- systemd services can now set [systemd.services.\<name\>.reloadTriggers](#opt-systemd.services) instead of `reloadIfChanged` for a more granular distinction between reloads and restarts.
[supports additional Bluetooth audio codecs](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Notes/15.0/#supportforldacandaptxbluetoothcodecsplussbcxqsbcwithhigher-qualityparameters)
such as aptX or LDAC, with codec switching available in `pavucontrol`. This
feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled with the option
- The GNOME and Plasma installation CDs now use `pkgs.calamares` and `pkgs.calamares-nixos-extensions` to allow users to easily install and set up NixOS with a GUI.
- [1password](https://1password.com/), command-lines and graphic interface for 1Password. Available as [programs._1password](#opt-programs._1password.enable) and [programs._1password-gui](#opt-programs._1password.enable).
- [aesmd](https://github.com/intel/linux-sgx#install-the-intelr-sgx-psw), the Intel SGX Architectural Enclave Service Manager. Available as [services.aesmd](#opt-services.aesmd.enable).
- [agate](https://github.com/mbrubeck/agate), a very simple server for the Gemini hypertext protocol. Available as [services.agate](#opt-services.agate.enable).
- [argonone](https://gitlab.com/DarkElvenAngel/argononed), a replacement daemon for the Raspberry Pi Argon One power button and cooler. Available at [services.hardware.argonone](options.html#opt-services.hardware.argonone.enable).
- [ArchiSteamFarm](https://github.com/JustArchiNET/ArchiSteamFarm), a C# application with primary purpose of idling Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously. Available as [services.archisteamfarm](#opt-services.archisteamfarm.enable).
- [bird-lg](https://github.com/xddxdd/bird-lg-go), a BGP looking glass for Bird Routing. Available as [services.bird-lg](#opt-services.bird-lg.package).
- [blocky](https://0xerr0r.github.io/blocky/), fast and lightweight DNS proxy as ad-blocker for local network with many features. Available as [services.blocky](#opt-services.blocky.enable).
- [cloudflare-dyndns](https://github.com/kissgyorgy/cloudflare-dyndns), CloudFlare Dynamic DNS client. Available as [services.cloudflare-dyndns](#opt-services.cloudflare-dyndns.enable).
- [Corosync](https://corosync.github.io/corosync/) and [Pacemaker](https://clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/), A open-source high availability resource manager. Available as [services.corosync](#opt-services.corosync.enable) and [services.pacemaker](#opt-services.pacemaker.enable).
- [create_ap](https://github.com/lakinduakash/linux-wifi-hotspot), a module for creating wifi hotspots using the program linux-wifi-hotspot. Available as [services.create_ap](#opt-services.create_ap.enable).
- [Envoy](https://www.envoyproxy.io/), a high-performance reverse proxy. Available as [services.envoy](#opt-services.envoy.enable).
- [ergochat](https://ergo.chat), a modern IRC with IRCv3 features. Available as [services.ergochat](#opt-services.ergochat.enable).
- [ethercalc](https://github.com/audreyt/ethercalc), an online collaborative spreadsheet. Available as [services.ethercalc](#opt-services.ethercalc.enable).
- [filebeat](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/filebeat-overview.html), a lightweight shipper for forwarding and centralizing log data. Available as [services.filebeat](#opt-services.filebeat.enable).
- [FRRouting](https://frrouting.org/), a popular suite of Internet routing protocol daemons (BGP, BFD, OSPF, IS-IS, VRRP and others). Available as [services.frr](#opt-services.frr.babeld.enable).
- [Grafana Mimir](https://grafana.com/oss/mimir/), an open source, horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long-term storage for Prometheus. Available as [services.mimir](#opt-services.mimir.enable).
- [headscale](https://github.com/juanfont/headscale), an Open Source implementation of the [Tailscale](https://tailscale.io) Control Server. Available as [services.headscale](#opt-services.headscale.enable).
- [heisenbridge](https://github.com/hifi/heisenbridge), a bouncer-style Matrix IRC bridge. Available as [services.heisenbridge](#opt-services.heisenbridge.enable).
- [https-dns-proxy](https://github.com/aarond10/https_dns_proxy), DNS to DNS over HTTPS (DoH) proxy. Available as [services.https-dns-proxy](#opt-services.https-dns-proxy.enable).
- [input-remapper](https://github.com/sezanzeb/input-remapper), an easy to use tool to change the mapping of your input device buttons. Available at [services.input-remapper](#opt-services.input-remapper.enable).
- [InvoicePlane](https://invoiceplane.com), web application for managing and creating invoices. Available at [services.invoiceplane](#opt-services.invoiceplane.sites._name_.enable).
- [K40-Whisperer](https://www.scorchworks.com/K40whisperer/k40whisperer.html), a program to control cheap Chinese laser cutters. Available as [programs.k40-whisperer.enable](#opt-programs.k40-whisperer.enable). Users must add themselves to the `k40` group to be able to access the device.
- [kanidm](https://kanidm.github.io/kanidm/stable/), an identity management server written in Rust. Available as [services.kanidm](#opt-services.kanidm.enableServer)
- [matrix-conduit](https://conduit.rs/), a simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by matrix. Available as [services.matrix-conduit](option.html#opt-services.matrix-conduit.enable).
- [mozillavpn](https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/mozilla-vpn-client), the client for the [Mozilla VPN](https://vpn.mozilla.org/) service. Available as [services.mozillavpn](#opt-services.mozillavpn.enable).
- [mtr-exporter](https://github.com/mgumz/mtr-exporter), a Prometheus exporter for mtr metrics. Available as [services.mtr-exporter](#opt-services.mtr-exporter.enable).
- [netbox](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox), infrastructure resource modeling (IRM) tool. Available as [services.netbox](#opt-services.netbox.enable).
- [nethoscope](https://github.com/vvilhonen/nethoscope), listen to your network traffic. Available as [programs.nethoscope](#opt-programs.nethoscope.enable).
- [nifi](https://nifi.apache.org), an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data. Available as [services.nifi](#opt-services.nifi.enable).
- [NNCP](http://www.nncpgo.org), NNCP (Node to Node copy) utilities and configuration, Available as [programs.nncp](#opt-programs.nncp.enable).
- [pgadmin4](https://github.com/postgres/pgadmin4), an admin interface for the PostgreSQL database. Available at [services.pgadmin](#opt-services.pgadmin.enable).
- [PowerDNS-Admin](https://github.com/ngoduykhanh/PowerDNS-Admin), a web interface for the PowerDNS server. Available at [services.powerdns-admin](#opt-services.powerdns-admin.enable).
- [prometheus-pve-exporter](https://github.com/prometheus-pve/prometheus-pve-exporter), a tool that exposes information from the Proxmox VE API for use by Prometheus. Available as [services.prometheus.exporters.pve](#opt-services.prometheus.exporters.pve.enable).
- [prosody-filer](https://github.com/ThomasLeister/prosody-filer), a server for handling XMPP HTTP Upload requests. Available at [services.prosody-filer](#opt-services.prosody-filer.enable).
- [Public Inbox](https://public-inbox.org), an "archives first" approach to mailing lists. Available as [services.public-inbox](#opt-services.public-inbox.enable).
- [r53-ddns](https://github.com/fleaz/r53-ddns), a small tool to run your own DDNS service via AWS Route53. Available as [services.r53-ddns](#opt-services.r53-ddns.enable).
- [rmfakecloud](https://ddvk.github.io/rmfakecloud/), a clone of the cloud sync the remarkable tablet. Available as [services.rmfakecloud](#opt-services.rmfakecloud.enable).
- [rootless Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/rootless/), a `systemd --user` Docker service which runs without root permissions. Available as [virtualisation.docker.rootless.enable](#opt-virtualisation.docker.rootless.enable).
- [rstudio-server](https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/#rstudio-server), a browser-based version of the RStudio IDE for the R programming language. Available as [services.rstudio-server](#opt-services.rstudio-server.enable).
- [mediamtx](https://github.com/aler9/mediamtx), ready-to-use RTSP / RTMP / HLS server and proxy that allows to read, publish and proxy video and audio streams. Available as [services.mediamtx](#opt-services.mediamtx.enable).
- [Snipe-IT](https://snipeitapp.com), a free open source IT asset/license management system. Available as [services.snipe-it](#opt-services.snipe-it.enable).
- [snowflake-proxy](https://snowflake.torproject.org/), a system to defeat internet censorship. Available as [services.snowflake-proxy](#opt-services.snowflake-proxy.enable).
- [sslmate-agent](https://sslmate.com/), a daemon for managing SSL/TLS certificates on a server. Available as [services.sslmate-agent](services.sslmate-agent.enable).
- [starship](https://starship.rs), a minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell. Available at [programs.startship](#opt-programs.starship.enable).
- [systembus-notify](https://github.com/rfjakob/systembus-notify), allow system level notifications to reach the users. Available as [services.systembus-notify](opt-services.systembus-notify.enable). Please keep in mind that this service should only be enabled on machines with fully trusted users, as any local user is able to DoS user sessions by spamming notifications.
- [teleport](https://goteleport.com), allows engineers and security professionals to unify access for SSH servers, Kubernetes clusters, web applications, and databases across all environments. Available at [services.teleport](#opt-services.teleport.enable).
- [tetrd](https://tetrd.app), share your internet connection from your device to your PC and vice versa through a USB cable. Available at [services.tetrd](#opt-services.tetrd.enable).
- [uptermd](https://upterm.dev), an open-source solution for sharing terminal sessions instantly over the public internet via secure tunnels. Available at [services.uptermd](#opt-services.uptermd.enable).
- [webdav-server-rs](https://github.com/miquels/webdav-server-rs), Webdav server in rust. Available as [services.webdav-server-rs](#opt-services.webdav-server-rs.enable).
- [wg-netmanager](https://github.com/gin66/wg_netmanager), the Wireguard network manager. Available as [services.wg-netmanager](#opt-services.wg-netmanager.enable).
- [Zammad](https://zammad.org/), a web-based, open source user support/ticketing solution. Available as [services.zammad](#opt-services.zammad.enable).
-`lib.systems.supported` has been removed, as it was overengineered for determining the systems to support in the nixpkgs flake. The list of systems exposed by the nixpkgs flake can now be accessed as `lib.systems.flakeExposed`.
- For new installations `virtualisation.oci-containers.backend` is now set to `podman` by default.
If you still want to use Docker on systems where `system.stateVersion` is set to to `"22.05"` set `virtualisation.oci-containers.backend = "docker";`.Old systems with older `stateVersion`s stay with "docker".
-`services.kubernetes.scheduler.{port,address}` now set `--secure-port` and `--bind-address` instead of `--port` and `--address`, since the former have been deprecated and are no longer functional in kubernetes>=1.23. Ensure that you are not relying on the insecure behaviour before upgrading.
- In the PowerDNS Recursor module (`services.pdns-recursor`), default values of several IP address-related NixOS options have been updated to match the default upstream behavior.
In particular, Recursor by default will:
- listen on (and allows connections from) both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
-`openldap` (and therefore the slapd LDAP server) were updated to version 2.6.2. The project introduced backwards-incompatible changes, namely the removal of the bdb, hdb, ndb, and shell backends in slapd. Therefore before updating, dump your database `slapcat -n 1` in LDIF format, and reimport it after updating your `services.openldap.settings`, which represents your `cn=config`.
Additionally with 2.5 the argon2 module was included in the standard distribution and renamed from `pw-argon2` to `argon2`. Remember to update your `olcModuleLoad` entry in `cn=config`.
-`git` no longer hardcodes the path to openssh' ssh binary to reduce the amount of rebuilds. If you are using git with ssh remotes and do not have a ssh binary in your environment consider adding `openssh` to it or switching to `gitFull`.
-`services.k3s.enable` no longer implies `systemd.enableUnifiedCgroupHierarchy = false`, and will default to the 'systemd' cgroup driver when using `services.k3s.docker = true`.
This change may require a reboot to take effect, and k3s may not be able to run if the boot cgroup hierarchy does not match its configuration.
The previous behavior may be retained by explicitly setting `systemd.enableUnifiedCgroupHierarchy = false` in your configuration.
- The DHCP server (`services.dhcpd4`, `services.dhcpd6`) has been hardened.
The service is now using the systemd's `DynamicUser` mechanism to run as an unprivileged dynamically-allocated user with limited capabilities.
The dhcpd state files are now always stored in `/var/lib/dhcpd{4,6}` and the `services.dhcpd4.stateDir` and `service.dhcpd6.stateDir` options have been removed.
If you were depending on root privileges or set{uid,gid,cap} binaries in dhcpd shell hooks, you may give dhcpd more capabilities with e.g. `systemd.services.dhcpd6.serviceConfig.AmbientCapabilities`.
-`services.ipfs.extraFlags` is now escaped with `utils.escapeSystemdExecArgs`. If you rely on systemd interpolating `extraFlags` in the service `ExecStart`, this will no longer work.
-`services.paperless-ng` was renamed to `services.paperless`. Accordingly, the `paperless-ng-manage` script (located in `dataDir`) was renamed to `paperless-manage`. `services.paperless` now uses `paperless-ngx`.
The secrets in your original config should be migrated into a YAML file that is included via `extraConfigFiles`. The filename must be quoted to prevent nix from copying it to the (world readable) store.
Additionally a few option defaults have been synced up with upstream default values, for example the `max_upload_size` grew from `10M` to `50M`. For the same reason, the default
`media_store_path` was changed from `${dataDir}/media` to `${dataDir}/media_store` if `system.stateVersion` is at least `22.05`. Files will need to be manually moved to the new
- The `wafHook` hook now honors `NIX_BUILD_CORES` when `enableParallelBuilding` is not set explicitly. Packages can restore the old behaviour by setting `enableParallelBuilding=false`.
-`pkgs.claws-mail-gtk2`, representing Claws Mail's older release version three, was removed in order to get rid of Python 2.
Please switch to `claws-mail`, which is Claws Mail's latest release based on GTK+3 and Python 3.
- The `writers.writePython2` and corresponding `writers.writePython2Bin` convenience functions to create executable Python 2 scripts in the store were removed in preparation of removal of the Python 2 interpreter.
Scripts have to be converted to Python 3 for use with `writers.writePython3` or `writers.writePyPy2` needs to be used.
-`buildGoModule` was updated to use `go_1_17`, third party derivations that specify >= go 1.17 in the main `go.mod` will need to regenerate their `vendorSha256` hash.
- The `gnome-passwordsafe` package updated to [version 6.x](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/secrets/-/tags/6.0) and renamed to `gnome-secrets`.
-`services.gnome.experimental-features.realtime-scheduling` option has been removed, as GNOME Shell now [uses rtkit](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/2060). Use `security.rtkit.enable = true;` instead. As before, you will need to have it enabled using GSettings.
-`services.telepathy` will no longer be enabled by default for GNOME desktops, one should enable it in their configs if using Empathy or Polari.
- Ntopng (`services.ntopng`) is updated to 5.2.1 and uses a separate Redis instance if `system.stateVersion` is at least `22.05`. Existing setups shouldn't be affected.
- The `autorestic` package has been upgraded from 1.3.0 to 1.5.0 which introduces breaking changes in config file, check [their migration guide](https://autorestic.vercel.app/migration/1.4_1.5) for more details.
-`teleport` has been upgraded to major version 9. Please see upstream [upgrade instructions](https://goteleport.com/docs/setup/operations/upgrading/) and [release notes](https://goteleport.com/docs/changelog/#900).
-`documentation.man` has been refactored to support choosing a man implementation other than GNU's `man-db`. For this, `documentation.man.manualPages` has been renamed to `documentation.man.man-db.manualPages`. If you want to use the new alternative man implementation `mandoc`, add `documentation.man = { enable = true; man-db.enable = false; mandoc.enable = true; }` to your configuration.
- Normal users (with `isNormalUser = true`) which have non-empty `subUidRanges` or `subGidRanges` set no longer have additional implicit ranges allocated. To enable automatic allocation back set `autoSubUidGidRange = true`.
-`idris2` now requires `--package` when using packages `contrib` and `network`, while previously these idris2 packages were automatically loaded.
* The wrapper now includes everything in the given Vim derivation if `name` is `"vim"` (the default). This makes the `wrapManual` argument obsolete, but this behavior can be overridden by setting the `standalone` argument.
* All the executables present in the given derivation (or, in `standalone` mode, only the `*vim` ones) are wrapped. This makes the `wrapGui` argument obsolete.
* The `vimExecutableName` and `gvimExecutableName` arguments were replaced by a single `executableName` argument in which the shell variable `$exe` can be used to refer to the wrapped executable's name.
See the comments in `pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/vim-utils.nix` for more details.
`vimUtils.vimWithRC` was removed. You should instead use `customize` on a Vim derivation, which now accepts `vimrcFile` and `gvimrcFile` arguments.
- The options `networking.interfaces.<name>.ipv4.routes` and `networking.interfaces.<name>.ipv6.routes` are no longer ignored when using networkd instead of the default scripted network backend by setting `networking.useNetworkd` to `true`.
- The `miller` package has been upgraded from 5.10.3 to [6.2.0](https://github.com/johnkerl/miller/releases/tag/v6.2.0). See [What's new in Miller 6](https://miller.readthedocs.io/en/latest/new-in-miller-6).
-`systemd-nspawn@.service` settings have been reverted to the default systemd behaviour. User namespaces are now activated by default. If you want to keep running nspawn containers without user namespaces you need to set `systemd.nspawn.<name>.execConfig.PrivateUsers = false`
-`systemd-shutdown` is now properly linked on shutdown to unmount all filesystems and device mapper devices cleanly. This can be disabled using `systemd.shutdownRamfs.enable`.
- The Tor SOCKS proxy is now actually disabled if `services.tor.client.enable` is set to `false` (the default). If you are using this functionality but didn't change the setting or set it to `false`, you now need to set it to `true`.
- The terraform 0.12 compatibility has been removed and the `terraform.withPlugins` and `terraform-providers.mkProvider` implementations simplified. Providers now need to be stored under
This breaks back-compat so it's not possible to mix-and-match with previous versions of nixpkgs. In exchange, it now becomes possible to use the providers from [nixpkgs-terraform-providers-bin](https://github.com/numtide/nixpkgs-terraform-providers-bin) directly.
-`pkgs.minetestclient_4` and `pkgs.minetestserver_4` have been removed, as the last 4.x release was in 2018. `pkgs.minetestclient` (equivalent to `pkgs.minetest` ) and `pkgs.minetestserver` can be used instead.
-`switch-to-configuration` (the script that is run when running `nixos-rebuild switch` for example) has been reworked
* The interface that allows activation scripts to restart units has been streamlined. Restarting and reloading is now done by a single file `/run/nixos/activation-restart-list` that honors `restartIfChanged` and `reloadIfChanged` of the units.
* The script now uses a proper ini-file parser to parse systemd units. Some values are now only searched in one section instead of in the entire unit. This is only relevant for units that don't use the NixOS systemd moule.
*`RefuseManualStop`, `X-OnlyManualStart`, `X-StopOnRemoval`, `X-StopOnReconfiguration` are only searched in the `[Unit]` section
*`X-ReloadIfChanged`, `X-RestartIfChanged`, `X-StopIfChanged` are only searched in the `[Service]` section
-`lib.assertMsg` and `lib.assertOneOf` no longer return `false` if the passed condition is `false`, `throw`ing the given error message instead (which makes the resulting error message less cluttered). This will not impact the behaviour of code using these functions as intended, namely as top-level wrapper for `assert` conditions.
-`services.pipewire.enable` will default to enabling the WirePlumber session manager instead of pipewire-media-session.
pipewire-media-session is deprecated by upstream and not recommended, but can still be manually enabled by setting
`services.pipewire.media-session.enable` to `true` and `services.pipewire.wireplumber.enable` to `false`.
-`pkgs.makeDesktopItem` has been refactored to provide a more idiomatic API. Specifically:
- All valid options as of FDO Desktop Entry specification version 1.4 can now be passed in as explicit arguments
-`exec` can now be null, for entries that are not of type Application
-`mimeType` argument is renamed to `mimeTypes` for consistency
-`mimeTypes`, `categories`, `implements`, `keywords`, `onlyShowIn` and `notShowIn` take lists of strings instead of one string with semicolon separators
-`extraDesktopEntries` renamed to `extraConfig` for consistency
- Actions should now be provided as an attrset `actions`, the `Actions` line will be autogenerated.
-`extraEntries` is removed.
- Additional validation is added both at eval time and at build time.
See the `vscode` package for a more detailed example.
-`pkgs.graalvmXX-ce` packages no longer provide support for Python/Ruby/WASM, instead focusing only in Java and Native Image Support. If you need to add support back, please see the `pkgs.graalvmCEPackages.mkGraal` function to create your own customized version of GraalVM with support for what you need.
* Legacy options have been mapped to the corresponding options under under [nix.settings](options.html#opt-nix.settings) and will be deprecated when NixOS 21.11 reaches end of life.
- [`kops`](https://kops.sigs.k8s.io) defaults to 1.23.2, which will enable [Instance Metadata Service Version 2](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/configuring-instance-metadata-service.html) and require tokens on new clusters with Kubernetes >= 1.22. This will increase security by default, but may break some types of workloads. The default behaviour for `spec.kubeDNS.nodeLocalDNS.forwardToKubeDNS` has changed from `true` to `false`. Cilium now has `disable-cnp-status-updates: true` by default. Set this to false if you rely on the CiliumNetworkPolicy status fields. Support for Kubernetes 1.17, the Lyft CNI, Weave CNI on Kubernetes >= 1.23, CentOS 7 and 8, Debian 9, RHEL 7, and Ubuntu 16.05 (Xenial) has been removed. See the [1.22 release notes](https://kops.sigs.k8s.io/releases/1.22-notes/) and [1.23 release notes](https://kops.sigs.k8s.io/releases/1.23-notes/) for more details, including other significant changes.
- Mattermost has been upgraded to extended support version 6.3 as the previously
Migration may take some time, see the [changelog](https://docs.mattermost.com/install/self-managed-changelog.html#release-v6-3-extended-support-release)
and [important upgrade notes](https://docs.mattermost.com/upgrade/important-upgrade-notes.html).
- The `writers.writePyPy2`/`writers.writePyPy3` and corresponding `writers.writePyPy2Bin`/`writers.writePyPy3Bin` convenience functions to create executable Python 2/3 scripts using the PyPy interpreter were added.
> Losing the Redis database is almost harmless: The only irrecoverable data will be the contents of the Sidekiq queues and scheduled retries of previously failed jobs.
- Peertube now uses services.redis.servers to start a new redis server, instead of using a global redis server.
This improves compatibility with other services that use redis.
Redis database is used for storage only cache and job queue. More information can be found here - [Peertube architecture](https://docs.joinpeertube.org/contribute-architecture).
If you do want to save the redis database, you can use the following commands before upgrade OS:
- The `asterisk` and `asterisk-stable` packages were switched from `asterisk_18` to the newly-packaged `asterisk_19`. Asterisk 13 and 17 have been removed as they have reached their end of life.
- MariaDB is now offered in several versions, not just the newest one.
So if you have a need for running MariaDB 10.4 for example, you can now just set `services.mysql.package = pkgs.mariadb_104;`.
In general, it is recommended to run the newest version, to get the newest features, while sticking with an LTS version will most likely provide a more stable experience.
Sometimes software is also incompatible with the newest version of MariaDB.
- The `services.stubby` module was converted to a [settings-style](https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/blob/master/rfcs/0042-config-option.md) configuration.
- The options `boot.extraModprobeConfig` and `boot.blacklistedKernelModules` now also take effect in the initrd by copying the file `/etc/modprobe.d/nixos.conf` into the initrd.
- ORY Kratos was updated to version 0.9.0-alpha.3, which introduces some breaking changes:
- All endpoints at the Admin API are now exposed at `/admin/`. For example, endpoint `https://kratos:4434/identities` is now exposed at `https://kratos:4434/admin/identities`
- Configuration key `selfservice.whitelisted_return_urls` has been renamed to `allowed_return_urls`
- The `password_identifier` form field of the password login strategy has been renamed to `identifier` to make compatibility with passwordless flows possible.
- Instead of having a global `default_schema_url` which developers used to update their schema, you now need to define the `default_schema_id` which must reference schema ID in your config.
- Calling `/self-service/recovery` without flow ID or with an invalid flow ID while authenticated will now respond with an error instead of redirecting to the default page.
- The option `services.thelounge.plugins` has been added to allow installing plugins for The Lounge. Plugins can be found in `pkgs.theLoungePlugins.plugins` and `pkgs.theLoungePlugins.themes`.
- The option `services.xserver.videoDriver = [ "nvidia" ];` will now also install [nvidia VA-API drivers](https://github.com/elFarto/nvidia-vaapi-driver) by default.
- It is now possible to specify wordlists to include as handy to access environment variables using the `config.environment.wordlist` configuration options.
-`security.pam.ussh` has been added, which allows authorizing PAM sessions based on SSH _certificates_ held within an SSH agent, using [pam-ussh](https://github.com/uber/pam-ussh).
- The `phpPackages.box` package has been updated from 2.7.5 to 3.16.0. See the [upgrade guide](https://github.com/box-project/box/blob/master/UPGRADE.md#from-27-to-30) for more details.
- The RPC protocol version was bumped; all zrepl daemons in a setup must be updated and restarted before replication can resume.
- A bug involving encrypt-on-receive has been fixed. Read the [zrepl documentation](https://zrepl.github.io/configuration/sendrecvoptions.html#job-recv-options-placeholder) and check the output of `zfs get -r encryption,zrepl:placeholder PATH_TO_ROOTFS` on the receiver.
- The `polybar` package has been updated from 3.5.7 to 3.6.2. See [the changelog](https://github.com/polybar/polybar/releases/tag/3.6.0) for more details.
- Breaking changes include changes to escaping rules in configuration values, changes in behavior when encountering invalid tag names, and changes to inter-process-messaging (IPC).
-`programs.tmux` has a new option `plugins` that accepts a list of packages from the `tmuxPlugins` group. The specified packages are added to the system and loaded by `tmux`.
- The polkit service, available at `security.polkit.enable`, is now disabled by default. It will automatically be enabled through services and desktop environments as needed.
-`mercury` was updated to 22.01.1, which has some breaking changes ([Mercury 22.01 news](https://dl.mercurylang.org/release/release-notes-22.01.html)).
- xfsprogs was update to version 5.15, which enables inobtcount and bigtime by default on filesystem creation. Support for these features was added in kernel 5.10 and deemed stable in kernel 5.15.
If you want to be able to mount XFS filesystems created with this release of xfsprogs on kernel releases older than 5.10, you need to format them with `mkfs.xfs -m bigtime=0 -m inobtcount=0`.
-`services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce` now includes Xfce's screen locker, `xfce4-screensaver` that is enabled by default. You can disable it by setting `false` to [services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enableScreensaver](#opt-services.xserver.desktopManager.xfce.enableScreensaver).
- The `hadoop` package has added support for `aarch64-linux` and `aarch64-darwin` as of 3.3.1 ([#158613](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/158613)).
- The `R` package now builds again on `aarch64-darwin` ([#158992](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/158992)).
- The `nss` package was split into `nss_esr` and `nss_latest`, with `nss` being an alias for `nss_esr`. This was done to ease maintenance of `nss` and dependent high-profile packages like `firefox`.
- The default `scribus` version is now 1.5, while version 1.4 is still available as `scribus_1_4` ([#172700](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/172700)).
- The Nextcloud module now allows setting the value of the `max-age` directive of the `Strict-Transport-Security` HTTP header, which is now controlled by the `services.nextcloud.https` option, rather than `services.nginx.recommendedHttpHeaders`.
- The `spark3` package has been updated from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1 ([#160075](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/160075)):
- Testing has been enabled for `aarch64-linux` in addition to `x86_64-linux`.
- The `spark3` package is now usable on `aarch64-darwin` as a result of [#158613](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/158613) and [#158992](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/158992).
- The new [`postgresqlTestHook`](https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#sec-postgresqlTestHook) runs a PostgreSQL server for the duration of package checks.