2024-04-21 15:54:59 +00:00
# Ideally, this file would have been placed in
# pkgs/by-name/ss/sshd-openpgp-auth/package.nix, but since `./generic.nix` is
2024-09-19 14:19:46 +00:00
# outside of the directory, the `nixpkgs-vet` test will fail the CI. So
2024-04-21 15:54:59 +00:00
# we call this file in all-packages.nix like in the old days.
{ callPackage }:
callPackage ./generic.nix {
pname = "sshd-openpgp-auth";
version = "0.3.0";
srcHash = "sha256-IV0Nhdqyn12HDOp1jaKz3sKTI3ktFd5b6qybCLWt27I=";
cargoHash = "sha256-/+lZkVMeFUMRD7NQ/MHDU5f3rkKDx1kDv5tjA41RExc=";
metaDescription =
"Command-line tool for creating and managing OpenPGP based trust anchors for SSH host keys";