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\subtitle{Defining web APIs at the type-level}
\metroset{titleformat frame=smallcaps}
\begin{frame}{Type-level DSLs?}
\item (Uninhabited) types with attached ``meaning''
\item The Expression Problem (Wadler 1998)
\item API representation and interpretation are separated
\item APIs become first-class citizens
\begin{frame}{Haskell extensions}
\item TypeOperators
\item DataKinds
\item TypeFamilies
\begin{frame}[fragile]{A servant example}
type PubAPI = "pubs" :> Get [JSON] [Pub]
:<|> "pubs" :> "tagged"
:> Capture "tag" Text
:> Get [JSON] [Pub]
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Computed types}
type TaggedPubs = "tagged" :> Capture "tag" Text :> ...
taggedPubsHandler :: Server TaggedPubs
taggedPubsHandler tag = ...
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Computed types}
type TaggedPubs = "tagged" :> Capture "tag" Text :> ...
taggedPubsHandler :: Server TaggedPubs
taggedPubsHandler tag = ...
Server TaggedPubs ~
Text -> EitherT ServantErr IO [Pub]
The one everyone is interested in!
\item Based on WAI, can run on warp
\item Interprets combinators with a simple \texttt{HasServer c} class
\item Easy to use!
\begin{frame}[fragile]{HasServer ...}
instance (KnownSymbol path, HasServer sublayout)
=> HasServer (path :> sublayout) where
type ServerT (path :> sublayout) m = ServerT sublayout m
route ...
pathString = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy path)
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Server example}
type Echo = Capture "echo" Text :> Get [PlainText] Text
echoAPI :: Proxy Echo
echoAPI = Proxy
echoServer :: Server Echo
echoServer = return
\item Generates Haskell client functions for API
\item Same types as API specification: For RPC the whole ``web layer'' is abstracted away
\item Also easy to use!
\begin{frame}{servant-docs, servant-js ...}
Many other interpretations exist already, for example:
\item Documentation generation
\item Foreign function export (e.g. Elm, JavaScript)
\item Mock-server generation
\item Haskell has no custom open kinds (yet)
\item Proxies are ugly
\item Errors can be a bit daunting
Ølkartet: \\