2020-05-15 21:57:56 +00:00
{ stdenv
, buildPackages
, cacert
, cargo
, diffutils
, fetchCargoTarball
, git
, rust
, rustc
, windows
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
{ name ? "${args.pname}-${args.version}"
, cargoSha256 ? "unset"
, src ? null
, srcs ? null
, unpackPhase ? null
, cargoPatches ? []
, patches ? []
, sourceRoot ? null
, logLevel ? ""
, buildInputs ? []
, nativeBuildInputs ? []
, cargoUpdateHook ? ""
, cargoDepsHook ? ""
, cargoBuildFlags ? []
, buildType ? "release"
, meta ? {}
, target ? null
, cargoVendorDir ? null
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
, checkType ? buildType
# Needed to `pushd`/`popd` into a subdir of a tarball if this subdir
# contains a Cargo.toml, but isn't part of a workspace (which is e.g. the
# case for `rustfmt`/etc from the `rust-sources).
# Otherwise, everything from the tarball would've been built/tested.
, buildAndTestSubdir ? null
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
, ... } @ args:
assert cargoVendorDir == null -> cargoSha256 != "unset";
assert buildType == "release" || buildType == "debug";
cargoDeps = if cargoVendorDir == null
then fetchCargoTarball {
inherit name src srcs sourceRoot unpackPhase cargoUpdateHook;
patches = cargoPatches;
sha256 = cargoSha256;
else null;
# If we have a cargoSha256 fixed-output derivation, validate it at build time
# against the src fixed-output derivation to check consistency.
validateCargoDeps = cargoSha256 != "unset";
# Some cargo builds include build hooks that modify their own vendor
# dependencies. This copies the vendor directory into the build tree and makes
# it writable. If we're using a tarball, the unpackFile hook already handles
# this for us automatically.
setupVendorDir = if cargoVendorDir == null
then (''
unpackFile "$cargoDeps"
cargoDepsCopy=$(stripHash $cargoDeps)
else ''
rustTarget = if target == null then rust.toRustTarget stdenv.hostPlatform else target;
releaseDir = "target/${rustTarget}/${buildType}";
2020-05-15 21:57:56 +00:00
# Specify the stdenv's `diff` by abspath to ensure that the user's build
# inputs do not cause us to find the wrong `diff`.
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
# The `.nativeDrv` stanza works like nativeBuildInputs and ensures cross-compiling has the right version available.
diff = "${diffutils.nativeDrv or diffutils}/bin/diff";
2020-05-15 21:57:56 +00:00
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
inherit cargoDeps;
patchRegistryDeps = ./patch-registry-deps;
nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildInputs ++ [ cacert git cargo rustc ];
buildInputs = buildInputs ++ stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isMinGW windows.pthreads;
patches = cargoPatches ++ patches;
if stdenv.buildPlatform != stdenv.hostPlatform then 1 else 0;
postUnpack = ''
eval "$cargoDepsHook"
mkdir .cargo
if [[ ! -e $config ]]; then
substitute $config .cargo/config \
--subst-var-by vendor "$(pwd)/$cargoDepsCopy"
cat >> .cargo/config <<'EOF'
[target."${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.buildPlatform}"]
"linker" = "${ccForBuild}"
${stdenv.lib.optionalString (stdenv.buildPlatform.config != stdenv.hostPlatform.config) ''
"linker" = "${ccForHost}"
${# https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/46651#issuecomment-433611633
stdenv.lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) ''
"rustflags" = [ "-C", "target-feature=+crt-static", "-C", "link-arg=-lgcc" ]
export RUST_LOG=${logLevel}
'' + (args.postUnpack or "");
# After unpacking and applying patches, check that the Cargo.lock matches our
# src package. Note that we do this after the patchPhase, because the
# patchPhase may create the Cargo.lock if upstream has not shipped one.
postPatch = (args.postPatch or "") + stdenv.lib.optionalString validateCargoDeps ''
echo "Validating consistency between $srcLockfile and $cargoDepsLockfile"
2020-05-15 21:57:56 +00:00
if ! ${diff} $srcLockfile $cargoDepsLockfile; then
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
# If the diff failed, first double-check that the file exists, so we can
# give a friendlier error msg.
if ! [ -e $srcLockfile ]; then
echo "ERROR: Missing Cargo.lock from src. Expected to find it at: $srcLockfile"
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
echo "Hint: You can use the cargoPatches attribute to add a Cargo.lock manually to the build."
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
exit 1
if ! [ -e $cargoDepsLockfile ]; then
echo "ERROR: Missing lockfile from cargo vendor. Expected to find it at: $cargoDepsLockfile"
exit 1
echo "ERROR: cargoSha256 is out of date"
echo "Cargo.lock is not the same in $cargoDepsCopy"
echo "To fix the issue:"
echo '1. Use "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" as the cargoSha256 value'
echo "2. Build the derivation and wait it to fail with a hash mismatch"
echo "3. Copy the 'got: sha256:' value back into the cargoSha256 field"
exit 1
'' + ''
unset cargoDepsCopy
configurePhase = args.configurePhase or ''
runHook preConfigure
runHook postConfigure
buildPhase = with builtins; args.buildPhase or ''
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
${stdenv.lib.optionalString (buildAndTestSubdir != null) "pushd ${buildAndTestSubdir}"}
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
runHook preBuild
set -x
env \
"CC_${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.buildPlatform}"="${ccForBuild}" \
"CXX_${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.buildPlatform}"="${cxxForBuild}" \
"CC_${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.hostPlatform}"="${ccForHost}" \
"CXX_${rust.toRustTarget stdenv.hostPlatform}"="${cxxForHost}" \
cargo build \
${stdenv.lib.optionalString (buildType == "release") "--release"} \
--target ${rustTarget} \
--frozen ${concatStringsSep " " cargoBuildFlags}
runHook postBuild
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
${stdenv.lib.optionalString (buildAndTestSubdir != null) "popd"}
# This needs to be done after postBuild: packages like `cargo` do a pushd/popd in
# the pre/postBuild-hooks that need to be taken into account before gathering
# all binaries to install.
bins=$(find $releaseDir \
-maxdepth 1 \
-type f \
-executable ! \( -regex ".*\.\(so.[0-9.]+\|so\|a\|dylib\)" \))
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
2020-07-18 16:06:22 +00:00
installCheckPhase = args.checkPhase or (let
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
argstr = "${stdenv.lib.optionalString (checkType == "release") "--release"} --target ${rustTarget} --frozen";
in ''
${stdenv.lib.optionalString (buildAndTestSubdir != null) "pushd ${buildAndTestSubdir}"}
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
runHook preCheck
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
echo "Running cargo test ${argstr} -- ''${checkFlags} ''${checkFlagsArray+''${checkFlagsArray[@]}}"
cargo test ${argstr} -- ''${checkFlags} ''${checkFlagsArray+"''${checkFlagsArray[@]}"}
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
runHook postCheck
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
${stdenv.lib.optionalString (buildAndTestSubdir != null) "popd"}
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
doCheck = args.doCheck or true;
strictDeps = true;
inherit releaseDir;
installPhase = args.installPhase or ''
runHook preInstall
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
# rename the output dir to a architecture independent one
mapfile -t targets < <(find "$NIX_BUILD_TOP" -type d | grep '${releaseDir}$')
for target in "''${targets[@]}"; do
rm -rf "$target/../../${buildType}"
ln -srf "$target" "$target/../../"
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
mkdir -p $out/bin $out/lib
2020-06-18 07:06:33 +00:00
xargs -r cp -t $out/bin <<< $bins
2020-04-24 23:36:52 +00:00
find $releaseDir \
-maxdepth 1 \
-regex ".*\.\(so.[0-9.]+\|so\|a\|dylib\)" \
-print0 | xargs -r -0 cp -t $out/lib
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty $out/lib $out/bin
runHook postInstall
passthru = { inherit cargoDeps; } // (args.passthru or {});
meta = {
# default to Rust's platforms
platforms = rustc.meta.platforms;
} // meta;