false;
default = "_mkRemovedOptionModule";
# extraDomains was replaced with extraDomainNames
extraDomains = lib.mkOption {
visible = false;
default = "_mkMergedOptionModule";
directory = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
readOnly = true;
default = "/var/lib/acme/${name}";
description = "Directory where certificate and other state is stored.";
domain = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
default = name;
description = "Domain to fetch certificate for (defaults to the entry name).";
extraDomainNames = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
default = [];
example = lib.literalExpression ''
description = ''
A list of extra domain names, which are included in the one certificate to be issued.
# This setting must be different for each configured certificate, otherwise
# two or more renewals may fail to bind to the address. Hence, it is not in
# the inheritableOpts.
listenHTTP = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
default = null;
example = ":1360";
description = ''
Interface and port to listen on to solve HTTP challenges
in the form [INTERFACE]:PORT.
If you use a port other than 80, you must proxy port 80 to this port.
s3Bucket = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
default = null;
example = "acme";
description = ''
S3 bucket name to use for HTTP-01 based challenges. Challenges will be written to the S3 bucket.
inheritDefaults = lib.mkOption {
default = true;
example = true;
description = "Whether to inherit values set in `security.acme.defaults` or not.";
type = lib.types.bool;
in {
options = {
security.acme = {
preliminarySelfsigned = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Whether a preliminary self-signed certificate should be generated before
doing ACME requests. This can be useful when certificates are required in
a webserver, but ACME needs the webserver to make its requests.
With preliminary self-signed certificate the webserver can be started and
can later reload the correct ACME certificates.
acceptTerms = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Accept the CA's terms of service. The default provider is Let's Encrypt,
you can find their ToS at <https://letsencrypt.org/repository/>.
useRoot = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether to use the root user when generating certs. This is not recommended
for security + compatibility reasons. If a service requires root owned certificates
consider following the guide on "Using ACME with services demanding root
owned certificates" in the NixOS manual, and only using this as a fallback
or for testing.
defaults = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.submodule (inheritableModule true);
description = ''
Default values inheritable by all configured certs. You can
use this to define options shared by all your certs. These defaults
can also be ignored on a per-cert basis using the
{option}`security.acme.certs.''${cert}.inheritDefaults` option.
certs = lib.mkOption {
default = { };
type = with lib.types; attrsOf (submodule [ (inheritableModule false) certOpts ]);
description = ''
Attribute set of certificates to get signed and renewed. Creates
`acme-''${cert}.{service,timer}` systemd units for
each certificate defined here. Other services can add dependencies
to those units if they rely on the certificates being present,
or trigger restarts of the service if certificates get renewed.
example = lib.literalExpression ''
"example.com" = {
webroot = "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenge/";
email = "foo@example.com";
extraDomainNames = [ "www.example.com" "foo.example.com" ];
"bar.example.com" = {
webroot = "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenge/";
email = "bar@example.com";
maxConcurrentRenewals = lib.mkOption {
default = 5;
type = lib.types.int;
description = ''
Maximum number of concurrent certificate generation or renewal jobs. All other
jobs will queue and wait running jobs to finish. Reduces the system load of
certificate generation.
Set to `0` to allow unlimited number of concurrent job runs."
imports = [
(lib.mkRemovedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "production" ] ''
Use security.acme.server to define your staging ACME server URL instead.
To use the let's encrypt staging server, use security.acme.server =
(lib.mkRemovedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "directory" ] "ACME Directory is now hardcoded to /var/lib/acme and its permissions are managed by systemd. See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/53852 for more info.")
(lib.mkRemovedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "preDelay" ] "This option has been removed. If you want to make sure that something executes before certificates are provisioned, add a RequiredBy=acme-\${cert}.service to the service you want to execute before the cert renewal")
(lib.mkRemovedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "activationDelay" ] "This option has been removed. If you want to make sure that something executes before certificates are provisioned, add a RequiredBy=acme-\${cert}.service to the service you want to execute before the cert renewal")
(lib.mkChangedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "validMin" ] [ "security" "acme" "defaults" "validMinDays" ] (config: config.security.acme.validMin / (24 * 3600)))
(lib.mkChangedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "validMinDays" ] [ "security" "acme" "defaults" "validMinDays" ] (config: config.security.acme.validMinDays))
(lib.mkChangedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "renewInterval" ] [ "security" "acme" "defaults" "renewInterval" ] (config: config.security.acme.renewInterval))
(lib.mkChangedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "email" ] [ "security" "acme" "defaults" "email" ] (config: config.security.acme.email))
(lib.mkChangedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "server" ] [ "security" "acme" "defaults" "server" ] (config: config.security.acme.server))
(lib.mkChangedOptionModule [ "security" "acme" "enableDebugLogs" ] [ "security" "acme" "defaults" "enableDebugLogs" ] (config: config.security.acme.enableDebugLogs))
config = lib.mkMerge [
(lib.mkIf (cfg.certs != { }) {
# FIXME Most of these custom warnings and filters for security.acme.certs.* are required
# because using mkRemovedOptionModule/mkChangedOptionModule with attrsets isn't possible.
warnings = lib.filter (w: w != "") (lib.mapAttrsToList (cert: data: lib.optionalString (data.extraDomains != "_mkMergedOptionModule") ''
The option definition `security.acme.certs.${cert}.extraDomains` has changed
to `security.acme.certs.${cert}.extraDomainNames` and is now a list of strings.
Setting a custom webroot for extra domains is not possible, instead use separate certs.
'') cfg.certs);
assertions = let
certs = lib.attrValues cfg.certs;
in [
assertion = cfg.defaults.email != null || lib.all (certOpts: certOpts.email != null) certs;
message = ''
You must define `security.acme.certs.<name>.email` or
`security.acme.defaults.email` to register with the CA. Note that using
many different addresses for certs may trigger account rate limits.
assertion = cfg.acceptTerms;
message = ''
You must accept the CA's terms of service before using
the ACME module by setting `security.acme.acceptTerms`
to `true`. For Let's Encrypt's ToS see https://letsencrypt.org/repository/
] ++ (builtins.concatLists (lib.mapAttrsToList (cert: data: [
assertion = data.user == "_mkRemovedOptionModule";
message = ''
The option definition `security.acme.certs.${cert}.user' no longer has any effect; Please remove it.
Certificate user is now hard coded to the "acme" user. If you would
like another user to have access, consider adding them to the
"acme" group or changing security.acme.certs.${cert}.group.
assertion = data.allowKeysForGroup == "_mkRemovedOptionModule";
message = ''
The option definition `security.acme.certs.${cert}.allowKeysForGroup' no longer has any effect; Please remove it.
All certs are readable by the configured group. If this is undesired,
consider changing security.acme.certs.${cert}.group to an unused group.
# * in the cert value breaks building of systemd services, and makes
# referencing them as a user quite weird too. Best practice is to use
# the domain option.
assertion = ! lib.hasInfix "*" cert;
message = ''
The cert option path `security.acme.certs.${cert}.dnsProvider`
cannot contain a * character.
Instead, set `security.acme.certs.${cert}.domain = "${cert}";`
and remove the wildcard from the path.
(let exclusiveAttrs = {
inherit (data) dnsProvider webroot listenHTTP s3Bucket;
}; in {
assertion = lib.length (lib.filter (x: x != null) (builtins.attrValues exclusiveAttrs)) == 1;
message = ''
Exactly one of the options
`security.acme.certs.${cert}.listenHTTP` and
is required.
Current values: ${(lib.generators.toPretty {} exclusiveAttrs)}.
assertion = lib.all (lib.hasSuffix "_FILE") (lib.attrNames data.credentialFiles);
message = ''
Option `security.acme.certs.${cert}.credentialFiles` can only be
used for variables suffixed by "_FILE".
]) cfg.certs));
users.users.acme = {
home = "/var/lib/acme";
group = "acme";
isSystemUser = true;
users.groups.acme = {};
# for lock files, still use tmpfiles as they should better reside in /run
systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
"d ${lockdir} 0700 ${user} - - -"
"Z ${lockdir} 0700 ${user} - - -"
systemd.services = let
renewServiceFunctions = lib.mapAttrs' (cert: conf: lib.nameValuePair "acme-${cert}" conf.renewService) certConfigs;
renewServices = if cfg.maxConcurrentRenewals > 0
then roundRobinApplyAttrs renewServiceFunctions concurrencyLockfiles
else lib.mapAttrs (_: f: f null) renewServiceFunctions;
selfsignServiceFunctions = lib.mapAttrs' (cert: conf: lib.nameValuePair "acme-selfsigned-${cert}" conf.selfsignService) certConfigs;
selfsignServices = if cfg.maxConcurrentRenewals > 0
then roundRobinApplyAttrs selfsignServiceFunctions concurrencyLockfiles
else lib.mapAttrs (_: f: f null) selfsignServiceFunctions;
{ "acme-fixperms" = userMigrationService; }
// (lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.maxConcurrentRenewals > 0) {"acme-lockfiles" = lockfilePrepareService; })
// renewServices
// (lib.optionalAttrs (cfg.preliminarySelfsigned) ({
"acme-selfsigned-ca" = selfsignCAService;
} // selfsignServices));
systemd.timers = lib.mapAttrs' (cert: conf: lib.nameValuePair "acme-${cert}" conf.renewTimer) certConfigs;
systemd.targets = let
# Create some targets which can be depended on to be "active" after cert renewals
finishedTargets = lib.mapAttrs' (cert: conf: lib.nameValuePair "acme-finished-${cert}" {
wantedBy = [ "default.target" ];
requires = [ "acme-${cert}.service" ];
after = [ "acme-${cert}.service" ];
}) certConfigs;
# Create targets to limit the number of simultaneous account creations
# How it works:
# - Pick a "leader" cert service, which will be in charge of creating the account,
# and run first (requires + after)
# - Make all other cert services sharing the same account wait for the leader to
# finish before starting (requiredBy + before).
# Using a target here is fine - account creation is a one time event. Even if
# systemd clean --what=state is used to delete the account, so long as the user
# then runs one of the cert services, there won't be any issues.
accountTargets = lib.mapAttrs' (hash: confs: let
leader = "acme-${(builtins.head confs).cert}.service";
dependantServices = map (conf: "acme-${conf.cert}.service") (builtins.tail confs);
in lib.nameValuePair "acme-account-${hash}" {
requiredBy = dependantServices;
before = dependantServices;
requires = [ leader ];
after = [ leader ];
}) (lib.groupBy (conf: conf.accountHash) (lib.attrValues certConfigs));
in finishedTargets // accountTargets;
meta = {
maintainers = lib.teams.acme.members;
doc = ./default.md;