2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
{ system,
# Projects the test configuration into a the desired value; usually
# the test runner: `config: config.test`.
# The return value of this function will be an attrset with arbitrary depth and
# the `anything` returned by callTest at its test leafs.
# The tests not supported by `system` will be replaced with `{}`, so that
# `passthru.tests` can contain links to those without breaking on architectures
# where said tests are unsupported.
# Example callTest that just extracts the derivation from the test:
# callTest = t: t.test;
with pkgs.lib;
discoverTests = val:
if isAttrs val
if hasAttr "test" val then callTest val
else mapAttrs (n: s: if n == "passthru" then s else discoverTests s) val
else if isFunction val
# Tests based on make-test-python.nix will return the second lambda
# in that file, which are then forwarded to the test definition
# following the `import make-test-python.nix` expression
# (if it is a function).
discoverTests (val { inherit system pkgs; })
else val;
handleTest = path: args:
discoverTests (import path ({ inherit system pkgs; } // args));
handleTestOn = systems: path: args:
if elem system systems then handleTest path args
else {};
nixosLib = import ../lib {
# Experimental features need testing too, but there's no point in warning
# about it, so we enable the feature flag.
featureFlags.minimalModules = {};
evalMinimalConfig = module: nixosLib.evalModules { modules = [ module ]; };
(rec {
doRunTest = arg: ((import ../lib/testing-python.nix { inherit system pkgs; }).evalTest {
imports = [ arg readOnlyPkgs ];
findTests = tree:
if tree?recurseForDerivations && tree.recurseForDerivations
(k: findTests)
(builtins.removeAttrs tree ["recurseForDerivations"])
else callTest tree;
runTest = arg: let r = doRunTest arg; in findTests r;
runTestOn = systems: arg:
if elem system systems then runTest arg
else {};
# Using a single instance of nixpkgs makes test evaluation faster.
# To make sure we don't accidentally depend on a modified pkgs, we make the
# related options read-only. We need to test the right configuration.
# If your service depends on a nixpkgs setting, first try to avoid that, but
# otherwise, you can remove the readOnlyPkgs import and test your service as
# usual.
readOnlyPkgs =
# TODO: We currently accept this for nixosTests, so that the `pkgs` argument
# is consistent with `pkgs` in `pkgs.nixosTests`. Can we reinitialize
# it with `allowAliases = false`?
# warnIf pkgs.config.allowAliases "nixosTests: pkgs includes aliases."
_file = "${__curPos.file} readOnlyPkgs";
_class = "nixosTest";
node.pkgs = pkgs.pkgsLinux;
in {
# Testing the test driver
nixos-test-driver = {
extra-python-packages = handleTest ./nixos-test-driver/extra-python-packages.nix {};
lib-extend = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./nixos-test-driver/lib-extend.nix {};
node-name = runTest ./nixos-test-driver/node-name.nix;
busybox = runTest ./nixos-test-driver/busybox.nix;
driver-timeout = pkgs.runCommand "ensure-timeout-induced-failure" {
failed = pkgs.testers.testBuildFailure ((runTest ./nixos-test-driver/timeout.nix).config.rawTestDerivation);
} ''
grep -F "timeout reached; test terminating" $failed/testBuildFailure.log
# The program will always be terminated by SIGTERM (143) if it waits for the deadline thread.
[[ 143 = $(cat $failed/testBuildFailure.exit) ]]
touch $out
# NixOS vm tests and non-vm unit tests
_3proxy = runTest ./3proxy.nix;
aaaaxy = runTest ./aaaaxy.nix;
acme = runTest ./acme.nix;
acme-dns = handleTest ./acme-dns.nix {};
adguardhome = runTest ./adguardhome.nix;
aesmd = runTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./aesmd.nix;
agate = runTest ./web-servers/agate.nix;
agda = handleTest ./agda.nix {};
airsonic = handleTest ./airsonic.nix {};
akkoma = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./akkoma.nix {};
akkoma-confined = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./akkoma.nix { confined = true; };
alice-lg = handleTest ./alice-lg.nix {};
alloy = handleTest ./alloy.nix {};
allTerminfo = handleTest ./all-terminfo.nix {};
alps = handleTest ./alps.nix {};
amazon-init-shell = handleTest ./amazon-init-shell.nix {};
amazon-ssm-agent = handleTest ./amazon-ssm-agent.nix {};
amd-sev = runTest ./amd-sev.nix;
anbox = runTest ./anbox.nix;
angie-api = handleTest ./angie-api.nix {};
anki-sync-server = handleTest ./anki-sync-server.nix {};
anuko-time-tracker = handleTest ./anuko-time-tracker.nix {};
apcupsd = handleTest ./apcupsd.nix {};
apfs = runTest ./apfs.nix;
appliance-repart-image = runTest ./appliance-repart-image.nix;
appliance-repart-image-verity-store = runTest ./appliance-repart-image-verity-store.nix;
apparmor = handleTest ./apparmor.nix {};
archi = handleTest ./archi.nix {};
aria2 = handleTest ./aria2.nix {};
armagetronad = handleTest ./armagetronad.nix {};
artalk = handleTest ./artalk.nix {};
atd = handleTest ./atd.nix {};
atop = handleTest ./atop.nix {};
atticd = runTest ./atticd.nix;
atuin = handleTest ./atuin.nix {};
audiobookshelf = handleTest ./audiobookshelf.nix {};
auth-mysql = handleTest ./auth-mysql.nix {};
authelia = handleTest ./authelia.nix {};
avahi = handleTest ./avahi.nix {};
avahi-with-resolved = handleTest ./avahi.nix { networkd = true; };
ayatana-indicators = runTest ./ayatana-indicators.nix;
babeld = handleTest ./babeld.nix {};
bazarr = handleTest ./bazarr.nix {};
bcachefs = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"] ./bcachefs.nix {};
beanstalkd = handleTest ./beanstalkd.nix {};
bees = handleTest ./bees.nix {};
benchexec = handleTest ./benchexec.nix {};
binary-cache = handleTest ./binary-cache.nix {};
bind = handleTest ./bind.nix {};
bird = handleTest ./bird.nix {};
birdwatcher = handleTest ./birdwatcher.nix {};
bitcoind = handleTest ./bitcoind.nix {};
bittorrent = handleTest ./bittorrent.nix {};
blockbook-frontend = handleTest ./blockbook-frontend.nix {};
blocky = handleTest ./blocky.nix {};
boot = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"] ./boot.nix {};
bootspec = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./bootspec.nix {};
boot-stage1 = handleTest ./boot-stage1.nix {};
borgbackup = handleTest ./borgbackup.nix {};
borgmatic = handleTest ./borgmatic.nix {};
botamusique = handleTest ./botamusique.nix {};
bpf = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"] ./bpf.nix {};
bpftune = handleTest ./bpftune.nix {};
breitbandmessung = handleTest ./breitbandmessung.nix {};
brscan5 = handleTest ./brscan5.nix {};
btrbk = handleTest ./btrbk.nix {};
btrbk-doas = handleTest ./btrbk-doas.nix {};
btrbk-no-timer = handleTest ./btrbk-no-timer.nix {};
btrbk-section-order = handleTest ./btrbk-section-order.nix {};
budgie = handleTest ./budgie.nix {};
buildbot = handleTest ./buildbot.nix {};
buildkite-agents = handleTest ./buildkite-agents.nix {};
c2fmzq = handleTest ./c2fmzq.nix {};
caddy = handleTest ./caddy.nix {};
cadvisor = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./cadvisor.nix {};
cage = handleTest ./cage.nix {};
cagebreak = handleTest ./cagebreak.nix {};
calibre-web = handleTest ./calibre-web.nix {};
calibre-server = handleTest ./calibre-server.nix {};
castopod = handleTest ./castopod.nix {};
cassandra_3_0 = handleTest ./cassandra.nix { testPackage = pkgs.cassandra_3_0; };
cassandra_3_11 = handleTest ./cassandra.nix { testPackage = pkgs.cassandra_3_11; };
cassandra_4 = handleTest ./cassandra.nix { testPackage = pkgs.cassandra_4; };
centrifugo = runTest ./centrifugo.nix;
ceph-multi-node = handleTestOn [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ] ./ceph-multi-node.nix {};
ceph-single-node = handleTestOn [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ] ./ceph-single-node.nix {};
ceph-single-node-bluestore = handleTestOn [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ] ./ceph-single-node-bluestore.nix {};
ceph-single-node-bluestore-dmcrypt = handleTestOn [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ] ./ceph-single-node-bluestore-dmcrypt.nix {};
certmgr = handleTest ./certmgr.nix {};
cfssl = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./cfssl.nix {};
cgit = handleTest ./cgit.nix {};
charliecloud = handleTest ./charliecloud.nix {};
chromadb = runTest ./chromadb.nix;
chromium = (handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./chromium.nix {}).stable or {};
chrony = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./chrony.nix {};
chrony-ptp = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./chrony-ptp.nix {};
cinnamon = handleTest ./cinnamon.nix {};
cinnamon-wayland = handleTest ./cinnamon-wayland.nix {};
cjdns = handleTest ./cjdns.nix {};
clatd = handleTest ./clatd.nix {};
clickhouse = handleTest ./clickhouse.nix {};
cloud-init = handleTest ./cloud-init.nix {};
cloud-init-hostname = handleTest ./cloud-init-hostname.nix {};
cloudlog = handleTest ./cloudlog.nix {};
cntr = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./cntr.nix {};
cockpit = handleTest ./cockpit.nix {};
cockroachdb = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./cockroachdb.nix {};
code-server = handleTest ./code-server.nix {};
coder = handleTest ./coder.nix {};
collectd = handleTest ./collectd.nix {};
commafeed = handleTest ./commafeed.nix {};
connman = handleTest ./connman.nix {};
consul = handleTest ./consul.nix {};
consul-template = handleTest ./consul-template.nix {};
containers-bridge = handleTest ./containers-bridge.nix {};
containers-custom-pkgs.nix = handleTest ./containers-custom-pkgs.nix {};
containers-ephemeral = handleTest ./containers-ephemeral.nix {};
containers-extra_veth = handleTest ./containers-extra_veth.nix {};
containers-hosts = handleTest ./containers-hosts.nix {};
containers-imperative = handleTest ./containers-imperative.nix {};
containers-ip = handleTest ./containers-ip.nix {};
containers-macvlans = handleTest ./containers-macvlans.nix {};
containers-names = handleTest ./containers-names.nix {};
containers-nested = handleTest ./containers-nested.nix {};
containers-physical_interfaces = handleTest ./containers-physical_interfaces.nix {};
containers-portforward = handleTest ./containers-portforward.nix {};
containers-reloadable = handleTest ./containers-reloadable.nix {};
containers-require-bind-mounts = handleTest ./containers-require-bind-mounts.nix {};
containers-restart_networking = handleTest ./containers-restart_networking.nix {};
containers-tmpfs = handleTest ./containers-tmpfs.nix {};
containers-unified-hierarchy = handleTest ./containers-unified-hierarchy.nix {};
convos = handleTest ./convos.nix {};
corerad = handleTest ./corerad.nix {};
coturn = handleTest ./coturn.nix {};
couchdb = handleTest ./couchdb.nix {};
crabfit = handleTest ./crabfit.nix {};
cri-o = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./cri-o.nix {};
cryptpad = runTest ./cryptpad.nix;
cups-pdf = handleTest ./cups-pdf.nix {};
curl-impersonate = handleTest ./curl-impersonate.nix {};
custom-ca = handleTest ./custom-ca.nix {};
croc = handleTest ./croc.nix {};
cyrus-imap = runTest ./cyrus-imap.nix;
darling = handleTest ./darling.nix {};
darling-dmg = runTest ./darling-dmg.nix;
dae = handleTest ./dae.nix {};
davis = handleTest ./davis.nix {};
db-rest = handleTest ./db-rest.nix {};
dconf = handleTest ./dconf.nix {};
ddns-updater = handleTest ./ddns-updater.nix {};
deconz = handleTest ./deconz.nix {};
deepin = handleTest ./deepin.nix {};
deluge = handleTest ./deluge.nix {};
dendrite = handleTest ./matrix/dendrite.nix {};
dependency-track = handleTest ./dependency-track.nix {};
devpi-server = handleTest ./devpi-server.nix {};
dex-oidc = handleTest ./dex-oidc.nix {};
dhparams = handleTest ./dhparams.nix {};
disable-installer-tools = handleTest ./disable-installer-tools.nix {};
discourse = handleTest ./discourse.nix {};
dnscrypt-proxy2 = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./dnscrypt-proxy2.nix {};
dnsdist = import ./dnsdist.nix { inherit pkgs runTest; };
doas = handleTest ./doas.nix {};
docker = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./docker.nix {};
docker-rootless = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./docker-rootless.nix {};
docker-registry = handleTest ./docker-registry.nix {};
docker-tools = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./docker-tools.nix {};
docker-tools-nix-shell = runTest ./docker-tools-nix-shell.nix;
docker-tools-cross = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"] ./docker-tools-cross.nix {};
docker-tools-overlay = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./docker-tools-overlay.nix {};
documize = handleTest ./documize.nix {};
documentation = pkgs.callPackage ../modules/misc/documentation/test.nix { inherit nixosLib; };
doh-proxy-rust = handleTest ./doh-proxy-rust.nix {};
dokuwiki = handleTest ./dokuwiki.nix {};
dolibarr = handleTest ./dolibarr.nix {};
domination = handleTest ./domination.nix {};
dovecot = handleTest ./dovecot.nix {};
drawterm = discoverTests (import ./drawterm.nix);
drbd = handleTest ./drbd.nix {};
druid = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" ] ./druid {};
dublin-traceroute = handleTest ./dublin-traceroute.nix {};
earlyoom = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./earlyoom.nix {};
early-mount-options = handleTest ./early-mount-options.nix {};
ec2-config = (handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./ec2.nix {}).boot-ec2-config or {};
ec2-nixops = (handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./ec2.nix {}).boot-ec2-nixops or {};
ecryptfs = handleTest ./ecryptfs.nix {};
fscrypt = handleTest ./fscrypt.nix {};
fastnetmon-advanced = runTest ./fastnetmon-advanced.nix;
eintopf = handleTest ./eintopf.nix {};
ejabberd = handleTest ./xmpp/ejabberd.nix {};
elk = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./elk.nix {};
emacs-daemon = handleTest ./emacs-daemon.nix {};
endlessh = handleTest ./endlessh.nix {};
endlessh-go = handleTest ./endlessh-go.nix {};
engelsystem = handleTest ./engelsystem.nix {};
enlightenment = handleTest ./enlightenment.nix {};
env = handleTest ./env.nix {};
envfs = handleTest ./envfs.nix {};
envoy = handleTest ./envoy.nix {};
ergo = handleTest ./ergo.nix {};
ergochat = handleTest ./ergochat.nix {};
eris-server = handleTest ./eris-server.nix {};
esphome = handleTest ./esphome.nix {};
etc = pkgs.callPackage ../modules/system/etc/test.nix { inherit evalMinimalConfig; };
activation = pkgs.callPackage ../modules/system/activation/test.nix { };
activation-lib = pkgs.callPackage ../modules/system/activation/lib/test.nix { };
activation-var = runTest ./activation/var.nix;
activation-nix-channel = runTest ./activation/nix-channel.nix;
activation-etc-overlay-mutable = runTest ./activation/etc-overlay-mutable.nix;
activation-etc-overlay-immutable = runTest ./activation/etc-overlay-immutable.nix;
activation-perlless = runTest ./activation/perlless.nix;
etcd = handleTestOn [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ] ./etcd/etcd.nix {};
etcd-cluster = handleTestOn [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ] ./etcd/etcd-cluster.nix {};
etebase-server = handleTest ./etebase-server.nix {};
etesync-dav = handleTest ./etesync-dav.nix {};
evcc = handleTest ./evcc.nix {};
fail2ban = handleTest ./fail2ban.nix { };
fakeroute = handleTest ./fakeroute.nix {};
fancontrol = handleTest ./fancontrol.nix {};
fanout = handleTest ./fanout.nix {};
fcitx5 = handleTest ./fcitx5 {};
fedimintd = runTest ./fedimintd.nix;
fenics = handleTest ./fenics.nix {};
ferm = handleTest ./ferm.nix {};
ferretdb = handleTest ./ferretdb.nix {};
filesender = handleTest ./filesender.nix {};
filesystems-overlayfs = runTest ./filesystems-overlayfs.nix;
firefly-iii = handleTest ./firefly-iii.nix {};
firefly-iii-data-importer = handleTest ./firefly-iii-data-importer.nix {};
firefox = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.firefox; };
firefox-beta = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.firefox-beta; };
firefox-devedition = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.firefox-devedition; };
firefox-esr = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.firefox-esr; }; # used in `tested` job
firefox-esr-115 = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.firefox-esr-115; };
firefox-esr-128 = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.firefox-esr-128; };
firefoxpwa = handleTest ./firefoxpwa.nix {};
firejail = handleTest ./firejail.nix {};
firewall = handleTest ./firewall.nix { nftables = false; };
firewall-nftables = handleTest ./firewall.nix { nftables = true; };
fish = handleTest ./fish.nix {};
flannel = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./flannel.nix {};
flaresolverr = handleTest ./flaresolverr.nix {};
flood = handleTest ./flood.nix {};
floorp = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.floorp; };
fluentd = handleTest ./fluentd.nix {};
fluidd = handleTest ./fluidd.nix {};
fontconfig-default-fonts = handleTest ./fontconfig-default-fonts.nix {};
forgejo = handleTest ./forgejo.nix { forgejoPackage = pkgs.forgejo; };
forgejo-lts = handleTest ./forgejo.nix { forgejoPackage = pkgs.forgejo-lts; };
freenet = handleTest ./freenet.nix {};
freeswitch = handleTest ./freeswitch.nix {};
freetube = discoverTests (import ./freetube.nix);
freshrss-extensions = handleTest ./freshrss-extensions.nix {};
freshrss-sqlite = handleTest ./freshrss-sqlite.nix {};
freshrss-pgsql = handleTest ./freshrss-pgsql.nix {};
freshrss-http-auth = handleTest ./freshrss-http-auth.nix {};
freshrss-none-auth = handleTest ./freshrss-none-auth.nix {};
frigate = handleTest ./frigate.nix {};
frp = handleTest ./frp.nix {};
frr = handleTest ./frr.nix {};
fsck = handleTest ./fsck.nix {};
fsck-systemd-stage-1 = handleTest ./fsck.nix { systemdStage1 = true; };
ft2-clone = handleTest ./ft2-clone.nix {};
legit = handleTest ./legit.nix {};
mimir = handleTest ./mimir.nix {};
gancio = handleTest ./gancio.nix {};
garage = handleTest ./garage {};
gatus = runTest ./gatus.nix;
gemstash = handleTest ./gemstash.nix {};
geoserver = runTest ./geoserver.nix;
gerrit = handleTest ./gerrit.nix {};
geth = handleTest ./geth.nix {};
ghostunnel = handleTest ./ghostunnel.nix {};
gitdaemon = handleTest ./gitdaemon.nix {};
gitea = handleTest ./gitea.nix { giteaPackage = pkgs.gitea; };
github-runner = handleTest ./github-runner.nix {};
gitlab = runTest ./gitlab.nix;
gitolite = handleTest ./gitolite.nix {};
gitolite-fcgiwrap = handleTest ./gitolite-fcgiwrap.nix {};
glance = runTest ./glance.nix;
glusterfs = handleTest ./glusterfs.nix {};
gnome = handleTest ./gnome.nix {};
gnome-extensions = handleTest ./gnome-extensions.nix {};
gnome-flashback = handleTest ./gnome-flashback.nix {};
gnome-xorg = handleTest ./gnome-xorg.nix {};
gns3-server = handleTest ./gns3-server.nix {};
gnupg = handleTest ./gnupg.nix {};
goatcounter = handleTest ./goatcounter.nix {};
go-neb = handleTest ./go-neb.nix {};
gobgpd = handleTest ./gobgpd.nix {};
gocd-agent = handleTest ./gocd-agent.nix {};
gocd-server = handleTest ./gocd-server.nix {};
gollum = handleTest ./gollum.nix {};
gonic = handleTest ./gonic.nix {};
google-oslogin = handleTest ./google-oslogin {};
goss = handleTest ./goss.nix {};
gotenberg = handleTest ./gotenberg.nix {};
gotify-server = handleTest ./gotify-server.nix {};
gotosocial = runTest ./web-apps/gotosocial.nix;
grafana = handleTest ./grafana {};
grafana-agent = handleTest ./grafana-agent.nix {};
graphite = handleTest ./graphite.nix {};
graylog = handleTest ./graylog.nix {};
greetd-no-shadow = handleTest ./greetd-no-shadow.nix {};
grocy = handleTest ./grocy.nix {};
grow-partition = runTest ./grow-partition.nix;
grub = handleTest ./grub.nix {};
guacamole-server = handleTest ./guacamole-server.nix {};
guix = handleTest ./guix {};
gvisor = handleTest ./gvisor.nix {};
hadoop = import ./hadoop { inherit handleTestOn; package=pkgs.hadoop; };
hadoop_3_3 = import ./hadoop { inherit handleTestOn; package=pkgs.hadoop_3_3; };
hadoop2 = import ./hadoop { inherit handleTestOn; package=pkgs.hadoop2; };
haka = handleTest ./haka.nix {};
haste-server = handleTest ./haste-server.nix {};
haproxy = handleTest ./haproxy.nix {};
hardened = handleTest ./hardened.nix {};
harmonia = runTest ./harmonia.nix;
headscale = handleTest ./headscale.nix {};
healthchecks = handleTest ./web-apps/healthchecks.nix {};
hbase2 = handleTest ./hbase.nix { package=pkgs.hbase2; };
hbase_2_5 = handleTest ./hbase.nix { package=pkgs.hbase_2_5; };
hbase_2_4 = handleTest ./hbase.nix { package=pkgs.hbase_2_4; };
hbase3 = handleTest ./hbase.nix { package=pkgs.hbase3; };
hddfancontrol = handleTest ./hddfancontrol.nix {};
hedgedoc = handleTest ./hedgedoc.nix {};
herbstluftwm = handleTest ./herbstluftwm.nix {};
homebox = handleTest ./homebox.nix {};
homepage-dashboard = handleTest ./homepage-dashboard.nix {};
honk = runTest ./honk.nix;
installed-tests = pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (handleTest ./installed-tests {});
invidious = handleTest ./invidious.nix {};
isolate = handleTest ./isolate.nix {};
livebook-service = handleTest ./livebook-service.nix {};
pyload = handleTest ./pyload.nix {};
oci-containers = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./oci-containers.nix {};
odoo = handleTest ./odoo.nix {};
odoo17 = handleTest ./odoo.nix { package = pkgs.odoo17; };
odoo16 = handleTest ./odoo.nix { package = pkgs.odoo16; };
odoo15 = handleTest ./odoo.nix { package = pkgs.odoo15; };
# 9pnet_virtio used to mount /nix partition doesn't support
# hibernation. This test happens to work on x86_64-linux but
# not on other platforms.
hibernate = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./hibernate.nix {};
hibernate-systemd-stage-1 = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./hibernate.nix { systemdStage1 = true; };
hitch = handleTest ./hitch {};
hledger-web = handleTest ./hledger-web.nix {};
hockeypuck = handleTest ./hockeypuck.nix { };
home-assistant = handleTest ./home-assistant.nix {};
hostname = handleTest ./hostname.nix {};
hound = handleTest ./hound.nix {};
hub = handleTest ./git/hub.nix {};
hydra = handleTest ./hydra {};
i3wm = handleTest ./i3wm.nix {};
icingaweb2 = handleTest ./icingaweb2.nix {};
ifm = handleTest ./ifm.nix {};
iftop = handleTest ./iftop.nix {};
immich = handleTest ./web-apps/immich.nix {};
incron = handleTest ./incron.nix {};
incus = pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (handleTest ./incus { inherit handleTestOn; inherit (pkgs) incus; });
incus-lts = pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (handleTest ./incus { inherit handleTestOn; });
influxdb = handleTest ./influxdb.nix {};
influxdb2 = handleTest ./influxdb2.nix {};
initrd-network-openvpn = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" ] ./initrd-network-openvpn {};
initrd-network-ssh = handleTest ./initrd-network-ssh {};
initrd-luks-empty-passphrase = handleTest ./initrd-luks-empty-passphrase.nix {};
initrdNetwork = handleTest ./initrd-network.nix {};
initrd-secrets = handleTest ./initrd-secrets.nix {};
initrd-secrets-changing = handleTest ./initrd-secrets-changing.nix {};
input-remapper = handleTest ./input-remapper.nix {};
inspircd = handleTest ./inspircd.nix {};
installer = handleTest ./installer.nix {};
installer-systemd-stage-1 = handleTest ./installer-systemd-stage-1.nix {};
intune = handleTest ./intune.nix {};
invoiceplane = handleTest ./invoiceplane.nix {};
iodine = handleTest ./iodine.nix {};
ipv6 = handleTest ./ipv6.nix {};
iscsi-multipath-root = handleTest ./iscsi-multipath-root.nix {};
iscsi-root = handleTest ./iscsi-root.nix {};
isso = handleTest ./isso.nix {};
jackett = handleTest ./jackett.nix {};
jellyfin = handleTest ./jellyfin.nix {};
jenkins = handleTest ./jenkins.nix {};
jenkins-cli = handleTest ./jenkins-cli.nix {};
jibri = handleTest ./jibri.nix {};
jirafeau = handleTest ./jirafeau.nix {};
jitsi-meet = handleTest ./jitsi-meet.nix {};
jool = import ./jool.nix { inherit pkgs runTest; };
jotta-cli = handleTest ./jotta-cli.nix {};
k3s = handleTest ./k3s {};
kafka = handleTest ./kafka.nix {};
kanidm = handleTest ./kanidm.nix {};
kanidm-provisioning = handleTest ./kanidm-provisioning.nix {};
karma = handleTest ./karma.nix {};
kavita = handleTest ./kavita.nix {};
kbd-setfont-decompress = handleTest ./kbd-setfont-decompress.nix {};
kbd-update-search-paths-patch = handleTest ./kbd-update-search-paths-patch.nix {};
kea = handleTest ./kea.nix {};
keepalived = handleTest ./keepalived.nix {};
keepassxc = handleTest ./keepassxc.nix {};
kerberos = handleTest ./kerberos/default.nix {};
kernel-generic = handleTest ./kernel-generic.nix {};
kernel-latest-ath-user-regd = handleTest ./kernel-latest-ath-user-regd.nix {};
kernel-rust = handleTest ./kernel-rust.nix {};
keter = handleTest ./keter.nix {};
kexec = handleTest ./kexec.nix {};
keycloak = discoverTests (import ./keycloak.nix);
keyd = handleTest ./keyd.nix {};
keymap = handleTest ./keymap.nix {};
knot = handleTest ./knot.nix {};
komga = handleTest ./komga.nix {};
krb5 = discoverTests (import ./krb5);
ksm = handleTest ./ksm.nix {};
kthxbye = handleTest ./kthxbye.nix {};
kubernetes = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./kubernetes {};
kubo = import ./kubo { inherit recurseIntoAttrs runTest; };
ladybird = handleTest ./ladybird.nix {};
languagetool = handleTest ./languagetool.nix {};
lanraragi = handleTest ./lanraragi.nix {};
latestKernel.login = handleTest ./login.nix { latestKernel = true; };
leaps = handleTest ./leaps.nix {};
lemmy = handleTest ./lemmy.nix {};
libinput = handleTest ./libinput.nix {};
librenms = handleTest ./librenms.nix {};
libresprite = handleTest ./libresprite.nix {};
libreswan = runTest ./libreswan.nix;
libreswan-nat = runTest ./libreswan-nat.nix;
librewolf = handleTest ./firefox.nix { firefoxPackage = pkgs.librewolf; };
libuiohook = handleTest ./libuiohook.nix {};
libvirtd = handleTest ./libvirtd.nix {};
lidarr = handleTest ./lidarr.nix {};
lightdm = handleTest ./lightdm.nix {};
lighttpd = handleTest ./lighttpd.nix {};
limesurvey = handleTest ./limesurvey.nix {};
listmonk = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./listmonk.nix {};
litestream = handleTest ./litestream.nix {};
lldap = handleTest ./lldap.nix {};
localsend = handleTest ./localsend.nix {};
locate = handleTest ./locate.nix {};
login = handleTest ./login.nix {};
logrotate = handleTest ./logrotate.nix {};
loki = handleTest ./loki.nix {};
luks = handleTest ./luks.nix {};
lvm2 = handleTest ./lvm2 {};
lxc = handleTest ./lxc {};
lxd = pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (handleTest ./lxd { inherit handleTestOn; });
lxd-image-server = handleTest ./lxd-image-server.nix {};
#logstash = handleTest ./logstash.nix {};
lomiri = discoverTests (import ./lomiri.nix);
lomiri-calculator-app = runTest ./lomiri-calculator-app.nix;
lomiri-camera-app = runTest ./lomiri-camera-app.nix;
lomiri-clock-app = runTest ./lomiri-clock-app.nix;
lomiri-docviewer-app = runTest ./lomiri-docviewer-app.nix;
lomiri-filemanager-app = runTest ./lomiri-filemanager-app.nix;
lomiri-gallery-app = runTest ./lomiri-gallery-app.nix;
lomiri-system-settings = handleTest ./lomiri-system-settings.nix {};
lorri = handleTest ./lorri/default.nix {};
ly = handleTest ./ly.nix {};
maddy = discoverTests (import ./maddy { inherit handleTest; });
maestral = handleTest ./maestral.nix {};
magic-wormhole-mailbox-server = handleTest ./magic-wormhole-mailbox-server.nix {};
magnetico = handleTest ./magnetico.nix {};
mailcatcher = handleTest ./mailcatcher.nix {};
mailhog = handleTest ./mailhog.nix {};
mailpit = handleTest ./mailpit.nix {};
mailman = handleTest ./mailman.nix {};
man = handleTest ./man.nix {};
mariadb-galera = handleTest ./mysql/mariadb-galera.nix {};
mastodon = pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (handleTest ./web-apps/mastodon { inherit handleTestOn; });
pixelfed = discoverTests (import ./web-apps/pixelfed { inherit handleTestOn; });
mate = handleTest ./mate.nix {};
mate-wayland = handleTest ./mate-wayland.nix {};
matter-server = handleTest ./matter-server.nix {};
matomo = handleTest ./matomo.nix {};
matrix-appservice-irc = runTest ./matrix/appservice-irc.nix;
matrix-conduit = handleTest ./matrix/conduit.nix {};
matrix-synapse = handleTest ./matrix/synapse.nix {};
matrix-synapse-workers = handleTest ./matrix/synapse-workers.nix {};
mautrix-meta-postgres = handleTest ./matrix/mautrix-meta-postgres.nix {};
mautrix-meta-sqlite = handleTest ./matrix/mautrix-meta-sqlite.nix {};
mattermost = handleTest ./mattermost.nix {};
mealie = handleTest ./mealie.nix {};
mediamtx = handleTest ./mediamtx.nix {};
mediatomb = handleTest ./mediatomb.nix {};
mediawiki = handleTest ./mediawiki.nix {};
meilisearch = handleTest ./meilisearch.nix {};
memcached = handleTest ./memcached.nix {};
merecat = handleTest ./merecat.nix {};
metabase = handleTest ./metabase.nix {};
mihomo = handleTest ./mihomo.nix {};
mindustry = handleTest ./mindustry.nix {};
minecraft = handleTest ./minecraft.nix {};
minecraft-server = handleTest ./minecraft-server.nix {};
minidlna = handleTest ./minidlna.nix {};
miniflux = handleTest ./miniflux.nix {};
minio = handleTest ./minio.nix {};
miracle-wm = runTest ./miracle-wm.nix;
miriway = handleTest ./miriway.nix {};
misc = handleTest ./misc.nix {};
misskey = handleTest ./misskey.nix {};
mjolnir = handleTest ./matrix/mjolnir.nix {};
mobilizon = handleTest ./mobilizon.nix {};
mod_perl = handleTest ./mod_perl.nix {};
molly-brown = handleTest ./molly-brown.nix {};
mollysocket = handleTest ./mollysocket.nix { };
monado = handleTest ./monado.nix {};
monetdb = handleTest ./monetdb.nix {};
monica = handleTest ./web-apps/monica.nix {};
mongodb = handleTest ./mongodb.nix {};
moodle = handleTest ./moodle.nix {};
moonraker = handleTest ./moonraker.nix {};
morph-browser = handleTest ./morph-browser.nix { };
morty = handleTest ./morty.nix {};
mosquitto = handleTest ./mosquitto.nix {};
moosefs = handleTest ./moosefs.nix {};
movim = discoverTests (import ./web-apps/movim { inherit handleTestOn; });
mpd = handleTest ./mpd.nix {};
mpv = handleTest ./mpv.nix {};
mtp = handleTest ./mtp.nix {};
multipass = handleTest ./multipass.nix {};
mumble = handleTest ./mumble.nix {};
# Fails on aarch64-linux at the PDF creation step - need to debug this on an
# aarch64 machine..
musescore = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./musescore.nix {};
music-assistant = runTest ./music-assistant.nix;
munin = handleTest ./munin.nix {};
mutableUsers = handleTest ./mutable-users.nix {};
mycelium = handleTest ./mycelium {};
mympd = handleTest ./mympd.nix {};
mysql = handleTest ./mysql/mysql.nix {};
mysql-autobackup = handleTest ./mysql/mysql-autobackup.nix {};
mysql-backup = handleTest ./mysql/mysql-backup.nix {};
mysql-replication = handleTest ./mysql/mysql-replication.nix {};
n8n = handleTest ./n8n.nix {};
nagios = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./nagios.nix {};
nar-serve = handleTest ./nar-serve.nix {};
nat.firewall = handleTest ./nat.nix { withFirewall = true; };
nat.standalone = handleTest ./nat.nix { withFirewall = false; };
nat.nftables.firewall = handleTest ./nat.nix { withFirewall = true; nftables = true; };
nat.nftables.standalone = handleTest ./nat.nix { withFirewall = false; nftables = true; };
nats = handleTest ./nats.nix {};
navidrome = handleTest ./navidrome.nix {};
nbd = handleTest ./nbd.nix {};
ncdns = handleTest ./ncdns.nix {};
ndppd = handleTest ./ndppd.nix {};
nix-channel = pkgs.callPackage ../modules/config/nix-channel/test.nix { };
nebula = handleTest ./nebula.nix {};
netbird = handleTest ./netbird.nix {};
nimdow = handleTest ./nimdow.nix {};
neo4j = handleTest ./neo4j.nix {};
netdata = handleTest ./netdata.nix {};
networking.scripted = handleTest ./networking/networkd-and-scripted.nix { networkd = false; };
networking.networkd = handleTest ./networking/networkd-and-scripted.nix { networkd = true; };
networking.networkmanager = handleTest ./networking/networkmanager.nix {};
netbox_3_6 = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox.nix { netbox = pkgs.netbox_3_6; };
netbox_3_7 = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox.nix { netbox = pkgs.netbox_3_7; };
netbox_4_0 = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox.nix { netbox = pkgs.netbox_4_0; };
netbox_4_1 = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox.nix { netbox = pkgs.netbox_4_1; };
netbox-upgrade = handleTest ./web-apps/netbox-upgrade.nix {};
# TODO: put in networking.nix after the test becomes more complete
networkingProxy = handleTest ./networking-proxy.nix {};
nextcloud = handleTest ./nextcloud {};
nextflow = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./nextflow.nix {};
nextjs-ollama-llm-ui = runTest ./web-apps/nextjs-ollama-llm-ui.nix;
nexus = handleTest ./nexus.nix {};
# TODO: Test nfsv3 + Kerberos
nfs3 = handleTest ./nfs { version = 3; };
nfs4 = handleTest ./nfs { version = 4; };
nghttpx = handleTest ./nghttpx.nix {};
nginx = handleTest ./nginx.nix {};
nginx-auth = handleTest ./nginx-auth.nix {};
nginx-etag = handleTest ./nginx-etag.nix {};
nginx-etag-compression = handleTest ./nginx-etag-compression.nix {};
nginx-globalredirect = handleTest ./nginx-globalredirect.nix {};
nginx-http3 = handleTest ./nginx-http3.nix {};
nginx-mime = handleTest ./nginx-mime.nix {};
nginx-modsecurity = handleTest ./nginx-modsecurity.nix {};
nginx-moreheaders = handleTest ./nginx-moreheaders.nix {};
nginx-njs = handleTest ./nginx-njs.nix {};
nginx-proxyprotocol = handleTest ./nginx-proxyprotocol {};
nginx-pubhtml = handleTest ./nginx-pubhtml.nix {};
nginx-redirectcode = handleTest ./nginx-redirectcode.nix {};
nginx-sso = handleTest ./nginx-sso.nix {};
nginx-status-page = handleTest ./nginx-status-page.nix {};
nginx-tmpdir = handleTest ./nginx-tmpdir.nix {};
nginx-unix-socket = handleTest ./nginx-unix-socket.nix {};
nginx-variants = handleTest ./nginx-variants.nix {};
nifi = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./web-apps/nifi.nix {};
nitter = handleTest ./nitter.nix {};
nix-config = handleTest ./nix-config.nix {};
nix-ld = handleTest ./nix-ld.nix {};
nix-misc = handleTest ./nix/misc.nix {};
nix-upgrade = handleTest ./nix/upgrade.nix {inherit (pkgs) nixVersions;};
nix-required-mounts = runTest ./nix-required-mounts;
nix-serve = runTest ./nix-serve.nix;
nix-serve-ssh = handleTest ./nix-serve-ssh.nix {};
nixops = handleTest ./nixops/default.nix {};
nixos-generate-config = handleTest ./nixos-generate-config.nix {};
nixos-rebuild-install-bootloader = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./nixos-rebuild-install-bootloader.nix {};
nixos-rebuild-specialisations = runTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./nixos-rebuild-specialisations.nix;
nixos-rebuild-target-host = runTest ./nixos-rebuild-target-host.nix;
nixpkgs = pkgs.callPackage ../modules/misc/nixpkgs/test.nix { inherit evalMinimalConfig; };
nixseparatedebuginfod = handleTest ./nixseparatedebuginfod.nix {};
node-red = handleTest ./node-red.nix {};
nomad = handleTest ./nomad.nix {};
non-default-filesystems = handleTest ./non-default-filesystems.nix {};
non-switchable-system = runTest ./non-switchable-system.nix;
noto-fonts = handleTest ./noto-fonts.nix {};
noto-fonts-cjk-qt-default-weight = handleTest ./noto-fonts-cjk-qt-default-weight.nix {};
novacomd = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./novacomd.nix {};
npmrc = handleTest ./npmrc.nix {};
nscd = handleTest ./nscd.nix {};
nsd = handleTest ./nsd.nix {};
ntfy-sh = handleTest ./ntfy-sh.nix {};
ntfy-sh-migration = handleTest ./ntfy-sh-migration.nix {};
ntpd = handleTest ./ntpd.nix {};
ntpd-rs = handleTest ./ntpd-rs.nix {};
nvidia-container-toolkit = runTest ./nvidia-container-toolkit.nix;
nvmetcfg = handleTest ./nvmetcfg.nix {};
nzbget = handleTest ./nzbget.nix {};
nzbhydra2 = handleTest ./nzbhydra2.nix {};
ocis = handleTest ./ocis.nix {};
oddjobd = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./oddjobd.nix {};
obs-studio = handleTest ./obs-studio.nix {};
oh-my-zsh = handleTest ./oh-my-zsh.nix {};
ollama = runTest ./ollama.nix;
ollama-cuda = runTestOn ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"] ./ollama-cuda.nix;
ollama-rocm = runTestOn ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"] ./ollama-rocm.nix;
ombi = handleTest ./ombi.nix {};
openarena = handleTest ./openarena.nix {};
openldap = handleTest ./openldap.nix {};
opensearch = discoverTests (import ./opensearch.nix);
openresty-lua = handleTest ./openresty-lua.nix {};
opensmtpd = handleTest ./opensmtpd.nix {};
opensmtpd-rspamd = handleTest ./opensmtpd-rspamd.nix {};
opensnitch = handleTest ./opensnitch.nix {};
openssh = handleTest ./openssh.nix {};
octoprint = handleTest ./octoprint.nix {};
openstack-image-metadata = (handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./openstack-image.nix {}).metadata or {};
openstack-image-userdata = (handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./openstack-image.nix {}).userdata or {};
opentabletdriver = handleTest ./opentabletdriver.nix {};
opentelemetry-collector = handleTest ./opentelemetry-collector.nix {};
ocsinventory-agent = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./ocsinventory-agent.nix {};
owncast = handleTest ./owncast.nix {};
outline = handleTest ./outline.nix {};
image-contents = handleTest ./image-contents.nix {};
openvscode-server = handleTest ./openvscode-server.nix {};
open-webui = runTest ./open-webui.nix;
openvswitch = runTest ./openvswitch.nix;
orangefs = handleTest ./orangefs.nix {};
os-prober = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./os-prober.nix {};
osquery = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./osquery.nix {};
osrm-backend = handleTest ./osrm-backend.nix {};
overlayfs = handleTest ./overlayfs.nix {};
pacemaker = handleTest ./pacemaker.nix {};
packagekit = handleTest ./packagekit.nix {};
pam-file-contents = handleTest ./pam/pam-file-contents.nix {};
pam-oath-login = handleTest ./pam/pam-oath-login.nix {};
pam-u2f = handleTest ./pam/pam-u2f.nix {};
pam-ussh = handleTest ./pam/pam-ussh.nix {};
pam-zfs-key = handleTest ./pam/zfs-key.nix {};
pass-secret-service = handleTest ./pass-secret-service.nix {};
patroni = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./patroni.nix {};
pantalaimon = handleTest ./matrix/pantalaimon.nix {};
pantheon = handleTest ./pantheon.nix {};
paperless = handleTest ./paperless.nix {};
parsedmarc = handleTest ./parsedmarc {};
pdns-recursor = handleTest ./pdns-recursor.nix {};
peerflix = handleTest ./peerflix.nix {};
peering-manager = handleTest ./web-apps/peering-manager.nix {};
peertube = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./web-apps/peertube.nix {};
peroxide = handleTest ./peroxide.nix {};
pgadmin4 = handleTest ./pgadmin4.nix {};
pgbouncer = handleTest ./pgbouncer.nix {};
pghero = runTest ./pghero.nix;
pgmanage = handleTest ./pgmanage.nix {};
phosh = handleTest ./phosh.nix {};
photonvision = handleTest ./photonvision.nix {};
photoprism = handleTest ./photoprism.nix {};
php = handleTest ./php {};
php81 = handleTest ./php { php = pkgs.php81; };
php82 = handleTest ./php { php = pkgs.php82; };
php83 = handleTest ./php { php = pkgs.php83; };
php84 = handleTest ./php { php = pkgs.php84; };
phylactery = handleTest ./web-apps/phylactery.nix {};
pict-rs = handleTest ./pict-rs.nix {};
pingvin-share = handleTest ./pingvin-share.nix {} ;
pinnwand = handleTest ./pinnwand.nix {};
plantuml-server = handleTest ./plantuml-server.nix {};
plasma-bigscreen = handleTest ./plasma-bigscreen.nix {};
plasma5 = handleTest ./plasma5.nix {};
plasma6 = handleTest ./plasma6.nix {};
plasma5-systemd-start = handleTest ./plasma5-systemd-start.nix {};
plausible = handleTest ./plausible.nix {};
playwright-python = handleTest ./playwright-python.nix {};
please = handleTest ./please.nix {};
pleroma = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./pleroma.nix {};
plikd = handleTest ./plikd.nix {};
plotinus = handleTest ./plotinus.nix {};
podgrab = handleTest ./podgrab.nix {};
podman = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./podman/default.nix {};
podman-tls-ghostunnel = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./podman/tls-ghostunnel.nix {};
polaris = handleTest ./polaris.nix {};
pomerium = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./pomerium.nix {};
portunus = handleTest ./portunus.nix { };
postfix = handleTest ./postfix.nix {};
postfix-raise-smtpd-tls-security-level = handleTest ./postfix-raise-smtpd-tls-security-level.nix {};
postfixadmin = handleTest ./postfixadmin.nix {};
Squashed 'third_party/nixpkgs/' changes from 76612b17c0ce..dc460ec76cbf
dc460ec76cbf Remove obsolete libXrandr inputs from programs using winit (#354847)
f1b26f503aac nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0 (#352481)
a4761c00db07 smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0 (#354016)
60533322e317 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3 (#354170)
ab599469897c yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47 (#354226)
736b36d5719f niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10 (#355047)
547ac36fb30e spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1 (#354593)
6c3d0282c839 netbird: 0.30.2 -> 0.31.0 (#354756)
fcfcc8e0f43d proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20 (#354849)
2e3b9c403874 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1 (#353939)
c598a008a26b gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2 (#353887)
fcf7e79c02e9 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0 (#354808)
9e9dc89f01d1 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14 (#354763)
3d7216f0da32 nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425 (#312424)
1d4a687f62fc python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1 (#354453)
566bf556282a typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3 (#354980)
9a7641474d1c python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 (#354919)
76e387b03039 python312Packages.{localstack-ext,localstack}: fix build and refactor (#354962)
d056782c98a1 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test (#354988)
1ce8fcbc506b hyprlandPlugins: update plugins (#355037)
43c84259fd1b python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0 (#355007)
8c79491aea4c obsidian: remove white background from icons (#354945)
b3057fce636d niri: add patch for scrolling without mouse config
97ca8ccb1551 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile` (#348166)
f0b14e4fb4be niri: install dinit service files
172f0cee3628 python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 (#355027)
cf81310c69b9 prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20 (#354972)
4d9d042055b6 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0 (#354970)
7514add1990f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354917)
66eab41e34dd python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263 (#354909)
2ec42a007584 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio (#354911)
fa1b67747b3b ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0 (#354912)
918a840f93bf python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1 (#354910)
f5c93dd4908f python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0 (#354918)
9e48e1749f0a python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6 (#354943)
12569c191eb1 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3, move to by-name (#354974)
2049461e5435 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit (#354992)
3f42f0b61e6c linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110 (#355130)
4c3539c70b79 linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110
7ff8d0f160be vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4 (#355129)
7d4246729b44 vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4
e635cf8d9fb5 netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds (#355038)
8feb5e84c9e9 libskk: fix parse error (#355005)
b71ccf87b23c gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true` (#352768)
96e1c83061ff pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval (#352825)
87e380382121 nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1 (#355104)
f257cb5e5ee1 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0, add maintainer rksm (#348297)
b3dc0d06fdad buck2: Add shell completions (#354758)
9d2100929da8 rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1 (#351052)
3f334c14975e scopehal-apps: darwin support (#354815)
f03a58a929b4 roboto-flex: init at 3.200 (#353851)
5c1e2db52711 libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11 (#352703)
f94a3e0cd12e nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1
628110078b5c libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2 (#350821)
db0b0737bfdc obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation (#349326)
b3c4badad7e2 roboto-flex: init at 3.200
5812399690b8 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1 (#351360)
771d3917283d azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0 (#352775)
a8489059c4eb signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps (#354924)
f475d7505046 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests (#353833)
5b27ef3c5495 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2 (#354896)
a0c28de3e7d7 phonemizer: fix build (#354946)
802cb21f2a2a python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject (#354950)
99ad7da9e313 nixosTests.frr: fix node.router.config warning (#354710)
a44589e11da3 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build (#354523)
cb9613de4c67 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354512)
bc1a933e128d evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5 (#355083)
20ee59317101 nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries (#355088)
503b5b4c8cba rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909 (#354931)
dac96aac49af nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries
871087c18d34 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config (#348344)
8c164faef4d4 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering (#352479)
8209b0d9b9b0 netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0 (#354525)
96115f656695 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0 (#354743)
6b5935539883 texlivePackages.xetex: force XeTeX to use fontconfig on Darwin (#354963)
32e064f48c2b evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
1593115346ba piano-rs: init at 0.2.0 (#336405)
a67e90c4928a wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14 (#291723)
5b74eb9b909e scopehal-apps: darwin support
71734a22978f pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval (#355051)
ab58dcfaf4c5 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers (#351744)
95855a90f9d0 aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4 (#355030)
34ed0c9cc1bb scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland (#348427)
ae725bafb39b python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8 (#354925)
eba346ebfead teamspeak3: modernise (#354161)
673033d742b2 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1 (#352448)
8f0c9853d549 pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval
e80622178221 niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10
8aed22ecd71e quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33 and apply patch (#354672)
0198cfb7673a hyprlandPlugins.hyprsplit: 0.44.1 -> 0.45.0
f3f9fcf93c8d hyprlandPlugins.hyprspace: 0-unstable-2024-09-16 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
cbc60c36101f hyprlandPlugins.hyprscroller: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-09
d9e2143b3e56 hyprlandPlugins.hyprgrass: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.2-unstable-2024-10-30
9739ac3afe95 hyprlandPlugins.hyprfocus: 0-unstable-2024-05-30 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-09
7804dcce6c5b hyprlandPlugins.hypr-dynamic-cursors: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-10
7c6c04825999 hyprlandPlugins/hyprland-plugins: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e2b798c525ac hyprlandPlugins.hy3: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e575fc8ffa4b hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0 (#354900)
62d3c4fb592b netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds
0ef26b5dd615 Merge: Linux Hardened Kernel Updates for 2024-11-10 (#355023)
a6f2dfc2572d pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70 (#354954)
91333a0e6dcd team-list: establish java team (#352938)
6b0d4d7f4e8e aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4
3024a6807634 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken (#353672)
fa1ebbeeff0a python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
4fee2cde561f brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123; refactor and nixfmt-rfc-style (#354114)
44bbe5ddad08 nixos/{boinc,guix}: Use exec to start the payload binary of the service (#297526)
9bd781e73301 linux/hardened/patches/6.6: v6.6.59-hardened1 -> v6.6.60-hardened1
3b3ea3ac4b03 linux/hardened/patches/6.11: v6.11.6-hardened1 -> v6.11.7-hardened1
d9b6a745b265 linux/hardened/patches/6.1: v6.1.115-hardened1 -> v6.1.116-hardened1
c367b19a22b7 linux/hardened/patches/5.4: v5.4.284-hardened1 -> v5.4.285-hardened1
fc9089929ad5 linux/hardened/patches/5.15: v5.15.170-hardened1 -> v5.15.171-hardened1
edb9a963e6ea linux/hardened/patches/5.10: v5.10.228-hardened1 -> v5.10.229-hardened1
8db0ec767e6d home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (#355021)
2544da75c5bf home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.dirigera_platform: init at 2.6.4 (#350542)
799b1af3b445 cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated (#353735)
8339db676638 home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
9e1f7a1fc712 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0 (#353684)
6977c6b6c48e piano-rs: init at 0.2.0
e4c62c1fc494 pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70
fd214590b6ac rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909
f5f87e7240f5 dashy-ui: init at 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14 (#349149)
08e65e669ae3 python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0
608a4a6e7042 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module,lomiri.*: Enable qdoc docs (#352601)
f4a76ebd1330 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0 (#354685)
6eafb43ca667 python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75 (#354948)
926dbc8e1c6a jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8 (#352505)
60190159408f gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2
9a333460f50c Merge: postgresql: improve passthru.tests (#352966)
0598c612417e python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 (#352452)
d40ed47baac0 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin; fix source; refactor and modenize (#354973)
d77a2129f3e2 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS (#354063)
4e73fc3d5304 release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels (#262038)
37c3c1a32edf python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0 (#349069)
43544b405735 containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0 (#353113)
3e9874330416 regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02 (#353377)
88b78b3d1881 gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12 (#354521)
83d30478782d python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4 (#354350)
93472981d1ff nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7 (#354452)
886b26bad3d5 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15 (#354462)
b1d782c6fbb9 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0 (#354503)
3e3d0f2c68cf openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4 (#354964)
38ed0b172a2e compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1 (#354858)
c8af02ff2edb kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3 (#354916)
3a92760aa3f9 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13 (#354775)
b6077e3f6067 python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3 (#354801)
84db55f55e00 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47 (#354818)
d932f3609c38 python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354827)
cb0631fce111 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0 (#354838)
1c7bb9a36ff7 jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7 (#354845)
9dcf68f72882 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (#354901)
85a894514e94 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0 (#354985)
77c379fc15b1 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers
aebe24954483 ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10 (#354280)
2b05865a6fa6 glfw3: added vulkan support (#354761)
72d2fc0fe01c python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.12.0 (#354656)
57fa23936966 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test
4b239e8fff18 python3Packages.globus-sdk: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
2b76729d1341 python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0 (#354881)
3bfe9c23d14e clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 (#354882)
67e295df4455 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1 (#354892)
123c88831bff komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1 (#354826)
57fb3a800a9a xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354829)
c9ba25afb896 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3 (#354844)
9d40f67872f2 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3 (#354848)
1d2941554a10 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
45f61aa9a947 python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1 (#354851)
e01ca8d232a0 wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354853)
090349a58995 nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2 (#354856)
a7fcea08bca8 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1
8025d6d17bcd typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3
da9757048d7d buck2: Use stdenvNoCC
982ff0b08e25 buck2: Install completions for bash and zsh
8213a8a557f8 surreal-engine: init at 0-unstable-2024-11-08 (#337069)
6d4ddefd7161 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the dmg (#354846)
494908f0fe86 python312Packages.localstack: fix build and refactor
54394a0c0b71 python312Packages.localstack-ext: fix build and refactor
5b916fd89714 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles` (#353832)
822590d06248 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit
e9c53bdf9a56 nixos/localsend: add package option & allow udp port (#333485)
da404cffefb6 vgmtrans: init at 1.2, libbassmidi: init at (#321129)
551bd11c42de python312Packages.pyftgl: refactor and modenize
beceecb51336 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix source
8618fe6f96b9 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin
9828bad63a49 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3
8f8f60bee8e5 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0
66c47da4338c prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20
88b620a72b65 completely: move to by-name
00cd61f517aa cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1 (#354306)
6cd1dd3dc5e6 vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0 (#335742)
f7911fc460e9 vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54 (#342514)
f69f13279107 vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2 (#350464)
e065e550b153 python3Packages.us: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
ef21cc74e2f1 python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject
925510d32cab vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15 (#353989)
dbb60b6319f3 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15 (#354447)
f696e0dc331c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20 (#354307)
46bbcb7efef5 vgmtrans: init at 1.2
07ca74e13487 teamviewer: add services.teamviewer.package Option + misc improvemens (#346365)
fc94ad90fb0e phonemizer: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
42be8c49fb89 phonemizer: fix build
1531e7712628 typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30 (#354872)
e19b3c8cd386 python312Packages.netifaces2: init at 0.0.22 (#354736)
fc1d56201e17 openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
b306e97ffe30 Libreoffice updates (#354456)
62fa59a63947 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation (#353439)
29ba5b9a2985 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0, move to `by name`, `with lib;` cleanup, RFC format (#354932)
eee079f7e129 xcodes: nix-rfc-format
b45f61402b8a xcodes: with lib; cleanup
7531c8e01dc8 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0
3912015f1d0d python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75
d420f2c9502f maintainers: add llakala (#354625)
757189b3e6b0 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1 (#354817)
214d9423dca6 python312Packages.langgraph: Use correct test directory (#354345)
647624dca6a1 wine-discord-ipc-bridge: unstable-2023-08-09 -> 0.0.3 (#353900)
4c78072d2f27 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.1 (#354168)
3efeb317473e git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4 (#354046)
35305f29a7e3 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next (#352507)
01ddc69668f5 obsidian: remove white background from icons
903f42960df7 fishPlugins.*: fix versions (#354729)
b0b3a70891e6 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present (#354899)
c188d417cf07 python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6
d3cba66b117d python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0 (#354797)
4af121e6ac0f ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0 (#354807)
96e67743abd9 ox: switch to the new darwin sdk pattern
992c80c02e1f ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10
757df4a1b42e xcodes: move to by-name
ae21c33fafab python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8
1bd58487d015 python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
343b0a222530 adolc: modernize; fix clang build (#354642)
27235e1e6da6 python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3
1e6362fe068f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
9d3096074f3e vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0 (#354444)
9e960c976873 python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0
16107665062c dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt (#350053)
b3765ba04029 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (#354459)
012a679db0f8 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0 (#354852)
6ffb12c9f9c3 kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3
27a103786c88 doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init (#351394)
660022ee302b newlib: enable parallel build (#354520)
acf406372cf8 linux_xanmod, linux_xanmod_latest: 2024-11-08 (#354617)
ab244d13144a python312Packages.aiogram: update disabled
bb00b359cce7 ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0
b39ea623743c python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263
4c4420b29b66 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio
b1d0a1aafff5 python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1
465eab85d222 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0, python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.0 (#353963)
85c8b5ba7879 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3 (#354880)
c00d32f28515 beszel: init at 0.6.2 (#345444)
652fd5119056 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
a59e625bb474 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present
f8a4abdc2ed1 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0
e20360e289da leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2 (#354519)
eacbe35bf009 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 (#354574)
72a790c6fc77 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as mainta… (#354794)
de131566b6e4 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1 (#354813)
12fe26865622 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0 (#354726)
176eb0a3d99e doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init
8df19efae58d kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0 (#353577)
f0000fe56d08 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17 (#354586)
09efcc6e4be9 libvirt-glib: relax max stack size limit
f91d2228a0b7 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2
74d1b07edbf2 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1 (#353342)
28f456e3131c GNOME updates 2024-11-05 (#353824)
59ed3fa2c48d scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland
0a0d12f6626d gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
1a4eb8b7a96e libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11
35110b71bd78 azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0
464b1e80245f maintainers: add llakala
d1444b4947b4 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1
08c2eb8e894e nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7
061f86ca2988 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15
ca3eca77cd85 gcsfuse: mark as broken on darwin
64b28c617d26 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1
2ff82ba8deea libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2
8ff9d62e81f6 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1
b49da1f76456 scarab: Remove unused inputs
df10ec72acee mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern (#354735)
b9c73c537391 python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin (#354667)
ae7f0eebdb3b python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354592)
6e82927b9473 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build
dde8f5051682 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system (#354473)
55242bf389de hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0
97a1ad0df003 tulip: fix build (#354236)
b322800344d5 python312Packages.rapidfuzz: 3.10.0 -> 3.10.1
ff18a1b2578d rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1
0dc5bb1584a5 mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7 (#345407)
7135b364b6e3 brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123
301751f1c1bb brave: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
d037904ba3ed brave: refactor package.nix to allow more architectures
e3d50903923e hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3 (#354793)
b83eab78d7ec libvirt: increase timeout on darwin
b5aaa1df2248 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3 (#354393)
a96052fe5ffb virt-manager: disable testCLI0263virt_xml
df6ffb01522b perlPackages.SysVirt: 10.2.0 -> 10.9.0
e6f77dadc335 python312Packages.libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
69119368fdc5 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
ed887863a6d6 clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3
06486aa31e8c python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0
7f76ced7336f nixos/dashy: init module
60bc80aa5cd7 dashy-ui: 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14
ec1f3c7390de wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0 (#354778)
372f9fa1b449 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3
1546e0871c1d nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2 (#354300)
3cebba8819f4 spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1
3a83ddd0062b vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies (#354673)
e6ffd9960ec9 python3Packages.{mirakuru,pgsanity}: fix builds (#354774)
8bee32d8bfa3 maintainers: add caperren
06be8564e527 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1 (#354083)
6648da3db4c4 darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks (#354766)
bbdf7817f839 wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14
a329ca6aea6e immich: unvendor exiftool
ee1cffa25c45 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1
d6899545c5bf typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30
73e03e065ec8 luaPackages.toml-edit: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1
2b3acacf0856 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor (#337284)
d55bf75cb9fe python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata (#354857)
5e5ec22c6f3d skia: unbreak darwin (#354557)
c00cc16b63b0 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0 (#354863)
93a01b05975a teamspeak3: drop 'arch' variable
2ad379b1c350 panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5 (#354771)
10a4498042d9 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0
c48cd19fe52a python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata
25628a6ed53a python3Packages.{consonance,yowsup}: fix build; refactor (#354690)
3bb8fc0f8844 compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1
e4ea814f0c8e teamspeak3: avoid `with lib;`
585c5ae3bcfa teamspeak3: remove NIX_REDIRECTS
4d98fc18e856 teamspeak3: rename from teamspeak_client
05eff5c687c1 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13 (#351778)
e5017770eb89 teamspeak_client: run installer script without -x by default
2568cfa34889 teamspeak_client: install to opt/ subdirectory
3830a3dbf641 teamspeak_client: modernise installPhase
49a5c6431cb9 teamspeak_client: remove unnecessary dependencies
9db530c94c90 teamspeak_client: use autoPatchelfHook rather than manual patchelf
cba4002e45b3 teamspeak_client: refactor libquazip patching
1a5940c3e8b3 teamspeak_client: use wrapQtAppsHook
56a739f756c9 teamspeak_client: make libredirect a regular runtimeDep
0f029a19c62b teamspeak_client: run phase hooks
cdd40cb89c34 teamspeak_client: refactor QT deps
c056c7dd7a11 teamspeak_client: use regular libcxx
f3840380fd31 teamspeak_client: don't wrap with cc's libdir
168a80a4eaea nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2
e3893e5c3c76 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build (#354706)
031786067bea slint-lsp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
e70954dca60d alacritty: remove obsolete libXrandr input
3690e2cfea0d python312Packages.mypy-boto3-*: updates (#354714)
414bf9701593 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18 (#354715)
ce51df0a5ba5 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29 (#354716)
cec3c09abdec cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0 (#354722)
8bfbd4e1f8d3 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0 (#354719)
b003bd16857f wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0
32cd6d84d744 python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0 (#354816)
63a139ae1c3c python312Packages.millheater: refactor
bcbe1d7185f3 python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127 (#354742)
92e125410c20 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0
acc043c769ce python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1
43fa5ea2c9aa sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27 (#354779)
8540b13b1d20 josm: 19230 → 19253 (#354506)
f8486a3f1d9c vscode-extensions.sourcery.sourcery: 1.23.0 -> 1.24.0 (#354612)
d87258ad94bd python311Packages.pymc: fix hash (#354840)
13c119bf1a64 .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template (#342713)
2212fad7704e laravel: 5.8.3 -> 5.9.2 (#354696)
ebc1473d52f3 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3
d429e8592fb8 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1 (#350180)
da39eb7dd037 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install} (#354024)
0120ed5ea9f1 ruffle: remove obsolete libXrandr input
77c0b0b54457 halloy: remove obsolete libXrandr input
68d10c6cc3bb cosmic-term: remove obsolete libXrandr input
86d824132693 cosmic-edit: remove obsolete libXrandr input
f641f65b03b4 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1 (#320790)
d91e9dd0faa5 cosmic-comp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
a0bc021caebf coppwr: remove obsolete libXrandr input
2dcf8afc6007 aider-chat: add playwright version (#354796)
499926182ad1 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the .dmg
3d3185b49655 proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20
52c3ce5d48fe qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1 (#354770)
7cb44f20f6b3 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS
658a8762ea0d jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7
b2f43234a2c3 adolc: fix clang build
5186ad13f487 adolc: modernize
c880f1f46bfe adolc: format
f3cced0b682e python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 (#354831)
a806a3b2e597 python311Packages.pymc: fix hash
9a695a958884 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3
1cd03b9a6446 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0
50cff47c417c bootterm: init at 0.5 (#352951)
0927ff824cde python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1 (#354630)
e42a71a5de98 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 (#354812)
df1e170e33c5 python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
92c3f8cf92c0 wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 (#354116)
8ac37da4f6ed xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
7ecad5abbd99 maintainers: add therealgramdalf
fe17e8dfaa6b python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
b323e1c5c4e2 komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1
c04d7170e047 team-list: establish java team
8b2a02dc9de8 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1
146c62ba33a4 vscode-extensions.ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack: init at 0.26.0
5c44f6f77c96 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 (#354423)
21069db14d33 python312Packages.weblate-language-data: 2024.8 -> 2024.13
b71a8b49f59b live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0 (#354395)
f5e91559fddc python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (#354397)
286db1ef230d wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1 (#354412)
939318029769 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47
45cef36e39b2 nixosTests.postgresql: run nixfmt
128244b59818 nixosTests.postgresql: use a common pattern throughout all tests
9035573855d9 nixosTests.postgresql: move all postgresql related nixosTests into one folder
db2d6a00abe5 postgresqlPackages.anonymizer: make passthru.tests work with correct package
23c19a255fab postgresqlPackages.timescaledb: make passthru.tests work with correct package
6d7da20a9044 postgresqlPackages.tsja: make passthru.tests work with correct package
a5c41ae80a2f postgresqlPackages.pgvecto-rs: make passthru.tests work with correct package
0af934adf740 postgresqlPackages.pgjwt: make passthru.tests work with correct package
ecffab1fdaf8 postgresqlPackages.postgis: move nixosTests.postgis into package
aded718a9824 postgresqlPackages.apache_datasketches: move nixosTests.apache_datasketches into package
139c5466764b postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql-tls-client-cert
f6c2de926290 postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql
319d82d5c218 nixosTests.postgresql-wal2json: avoid manual imports
65ef7381c8d7 nixosTests.postgresql-jit: avoid manual imports
a1ae4377e090 nixosTests.postgresql-wal-receiver: avoid manual imports
75d51c588914 postgresqlVersions: init
d3feaaebea18 nixosTests.pgjwt: fix test
e2636cf342ea python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0
3bf6a063b3c7 Merge: postgresqlPackages: fix some builds on darwin (#354748)
059fc0f2dea1 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1
8f55df5aa879 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1
f11b5ff8a21a Merge: pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available (#354526)
0a7544a42300 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0
b01d3ee0239c python312Packages.polars: 1.9.0 -> 1.12.0
8f3dad550fd1 python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.1
446aa3f0b262 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0
635e9d2ebb5b sile: switch to the zstd based source
172cb3ef53e1 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages (#354287)
91e4660ed8fc git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4
d60f27f889da ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0
b35c45a2c174 python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4 (#354754)
31aa6f6edf2b python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10 (#354750)
bba140c5a34b python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 (#354539)
c61adda6befd python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
6430e02e54ef cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 (#354558)
9139ad63f22f granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1 (#354572)
275614510a2c python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21 (#354596)
cff5cbc5a1d9 python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25 (#354607)
043d2cb44863 python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354613)
646347d50787 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0 (#354618)
807e43e55923 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04 (#353627)
02e3707a2cae python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0 (#354713)
d8a18ae783d8 python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18 (#354717)
b276bfa32bff python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 (#354720)
df67f3f7b25a helix-gpt: 0.31.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354767)
7307a896451d home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0 (#354787)
9559e9044e8a python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68 (#354681)
45d7d8c8b3cd python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0
3061dbd29c06 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19 (#354684)
3be1322ad99d python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0 (#354693)
a8e970898daa ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108 (#354698)
d5df6af63621 python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262 (#354699)
2bac553f5a50 okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 (#354702)
d7a60669490e ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8 (#354650)
011f48fb221a fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10 (#354664)
f8ba284376ec python312Packages.guidata: 3.7.0 -> 3.7.1
d9353697ca64 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4 (#354674)
4f101cae7065 aider-chat: add playwright version
7953deea2419 keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0 (#336886)
20e8995972d4 thunderbird: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr (#354213)
312ce1b65c40 hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3
b89f8a710d16 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as maintainer
d2d4c4f350b9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3 (#354582)
38a52bbfd430 restic: disable tests on non-linux
c98b0cad092c home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0
70ca880f3511 gnome-online-accounts: 3.52.0 → 3.52.1
247ee3b0379e mutter: 47.0 → 47.1
6b438be4d92a gvfs: 1.56.0 → 1.56.1
748ada2ba6e0 gnome-shell-extensions: 47.0 → 47.1
b3b9989a367d gnome-shell: 47.0 → 47.1
d45192210e86 gnome-remote-desktop: 47.0 → 47.1
ea1a562cb95a gnome-control-center: 47.0.1 → 47.1.1
9b6dabf3f2ff kubelogin-oidc: switch to recommended pattern for implicit attr defaults
4d089cffa925 kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0
f0bee68628ec robo: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.0 (#354707)
6fb6032d36ef roave-backward-compatibility-check: 8.9.0 -> 8.10.0 (#354705)
04f72b6930e8 ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3 (#354585)
a4e298635f25 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
7fa514f53139 waylock: port update script to bash
a9669e1be8c7 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8
a31f2a7b37f2 pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements; vimPlugins: sort properly (#353786)
8d9c4bfb9851 helix-gpt: 0.31 -> 0.34
2ef132b3585e gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0 (#346255)
e02828f01cd1 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak (#354509)
7bb5dfe0e470 sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27
894ab7c90845 wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0
bc63a2f7c3c8 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin (#354566)
dcdd61e5e5b2 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2… (#353112)
67fa71469a6b python3Packages.pgsanity: fix build
e07f6a75653d python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin in sandbox
1b89b9a99d80 python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin
2515edf5369e qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30 (#352723)
5f45ecf05c14 python312Packages.docling-parse: 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3 (#354691)
cf6a8c9b4b9f chore: update references to `nix-review` to `nixpkgs-review`
bc5b75eb11b1 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40 (#350248)
9bcab985ab58 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13
ea5908112814 python3Packages.mirakuru: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
a2dc61cee92a panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5
9ba75eb753b5 mysql-shell-innovation: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
194e35dd632a mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
54953ef09a04 qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1
8091ea3f24bb Merge: postgresql_17: fix build (#354571)
274d5afbc552 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14
3b91a81423cd treewide: remove redundant patches and locks (#354215)
c4f452f621f6 vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies
c701c72b71f7 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0 (#353023)
b11943b30173 nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0 (#352589)
82f6fe5a5762 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration (#354753)
44800d7c800e .git-blame-ignore-revs: add 'treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1'
7a56cc79c651 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2 (#354662)
fa2cae8e77f8 treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1 (#354531)
8f29f19bc162 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3, mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0 (#349181)
8c2c5fa14d77 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package (#302204)
f8bb0b875ad8 factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15 (#354040)
ff0df8fe7aee php: 8.4.0RC3 -> 8.4.0RC4, 8.3.12 -> 8.3.13 (#354562)
751912c95af1 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration
648e59c8a3ce python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4
be978743512b Fix: use lib.mkPackageOption
ba83a0dba006 Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
a96dce89d048 PR feedback: Replace pkg variable, move package statement
571c71e6f73a treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1
b5f67acfbf3c nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0 (#354661)
bfd5f3d9ffca glfw3: added vulkan support
e98f8506648f python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10
e79b71782a4c budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 (#354308)
4801d0c2a3a5 postgresql17Packages.{pg_cron,pg_hll}: fix build on x86_64-darwin
b9cf08c8e5ec cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4 (#354677)
dde21924f83f vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies (#354634)
df20742283ba ombi: allow overriding package in module (#345814)
a50d7295727e darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks
112d505ce4a2 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux (#353983)
3fe7c149cbbb libreoffice: disable tests on Qt5
2be7c57b9325 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3 (#354580)
eeb4b7041961 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service (#354098)
dde890851a3c python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
58e6cb8ad805 python312Packages.cle: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
7a83dade0a7d python312Packages.claripy: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
82870db16ad2 python312Packages.pyvex: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
1e20869209d8 python312Packages.ailment: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
5a5694d2ff97 python312Packages.archinfo: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
bf11ccc0e233 clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3 (#354273)
951d196036af stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31 (#354623)
18f2cc30ef90 stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20 (#354616)
90f890e79327 stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22 (#354633)
fd3e1541866a libreoffice-still: ->
b60b7b6b05c1 libreoffice-fresh: ->
dc31ff18ec84 stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10 (#354637)
996e9d64594d python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps and tests, unbreak (#354464)
5f8f11ff862b stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19 (#354614)
f3e2ba5038e9 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06 (#354638)
99d3107b49fe stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13 (#324395)
780275051aa2 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07 (#324404)
ff09150750be basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0 (#354204)
aff0cebe5ab3 fishPlugins.*: fix versions
8b4272426c92 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0
54baabae77a7 ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9 (#353042)
972dfa3efafc python312Packages.objprint: add changelog to meta
ca6c07d985d5 cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0
788591e73b39 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0
b156e982136d .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template
1df32493a41c python312Packages.mypy-boto3-verifiedpermissions: 1.35.30 -> 1.35.55
25114110f49e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-synthetics: 1.35.18 -> 1.35.56
dd882eb62402 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-s3control: 1.35.12 -> 1.35.55
aede3250222f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-resource-explorer-2: 1.35.25 -> 1.35.56
ddb9a7fcd1d7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-quicksight: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.56
6db171d873a5 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.57
c548504474ae nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425
47904c8dd760 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lambda: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.57
1e7b5db19091 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lakeformation: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.55
f04bedb8b097 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-guardduty: 1.35.39 -> 1.35.55
f696f2da0ac9 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-firehose: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
815da64d5641 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-eks: 1.35.45 -> 1.35.57
da42eb80266f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-codebuild: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.55
f283f98e923e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-cleanrooms: 1.35.51 -> 1.35.56
764ae6081bc7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-chime-sdk-media-pipelines: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
df705189ee44 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-batch: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.57
a4a1020e7137 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-autoscaling: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.56
e770aff17974 python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
f396caa8d752 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18
2160918a0b90 python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0
cb5a79de97b2 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29
ac3c8ae13d0a python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18
b7c678532145 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0 (#354708)
1cc81439e761 nixosTests.frr: fix warning, use nodes.router instead of nodes.router.config
f93219dfa08f nixosTests.frr: format using nixfmt
df11922a6da8 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0
63d9179dd4e9 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: refactor
533fffa449e4 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build on darwin
45dd2b73eacf python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262
7c69e10ceb1b okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
83d18d4dc3ee python311Packages.yowsup: refactor
c0ec6c8c3c3c python311Packages.yowsup: fix build
a0f0aac19598 ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108
5abc7f27a20e python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
1fa9b80b0afd release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels
ab7489d373ff python311Packages.consonance: refactor
c76f00a4efe6 python311Packages.consonance: fix build
f323f1ccfef7 nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0
bdfa0f011297 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests
78b5698555d8 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19
8dfa246bb10c python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68
4c7aa6428fe9 cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4
df3d7683fed1 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4
4f0337923244 quarto: apply deno 2 compatibility patch
69cc148de30a quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33
39769f9fc86f python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin
80335810c8c6 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0
cf772c1b5608 fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10
3603e0d5ea48 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2
5a82dc34b00e nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0
40641c90b547 python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.9.0
b5f7f510393d ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8
a784f38df795 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06
2c31f63228ab stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10
66bb24d74424 vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies
02871d95ebeb mesonlsp: fix aarch64-darwin build, mark as broken on x86_64-darwin
2e2d6027352b stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22
e9b1d2d5ac63 vimPlugins: sort properly
a6fe798a015a pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements
8b503ec432ce pluginupdate.py: reformat with ruff
d339f93f3225 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system
385eb6ae4dff python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1
5a1e1f65a908 stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13
4b02cabbbe0c stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19
839ecef9050e stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20
c3fd31e2c4ad stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31
a90b34f9e76b keybase{-gui}: add myself as maintainer
265d9a2adb8b keybase-gui: add `NIXOS_OZONE_WL` support
a024f81d841c keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0
562758261fd4 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0
71330f93ee9e linux_xanmod_latest: 6.11.6 -> 6.11.7
efa0718e7482 linux_xanmod: 6.6.59 -> 6.6.60
61220d768de8 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13
afbbb9aaeb0d python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25
ac5aaaa7336f python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
086bfa238585 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17
a5b695b34b6b python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21
c3afba78f24e python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
0a48b45c5af7 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next
1754ed842e2d ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3
b8e62002b5d3 python312Packages.msprime: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
226843be6a9f python312Packages.pysnow: patch tests, unbreak
b8b4cdc90390 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation
5db8bf44deb0 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages
120103ec7cc9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3
80458ba97944 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07
676db521744e postgresql_17: fix build
b2945bc0a84f python312Packages.langgraph: Fix unit tests that were breaking Hydra
c64c064437f5 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
c26249be9a66 lapce: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
896db32853f5 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin
3e9c905d355a nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2
4a1393afe0f1 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3
78705eaeb106 skia: unbreak darwin
d1478e78c0ac postgresqlPackages.system_stats: fix build on darwin
af11b38d2131 cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2
c78b55b3b684 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3
29d02718132f wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1
1af3b8486fb2 granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1
1bb3362ddfb5 python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
dd59f2cfe919 budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1
0418996c9685 pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available
6ec5b8d597ba netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0
e600b8b00b33 newlib: enable parallel build
16518a3f3d4b factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15
6c2d6fa844bc leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2
84b68b839ac3 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
bd2ea530520b python312Packages.scikit-fmm: run checkPhase hooks, echo check command
1c418186cfd2 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak
ee27c02106f3 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0
0465be1b8f0e python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps, unbreak
eeb52b79d149 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15
19595c35d78c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20
92647d759237 vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0
44992762f0cc basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0
27c93e95f9a8 tulip: fix compilation by adding the `-fpermissive` flag A typecast from unsigned char* to char* in the source broke the build
987c737557b1 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.0
07d2ee58bae2 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2
b74fdd238641 treewide: remove redundant patches and locks
a588dee7465d python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
b75334c2f965 live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0
86fbc2f2d8c6 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3
00cc5342828c python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4
831c38e31987 python3Packages.fastcrc: init at 0.3.2
a01b23fa72ac cartridges: run meson checks
57f23ed8b1a8 cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1
cea2eef9fa5d clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3
b62797a3d7ed tulip: format using nixfmt
fb358db1b51f thunderbird-128-unwrapped: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr
d56656e48729 yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47
43d0f16226c8 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor
0e174ba654b7 python3Packages.proton-vpn-network-manager: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.4
f4485f7c41af python3Packages.proton-vpn-api-core: 0.35.5 -> 0.36.4
074f93408e5a proton-vpn-local-agent: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 1.0.0
da0bfe800600 signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps
de8c3feb7fbf wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1
16970e3252d0 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service
9e1b88a44350 libbassmidi: init at
05ac36fa30a3 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install}
3e646301a07e smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0
9609ea875774 vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15
975f4c45ae5c beszel: init at 0.6.2
887a74fd5784 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux
3f2bbfd68b79 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles`
9642cf41060a cfn-nag: added mathstlouis to maintainers
abcf5fb9b943 maintainer-list: added mathstlouis
c771f151f8bf cfn-nag: added meta.mainProgram
ff17208a821a cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated
dd086ca40200 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04
4b13779f3321 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken
9b7877aa1fc7 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0
aebe9a354b7b regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
db15554b6954 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1
d90f320eb26d bootterm: init at 0.5
45d7127c77df mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7
1a774a95d219 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1
682d4d76aa8c containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0
7abbb28c59b9 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-11-01
b9e3b9dbb22b ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9
4eceb5ba2fef maintainers: add deadbaed
c952a4bfdbec vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2
d4e2d6e00c84 maintainers: add thtrf
1301e4f0b024 pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval
6030ff068ad7 gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true`
b6cf7b27b7c0 qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30
4d8081767bc5 lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: nixfmt, modernise
4ce2e1df58ec lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: nixfmt, modernise
5cc3c54a6425 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: nixfmt, modernise
ba59f61a725a lomiri.u1db-qt: Add meta.changelog
95c0233ed962 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: nixfmt, modernise
bafb37491e96 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Fix version
b8c432b54a5a libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: nixfmt, modernise
8a5f86237dba lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: Enable qdoc docs
03b310e94cbc lomiri.lomiri-indicator-network: Enable qdoc docs
e0d5bd98ffbc lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: Enable qdoc docs
d04843ce6096 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: Enable qdoc docs
ac976c912dfb jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8
8f74b6cdaf78 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: Enable qdoc docs
eeea8d648db2 lomiri.u1db-qt: Enable qdoc docs
4442e5ac9161 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Enable qdoc docs
9dd1f943ecd1 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering
bed43b44613d nixos/hardware.nitrokey: update documentation
38ec993a582f nixos/hardware.nitrokey: replace libnitrokey with nitrokey-udev-rules
d43f004d1fe4 nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0
8ffcca7fd0a0 maintainers: add robinkrahl
2280b9bf4a98 python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
9ce864871fdc python312Packages.rio-tiler: 6.7.0 → 7.0.1
1caf42170d5a vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54
d931f342a429 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40
07c81867c907 dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt
c3ceedeac1ac obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation
cbcee2460787 mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0
c7a381c92a79 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3
933ccc51f4a5 maintainers: add rksm
1a48ff707293 python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0
c02e155285ef vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0
6e6fc7ca2658 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config
7467f7d59f13 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile`
04dbbd436515 teamviewer: introduce services.teamviewer.package option
2928912a7c74 teamviewer: remove "with lib;"
89ecd0313160 teamviewer: format file
5146c143bbf1 gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0
a44e0fe3dc9f pyton312Packages.sphinx-autodoc2: init at 0.5.0
0b097987fe34 nixos/localsend: allow udp port
9ac4777d98d0 nixos/localsend: add package option
a3843a7ee564 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1
5d49d4cfa1a4 nixos/guix: use exec to start the payload binary
410ae87bf5e2 nixos/boinc: use exec to start the payload binary
e8a9775a6167 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package
git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs
git-subtree-split: dc460ec76cbff0e66e269457d7b728432263166c
2024-11-16 15:43:04 +00:00
postgresql = handleTest ./postgresql {};
2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
powerdns = handleTest ./powerdns.nix {};
powerdns-admin = handleTest ./powerdns-admin.nix {};
power-profiles-daemon = handleTest ./power-profiles-daemon.nix {};
pppd = handleTest ./pppd.nix {};
predictable-interface-names = handleTest ./predictable-interface-names.nix {};
pretalx = runTest ./web-apps/pretalx.nix;
pretix = runTest ./web-apps/pretix.nix;
printing-socket = handleTest ./printing.nix { socket = true; listenTcp = true; };
printing-service = handleTest ./printing.nix { socket = false; listenTcp = true; };
printing-socket-notcp = handleTest ./printing.nix { socket = true; listenTcp = false; };
printing-service-notcp = handleTest ./printing.nix { socket = false; listenTcp = false; };
private-gpt = handleTest ./private-gpt.nix {};
privatebin = runTest ./privatebin.nix;
privoxy = handleTest ./privoxy.nix {};
prometheus = handleTest ./prometheus {};
prometheus-exporters = handleTest ./prometheus-exporters.nix {};
prosody = handleTest ./xmpp/prosody.nix {};
prosody-mysql = handleTest ./xmpp/prosody-mysql.nix {};
proxy = handleTest ./proxy.nix {};
prowlarr = handleTest ./prowlarr.nix {};
pt2-clone = handleTest ./pt2-clone.nix {};
pykms = handleTest ./pykms.nix {};
public-inbox = handleTest ./public-inbox.nix {};
pufferpanel = handleTest ./pufferpanel.nix {};
pulseaudio = discoverTests (import ./pulseaudio.nix);
qboot = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux" "i686-linux"] ./qboot.nix {};
qemu-vm-restrictnetwork = handleTest ./qemu-vm-restrictnetwork.nix {};
qemu-vm-volatile-root = runTest ./qemu-vm-volatile-root.nix;
qemu-vm-external-disk-image = runTest ./qemu-vm-external-disk-image.nix;
qemu-vm-store = runTest ./qemu-vm-store.nix;
qgis = handleTest ./qgis.nix { package = pkgs.qgis; };
qgis-ltr = handleTest ./qgis.nix { package = pkgs.qgis-ltr; };
qownnotes = handleTest ./qownnotes.nix {};
qtile = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux"] ./qtile/default.nix {};
quake3 = handleTest ./quake3.nix {};
quicktun = handleTest ./quicktun.nix {};
quickwit = handleTest ./quickwit.nix {};
quorum = handleTest ./quorum.nix {};
rabbitmq = handleTest ./rabbitmq.nix {};
radarr = handleTest ./radarr.nix {};
radicale = handleTest ./radicale.nix {};
radicle = runTest ./radicle.nix;
ragnarwm = handleTest ./ragnarwm.nix {};
rasdaemon = handleTest ./rasdaemon.nix {};
rathole = handleTest ./rathole.nix {};
readarr = handleTest ./readarr.nix {};
realm = handleTest ./realm.nix {};
redis = handleTest ./redis.nix {};
redlib = handleTest ./redlib.nix {};
redmine = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./redmine.nix {};
renovate = handleTest ./renovate.nix {};
replace-dependencies = handleTest ./replace-dependencies {};
restartByActivationScript = handleTest ./restart-by-activation-script.nix {};
restic-rest-server = handleTest ./restic-rest-server.nix {};
restic = handleTest ./restic.nix {};
retroarch = handleTest ./retroarch.nix {};
rke2 = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./rke2 {};
rkvm = handleTest ./rkvm {};
robustirc-bridge = handleTest ./robustirc-bridge.nix {};
roundcube = handleTest ./roundcube.nix {};
rosenpass = handleTest ./rosenpass.nix {};
rshim = handleTest ./rshim.nix {};
rspamd = handleTest ./rspamd.nix {};
rspamd-trainer = handleTest ./rspamd-trainer.nix {};
rss-bridge = handleTest ./web-apps/rss-bridge.nix {};
rss2email = handleTest ./rss2email.nix {};
rstudio-server = handleTest ./rstudio-server.nix {};
rsyncd = handleTest ./rsyncd.nix {};
rsyslogd = handleTest ./rsyslogd.nix {};
rtorrent = handleTest ./rtorrent.nix {};
rxe = handleTest ./rxe.nix {};
sabnzbd = handleTest ./sabnzbd.nix {};
samba = handleTest ./samba.nix {};
samba-wsdd = handleTest ./samba-wsdd.nix {};
sane = handleTest ./sane.nix {};
sanoid = handleTest ./sanoid.nix {};
saunafs = handleTest ./saunafs.nix {};
scaphandre = handleTest ./scaphandre.nix {};
schleuder = handleTest ./schleuder.nix {};
scion-freestanding-deployment = handleTest ./scion/freestanding-deployment {};
scrutiny = handleTest ./scrutiny.nix {};
sddm = handleTest ./sddm.nix {};
seafile = handleTest ./seafile.nix {};
searx = runTest ./searx.nix;
seatd = handleTest ./seatd.nix {};
send = runTest ./send.nix;
service-runner = handleTest ./service-runner.nix {};
sftpgo = runTest ./sftpgo.nix;
sfxr-qt = handleTest ./sfxr-qt.nix {};
sgt-puzzles = handleTest ./sgt-puzzles.nix {};
shadow = handleTest ./shadow.nix {};
shadowsocks = handleTest ./shadowsocks {};
shattered-pixel-dungeon = handleTest ./shattered-pixel-dungeon.nix {};
shiori = handleTest ./shiori.nix {};
signal-desktop = handleTest ./signal-desktop.nix {};
silverbullet = handleTest ./silverbullet.nix {};
simple = handleTest ./simple.nix {};
sing-box = handleTest ./sing-box.nix {};
slimserver = handleTest ./slimserver.nix {};
slurm = handleTest ./slurm.nix {};
snmpd = handleTest ./snmpd.nix {};
smokeping = handleTest ./smokeping.nix {};
snapcast = handleTest ./snapcast.nix {};
snapper = handleTest ./snapper.nix {};
snipe-it = runTest ./web-apps/snipe-it.nix;
soapui = handleTest ./soapui.nix {};
soft-serve = handleTest ./soft-serve.nix {};
sogo = handleTest ./sogo.nix {};
soju = handleTest ./soju.nix {};
solanum = handleTest ./solanum.nix {};
sonarr = handleTest ./sonarr.nix {};
sonic-server = handleTest ./sonic-server.nix {};
sourcehut = handleTest ./sourcehut {};
spacecookie = handleTest ./spacecookie.nix {};
spark = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./spark {};
spiped = runTest ./spiped.nix;
sqlite3-to-mysql = handleTest ./sqlite3-to-mysql.nix {};
sslh = handleTest ./sslh.nix {};
ssh-agent-auth = handleTest ./ssh-agent-auth.nix {};
ssh-audit = handleTest ./ssh-audit.nix {};
sssd = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./sssd.nix {};
sssd-ldap = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./sssd-ldap.nix {};
stalwart-mail = handleTest ./stalwart-mail.nix {};
stargazer = runTest ./web-servers/stargazer.nix;
starship = handleTest ./starship.nix {};
static-web-server = handleTest ./web-servers/static-web-server.nix {};
step-ca = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./step-ca.nix {};
stratis = handleTest ./stratis {};
strongswan-swanctl = handleTest ./strongswan-swanctl.nix {};
stub-ld = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ] ./stub-ld.nix {};
stunnel = handleTest ./stunnel.nix {};
sudo = handleTest ./sudo.nix {};
sudo-rs = handleTest ./sudo-rs.nix {};
sunshine = handleTest ./sunshine.nix {};
suricata = handleTest ./suricata.nix {};
suwayomi-server = handleTest ./suwayomi-server.nix {};
swap-file-btrfs = handleTest ./swap-file-btrfs.nix {};
swap-partition = handleTest ./swap-partition.nix {};
swap-random-encryption = handleTest ./swap-random-encryption.nix {};
swapspace = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./swapspace.nix {};
sway = handleTest ./sway.nix {};
swayfx = handleTest ./swayfx.nix {};
switchTest = handleTest ./switch-test.nix { ng = false; };
switchTestNg = handleTest ./switch-test.nix { ng = true; };
sx = handleTest ./sx.nix {};
sympa = handleTest ./sympa.nix {};
syncthing = handleTest ./syncthing.nix {};
syncthing-no-settings = handleTest ./syncthing-no-settings.nix {};
syncthing-init = handleTest ./syncthing-init.nix {};
syncthing-many-devices = handleTest ./syncthing-many-devices.nix {};
syncthing-relay = handleTest ./syncthing-relay.nix {};
sysinit-reactivation = runTest ./sysinit-reactivation.nix;
systemd = handleTest ./systemd.nix {};
systemd-analyze = handleTest ./systemd-analyze.nix {};
systemd-binfmt = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./systemd-binfmt.nix {};
systemd-boot = handleTest ./systemd-boot.nix {};
systemd-bpf = handleTest ./systemd-bpf.nix {};
systemd-confinement = handleTest ./systemd-confinement {};
systemd-coredump = handleTest ./systemd-coredump.nix {};
systemd-cryptenroll = handleTest ./systemd-cryptenroll.nix {};
systemd-credentials-tpm2 = handleTest ./systemd-credentials-tpm2.nix {};
systemd-escaping = handleTest ./systemd-escaping.nix {};
systemd-initrd-bridge = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-bridge.nix {};
systemd-initrd-btrfs-raid = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-btrfs-raid.nix {};
systemd-initrd-luks-fido2 = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-luks-fido2.nix {};
systemd-initrd-luks-keyfile = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-luks-keyfile.nix {};
systemd-initrd-luks-empty-passphrase = handleTest ./initrd-luks-empty-passphrase.nix { systemdStage1 = true; };
systemd-initrd-luks-password = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-luks-password.nix {};
systemd-initrd-luks-tpm2 = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-luks-tpm2.nix {};
systemd-initrd-luks-unl0kr = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-luks-unl0kr.nix {};
systemd-initrd-modprobe = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-modprobe.nix {};
systemd-initrd-shutdown = handleTest ./systemd-shutdown.nix { systemdStage1 = true; };
systemd-initrd-simple = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-simple.nix {};
systemd-initrd-swraid = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-swraid.nix {};
systemd-initrd-vconsole = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-vconsole.nix {};
systemd-initrd-networkd = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-networkd.nix {};
systemd-initrd-networkd-ssh = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-networkd-ssh.nix {};
systemd-initrd-networkd-openvpn = handleTestOn [ "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" ] ./initrd-network-openvpn { systemdStage1 = true; };
systemd-initrd-vlan = handleTest ./systemd-initrd-vlan.nix {};
systemd-journal = handleTest ./systemd-journal.nix {};
systemd-journal-gateway = handleTest ./systemd-journal-gateway.nix {};
systemd-journal-upload = handleTest ./systemd-journal-upload.nix {};
systemd-lock-handler = runTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./systemd-lock-handler.nix;
systemd-machinectl = handleTest ./systemd-machinectl.nix {};
systemd-networkd = handleTest ./systemd-networkd.nix {};
systemd-networkd-bridge = handleTest ./systemd-networkd-bridge.nix {};
systemd-networkd-dhcpserver = handleTest ./systemd-networkd-dhcpserver.nix {};
systemd-networkd-dhcpserver-static-leases = handleTest ./systemd-networkd-dhcpserver-static-leases.nix {};
systemd-networkd-ipv6-prefix-delegation = handleTest ./systemd-networkd-ipv6-prefix-delegation.nix {};
systemd-networkd-vrf = handleTest ./systemd-networkd-vrf.nix {};
systemd-no-tainted = handleTest ./systemd-no-tainted.nix {};
systemd-nspawn = handleTest ./systemd-nspawn.nix {};
systemd-nspawn-configfile = handleTest ./systemd-nspawn-configfile.nix {};
systemd-oomd = handleTest ./systemd-oomd.nix {};
systemd-portabled = handleTest ./systemd-portabled.nix {};
systemd-repart = handleTest ./systemd-repart.nix {};
systemd-resolved = handleTest ./systemd-resolved.nix {};
systemd-shutdown = handleTest ./systemd-shutdown.nix {};
systemd-sysupdate = runTest ./systemd-sysupdate.nix;
systemd-sysusers-mutable = runTest ./systemd-sysusers-mutable.nix;
systemd-sysusers-immutable = runTest ./systemd-sysusers-immutable.nix;
systemd-timesyncd = handleTest ./systemd-timesyncd.nix {};
systemd-timesyncd-nscd-dnssec = handleTest ./systemd-timesyncd-nscd-dnssec.nix {};
systemd-user-linger = handleTest ./systemd-user-linger.nix {};
systemd-user-tmpfiles-rules = handleTest ./systemd-user-tmpfiles-rules.nix {};
systemd-misc = handleTest ./systemd-misc.nix {};
systemd-userdbd = handleTest ./systemd-userdbd.nix {};
systemd-homed = handleTest ./systemd-homed.nix {};
systemtap = handleTest ./systemtap.nix {};
tandoor-recipes = handleTest ./tandoor-recipes.nix {};
tandoor-recipes-script-name = handleTest ./tandoor-recipes-script-name.nix {};
tang = handleTest ./tang.nix {};
taskserver = handleTest ./taskserver.nix {};
taskchampion-sync-server = handleTest ./taskchampion-sync-server.nix {};
tayga = handleTest ./tayga.nix {};
technitium-dns-server = handleTest ./technitium-dns-server.nix {};
teeworlds = handleTest ./teeworlds.nix {};
telegraf = handleTest ./telegraf.nix {};
teleport = handleTest ./teleport.nix {};
teleports = runTest ./teleports.nix;
thelounge = handleTest ./thelounge.nix {};
terminal-emulators = handleTest ./terminal-emulators.nix {};
thanos = handleTest ./thanos.nix {};
tiddlywiki = handleTest ./tiddlywiki.nix {};
tigervnc = handleTest ./tigervnc.nix {};
tika = runTest ./tika.nix;
timezone = handleTest ./timezone.nix {};
timidity = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./timidity {};
tinc = handleTest ./tinc {};
tinydns = handleTest ./tinydns.nix {};
tinyproxy = handleTest ./tinyproxy.nix {};
tinywl = handleTest ./tinywl.nix {};
tmate-ssh-server = handleTest ./tmate-ssh-server.nix { };
tomcat = handleTest ./tomcat.nix {};
tor = handleTest ./tor.nix {};
traefik = handleTestOn ["aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"] ./traefik.nix {};
trafficserver = handleTest ./trafficserver.nix {};
transfer-sh = handleTest ./transfer-sh.nix {};
transmission_3 = handleTest ./transmission.nix { transmission = pkgs.transmission_3; };
transmission_4 = handleTest ./transmission.nix { transmission = pkgs.transmission_4; };
# tracee requires bpf
tracee = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./tracee.nix {};
trezord = handleTest ./trezord.nix {};
trickster = handleTest ./trickster.nix {};
trilium-server = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./trilium-server.nix {};
tsm-client-gui = handleTest ./tsm-client-gui.nix {};
ttyd = handleTest ./web-servers/ttyd.nix {};
txredisapi = handleTest ./txredisapi.nix {};
tuptime = handleTest ./tuptime.nix {};
turbovnc-headless-server = handleTest ./turbovnc-headless-server.nix {};
turn-rs = handleTest ./turn-rs.nix {};
tuxguitar = handleTest ./tuxguitar.nix {};
twingate = runTest ./twingate.nix;
typesense = handleTest ./typesense.nix {};
ucarp = handleTest ./ucarp.nix {};
udisks2 = handleTest ./udisks2.nix {};
ulogd = handleTest ./ulogd/ulogd.nix {};
unbound = handleTest ./unbound.nix {};
unifi = handleTest ./unifi.nix {};
unit-php = handleTest ./web-servers/unit-php.nix {};
unit-perl = handleTest ./web-servers/unit-perl.nix {};
upnp.iptables = handleTest ./upnp.nix { useNftables = false; };
upnp.nftables = handleTest ./upnp.nix { useNftables = true; };
uptermd = handleTest ./uptermd.nix {};
uptime-kuma = handleTest ./uptime-kuma.nix {};
urn-timer = handleTest ./urn-timer.nix {};
usbguard = handleTest ./usbguard.nix {};
userborn = runTest ./userborn.nix;
userborn-mutable-users = runTest ./userborn-mutable-users.nix;
userborn-immutable-users = runTest ./userborn-immutable-users.nix;
userborn-mutable-etc = runTest ./userborn-mutable-etc.nix;
userborn-immutable-etc = runTest ./userborn-immutable-etc.nix;
user-activation-scripts = handleTest ./user-activation-scripts.nix {};
user-expiry = runTest ./user-expiry.nix;
user-home-mode = handleTest ./user-home-mode.nix {};
ustreamer = handleTest ./ustreamer.nix {};
uwsgi = handleTest ./uwsgi.nix {};
v2ray = handleTest ./v2ray.nix {};
varnish60 = handleTest ./varnish.nix { package = pkgs.varnish60; };
varnish75 = handleTest ./varnish.nix { package = pkgs.varnish75; };
vault = handleTest ./vault.nix {};
vault-agent = handleTest ./vault-agent.nix {};
vault-dev = handleTest ./vault-dev.nix {};
vault-postgresql = handleTest ./vault-postgresql.nix {};
vaultwarden = discoverTests (import ./vaultwarden.nix);
vector = handleTest ./vector {};
vengi-tools = handleTest ./vengi-tools.nix {};
victoriametrics = handleTest ./victoriametrics.nix {};
vikunja = handleTest ./vikunja.nix {};
virtualbox = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./virtualbox.nix {};
vscode-remote-ssh = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./vscode-remote-ssh.nix {};
vscodium = discoverTests (import ./vscodium.nix);
vsftpd = handleTest ./vsftpd.nix {};
wakapi = handleTest ./wakapi.nix {};
warzone2100 = handleTest ./warzone2100.nix {};
wasabibackend = handleTest ./wasabibackend.nix {};
wastebin = handleTest ./wastebin.nix {};
watchdogd = handleTest ./watchdogd.nix {};
webhook = runTest ./webhook.nix;
weblate = handleTest ./web-apps/weblate.nix {};
wiki-js = handleTest ./wiki-js.nix {};
wine = handleTest ./wine.nix {};
wireguard = handleTest ./wireguard {};
wg-access-server = handleTest ./wg-access-server.nix {};
without-nix = handleTest ./without-nix.nix {};
wmderland = handleTest ./wmderland.nix {};
workout-tracker = handleTest ./workout-tracker.nix {};
wpa_supplicant = import ./wpa_supplicant.nix { inherit pkgs runTest; };
wordpress = handleTest ./wordpress.nix {};
wrappers = handleTest ./wrappers.nix {};
writefreely = handleTest ./web-apps/writefreely.nix {};
wstunnel = runTest ./wstunnel.nix;
xandikos = handleTest ./xandikos.nix {};
xautolock = handleTest ./xautolock.nix {};
xfce = handleTest ./xfce.nix {};
xmonad = handleTest ./xmonad.nix {};
xmonad-xdg-autostart = handleTest ./xmonad-xdg-autostart.nix {};
xpadneo = handleTest ./xpadneo.nix {};
xrdp = handleTest ./xrdp.nix {};
xrdp-with-audio-pulseaudio = handleTest ./xrdp-with-audio-pulseaudio.nix {};
xscreensaver = handleTest ./xscreensaver.nix {};
xss-lock = handleTest ./xss-lock.nix {};
xterm = handleTest ./xterm.nix {};
xxh = handleTest ./xxh.nix {};
yabar = handleTest ./yabar.nix {};
ydotool = handleTest ./ydotool.nix {};
yggdrasil = handleTest ./yggdrasil.nix {};
your_spotify = handleTest ./your_spotify.nix {};
zammad = handleTest ./zammad.nix {};
zeronet-conservancy = handleTest ./zeronet-conservancy.nix {};
zfs = handleTest ./zfs.nix {};
zigbee2mqtt = handleTest ./zigbee2mqtt.nix {};
zoneminder = handleTest ./zoneminder.nix {};
zookeeper = handleTest ./zookeeper.nix {};
zram-generator = handleTest ./zram-generator.nix {};
zrepl = handleTest ./zrepl.nix {};
zsh-history = handleTest ./zsh-history.nix {};
zwave-js = handleTest ./zwave-js.nix {};