624 lines
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624 lines
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diff --git a/src/bin/efreet/efreet_icon_cache_create.c b/src/bin/efreet/efreet_icon_cache_create.c
index 6810ca684e..6478df4dbd 100644
--- a/src/bin/efreet/efreet_icon_cache_create.c
+++ b/src/bin/efreet/efreet_icon_cache_create.c
@@ -38,38 +38,36 @@ static Eina_Hash *icon_themes = NULL;
static Eina_Bool
cache_directory_modified(Eina_Hash *dirs, const char *dir)
- Efreet_Cache_Directory *dcache;
- long long time;
- if (!dirs) return EINA_TRUE;
- time = ecore_file_mod_time(dir);
- if (!time)
- return EINA_FALSE;
- dcache = eina_hash_find(dirs, dir);
- if (!dcache)
- {
+ Efreet_Cache_Directory *dcache;
+ Efreet_Cache_Check check;
+ if (!dirs) return EINA_TRUE;
+ if (!efreet_file_cache_fill(dir, &check)) return EINA_FALSE;
+ dcache = eina_hash_find(dirs, dir);
+ if (!dcache)
+ {
dcache = malloc(sizeof (Efreet_Cache_Directory));
if (!dcache) return EINA_TRUE;
- dcache->modified_time = time;
+ dcache->check = check;
eina_hash_add(dirs, dir, dcache);
- }
- else if (dcache->modified_time == time) return EINA_FALSE;
- dcache->modified_time = time;
- return EINA_TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (efreet_file_cache_check(&check, &dcache->check))
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ else
+ dcache->check = check;
+ return EINA_TRUE;
static Eina_Bool
cache_extension_lookup(const char *ext)
- unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < exts->count; ++i)
- if (!strcmp(exts->data[i], ext))
- return EINA_TRUE;
- return EINA_FALSE;
+ for (i = 0; i < exts->count; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!strcmp(exts->data[i], ext)) return EINA_TRUE;
+ }
+ return EINA_FALSE;
static Eina_Bool
@@ -223,6 +221,37 @@ check_fallback_changed(Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme *theme)
return EINA_FALSE;
+typedef struct
+ char *path;
+ int name_start;
+} Scanned_Entry;
+static Eina_Hash *already_scanned_path = NULL;
+static void
+cache_theme_change_verify(Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme *theme)
+ Eina_Bool changed = EINA_FALSE;
+ Eina_List *l;
+ Efreet_Icon_Theme_Directory *d;
+ char buf[PATH_MAX], *tdir, *sep;
+ tdir = strdup(theme->path);
+ sep = strrchr(tdir, '/');
+ if (sep) *sep = 0;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(theme->theme.directories, l, d)
+ {
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", tdir, d->name);
+ if (cache_directory_modified(theme->dirs, buf))
+ {
+ changed = EINA_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ free(tdir);
+ if (changed) theme->changed = changed;
static Eina_Bool
cache_scan_path_dir(Efreet_Icon_Theme *theme,
const char *path,
@@ -232,29 +261,63 @@ cache_scan_path_dir(Efreet_Icon_Theme *theme,
Eina_Iterator *it;
char buf[PATH_MAX];
Eina_File_Direct_Info *entry;
+ Eina_List *dirs = NULL;
+ Eina_List *l;
+ char *ext;
+ Scanned_Entry *scentry;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", path, dir->name);
+ // we wont ever free this - no point
+ if (!already_scanned_path)
+ already_scanned_path = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL);
+ dirs = eina_hash_find(already_scanned_path, buf);
+ if ((intptr_t)dirs == (intptr_t)(-1L)) return EINA_TRUE;
+ else if (!dirs)
+ {
+ it = eina_file_stat_ls(buf);
+ if (!it)
+ {
+ eina_hash_add(already_scanned_path, buf, (void *)(intptr_t)(-1L));
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+ }
+ {
+ if (entry->type == EINA_FILE_DIR) continue;
+ ext = strrchr(entry->path + entry->name_start, '.');
+ if (!ext || !cache_extension_lookup(ext)) continue;
+ scentry = malloc(sizeof(Scanned_Entry));
+ if (!scentry)
+ {
+ ERR("Out of memory");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ scentry->name_start = entry->name_start;
+ scentry->path = strdup(entry->path);
+ if (!scentry->path)
+ {
+ ERR("Out of memory");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ dirs = eina_list_append(dirs, scentry);
+ }
+ eina_iterator_free(it);
+ if (dirs)
+ eina_hash_add(already_scanned_path, buf, dirs);
+ else
+ eina_hash_add(already_scanned_path, buf, (void *)(intptr_t)(-1L));
+ }
- it = eina_file_stat_ls(buf);
- if (!it) return EINA_TRUE;
+ EINA_LIST_FOREACH(dirs, l, scentry)
Efreet_Cache_Icon *icon;
char *name;
- char *ext;
const char **tmp;
unsigned int i;
- if (entry->type == EINA_FILE_DIR)
- continue;
- ext = strrchr(entry->path + entry->name_start, '.');
- if (!ext || !cache_extension_lookup(ext))
- continue;
+ ext = strrchr(scentry->path + scentry->name_start, '.');
/* icon with known extension */
- name = entry->path + entry->name_start;
+ name = scentry->path + scentry->name_start;
*ext = '\0';
icon = eina_hash_find(icons, name);
@@ -284,7 +347,7 @@ cache_scan_path_dir(Efreet_Icon_Theme *theme,
/* check if the path already exist */
for (j = 0; j < icon->icons[i]->paths_count; ++j)
- if (!strcmp(icon->icons[i]->paths[j], entry->path))
+ if (!strcmp(icon->icons[i]->paths[j], scentry->path))
if (j != icon->icons[i]->paths_count)
@@ -348,12 +411,9 @@ cache_scan_path_dir(Efreet_Icon_Theme *theme,
icon->icons[i]->paths = tmp;
- icon->icons[i]->paths[icon->icons[i]->paths_count] = eina_stringshare_add(entry->path);
+ icon->icons[i]->paths[icon->icons[i]->paths_count] = eina_stringshare_add(scentry->path);
eina_array_push(strs, icon->icons[i]->paths[icon->icons[i]->paths_count++]);
- eina_iterator_free(it);
return EINA_TRUE;
@@ -364,7 +424,9 @@ cache_scan_path(Efreet_Icon_Theme *theme, Eina_Hash *icons, const char *path)
Efreet_Icon_Theme_Directory *dir;
EINA_LIST_FOREACH(theme->directories, l, dir)
+ {
if (!cache_scan_path_dir(theme, path, dir, icons)) return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
return EINA_TRUE;
@@ -511,13 +573,13 @@ icon_theme_index_read(Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme *theme, const char *path)
Efreet_Ini *ini;
Efreet_Icon_Theme_Directory *dir;
const char *tmp;
- long long time;
+ Efreet_Cache_Check check;
if (!theme || !path) return EINA_FALSE;
- time = ecore_file_mod_time(path);
- if (!time) return EINA_FALSE;
- if (theme->path && !strcmp(theme->path, path) && theme->last_cache_check >= time)
+ if (!efreet_file_cache_fill(path, &check)) return EINA_FALSE;
+ if (theme->path && !strcmp(theme->path, path) &&
+ efreet_file_cache_check(&check, &(theme->check)))
/* no change */
theme->valid = 1;
@@ -528,8 +590,7 @@ icon_theme_index_read(Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme *theme, const char *path)
theme->path = eina_stringshare_add(path);
eina_array_push(strs, theme->path);
- if (time > theme->last_cache_check)
- theme->last_cache_check = time;
+ theme->check = check;
theme->changed = 1;
ini = efreet_ini_new(path);
@@ -644,10 +705,10 @@ cache_theme_scan(const char *dir)
Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme *theme;
const char *name;
const char *path;
- long long time;
+ Efreet_Cache_Check check;
+ Efreet_Cache_Directory *d;
- time = ecore_file_mod_time(entry->path);
- if (!time) continue;
+ if (!efreet_file_cache_fill(entry->path, &check)) continue;
if ((entry->type != EINA_FILE_DIR) &&
(entry->type != EINA_FILE_LNK))
@@ -669,10 +730,26 @@ cache_theme_scan(const char *dir)
(void *)theme->theme.name.internal, theme);
theme->changed = 1;
- if (time > theme->last_cache_check)
- {
- theme->last_cache_check = time;
+ d = NULL;
+ if (theme->dirs)
+ d = eina_hash_find(theme->dirs, entry->path);
+ if (!d)
+ {
+ if (!theme->dirs)
+ theme->dirs = eina_hash_string_superfast_new(NULL);
theme->changed = 1;
+ d = NEW(Efreet_Cache_Directory, 1);
+ d->check = check;
+ eina_hash_add(theme->dirs, entry->path, d);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!efreet_file_cache_check(&check, &(d->check)))
+ {
+ d->check = check;
+ theme->changed = 1;
+ }
/* TODO: We need to handle change in order of included paths */
@@ -732,8 +809,7 @@ icon_theme_free(Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme *theme)
- EINA_LIST_FREE(theme->theme.directories, data)
- free(data);
+ EINA_LIST_FREE(theme->theme.directories, data) free(data);
if (theme->dirs) efreet_hash_free(theme->dirs, free);
@@ -926,7 +1002,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
if (!theme->theme.name.name) continue;
INF("scan theme %s", theme->theme.name.name);
+ cache_theme_change_verify(theme);
theme->changed = check_changed(theme);
if (flush)
theme->changed = EINA_TRUE;
@@ -981,18 +1057,18 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
icons_it = eina_hash_iterator_tuple_new(icons);
EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(icons_it, tuple)
- eet_data_write(icon_ef, icon_edd, tuple->key, tuple->data, 1);
+ eet_data_write(icon_ef, icon_edd, tuple->key, tuple->data, EET_COMPRESSION_SUPERFAST);
- INF("theme change: %s %lld", theme->theme.name.internal, theme->last_cache_check);
- eet_data_write(theme_ef, theme_edd, theme->theme.name.internal, theme, 1);
+ INF("theme change: %s %lld", theme->theme.name.internal, theme->check.mtime);
+ eet_data_write(theme_ef, theme_edd, theme->theme.name.internal, theme, EET_COMPRESSION_SUPERFAST);
changed = EINA_TRUE;
- eet_data_write(icon_ef, efreet_version_edd(), EFREET_CACHE_VERSION, icon_version, 1);
+ eet_data_write(icon_ef, efreet_version_edd(), EFREET_CACHE_VERSION, icon_version, EET_COMPRESSION_SUPERFAST);
@@ -1064,17 +1140,17 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
icons_it = eina_hash_iterator_tuple_new(icons);
EINA_ITERATOR_FOREACH(icons_it, tuple)
- eet_data_write(icon_ef, fallback_edd, tuple->key, tuple->data, 1);
+ eet_data_write(icon_ef, fallback_edd, tuple->key, tuple->data, EET_COMPRESSION_SUPERFAST);
- eet_data_write(theme_ef, theme_edd, EFREET_CACHE_ICON_FALLBACK, theme, 1);
+ eet_data_write(theme_ef, theme_edd, EFREET_CACHE_ICON_FALLBACK, theme, EET_COMPRESSION_SUPERFAST);
- eet_data_write(icon_ef, efreet_version_edd(), EFREET_CACHE_VERSION, icon_version, 1);
+ eet_data_write(icon_ef, efreet_version_edd(), EFREET_CACHE_VERSION, icon_version, EET_COMPRESSION_SUPERFAST);
@@ -1082,7 +1158,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
/* save data */
- eet_data_write(theme_ef, efreet_version_edd(), EFREET_CACHE_VERSION, theme_version, 1);
+ eet_data_write(theme_ef, efreet_version_edd(), EFREET_CACHE_VERSION, theme_version, EET_COMPRESSION_SUPERFAST);
theme_ef = NULL;
diff --git a/src/lib/efreet/efreet_cache.c b/src/lib/efreet/efreet_cache.c
index f859c630f0..2b5d0c9f5f 100644
--- a/src/lib/efreet/efreet_cache.c
+++ b/src/lib/efreet/efreet_cache.c
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# include <config.h>
@@ -536,6 +537,137 @@ efreet_desktop_util_cache_file(void)
* Needs EAPI because of helper binaries
+#define SHSH(n, v) ((((v) << (n)) & 0xffffffff) | ((v) >> (32 - (n))))
+static inline int
+int_to_bigendian(int in)
+ static const unsigned char test[4] = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44 };
+ static const unsigned int *test_i = (const unsigned int *)test;
+ if (test_i[0] == 0x44332211) return eina_swap32(in);
+ return in;
+static void
+sha1(unsigned char *data, int size, unsigned char *dst)
+ unsigned int digest[5], word[80], wa, wb, wc, wd, we, t;
+ unsigned char buf[64], *d;
+ int idx, left, i;
+ const unsigned int magic[4] =
+ { 0x5a827999, 0x6ed9eba1, 0x8f1bbcdc, 0xca62c1d6 };
+ idx = 0;
+ digest[0] = 0x67452301; digest[1] = 0xefcdab89; digest[2] = 0x98badcfe;
+ digest[3] = 0x10325476; digest[4] = 0xc3d2e1f0;
+ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+ for (left = size, d = data; left > 0; left--, d++)
+ {
+ if ((idx == 0) && (left < 64))
+ {
+ memset(buf, 0, 60);
+ buf[60] = (size >> 24) & 0xff;
+ buf[61] = (size >> 16) & 0xff;
+ buf[62] = (size >> 8) & 0xff;
+ buf[63] = (size) & 0xff;
+ }
+ buf[idx] = *d;
+ idx++;
+ if ((idx == 64) || (left == 1))
+ {
+ if ((left == 1) && (idx < 64)) buf[idx] = 0x80;
+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ word[i] = (unsigned int)buf[(i * 4) ] << 24;
+ word[i] |= (unsigned int)buf[(i * 4) + 1] << 16;
+ word[i] |= (unsigned int)buf[(i * 4) + 2] << 8;
+ word[i] |= (unsigned int)buf[(i * 4) + 3];
+ }
+ for (i = 16; i < 80; i++)
+ word[i] = SHSH(1,
+ word[i - 3 ] ^ word[i - 8 ] ^
+ word[i - 14] ^ word[i - 16]);
+ wa = digest[0]; wb = digest[1]; wc = digest[2];
+ wd = digest[3]; we = digest[4];
+ for (i = 0; i < 80; i++)
+ {
+ if (i < 20)
+ t = SHSH(5, wa) + ((wb & wc) | ((~wb) & wd)) +
+ we + word[i] + magic[0];
+ else if (i < 40)
+ t = SHSH(5, wa) + (wb ^ wc ^ wd) +
+ we + word[i] + magic[1];
+ else if (i < 60)
+ t = SHSH(5, wa) + ((wb & wc) | (wb & wd) | (wc & wd)) +
+ we + word[i] + magic[2];
+ else if (i < 80)
+ t = SHSH(5, wa) + (wb ^ wc ^ wd) +
+ we + word[i] + magic[3];
+ we = wd;
+ wd = wc;
+ wc = SHSH(30, wb);
+ wb = wa;
+ wa = t;
+ }
+ digest[0] += wa; digest[1] += wb; digest[2] += wc;
+ digest[3] += wd; digest[4] += we;
+ idx = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ t = int_to_bigendian(digest[0]); digest[0] = t;
+ t = int_to_bigendian(digest[1]); digest[1] = t;
+ t = int_to_bigendian(digest[2]); digest[2] = t;
+ t = int_to_bigendian(digest[3]); digest[3] = t;
+ t = int_to_bigendian(digest[4]); digest[4] = t;
+ memcpy(dst, digest, 5 * 4);
+EAPI Eina_Bool
+efreet_file_cache_fill(const char *file, Efreet_Cache_Check *check)
+ struct stat st;
+ ssize_t size = 0;
+ char link[PATH_MAX];
+ if (lstat(file, &st) != 0) return EINA_FALSE;
+ if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode))
+ {
+ size = readlink(file, link, sizeof(link));
+ if ((size > 0) && ((size_t)size >= sizeof(link))) return EINA_FALSE;
+ if (stat(file, &st) != 0) return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ memset(check, 0, sizeof(Efreet_Cache_Check));
+ if (size > 0) sha1((unsigned char *)link, size, check->link_sha1);
+ else memset(check->link_sha1, 0, sizeof(check->link_sha1));
+ check->uid = st.st_uid;
+ check->gid = st.st_gid;
+ check->size = st.st_size;
+ check->blocks = st.st_blocks;
+ check->mtime = st.st_mtime;
+ check->chtime = st.st_ctime;
+ check->mode = st.st_mode;
+ return EINA_TRUE;
+EAPI Eina_Bool // true if matches
+efreet_file_cache_check(const Efreet_Cache_Check *check1, const Efreet_Cache_Check *check2)
+ if ((check1->mtime != check2->mtime ) ||
+ (check1->size != check2->size ) ||
+ (check1->chtime != check2->chtime ) ||
+ (check1->blocks != check2->blocks) ||
+ (check1->mode != check2->mode ) ||
+ (check1->uid != check2->uid ) ||
+ (check1->gid != check2->gid ) ||
+ (memcmp(check1->link_sha1, check2->link_sha1, 20) != 0))
+ {
+ return EINA_FALSE;
+ }
+ return EINA_TRUE; // matches
EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptor *
@@ -691,8 +823,22 @@ efreet_icon_directory_edd(void)
directory_edd = eet_data_descriptor_file_new(&eddc);
if (!directory_edd) return NULL;
- EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(directory_edd, Efreet_Cache_Directory,
- "modified_time", modified_time, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(directory_edd, Efreet_Cache_Directory,
+ "check.uid", check.uid, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(directory_edd, Efreet_Cache_Directory,
+ "check.gid", check.gid, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(directory_edd, Efreet_Cache_Directory,
+ "check.size", check.size, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(directory_edd, Efreet_Cache_Directory,
+ "check.blocks", check.blocks, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(directory_edd, Efreet_Cache_Directory,
+ "check.mtime", check.mtime, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(directory_edd, Efreet_Cache_Directory,
+ "check.chtime", check.chtime, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(directory_edd, Efreet_Cache_Directory,
+ "check.mode", check.mode, EET_T_INT);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC_ARRAY(directory_edd, Efreet_Cache_Directory,
+ "check.link_sha1", check.link_sha1, EET_T_CHAR);
return directory_edd;
@@ -790,7 +936,21 @@ efreet_icon_theme_edd(Eina_Bool cache)
if (cache)
EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(icon_theme_edd, Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme,
- "last_cache_check", last_cache_check, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ "check.uid", check.uid, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(icon_theme_edd, Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme,
+ "check.gid", check.gid, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(icon_theme_edd, Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme,
+ "check.size", check.size, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(icon_theme_edd, Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme,
+ "check.blocks", check.blocks, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(icon_theme_edd, Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme,
+ "check.mtime", check.mtime, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(icon_theme_edd, Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme,
+ "check.chtime", check.chtime, EET_T_LONG_LONG);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(icon_theme_edd, Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme,
+ "check.mode", check.mode, EET_T_INT);
+ EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC_ARRAY(icon_theme_edd, Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme,
+ "check.link_sha1", check.link_sha1, EET_T_CHAR);
EET_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_ADD_BASIC(icon_theme_edd, Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme,
"path", path, EET_T_STRING);
diff --git a/src/lib/efreet/efreet_cache_private.h b/src/lib/efreet/efreet_cache_private.h
index 97dbd45a1e..1edbb3b5ff 100644
--- a/src/lib/efreet/efreet_cache_private.h
+++ b/src/lib/efreet/efreet_cache_private.h
@@ -38,11 +38,20 @@
# endif
+typedef struct _Efreet_Cache_Check Efreet_Cache_Check;
+typedef struct _Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme;
+typedef struct _Efreet_Cache_Directory Efreet_Cache_Directory;
+typedef struct _Efreet_Cache_Desktop Efreet_Cache_Desktop;
EAPI const char *efreet_desktop_util_cache_file(void);
EAPI const char *efreet_desktop_cache_file(void);
EAPI const char *efreet_icon_cache_file(const char *theme);
EAPI const char *efreet_icon_theme_cache_file(void);
+EAPI Eina_Bool efreet_file_cache_fill(const char *file, Efreet_Cache_Check *check);
+EAPI Eina_Bool efreet_file_cache_check(const Efreet_Cache_Check *check1, const Efreet_Cache_Check *check2);
EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptor *efreet_version_edd(void);
EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptor *efreet_desktop_edd(void);
EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptor *efreet_hash_array_string_edd(void);
@@ -52,15 +61,23 @@ EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptor *efreet_icon_theme_edd(Eina_Bool cache);
EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptor *efreet_icon_edd(void);
EAPI Eet_Data_Descriptor *efreet_icon_fallback_edd(void);
-typedef struct _Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme;
-typedef struct _Efreet_Cache_Directory Efreet_Cache_Directory;
-typedef struct _Efreet_Cache_Desktop Efreet_Cache_Desktop;
+struct _Efreet_Cache_Check
+ unsigned long long uid;
+ unsigned long long gid;
+ unsigned long long size;
+ unsigned long long blocks;
+ unsigned long long mtime;
+ unsigned long long chtime;
+ unsigned int mode;
+ unsigned char link_sha1[20];
struct _Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme
Efreet_Icon_Theme theme;
- long long last_cache_check; /**< Last time the cache was checked */
+ Efreet_Cache_Check check; /**< relevant stat info from last check */
Eina_Hash *dirs; /**< All possible icon paths for this theme */
@@ -73,13 +90,14 @@ struct _Efreet_Cache_Icon_Theme
struct _Efreet_Cache_Directory
- long long modified_time;
+ Efreet_Cache_Check check; /**< relevant stat info from last check */
struct _Efreet_Cache_Desktop
Efreet_Desktop desktop;
+ Efreet_Cache_Check check; /**< relevant stat info from last check */
double check_time; /**< Last time we check for disk modification */