2023-01-11 07:51:40 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
#Copyright 2007 Sebastian Hagen
# This file is part of wordnet_tools.
# wordnet_tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
# as published by the Free Software Foundation
# wordnet_tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with wordnet_tools; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# This program requires python >= 2.4.
# This program converts wordnet index/data file pairs into dict index/data
# files usable by dictd.
# This is basically a reimplementation of the wnfilter program by Rik Faith,
# which unfortunately doesn't work correctly for wordnet files in the newer
# formats. This version of wordnet_structures whould parse wordnet 2.1 files
# correctly, and create output very similar to what wnfilter would have
# written.
import datetime
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import math
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
from textwrap import TextWrapper
category_map = {
' n ' : CAT_NOUN ,
' v ' : CAT_VERB ,
' r ' : CAT_ADVERB
class WordIndex :
def __init__ ( self , lemma , category , ptrs , synsets , tagsense_count ) :
self . lemma = lemma
self . category = category
self . ptrs = ptrs
self . synsets = synsets
self . tagsense_count = tagsense_count
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def build_from_line ( cls , line_data , synset_map ) :
line_split = line_data . split ( )
lemma = line_split [ 0 ]
category = category_map [ line_split [ 1 ] ]
synset_count = int ( line_split [ 2 ] , 10 )
ptr_count = int ( line_split [ 3 ] , 10 )
ptrs = [ line_split [ i ] for i in range ( 3 , 3 + ptr_count ) ]
tagsense_count = int ( line_split [ 5 + ptr_count ] , 10 )
synsets = [ synset_map [ int ( line_split [ i ] , 10 ) ] for i in range ( 6 + ptr_count , 6 + ptr_count + synset_count ) ]
return cls ( lemma , category , ptrs , synsets , tagsense_count )
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def build_from_file ( cls , f , synset_map , rv_base = None ) :
if ( rv_base is None ) :
rv = { }
else :
rv = rv_base
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for line in f :
if ( line . startswith ( ' ' ) ) :
wi = cls . build_from_line ( line , synset_map )
word = wi . lemma . lower ( )
if not ( word in rv ) :
rv [ word ] = [ ]
rv [ word ] . append ( wi )
return rv
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return ' %s %s ' % ( self . __class__ . __name__ , ( self . lemma , self . category , self . ptrs , self . synsets , self . tagsense_count ) )
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class WordIndexDictFormatter ( WordIndex ) :
category_map_rev = {
CAT_NOUN : ' n ' ,
CAT_VERB : ' v ' ,
CAT_ADJECTIVE : ' adj ' ,
CAT_ADVERB : ' adv '
linesep = ' \n '
prefix_fmtf_line_first = ' %5s 1: '
prefix_fmtn_line_first = ' '
prefix_fmtf_line_nonfirst = ' %5d : '
prefix_fmtn_line_nonfirst = ' '
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def dict_str ( self ) :
tw = TextWrapper ( width = self . LINE_WIDTH_MAX ,
initial_indent = ( self . prefix_fmtf_line_first % self . category_map_rev [ self . category ] ) ,
subsequent_indent = self . prefix_fmtn_line_first )
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lines = ( tw . wrap ( self . synsets [ 0 ] . dict_str ( ) ) )
i = 2
for synset in self . synsets [ 1 : ] :
tw = TextWrapper ( width = self . LINE_WIDTH_MAX ,
initial_indent = ( self . prefix_fmtf_line_nonfirst % i ) ,
subsequent_indent = self . prefix_fmtn_line_nonfirst )
lines . extend ( tw . wrap ( synset . dict_str ( ) ) )
i + = 1
return self . linesep . join ( lines )
class Synset :
def __init__ ( self , offset , ss_type , words , ptrs , gloss , frames = ( ) ) :
self . offset = offset
self . type = ss_type
self . words = words
self . ptrs = ptrs
self . gloss = gloss
self . frames = frames
self . comments = [ ]
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def build_from_line ( cls , line_data ) :
line_split = line_data . split ( )
synset_offset = int ( line_split [ 0 ] , 10 )
ss_type = category_map [ line_split [ 2 ] ]
word_count = int ( line_split [ 3 ] , 16 )
words = [ line_split [ i ] for i in range ( 4 , 4 + word_count * 2 , 2 ) ]
ptr_count = int ( line_split [ 4 + word_count * 2 ] , 10 )
ptrs = [ ( line_split [ i ] , line_split [ i + 1 ] , line_split [ i + 2 ] , line_split [ i + 3 ] ) for i in range ( 5 + word_count * 2 , 4 + word_count * 2 + ptr_count * 4 , 4 ) ]
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tok = line_split [ 5 + word_count * 2 + ptr_count * 4 ]
base = 6 + word_count * 2 + ptr_count * 4
if ( tok != ' | ' ) :
frame_count = int ( tok , 10 )
frames = [ ( int ( line_split [ i + 1 ] , 10 ) , int ( line_split [ i + 2 ] , 16 ) ) for i in range ( base , base + frame_count * 3 , 3 ) ]
base + = frame_count * 3 + 1
else :
frames = [ ]
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line_split2 = line_data . split ( None , base )
if ( len ( line_split2 ) < base ) :
gloss = None
else :
gloss = line_split2 [ - 1 ]
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return cls ( synset_offset , ss_type , words , ptrs , gloss , frames )
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def build_from_file ( cls , f ) :
rv = { }
comments = [ ]
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for line in f :
if ( line . startswith ( ' ' ) ) :
line_s = line . lstrip ( ) . rstrip ( ' \n ' )
line_elements = line_s . split ( None , 1 )
try :
int ( line_elements [ 0 ] )
except ValueError :
if ( len ( line_elements ) == 1 ) :
line_elements . append ( ' ' )
comments . append ( line_elements [ 1 ] )
synset = cls . build_from_line ( line . rstrip ( ) )
rv [ synset . offset ] = synset
return ( rv , comments )
def dict_str ( self ) :
rv = self . gloss
if ( len ( self . words ) > 1 ) :
rv + = ' [syn: %s ] ' % ( ' , ' . join ( [ ( ' { %s } ' % word ) for word in self . words ] ) )
return rv
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return ' %s %s ' % ( self . __class__ . __name__ , ( self . offset , self . type , self . words , self . ptrs , self . gloss , self . frames ) )
class WordnetDict :
db_info_fmt = ''' This file was converted from the original database on:
% ( conversion_datetime ) s
The original data is available from :
% ( wn_url ) s
The original data was distributed with the notice shown below . No
additional restrictions are claimed . Please redistribute this changed
version under the same conditions and restriction that apply to the
original version . \n \n
% ( wn_license ) s '''
datetime_fmt = ' % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % S '
base64_map = ' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ '
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def __init__ ( self , wn_url , desc_short , desc_long ) :
self . word_data = { }
self . wn_url = wn_url
self . desc_short = desc_short
self . desc_long = desc_long
self . wn_license = None
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def wn_dict_add ( self , file_index , file_data ) :
file_data . seek ( 0 )
file_index . seek ( 0 )
( synsets , license_lines ) = Synset . build_from_file ( file_data )
WordIndexDictFormatter . build_from_file ( file_index , synsets , self . word_data )
if ( license_lines ) :
self . wn_license = ' \n ' . join ( license_lines ) + ' \n '
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def base64_encode ( cls , i ) :
""" Encode a non-negative integer into a dictd compatible base64 string """
if ( i < 0 ) :
raise ValueError ( ' Value %r for i is negative ' % ( i , ) )
r = 63
e = 1
while ( r < i ) :
e + = 1
r = 64 * * e - 1
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rv = ' '
while ( e > 0 ) :
e - = 1
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d = math . floor ( i / 64 * * e )
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
rv + = cls . base64_map [ d ]
i = i % ( 64 * * e )
return rv
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def dict_entry_write ( cls , file_index , file_data , key , entry , linesep = ' \n ' ) :
""" Write a single dict entry for <key> to index and data files """
entry_start = file_data . tell ( )
file_data . write ( entry )
entry_len = len ( entry )
file_index . write ( ' %s \t %s \t %s %s ' % ( key , cls . base64_encode ( entry_start ) ,
cls . base64_encode ( entry_len ) , linesep ) )
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def dict_generate ( self , file_index , file_data ) :
file_index . seek ( 0 )
file_data . seek ( 0 )
# The dictd file format is fairly iffy on the subject of special
# headwords: either dictd is buggy, or the manpage doesn't tell the whole
# story about the format.
# The upshot is that order of these entries in the index *matters*.
# Putting them at the beginning and in alphabetic order is afaict ok.
# Some other orders completely and quietly break the ability to look
# those headwords up.
# -- problem encountered with 1.10.2, at 2007-08-05.
file_data . write ( ' \n ' )
wn_url = self . wn_url
conversion_datetime = datetime . datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( self . datetime_fmt )
wn_license = self . wn_license
self . dict_entry_write ( file_index , file_data , ' 00-database-info ' , ' 00-database-info \n %s \n ' % ( self . db_info_fmt % vars ( ) ) )
self . dict_entry_write ( file_index , file_data , ' 00-database-long ' , ' 00-database-long \n %s \n ' % self . desc_long )
self . dict_entry_write ( file_index , file_data , ' 00-database-short ' , ' 00-database-short \n %s \n ' % self . desc_short )
self . dict_entry_write ( file_index , file_data , ' 00-database-url ' , ' 00-database-url \n %s \n ' % self . wn_url )
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words = list ( self . word_data . keys ( ) )
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words . sort ( )
for word in words :
for wi in self . word_data [ word ] :
word_cs = word
# Use case-sensitivity information of first entry of first synset that
# matches this word case-insensitively
for synset in wi . synsets :
for ss_word in synset . words :
if ( ss_word . lower ( ) == word_cs . lower ( ) ) :
word_cs = ss_word
else :
else :
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outstr = ' '
for wi in self . word_data [ word ] :
outstr + = wi . dict_str ( ) + ' \n '
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outstr = ' %s %s %s ' % ( word_cs , wi . linesep , outstr )
self . dict_entry_write ( file_index , file_data , word_cs , outstr , wi . linesep )
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file_index . truncate ( )
file_data . truncate ( )
if ( __name__ == ' __main__ ' ) :
import optparse
op = optparse . OptionParser ( usage = ' usage: % prog [options] (<wn_index_file> <wn_data_file>)+ ' )
op . add_option ( ' -i ' , ' --outindex ' , dest = ' oi ' , default = ' wn.index ' , help = ' filename of index file to write to ' )
op . add_option ( ' -d ' , ' --outdata ' , dest = ' od ' , default = ' wn.dict ' , help = ' filename of data file to write to ' )
op . add_option ( ' --wn_url ' , dest = ' wn_url ' , default = ' ftp://ftp.cogsci.princeton.edu/pub/wordnet/2.0 ' , help = ' URL for wordnet sources ' )
op . add_option ( ' --db_desc_short ' , dest = ' desc_short ' , default = ' WordNet (r) 2.1 (2005) ' , help = ' short dict DB description ' )
op . add_option ( ' --db_desc_long ' , dest = ' desc_long ' , default = ' WordNet (r): A Lexical Database for English from the \n Cognitive Science Laboratory at Princeton University ' , help = ' long dict DB description ' )
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( options , args ) = op . parse_args ( )
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wnd = WordnetDict ( wn_url = options . wn_url , desc_short = options . desc_short , desc_long = options . desc_long )
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for i in range ( 0 , len ( args ) , 2 ) :
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print ( ' Opening index file %r ... ' % args [ i ] )
file_index = open ( args [ i ] )
print ( ' Opening data file %r ... ' % args [ i + 1 ] )
file_data = open ( args [ i + 1 ] )
print ( ' Parsing index file and data file... ' )
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
wnd . wn_dict_add ( file_index , file_data )
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print ( ' All input files parsed. Writing output to index file %r and data file %r . ' % ( options . oi , options . od ) )
wnd . dict_generate ( open ( options . oi , ' w ' ) , open ( options . od , ' w ' ) )
print ( ' All done. ' )