NixOS is a Linux distribution based on the purely functional package
management system Nix. More information can be found at and in the manual in doc/manual.
## Testing changes
You can add new module to your NixOS configuration file (usually it’s `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`). And do `sudo nixos-rebuild test -I nixpkgs=<path to your local nixpkgs folder> --fast`.
When changing the bootloader installation process, extra care must be taken. Grub installations cannot be rolled back, hence changes may break people’s installations forever. For any non-trivial change to the bootloader please file a PR asking for review, especially from \@edolstra.
### Module updates
Module updates are submissions changing modules in some ways. These often contains changes to the options or introduce new options.
Reviewing process:
- Ensure that the module maintainers are notified.
- [CODEOWNERS]( will make GitHub notify users based on the submitted changes, but it can happen that it misses some of the package maintainers.
- Ensure that the module tests, if any, are succeeding.
- Use `lib.versionAtLeast config.system.stateVersion "24.05"` on backward incompatible changes which may corrupt, change or update the state stored on existing setups.