2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
/* pkgs/development/lua-modules/generated-packages.nix is an auto-generated file -- DO NOT EDIT!
Regenerate it with: nix run nixpkgs#luarocks-packages-updater
You can customize the generated packages in pkgs/development/lua-modules/overrides.nix
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, fetchgit, callPackage, ... }:
final: prev:
alt-getopt = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "alt-getopt";
version = "0.8.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/alt-getopt-0.8.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "17yxi1lsrbkmwzcn1x48x8758d7v1frsz1bmnpqfv4vfnlh0x210";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "cheusov";
repo = "lua-alt-getopt";
rev = "0.8.0";
hash = "sha256-OxtMNB8++cVQ/gQjntLUt3WYopGhYb1VbIUAZEzJB88=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/cheusov/lua-alt-getopt";
description = "Process application arguments the same way as getopt_long";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ arobyn ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
ansicolors = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "ansicolors";
version = "1.0.2-3";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/ansicolors-1.0.2-3.rockspec";
sha256 = "19y962xdx5ldl3596ywdl7n825dffz9al6j6rx6pbgmhb7pi8s5v";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/kikito/ansicolors.lua/archive/v1.0.2.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0r4xi57njldmar9pn77l0vr5701rpmilrm51spv45lz0q9js8xps";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/kikito/ansicolors.lua";
description = "Library for color Manipulation.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ Freed-Wu ];
license.fullName = "MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>";
}) {};
argparse = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "argparse";
version = "0.7.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/argparse-0.7.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "116iaczq6glzzin6qqa2zn7i22hdyzzsq6mzjiqnz6x1qmi0hig8";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/luarocks/argparse/archive/0.7.1.zip";
sha256 = "0idg79d0dfis4qhbkbjlmddq87np75hb2vj41i6prjpvqacvg5v1";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/luarocks/argparse";
description = "A feature-rich command-line argument parser";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
basexx = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "basexx";
version = "0.4.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/basexx-0.4.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0kmydxm2wywl18cgj303apsx7hnfd68a9hx9yhq10fj7yfcxzv5f";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/aiq/basexx/archive/v0.4.1.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1rnz6xixxqwy0q6y2hi14rfid4w47h69gfi0rnlq24fz8q2b0qpz";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/aiq/basexx";
description = "A base2, base16, base32, base64 and base85 library for Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
binaryheap = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "binaryheap";
version = "0.4-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/binaryheap-0.4-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1ah37lhskmrb26by5ygs7jblx7qnf6mphgw8kwhw0yacvmkcbql4";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/Tieske/binaryheap.lua/archive/version_0v4.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0f5l4nb5s7dycbkgh3rrl7pf0npcf9k6m2gr2bsn09fjyb3bdc8h";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/Tieske/binaryheap.lua";
description = "Binary heap implementation in pure Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vcunat ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
bit32 = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "bit32";
version = "5.3.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/bit32-5.3.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1d6xdihpksrj5a3yvsvnmf3vfk15hj6f8n1rrs65m7adh87hc0yd";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "keplerproject";
repo = "lua-compat-5.2";
rev = "bitlib-5.3.0";
hash = "sha256-Ek7FMWskfHwHhEVfjTDZyL/cruHDiQo5Jmnwsvai+MY=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#6.7";
description = "Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ lblasc ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
busted = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, dkjson, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lua-term, luaOlder, lua_cliargs, luassert, luasystem, mediator_lua, penlight, say }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "busted";
version = "2.2.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/busted-2.2.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0h4zk4lcm40wg3l0vgjn6lsyh9yayhljx65a0pz5n99dxal8lgnf";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "busted";
rev = "v2.2.0";
hash = "sha256-5LxPqmoUwR3XaIToKUgap0L/sNS9uOV080MIenyLnl8=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ dkjson lua-term lua_cliargs luassert luasystem mediator_lua penlight say ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://lunarmodules.github.io/busted/";
description = "Elegant Lua unit testing";
license.fullName = "MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>";
}) {};
busted-htest = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "busted-htest";
version = "1.0.0-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/busted-htest-1.0.0-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "10d2pbh2rfy4ygp40h8br4w5j1z5syq5pn6knd4bbnacmswnmcdl";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "hishamhm";
repo = "busted-htest";
rev = "1.0.0";
hash = "sha256-tGAQUSeDt+OV/TBAJo/JFdyeBRRZaIQEJG+SKcCaQhs=";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/hishamhm/busted-htest";
description = "A pretty output handler for Busted";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
cassowary = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder, penlight }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "cassowary";
version = "2.3.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/cassowary-2.3.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0c6sflm8zpgbcdj47s3rd34h69h3nqcciaaqd1wdx5m0lwc3mii0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "sile-typesetter";
repo = "cassowary.lua";
rev = "v2.3.2";
hash = "sha256-wIVuf1L3g2BCM+zW4Nt1IyU6xaP4yYuzxHjVDxsgdNM=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ penlight ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/sile-typesetter/cassowary.lua";
description = "The cassowary constraint solver";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ alerque ];
license.fullName = "Apache 2";
}) {};
cldr = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder, penlight }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "cldr";
version = "0.3.0-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/cldr-0.3.0-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "1fnr8k713w21v7hc64s4w5lgcgnbphq3gm69pisc2s4wq2fkija1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "alerque";
repo = "cldr-lua";
rev = "v0.3.0";
hash = "sha256-5LY0YxHACtreP38biDZD97bkPuuT7an/Z1VBXEJYjkI=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ penlight ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/alerque/cldr-lua";
description = "Lua interface to Unicode CLDR data";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ alerque ];
license.fullName = "MIT/ICU";
}) {};
commons-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "commons.nvim";
version = "19.0.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/commons.nvim-19.0.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0ispimmwx2zh8jpdhdqk0r837y6959l9r2y8iri6l67dnfy7j4ky";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/linrongbin16/commons.nvim/archive/ab59d5ab57d02bcb2b29234637c79ff74d7693b6.zip";
sha256 = "0n7dpwhs1f6rmxvjhqj1vs29apmmcbdwcifjjxi13vdxmx1zn2dq";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://linrongbin16.github.io/commons.nvim/";
description = "The commons lua library for Neovim plugin project.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
compat53 = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "compat53";
version = "0.14.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/compat53-0.14.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0c50x5nprcfafjnb4gzy23xszmr97mspy1g9m6pyj81c2648288n";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/lua-compat-5.3/archive/v0.14.3.zip";
sha256 = "00qgfl5n2rfp1gikky03dmc30jy4piz0js8d7zznaclxsq2nyp2x";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/lua-compat-5.3";
description = "Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.2 and 5.1";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vcunat ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
cosmo = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lpeg }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "cosmo";
version = "16.06.04-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/cosmo-16.06.04-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0ipv1hrlhvaz1myz6qxabq7b7kb3bz456cya3r292487a3g9h9pb";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mascarenhas";
repo = "cosmo";
rev = "v16.06.04";
hash = "sha256-mJE5GkDnfZ3qAQyyyKj+aXOtlITeYs8lerGJSTzU/Tk=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lpeg ];
meta = {
homepage = "http://cosmo.luaforge.net";
description = "Safe templates for Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
coxpcall = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "coxpcall";
version = "1.17.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/coxpcall-1.17.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0mf0nggg4ajahy5y1q5zh2zx9rmgzw06572bxx6k8b736b8j7gca";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "keplerproject";
repo = "coxpcall";
rev = "v1_17_0";
hash = "sha256-EW8pGI9jiGutNVNmyiCP5sIVYZe2rJQc03OrKXIOeMw=";
meta = {
homepage = "http://keplerproject.github.io/coxpcall";
description = "Coroutine safe xpcall and pcall";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
cqueues = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, lua }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "cqueues";
version = "20200726.52-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/cqueues-20200726.52-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "0w2kq9w0wda56k02rjmvmzccz6bc3mn70s9v7npjadh85i5zlhhp";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/wahern/cqueues/archive/rel-20200726.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0lhd02ag3r1sxr2hx847rdjkddm04l1vf5234v5cz9bd4kfjw4cy";
disabled = lua.luaversion != "5.2";
meta = {
homepage = "http://25thandclement.com/~william/projects/cqueues.html";
description = "Continuation Queues: Embeddable asynchronous networking, threading, and notification framework for Lua on Unix.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vcunat ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
cyan = callPackage({ argparse, buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luafilesystem, luasystem, tl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "cyan";
version = "0.3.1-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/cyan-0.3.1-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "1fsz3a05blm45qv690w51fa7scqc7l7f3fcj8s8isax89gjbqvgy";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "teal-language";
repo = "cyan";
rev = "v0.3.1";
hash = "sha256-cqQoWR4lIvYAWp5o9jivpjiILO1ECFhCyXG1+vc2yIM=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ argparse luafilesystem luasystem tl ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/teal-language/cyan";
description = "A build system for the Teal language";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
digestif = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lpeg, luaOlder, luafilesystem }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "digestif";
version = "0.6-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/digestif-0.6-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0hp7r97b6ivywaxb02cbnm23gjz71mak5ag6m3hi7f3mjqxxxh8k";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "astoff";
repo = "digestif";
rev = "v0.6";
hash = "sha256-sGwKt9suRVNrbRJlhNMHzc5r4sK/fvUc7smxmxmrn8Y=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.3";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lpeg luafilesystem ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/astoff/digestif/";
description = "A code analyzer for TeX";
license.fullName = "GPLv3+ and other free licenses";
}) {};
dkjson = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "dkjson";
version = "2.8-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/dkjson-2.8-1.rockspec";
hash = "sha256-arasJeX7yQ2Rg70RyepiGNvLdiyQz8Wn4HXrdTEIBBg=";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://dkolf.de/dkjson-lua/dkjson-2.8.tar.gz";
hash = "sha256-JOjNO+uRwchh63uz+8m9QYu/+a1KpdBHGBYlgjajFTI=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "http://dkolf.de/dkjson-lua/";
description = "David Kolf's JSON module for Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
fennel = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "fennel";
version = "1.5.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/fennel-1.5.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "02wq1rlgv2zl1x30vqpdf5nmblxv7kkwx9lwplj4rj1fp9s3m8mh";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "bakpakin";
repo = "Fennel";
rev = "1.5.1";
hash = "sha256-ciXElwX/F8YCFA6C0F3+8lnUPQlKYpcdpagAjoXZpyY=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://fennel-lang.org";
description = "A lisp that compiles to Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ misterio77 ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
fidget-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "fidget.nvim";
version = "1.4.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/fidget.nvim-1.4.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1dfhwa6dgca88h6p9h75qlkcx3qsl8g4aflvndd7vjcimlnfiqqd";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/j-hui/fidget.nvim/archive/1ba38e4cbb24683973e00c2e36f53ae64da38ef5.zip";
sha256 = "0g0z1g1nmrjmg9298vg2ski6m41f1yhpas8kr9mi8pa6ibk4m63x";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/j-hui/fidget.nvim";
description = "Extensible UI for Neovim notifications and LSP progress messages.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
fifo = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "fifo";
version = "0.2-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/fifo-0.2-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "0vr9apmai2cyra2n573nr3dyk929gzcs4nm1096jdxcixmvh2ymq";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/daurnimator/fifo.lua/archive/0.2.zip";
sha256 = "1800k7h5hxsvm05bjdr65djjml678lwb0661cll78z1ys2037nzn";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/daurnimator/fifo.lua";
description = "A lua library/'class' that implements a FIFO";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
fluent = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, cldr, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder, luaepnf, penlight }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "fluent";
version = "0.2.0-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/fluent-0.2.0-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "1x3nk8xdf923rvdijr0jx8v6w3wxxfch7ri3kxca0pw80b5bc2fa";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "alerque";
repo = "fluent-lua";
rev = "v0.2.0";
hash = "sha256-uDJWhQ/fDD9ZbYOgPk1FDlU3A3DAZw3Ujx92BglFWoo=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ cldr luaepnf penlight ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/alerque/fluent-lua";
description = "Lua implementation of Project Fluent";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ alerque ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
funnyfiles-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "funnyfiles.nvim";
version = "1.0.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/funnyfiles.nvim-1.0.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1r3cgx8wvc1c4syk167m94ws513g0cdmmxnymf3zyidlszdwamy5";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/aikooo7/funnyfiles.nvim/archive/v1.0.1.zip";
sha256 = "00p026r05gldbf18mmv8da9ap09di8dhy0rrd586pr2s2s36nzpd";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/aikooo7/funnyfiles.nvim";
description = "This plugin is a way of creating/deleting files/folders without needing to open a file explorer.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
fzf-lua = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "fzf-lua";
version = "0.0.1479-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/fzf-lua-0.0.1479-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1xj0vw2y9y0ff88gcsh1q8vg9lsrsak435pzx8bizpcxkpaqizc4";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua/archive/ce1e24f2a48089b65deefcb0a71a9856839002b5.zip";
sha256 = "0nfihl95bxrjmkin8wj6d8sznch695fk2wxkwk6wd92v5dlapypx";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/ibhagwan/fzf-lua";
description = "Improved fzf.vim written in lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "AGPL-3.0";
}) {};
fzy = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "fzy";
version = "1.0.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/fzy-1.0.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "07d07afjs73bl5krfbaqx4pw2wpfrkyw2iksamkfa8dlqn9ajn1a";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/swarn/fzy-lua/archive/v1.0.3.zip";
sha256 = "0w3alddhn0jd19vmminbi1b79mzlagyl1lygmfpxhzzccdv4vapm";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/swarn/fzy-lua";
description = "A lua implementation of the fzy fuzzy matching algorithm";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
gitsigns-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, lua }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "gitsigns.nvim";
version = "scm-1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lewis6991";
repo = "gitsigns.nvim";
rev = "ee7634ab4f0a6606438fe13e16cbf2065589a5ed";
hash = "sha256-jR7/rX2bsOMkWc4MHMRlBDdELgl8JOVjGOcx6bl/nYw=";
disabled = lua.luaversion != "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim";
description = "Git signs written in pure lua";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
haskell-tools-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "haskell-tools.nvim";
version = "4.3.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/haskell-tools.nvim-4.3.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1aw8rs6b384qp33j615ixp2iz8qpfs9nwv5psgknb38pswh9ldly";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/mrcjkb/haskell-tools.nvim/archive/v4.3.1.zip";
sha256 = "1ssgwms4jipl7j3v51wzmhllg1bm4k1nd3j5i8rwmjcv704izik9";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mrcjkb/haskell-tools.nvim";
description = " 🦥 Supercharge your Haskell experience in neovim!";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "GPL-2.0";
}) {};
http = callPackage({ basexx, binaryheap, bit32, buildLuarocksPackage, compat53, cqueues, fetchurl, fetchzip, fifo, lpeg, lpeg_patterns, luaOlder, luaossl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "http";
version = "0.3-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/http-0.3-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "0fn3irkf5nnmfc83alc40b316hs8l7zdq2xlaiaa65sjd8acfvia";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/daurnimator/lua-http/archive/v0.3.zip";
sha256 = "1pqxxxifl2j1cik3kgayx43v6py5jp6r22myhvxfffysb3b84a2l";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ basexx binaryheap bit32 compat53 cqueues fifo lpeg lpeg_patterns luaossl ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/daurnimator/lua-http";
description = "HTTP library for Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vcunat ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
image-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, magick }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "image.nvim";
version = "1.3.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/image.nvim-1.3.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1ls3v5xcgmqmscqk5prpj0q9sy0946rfb2dfva5f1axb5x4jbvj9";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/3rd/image.nvim/archive/v1.3.0.zip";
sha256 = "0fbc3wvzsck8bbz8jz5piy68w1xmq5cnhaj1lw91d8hkyjryrznr";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ magick ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/3rd/image.nvim";
description = "🖼️ Bringing images to Neovim.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ teto ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
inspect = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "inspect";
version = "3.1.3-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/inspect-3.1.3-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "1iivb2jmz0pacmac2msyqwvjjx8q6py4h959m8fkigia6srg5ins";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/kikito/inspect.lua/archive/v3.1.3.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1sqylz5hmj5sbv4gi9988j6av3cb5lwkd7wiyim1h5lr7xhnlf23";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/kikito/inspect.lua";
description = "Lua table visualizer, ideal for debugging";
license.fullName = "MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>";
}) {};
jsregexp = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "jsregexp";
version = "0.0.7-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/jsregexp-0.0.7-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1yx0340h51xk23n0g8irj5c9bs35zy6p1zl5kp7vy2cwxazbipbl";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "kmarius";
repo = "jsregexp";
rev = "v0.0.7";
hash = "sha256-aXRGmo6w7jgKlR2BwKhbFGHC0mOTwHfYsh+lvqNuFtQ=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/kmarius/jsregexp";
description = "javascript (ECMA19) regular expressions for lua";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
ldbus = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "ldbus";
version = "scm-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/ldbus-scm-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "1c0h6fx7avzh89hl17v6simy1p4mjg8bimlsbjybks0zxznd8rbm";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "daurnimator";
repo = "ldbus";
rev = "6d4909c983c8a0e2c7384bac8055c628aa524ea2";
hash = "sha256-8px1eFSxt/SJipxxmjTpGpJO7V0oOK39+nK7itJCCaM=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/daurnimator/ldbus";
description = "A Lua library to access dbus.";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
ldoc = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, markdown, penlight }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "ldoc";
version = "1.5.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/ldoc-1.5.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1c0yx9j3yqlzxpmspz7n7l1nvh2sww84zhkb1fsbg042sr8h9bxp";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "ldoc";
rev = "v1.5.0";
hash = "sha256-Me2LT+UzO8G2vHqG7DjjoCRAtLmhiJHlSEYQGkprxTw=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ markdown penlight ];
meta = {
homepage = "http://lunarmodules.github.io/ldoc";
description = "A Lua Documentation Tool";
license.fullName = "MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>";
}) {};
lgi = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lgi";
version = "0.9.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lgi-0.9.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1gqi07m4bs7xibsy4vx8qgyp3yb1wnh0gdq1cpwqzv35y6hn5ds3";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "pavouk";
repo = "lgi";
rev = "0.9.2";
hash = "sha256-UpamUbvqzF0JKV3J0wIiJlV6iedwe823vD0EIm3zKw8=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/pavouk/lgi";
description = "Lua bindings to GObject libraries";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
linenoise = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "linenoise";
version = "0.9-1";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-linenoise/archive/0.9.tar.gz";
sha256 = "177h6gbq89arwiwxah9943i8hl5gvd9wivnd1nhmdl7d8x0dn76c";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-linenoise";
description = "A binding for the linenoise command line library";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
ljsyscall = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, lua }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "ljsyscall";
version = "0.12-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/ljsyscall-0.12-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0zna5s852vn7q414z56kkyqwpighaghyq7h7in3myap4d9vcgm01";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/justincormack/ljsyscall/archive/v0.12.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1w9g36nhxv92cypjia7igg1xpfrn3dbs3hfy6gnnz5mx14v50abf";
disabled = lua.luaversion != "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://www.myriabit.com/ljsyscall/";
description = "LuaJIT Linux syscall FFI";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ lblasc ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
llscheck = callPackage({ ansicolors, argparse, buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lua-cjson, luaOlder, luafilesystem, penlight }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "llscheck";
version = "0.6.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/llscheck-0.6.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1scgsjgsjbapqgwvwcd9l378sipin2w85mcjdi0fzgldsx87gwni";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "jeffzi";
repo = "llscheck";
rev = "v0.6.0";
hash = "sha256-XYfcVPiYCDrmuHyR1TN4QvsWIvbs86FN3UQYfrRHPiI=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ ansicolors argparse lua-cjson luafilesystem penlight ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/jeffzi/llscheck";
description = "Human-friendly Lua code analysis powered by Lua Language Server";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lmathx = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lmathx";
version = "20150624-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lmathx-20150624-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "181wzsj1mxjyia43y8zwaydxahnl7a70qzcgc8jhhgic7jyi9pgv";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.3/lmathx.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1r0ax3lq4xx6469aqc6qlfl3jynlghzhl5j65mpdj0kyzv4nknzf";
meta = {
homepage = "http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/#lmathx";
description = "C99 extensions for the math library";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ alexshpilkin ];
license.fullName = "Public domain";
}) {};
lmpfrlib = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lmpfrlib";
version = "20170112-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lmpfrlib-20170112-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "1x7qiwmk5b9fi87fn7yvivdsis8h9fk9r3ipqiry5ahx72vzdm7d";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://www.circuitwizard.de/lmpfrlib/lmpfrlib.c";
sha256 = "1bkfwdacj1drzqsfxf352fjppqqwi5d4j084jr9vj9dvjb31rbc1";
disabled = luaOlder "5.3" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "http://www.circuitwizard.de/lmpfrlib/lmpfrlib.html";
description = "Lua API for the GNU MPFR library";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ alexshpilkin ];
license.fullName = "LGPL";
}) {};
loadkit = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "loadkit";
version = "1.1.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/loadkit-1.1.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "08fx0xh90r2zvjlfjkyrnw2p95xk1a0qgvlnq4siwdb2mm6fq12l";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "leafo";
repo = "loadkit";
rev = "v1.1.0";
hash = "sha256-fw+aoP9+yDpme4qXupE07cV1QGZjb2aU7IOHapG+ihU=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/leafo/loadkit";
description = "Loadkit allows you to load arbitrary files within the Lua package path";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ alerque ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lpeg = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lpeg";
version = "1.1.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lpeg-1.1.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "03af1p00madfhfxjzrsxb0jm0n49ixwadnkdp0vbgs77d2v985jn";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/lpeg-1.1.0.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0aimsjpcpkh3kk65f0pg1z2bp6d83rn4dg6pgbx1yv14s9kms5ab";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html";
description = "Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vyp ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lpeg_patterns = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, lpeg }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lpeg_patterns";
version = "0.5-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lpeg_patterns-0.5-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "1vzl3ryryc624mchclzsfl3hsrprb9q214zbi1xsjcc4ckq5qfh7";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/daurnimator/lpeg_patterns/archive/v0.5.zip";
sha256 = "1s3c179a64r45ffkawv9dnxw4mzwkzj00nr9z2gs5haajgpjivw6";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lpeg ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/daurnimator/lpeg_patterns/archive/v0.5.zip";
description = "a collection of LPEG patterns";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lpeglabel = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lpeglabel";
version = "1.6.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lpeglabel-1.6.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "13gc32pggng6f95xx5zw9n9ian518wlgb26mna9kh4q2xa1k42pm";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/sqmedeiros/lpeglabel/archive/v1.6.0-1.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1i02lsxj20iygqm8fy6dih1gh21lqk5qj1mv14wlrkaywnv35wcv";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/sqmedeiros/lpeglabel/";
description = "Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua with Labeled Failures";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lrexlib-gnu = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lrexlib-gnu";
version = "2.9.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lrexlib-gnu-2.9.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "14dp5lzpz2prvimpcbqjygbyh9h791h0ywjknj9wgrjjd62qsy6i";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "rrthomas";
repo = "lrexlib";
rev = "rel-2-9-2";
hash = "sha256-DzNDve+xeKb+kAcW+o7GK/RsoDhaDAVAWAhgjISCyZc=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/rrthomas/lrexlib";
description = "Regular expression library binding (GNU flavour).";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lrexlib-pcre = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lrexlib-pcre";
version = "2.9.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lrexlib-pcre-2.9.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1214ssm6apgprryqvijjjn82ikb27ylq94yijqf7qjyiy6pz7dc1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "rrthomas";
repo = "lrexlib";
rev = "rel-2-9-2";
hash = "sha256-DzNDve+xeKb+kAcW+o7GK/RsoDhaDAVAWAhgjISCyZc=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/rrthomas/lrexlib";
description = "Regular expression library binding (PCRE flavour).";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vyp ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lrexlib-posix = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lrexlib-posix";
version = "2.9.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lrexlib-posix-2.9.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1i11cdvz09a3wjhfjgc88g0mdmdrk13fnhhgskzgm5cmhsdx4s0i";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "rrthomas";
repo = "lrexlib";
rev = "rel-2-9-2";
hash = "sha256-DzNDve+xeKb+kAcW+o7GK/RsoDhaDAVAWAhgjISCyZc=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/rrthomas/lrexlib";
description = "Regular expression library binding (POSIX flavour).";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lsp-progress-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lsp-progress.nvim";
version = "1.0.13-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lsp-progress.nvim-1.0.13-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "13h0kyrri0bvhkzvyngamsacx62n2dhb2j2gs495z4ghyh1p345i";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/linrongbin16/lsp-progress.nvim/archive/d5f4d28efe75ce636bfbe271eb45f39689765aab.zip";
sha256 = "0h63z55gwv36rahhha8vkbxb9n4f8psa265khz719i97j17x39rr";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://linrongbin16.github.io/lsp-progress.nvim/";
description = "A performant lsp progress status for Neovim.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ gepbird ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lua-cjson = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-cjson";
version = "";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-cjson-";
sha256 = "05sp7rq72x4kdkyid1ch0yyscwsi5wk85d2hj6xwssz3h8n8drdg";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "openresty";
repo = "lua-cjson";
rev = "";
hash = "sha256-/SeQro0FaJn91bAGjsVIin+mJF89VUm/G0KyJkV9Qps=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://www.kyne.com.au/~mark/software/lua-cjson.php";
description = "A fast JSON encoding/parsing module";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lua-cmsgpack = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-cmsgpack";
version = "0.4.0-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-cmsgpack-0.4.0-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "10cvr6knx3qvjcw1q9v05f2qy607mai7lbq321nx682aa0n1fzin";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "antirez";
repo = "lua-cmsgpack";
rev = "0.4.0";
hash = "sha256-oGKX5G3uNGCJOaZpjLmIJYuq5HtdLd9xM/TlmxODCkg=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/antirez/lua-cmsgpack";
description = "MessagePack C implementation and bindings for Lua 5.1/5.2/5.3";
license.fullName = "Two-clause BSD";
}) {};
lua-curl = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-curl";
version = "0.3.13-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-curl-0.3.13-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0lz534sm35hxazf1w71hagiyfplhsvzr94i6qyv5chjfabrgbhjn";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/Lua-cURL/Lua-cURLv3/archive/v0.3.13.zip";
sha256 = "0gn59bwrnb2mvl8i0ycr6m3jmlgx86xlr9mwnc85zfhj7zhi5anp";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/Lua-cURL";
description = "Lua binding to libcurl";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lua-ffi-zlib = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-ffi-zlib";
version = "0.6-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-ffi-zlib-0.6-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "060sac715f1ris13fjv6gwqm0lk6by0a2zhldxd8hdrc0jss8p34";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "hamishforbes";
repo = "lua-ffi-zlib";
rev = "v0.6";
hash = "sha256-l3zN6amZ6uUbOl7vt5XF+Uyz0nbDrYgcaQCWRFSN22Q=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/hamishforbes/lua-ffi-zlib";
description = "A Lua module using LuaJIT's FFI feature to access zlib.";
}) {};
lua-iconv = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-iconv";
version = "7.0.0-4";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-iconv-7.0.0-4.rockspec";
sha256 = "0j34zf98wdr6ks6snsrqi00vwm3ngsa5f74kadsn178iw7hd8c3q";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/lua-iconv/archive/v7.0.0/lua-iconv-7.0.0.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0arp0h342hpp4kfdxc69yxspziky4v7c13jbf12yrs8f1lnjzr0x";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/lua-iconv/";
description = "Lua binding to the iconv";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lua-lsp = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, dkjson, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, inspect, lpeglabel, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-lsp";
version = "0.1.0-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-lsp-0.1.0-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "19jsz00qlgbyims6cg8i40la7v8kr7zsxrrr3dg0kdg0i36xqs6c";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "Alloyed";
repo = "lua-lsp";
rev = "v0.1.0";
hash = "sha256-Fy9d6ZS0R48dUpKpgJ9jRujQna5wsE3+StJ8GQyWY54=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ dkjson inspect lpeglabel ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/Alloyed/lua-lsp";
description = "A Language Server implementation for lua, the language";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lua-messagepack = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-messagepack";
version = "0.5.4-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-messagepack-0.5.4-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1jygn6f8ab69z0nn1gib45wvjp075gzxp54vdmgxb3qfar0q70kr";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://framagit.org/fperrad/lua-MessagePack/raw/releases/lua-messagepack-0.5.4.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0kk1n9kf6wip8k2xx4wjlv7647biji2p86v4jf0h6d6wkaypq0kz";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://fperrad.frama.io/lua-MessagePack/";
description = "a pure Lua implementation of the MessagePack serialization format";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lua-protobuf = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-protobuf";
version = "0.5.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-protobuf-0.5.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0vi916qn0rbc2xhlf766vja403hwikkglza879yxm77j4n7ywrqb";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "starwing";
repo = "lua-protobuf";
rev = "0.5.2";
hash = "sha256-8x6FbaSUcwI1HiVvCr/726CgQSUxkUWqTNJH9pRLbJ0=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/starwing/lua-protobuf";
description = "protobuf data support for Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ lockejan ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lua-resty-http = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-resty-http";
version = "0.17.2-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-resty-http-0.17.2-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "10swbq779d1q794d17269v0ln26hblsk7kvxj9s60rx71skzql6s";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ledgetech";
repo = "lua-resty-http";
rev = "v0.17.2";
hash = "sha256-Ph3PpzQYKYMvPvjYwx4TeZ9RYoryMsO6mLpkAq/qlHY=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/ledgetech/lua-resty-http";
description = "Lua HTTP client cosocket driver for OpenResty / ngx_lua.";
license.fullName = "2-clause BSD";
}) {};
lua-resty-jwt = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lua-resty-openssl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-resty-jwt";
version = "0.2.3-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-resty-jwt-0.2.3-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "1fxdwfr4pna3fdfm85kin97n53caq73h807wjb59wpqiynbqzc8c";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "cdbattags";
repo = "lua-resty-jwt";
rev = "v0.2.3";
hash = "sha256-m8UbvKk2DR8yCYX9Uv5HjXcZDVyVeRlUKp7UiaN/SkA=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lua-resty-openssl ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/cdbattags/lua-resty-jwt";
description = "JWT for ngx_lua and LuaJIT.";
license.fullName = "Apache License Version 2";
}) {};
lua-resty-openidc = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lua-resty-http, lua-resty-jwt, lua-resty-session, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-resty-openidc";
version = "1.8.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-resty-openidc-1.8.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0jgajhn45nybhi7z15bg957kznzqcjzxc8nrzmgyignkwp4yi1qk";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "zmartzone";
repo = "lua-resty-openidc";
rev = "v1.8.0";
hash = "sha256-LSkNWebMF1L1a66QszugAxcHsW5o9uxQZHWituFFgJs=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lua-resty-http lua-resty-jwt lua-resty-session ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/zmartzone/lua-resty-openidc";
description = "A library for NGINX implementing the OpenID Connect Relying Party (RP) and the OAuth 2.0 Resource Server (RS) functionality";
license.fullName = "Apache 2.0";
}) {};
lua-resty-openssl = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-resty-openssl";
version = "1.5.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-resty-openssl-1.5.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1xqwsh3r9dmasc46c3dwili7g9p427yh7xdvcpiz7pr25y35saps";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "fffonion";
repo = "lua-resty-openssl";
rev = "1.5.1";
hash = "sha256-wkc/9t2jXM2yPEd9ozAMcNe3WsS3MbN01OQ/9sI37Eg=";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/fffonion/lua-resty-openssl";
description = "No summary";
license.fullName = "BSD";
}) {};
lua-resty-session = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lua-ffi-zlib, lua-resty-openssl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-resty-session";
version = "4.0.5-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-resty-session-4.0.5-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0h0kqwna46mrraq310qjb7yigxwv13n4czk24xnqr21czxsskzkg";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "bungle";
repo = "lua-resty-session";
rev = "v4.0.5";
hash = "sha256-n0m6/4JnUPoidM7oWKd+ZyNbb/X/h8w21ptCrFaA8SI=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lua-ffi-zlib lua-resty-openssl ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/bungle/lua-resty-session";
description = "Session Library for OpenResty - Flexible and Secure";
license.fullName = "BSD";
}) {};
lua-rtoml = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, luaOlder, luarocks-build-rust-mlua }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-rtoml";
version = "0.2-0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lblasc";
repo = "lua-rtoml";
rev = "c83f56b9519d85968d663308e303f384c55c7b18";
hash = "sha256-PRoaUQSSvzl9VFK+aGHbJqCW37AsO+oFXNYgM0OdIoY=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luarocks-build-rust-mlua ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/lblasc/lua-rtoml";
description = "Lua bindings for the Rust toml crate.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ lblasc ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lua-subprocess = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "subprocess";
version = "scm-1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "0x0ade";
repo = "lua-subprocess";
rev = "bfa8e97da774141f301cfd1106dca53a30a4de54";
hash = "sha256-4LiYWB3PAQ/s33Yj/gwC+Ef1vGe5FedWexeCBVSDIV0=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/xlq/lua-subprocess";
description = "A Lua module written in C that allows you to create child processes and communicate with them.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ scoder12 ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lua-term = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-term";
version = "0.8-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-term-0.8-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1728lj3x8shc5m1yczrl75szq15rnfpzk36n0m49181ly9wxn7s0";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-term/archive/0.08.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1vfdg5dzqdi3gn6wpc9a3djhsl6fn2ikqdwr8rrqrnd91qwlzycg";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-term";
description = "Terminal functions for Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lua-toml = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-toml";
version = "2.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-toml-2.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0zd3hrj1ifq89rjby3yn9y96vk20ablljvqdap981navzlbb7zvq";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "jonstoler";
repo = "lua-toml";
rev = "v2.0.1";
hash = "sha256-6wCo06Ulmx6HVN2bTrklPqgGiEhDZ1fUfusdS/SDdFI=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/jonstoler/lua-toml";
description = "toml decoder/encoder for Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lua-utils-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-utils.nvim";
version = "1.0.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-utils.nvim-1.0.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0s11j4vd26haz72rb0c5m5h953292rh8r62mvlxbss6i69v2dkr9";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorg/lua-utils.nvim/archive/v1.0.2.zip";
sha256 = "0bnl2kvxs55l8cjhfpa834bm010n8r4gmsmivjcp548c076msagn";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorg/lua-utils.nvim";
description = "A set of utility functions for Neovim plugins.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lua-yajl = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-yajl";
version = "2.1-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-yajl-2.1-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "02jlgd4583p3q4w6hjgmdfkasxhamaj58byyrbmnch0qii61in9r";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "brimworks";
repo = "lua-yajl";
rev = "v2.1";
hash = "sha256-zHBNedJkGEm47HpbeJvcm6JNUUfA1OunLHPJulR8rF8=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/brimworks/lua-yajl";
description = "Integrate the yajl JSON library with Lua.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ pstn ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lua-zlib = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua-zlib";
version = "1.2-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua-zlib-1.2-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "1ycjy59w6rkhasqqbiyra0f1sj87fswcz25zwxy4gyv7rrwy5hxd";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "brimworks";
repo = "lua-zlib";
rev = "v1.2";
hash = "sha256-3gDYO4KcGUmcJFV22NDXWrFDwHNmPvMp++iXrz+QbC0=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/brimworks/lua-zlib";
description = "Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ koral ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lua_cliargs = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lua_cliargs";
version = "3.0.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lua_cliargs-3.0.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1gp3n9ipaqdk59ilqx1ci5faxmx4dh9sgg3279jb8yfa7wg5b8pf";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "lua_cliargs";
rev = "v3.0.2";
hash = "sha256-wL3qBQ8Lu3q8DK2Kaeo1dgzIHd8evaxFYJg47CcQiSg=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/lua_cliargs.git";
description = "A command-line argument parsing module for Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luabitop = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luabitop";
version = "1.0.2-3";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "teto";
repo = "luabitop";
rev = "96f0a3d73ae5183d0a81bc2f29326eaa06becbfd";
hash = "sha256-PrM8ncb3TaqgVhFdRa+rUsJ5WuIzS4/DRqVqj8tCaeg=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.3";
meta = {
homepage = "http://bitop.luajit.org/";
description = "Lua Bit Operations Module";
license.fullName = "MIT/X license";
}) {};
luacheck = callPackage({ argparse, buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder, luafilesystem }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luacheck";
version = "1.2.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luacheck-1.2.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0jnmrppq5hp8cwiw1daa33cdn8y2n5lsjk8vzn7ixb20ddz01m6c";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "luacheck";
rev = "v1.2.0";
hash = "sha256-6aDXZRLq2c36dbasyVzcecQKoMvY81RIGYasdF211UY=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ argparse luafilesystem ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/luacheck";
description = "A static analyzer and a linter for Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luacov = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luacov";
version = "0.15.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luacov-0.15.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "18byfl23c73pazi60hsx0vd74hqq80mzixab76j36cyn8k4ni9db";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "keplerproject";
repo = "luacov";
rev = "v0.15.0";
hash = "sha256-cZrsxQyW5Z13cguTzsdJyIMATJUw6GasLItho6wFpSA=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "https://keplerproject.github.io/luacov/";
description = "Coverage analysis tool for Lua scripts";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luadbi = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luadbi";
version = "0.7.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luadbi-0.7.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0lyiwyg6qnnj7d5rxim6b9p68nbszmwhg57xjlvalbcgwgipk1ns";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mwild1";
repo = "luadbi";
rev = "v0.7.3";
hash = "sha256-L2i/e44HvPRhGKH4pUE/6QzO8pHYymHdj2SpHf6YO/I=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mwild1/luadbi";
description = "Database abstraction layer";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luadbi-mysql = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder, luadbi }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luadbi-mysql";
version = "0.7.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luadbi-mysql-0.7.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1x0pl6qpdi4vmhxs2076kkxmikbv0asndh8lp34r47lym37hcrr3";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mwild1";
repo = "luadbi";
rev = "v0.7.3";
hash = "sha256-L2i/e44HvPRhGKH4pUE/6QzO8pHYymHdj2SpHf6YO/I=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luadbi ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mwild1/luadbi";
description = "Database abstraction layer";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luadbi-postgresql = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder, luadbi }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luadbi-postgresql";
version = "0.7.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luadbi-postgresql-0.7.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1bnjsgk7cl6wmfhmn8b0av49yabf8flhdi1jhczksvvpf32p77bw";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mwild1";
repo = "luadbi";
rev = "v0.7.3";
hash = "sha256-L2i/e44HvPRhGKH4pUE/6QzO8pHYymHdj2SpHf6YO/I=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luadbi ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mwild1/luadbi";
description = "Database abstraction layer";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luadbi-sqlite3 = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder, luadbi }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luadbi-sqlite3";
version = "0.7.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luadbi-sqlite3-0.7.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0ppkk1jkxw2fhc4x26h7h2bks51shl3am552phn7all5h3k7h3by";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mwild1";
repo = "luadbi";
rev = "v0.7.3";
hash = "sha256-L2i/e44HvPRhGKH4pUE/6QzO8pHYymHdj2SpHf6YO/I=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luadbi ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mwild1/luadbi";
description = "Database abstraction layer";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luaepnf = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lpeg, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luaepnf";
version = "0.3-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luaepnf-0.3-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "0kqmnj11wmfpc9mz04zzq8ab4mnbkrhcgc525wrq6pgl3p5li8aa";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "siffiejoe";
repo = "lua-luaepnf";
rev = "v0.3";
hash = "sha256-iZksr6Ljy94D0VO4xSRO9s/VgcURvCfDMX9DOt2IetM=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lpeg ];
meta = {
homepage = "http://siffiejoe.github.io/lua-luaepnf/";
description = "Extended PEG Notation Format (easy grammars for LPeg)";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luaevent = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luaevent";
version = "0.4.6-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luaevent-0.4.6-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "03zixadhx4a7nh67n0sm6sy97c8i9va1a78hibhrl7cfbqc2zc7f";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/harningt/luaevent/archive/v0.4.6.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0pbh315d3p7hxgzmbhphkcldxv2dadbka96131b8j5914nxvl4nx";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/harningt/luaevent";
description = "libevent binding for Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luaexpat = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luaexpat";
version = "1.4.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luaexpat-1.4.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1abwd385x7wnza7qqz5s4aj6m2l1c23pjmbgnpq73q0s17pn1h0c";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "luaexpat";
rev = "1.4.1";
hash = "sha256-SnI+a7555R/EFFdnrvJohP6uzwQiMNQPqgp0jxAI178=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://lunarmodules.github.io/luaexpat";
description = "XML Expat parsing";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ arobyn flosse ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luaffi = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luaffi";
version = "scm-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luaffi-scm-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1nia0g4n1yv1sbv5np572y8yfai56a8bnscir807s5kj5bs0xhxm";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "facebook";
repo = "luaffifb";
rev = "a1cb731b08c91643b0665935eb5622b3d621211b";
hash = "sha256-wRjAtEEy8KSlIoi/IIutL73Vbm1r+zKs26dEP7gzR1o=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/facebook/luaffifb";
description = "FFI library for calling C functions from lua";
license.fullName = "BSD";
}) {};
luafilesystem = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luafilesystem";
version = "1.8.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luafilesystem-1.8.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "18nkaks0b75dmycljg5vljap5w8d0ysdkg96yl5szgzr7nzrymfa";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "keplerproject";
repo = "luafilesystem";
rev = "v1_8_0";
hash = "sha256-pEA+Z1pkykWLTT6NHQ5lo8roOh2P0fiHtnK+byTkF5o=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/keplerproject/luafilesystem";
description = "File System Library for the Lua Programming Language";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ flosse ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lualdap = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lualdap";
version = "1.4.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lualdap-1.4.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0n924gxm6ccr9hjk4bi5z70vgh7g75dl7293pab41a2qcrlsj9nk";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lualdap";
repo = "lualdap";
rev = "v1.4.0";
hash = "sha256-u91T7RlRa87CbYXZLhrzcpVvZWsCnQObmbS86kfsAHc=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://lualdap.github.io/lualdap/";
description = "A Lua interface to the OpenLDAP library";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ aanderse ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lualogging = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luasocket }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lualogging";
version = "1.8.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lualogging-1.8.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "164c4xgwkv2ya8fbb22wm48ywc4gx939b574r6bgl8zqayffdqmx";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "lualogging";
rev = "v1.8.2";
hash = "sha256-RIblf2C9H6Iajzc9aqnvrK4xq8FAHq9InTO6m3aM5dc=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luasocket ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/lualogging";
description = "A simple API to use logging features";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luaossl = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luaossl";
version = "20220711-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luaossl-20220711-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "0b68kvfz587ilmb5c1p7920kysg9q4m4fl4cz4d93jl3270mzh8y";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/wahern/luaossl/archive/rel-20220711.zip";
sha256 = "1a9pgmc6fbhgh1m9ksz9fq057yzz46npqgakcsy9vngg47xacfdb";
meta = {
homepage = "http://25thandclement.com/~william/projects/luaossl.html";
description = "Most comprehensive OpenSSL module in the Lua universe.";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luaposix = callPackage({ bit32, buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luaposix";
version = "34.1.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luaposix-34.1.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0hx6my54axjcb3bklr991wji374qq6mwa3ily6dvb72vi2534nwz";
src = fetchzip {
url = "http://github.com/luaposix/luaposix/archive/v34.1.1.zip";
sha256 = "0863r8c69yx92lalj174qdhavqmcs2cdimjim6k55qj9yn78v9zl";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ bit32 ];
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/luaposix/luaposix/";
description = "Lua bindings for POSIX";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vyp lblasc ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luaprompt = callPackage({ argparse, buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luaprompt";
version = "0.9-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luaprompt-0.9-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0bh4fpfrqbg9bappnrfr6blvl3lzc99plq7jac67mhph1bjki7rk";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "dpapavas";
repo = "luaprompt";
rev = "v0.9";
hash = "sha256-S6bzlIY1KlMK3wy01wGuRujGFgPxcNWmCaISQ87EBGs=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ argparse ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/dpapavas/luaprompt";
description = "A Lua command prompt with pretty-printing and auto-completion";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ Freed-Wu ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luarepl = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luarepl";
version = "0.10-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luarepl-0.10-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "12zdljfs4wg55mj7a38iwg7p5i1pmc934v9qlpi61sw4brp6x8d3";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl/archive/0.10.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0wv37h9w6y5pgr39m7yxbf8imkwvaila6rnwjcp0xsxl5c1rzfjm";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/hoelzro/lua-repl";
description = "A reusable REPL component for Lua, written in Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luarocks = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luarocks";
version = "3.11.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luarocks-3.11.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0xg0siza8nlnnkaarmw73q12qx3frlfbysd5ipmxxi1d7yc38bbn";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "luarocks";
repo = "luarocks";
rev = "v3.11.1";
hash = "sha256-GglygI8HP+aDFEuucOkjQ2Pgfv4+jW+og+2vL3KoZCQ=";
meta = {
homepage = "http://www.luarocks.org";
description = "A package manager for Lua modules.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb teto ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luarocks-build-rust-mlua = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luarocks-build-rust-mlua";
version = "0.2.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luarocks-build-rust-mlua-0.2.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0vkbl2xcjjpi5gn7v2fr7nyyd7fg91zknrgm61cz91mwp4x5i3pf";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mlua-rs";
repo = "luarocks-build-rust-mlua";
rev = "0.2.3";
hash = "sha256-SktU54lLaa9x6ntsyeaomsvCQJOtkJhIK/q5uDDFHqY=";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mlua-rs/luarocks-build-rust-mlua";
description = "A LuaRocks build backend for Lua modules written in Rust using mlua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luarocks-build-treesitter-parser = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, luafilesystem }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luarocks-build-treesitter-parser";
version = "5.0.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-5.0.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "037rap1aar6xx25xgnlknkkszarkbflpdfp1jaasq5py397gc61a";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/luarocks-build-treesitter-parser/archive/v5.0.2.zip";
sha256 = "03f17sljq1f7nqrdjn94p9p2j67bs5si2nl0xlv1njj326rby324";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luafilesystem ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/luarocks-build-treesitter-parser";
description = "A luarocks build backend for tree-sitter parsers.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-cpp = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, luafilesystem }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-cpp";
version = "2.0.4-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-cpp-2.0.4-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0hrqy1s9c1naad43bri4icf5y139h5wk52yv4f0dxbvsfqbf8isb";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-cpp/archive/v2.0.4.zip";
sha256 = "0r7mvc1f7wgmb4xgknmr38cv35chwdyxmj1fxw4xsdjrvb1qyvi6";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luafilesystem ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-cpp";
description = "A luarocks build backend for tree-sitter parsers written in C++.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luasec = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder, luasocket }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luasec";
version = "1.3.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luasec-1.3.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "09nqs60cmbq1bi70cdh7v5xjnlsm2mrxv9pmbbvczijvz184jh33";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "brunoos";
repo = "luasec";
rev = "v1.3.2";
hash = "sha256-o3uiZQnn/ID1qAgpZAqA4R3fWWk+Ajcgx++iNu1yLWc=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luasocket ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/brunoos/luasec/wiki";
description = "A binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication over LuaSocket.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ flosse ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luasnip = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, jsregexp, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luasnip";
version = "2.3.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luasnip-2.3.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "022srpvwwbms8i97mdhkwq0yg0pfjm7a6673iyf7cr1xj15pq23v";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/L3MON4D3/LuaSnip/archive/v2.3.0.zip";
sha256 = "0bbackpym8k11gm32iwwzqjnqanpralanfjkl4lrs33xl7lsylqk";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ jsregexp ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/L3MON4D3/LuaSnip";
description = "Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua.";
license.fullName = "Apache-2.0";
}) {};
luasocket = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luasocket";
version = "3.1.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luasocket-3.1.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0wg9735cyz2gj7r9za8yi83w765g0f4pahnny7h0pdpx58pgfx4r";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "luasocket";
rev = "v3.1.0";
hash = "sha256-sKSzCrQpS+9reN9IZ4wkh4dB50wiIfA87xN4u1lyHo4=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/luasocket";
description = "Network support for the Lua language";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luasql-sqlite3 = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luasql-sqlite3";
version = "2.6.1-3";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luasql-sqlite3-2.6.1-3.rockspec";
sha256 = "1qf8cx4cmsngwp65ksdsf5dsv6yhb4qwdrd2lkpyqaq6p55jfkyb";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "luasql";
rev = "2.6.0";
hash = "sha256-bRddE9K9f6TFBD2nY5kkS0BzXilfUP7Z358QLPfna+I=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://lunarmodules.github.io/luasql/";
description = "Database connectivity for Lua (SQLite3 driver)";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vyp ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luassert = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder, say }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luassert";
version = "1.9.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luassert-1.9.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1bkzr03190p33lprgy51nl84aq082fyc3f7s3wkk7zlay4byycxd";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "luassert";
rev = "v1.9.0";
hash = "sha256-jjdB95Vr5iVsh5T7E84WwZMW6/5H2k2R/ny2VBs2l3I=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ say ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://lunarmodules.github.io/busted/";
description = "Lua assertions extension";
license.fullName = "MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>";
}) {};
luasystem = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luasystem";
version = "0.4.4-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luasystem-0.4.4-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0gk489qwxfvc5qwmj9fgwi60qnjnqasc665bg8iiggapdwcl5ny4";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "luasystem";
rev = "v0.4.4";
hash = "sha256-Lxp3o94QxtsgBMilKBG21mFneh0ux7wRKDyPwMTDDUA=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/luasystem";
description = "Platform independent system calls for Lua.";
license.fullName = "MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>";
}) {};
luatext = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luatext";
version = "1.2.1-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luatext-1.2.1-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "12ia4ibihd537mjmvdasnwgkinaygqwk03bsj3s0qrfhy6yz84ka";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "f4z3r";
repo = "luatext";
rev = "v1.2.1";
hash = "sha256-StxCmjSSy3ok0hNkKTQyq4yS1LfX980R5pULCUjLPek=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/f4z3r/luatext/tree/main";
description = "A small library to print colored text";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luaunbound = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luaunbound";
version = "1.0.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luaunbound-1.0.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1zlkibdwrj5p97nhs33cz8xx0323z3kiq5x7v0h3i7v6j0h8ppvn";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://code.zash.se/dl/luaunbound/luaunbound-1.0.0.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1lsh0ylp5xskygxl5qdv6mhkm1x8xp0vfd5prk5hxkr19jk5mr3d";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "https://www.zash.se/luaunbound.html";
description = "A binding to libunbound";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luaunit = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luaunit";
version = "3.4-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luaunit-3.4-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "111435fa8p2819vcvg76qmknj0wqk01gy9d1nh55c36616xnj54n";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/bluebird75/luaunit/releases/download/LUAUNIT_V3_4/rock-luaunit-3.4.zip";
sha256 = "0qf07y3229lq3qq1mfkv83gzbc7dgyr67hysqjb5bbk333flv56r";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/bluebird75/luaunit";
description = "A unit testing framework for Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ lockejan ];
license.fullName = "BSD";
}) {};
luautf8 = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luautf8";
version = "0.1.5-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luautf8-0.1.5-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "0v788kk1aj7r70w9fgjlp3qrpjbpa9z9l1m7d13csk0pgfkm5iqz";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/starwing/luautf8/archive/refs/tags/0.1.5.tar.gz";
sha256 = "077ji840wfmy7hq0y13l01dv6jhasznykf89gk9m672jhz6dxggl";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/starwing/luautf8";
description = "A UTF-8 support module for Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ pstn ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
luazip = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luazip";
version = "1.2.7-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luazip-1.2.7-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1wxy3p2ksaq4s8lg925mi9cvbh875gsapgkzm323dr8qaxxg7mba";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mpeterv";
repo = "luazip";
rev = "1.2.7";
hash = "sha256-pAuXdvF2hM3ApvOg5nn9EHTGlajujHMtHEoN3Sj+mMo=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mpeterv/luazip";
description = "Library for reading files inside zip files";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
lush-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lush.nvim";
version = "scm-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lush.nvim-scm-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0ivir5p3mmv051pyya2hj1yrnflrv8bp38dx033i3kzfbpyg23ca";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "rktjmp";
repo = "lush.nvim";
rev = "45a79ec4acb5af783a6a29673a999ce37f00497e";
hash = "sha256-meUCXjJ9kHOOpRd4TR2dc7Ai97zOQX35hYFEDZseiSk=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/rktjmp/lush.nvim";
description = "Define Neovim themes as a DSL in lua, with real-time feedback.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ teto ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
luuid = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luuid";
version = "20120509-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luuid-20120509-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "1q2fv25wfbiqn49mqv26gs4pyllch311akcf7jjn27l5ik8ji5b6";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/5.2/luuid.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1bfkj613d05yps3fivmz0j1bxf2zkg9g1yl0ifffgw0vy00hpnvm";
disabled = luaOlder "5.2" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
meta = {
homepage = "http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/#luuid";
description = "A library for UUID generation";
license.fullName = "Public domain";
}) {};
luv = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, cmake, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "luv";
version = "1.48.0-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/luv-1.48.0-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "0353bjn9z90a1hd7rksdfrd9fbdd31hbvdaxr1fb0fh0bc1cpy94";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/luvit/luv/releases/download/1.48.0-2/luv-1.48.0-2.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0yivq14dw0vjyl8ibrgdgrj9fbhjyy4yf3m4jc15bxmlxggisfic";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/luvit/luv";
description = "Bare libuv bindings for lua";
license.fullName = "Apache 2.0";
}) {};
lyaml = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lyaml";
version = "6.2.8-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lyaml-6.2.8-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0d0h70kjl5fkq589y1sx8qy8as002dhcf88pf60pghvch002ryi1";
src = fetchzip {
url = "http://github.com/gvvaughan/lyaml/archive/v6.2.8.zip";
sha256 = "0r3jjsd8x2fs1aanki0s1mvpznl16f32c1qfgmicy0icgy5xfch0";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/gvvaughan/lyaml";
description = "libYAML binding for Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ lblasc ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
lz-n = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lz.n";
version = "2.9.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lz.n-2.9.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0x2xgmgxj9zvpa9x57981j3g21wm3zsylpwidk0wsbln7nag6b92";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/lz.n/archive/v2.9.1.zip";
sha256 = "1xk4m8i61aiwcd9k5xp3wpn3frxkkjy5fk2921qkma1vsadd83yk";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/lz.n";
description = "🦥 A dead simple lazy-loading Lua library for Neovim plugins.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "GPL-2+";
}) {};
lze = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lze";
version = "0.4.4-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lze-0.4.4-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1qky68bg003d0n57pfb04l4q5sxbwp54kpbwdrwln6qnwbb93fcy";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/BirdeeHub/lze/archive/v0.4.4.zip";
sha256 = "18g865sii3k09dk7ynhy37m27br3lwy003zl1x0fgqpnqd47114j";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/BirdeeHub/lze";
description = "A lazy-loading library for neovim, inspired by, but different from, nvim-neorocks/lz.n";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ birdee ];
license.fullName = "GPL-2+";
}) {};
lzn-auto-require = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, lz-n }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "lzn-auto-require";
version = "0.1.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/lzn-auto-require-0.1.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "01yx40yvj6msh42cyj3vbmi3phdpiqafr0qv12yfj7garhxjidd3";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/horriblename/lzn-auto-require/archive/v0.1.0.zip";
sha256 = "0hkpyqw1cybrwarvxanf2drz2cbxkh77yz2qq4akhzyvidmn7ny0";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lz-n ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/horriblename/lzn-auto-require";
description = "Auto load optional plugins via lua modules with lz.n";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "GPL-2.0";
}) {};
magick = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lua }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "magick";
version = "1.6.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/magick-1.6.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1pg150xsxnqvlhxpiy17s9hm4dkc84v46mlwi9rhriynqz8qks9w";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "leafo";
repo = "magick";
rev = "v1.6.0";
hash = "sha256-gda+vLrWyMQ553jVCIRl1qYTS/rXsGhxrBsrJyI8EN4=";
disabled = lua.luaversion != "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/leafo/magick.git";
description = "Lua bindings to ImageMagick & GraphicsMagick for LuaJIT using FFI";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ donovanglover ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
markdown = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "markdown";
version = "0.33-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/markdown-0.33-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "02sixijfi6av8h59kx3ngrhygjn2sx1c85c0qfy20gxiz72wi1pl";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mpeterv";
repo = "markdown";
rev = "0.33";
hash = "sha256-PgRGiSwDODSyNSgeN7kNOCZwjLbGf1Qts/jrfLGYKwU=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mpeterv/markdown";
description = "Markdown text-to-html markup system.";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
mediator_lua = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "mediator_lua";
version = "1.1.2-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/mediator_lua-1.1.2-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "0frzvf7i256260a1s8xh92crwa2m42972qxfq29zl05aw3pyn7bm";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/Olivine-Labs/mediator_lua/archive/v1.1.2-0.tar.gz";
sha256 = "16zzzhiy3y35v8advmlkzpryzxv5vji7727vwkly86q8sagqbxgs";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://olivinelabs.com/mediator_lua/";
description = "Event handling through channels";
license.fullName = "MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>";
}) {};
middleclass = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "middleclass";
version = "4.1.1-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/middleclass-4.1.1-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "10xzs48lr1dy7cx99581r956gl16px0a9gbdlfar41n19r96mhb1";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/kikito/middleclass/archive/v4.1.1.tar.gz";
sha256 = "11ahv0b9wgqfnabv57rb7ilsvn2vcvxb1czq6faqrsqylvr5l7nh";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/kikito/middleclass";
description = "A simple OOP library for Lua";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
mimetypes = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "mimetypes";
version = "1.0.0-3";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/mimetypes-1.0.0-3.rockspec";
sha256 = "02f5x5pkz6fba71mp031arrgmddsyivn5fsa0pj3q3a7nxxpmnq9";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/lunarmodules/lua-mimetypes/archive/v1.0.0/lua-mimetypes-1.0.0.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1rc5lnzvw4cg8wxn4w4sar2xgf5vaivdd2hgpxxcqfzzcmblg1zk";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github/lunarmodules/lua-mimetypes/";
description = "A simple library for looking up the MIME types of files.";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
moonscript = callPackage({ argparse, buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, lpeg, luaOlder, luafilesystem }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "moonscript";
version = "dev-1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "leafo";
repo = "moonscript";
rev = "d5341c9093c49d3724072b209cde28b5cb0f47c9";
hash = "sha256-sVMhqCzGhfEGoFueVINx9hnnE5vNN61S6t3CXGBnxcA=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ argparse lpeg luafilesystem ];
meta = {
homepage = "http://moonscript.org";
description = "A programmer friendly language that compiles to Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ arobyn ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
mpack = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "mpack";
version = "1.0.12-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/mpack-1.0.12-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "01jr8vvkqdvadr5kpgsd17gjyz729hbd609qsm682ylggabgqsyy";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/libmpack/libmpack-lua/releases/download/1.0.12/libmpack-lua-1.0.12.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1gzqks9cq3krd9rs3dq9jm1m23pjpqjv9ymkxj9gbyjcy6qn5dh6";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/libmpack/libmpack-lua";
description = "Lua binding to libmpack";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
neorg = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, lua-utils-nvim, luaOlder, nui-nvim, nvim-nio, pathlib-nvim, plenary-nvim }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "neorg";
version = "9.1.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/neorg-9.1.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0zafy1hkrvh41vlx1g4rqlcvc4x9pi8dcji30qi0b8lj45pldyr3";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg/archive/v9.1.1.zip";
sha256 = "18lk22lfzwwn4hy2s035g3kslqmvrr28lm5w9k3dazqwj5nlka3z";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lua-utils-nvim nui-nvim nvim-nio pathlib-nvim plenary-nvim ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg";
description = "Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ GaetanLepage ];
license.fullName = "GPL-3.0";
}) {};
neotest = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, nvim-nio, plenary-nvim }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "neotest";
version = "5.6.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/neotest-5.6.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "08r740v4yxhjxrh3xcbi9974d28h786lkbzff6x0bixdsvnysdwy";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neotest/neotest/archive/6d3d22cdad49999ef774ebe1bc250a4994038964.zip";
sha256 = "10zac93v1i9iqbwwy4hb1q4wmwxg1nf9dmlywx6qmlkq0scnqg80";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ nvim-nio plenary-nvim ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neotest/neotest";
description = "An extensible framework for interacting with tests within NeoVim.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
nlua = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "nlua";
version = "0.2.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/nlua-0.2.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "15d8gmlf0kr31p1nlj9skliq8yfk3k24w0df6jxlxqnmb8nkxk04";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/mfussenegger/nlua/archive/v0.2.0.zip";
sha256 = "09fxryslz9qwyzsvy0sc67irjikcg8cngl5d6g56prqixr3bsxpy";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mfussenegger/nlua";
description = "Neovim as Lua interpreter";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ teto ];
license.fullName = "GPL-3.0";
}) {};
nui-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "nui.nvim";
version = "0.3.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/nui.nvim-0.3.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0ng75wzbc0bn4zgwqk7dx5hazybfqxpjfzp7k2syh7kajmsy8z8b";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "MunifTanjim";
repo = "nui.nvim";
rev = "0.3.0";
hash = "sha256-L0ebXtv794357HOAgT17xlEJsmpqIHGqGlYfDB20WTo=";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/MunifTanjim/nui.nvim";
description = "UI Component Library for Neovim.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
nvim-cmp = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "nvim-cmp";
version = "scm-1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "hrsh7th";
repo = "nvim-cmp";
rev = "29fb4854573355792df9e156cb779f0d31308796";
hash = "sha256-dAsXxv1RtgMc1i5QrR2xqOeK6aRgYNqdYyTXVBXhVJ4=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp";
description = "A completion plugin for neovim";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
nvim-nio = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "nvim-nio";
version = "1.10.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/nvim-nio-1.10.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1dkspn96vvk38l809c7bl2gnjxkj8yj4aj6s5859pz4pxvxzs8p6";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neotest/nvim-nio/archive/a428f309119086dc78dd4b19306d2d67be884eee.zip";
sha256 = "0n40q6znpy1xzywd1hwyivx7y1n0i0fcp3m7jp0vgipm6qssda4b";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neotest/nvim-nio";
description = "A library for asynchronous IO in Neovim";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
pathlib-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, nvim-nio }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "pathlib.nvim";
version = "2.2.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/pathlib.nvim-2.2.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0qwsjcsl6760d8d5k1lxlykh78g6v7xcr9caq3yh75yn76mwrl4i";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/pysan3/pathlib.nvim/archive/v2.2.3.zip";
sha256 = "1z3nwy83r3zbll9wc2wyvg60z0dqc5hm2xdfvqh3hwm5s9w8j432";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ nvim-nio ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://pysan3.github.io/pathlib.nvim/";
description = "OS Independent, ultimate solution to path handling in neovim.";
license.fullName = "MPL-2.0";
}) {};
penlight = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luafilesystem }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "penlight";
version = "1.14.0-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/penlight-1.14.0-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "0gs07q81mkrk9i0hhqvd8nf5vzmv540ch2hiw4rcqg18vbyincq7";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "penlight";
rev = "1.14.0";
hash = "sha256-4zAt0GgQEkg9toaUaDn3ST3RvjLUDsuOzrKi9lhq0fQ=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luafilesystem ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://lunarmodules.github.io/penlight";
description = "Lua utility libraries loosely based on the Python standard libraries";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ alerque ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
plenary-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, luaAtLeast, luaOlder, luassert }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "plenary.nvim";
version = "scm-1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "nvim-lua";
repo = "plenary.nvim";
rev = "2d9b06177a975543726ce5c73fca176cedbffe9d";
hash = "sha256-bmmPekAvuBvLQmrnnX0n+FRBqfVxBsObhxIEkDGAla4=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.4";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luassert ];
meta = {
homepage = "http://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim";
description = "lua functions you don't want to write ";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
psl = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "psl";
version = "0.3-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/psl-0.3-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "1x7sc8n780k67v31bvqqxhh6ihy0k91zmp6xcxmkifr0gd008x9z";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/daurnimator/lua-psl/archive/v0.3.zip";
sha256 = "1x9zskjn6fp9343w9314104128ik4lbk98pg6zfhl1v35107m1jx";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/daurnimator/lua-psl";
description = "Bindings to libpsl, a C library that handles the Public Suffix List (PSL)";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
rapidjson = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, cmake, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "rapidjson";
version = "0.7.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/rapidjson-0.7.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "01lbsn9rckdyx0va7nm9dammic9117kxiawp55yg2h5q3p978d41";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "xpol";
repo = "lua-rapidjson";
rev = "v0.7.1";
hash = "sha256-y/czEVPtCt4uN1n49Qi7BrgZmkG+SDXlM5D2GvvO2qg=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/xpol/lua-rapidjson";
description = "Json module based on the very fast RapidJSON.";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
rest-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, fidget-nvim, luaOlder, mimetypes, nvim-nio, xml2lua }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "rest.nvim";
version = "3.8.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/rest.nvim-3.8.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0xz2h3z1ifydhlyrv2h13s26y2amx1x5xqppd6sq4bcg4zk82qv3";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/rest-nvim/rest.nvim/archive/v3.8.3.zip";
sha256 = "0cjck6c2qpa13rll3n1i0a97kpzlzpmk93nl2c4lvgplc3xp6zkf";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ fidget-nvim mimetypes nvim-nio xml2lua ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/rest-nvim/rest.nvim";
description = "A fast Neovim http client written in Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ teto ];
license.fullName = "GPL-3.0";
}) {};
rocks-config-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, rocks-nvim }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "rocks-config.nvim";
version = "3.0.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/rocks-config.nvim-3.0.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "08jg5v1jnmg0ig395d6lmsdpa2vw8m9w3barvar0s77a7lkxgywg";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rocks-config.nvim/archive/v3.0.0.zip";
sha256 = "16836pxg0bq6f8qj6kn73v75kbwlr533pmv9dal4h53qldqjn9hh";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ rocks-nvim ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rocks-config.nvim";
description = "Allow rocks.nvim to help configure your plugins.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "GPL-3.0";
}) {};
rocks-dev-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, nvim-nio, rocks-nvim, rtp-nvim }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "rocks-dev.nvim";
version = "1.7.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/rocks-dev.nvim-1.7.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0jc8nxxbr7m3vw4lcyxi8wm4w0nz1ml54sbs96z4kj0p6mm9fds6";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rocks-dev.nvim/archive/v1.7.0.zip";
sha256 = "13n9dkv5217qd8dhj54d1rfqp6mx5jir319fmsln47jv83x7micz";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ nvim-nio rocks-nvim rtp-nvim ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rocks-dev.nvim";
description = "A swiss-army knife for testing and developing rocks.nvim modules.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "GPL-3.0";
}) {};
rocks-git-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, nvim-nio, rocks-nvim }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "rocks-git.nvim";
version = "2.5.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/rocks-git.nvim-2.5.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1qxmwl7b21d9cxbai24pg1pymd8pii4bgikkc017qi3dafk7baqk";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rocks-git.nvim/archive/v2.5.0.zip";
sha256 = "1nvq3yhmnab2frfkf5yh6ffq7rqw3rmxsbj0hbm28vg3rr9c2zjw";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ nvim-nio rocks-nvim ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rocks-git.nvim";
description = "Use rocks.nvim to install plugins from git!";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "GPL-3.0";
}) {};
rocks-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, fidget-nvim, fzy, luaOlder, luarocks, nvim-nio, rtp-nvim, toml-edit }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "rocks.nvim";
version = "2.41.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/rocks.nvim-2.41.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1srhz85sfhkzlsy68mvwhdixvwz0awhrn530sny0287zhnrxrilp";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rocks.nvim/archive/v2.41.0.zip";
sha256 = "0j44chcziimqn6jm2ckbwmn97nin0dwhnnrdpm87j754kbqsj21a";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ fidget-nvim fzy luarocks nvim-nio rtp-nvim toml-edit ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rocks.nvim";
description = "🌒 Neovim plugin management inspired by Cargo, powered by luarocks";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "GPL-3.0";
}) {};
rtp-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "rtp.nvim";
version = "1.2.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/rtp.nvim-1.2.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0is9ssi3pwvshm88lnp4hkig4f0ckgl2f3a1axwci89y8lla50iv";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rtp.nvim/archive/v1.2.0.zip";
sha256 = "1b6hx50nr2s2mnhsx9zy54pjdq7f78mi394v2b2c9v687s45nqln";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/rtp.nvim";
description = "Source plugin and ftdetect directories on the Neovim runtimepath.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "GPL-3.0";
}) {};
rustaceanvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "rustaceanvim";
version = "5.13.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/rustaceanvim-5.13.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1r0b3haiix45ngl570dld84h1y36lpw2lc1vsf5z08xms45c5fay";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/mrcjkb/rustaceanvim/archive/v5.13.0.zip";
sha256 = "1prlsh1fl1a3r8fcshmzwbjk3imbxg2z43xl8fwbsginpizl8g09";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mrcjkb/rustaceanvim";
description = "🦀 Supercharge your Rust experience in Neovim! A heavily modified fork of rust-tools.nvim";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "GPL-2.0";
}) {};
say = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "say";
version = "1.4.1-3";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/say-1.4.1-3.rockspec";
sha256 = "0iibmq5m5092y168banckgs15ngj2yjx11n40fyk7jly4pbasljq";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lunarmodules";
repo = "say";
rev = "v1.4.1";
hash = "sha256-IjNkK1leVtYgbEjUqguVMjbdW+0BHAOCE0pazrVuF50=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://lunarmodules.github.io/say";
description = "Lua string hashing/indexing library";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
serpent = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "serpent";
version = "0.30-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/serpent-0.30-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "0v83lr9ars1n0djbh7np8jjqdhhaw0pdy2nkcqzqrhv27rzv494n";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "pkulchenko";
repo = "serpent";
rev = "0.30";
hash = "sha256-aCP/Lk11wdnqXzntgNlyZz1LkLgZApcvDiA//LLzAGE=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/pkulchenko/serpent";
description = "Lua serializer and pretty printer";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ lockejan ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
sqlite = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luv }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "sqlite";
version = "v1.2.2-0";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/sqlite-v1.2.2-0.rockspec";
sha256 = "0jxsl9lpxsbzc6s5bwmh27mglkqz1299lz68vfxayvailwl3xbxm";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "tami5";
repo = "sqlite.lua";
rev = "v1.2.2";
hash = "sha256-NUjZkFawhUD0oI3pDh/XmVwtcYyPqa+TtVbl3k13cTI=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luv ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/tami5/sqlite.lua";
description = "SQLite/LuaJIT binding and a highly opinionated wrapper for storing, retrieving, caching, and persisting [SQLite] databases";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
std-_debug = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "std._debug";
version = "1.0.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/std._debug-1.0.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0mr9hgzfr9v37da9rfys2wjq48hi3lv27i3g38433dlgbxipsbc4";
src = fetchzip {
url = "http://github.com/lua-stdlib/_debug/archive/v1.0.1.zip";
sha256 = "19vfpv389q79vgxwhhr09l6l6hf6h2yjp09zvnp0l07ar4v660pv";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "http://lua-stdlib.github.io/_debug";
description = "Debug Hints Library";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
std-normalize = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaAtLeast, luaOlder, std-_debug }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "std.normalize";
version = "2.0.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/std.normalize-2.0.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1l83ikiaw4dch2r69cxpl93b9d4wf54vbjb6fcggnkxxgm0amj3a";
src = fetchzip {
url = "http://github.com/lua-stdlib/normalize/archive/v2.0.3.zip";
sha256 = "1gyywglxd2y7ck3hk8ap73w0x7hf9irpg6vgs8yc6k9k4c5g3fgi";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ std-_debug ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://lua-stdlib.github.io/normalize";
description = "Normalized Lua Functions";
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
stdlib = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaAtLeast, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "stdlib";
version = "41.2.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/stdlib-41.2.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0rscb4cm8s8bb8fk8rknc269y7bjqpslspsaxgs91i8bvabja6f6";
src = fetchzip {
url = "http://github.com/lua-stdlib/lua-stdlib/archive/release-v41.2.2.zip";
sha256 = "0ry6k0wh4vyar1z68s0qmqzkdkfn9lcznsl8av7x78qz6l16wfw4";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1" || luaAtLeast "5.5";
meta = {
homepage = "http://lua-stdlib.github.io/lua-stdlib";
description = "General Lua Libraries";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vyp ];
license.fullName = "MIT/X11";
}) {};
teal-language-server = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, cyan, dkjson, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luafilesystem }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "teal-language-server";
version = "dev-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/teal-language-server-dev-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "01l44c6bknz7ff9xqgich31hlb0yk4ms5k1hs4rhm3cs95s5vlzc";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "teal-language";
repo = "teal-language-server";
rev = "67b5d7cad60b9df472851a2c61591f2aab97da47";
hash = "sha256-fUuOjJrwpLU1YoJm3yn+X15ioRf4GZoi6323On1W2Io=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ cyan dkjson luafilesystem ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/teal-language/teal-language-server";
description = "A language server for the Teal language";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
telescope-manix = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, telescope-nvim }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "telescope-manix";
version = "1.0.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/telescope-manix-1.0.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0avqlglmki244q3ffnlc358z3pn36ibcqysxrxw7h6qy1zcwm8sr";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/mrcjkb/telescope-manix/archive/1.0.3.zip";
sha256 = "186rbdddpv8q0zcz18lnkarp0grdzxp80189n4zj2mqyzqnw0svj";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ telescope-nvim ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/mrcjkb/telescope-manix";
description = "A telescope.nvim extension for Manix - A fast documentation searcher for Nix";
license.fullName = "GPL-2.0";
}) {};
telescope-nvim = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, lua, plenary-nvim }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "telescope.nvim";
version = "scm-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/telescope.nvim-scm-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "07mjkv1nv9b3ifxk2bbpbhvp0awblyklyz6aaqw418x4gm4q1g35";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "nvim-telescope";
repo = "telescope.nvim";
rev = "37dc9233a473dd6c3f54456ef9994d8f77c80211";
hash = "sha256-zidYSt0WrnATuCpSGGhYuafNpPPN6dJ6hEuCgFytfEk=";
disabled = lua.luaversion != "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ plenary-nvim ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim";
description = "Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.";
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
tiktoken_core = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder, luarocks-build-rust-mlua }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "tiktoken_core";
version = "0.2.2-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/tiktoken_core-0.2.2-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1bx1kj47d6di1iflhccm5p7z2ry5c83f59pqi5jsf1r2h000p4n5";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "gptlang";
repo = "lua-tiktoken";
rev = "v0.2.2";
hash = "sha256-H83kk9dsH/cWBEx2AXQQ82l8sNfhzO864jwDd7vwAQc=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ luarocks-build-rust-mlua ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/gptlang/lua-tiktoken";
description = "An experimental port of OpenAI's Tokenizer to lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ natsukium ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
tl = callPackage({ argparse, buildLuarocksPackage, compat53, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luafilesystem }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "tl";
version = "0.15.3-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/tl-0.15.3-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "15p67r5bjp997pymjq80yn1gyf7r5g2nwkachkwx88100ihblqrc";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "teal-language";
repo = "tl";
rev = "v0.15.3";
hash = "sha256-nkwPYI4uB1rTtcBsZ7TKNPusWXtXViyBDSkiL9UH+Wo=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ argparse compat53 luafilesystem ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/teal-language/tl";
description = "Teal, a typed dialect of Lua";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mephistophiles ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
toml-edit = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luaOlder, luarocks-build-rust-mlua }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "toml-edit";
Squashed 'third_party/nixpkgs/' changes from 76612b17c0ce..dc460ec76cbf
dc460ec76cbf Remove obsolete libXrandr inputs from programs using winit (#354847)
f1b26f503aac nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0 (#352481)
a4761c00db07 smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0 (#354016)
60533322e317 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3 (#354170)
ab599469897c yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47 (#354226)
736b36d5719f niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10 (#355047)
547ac36fb30e spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1 (#354593)
6c3d0282c839 netbird: 0.30.2 -> 0.31.0 (#354756)
fcfcc8e0f43d proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20 (#354849)
2e3b9c403874 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1 (#353939)
c598a008a26b gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2 (#353887)
fcf7e79c02e9 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0 (#354808)
9e9dc89f01d1 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14 (#354763)
3d7216f0da32 nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425 (#312424)
1d4a687f62fc python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1 (#354453)
566bf556282a typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3 (#354980)
9a7641474d1c python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 (#354919)
76e387b03039 python312Packages.{localstack-ext,localstack}: fix build and refactor (#354962)
d056782c98a1 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test (#354988)
1ce8fcbc506b hyprlandPlugins: update plugins (#355037)
43c84259fd1b python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0 (#355007)
8c79491aea4c obsidian: remove white background from icons (#354945)
b3057fce636d niri: add patch for scrolling without mouse config
97ca8ccb1551 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile` (#348166)
f0b14e4fb4be niri: install dinit service files
172f0cee3628 python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 (#355027)
cf81310c69b9 prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20 (#354972)
4d9d042055b6 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0 (#354970)
7514add1990f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354917)
66eab41e34dd python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263 (#354909)
2ec42a007584 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio (#354911)
fa1b67747b3b ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0 (#354912)
918a840f93bf python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1 (#354910)
f5c93dd4908f python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0 (#354918)
9e48e1749f0a python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6 (#354943)
12569c191eb1 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3, move to by-name (#354974)
2049461e5435 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit (#354992)
3f42f0b61e6c linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110 (#355130)
4c3539c70b79 linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110
7ff8d0f160be vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4 (#355129)
7d4246729b44 vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4
e635cf8d9fb5 netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds (#355038)
8feb5e84c9e9 libskk: fix parse error (#355005)
b71ccf87b23c gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true` (#352768)
96e1c83061ff pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval (#352825)
87e380382121 nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1 (#355104)
f257cb5e5ee1 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0, add maintainer rksm (#348297)
b3dc0d06fdad buck2: Add shell completions (#354758)
9d2100929da8 rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1 (#351052)
3f334c14975e scopehal-apps: darwin support (#354815)
f03a58a929b4 roboto-flex: init at 3.200 (#353851)
5c1e2db52711 libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11 (#352703)
f94a3e0cd12e nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1
628110078b5c libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2 (#350821)
db0b0737bfdc obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation (#349326)
b3c4badad7e2 roboto-flex: init at 3.200
5812399690b8 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1 (#351360)
771d3917283d azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0 (#352775)
a8489059c4eb signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps (#354924)
f475d7505046 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests (#353833)
5b27ef3c5495 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2 (#354896)
a0c28de3e7d7 phonemizer: fix build (#354946)
802cb21f2a2a python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject (#354950)
99ad7da9e313 nixosTests.frr: fix node.router.config warning (#354710)
a44589e11da3 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build (#354523)
cb9613de4c67 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354512)
bc1a933e128d evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5 (#355083)
20ee59317101 nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries (#355088)
503b5b4c8cba rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909 (#354931)
dac96aac49af nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries
871087c18d34 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config (#348344)
8c164faef4d4 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering (#352479)
8209b0d9b9b0 netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0 (#354525)
96115f656695 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0 (#354743)
6b5935539883 texlivePackages.xetex: force XeTeX to use fontconfig on Darwin (#354963)
32e064f48c2b evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
1593115346ba piano-rs: init at 0.2.0 (#336405)
a67e90c4928a wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14 (#291723)
5b74eb9b909e scopehal-apps: darwin support
71734a22978f pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval (#355051)
ab58dcfaf4c5 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers (#351744)
95855a90f9d0 aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4 (#355030)
34ed0c9cc1bb scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland (#348427)
ae725bafb39b python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8 (#354925)
eba346ebfead teamspeak3: modernise (#354161)
673033d742b2 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1 (#352448)
8f0c9853d549 pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval
e80622178221 niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10
8aed22ecd71e quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33 and apply patch (#354672)
0198cfb7673a hyprlandPlugins.hyprsplit: 0.44.1 -> 0.45.0
f3f9fcf93c8d hyprlandPlugins.hyprspace: 0-unstable-2024-09-16 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
cbc60c36101f hyprlandPlugins.hyprscroller: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-09
d9e2143b3e56 hyprlandPlugins.hyprgrass: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.2-unstable-2024-10-30
9739ac3afe95 hyprlandPlugins.hyprfocus: 0-unstable-2024-05-30 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-09
7804dcce6c5b hyprlandPlugins.hypr-dynamic-cursors: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-10
7c6c04825999 hyprlandPlugins/hyprland-plugins: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e2b798c525ac hyprlandPlugins.hy3: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e575fc8ffa4b hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0 (#354900)
62d3c4fb592b netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds
0ef26b5dd615 Merge: Linux Hardened Kernel Updates for 2024-11-10 (#355023)
a6f2dfc2572d pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70 (#354954)
91333a0e6dcd team-list: establish java team (#352938)
6b0d4d7f4e8e aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4
3024a6807634 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken (#353672)
fa1ebbeeff0a python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
4fee2cde561f brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123; refactor and nixfmt-rfc-style (#354114)
44bbe5ddad08 nixos/{boinc,guix}: Use exec to start the payload binary of the service (#297526)
9bd781e73301 linux/hardened/patches/6.6: v6.6.59-hardened1 -> v6.6.60-hardened1
3b3ea3ac4b03 linux/hardened/patches/6.11: v6.11.6-hardened1 -> v6.11.7-hardened1
d9b6a745b265 linux/hardened/patches/6.1: v6.1.115-hardened1 -> v6.1.116-hardened1
c367b19a22b7 linux/hardened/patches/5.4: v5.4.284-hardened1 -> v5.4.285-hardened1
fc9089929ad5 linux/hardened/patches/5.15: v5.15.170-hardened1 -> v5.15.171-hardened1
edb9a963e6ea linux/hardened/patches/5.10: v5.10.228-hardened1 -> v5.10.229-hardened1
8db0ec767e6d home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (#355021)
2544da75c5bf home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.dirigera_platform: init at 2.6.4 (#350542)
799b1af3b445 cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated (#353735)
8339db676638 home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
9e1f7a1fc712 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0 (#353684)
6977c6b6c48e piano-rs: init at 0.2.0
e4c62c1fc494 pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70
fd214590b6ac rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909
f5f87e7240f5 dashy-ui: init at 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14 (#349149)
08e65e669ae3 python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0
608a4a6e7042 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module,lomiri.*: Enable qdoc docs (#352601)
f4a76ebd1330 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0 (#354685)
6eafb43ca667 python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75 (#354948)
926dbc8e1c6a jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8 (#352505)
60190159408f gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2
9a333460f50c Merge: postgresql: improve passthru.tests (#352966)
0598c612417e python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 (#352452)
d40ed47baac0 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin; fix source; refactor and modenize (#354973)
d77a2129f3e2 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS (#354063)
4e73fc3d5304 release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels (#262038)
37c3c1a32edf python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0 (#349069)
43544b405735 containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0 (#353113)
3e9874330416 regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02 (#353377)
88b78b3d1881 gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12 (#354521)
83d30478782d python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4 (#354350)
93472981d1ff nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7 (#354452)
886b26bad3d5 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15 (#354462)
b1d782c6fbb9 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0 (#354503)
3e3d0f2c68cf openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4 (#354964)
38ed0b172a2e compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1 (#354858)
c8af02ff2edb kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3 (#354916)
3a92760aa3f9 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13 (#354775)
b6077e3f6067 python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3 (#354801)
84db55f55e00 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47 (#354818)
d932f3609c38 python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354827)
cb0631fce111 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0 (#354838)
1c7bb9a36ff7 jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7 (#354845)
9dcf68f72882 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (#354901)
85a894514e94 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0 (#354985)
77c379fc15b1 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers
aebe24954483 ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10 (#354280)
2b05865a6fa6 glfw3: added vulkan support (#354761)
72d2fc0fe01c python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.12.0 (#354656)
57fa23936966 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test
4b239e8fff18 python3Packages.globus-sdk: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
2b76729d1341 python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0 (#354881)
3bfe9c23d14e clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 (#354882)
67e295df4455 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1 (#354892)
123c88831bff komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1 (#354826)
57fb3a800a9a xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354829)
c9ba25afb896 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3 (#354844)
9d40f67872f2 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3 (#354848)
1d2941554a10 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
45f61aa9a947 python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1 (#354851)
e01ca8d232a0 wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354853)
090349a58995 nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2 (#354856)
a7fcea08bca8 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1
8025d6d17bcd typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3
da9757048d7d buck2: Use stdenvNoCC
982ff0b08e25 buck2: Install completions for bash and zsh
8213a8a557f8 surreal-engine: init at 0-unstable-2024-11-08 (#337069)
6d4ddefd7161 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the dmg (#354846)
494908f0fe86 python312Packages.localstack: fix build and refactor
54394a0c0b71 python312Packages.localstack-ext: fix build and refactor
5b916fd89714 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles` (#353832)
822590d06248 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit
e9c53bdf9a56 nixos/localsend: add package option & allow udp port (#333485)
da404cffefb6 vgmtrans: init at 1.2, libbassmidi: init at (#321129)
551bd11c42de python312Packages.pyftgl: refactor and modenize
beceecb51336 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix source
8618fe6f96b9 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin
9828bad63a49 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3
8f8f60bee8e5 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0
66c47da4338c prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20
88b620a72b65 completely: move to by-name
00cd61f517aa cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1 (#354306)
6cd1dd3dc5e6 vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0 (#335742)
f7911fc460e9 vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54 (#342514)
f69f13279107 vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2 (#350464)
e065e550b153 python3Packages.us: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
ef21cc74e2f1 python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject
925510d32cab vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15 (#353989)
dbb60b6319f3 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15 (#354447)
f696e0dc331c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20 (#354307)
46bbcb7efef5 vgmtrans: init at 1.2
07ca74e13487 teamviewer: add services.teamviewer.package Option + misc improvemens (#346365)
fc94ad90fb0e phonemizer: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
42be8c49fb89 phonemizer: fix build
1531e7712628 typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30 (#354872)
e19b3c8cd386 python312Packages.netifaces2: init at 0.0.22 (#354736)
fc1d56201e17 openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
b306e97ffe30 Libreoffice updates (#354456)
62fa59a63947 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation (#353439)
29ba5b9a2985 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0, move to `by name`, `with lib;` cleanup, RFC format (#354932)
eee079f7e129 xcodes: nix-rfc-format
b45f61402b8a xcodes: with lib; cleanup
7531c8e01dc8 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0
3912015f1d0d python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75
d420f2c9502f maintainers: add llakala (#354625)
757189b3e6b0 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1 (#354817)
214d9423dca6 python312Packages.langgraph: Use correct test directory (#354345)
647624dca6a1 wine-discord-ipc-bridge: unstable-2023-08-09 -> 0.0.3 (#353900)
4c78072d2f27 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.1 (#354168)
3efeb317473e git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4 (#354046)
35305f29a7e3 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next (#352507)
01ddc69668f5 obsidian: remove white background from icons
903f42960df7 fishPlugins.*: fix versions (#354729)
b0b3a70891e6 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present (#354899)
c188d417cf07 python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6
d3cba66b117d python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0 (#354797)
4af121e6ac0f ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0 (#354807)
96e67743abd9 ox: switch to the new darwin sdk pattern
992c80c02e1f ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10
757df4a1b42e xcodes: move to by-name
ae21c33fafab python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8
1bd58487d015 python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
343b0a222530 adolc: modernize; fix clang build (#354642)
27235e1e6da6 python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3
1e6362fe068f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
9d3096074f3e vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0 (#354444)
9e960c976873 python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0
16107665062c dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt (#350053)
b3765ba04029 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (#354459)
012a679db0f8 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0 (#354852)
6ffb12c9f9c3 kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3
27a103786c88 doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init (#351394)
660022ee302b newlib: enable parallel build (#354520)
acf406372cf8 linux_xanmod, linux_xanmod_latest: 2024-11-08 (#354617)
ab244d13144a python312Packages.aiogram: update disabled
bb00b359cce7 ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0
b39ea623743c python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263
4c4420b29b66 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio
b1d0a1aafff5 python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1
465eab85d222 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0, python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.0 (#353963)
85c8b5ba7879 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3 (#354880)
c00d32f28515 beszel: init at 0.6.2 (#345444)
652fd5119056 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
a59e625bb474 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present
f8a4abdc2ed1 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0
e20360e289da leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2 (#354519)
eacbe35bf009 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 (#354574)
72a790c6fc77 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as mainta… (#354794)
de131566b6e4 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1 (#354813)
12fe26865622 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0 (#354726)
176eb0a3d99e doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init
8df19efae58d kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0 (#353577)
f0000fe56d08 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17 (#354586)
09efcc6e4be9 libvirt-glib: relax max stack size limit
f91d2228a0b7 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2
74d1b07edbf2 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1 (#353342)
28f456e3131c GNOME updates 2024-11-05 (#353824)
59ed3fa2c48d scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland
0a0d12f6626d gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
1a4eb8b7a96e libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11
35110b71bd78 azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0
464b1e80245f maintainers: add llakala
d1444b4947b4 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1
08c2eb8e894e nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7
061f86ca2988 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15
ca3eca77cd85 gcsfuse: mark as broken on darwin
64b28c617d26 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1
2ff82ba8deea libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2
8ff9d62e81f6 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1
b49da1f76456 scarab: Remove unused inputs
df10ec72acee mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern (#354735)
b9c73c537391 python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin (#354667)
ae7f0eebdb3b python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354592)
6e82927b9473 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build
dde8f5051682 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system (#354473)
55242bf389de hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0
97a1ad0df003 tulip: fix build (#354236)
b322800344d5 python312Packages.rapidfuzz: 3.10.0 -> 3.10.1
ff18a1b2578d rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1
0dc5bb1584a5 mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7 (#345407)
7135b364b6e3 brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123
301751f1c1bb brave: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
d037904ba3ed brave: refactor package.nix to allow more architectures
e3d50903923e hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3 (#354793)
b83eab78d7ec libvirt: increase timeout on darwin
b5aaa1df2248 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3 (#354393)
a96052fe5ffb virt-manager: disable testCLI0263virt_xml
df6ffb01522b perlPackages.SysVirt: 10.2.0 -> 10.9.0
e6f77dadc335 python312Packages.libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
69119368fdc5 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
ed887863a6d6 clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3
06486aa31e8c python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0
7f76ced7336f nixos/dashy: init module
60bc80aa5cd7 dashy-ui: 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14
ec1f3c7390de wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0 (#354778)
372f9fa1b449 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3
1546e0871c1d nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2 (#354300)
3cebba8819f4 spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1
3a83ddd0062b vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies (#354673)
e6ffd9960ec9 python3Packages.{mirakuru,pgsanity}: fix builds (#354774)
8bee32d8bfa3 maintainers: add caperren
06be8564e527 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1 (#354083)
6648da3db4c4 darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks (#354766)
bbdf7817f839 wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14
a329ca6aea6e immich: unvendor exiftool
ee1cffa25c45 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1
d6899545c5bf typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30
73e03e065ec8 luaPackages.toml-edit: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1
2b3acacf0856 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor (#337284)
d55bf75cb9fe python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata (#354857)
5e5ec22c6f3d skia: unbreak darwin (#354557)
c00cc16b63b0 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0 (#354863)
93a01b05975a teamspeak3: drop 'arch' variable
2ad379b1c350 panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5 (#354771)
10a4498042d9 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0
c48cd19fe52a python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata
25628a6ed53a python3Packages.{consonance,yowsup}: fix build; refactor (#354690)
3bb8fc0f8844 compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1
e4ea814f0c8e teamspeak3: avoid `with lib;`
585c5ae3bcfa teamspeak3: remove NIX_REDIRECTS
4d98fc18e856 teamspeak3: rename from teamspeak_client
05eff5c687c1 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13 (#351778)
e5017770eb89 teamspeak_client: run installer script without -x by default
2568cfa34889 teamspeak_client: install to opt/ subdirectory
3830a3dbf641 teamspeak_client: modernise installPhase
49a5c6431cb9 teamspeak_client: remove unnecessary dependencies
9db530c94c90 teamspeak_client: use autoPatchelfHook rather than manual patchelf
cba4002e45b3 teamspeak_client: refactor libquazip patching
1a5940c3e8b3 teamspeak_client: use wrapQtAppsHook
56a739f756c9 teamspeak_client: make libredirect a regular runtimeDep
0f029a19c62b teamspeak_client: run phase hooks
cdd40cb89c34 teamspeak_client: refactor QT deps
c056c7dd7a11 teamspeak_client: use regular libcxx
f3840380fd31 teamspeak_client: don't wrap with cc's libdir
168a80a4eaea nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2
e3893e5c3c76 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build (#354706)
031786067bea slint-lsp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
e70954dca60d alacritty: remove obsolete libXrandr input
3690e2cfea0d python312Packages.mypy-boto3-*: updates (#354714)
414bf9701593 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18 (#354715)
ce51df0a5ba5 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29 (#354716)
cec3c09abdec cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0 (#354722)
8bfbd4e1f8d3 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0 (#354719)
b003bd16857f wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0
32cd6d84d744 python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0 (#354816)
63a139ae1c3c python312Packages.millheater: refactor
bcbe1d7185f3 python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127 (#354742)
92e125410c20 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0
acc043c769ce python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1
43fa5ea2c9aa sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27 (#354779)
8540b13b1d20 josm: 19230 → 19253 (#354506)
f8486a3f1d9c vscode-extensions.sourcery.sourcery: 1.23.0 -> 1.24.0 (#354612)
d87258ad94bd python311Packages.pymc: fix hash (#354840)
13c119bf1a64 .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template (#342713)
2212fad7704e laravel: 5.8.3 -> 5.9.2 (#354696)
ebc1473d52f3 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3
d429e8592fb8 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1 (#350180)
da39eb7dd037 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install} (#354024)
0120ed5ea9f1 ruffle: remove obsolete libXrandr input
77c0b0b54457 halloy: remove obsolete libXrandr input
68d10c6cc3bb cosmic-term: remove obsolete libXrandr input
86d824132693 cosmic-edit: remove obsolete libXrandr input
f641f65b03b4 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1 (#320790)
d91e9dd0faa5 cosmic-comp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
a0bc021caebf coppwr: remove obsolete libXrandr input
2dcf8afc6007 aider-chat: add playwright version (#354796)
499926182ad1 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the .dmg
3d3185b49655 proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20
52c3ce5d48fe qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1 (#354770)
7cb44f20f6b3 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS
658a8762ea0d jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7
b2f43234a2c3 adolc: fix clang build
5186ad13f487 adolc: modernize
c880f1f46bfe adolc: format
f3cced0b682e python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 (#354831)
a806a3b2e597 python311Packages.pymc: fix hash
9a695a958884 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3
1cd03b9a6446 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0
50cff47c417c bootterm: init at 0.5 (#352951)
0927ff824cde python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1 (#354630)
e42a71a5de98 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 (#354812)
df1e170e33c5 python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
92c3f8cf92c0 wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 (#354116)
8ac37da4f6ed xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
7ecad5abbd99 maintainers: add therealgramdalf
fe17e8dfaa6b python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
b323e1c5c4e2 komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1
c04d7170e047 team-list: establish java team
8b2a02dc9de8 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1
146c62ba33a4 vscode-extensions.ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack: init at 0.26.0
5c44f6f77c96 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 (#354423)
21069db14d33 python312Packages.weblate-language-data: 2024.8 -> 2024.13
b71a8b49f59b live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0 (#354395)
f5e91559fddc python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (#354397)
286db1ef230d wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1 (#354412)
939318029769 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47
45cef36e39b2 nixosTests.postgresql: run nixfmt
128244b59818 nixosTests.postgresql: use a common pattern throughout all tests
9035573855d9 nixosTests.postgresql: move all postgresql related nixosTests into one folder
db2d6a00abe5 postgresqlPackages.anonymizer: make passthru.tests work with correct package
23c19a255fab postgresqlPackages.timescaledb: make passthru.tests work with correct package
6d7da20a9044 postgresqlPackages.tsja: make passthru.tests work with correct package
a5c41ae80a2f postgresqlPackages.pgvecto-rs: make passthru.tests work with correct package
0af934adf740 postgresqlPackages.pgjwt: make passthru.tests work with correct package
ecffab1fdaf8 postgresqlPackages.postgis: move nixosTests.postgis into package
aded718a9824 postgresqlPackages.apache_datasketches: move nixosTests.apache_datasketches into package
139c5466764b postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql-tls-client-cert
f6c2de926290 postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql
319d82d5c218 nixosTests.postgresql-wal2json: avoid manual imports
65ef7381c8d7 nixosTests.postgresql-jit: avoid manual imports
a1ae4377e090 nixosTests.postgresql-wal-receiver: avoid manual imports
75d51c588914 postgresqlVersions: init
d3feaaebea18 nixosTests.pgjwt: fix test
e2636cf342ea python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0
3bf6a063b3c7 Merge: postgresqlPackages: fix some builds on darwin (#354748)
059fc0f2dea1 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1
8f55df5aa879 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1
f11b5ff8a21a Merge: pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available (#354526)
0a7544a42300 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0
b01d3ee0239c python312Packages.polars: 1.9.0 -> 1.12.0
8f3dad550fd1 python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.1
446aa3f0b262 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0
635e9d2ebb5b sile: switch to the zstd based source
172cb3ef53e1 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages (#354287)
91e4660ed8fc git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4
d60f27f889da ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0
b35c45a2c174 python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4 (#354754)
31aa6f6edf2b python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10 (#354750)
bba140c5a34b python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 (#354539)
c61adda6befd python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
6430e02e54ef cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 (#354558)
9139ad63f22f granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1 (#354572)
275614510a2c python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21 (#354596)
cff5cbc5a1d9 python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25 (#354607)
043d2cb44863 python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354613)
646347d50787 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0 (#354618)
807e43e55923 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04 (#353627)
02e3707a2cae python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0 (#354713)
d8a18ae783d8 python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18 (#354717)
b276bfa32bff python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 (#354720)
df67f3f7b25a helix-gpt: 0.31.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354767)
7307a896451d home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0 (#354787)
9559e9044e8a python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68 (#354681)
45d7d8c8b3cd python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0
3061dbd29c06 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19 (#354684)
3be1322ad99d python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0 (#354693)
a8e970898daa ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108 (#354698)
d5df6af63621 python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262 (#354699)
2bac553f5a50 okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 (#354702)
d7a60669490e ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8 (#354650)
011f48fb221a fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10 (#354664)
f8ba284376ec python312Packages.guidata: 3.7.0 -> 3.7.1
d9353697ca64 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4 (#354674)
4f101cae7065 aider-chat: add playwright version
7953deea2419 keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0 (#336886)
20e8995972d4 thunderbird: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr (#354213)
312ce1b65c40 hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3
b89f8a710d16 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as maintainer
d2d4c4f350b9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3 (#354582)
38a52bbfd430 restic: disable tests on non-linux
c98b0cad092c home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0
70ca880f3511 gnome-online-accounts: 3.52.0 → 3.52.1
247ee3b0379e mutter: 47.0 → 47.1
6b438be4d92a gvfs: 1.56.0 → 1.56.1
748ada2ba6e0 gnome-shell-extensions: 47.0 → 47.1
b3b9989a367d gnome-shell: 47.0 → 47.1
d45192210e86 gnome-remote-desktop: 47.0 → 47.1
ea1a562cb95a gnome-control-center: 47.0.1 → 47.1.1
9b6dabf3f2ff kubelogin-oidc: switch to recommended pattern for implicit attr defaults
4d089cffa925 kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0
f0bee68628ec robo: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.0 (#354707)
6fb6032d36ef roave-backward-compatibility-check: 8.9.0 -> 8.10.0 (#354705)
04f72b6930e8 ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3 (#354585)
a4e298635f25 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
7fa514f53139 waylock: port update script to bash
a9669e1be8c7 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8
a31f2a7b37f2 pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements; vimPlugins: sort properly (#353786)
8d9c4bfb9851 helix-gpt: 0.31 -> 0.34
2ef132b3585e gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0 (#346255)
e02828f01cd1 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak (#354509)
7bb5dfe0e470 sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27
894ab7c90845 wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0
bc63a2f7c3c8 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin (#354566)
dcdd61e5e5b2 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2… (#353112)
67fa71469a6b python3Packages.pgsanity: fix build
e07f6a75653d python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin in sandbox
1b89b9a99d80 python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin
2515edf5369e qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30 (#352723)
5f45ecf05c14 python312Packages.docling-parse: 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3 (#354691)
cf6a8c9b4b9f chore: update references to `nix-review` to `nixpkgs-review`
bc5b75eb11b1 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40 (#350248)
9bcab985ab58 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13
ea5908112814 python3Packages.mirakuru: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
a2dc61cee92a panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5
9ba75eb753b5 mysql-shell-innovation: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
194e35dd632a mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
54953ef09a04 qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1
8091ea3f24bb Merge: postgresql_17: fix build (#354571)
274d5afbc552 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14
3b91a81423cd treewide: remove redundant patches and locks (#354215)
c4f452f621f6 vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies
c701c72b71f7 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0 (#353023)
b11943b30173 nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0 (#352589)
82f6fe5a5762 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration (#354753)
44800d7c800e .git-blame-ignore-revs: add 'treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1'
7a56cc79c651 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2 (#354662)
fa2cae8e77f8 treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1 (#354531)
8f29f19bc162 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3, mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0 (#349181)
8c2c5fa14d77 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package (#302204)
f8bb0b875ad8 factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15 (#354040)
ff0df8fe7aee php: 8.4.0RC3 -> 8.4.0RC4, 8.3.12 -> 8.3.13 (#354562)
751912c95af1 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration
648e59c8a3ce python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4
be978743512b Fix: use lib.mkPackageOption
ba83a0dba006 Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
a96dce89d048 PR feedback: Replace pkg variable, move package statement
571c71e6f73a treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1
b5f67acfbf3c nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0 (#354661)
bfd5f3d9ffca glfw3: added vulkan support
e98f8506648f python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10
e79b71782a4c budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 (#354308)
4801d0c2a3a5 postgresql17Packages.{pg_cron,pg_hll}: fix build on x86_64-darwin
b9cf08c8e5ec cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4 (#354677)
dde21924f83f vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies (#354634)
df20742283ba ombi: allow overriding package in module (#345814)
a50d7295727e darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks
112d505ce4a2 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux (#353983)
3fe7c149cbbb libreoffice: disable tests on Qt5
2be7c57b9325 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3 (#354580)
eeb4b7041961 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service (#354098)
dde890851a3c python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
58e6cb8ad805 python312Packages.cle: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
7a83dade0a7d python312Packages.claripy: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
82870db16ad2 python312Packages.pyvex: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
1e20869209d8 python312Packages.ailment: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
5a5694d2ff97 python312Packages.archinfo: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
bf11ccc0e233 clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3 (#354273)
951d196036af stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31 (#354623)
18f2cc30ef90 stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20 (#354616)
90f890e79327 stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22 (#354633)
fd3e1541866a libreoffice-still: ->
b60b7b6b05c1 libreoffice-fresh: ->
dc31ff18ec84 stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10 (#354637)
996e9d64594d python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps and tests, unbreak (#354464)
5f8f11ff862b stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19 (#354614)
f3e2ba5038e9 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06 (#354638)
99d3107b49fe stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13 (#324395)
780275051aa2 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07 (#324404)
ff09150750be basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0 (#354204)
aff0cebe5ab3 fishPlugins.*: fix versions
8b4272426c92 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0
54baabae77a7 ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9 (#353042)
972dfa3efafc python312Packages.objprint: add changelog to meta
ca6c07d985d5 cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0
788591e73b39 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0
b156e982136d .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template
1df32493a41c python312Packages.mypy-boto3-verifiedpermissions: 1.35.30 -> 1.35.55
25114110f49e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-synthetics: 1.35.18 -> 1.35.56
dd882eb62402 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-s3control: 1.35.12 -> 1.35.55
aede3250222f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-resource-explorer-2: 1.35.25 -> 1.35.56
ddb9a7fcd1d7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-quicksight: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.56
6db171d873a5 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.57
c548504474ae nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425
47904c8dd760 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lambda: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.57
1e7b5db19091 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lakeformation: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.55
f04bedb8b097 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-guardduty: 1.35.39 -> 1.35.55
f696f2da0ac9 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-firehose: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
815da64d5641 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-eks: 1.35.45 -> 1.35.57
da42eb80266f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-codebuild: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.55
f283f98e923e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-cleanrooms: 1.35.51 -> 1.35.56
764ae6081bc7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-chime-sdk-media-pipelines: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
df705189ee44 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-batch: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.57
a4a1020e7137 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-autoscaling: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.56
e770aff17974 python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
f396caa8d752 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18
2160918a0b90 python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0
cb5a79de97b2 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29
ac3c8ae13d0a python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18
b7c678532145 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0 (#354708)
1cc81439e761 nixosTests.frr: fix warning, use nodes.router instead of nodes.router.config
f93219dfa08f nixosTests.frr: format using nixfmt
df11922a6da8 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0
63d9179dd4e9 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: refactor
533fffa449e4 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build on darwin
45dd2b73eacf python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262
7c69e10ceb1b okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
83d18d4dc3ee python311Packages.yowsup: refactor
c0ec6c8c3c3c python311Packages.yowsup: fix build
a0f0aac19598 ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108
5abc7f27a20e python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
1fa9b80b0afd release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels
ab7489d373ff python311Packages.consonance: refactor
c76f00a4efe6 python311Packages.consonance: fix build
f323f1ccfef7 nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0
bdfa0f011297 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests
78b5698555d8 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19
8dfa246bb10c python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68
4c7aa6428fe9 cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4
df3d7683fed1 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4
4f0337923244 quarto: apply deno 2 compatibility patch
69cc148de30a quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33
39769f9fc86f python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin
80335810c8c6 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0
cf772c1b5608 fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10
3603e0d5ea48 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2
5a82dc34b00e nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0
40641c90b547 python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.9.0
b5f7f510393d ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8
a784f38df795 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06
2c31f63228ab stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10
66bb24d74424 vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies
02871d95ebeb mesonlsp: fix aarch64-darwin build, mark as broken on x86_64-darwin
2e2d6027352b stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22
e9b1d2d5ac63 vimPlugins: sort properly
a6fe798a015a pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements
8b503ec432ce pluginupdate.py: reformat with ruff
d339f93f3225 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system
385eb6ae4dff python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1
5a1e1f65a908 stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13
4b02cabbbe0c stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19
839ecef9050e stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20
c3fd31e2c4ad stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31
a90b34f9e76b keybase{-gui}: add myself as maintainer
265d9a2adb8b keybase-gui: add `NIXOS_OZONE_WL` support
a024f81d841c keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0
562758261fd4 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0
71330f93ee9e linux_xanmod_latest: 6.11.6 -> 6.11.7
efa0718e7482 linux_xanmod: 6.6.59 -> 6.6.60
61220d768de8 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13
afbbb9aaeb0d python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25
ac5aaaa7336f python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
086bfa238585 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17
a5b695b34b6b python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21
c3afba78f24e python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
0a48b45c5af7 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next
1754ed842e2d ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3
b8e62002b5d3 python312Packages.msprime: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
226843be6a9f python312Packages.pysnow: patch tests, unbreak
b8b4cdc90390 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation
5db8bf44deb0 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages
120103ec7cc9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3
80458ba97944 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07
676db521744e postgresql_17: fix build
b2945bc0a84f python312Packages.langgraph: Fix unit tests that were breaking Hydra
c64c064437f5 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
c26249be9a66 lapce: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
896db32853f5 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin
3e9c905d355a nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2
4a1393afe0f1 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3
78705eaeb106 skia: unbreak darwin
d1478e78c0ac postgresqlPackages.system_stats: fix build on darwin
af11b38d2131 cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2
c78b55b3b684 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3
29d02718132f wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1
1af3b8486fb2 granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1
1bb3362ddfb5 python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
dd59f2cfe919 budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1
0418996c9685 pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available
6ec5b8d597ba netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0
e600b8b00b33 newlib: enable parallel build
16518a3f3d4b factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15
6c2d6fa844bc leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2
84b68b839ac3 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
bd2ea530520b python312Packages.scikit-fmm: run checkPhase hooks, echo check command
1c418186cfd2 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak
ee27c02106f3 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0
0465be1b8f0e python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps, unbreak
eeb52b79d149 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15
19595c35d78c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20
92647d759237 vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0
44992762f0cc basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0
27c93e95f9a8 tulip: fix compilation by adding the `-fpermissive` flag A typecast from unsigned char* to char* in the source broke the build
987c737557b1 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.0
07d2ee58bae2 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2
b74fdd238641 treewide: remove redundant patches and locks
a588dee7465d python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
b75334c2f965 live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0
86fbc2f2d8c6 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3
00cc5342828c python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4
831c38e31987 python3Packages.fastcrc: init at 0.3.2
a01b23fa72ac cartridges: run meson checks
57f23ed8b1a8 cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1
cea2eef9fa5d clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3
b62797a3d7ed tulip: format using nixfmt
fb358db1b51f thunderbird-128-unwrapped: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr
d56656e48729 yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47
43d0f16226c8 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor
0e174ba654b7 python3Packages.proton-vpn-network-manager: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.4
f4485f7c41af python3Packages.proton-vpn-api-core: 0.35.5 -> 0.36.4
074f93408e5a proton-vpn-local-agent: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 1.0.0
da0bfe800600 signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps
de8c3feb7fbf wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1
16970e3252d0 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service
9e1b88a44350 libbassmidi: init at
05ac36fa30a3 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install}
3e646301a07e smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0
9609ea875774 vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15
975f4c45ae5c beszel: init at 0.6.2
887a74fd5784 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux
3f2bbfd68b79 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles`
9642cf41060a cfn-nag: added mathstlouis to maintainers
abcf5fb9b943 maintainer-list: added mathstlouis
c771f151f8bf cfn-nag: added meta.mainProgram
ff17208a821a cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated
dd086ca40200 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04
4b13779f3321 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken
9b7877aa1fc7 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0
aebe9a354b7b regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
db15554b6954 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1
d90f320eb26d bootterm: init at 0.5
45d7127c77df mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7
1a774a95d219 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1
682d4d76aa8c containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0
7abbb28c59b9 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-11-01
b9e3b9dbb22b ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9
4eceb5ba2fef maintainers: add deadbaed
c952a4bfdbec vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2
d4e2d6e00c84 maintainers: add thtrf
1301e4f0b024 pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval
6030ff068ad7 gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true`
b6cf7b27b7c0 qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30
4d8081767bc5 lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: nixfmt, modernise
4ce2e1df58ec lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: nixfmt, modernise
5cc3c54a6425 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: nixfmt, modernise
ba59f61a725a lomiri.u1db-qt: Add meta.changelog
95c0233ed962 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: nixfmt, modernise
bafb37491e96 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Fix version
b8c432b54a5a libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: nixfmt, modernise
8a5f86237dba lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: Enable qdoc docs
03b310e94cbc lomiri.lomiri-indicator-network: Enable qdoc docs
e0d5bd98ffbc lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: Enable qdoc docs
d04843ce6096 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: Enable qdoc docs
ac976c912dfb jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8
8f74b6cdaf78 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: Enable qdoc docs
eeea8d648db2 lomiri.u1db-qt: Enable qdoc docs
4442e5ac9161 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Enable qdoc docs
9dd1f943ecd1 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering
bed43b44613d nixos/hardware.nitrokey: update documentation
38ec993a582f nixos/hardware.nitrokey: replace libnitrokey with nitrokey-udev-rules
d43f004d1fe4 nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0
8ffcca7fd0a0 maintainers: add robinkrahl
2280b9bf4a98 python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
9ce864871fdc python312Packages.rio-tiler: 6.7.0 → 7.0.1
1caf42170d5a vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54
d931f342a429 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40
07c81867c907 dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt
c3ceedeac1ac obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation
cbcee2460787 mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0
c7a381c92a79 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3
933ccc51f4a5 maintainers: add rksm
1a48ff707293 python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0
c02e155285ef vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0
6e6fc7ca2658 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config
7467f7d59f13 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile`
04dbbd436515 teamviewer: introduce services.teamviewer.package option
2928912a7c74 teamviewer: remove "with lib;"
89ecd0313160 teamviewer: format file
5146c143bbf1 gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0
a44e0fe3dc9f pyton312Packages.sphinx-autodoc2: init at 0.5.0
0b097987fe34 nixos/localsend: allow udp port
9ac4777d98d0 nixos/localsend: add package option
a3843a7ee564 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1
5d49d4cfa1a4 nixos/guix: use exec to start the payload binary
410ae87bf5e2 nixos/boinc: use exec to start the payload binary
e8a9775a6167 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package
git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs
git-subtree-split: dc460ec76cbff0e66e269457d7b728432263166c
2024-11-16 15:43:04 +00:00
version = "0.6.1-1";
2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
Squashed 'third_party/nixpkgs/' changes from 76612b17c0ce..dc460ec76cbf
dc460ec76cbf Remove obsolete libXrandr inputs from programs using winit (#354847)
f1b26f503aac nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0 (#352481)
a4761c00db07 smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0 (#354016)
60533322e317 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3 (#354170)
ab599469897c yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47 (#354226)
736b36d5719f niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10 (#355047)
547ac36fb30e spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1 (#354593)
6c3d0282c839 netbird: 0.30.2 -> 0.31.0 (#354756)
fcfcc8e0f43d proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20 (#354849)
2e3b9c403874 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1 (#353939)
c598a008a26b gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2 (#353887)
fcf7e79c02e9 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0 (#354808)
9e9dc89f01d1 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14 (#354763)
3d7216f0da32 nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425 (#312424)
1d4a687f62fc python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1 (#354453)
566bf556282a typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3 (#354980)
9a7641474d1c python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 (#354919)
76e387b03039 python312Packages.{localstack-ext,localstack}: fix build and refactor (#354962)
d056782c98a1 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test (#354988)
1ce8fcbc506b hyprlandPlugins: update plugins (#355037)
43c84259fd1b python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0 (#355007)
8c79491aea4c obsidian: remove white background from icons (#354945)
b3057fce636d niri: add patch for scrolling without mouse config
97ca8ccb1551 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile` (#348166)
f0b14e4fb4be niri: install dinit service files
172f0cee3628 python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 (#355027)
cf81310c69b9 prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20 (#354972)
4d9d042055b6 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0 (#354970)
7514add1990f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354917)
66eab41e34dd python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263 (#354909)
2ec42a007584 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio (#354911)
fa1b67747b3b ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0 (#354912)
918a840f93bf python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1 (#354910)
f5c93dd4908f python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0 (#354918)
9e48e1749f0a python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6 (#354943)
12569c191eb1 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3, move to by-name (#354974)
2049461e5435 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit (#354992)
3f42f0b61e6c linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110 (#355130)
4c3539c70b79 linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110
7ff8d0f160be vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4 (#355129)
7d4246729b44 vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4
e635cf8d9fb5 netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds (#355038)
8feb5e84c9e9 libskk: fix parse error (#355005)
b71ccf87b23c gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true` (#352768)
96e1c83061ff pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval (#352825)
87e380382121 nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1 (#355104)
f257cb5e5ee1 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0, add maintainer rksm (#348297)
b3dc0d06fdad buck2: Add shell completions (#354758)
9d2100929da8 rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1 (#351052)
3f334c14975e scopehal-apps: darwin support (#354815)
f03a58a929b4 roboto-flex: init at 3.200 (#353851)
5c1e2db52711 libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11 (#352703)
f94a3e0cd12e nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1
628110078b5c libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2 (#350821)
db0b0737bfdc obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation (#349326)
b3c4badad7e2 roboto-flex: init at 3.200
5812399690b8 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1 (#351360)
771d3917283d azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0 (#352775)
a8489059c4eb signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps (#354924)
f475d7505046 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests (#353833)
5b27ef3c5495 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2 (#354896)
a0c28de3e7d7 phonemizer: fix build (#354946)
802cb21f2a2a python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject (#354950)
99ad7da9e313 nixosTests.frr: fix node.router.config warning (#354710)
a44589e11da3 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build (#354523)
cb9613de4c67 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354512)
bc1a933e128d evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5 (#355083)
20ee59317101 nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries (#355088)
503b5b4c8cba rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909 (#354931)
dac96aac49af nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries
871087c18d34 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config (#348344)
8c164faef4d4 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering (#352479)
8209b0d9b9b0 netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0 (#354525)
96115f656695 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0 (#354743)
6b5935539883 texlivePackages.xetex: force XeTeX to use fontconfig on Darwin (#354963)
32e064f48c2b evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
1593115346ba piano-rs: init at 0.2.0 (#336405)
a67e90c4928a wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14 (#291723)
5b74eb9b909e scopehal-apps: darwin support
71734a22978f pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval (#355051)
ab58dcfaf4c5 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers (#351744)
95855a90f9d0 aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4 (#355030)
34ed0c9cc1bb scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland (#348427)
ae725bafb39b python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8 (#354925)
eba346ebfead teamspeak3: modernise (#354161)
673033d742b2 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1 (#352448)
8f0c9853d549 pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval
e80622178221 niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10
8aed22ecd71e quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33 and apply patch (#354672)
0198cfb7673a hyprlandPlugins.hyprsplit: 0.44.1 -> 0.45.0
f3f9fcf93c8d hyprlandPlugins.hyprspace: 0-unstable-2024-09-16 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
cbc60c36101f hyprlandPlugins.hyprscroller: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-09
d9e2143b3e56 hyprlandPlugins.hyprgrass: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.2-unstable-2024-10-30
9739ac3afe95 hyprlandPlugins.hyprfocus: 0-unstable-2024-05-30 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-09
7804dcce6c5b hyprlandPlugins.hypr-dynamic-cursors: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-10
7c6c04825999 hyprlandPlugins/hyprland-plugins: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e2b798c525ac hyprlandPlugins.hy3: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e575fc8ffa4b hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0 (#354900)
62d3c4fb592b netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds
0ef26b5dd615 Merge: Linux Hardened Kernel Updates for 2024-11-10 (#355023)
a6f2dfc2572d pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70 (#354954)
91333a0e6dcd team-list: establish java team (#352938)
6b0d4d7f4e8e aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4
3024a6807634 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken (#353672)
fa1ebbeeff0a python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
4fee2cde561f brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123; refactor and nixfmt-rfc-style (#354114)
44bbe5ddad08 nixos/{boinc,guix}: Use exec to start the payload binary of the service (#297526)
9bd781e73301 linux/hardened/patches/6.6: v6.6.59-hardened1 -> v6.6.60-hardened1
3b3ea3ac4b03 linux/hardened/patches/6.11: v6.11.6-hardened1 -> v6.11.7-hardened1
d9b6a745b265 linux/hardened/patches/6.1: v6.1.115-hardened1 -> v6.1.116-hardened1
c367b19a22b7 linux/hardened/patches/5.4: v5.4.284-hardened1 -> v5.4.285-hardened1
fc9089929ad5 linux/hardened/patches/5.15: v5.15.170-hardened1 -> v5.15.171-hardened1
edb9a963e6ea linux/hardened/patches/5.10: v5.10.228-hardened1 -> v5.10.229-hardened1
8db0ec767e6d home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (#355021)
2544da75c5bf home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.dirigera_platform: init at 2.6.4 (#350542)
799b1af3b445 cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated (#353735)
8339db676638 home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
9e1f7a1fc712 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0 (#353684)
6977c6b6c48e piano-rs: init at 0.2.0
e4c62c1fc494 pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70
fd214590b6ac rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909
f5f87e7240f5 dashy-ui: init at 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14 (#349149)
08e65e669ae3 python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0
608a4a6e7042 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module,lomiri.*: Enable qdoc docs (#352601)
f4a76ebd1330 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0 (#354685)
6eafb43ca667 python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75 (#354948)
926dbc8e1c6a jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8 (#352505)
60190159408f gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2
9a333460f50c Merge: postgresql: improve passthru.tests (#352966)
0598c612417e python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 (#352452)
d40ed47baac0 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin; fix source; refactor and modenize (#354973)
d77a2129f3e2 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS (#354063)
4e73fc3d5304 release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels (#262038)
37c3c1a32edf python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0 (#349069)
43544b405735 containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0 (#353113)
3e9874330416 regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02 (#353377)
88b78b3d1881 gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12 (#354521)
83d30478782d python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4 (#354350)
93472981d1ff nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7 (#354452)
886b26bad3d5 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15 (#354462)
b1d782c6fbb9 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0 (#354503)
3e3d0f2c68cf openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4 (#354964)
38ed0b172a2e compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1 (#354858)
c8af02ff2edb kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3 (#354916)
3a92760aa3f9 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13 (#354775)
b6077e3f6067 python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3 (#354801)
84db55f55e00 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47 (#354818)
d932f3609c38 python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354827)
cb0631fce111 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0 (#354838)
1c7bb9a36ff7 jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7 (#354845)
9dcf68f72882 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (#354901)
85a894514e94 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0 (#354985)
77c379fc15b1 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers
aebe24954483 ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10 (#354280)
2b05865a6fa6 glfw3: added vulkan support (#354761)
72d2fc0fe01c python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.12.0 (#354656)
57fa23936966 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test
4b239e8fff18 python3Packages.globus-sdk: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
2b76729d1341 python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0 (#354881)
3bfe9c23d14e clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 (#354882)
67e295df4455 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1 (#354892)
123c88831bff komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1 (#354826)
57fb3a800a9a xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354829)
c9ba25afb896 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3 (#354844)
9d40f67872f2 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3 (#354848)
1d2941554a10 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
45f61aa9a947 python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1 (#354851)
e01ca8d232a0 wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354853)
090349a58995 nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2 (#354856)
a7fcea08bca8 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1
8025d6d17bcd typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3
da9757048d7d buck2: Use stdenvNoCC
982ff0b08e25 buck2: Install completions for bash and zsh
8213a8a557f8 surreal-engine: init at 0-unstable-2024-11-08 (#337069)
6d4ddefd7161 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the dmg (#354846)
494908f0fe86 python312Packages.localstack: fix build and refactor
54394a0c0b71 python312Packages.localstack-ext: fix build and refactor
5b916fd89714 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles` (#353832)
822590d06248 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit
e9c53bdf9a56 nixos/localsend: add package option & allow udp port (#333485)
da404cffefb6 vgmtrans: init at 1.2, libbassmidi: init at (#321129)
551bd11c42de python312Packages.pyftgl: refactor and modenize
beceecb51336 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix source
8618fe6f96b9 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin
9828bad63a49 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3
8f8f60bee8e5 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0
66c47da4338c prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20
88b620a72b65 completely: move to by-name
00cd61f517aa cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1 (#354306)
6cd1dd3dc5e6 vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0 (#335742)
f7911fc460e9 vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54 (#342514)
f69f13279107 vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2 (#350464)
e065e550b153 python3Packages.us: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
ef21cc74e2f1 python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject
925510d32cab vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15 (#353989)
dbb60b6319f3 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15 (#354447)
f696e0dc331c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20 (#354307)
46bbcb7efef5 vgmtrans: init at 1.2
07ca74e13487 teamviewer: add services.teamviewer.package Option + misc improvemens (#346365)
fc94ad90fb0e phonemizer: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
42be8c49fb89 phonemizer: fix build
1531e7712628 typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30 (#354872)
e19b3c8cd386 python312Packages.netifaces2: init at 0.0.22 (#354736)
fc1d56201e17 openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
b306e97ffe30 Libreoffice updates (#354456)
62fa59a63947 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation (#353439)
29ba5b9a2985 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0, move to `by name`, `with lib;` cleanup, RFC format (#354932)
eee079f7e129 xcodes: nix-rfc-format
b45f61402b8a xcodes: with lib; cleanup
7531c8e01dc8 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0
3912015f1d0d python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75
d420f2c9502f maintainers: add llakala (#354625)
757189b3e6b0 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1 (#354817)
214d9423dca6 python312Packages.langgraph: Use correct test directory (#354345)
647624dca6a1 wine-discord-ipc-bridge: unstable-2023-08-09 -> 0.0.3 (#353900)
4c78072d2f27 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.1 (#354168)
3efeb317473e git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4 (#354046)
35305f29a7e3 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next (#352507)
01ddc69668f5 obsidian: remove white background from icons
903f42960df7 fishPlugins.*: fix versions (#354729)
b0b3a70891e6 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present (#354899)
c188d417cf07 python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6
d3cba66b117d python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0 (#354797)
4af121e6ac0f ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0 (#354807)
96e67743abd9 ox: switch to the new darwin sdk pattern
992c80c02e1f ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10
757df4a1b42e xcodes: move to by-name
ae21c33fafab python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8
1bd58487d015 python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
343b0a222530 adolc: modernize; fix clang build (#354642)
27235e1e6da6 python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3
1e6362fe068f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
9d3096074f3e vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0 (#354444)
9e960c976873 python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0
16107665062c dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt (#350053)
b3765ba04029 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (#354459)
012a679db0f8 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0 (#354852)
6ffb12c9f9c3 kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3
27a103786c88 doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init (#351394)
660022ee302b newlib: enable parallel build (#354520)
acf406372cf8 linux_xanmod, linux_xanmod_latest: 2024-11-08 (#354617)
ab244d13144a python312Packages.aiogram: update disabled
bb00b359cce7 ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0
b39ea623743c python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263
4c4420b29b66 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio
b1d0a1aafff5 python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1
465eab85d222 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0, python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.0 (#353963)
85c8b5ba7879 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3 (#354880)
c00d32f28515 beszel: init at 0.6.2 (#345444)
652fd5119056 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
a59e625bb474 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present
f8a4abdc2ed1 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0
e20360e289da leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2 (#354519)
eacbe35bf009 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 (#354574)
72a790c6fc77 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as mainta… (#354794)
de131566b6e4 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1 (#354813)
12fe26865622 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0 (#354726)
176eb0a3d99e doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init
8df19efae58d kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0 (#353577)
f0000fe56d08 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17 (#354586)
09efcc6e4be9 libvirt-glib: relax max stack size limit
f91d2228a0b7 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2
74d1b07edbf2 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1 (#353342)
28f456e3131c GNOME updates 2024-11-05 (#353824)
59ed3fa2c48d scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland
0a0d12f6626d gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
1a4eb8b7a96e libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11
35110b71bd78 azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0
464b1e80245f maintainers: add llakala
d1444b4947b4 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1
08c2eb8e894e nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7
061f86ca2988 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15
ca3eca77cd85 gcsfuse: mark as broken on darwin
64b28c617d26 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1
2ff82ba8deea libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2
8ff9d62e81f6 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1
b49da1f76456 scarab: Remove unused inputs
df10ec72acee mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern (#354735)
b9c73c537391 python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin (#354667)
ae7f0eebdb3b python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354592)
6e82927b9473 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build
dde8f5051682 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system (#354473)
55242bf389de hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0
97a1ad0df003 tulip: fix build (#354236)
b322800344d5 python312Packages.rapidfuzz: 3.10.0 -> 3.10.1
ff18a1b2578d rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1
0dc5bb1584a5 mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7 (#345407)
7135b364b6e3 brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123
301751f1c1bb brave: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
d037904ba3ed brave: refactor package.nix to allow more architectures
e3d50903923e hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3 (#354793)
b83eab78d7ec libvirt: increase timeout on darwin
b5aaa1df2248 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3 (#354393)
a96052fe5ffb virt-manager: disable testCLI0263virt_xml
df6ffb01522b perlPackages.SysVirt: 10.2.0 -> 10.9.0
e6f77dadc335 python312Packages.libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
69119368fdc5 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
ed887863a6d6 clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3
06486aa31e8c python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0
7f76ced7336f nixos/dashy: init module
60bc80aa5cd7 dashy-ui: 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14
ec1f3c7390de wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0 (#354778)
372f9fa1b449 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3
1546e0871c1d nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2 (#354300)
3cebba8819f4 spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1
3a83ddd0062b vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies (#354673)
e6ffd9960ec9 python3Packages.{mirakuru,pgsanity}: fix builds (#354774)
8bee32d8bfa3 maintainers: add caperren
06be8564e527 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1 (#354083)
6648da3db4c4 darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks (#354766)
bbdf7817f839 wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14
a329ca6aea6e immich: unvendor exiftool
ee1cffa25c45 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1
d6899545c5bf typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30
73e03e065ec8 luaPackages.toml-edit: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1
2b3acacf0856 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor (#337284)
d55bf75cb9fe python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata (#354857)
5e5ec22c6f3d skia: unbreak darwin (#354557)
c00cc16b63b0 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0 (#354863)
93a01b05975a teamspeak3: drop 'arch' variable
2ad379b1c350 panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5 (#354771)
10a4498042d9 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0
c48cd19fe52a python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata
25628a6ed53a python3Packages.{consonance,yowsup}: fix build; refactor (#354690)
3bb8fc0f8844 compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1
e4ea814f0c8e teamspeak3: avoid `with lib;`
585c5ae3bcfa teamspeak3: remove NIX_REDIRECTS
4d98fc18e856 teamspeak3: rename from teamspeak_client
05eff5c687c1 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13 (#351778)
e5017770eb89 teamspeak_client: run installer script without -x by default
2568cfa34889 teamspeak_client: install to opt/ subdirectory
3830a3dbf641 teamspeak_client: modernise installPhase
49a5c6431cb9 teamspeak_client: remove unnecessary dependencies
9db530c94c90 teamspeak_client: use autoPatchelfHook rather than manual patchelf
cba4002e45b3 teamspeak_client: refactor libquazip patching
1a5940c3e8b3 teamspeak_client: use wrapQtAppsHook
56a739f756c9 teamspeak_client: make libredirect a regular runtimeDep
0f029a19c62b teamspeak_client: run phase hooks
cdd40cb89c34 teamspeak_client: refactor QT deps
c056c7dd7a11 teamspeak_client: use regular libcxx
f3840380fd31 teamspeak_client: don't wrap with cc's libdir
168a80a4eaea nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2
e3893e5c3c76 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build (#354706)
031786067bea slint-lsp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
e70954dca60d alacritty: remove obsolete libXrandr input
3690e2cfea0d python312Packages.mypy-boto3-*: updates (#354714)
414bf9701593 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18 (#354715)
ce51df0a5ba5 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29 (#354716)
cec3c09abdec cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0 (#354722)
8bfbd4e1f8d3 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0 (#354719)
b003bd16857f wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0
32cd6d84d744 python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0 (#354816)
63a139ae1c3c python312Packages.millheater: refactor
bcbe1d7185f3 python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127 (#354742)
92e125410c20 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0
acc043c769ce python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1
43fa5ea2c9aa sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27 (#354779)
8540b13b1d20 josm: 19230 → 19253 (#354506)
f8486a3f1d9c vscode-extensions.sourcery.sourcery: 1.23.0 -> 1.24.0 (#354612)
d87258ad94bd python311Packages.pymc: fix hash (#354840)
13c119bf1a64 .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template (#342713)
2212fad7704e laravel: 5.8.3 -> 5.9.2 (#354696)
ebc1473d52f3 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3
d429e8592fb8 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1 (#350180)
da39eb7dd037 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install} (#354024)
0120ed5ea9f1 ruffle: remove obsolete libXrandr input
77c0b0b54457 halloy: remove obsolete libXrandr input
68d10c6cc3bb cosmic-term: remove obsolete libXrandr input
86d824132693 cosmic-edit: remove obsolete libXrandr input
f641f65b03b4 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1 (#320790)
d91e9dd0faa5 cosmic-comp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
a0bc021caebf coppwr: remove obsolete libXrandr input
2dcf8afc6007 aider-chat: add playwright version (#354796)
499926182ad1 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the .dmg
3d3185b49655 proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20
52c3ce5d48fe qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1 (#354770)
7cb44f20f6b3 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS
658a8762ea0d jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7
b2f43234a2c3 adolc: fix clang build
5186ad13f487 adolc: modernize
c880f1f46bfe adolc: format
f3cced0b682e python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 (#354831)
a806a3b2e597 python311Packages.pymc: fix hash
9a695a958884 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3
1cd03b9a6446 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0
50cff47c417c bootterm: init at 0.5 (#352951)
0927ff824cde python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1 (#354630)
e42a71a5de98 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 (#354812)
df1e170e33c5 python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
92c3f8cf92c0 wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 (#354116)
8ac37da4f6ed xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
7ecad5abbd99 maintainers: add therealgramdalf
fe17e8dfaa6b python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
b323e1c5c4e2 komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1
c04d7170e047 team-list: establish java team
8b2a02dc9de8 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1
146c62ba33a4 vscode-extensions.ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack: init at 0.26.0
5c44f6f77c96 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 (#354423)
21069db14d33 python312Packages.weblate-language-data: 2024.8 -> 2024.13
b71a8b49f59b live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0 (#354395)
f5e91559fddc python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (#354397)
286db1ef230d wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1 (#354412)
939318029769 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47
45cef36e39b2 nixosTests.postgresql: run nixfmt
128244b59818 nixosTests.postgresql: use a common pattern throughout all tests
9035573855d9 nixosTests.postgresql: move all postgresql related nixosTests into one folder
db2d6a00abe5 postgresqlPackages.anonymizer: make passthru.tests work with correct package
23c19a255fab postgresqlPackages.timescaledb: make passthru.tests work with correct package
6d7da20a9044 postgresqlPackages.tsja: make passthru.tests work with correct package
a5c41ae80a2f postgresqlPackages.pgvecto-rs: make passthru.tests work with correct package
0af934adf740 postgresqlPackages.pgjwt: make passthru.tests work with correct package
ecffab1fdaf8 postgresqlPackages.postgis: move nixosTests.postgis into package
aded718a9824 postgresqlPackages.apache_datasketches: move nixosTests.apache_datasketches into package
139c5466764b postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql-tls-client-cert
f6c2de926290 postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql
319d82d5c218 nixosTests.postgresql-wal2json: avoid manual imports
65ef7381c8d7 nixosTests.postgresql-jit: avoid manual imports
a1ae4377e090 nixosTests.postgresql-wal-receiver: avoid manual imports
75d51c588914 postgresqlVersions: init
d3feaaebea18 nixosTests.pgjwt: fix test
e2636cf342ea python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0
3bf6a063b3c7 Merge: postgresqlPackages: fix some builds on darwin (#354748)
059fc0f2dea1 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1
8f55df5aa879 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1
f11b5ff8a21a Merge: pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available (#354526)
0a7544a42300 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0
b01d3ee0239c python312Packages.polars: 1.9.0 -> 1.12.0
8f3dad550fd1 python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.1
446aa3f0b262 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0
635e9d2ebb5b sile: switch to the zstd based source
172cb3ef53e1 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages (#354287)
91e4660ed8fc git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4
d60f27f889da ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0
b35c45a2c174 python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4 (#354754)
31aa6f6edf2b python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10 (#354750)
bba140c5a34b python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 (#354539)
c61adda6befd python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
6430e02e54ef cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 (#354558)
9139ad63f22f granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1 (#354572)
275614510a2c python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21 (#354596)
cff5cbc5a1d9 python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25 (#354607)
043d2cb44863 python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354613)
646347d50787 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0 (#354618)
807e43e55923 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04 (#353627)
02e3707a2cae python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0 (#354713)
d8a18ae783d8 python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18 (#354717)
b276bfa32bff python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 (#354720)
df67f3f7b25a helix-gpt: 0.31.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354767)
7307a896451d home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0 (#354787)
9559e9044e8a python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68 (#354681)
45d7d8c8b3cd python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0
3061dbd29c06 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19 (#354684)
3be1322ad99d python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0 (#354693)
a8e970898daa ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108 (#354698)
d5df6af63621 python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262 (#354699)
2bac553f5a50 okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 (#354702)
d7a60669490e ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8 (#354650)
011f48fb221a fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10 (#354664)
f8ba284376ec python312Packages.guidata: 3.7.0 -> 3.7.1
d9353697ca64 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4 (#354674)
4f101cae7065 aider-chat: add playwright version
7953deea2419 keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0 (#336886)
20e8995972d4 thunderbird: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr (#354213)
312ce1b65c40 hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3
b89f8a710d16 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as maintainer
d2d4c4f350b9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3 (#354582)
38a52bbfd430 restic: disable tests on non-linux
c98b0cad092c home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0
70ca880f3511 gnome-online-accounts: 3.52.0 → 3.52.1
247ee3b0379e mutter: 47.0 → 47.1
6b438be4d92a gvfs: 1.56.0 → 1.56.1
748ada2ba6e0 gnome-shell-extensions: 47.0 → 47.1
b3b9989a367d gnome-shell: 47.0 → 47.1
d45192210e86 gnome-remote-desktop: 47.0 → 47.1
ea1a562cb95a gnome-control-center: 47.0.1 → 47.1.1
9b6dabf3f2ff kubelogin-oidc: switch to recommended pattern for implicit attr defaults
4d089cffa925 kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0
f0bee68628ec robo: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.0 (#354707)
6fb6032d36ef roave-backward-compatibility-check: 8.9.0 -> 8.10.0 (#354705)
04f72b6930e8 ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3 (#354585)
a4e298635f25 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
7fa514f53139 waylock: port update script to bash
a9669e1be8c7 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8
a31f2a7b37f2 pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements; vimPlugins: sort properly (#353786)
8d9c4bfb9851 helix-gpt: 0.31 -> 0.34
2ef132b3585e gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0 (#346255)
e02828f01cd1 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak (#354509)
7bb5dfe0e470 sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27
894ab7c90845 wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0
bc63a2f7c3c8 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin (#354566)
dcdd61e5e5b2 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2… (#353112)
67fa71469a6b python3Packages.pgsanity: fix build
e07f6a75653d python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin in sandbox
1b89b9a99d80 python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin
2515edf5369e qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30 (#352723)
5f45ecf05c14 python312Packages.docling-parse: 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3 (#354691)
cf6a8c9b4b9f chore: update references to `nix-review` to `nixpkgs-review`
bc5b75eb11b1 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40 (#350248)
9bcab985ab58 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13
ea5908112814 python3Packages.mirakuru: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
a2dc61cee92a panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5
9ba75eb753b5 mysql-shell-innovation: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
194e35dd632a mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
54953ef09a04 qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1
8091ea3f24bb Merge: postgresql_17: fix build (#354571)
274d5afbc552 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14
3b91a81423cd treewide: remove redundant patches and locks (#354215)
c4f452f621f6 vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies
c701c72b71f7 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0 (#353023)
b11943b30173 nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0 (#352589)
82f6fe5a5762 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration (#354753)
44800d7c800e .git-blame-ignore-revs: add 'treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1'
7a56cc79c651 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2 (#354662)
fa2cae8e77f8 treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1 (#354531)
8f29f19bc162 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3, mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0 (#349181)
8c2c5fa14d77 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package (#302204)
f8bb0b875ad8 factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15 (#354040)
ff0df8fe7aee php: 8.4.0RC3 -> 8.4.0RC4, 8.3.12 -> 8.3.13 (#354562)
751912c95af1 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration
648e59c8a3ce python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4
be978743512b Fix: use lib.mkPackageOption
ba83a0dba006 Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
a96dce89d048 PR feedback: Replace pkg variable, move package statement
571c71e6f73a treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1
b5f67acfbf3c nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0 (#354661)
bfd5f3d9ffca glfw3: added vulkan support
e98f8506648f python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10
e79b71782a4c budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 (#354308)
4801d0c2a3a5 postgresql17Packages.{pg_cron,pg_hll}: fix build on x86_64-darwin
b9cf08c8e5ec cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4 (#354677)
dde21924f83f vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies (#354634)
df20742283ba ombi: allow overriding package in module (#345814)
a50d7295727e darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks
112d505ce4a2 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux (#353983)
3fe7c149cbbb libreoffice: disable tests on Qt5
2be7c57b9325 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3 (#354580)
eeb4b7041961 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service (#354098)
dde890851a3c python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
58e6cb8ad805 python312Packages.cle: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
7a83dade0a7d python312Packages.claripy: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
82870db16ad2 python312Packages.pyvex: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
1e20869209d8 python312Packages.ailment: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
5a5694d2ff97 python312Packages.archinfo: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
bf11ccc0e233 clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3 (#354273)
951d196036af stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31 (#354623)
18f2cc30ef90 stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20 (#354616)
90f890e79327 stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22 (#354633)
fd3e1541866a libreoffice-still: ->
b60b7b6b05c1 libreoffice-fresh: ->
dc31ff18ec84 stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10 (#354637)
996e9d64594d python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps and tests, unbreak (#354464)
5f8f11ff862b stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19 (#354614)
f3e2ba5038e9 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06 (#354638)
99d3107b49fe stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13 (#324395)
780275051aa2 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07 (#324404)
ff09150750be basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0 (#354204)
aff0cebe5ab3 fishPlugins.*: fix versions
8b4272426c92 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0
54baabae77a7 ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9 (#353042)
972dfa3efafc python312Packages.objprint: add changelog to meta
ca6c07d985d5 cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0
788591e73b39 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0
b156e982136d .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template
1df32493a41c python312Packages.mypy-boto3-verifiedpermissions: 1.35.30 -> 1.35.55
25114110f49e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-synthetics: 1.35.18 -> 1.35.56
dd882eb62402 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-s3control: 1.35.12 -> 1.35.55
aede3250222f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-resource-explorer-2: 1.35.25 -> 1.35.56
ddb9a7fcd1d7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-quicksight: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.56
6db171d873a5 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.57
c548504474ae nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425
47904c8dd760 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lambda: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.57
1e7b5db19091 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lakeformation: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.55
f04bedb8b097 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-guardduty: 1.35.39 -> 1.35.55
f696f2da0ac9 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-firehose: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
815da64d5641 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-eks: 1.35.45 -> 1.35.57
da42eb80266f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-codebuild: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.55
f283f98e923e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-cleanrooms: 1.35.51 -> 1.35.56
764ae6081bc7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-chime-sdk-media-pipelines: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
df705189ee44 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-batch: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.57
a4a1020e7137 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-autoscaling: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.56
e770aff17974 python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
f396caa8d752 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18
2160918a0b90 python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0
cb5a79de97b2 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29
ac3c8ae13d0a python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18
b7c678532145 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0 (#354708)
1cc81439e761 nixosTests.frr: fix warning, use nodes.router instead of nodes.router.config
f93219dfa08f nixosTests.frr: format using nixfmt
df11922a6da8 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0
63d9179dd4e9 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: refactor
533fffa449e4 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build on darwin
45dd2b73eacf python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262
7c69e10ceb1b okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
83d18d4dc3ee python311Packages.yowsup: refactor
c0ec6c8c3c3c python311Packages.yowsup: fix build
a0f0aac19598 ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108
5abc7f27a20e python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
1fa9b80b0afd release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels
ab7489d373ff python311Packages.consonance: refactor
c76f00a4efe6 python311Packages.consonance: fix build
f323f1ccfef7 nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0
bdfa0f011297 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests
78b5698555d8 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19
8dfa246bb10c python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68
4c7aa6428fe9 cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4
df3d7683fed1 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4
4f0337923244 quarto: apply deno 2 compatibility patch
69cc148de30a quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33
39769f9fc86f python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin
80335810c8c6 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0
cf772c1b5608 fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10
3603e0d5ea48 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2
5a82dc34b00e nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0
40641c90b547 python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.9.0
b5f7f510393d ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8
a784f38df795 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06
2c31f63228ab stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10
66bb24d74424 vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies
02871d95ebeb mesonlsp: fix aarch64-darwin build, mark as broken on x86_64-darwin
2e2d6027352b stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22
e9b1d2d5ac63 vimPlugins: sort properly
a6fe798a015a pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements
8b503ec432ce pluginupdate.py: reformat with ruff
d339f93f3225 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system
385eb6ae4dff python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1
5a1e1f65a908 stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13
4b02cabbbe0c stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19
839ecef9050e stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20
c3fd31e2c4ad stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31
a90b34f9e76b keybase{-gui}: add myself as maintainer
265d9a2adb8b keybase-gui: add `NIXOS_OZONE_WL` support
a024f81d841c keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0
562758261fd4 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0
71330f93ee9e linux_xanmod_latest: 6.11.6 -> 6.11.7
efa0718e7482 linux_xanmod: 6.6.59 -> 6.6.60
61220d768de8 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13
afbbb9aaeb0d python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25
ac5aaaa7336f python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
086bfa238585 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17
a5b695b34b6b python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21
c3afba78f24e python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
0a48b45c5af7 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next
1754ed842e2d ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3
b8e62002b5d3 python312Packages.msprime: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
226843be6a9f python312Packages.pysnow: patch tests, unbreak
b8b4cdc90390 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation
5db8bf44deb0 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages
120103ec7cc9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3
80458ba97944 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07
676db521744e postgresql_17: fix build
b2945bc0a84f python312Packages.langgraph: Fix unit tests that were breaking Hydra
c64c064437f5 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
c26249be9a66 lapce: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
896db32853f5 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin
3e9c905d355a nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2
4a1393afe0f1 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3
78705eaeb106 skia: unbreak darwin
d1478e78c0ac postgresqlPackages.system_stats: fix build on darwin
af11b38d2131 cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2
c78b55b3b684 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3
29d02718132f wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1
1af3b8486fb2 granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1
1bb3362ddfb5 python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
dd59f2cfe919 budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1
0418996c9685 pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available
6ec5b8d597ba netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0
e600b8b00b33 newlib: enable parallel build
16518a3f3d4b factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15
6c2d6fa844bc leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2
84b68b839ac3 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
bd2ea530520b python312Packages.scikit-fmm: run checkPhase hooks, echo check command
1c418186cfd2 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak
ee27c02106f3 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0
0465be1b8f0e python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps, unbreak
eeb52b79d149 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15
19595c35d78c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20
92647d759237 vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0
44992762f0cc basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0
27c93e95f9a8 tulip: fix compilation by adding the `-fpermissive` flag A typecast from unsigned char* to char* in the source broke the build
987c737557b1 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.0
07d2ee58bae2 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2
b74fdd238641 treewide: remove redundant patches and locks
a588dee7465d python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
b75334c2f965 live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0
86fbc2f2d8c6 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3
00cc5342828c python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4
831c38e31987 python3Packages.fastcrc: init at 0.3.2
a01b23fa72ac cartridges: run meson checks
57f23ed8b1a8 cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1
cea2eef9fa5d clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3
b62797a3d7ed tulip: format using nixfmt
fb358db1b51f thunderbird-128-unwrapped: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr
d56656e48729 yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47
43d0f16226c8 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor
0e174ba654b7 python3Packages.proton-vpn-network-manager: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.4
f4485f7c41af python3Packages.proton-vpn-api-core: 0.35.5 -> 0.36.4
074f93408e5a proton-vpn-local-agent: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 1.0.0
da0bfe800600 signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps
de8c3feb7fbf wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1
16970e3252d0 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service
9e1b88a44350 libbassmidi: init at
05ac36fa30a3 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install}
3e646301a07e smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0
9609ea875774 vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15
975f4c45ae5c beszel: init at 0.6.2
887a74fd5784 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux
3f2bbfd68b79 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles`
9642cf41060a cfn-nag: added mathstlouis to maintainers
abcf5fb9b943 maintainer-list: added mathstlouis
c771f151f8bf cfn-nag: added meta.mainProgram
ff17208a821a cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated
dd086ca40200 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04
4b13779f3321 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken
9b7877aa1fc7 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0
aebe9a354b7b regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
db15554b6954 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1
d90f320eb26d bootterm: init at 0.5
45d7127c77df mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7
1a774a95d219 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1
682d4d76aa8c containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0
7abbb28c59b9 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-11-01
b9e3b9dbb22b ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9
4eceb5ba2fef maintainers: add deadbaed
c952a4bfdbec vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2
d4e2d6e00c84 maintainers: add thtrf
1301e4f0b024 pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval
6030ff068ad7 gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true`
b6cf7b27b7c0 qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30
4d8081767bc5 lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: nixfmt, modernise
4ce2e1df58ec lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: nixfmt, modernise
5cc3c54a6425 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: nixfmt, modernise
ba59f61a725a lomiri.u1db-qt: Add meta.changelog
95c0233ed962 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: nixfmt, modernise
bafb37491e96 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Fix version
b8c432b54a5a libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: nixfmt, modernise
8a5f86237dba lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: Enable qdoc docs
03b310e94cbc lomiri.lomiri-indicator-network: Enable qdoc docs
e0d5bd98ffbc lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: Enable qdoc docs
d04843ce6096 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: Enable qdoc docs
ac976c912dfb jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8
8f74b6cdaf78 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: Enable qdoc docs
eeea8d648db2 lomiri.u1db-qt: Enable qdoc docs
4442e5ac9161 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Enable qdoc docs
9dd1f943ecd1 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering
bed43b44613d nixos/hardware.nitrokey: update documentation
38ec993a582f nixos/hardware.nitrokey: replace libnitrokey with nitrokey-udev-rules
d43f004d1fe4 nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0
8ffcca7fd0a0 maintainers: add robinkrahl
2280b9bf4a98 python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
9ce864871fdc python312Packages.rio-tiler: 6.7.0 → 7.0.1
1caf42170d5a vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54
d931f342a429 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40
07c81867c907 dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt
c3ceedeac1ac obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation
cbcee2460787 mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0
c7a381c92a79 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3
933ccc51f4a5 maintainers: add rksm
1a48ff707293 python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0
c02e155285ef vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0
6e6fc7ca2658 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config
7467f7d59f13 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile`
04dbbd436515 teamviewer: introduce services.teamviewer.package option
2928912a7c74 teamviewer: remove "with lib;"
89ecd0313160 teamviewer: format file
5146c143bbf1 gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0
a44e0fe3dc9f pyton312Packages.sphinx-autodoc2: init at 0.5.0
0b097987fe34 nixos/localsend: allow udp port
9ac4777d98d0 nixos/localsend: add package option
a3843a7ee564 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1
5d49d4cfa1a4 nixos/guix: use exec to start the payload binary
410ae87bf5e2 nixos/boinc: use exec to start the payload binary
e8a9775a6167 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package
git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs
git-subtree-split: dc460ec76cbff0e66e269457d7b728432263166c
2024-11-16 15:43:04 +00:00
url = "mirror://luarocks/toml-edit-0.6.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "0crvmigffka3n7583r1a7fgcjfq5b0819a7d155q50m52b7afc4z";
2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
src = fetchzip {
Squashed 'third_party/nixpkgs/' changes from 76612b17c0ce..dc460ec76cbf
dc460ec76cbf Remove obsolete libXrandr inputs from programs using winit (#354847)
f1b26f503aac nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0 (#352481)
a4761c00db07 smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0 (#354016)
60533322e317 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3 (#354170)
ab599469897c yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47 (#354226)
736b36d5719f niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10 (#355047)
547ac36fb30e spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1 (#354593)
6c3d0282c839 netbird: 0.30.2 -> 0.31.0 (#354756)
fcfcc8e0f43d proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20 (#354849)
2e3b9c403874 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1 (#353939)
c598a008a26b gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2 (#353887)
fcf7e79c02e9 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0 (#354808)
9e9dc89f01d1 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14 (#354763)
3d7216f0da32 nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425 (#312424)
1d4a687f62fc python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1 (#354453)
566bf556282a typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3 (#354980)
9a7641474d1c python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 (#354919)
76e387b03039 python312Packages.{localstack-ext,localstack}: fix build and refactor (#354962)
d056782c98a1 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test (#354988)
1ce8fcbc506b hyprlandPlugins: update plugins (#355037)
43c84259fd1b python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0 (#355007)
8c79491aea4c obsidian: remove white background from icons (#354945)
b3057fce636d niri: add patch for scrolling without mouse config
97ca8ccb1551 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile` (#348166)
f0b14e4fb4be niri: install dinit service files
172f0cee3628 python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4 (#355027)
cf81310c69b9 prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20 (#354972)
4d9d042055b6 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0 (#354970)
7514add1990f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354917)
66eab41e34dd python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263 (#354909)
2ec42a007584 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio (#354911)
fa1b67747b3b ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0 (#354912)
918a840f93bf python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1 (#354910)
f5c93dd4908f python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0 (#354918)
9e48e1749f0a python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6 (#354943)
12569c191eb1 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3, move to by-name (#354974)
2049461e5435 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit (#354992)
3f42f0b61e6c linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110 (#355130)
4c3539c70b79 linux-firmware: 20241017 -> 20241110
7ff8d0f160be vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4 (#355129)
7d4246729b44 vaultwarden: 1.32.3 -> 1.32.4
e635cf8d9fb5 netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds (#355038)
8feb5e84c9e9 libskk: fix parse error (#355005)
b71ccf87b23c gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true` (#352768)
96e1c83061ff pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval (#352825)
87e380382121 nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1 (#355104)
f257cb5e5ee1 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0, add maintainer rksm (#348297)
b3dc0d06fdad buck2: Add shell completions (#354758)
9d2100929da8 rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1 (#351052)
3f334c14975e scopehal-apps: darwin support (#354815)
f03a58a929b4 roboto-flex: init at 3.200 (#353851)
5c1e2db52711 libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11 (#352703)
f94a3e0cd12e nix-unit: 2.24.0 -> 2.24.1
628110078b5c libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2 (#350821)
db0b0737bfdc obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation (#349326)
b3c4badad7e2 roboto-flex: init at 3.200
5812399690b8 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1 (#351360)
771d3917283d azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0 (#352775)
a8489059c4eb signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps (#354924)
f475d7505046 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests (#353833)
5b27ef3c5495 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2 (#354896)
a0c28de3e7d7 phonemizer: fix build (#354946)
802cb21f2a2a python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject (#354950)
99ad7da9e313 nixosTests.frr: fix node.router.config warning (#354710)
a44589e11da3 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build (#354523)
cb9613de4c67 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354512)
bc1a933e128d evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5 (#355083)
20ee59317101 nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries (#355088)
503b5b4c8cba rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909 (#354931)
dac96aac49af nixos/frigate: Set SyslogIdentifier for better log entries
871087c18d34 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config (#348344)
8c164faef4d4 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering (#352479)
8209b0d9b9b0 netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0 (#354525)
96115f656695 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0 (#354743)
6b5935539883 texlivePackages.xetex: force XeTeX to use fontconfig on Darwin (#354963)
32e064f48c2b evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
1593115346ba piano-rs: init at 0.2.0 (#336405)
a67e90c4928a wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14 (#291723)
5b74eb9b909e scopehal-apps: darwin support
71734a22978f pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval (#355051)
ab58dcfaf4c5 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers (#351744)
95855a90f9d0 aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4 (#355030)
34ed0c9cc1bb scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland (#348427)
ae725bafb39b python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8 (#354925)
eba346ebfead teamspeak3: modernise (#354161)
673033d742b2 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1 (#352448)
8f0c9853d549 pypy3Packages.home-assistant-chip-clusters: fix the eval
e80622178221 niri: 0.1.9 -> 0.1.10
8aed22ecd71e quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33 and apply patch (#354672)
0198cfb7673a hyprlandPlugins.hyprsplit: 0.44.1 -> 0.45.0
f3f9fcf93c8d hyprlandPlugins.hyprspace: 0-unstable-2024-09-16 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
cbc60c36101f hyprlandPlugins.hyprscroller: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-09
d9e2143b3e56 hyprlandPlugins.hyprgrass: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.2-unstable-2024-10-30
9739ac3afe95 hyprlandPlugins.hyprfocus: 0-unstable-2024-05-30 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-09
7804dcce6c5b hyprlandPlugins.hypr-dynamic-cursors: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-10
7c6c04825999 hyprlandPlugins/hyprland-plugins: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e2b798c525ac hyprlandPlugins.hy3: 0.44.0 -> 0.45.0
e575fc8ffa4b hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0 (#354900)
62d3c4fb592b netsurf.browser: fix darwin builds
0ef26b5dd615 Merge: Linux Hardened Kernel Updates for 2024-11-10 (#355023)
a6f2dfc2572d pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70 (#354954)
91333a0e6dcd team-list: establish java team (#352938)
6b0d4d7f4e8e aquamarine: 0.4.3 -> 0.4.4
3024a6807634 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken (#353672)
fa1ebbeeff0a python312Packages.wordcloud: 1.9.3 -> 1.9.4
4fee2cde561f brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123; refactor and nixfmt-rfc-style (#354114)
44bbe5ddad08 nixos/{boinc,guix}: Use exec to start the payload binary of the service (#297526)
9bd781e73301 linux/hardened/patches/6.6: v6.6.59-hardened1 -> v6.6.60-hardened1
3b3ea3ac4b03 linux/hardened/patches/6.11: v6.11.6-hardened1 -> v6.11.7-hardened1
d9b6a745b265 linux/hardened/patches/6.1: v6.1.115-hardened1 -> v6.1.116-hardened1
c367b19a22b7 linux/hardened/patches/5.4: v5.4.284-hardened1 -> v5.4.285-hardened1
fc9089929ad5 linux/hardened/patches/5.15: v5.15.170-hardened1 -> v5.15.171-hardened1
edb9a963e6ea linux/hardened/patches/5.10: v5.10.228-hardened1 -> v5.10.229-hardened1
8db0ec767e6d home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (#355021)
2544da75c5bf home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.dirigera_platform: init at 2.6.4 (#350542)
799b1af3b445 cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated (#353735)
8339db676638 home-assistant-custom-components.better_thermostat: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
9e1f7a1fc712 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0 (#353684)
6977c6b6c48e piano-rs: init at 0.2.0
e4c62c1fc494 pylyzer: 0.0.69 -> 0.0.70
fd214590b6ac rime-zhwiki: init at 20240909
f5f87e7240f5 dashy-ui: init at 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14 (#349149)
08e65e669ae3 python312Packages.tensorflow-probability: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.0
608a4a6e7042 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module,lomiri.*: Enable qdoc docs (#352601)
f4a76ebd1330 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0 (#354685)
6eafb43ca667 python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75 (#354948)
926dbc8e1c6a jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8 (#352505)
60190159408f gfn-electron: init at 2.1.2
9a333460f50c Merge: postgresql: improve passthru.tests (#352966)
0598c612417e python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5 (#352452)
d40ed47baac0 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin; fix source; refactor and modenize (#354973)
d77a2129f3e2 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS (#354063)
4e73fc3d5304 release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels (#262038)
37c3c1a32edf python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0 (#349069)
43544b405735 containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0 (#353113)
3e9874330416 regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02 (#353377)
88b78b3d1881 gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12 (#354521)
83d30478782d python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4 (#354350)
93472981d1ff nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7 (#354452)
886b26bad3d5 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15 (#354462)
b1d782c6fbb9 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0 (#354503)
3e3d0f2c68cf openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4 (#354964)
38ed0b172a2e compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1 (#354858)
c8af02ff2edb kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3 (#354916)
3a92760aa3f9 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13 (#354775)
b6077e3f6067 python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3 (#354801)
84db55f55e00 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47 (#354818)
d932f3609c38 python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354827)
cb0631fce111 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0 (#354838)
1c7bb9a36ff7 jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7 (#354845)
9dcf68f72882 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (#354901)
85a894514e94 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0 (#354985)
77c379fc15b1 maintainers/README: add guidelines for committers
aebe24954483 ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10 (#354280)
2b05865a6fa6 glfw3: added vulkan support (#354761)
72d2fc0fe01c python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.12.0 (#354656)
57fa23936966 python3Packages.globus-sdk: fix test
4b239e8fff18 python3Packages.globus-sdk: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
2b76729d1341 python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0 (#354881)
3bfe9c23d14e clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 (#354882)
67e295df4455 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1 (#354892)
123c88831bff komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1 (#354826)
57fb3a800a9a xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0 (#354829)
c9ba25afb896 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3 (#354844)
9d40f67872f2 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3 (#354848)
1d2941554a10 dbmate: 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
45f61aa9a947 python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1 (#354851)
e01ca8d232a0 wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354853)
090349a58995 nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2 (#354856)
a7fcea08bca8 miriway: 24.09 -> 24.10.1
8025d6d17bcd typos: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.3
da9757048d7d buck2: Use stdenvNoCC
982ff0b08e25 buck2: Install completions for bash and zsh
8213a8a557f8 surreal-engine: init at 0-unstable-2024-11-08 (#337069)
6d4ddefd7161 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the dmg (#354846)
494908f0fe86 python312Packages.localstack: fix build and refactor
54394a0c0b71 python312Packages.localstack-ext: fix build and refactor
5b916fd89714 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles` (#353832)
822590d06248 python3Packages.protobuf4: disable tests that fail on 32bit
e9c53bdf9a56 nixos/localsend: add package option & allow udp port (#333485)
da404cffefb6 vgmtrans: init at 1.2, libbassmidi: init at (#321129)
551bd11c42de python312Packages.pyftgl: refactor and modenize
beceecb51336 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix source
8618fe6f96b9 python312Packages.pyftgl: fix build on darwin
9828bad63a49 completely: 0.5.2 -> 0.6.3
8f8f60bee8e5 cvise: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0
66c47da4338c prettypst: unstable-2023-12-06 -> unstable-2024-10-20
88b620a72b65 completely: move to by-name
00cd61f517aa cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1 (#354306)
6cd1dd3dc5e6 vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0 (#335742)
f7911fc460e9 vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54 (#342514)
f69f13279107 vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2 (#350464)
e065e550b153 python3Packages.us: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
ef21cc74e2f1 python3Packages.us: switch to pyproject
925510d32cab vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15 (#353989)
dbb60b6319f3 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15 (#354447)
f696e0dc331c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20 (#354307)
46bbcb7efef5 vgmtrans: init at 1.2
07ca74e13487 teamviewer: add services.teamviewer.package Option + misc improvemens (#346365)
fc94ad90fb0e phonemizer: add bot-wxt1221 as maintainers
42be8c49fb89 phonemizer: fix build
1531e7712628 typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30 (#354872)
e19b3c8cd386 python312Packages.netifaces2: init at 0.0.22 (#354736)
fc1d56201e17 openlibm: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4
b306e97ffe30 Libreoffice updates (#354456)
62fa59a63947 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation (#353439)
29ba5b9a2985 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0, move to `by name`, `with lib;` cleanup, RFC format (#354932)
eee079f7e129 xcodes: nix-rfc-format
b45f61402b8a xcodes: with lib; cleanup
7531c8e01dc8 xcodes: 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0
3912015f1d0d python312Packages.androidtv: 0.0.74 -> 0.0.75
d420f2c9502f maintainers: add llakala (#354625)
757189b3e6b0 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1 (#354817)
214d9423dca6 python312Packages.langgraph: Use correct test directory (#354345)
647624dca6a1 wine-discord-ipc-bridge: unstable-2023-08-09 -> 0.0.3 (#353900)
4c78072d2f27 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.1 (#354168)
3efeb317473e git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4 (#354046)
35305f29a7e3 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next (#352507)
01ddc69668f5 obsidian: remove white background from icons
903f42960df7 fishPlugins.*: fix versions (#354729)
b0b3a70891e6 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present (#354899)
c188d417cf07 python312Packages.soco: 0.30.5 -> 0.30.6
d3cba66b117d python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0 (#354797)
4af121e6ac0f ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0 (#354807)
96e67743abd9 ox: switch to the new darwin sdk pattern
992c80c02e1f ox: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.10
757df4a1b42e xcodes: move to by-name
ae21c33fafab python312Packages.debugpy: 1.8.7 -> 1.8.8
1bd58487d015 python312Packages.scikit-rf: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.1
343b0a222530 adolc: modernize; fix clang build (#354642)
27235e1e6da6 python312Packages.google-generativeai: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3
1e6362fe068f python312Packages.google-ai-generativelanguage: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
9d3096074f3e vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0 (#354444)
9e960c976873 python312Packages.google-cloud-bigquery-logging: 1.4.5 -> 1.5.0
16107665062c dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt (#350053)
b3765ba04029 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8 (#354459)
012a679db0f8 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0 (#354852)
6ffb12c9f9c3 kine: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3
27a103786c88 doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init (#351394)
660022ee302b newlib: enable parallel build (#354520)
acf406372cf8 linux_xanmod, linux_xanmod_latest: 2024-11-08 (#354617)
ab244d13144a python312Packages.aiogram: update disabled
bb00b359cce7 ggshield: 1.32.2 -> 1.33.0
b39ea623743c python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1262 -> 3.0.1263
4c4420b29b66 python312Packages.pyswitchbot: add pytest-asyncio
b1d0a1aafff5 python312Packages.reolink-aio: 0.10.4 -> 0.11.0b1
465eab85d222 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0, python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.0 (#353963)
85c8b5ba7879 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3 (#354880)
c00d32f28515 beszel: init at 0.6.2 (#345444)
652fd5119056 pik: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0
a59e625bb474 buildFHSEnv: use LOCALE_ARCHIVE from environment if present
f8a4abdc2ed1 python312Packages.pytest-flake8: 1.2.2 -> 1.3.0
e20360e289da leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2 (#354519)
eacbe35bf009 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 (#354574)
72a790c6fc77 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as mainta… (#354794)
de131566b6e4 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1 (#354813)
12fe26865622 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0 (#354726)
176eb0a3d99e doc/hooks/aws-c-common: init
8df19efae58d kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0 (#353577)
f0000fe56d08 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17 (#354586)
09efcc6e4be9 libvirt-glib: relax max stack size limit
f91d2228a0b7 pantheon.elementary-onboarding: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.2
74d1b07edbf2 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1 (#353342)
28f456e3131c GNOME updates 2024-11-05 (#353824)
59ed3fa2c48d scarab: Apply scaling factor in Wayland
0a0d12f6626d gtree: 1.10.11 -> 1.10.12
1a4eb8b7a96e libnvme: 1.10 -> 1.11
35110b71bd78 azure-storage-azcopy: 10.26.0 -> 10.27.0
464b1e80245f maintainers: add llakala
d1444b4947b4 python312Packages.chess: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1
08c2eb8e894e nest-cli: 10.4.5 -> 10.4.7
061f86ca2988 vassal: 3.7.14 -> 3.7.15
ca3eca77cd85 gcsfuse: mark as broken on darwin
64b28c617d26 gcsfuse: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.1
2ff82ba8deea libdatachannel: 0.21.2 -> 0.22.2
8ff9d62e81f6 yubioath-flutter: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1
b49da1f76456 scarab: Remove unused inputs
df10ec72acee mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern (#354735)
b9c73c537391 python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin (#354667)
ae7f0eebdb3b python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak (#354592)
6e82927b9473 python312Packages.phonopy: 2.28.0 -> 2.29.1, fix build
dde8f5051682 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system (#354473)
55242bf389de hyprland: 44.1 -> 45.0
97a1ad0df003 tulip: fix build (#354236)
b322800344d5 python312Packages.rapidfuzz: 3.10.0 -> 3.10.1
ff18a1b2578d rapidfuzz-cpp: 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1
0dc5bb1584a5 mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7 (#345407)
7135b364b6e3 brave: 1.71.121 -> 1.71.123
301751f1c1bb brave: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
d037904ba3ed brave: refactor package.nix to allow more architectures
e3d50903923e hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3 (#354793)
b83eab78d7ec libvirt: increase timeout on darwin
b5aaa1df2248 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3 (#354393)
a96052fe5ffb virt-manager: disable testCLI0263virt_xml
df6ffb01522b perlPackages.SysVirt: 10.2.0 -> 10.9.0
e6f77dadc335 python312Packages.libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
69119368fdc5 libvirt: 10.5.0 -> 10.9.0
ed887863a6d6 clickhouse-backup: 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3
06486aa31e8c python312Packages.aiogram: 3.13.1 → 3.14.0
7f76ced7336f nixos/dashy: init module
60bc80aa5cd7 dashy-ui: 3.1.1-unstable-2024-07-14
ec1f3c7390de wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0 (#354778)
372f9fa1b449 esphome: 2024.10.2 -> 2024.10.3
1546e0871c1d nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2 (#354300)
3cebba8819f4 spotify-player: 0.20.0 -> 0.20.1
3a83ddd0062b vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies (#354673)
e6ffd9960ec9 python3Packages.{mirakuru,pgsanity}: fix builds (#354774)
8bee32d8bfa3 maintainers: add caperren
06be8564e527 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1 (#354083)
6648da3db4c4 darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks (#354766)
bbdf7817f839 wibo: 0.4.2 -> 0.6.14
a329ca6aea6e immich: unvendor exiftool
ee1cffa25c45 immich: 1.119.1 -> 1.120.1
d6899545c5bf typos-lsp: 0.1.27 -> 0.1.30
73e03e065ec8 luaPackages.toml-edit: 0.6.0 -> 0.6.1
2b3acacf0856 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor (#337284)
d55bf75cb9fe python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata (#354857)
5e5ec22c6f3d skia: unbreak darwin (#354557)
c00cc16b63b0 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0 (#354863)
93a01b05975a teamspeak3: drop 'arch' variable
2ad379b1c350 panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5 (#354771)
10a4498042d9 home-assistant-custom-components.moonraker: 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0
c48cd19fe52a python312Packages.uuid6: fix package version metadata
25628a6ed53a python3Packages.{consonance,yowsup}: fix build; refactor (#354690)
3bb8fc0f8844 compose2nix: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.1
e4ea814f0c8e teamspeak3: avoid `with lib;`
585c5ae3bcfa teamspeak3: remove NIX_REDIRECTS
4d98fc18e856 teamspeak3: rename from teamspeak_client
05eff5c687c1 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13 (#351778)
e5017770eb89 teamspeak_client: run installer script without -x by default
2568cfa34889 teamspeak_client: install to opt/ subdirectory
3830a3dbf641 teamspeak_client: modernise installPhase
49a5c6431cb9 teamspeak_client: remove unnecessary dependencies
9db530c94c90 teamspeak_client: use autoPatchelfHook rather than manual patchelf
cba4002e45b3 teamspeak_client: refactor libquazip patching
1a5940c3e8b3 teamspeak_client: use wrapQtAppsHook
56a739f756c9 teamspeak_client: make libredirect a regular runtimeDep
0f029a19c62b teamspeak_client: run phase hooks
cdd40cb89c34 teamspeak_client: refactor QT deps
c056c7dd7a11 teamspeak_client: use regular libcxx
f3840380fd31 teamspeak_client: don't wrap with cc's libdir
168a80a4eaea nwg-drawer: 0.5.0 -> 0.5.2
e3893e5c3c76 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build (#354706)
031786067bea slint-lsp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
e70954dca60d alacritty: remove obsolete libXrandr input
3690e2cfea0d python312Packages.mypy-boto3-*: updates (#354714)
414bf9701593 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18 (#354715)
ce51df0a5ba5 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29 (#354716)
cec3c09abdec cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0 (#354722)
8bfbd4e1f8d3 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0 (#354719)
b003bd16857f wit-bindgen: 0.33.0 -> 0.34.0
32cd6d84d744 python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0 (#354816)
63a139ae1c3c python312Packages.millheater: refactor
bcbe1d7185f3 python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127 (#354742)
92e125410c20 python312Packages.stripe: 11.1.0 -> 11.2.0
acc043c769ce python312Packages.stravalib: 2.0 → 2.1
43fa5ea2c9aa sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27 (#354779)
8540b13b1d20 josm: 19230 → 19253 (#354506)
f8486a3f1d9c vscode-extensions.sourcery.sourcery: 1.23.0 -> 1.24.0 (#354612)
d87258ad94bd python311Packages.pymc: fix hash (#354840)
13c119bf1a64 .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template (#342713)
2212fad7704e laravel: 5.8.3 -> 5.9.2 (#354696)
ebc1473d52f3 octoprint: 1.10.2 -> 1.10.3
d429e8592fb8 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1 (#350180)
da39eb7dd037 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install} (#354024)
0120ed5ea9f1 ruffle: remove obsolete libXrandr input
77c0b0b54457 halloy: remove obsolete libXrandr input
68d10c6cc3bb cosmic-term: remove obsolete libXrandr input
86d824132693 cosmic-edit: remove obsolete libXrandr input
f641f65b03b4 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1 (#320790)
d91e9dd0faa5 cosmic-comp: remove obsolete libXrandr input
a0bc021caebf coppwr: remove obsolete libXrandr input
2dcf8afc6007 aider-chat: add playwright version (#354796)
499926182ad1 positron-bin: fix darwin not unpacking the .dmg
3d3185b49655 proton-ge-bin: GE-Proton9-18 -> GE-Proton9-20
52c3ce5d48fe qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1 (#354770)
7cb44f20f6b3 zed-editor: make node-based built-in LSPs work on NixOS
658a8762ea0d jan: 0.5.6 -> 0.5.7
b2f43234a2c3 adolc: fix clang build
5186ad13f487 adolc: modernize
c880f1f46bfe adolc: format
f3cced0b682e python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2 (#354831)
a806a3b2e597 python311Packages.pymc: fix hash
9a695a958884 go-mockery: 2.46.0 -> 2.46.3
1cd03b9a6446 dotenvx: 1.14.2 -> 1.22.0
50cff47c417c bootterm: init at 0.5 (#352951)
0927ff824cde python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1 (#354630)
e42a71a5de98 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 (#354812)
df1e170e33c5 python312Packages.pyosmium: 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
92c3f8cf92c0 wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 (#354116)
8ac37da4f6ed xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
7ecad5abbd99 maintainers: add therealgramdalf
fe17e8dfaa6b python312Packages.xml2rfc: 3.23.2 -> 3.24.0
b323e1c5c4e2 komga: 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1
c04d7170e047 team-list: establish java team
8b2a02dc9de8 vscode-extensions.ms-windows-ai-studio.windows-ai-studio: init at 0.6.1
146c62ba33a4 vscode-extensions.ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack: init at 0.26.0
5c44f6f77c96 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 (#354423)
21069db14d33 python312Packages.weblate-language-data: 2024.8 -> 2024.13
b71a8b49f59b live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0 (#354395)
f5e91559fddc python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0 (#354397)
286db1ef230d wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1 (#354412)
939318029769 erg: 0.6.45 -> 0.6.47
45cef36e39b2 nixosTests.postgresql: run nixfmt
128244b59818 nixosTests.postgresql: use a common pattern throughout all tests
9035573855d9 nixosTests.postgresql: move all postgresql related nixosTests into one folder
db2d6a00abe5 postgresqlPackages.anonymizer: make passthru.tests work with correct package
23c19a255fab postgresqlPackages.timescaledb: make passthru.tests work with correct package
6d7da20a9044 postgresqlPackages.tsja: make passthru.tests work with correct package
a5c41ae80a2f postgresqlPackages.pgvecto-rs: make passthru.tests work with correct package
0af934adf740 postgresqlPackages.pgjwt: make passthru.tests work with correct package
ecffab1fdaf8 postgresqlPackages.postgis: move nixosTests.postgis into package
aded718a9824 postgresqlPackages.apache_datasketches: move nixosTests.apache_datasketches into package
139c5466764b postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql-tls-client-cert
f6c2de926290 postgresql: add passthru.tests.postgresql
319d82d5c218 nixosTests.postgresql-wal2json: avoid manual imports
65ef7381c8d7 nixosTests.postgresql-jit: avoid manual imports
a1ae4377e090 nixosTests.postgresql-wal-receiver: avoid manual imports
75d51c588914 postgresqlVersions: init
d3feaaebea18 nixosTests.pgjwt: fix test
e2636cf342ea python312Packages.msgraph-sdk: 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0
3bf6a063b3c7 Merge: postgresqlPackages: fix some builds on darwin (#354748)
059fc0f2dea1 gh-dash: 4.7.0 -> 4.7.1
8f55df5aa879 krabby: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1
f11b5ff8a21a Merge: pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available (#354526)
0a7544a42300 python312Packages.anthropic: 0.35.0 -> 0.39.0
b01d3ee0239c python312Packages.polars: 1.9.0 -> 1.12.0
8f3dad550fd1 python312Packages.lacuscore: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.1
446aa3f0b262 python312Packages.playwrightcapture: 1.26.3 -> 1.27.0
635e9d2ebb5b sile: switch to the zstd based source
172cb3ef53e1 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages (#354287)
91e4660ed8fc git-warp-time: init at 0.8.4
d60f27f889da ov: 0.36.0 -> 0.37.0
b35c45a2c174 python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4 (#354754)
31aa6f6edf2b python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10 (#354750)
bba140c5a34b python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3 (#354539)
c61adda6befd python312Packages.dinghy: 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
6430e02e54ef cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2 (#354558)
9139ad63f22f granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1 (#354572)
275614510a2c python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21 (#354596)
cff5cbc5a1d9 python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25 (#354607)
043d2cb44863 python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12 (#354613)
646347d50787 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0 (#354618)
807e43e55923 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04 (#353627)
02e3707a2cae python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0 (#354713)
d8a18ae783d8 python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18 (#354717)
b276bfa32bff python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 (#354720)
df67f3f7b25a helix-gpt: 0.31.0 -> 0.34.0 (#354767)
7307a896451d home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0 (#354787)
9559e9044e8a python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68 (#354681)
45d7d8c8b3cd python312Packages.millheater: 0.11.8 -> 0.12.0
3061dbd29c06 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19 (#354684)
3be1322ad99d python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0 (#354693)
a8e970898daa ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108 (#354698)
d5df6af63621 python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262 (#354699)
2bac553f5a50 okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 (#354702)
d7a60669490e ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8 (#354650)
011f48fb221a fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10 (#354664)
f8ba284376ec python312Packages.guidata: 3.7.0 -> 3.7.1
d9353697ca64 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4 (#354674)
4f101cae7065 aider-chat: add playwright version
7953deea2419 keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0 (#336886)
20e8995972d4 thunderbird: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr (#354213)
312ce1b65c40 hickory-dns: 0.25.0-alpha.2 -> 0.25.0-alpha.3
b89f8a710d16 prusa-slicer, super-slicer, mediathekview: remove Moredread as maintainer
d2d4c4f350b9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3 (#354582)
38a52bbfd430 restic: disable tests on non-linux
c98b0cad092c home-assistant-custom-lovelace-modules.mushroom: 4.0.8 -> 4.1.0
70ca880f3511 gnome-online-accounts: 3.52.0 → 3.52.1
247ee3b0379e mutter: 47.0 → 47.1
6b438be4d92a gvfs: 1.56.0 → 1.56.1
748ada2ba6e0 gnome-shell-extensions: 47.0 → 47.1
b3b9989a367d gnome-shell: 47.0 → 47.1
d45192210e86 gnome-remote-desktop: 47.0 → 47.1
ea1a562cb95a gnome-control-center: 47.0.1 → 47.1.1
9b6dabf3f2ff kubelogin-oidc: switch to recommended pattern for implicit attr defaults
4d089cffa925 kubelogin-oidc: 1.30.1 -> 1.31.0
f0bee68628ec robo: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.0 (#354707)
6fb6032d36ef roave-backward-compatibility-check: 8.9.0 -> 8.10.0 (#354705)
04f72b6930e8 ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3 (#354585)
a4e298635f25 waylock: 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0
7fa514f53139 waylock: port update script to bash
a9669e1be8c7 d2: 0.6.7 -> 0.6.8
a31f2a7b37f2 pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements; vimPlugins: sort properly (#353786)
8d9c4bfb9851 helix-gpt: 0.31 -> 0.34
2ef132b3585e gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0 (#346255)
e02828f01cd1 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak (#354509)
7bb5dfe0e470 sketchybar-app-font: 2.0.25 -> 2.0.27
894ab7c90845 wttrbar: 0.10.6 -> 0.11.0
bc63a2f7c3c8 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin (#354566)
dcdd61e5e5b2 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2… (#353112)
67fa71469a6b python3Packages.pgsanity: fix build
e07f6a75653d python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin in sandbox
1b89b9a99d80 python3Packages.mirakuru: fix build on darwin
2515edf5369e qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30 (#352723)
5f45ecf05c14 python312Packages.docling-parse: 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3 (#354691)
cf6a8c9b4b9f chore: update references to `nix-review` to `nixpkgs-review`
bc5b75eb11b1 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40 (#350248)
9bcab985ab58 stardust-xr-kiara: 0-unstable-2024-07-07 -> 0-unstable-2024-07-13
ea5908112814 python3Packages.mirakuru: 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
a2dc61cee92a panoply: 5.5.4 -> 5.5.5
9ba75eb753b5 mysql-shell-innovation: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
194e35dd632a mysql-shell: add libutil on darwin; refactor to new SDK pattern
54953ef09a04 qownnotes: 24.9.8 -> 24.11.1
8091ea3f24bb Merge: postgresql_17: fix build (#354571)
274d5afbc552 python312Packages.githubkit: 0.11.11 -> 0.11.14
3b91a81423cd treewide: remove redundant patches and locks (#354215)
c4f452f621f6 vimPlugins.neoconf-nvim: add dependencies
c701c72b71f7 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0 (#353023)
b11943b30173 nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0 (#352589)
82f6fe5a5762 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration (#354753)
44800d7c800e .git-blame-ignore-revs: add 'treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1'
7a56cc79c651 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2 (#354662)
fa2cae8e77f8 treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1 (#354531)
8f29f19bc162 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3, mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0 (#349181)
8c2c5fa14d77 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package (#302204)
f8bb0b875ad8 factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15 (#354040)
ff0df8fe7aee php: 8.4.0RC3 -> 8.4.0RC4, 8.3.12 -> 8.3.13 (#354562)
751912c95af1 OWNERS: correct path after 1st by-name migration
648e59c8a3ce python312Packages.imap-tools: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4
be978743512b Fix: use lib.mkPackageOption
ba83a0dba006 Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
a96dce89d048 PR feedback: Replace pkg variable, move package statement
571c71e6f73a treewide: migrate packages to pkgs/by-name, take 1
b5f67acfbf3c nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0 (#354661)
bfd5f3d9ffca glfw3: added vulkan support
e98f8506648f python312Packages.nice-go: 0.3.9 -> 0.3.10
e79b71782a4c budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1 (#354308)
4801d0c2a3a5 postgresql17Packages.{pg_cron,pg_hll}: fix build on x86_64-darwin
b9cf08c8e5ec cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4 (#354677)
dde21924f83f vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies (#354634)
df20742283ba ombi: allow overriding package in module (#345814)
a50d7295727e darwin.openwith: remove apple_sdk.frameworks
112d505ce4a2 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux (#353983)
3fe7c149cbbb libreoffice: disable tests on Qt5
2be7c57b9325 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3 (#354580)
eeb4b7041961 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service (#354098)
dde890851a3c python311Packages.angr: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
58e6cb8ad805 python312Packages.cle: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
7a83dade0a7d python312Packages.claripy: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
82870db16ad2 python312Packages.pyvex: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
1e20869209d8 python312Packages.ailment: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
5a5694d2ff97 python312Packages.archinfo: 9.2.126 -> 9.2.127
bf11ccc0e233 clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3 (#354273)
951d196036af stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31 (#354623)
18f2cc30ef90 stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20 (#354616)
90f890e79327 stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22 (#354633)
fd3e1541866a libreoffice-still: ->
b60b7b6b05c1 libreoffice-fresh: ->
dc31ff18ec84 stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10 (#354637)
996e9d64594d python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps and tests, unbreak (#354464)
5f8f11ff862b stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19 (#354614)
f3e2ba5038e9 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06 (#354638)
99d3107b49fe stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13 (#324395)
780275051aa2 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07 (#324404)
ff09150750be basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0 (#354204)
aff0cebe5ab3 fishPlugins.*: fix versions
8b4272426c92 python312Packages.magic-wormhole-transit-relay: 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0
54baabae77a7 ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9 (#353042)
972dfa3efafc python312Packages.objprint: add changelog to meta
ca6c07d985d5 cnspec: 11.28.1 -> 11.29.0
788591e73b39 python312Packages.cyclopts: 2.9.9 -> 3.0.0
b156e982136d .github: Add a "Module requests" issue template
1df32493a41c python312Packages.mypy-boto3-verifiedpermissions: 1.35.30 -> 1.35.55
25114110f49e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-synthetics: 1.35.18 -> 1.35.56
dd882eb62402 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-s3control: 1.35.12 -> 1.35.55
aede3250222f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-resource-explorer-2: 1.35.25 -> 1.35.56
ddb9a7fcd1d7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-quicksight: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.56
6db171d873a5 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: 1.35.43 -> 1.35.57
c548504474ae nzportable: init at 2.0.0-indev+20241012190425
47904c8dd760 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lambda: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.57
1e7b5db19091 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-lakeformation: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.55
f04bedb8b097 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-guardduty: 1.35.39 -> 1.35.55
f696f2da0ac9 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-firehose: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
815da64d5641 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-eks: 1.35.45 -> 1.35.57
da42eb80266f python312Packages.mypy-boto3-codebuild: 1.35.49 -> 1.35.55
f283f98e923e python312Packages.mypy-boto3-cleanrooms: 1.35.51 -> 1.35.56
764ae6081bc7 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-chime-sdk-media-pipelines: 1.35.0 -> 1.35.57
df705189ee44 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-batch: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.57
a4a1020e7137 python312Packages.mypy-boto3-autoscaling: 1.35.53 -> 1.35.56
e770aff17974 python312Packages.multiscale-spatial-image: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
f396caa8d752 python312Packages.chromadb: 0.5.17 -> 0.5.18
2160918a0b90 python312Packages.jedi-language-server: 0.41.4 -> 0.42.0
cb5a79de97b2 python312Packages.gehomesdk: 0.5.28 -> 0.5.29
ac3c8ae13d0a python312Packages.mitogen: 0.3.16 -> 0.3.18
b7c678532145 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0 (#354708)
1cc81439e761 nixosTests.frr: fix warning, use nodes.router instead of nodes.router.config
f93219dfa08f nixosTests.frr: format using nixfmt
df11922a6da8 nix-update: 1.5.2 -> 1.6.0
63d9179dd4e9 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: refactor
533fffa449e4 python312Packages.python-axolotl-curve25519: fix build on darwin
45dd2b73eacf python312Packages.tencentcloud-sdk-python: 3.0.1261 -> 3.0.1262
7c69e10ceb1b okteto: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
83d18d4dc3ee python311Packages.yowsup: refactor
c0ec6c8c3c3c python311Packages.yowsup: fix build
a0f0aac19598 ccls: 0.20240505 -> 0.20241108
5abc7f27a20e python312Packages.objprint: 0.2.3 -> 0.3.0
1fa9b80b0afd release: block on `aarch64` on `*-darwin` channels
ab7489d373ff python311Packages.consonance: refactor
c76f00a4efe6 python311Packages.consonance: fix build
f323f1ccfef7 nix-forecast: init at 0.1.0
bdfa0f011297 python3Packages.pywebview: build fix for tests
78b5698555d8 ab-av1: 0.7.18 -> 0.7.19
8dfa246bb10c python312Packages.qbittorrent-api: 2024.9.67 -> 2024.10.68
4c7aa6428fe9 cargo-mobile2: 0.17.3 -> 0.17.4
df3d7683fed1 tile38: 1.33.3 -> 1.33.4
4f0337923244 quarto: apply deno 2 compatibility patch
69cc148de30a quarto: 1.6.30 -> 1.6.33
39769f9fc86f python311Packages.tsfresh: fix build on darwin
80335810c8c6 wl-gammarelay-rs: 0.4.1 -> 1.0.0
cf772c1b5608 fluent-bit: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10
3603e0d5ea48 marwaita-red: 22 -> 22.2
5a82dc34b00e nhost-cli: 1.24.5 -> 1.27.0
40641c90b547 python312Packages.polars: 1.7.1 -> 1.9.0
b5f7f510393d ocamlPackages.http-mirage-client: 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8
a784f38df795 stardust-xr-sphereland: init at 0-unstable-2023-11-06
2c31f63228ab stardust-xr-phobetor: init at 0-unstable-2024-02-10
66bb24d74424 vimPlugins.quarto-nvim: add dependencies
02871d95ebeb mesonlsp: fix aarch64-darwin build, mark as broken on x86_64-darwin
2e2d6027352b stardust-xr-atmosphere: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-22
e9b1d2d5ac63 vimPlugins: sort properly
a6fe798a015a pluginupdate.py: fix bugs and add improvements
8b503ec432ce pluginupdate.py: reformat with ruff
d339f93f3225 bsc: remove axv2 when building on non x86 system
385eb6ae4dff python3Packages.rioxarray: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.1
5a1e1f65a908 stardust-xr-flatland: init at 0-unstable-2024-04-13
4b02cabbbe0c stardust-xr-protostar: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-19
839ecef9050e stardust-xr-gravity: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-20
c3fd31e2c4ad stardust-xr-magnetar: init at 0-unstable-2024-08-31
a90b34f9e76b keybase{-gui}: add myself as maintainer
265d9a2adb8b keybase-gui: add `NIXOS_OZONE_WL` support
a024f81d841c keybase-gui: 6.2.4 -> 6.4.0
562758261fd4 pulumi-bin: 3.137.0 -> 3.138.0
71330f93ee9e linux_xanmod_latest: 6.11.6 -> 6.11.7
efa0718e7482 linux_xanmod: 6.6.59 -> 6.6.60
61220d768de8 python3Packages.torch: switch to apple-sdk_13
afbbb9aaeb0d python312Packages.aiortm: 0.9.24 -> 0.9.25
ac5aaaa7336f python312Packages.whenever: 0.6.10 -> 0.6.12
086bfa238585 lib/minver: bump to 2.3.17
a5b695b34b6b python312Packages.ucsmsdk: 0.9.20 -> 0.9.21
c3afba78f24e python311Packages.qutip: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
0a48b45c5af7 xar: fix Linux build on staging-next
1754ed842e2d ispc: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.3
b8e62002b5d3 python312Packages.msprime: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
226843be6a9f python312Packages.pysnow: patch tests, unbreak
b8b4cdc90390 doc: revise Darwin SDK documentation
5db8bf44deb0 openpgp-card-tools: Add shell completions and man pages
120103ec7cc9 restic: 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3
80458ba97944 stardust-xr-kiara: init at 0-unstable-2024-07-07
676db521744e postgresql_17: fix build
b2945bc0a84f python312Packages.langgraph: Fix unit tests that were breaking Hydra
c64c064437f5 python312Packages.babelfont: 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
c26249be9a66 lapce: format with nixfmt-rfc-style
896db32853f5 lapce: unbreak x86_64-darwin
3e9c905d355a nomad_1_9: 1.9.0 -> 1.9.2
4a1393afe0f1 python312Packages.ruff: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3
78705eaeb106 skia: unbreak darwin
d1478e78c0ac postgresqlPackages.system_stats: fix build on darwin
af11b38d2131 cotp: 1.9.1 -> 1.9.2
c78b55b3b684 protonvpn-gui: 4.6.0 -> 4.7.3
29d02718132f wasmtime: 26.0.0 -> 26.0.1
1af3b8486fb2 granted: 0.36.0 -> 0.36.1
1bb3362ddfb5 python312Packages.free-proxy: 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
dd59f2cfe919 budgie-media-player-applet: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.1
0418996c9685 pg-dump-anon: use latest postgresql available
6ec5b8d597ba netclient: 0.25.0 -> 0.26.0
e600b8b00b33 newlib: enable parallel build
16518a3f3d4b factorio: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.15
6c2d6fa844bc leo-editor: 6.8.1 -> 6.8.2
84b68b839ac3 python312Packages.tskit: relax numpy build-time constraint, unbreak
bd2ea530520b python312Packages.scikit-fmm: run checkPhase hooks, echo check command
1c418186cfd2 python312Packages.scikit-fmm: remove stale substituteInPlace, unbreak
ee27c02106f3 kube-state-metrics: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0
0465be1b8f0e python311Packages.pysnow: fix deps, unbreak
eeb52b79d149 vscode-extensions.shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced: 0.8.14 -> 0.8.15
19595c35d78c crates-tui: init at 0.1.20
92647d759237 vale: 3.8.0 -> 3.9.0
44992762f0cc basedpyright: 1.19.0 -> 1.21.0
27c93e95f9a8 tulip: fix compilation by adding the `-fpermissive` flag A typecast from unsigned char* to char* in the source broke the build
987c737557b1 python312Packages.guidata: 3.6.3 -> 3.7.0
07d2ee58bae2 nanoflann: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2
b74fdd238641 treewide: remove redundant patches and locks
a588dee7465d python312Packages.cmsdials: 1.3.0 -> 1.4.0
b75334c2f965 live-server: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.0
86fbc2f2d8c6 python312Packages.redis-om: 0.3.2 -> 0.3.3
00cc5342828c python312Packages.kornia: 0.7.3 -> 0.7.4
831c38e31987 python3Packages.fastcrc: init at 0.3.2
a01b23fa72ac cartridges: run meson checks
57f23ed8b1a8 cartridges: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1
cea2eef9fa5d clouddrive2: 0.7.21 -> 0.8.3
b62797a3d7ed tulip: format using nixfmt
fb358db1b51f thunderbird-128-unwrapped: 128.4.0esr -> 128.4.2esr
d56656e48729 yosys: 0.46 -> 0.47
43d0f16226c8 pyton312Packages.arelle: 18.3 -> 2.30.25, unbreak, refactor
0e174ba654b7 python3Packages.proton-vpn-network-manager: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.4
f4485f7c41af python3Packages.proton-vpn-api-core: 0.35.5 -> 0.36.4
074f93408e5a proton-vpn-local-agent: 0-unstable-2024-10-10 -> 1.0.0
da0bfe800600 signal-desktop: remove stdenv.cc.cc from runtimeDeps
de8c3feb7fbf wasmer: 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1
16970e3252d0 nixos/hebbot: Fix systemd service
9e1b88a44350 libbassmidi: init at
05ac36fa30a3 treewide: use dontCargo{Build,Check,Install}
3e646301a07e smartcat: 1.7.1 -> 2.1.0
9609ea875774 vscode-extensions.streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker: 4.0.14 -> 4.0.15
975f4c45ae5c beszel: init at 0.6.2
887a74fd5784 clickhouse: fix compilation on aarch64-linux
3f2bbfd68b79 nixos/openvpn3: add `/etc/openvpn3/configs` to `systemd.tmpfiles`
9642cf41060a cfn-nag: added mathstlouis to maintainers
abcf5fb9b943 maintainer-list: added mathstlouis
c771f151f8bf cfn-nag: added meta.mainProgram
ff17208a821a cfn-nag: fix gemfile so that binaries are generated
dd086ca40200 msi-ec: 0-unstable-2024-09-19 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-04
4b13779f3321 python3Packages.subliminal: mark as not broken
9b7877aa1fc7 kubectl-graph: init at 0.7.0
aebe9a354b7b regripper: update-2023-07-23 -> 0-unstable-2024-11-02
db15554b6954 htcondor: 23.10.1 -> 24.1.1
d90f320eb26d bootterm: init at 0.5
45d7127c77df mesonlsp: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.7
1a774a95d219 python312Packages.wtforms: 3.1.2 -> 3.2.1
682d4d76aa8c containerlab: 0.58.0 -> 0.59.0
7abbb28c59b9 whitesur-kde: 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-09-26 -> 2022-05-01-unstable-2024-11-01
b9e3b9dbb22b ssh-tools: 1.8-unstable-2024-03-18 -> 1.9
4eceb5ba2fef maintainers: add deadbaed
c952a4bfdbec vscode-extensions.sainnhe.gruvbox-material: init at 6.5.2
d4e2d6e00c84 maintainers: add thtrf
1301e4f0b024 pyamlboot.tests: fix the eval
6030ff068ad7 gnuplot: fix build with `withTeXLive = true`
b6cf7b27b7c0 qogir-kde: 0-unstable-2024-09-21 -> 0-unstable-2024-10-30
4d8081767bc5 lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: nixfmt, modernise
4ce2e1df58ec lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: nixfmt, modernise
5cc3c54a6425 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: nixfmt, modernise
ba59f61a725a lomiri.u1db-qt: Add meta.changelog
95c0233ed962 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: nixfmt, modernise
bafb37491e96 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Fix version
b8c432b54a5a libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: nixfmt, modernise
8a5f86237dba lomiri.lomiri-content-hub: Enable qdoc docs
03b310e94cbc lomiri.lomiri-indicator-network: Enable qdoc docs
e0d5bd98ffbc lomiri.lomiri-download-manager: Enable qdoc docs
d04843ce6096 lomiri.lomiri-ui-toolkit: Enable qdoc docs
ac976c912dfb jasp-desktop: add patch to fix crash when using qt 6.8
8f74b6cdaf78 lomiri.lomiri-action-api: Enable qdoc docs
eeea8d648db2 lomiri.u1db-qt: Enable qdoc docs
4442e5ac9161 libsForQt5.accounts-qml-module: Enable qdoc docs
9dd1f943ecd1 nixos/nextcloud-notify_push: fix defaultText rendering
bed43b44613d nixos/hardware.nitrokey: update documentation
38ec993a582f nixos/hardware.nitrokey: replace libnitrokey with nitrokey-udev-rules
d43f004d1fe4 nitrokey-udev-rules: init at 1.0.0
8ffcca7fd0a0 maintainers: add robinkrahl
2280b9bf4a98 python312Packages.bsdiff4: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
9ce864871fdc python312Packages.rio-tiler: 6.7.0 → 7.0.1
1caf42170d5a vscode-extensions.continue.continue: 0.8.44 -> 0.8.54
d931f342a429 mysql80: 8.0.39 -> 8.0.40
07c81867c907 dolphin-emu-primehack: 1.0.6a -> 1.0.7a, qt5 -> qt6, unpin fmt
c3ceedeac1ac obs-studio-plugins.obs-hyperion: patch stateChanged deprecation
cbcee2460787 mysql-shell-innovation: 9.0.1 -> 9.1.0
c7a381c92a79 mysql-shell: 8.4.1 -> 8.4.3
933ccc51f4a5 maintainers: add rksm
1a48ff707293 python312Packages.morecantile: 5.4.2 -> 6.0.0
c02e155285ef vscode-extensions.esbenp.prettier-vscode: 10.4.0 -> 11.0.0
6e6fc7ca2658 nixos/acme: do not limit credentials functionality to DNS/S3 config
7467f7d59f13 nixos/roundcube: add example for `database.passwordFile`
04dbbd436515 teamviewer: introduce services.teamviewer.package option
2928912a7c74 teamviewer: remove "with lib;"
89ecd0313160 teamviewer: format file
5146c143bbf1 gifski: 1.14.4 -> 1.32.0
a44e0fe3dc9f pyton312Packages.sphinx-autodoc2: init at 0.5.0
0b097987fe34 nixos/localsend: allow udp port
9ac4777d98d0 nixos/localsend: add package option
a3843a7ee564 chiptrack: init at 0.3.1
5d49d4cfa1a4 nixos/guix: use exec to start the payload binary
410ae87bf5e2 nixos/boinc: use exec to start the payload binary
e8a9775a6167 nixos/nzbget: add option to override package
git-subtree-dir: third_party/nixpkgs
git-subtree-split: dc460ec76cbff0e66e269457d7b728432263166c
2024-11-16 15:43:04 +00:00
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/toml-edit.lua/archive/v0.6.1.zip";
sha256 = "03gxfj2km4j08cx8yv70wvzwynnlwai6cdprrxnbf76mwy877hpg";
2024-11-10 23:59:47 +00:00
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
nativeBuildInputs = [ luarocks-build-rust-mlua ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorocks/toml-edit.lua";
description = "TOML Parser + Formatting and Comment-Preserving Editor";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
tree-sitter-norg = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchurl, fetchzip, luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-cpp }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "tree-sitter-norg";
version = "0.2.6-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/tree-sitter-norg-0.2.6-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "1s0wj59v4zjgimws742ybzy7nhnnkz8nas4y5k96c2z5z54ynxmq";
src = fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/nvim-neorg/tree-sitter-norg/archive/v0.2.6.zip";
sha256 = "077rds0rq10wjywpj4hmmq9dd6qp6sfwbdjyh587laldrfl7jy6g";
nativeBuildInputs = [ luarocks-build-treesitter-parser-cpp ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/nvim-neorg/tree-sitter-norg";
description = "The official tree-sitter parser for Norg documents.";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ mrcjkb ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
vstruct = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "vstruct";
version = "2.1.1-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/vstruct-2.1.1-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "111ff5207hspda9fpj9dqdd699rax0df3abdnfbmdbdy3j07dd04";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ToxicFrog";
repo = "vstruct";
rev = "v2.1.1";
hash = "sha256-p9yRJ3Kr6WQ4vBSTOVLoX6peNCJW6b6kgXCySg7aiWo=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/ToxicFrog/vstruct";
description = "Lua library to manipulate binary data";
}) {};
vusted = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, busted, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luasystem }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "vusted";
version = "2.5.0-1";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/vusted-2.5.0-1.rockspec";
sha256 = "05jv8kl0hy3pyrknafmynifrqyrcc5q9qkd4ly1vmxgmmbm30nqz";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "notomo";
repo = "vusted";
rev = "v2.5.0";
hash = "sha256-1/fZ8OAw9NZoY1YDN6OhOJRqwRDWps5JJDIsvWg1Nr4=";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ busted luasystem ];
meta = {
homepage = "https://github.com/notomo/vusted";
description = "`busted` wrapper for testing neovim plugin";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ figsoda ];
license.fullName = "MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>";
}) {};
xml2lua = callPackage({ buildLuarocksPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, luaOlder }:
buildLuarocksPackage {
pname = "xml2lua";
version = "1.6-2";
knownRockspec = (fetchurl {
url = "mirror://luarocks/xml2lua-1.6-2.rockspec";
sha256 = "1fh57kv95a18q4869hmr4fbzbnlmq5z83mkkixvwzg3szf9kvfcn";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "manoelcampos";
repo = "xml2lua";
rev = "v1.6-2";
hash = "sha256-4il5mmRLtuyCJ2Nm1tKv2hXk7rmiq7Fppx9LMbjkne0=";
disabled = luaOlder "5.1";
meta = {
homepage = "http://manoelcampos.github.io/xml2lua/";
description = "An XML Parser written entirely in Lua that works for Lua 5.1+";
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ teto ];
license.fullName = "MIT";
}) {};
/* GENERATED - do not edit this file */