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diff --git a/lib/engine/scheduler.ml b/lib/engine/scheduler.ml
index e32bd0f..93b566b 100644
--- a/lib/engine/scheduler.ml
+++ b/lib/engine/scheduler.ml
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ module Make(Backend : Backend) = struct
| Trywith tw -> (
- match Table.find sched.traces (Workflow.id tw.w) with
+ match Hashtbl.find sched.traces (Workflow.id tw.w) with
| Some eventual_trace -> (
eventual_trace >>= function
| Ok (Run r) ->
@@ -667,10 +667,10 @@ module Make(Backend : Backend) = struct
let register_build sched ~id ~build_trace =
let open Eval_thread.Infix in
- match Table.find sched.traces id with
+ match Hashtbl.find sched.traces id with
| None ->
let trace = build_trace () in
- Table.set sched.traces ~key:id ~data:trace ;
+ Hashtbl.set sched.traces ~key:id ~data:trace ;
| Some trace -> trace
) >>= fun trace ->
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ module Make(Backend : Backend) = struct
Eval_thread.join l.elts ~f:(build ?target sched)
| Trywith tw -> (
build sched ?target tw.w >> fun w_result ->
- match Table.find sched.traces (Workflow.id tw.w) with
+ match Hashtbl.find sched.traces (Workflow.id tw.w) with
| Some eventual_trace -> (
eventual_trace >> function
| Ok (Run r) when run_trywith_recovery r.details ->
diff --git a/lib/multinode/bistro_multinode.ml b/lib/multinode/bistro_multinode.ml
index 01dc5ac..3fc6b0e 100644
--- a/lib/multinode/bistro_multinode.ml
+++ b/lib/multinode/bistro_multinode.ml
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ module Server = struct
let search (type s) (table : s String.Table.t) ~f =
let module M = struct exception Found of string * s end in
- String.Table.fold table ~init:() ~f:(fun ~key ~data () -> if f ~key ~data then raise (M.Found (key, data))) ;
+ Hashtbl.fold table ~init:() ~f:(fun ~key ~data () -> if f ~key ~data then raise (M.Found (key, data))) ;
with M.Found (k, v) -> Some (k, v)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ module Server = struct
match allocation_attempt with
| None -> Some elt
| Some (worker_id, (Resource curr)) ->
- String.Table.set pool.available ~key:worker_id ~data:(Resource { np = curr.np - np ; mem = curr.mem - mem }) ;
+ Hashtbl.set pool.available ~key:worker_id ~data:(Resource { np = curr.np - np ; mem = curr.mem - mem }) ;
Lwt.wakeup u (worker_id, Resource { np ; mem }) ;
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ module Server = struct
let add_worker pool (Worker { id ; np ; mem ; _ }) =
- match String.Table.add pool.available ~key:id ~data:(Allocator.Resource { np ; mem }) with
+ match Hashtbl.add pool.available ~key:id ~data:(Allocator.Resource { np ; mem }) with
| `Ok -> allocation_pass pool
| `Duplicate -> failwith "A worker has been added twice"
let release pool worker_id (Allocator.Resource { np ; mem }) =
- String.Table.update pool.available worker_id ~f:(function
+ Hashtbl.update pool.available worker_id ~f:(function
| None -> failwith "Tried to release resources of inexistent worker"
| Some (Resource r) -> Resource { np = r.np + np ; mem = r.mem + mem }
@@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ module Server = struct
| Subscript { np ; mem } ->
let id = new_id () in
let w = create_worker ~np ~mem id in
- String.Table.set state.workers ~key:id ~data:w ;
+ Hashtbl.set state.workers ~key:id ~data:w ;
Worker_allocator.add_worker state.alloc w ;
log (Logger.Debug (sprintf "new worker %s" id)) ;
Lwt.return (Client_id id)
| Get_job { client_id } -> (
- match String.Table.find state.workers client_id with
+ match Hashtbl.find state.workers client_id with
| None -> Lwt.return None
| Some (Worker worker) ->
Lwt.choose [
@@ -250,22 +250,22 @@ module Server = struct
] >>= function
| `Job wp ->
let workflow_id = workflow_id_of_job_waiter wp in
- String.Table.set worker.running_jobs ~key:workflow_id ~data:wp ;
+ Hashtbl.set worker.running_jobs ~key:workflow_id ~data:wp ;
Lwt.return (Some (job_of_job_waiter wp))
| `Stop -> Lwt.return None
| Plugin_result r ->
- let Worker worker = String.Table.find_exn state.workers r.client_id in
+ let Worker worker = Hashtbl.find_exn state.workers r.client_id in
Lwt.return (
- match String.Table.find_exn worker.running_jobs r.workflow_id with
+ match Hashtbl.find_exn worker.running_jobs r.workflow_id with
| Waiting_plugin wp -> Lwt.wakeup wp.waiter r.result
| Waiting_shell_command _ -> assert false (* should never happen *)
| Shell_command_result r ->
- let Worker worker = String.Table.find_exn state.workers r.client_id in
+ let Worker worker = Hashtbl.find_exn state.workers r.client_id in
Lwt.return (
- match String.Table.find_exn worker.running_jobs r.workflow_id with
+ match Hashtbl.find_exn worker.running_jobs r.workflow_id with
| Waiting_plugin _ -> assert false (* should never happen *)
| Waiting_shell_command wp -> Lwt.wakeup wp.waiter r.result
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ module Server = struct
let request_resource backend req =
Worker_allocator.request backend.state.alloc req >|= fun (worker_id, resource) ->
- String.Table.find_exn backend.state.workers worker_id, resource
+ Hashtbl.find_exn backend.state.workers worker_id, resource
let release_resource backend worker_id res =
Worker_allocator.release backend.state.alloc worker_id res
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ module Server = struct
* loop () *)
let eval backend { worker_id ; workflow_id } f x =
- let Worker worker = String.Table.find_exn backend.state.workers worker_id in
+ let Worker worker = Hashtbl.find_exn backend.state.workers worker_id in
let f () = f x in
let t, u = Lwt.wait () in
let job_waiter = Waiting_plugin { waiter = u ; f ; workflow_id } in
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ module Server = struct
let run_shell_command backend { worker_id ; workflow_id } cmd =
- let Worker worker = String.Table.find_exn backend.state.workers worker_id in
+ let Worker worker = Hashtbl.find_exn backend.state.workers worker_id in
let t, u = Lwt.wait () in
let job = Waiting_shell_command { waiter = u ; cmd ; workflow_id } in
Lwt_queue.push worker.pending_jobs job ;
diff --git a/lib/utils/dot_output.ml b/lib/utils/dot_output.ml
index 90c299f..d13fceb 100644
--- a/lib/utils/dot_output.ml
+++ b/lib/utils/dot_output.ml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module G = struct
(* let successors g u = fold_succ (fun h t -> h :: t) g u [] *)
let rec of_workflow_aux seen acc u =
- if S.mem seen u then (seen, acc)
+ if Set.mem seen u then (seen, acc)
else (
let deps = W.Any.deps u in
let seen, acc =
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module G = struct
let acc = add_vertex acc u in
let acc = List.fold deps ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc v -> add_edge acc u v) in
- let seen = S.add seen u in
+ let seen = Set.add seen u in
seen, acc
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ let dot_output ?db oc g ~needed =
let vertex_attributes u =
- let needed = (match db with None -> true | Some _ -> false) || S.mem needed u in
+ let needed = (match db with None -> true | Some _ -> false) || Set.mem needed u in
let color = if needed then black else light_gray in
let shape = `Shape (shape u) in
let W.Any w = u in
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ let dot_output ?db oc g ~needed =
| _ -> []
let color =
- if (match db with None -> true | Some _ -> false) || (S.mem needed u && not (already_done u))
+ if (match db with None -> true | Some _ -> false) || (Set.mem needed u && not (already_done u))
then black else light_gray in
style @ [ `Color color ]
diff --git a/lib/utils/repo.ml b/lib/utils/repo.ml
index 06abcd5..206a99e 100644
--- a/lib/utils/repo.ml
+++ b/lib/utils/repo.ml
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ let protected_set repo =
| Select s -> fold_path_workflow acc (W.Any s.dir)
| Input _ -> acc
| Shell _
- | Plugin _ -> String.Set.add acc (W.id w)
+ | Plugin _ -> Set.add acc (W.id w)
| Trywith tw ->
fold_path_workflow (fold_path_workflow acc (W.Any tw.w)) (W.Any tw.failsafe)
| Ifelse ie ->
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ let cache_clip_fold ~bistro_dir repo ~f ~init =
let protected = protected_set repo in
let db = Db.init_exn bistro_dir in
Db.fold_cache db ~init ~f:(fun acc id ->
- f db acc (if String.Set.mem protected id then `Protected id else `Unprotected id)
+ f db acc (if Set.mem protected id then `Protected id else `Unprotected id)
let cache_clip_dry_run ~bistro_dir repo =