15 lines
676 B
15 lines
676 B
diff --git a/src/elf_locations.ml b/src/elf_locations.ml
index a08b359..0db9274 100644
--- a/src/elf_locations.ml
+++ b/src/elf_locations.ml
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ let resolve_from_dwarf t ~program_counter =
| Some section ->
let body = Owee_buf.cursor (Owee_elf.section_body t.map section) in
let rec aux () =
- match Owee_debug_line.read_chunk body with
+ let pointers_to_other_sections = Owee_elf.debug_line_pointers t.map t.sections in
+ match Owee_debug_line.read_chunk body ~pointers_to_other_sections with
| None -> ()
| Some (header, chunk) ->
(* CR-soon mshinwell: fix owee .mli to note that [state] is