259 lines
8.5 KiB
259 lines
8.5 KiB
![]() |
{requireFile, autoPatchelfHook, pkgs, pkgs_i686, licenseAccepted ? false}:
{ toolsVersion ? "25.2.5"
, platformToolsVersion ? "29.0.6"
, buildToolsVersions ? [ "28.0.3" ]
, includeEmulator ? false
, emulatorVersion ? "30.0.3"
, platformVersions ? []
, includeSources ? false
, includeDocs ? false
, includeSystemImages ? false
, systemImageTypes ? [ "default" ]
, abiVersions ? [ "armeabi-v7a" ]
, lldbVersions ? [ ]
, cmakeVersions ? [ ]
, includeNDK ? false
, ndkVersion ? "18.1.5063045"
, useGoogleAPIs ? false
, useGoogleTVAddOns ? false
, includeExtras ? []
inherit (pkgs) stdenv lib fetchurl makeWrapper unzip;
# Determine the Android os identifier from Nix's system identifier
os = if stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux" then "linux"
else if stdenv.system == "x86_64-darwin" then "macosx"
else throw "No Android SDK tarballs are available for system architecture: ${stdenv.system}";
# Generated Nix packages
packages = import ./generated/packages.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
# Generated system images
system-images-packages-android = import ./generated/system-images-android.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
system-images-packages-android-tv = import ./generated/system-images-android-tv.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
system-images-packages-android-wear = import ./generated/system-images-android-wear.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
system-images-packages-android-wear-cn = import ./generated/system-images-android-wear-cn.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
system-images-packages-google_apis = import ./generated/system-images-google_apis.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
system-images-packages-google_apis_playstore = import ./generated/system-images-google_apis_playstore.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
system-images-packages =
(lib.recursiveUpdate system-images-packages-android-tv
(lib.recursiveUpdate system-images-packages-android-wear
(lib.recursiveUpdate system-images-packages-android-wear-cn
(lib.recursiveUpdate system-images-packages-google_apis system-images-packages-google_apis_playstore))));
# Generated addons
addons = import ./generated/addons.nix {
inherit fetchurl;
rec {
deployAndroidPackage = import ./deploy-androidpackage.nix {
inherit stdenv unzip;
platform-tools = import ./platform-tools.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os autoPatchelfHook pkgs lib;
package = packages.platform-tools.${platformToolsVersion};
build-tools = map (version:
import ./build-tools.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper pkgs pkgs_i686 lib;
package = packages.build-tools.${version};
) buildToolsVersions;
docs = deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = packages.docs."1";
emulator = import ./emulator.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper pkgs pkgs_i686 lib;
package = packages.emulator.${emulatorVersion}.${os};
platforms = map (version:
deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = packages.platforms.${version};
) platformVersions;
sources = map (version:
deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = packages.sources.${version};
) platformVersions;
system-images = lib.flatten (map (apiVersion:
map (type:
map (abiVersion:
deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = system-images-packages.${apiVersion}.${type}.${abiVersion};
# Patch 'google_apis' system images so they're recognized by the sdk.
# Without this, `android list targets` shows 'Tag/ABIs : no ABIs' instead
# of 'Tag/ABIs : google_apis*/*' and the emulator fails with an ABI-related error.
patchInstructions = lib.optionalString (lib.hasPrefix "google_apis" type) ''
sed -i '/^Addon.Vendor/d' source.properties
) abiVersions
) systemImageTypes
) platformVersions);
lldb = map (version:
import ./lldb.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os autoPatchelfHook pkgs lib;
package = packages.lldb.${version};
) lldbVersions;
cmake = map (version:
import ./cmake.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os autoPatchelfHook pkgs lib;
package = packages.cmake.${version};
) cmakeVersions;
ndk-bundle = import ./ndk-bundle {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper pkgs lib platform-tools;
package = packages.ndk-bundle.${ndkVersion};
google-apis = map (version:
deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = addons.addons.${version}.google_apis;
) (builtins.filter (platformVersion: platformVersion < "26") platformVersions); # API level 26 and higher include Google APIs by default
google-tv-addons = map (version:
deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = addons.addons.${version}.google_tv_addon;
) platformVersions;
# Function that automatically links all plugins for which multiple versions can coexist
linkPlugins = {name, plugins}:
lib.optionalString (plugins != []) ''
mkdir -p ${name}
${lib.concatMapStrings (plugin: ''
ln -s ${plugin}/libexec/android-sdk/${name}/* ${name}
'') plugins}
# Function that automatically links a plugin for which only one version exists
linkPlugin = {name, plugin, check ? true}:
lib.optionalString check ''
ln -s ${plugin}/libexec/android-sdk/* ${name}
# Links all plugins related to a requested platform
linkPlatformPlugins = {name, plugins, check}:
lib.optionalString check ''
mkdir -p ${name}
${lib.concatMapStrings (plugin: ''
ln -s ${plugin}/libexec/android-sdk/${name}/* ${name}
'') plugins}
''; # */
# This derivation deploys the tools package and symlinks all the desired
# plugins that we want to use.
androidsdk = if !licenseAccepted then throw ''
You must accept the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement at
by setting nixpkgs config option 'android_sdk.accept_license = true;'
'' else import ./tools.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage requireFile packages toolsVersion autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper os pkgs pkgs_i686 lib;
postInstall = ''
# Symlink all requested plugins
${linkPlugin { name = "platform-tools"; plugin = platform-tools; }}
${linkPlugins { name = "build-tools"; plugins = build-tools; }}
${linkPlugin { name = "emulator"; plugin = emulator; check = includeEmulator; }}
${linkPlugin { name = "docs"; plugin = docs; check = includeDocs; }}
${linkPlugins { name = "platforms"; plugins = platforms; }}
${linkPlatformPlugins { name = "sources"; plugins = sources; check = includeSources; }}
${linkPlugins { name = "lldb"; plugins = lldb; }}
${linkPlugins { name = "cmake"; plugins = cmake; }}
${linkPlugin { name = "ndk-bundle"; plugin = ndk-bundle; check = includeNDK; }}
${lib.optionalString includeSystemImages ''
mkdir -p system-images
${lib.concatMapStrings (system-image: ''
apiVersion=$(basename $(echo ${system-image}/libexec/android-sdk/system-images/*))
type=$(basename $(echo ${system-image}/libexec/android-sdk/system-images/*/*))
mkdir -p system-images/$apiVersion/$type
ln -s ${system-image}/libexec/android-sdk/system-images/$apiVersion/$type/* system-images/$apiVersion/$type
'') system-images}
${linkPlatformPlugins { name = "add-ons"; plugins = google-apis; check = useGoogleAPIs; }}
${linkPlatformPlugins { name = "add-ons"; plugins = google-apis; check = useGoogleTVAddOns; }}
# Link extras
${lib.concatMapStrings (identifier:
path = addons.extras.${identifier}.path;
addon = deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = addons.extras.${identifier};
targetDir=$(dirname ${path})
mkdir -p $targetDir
ln -s ${addon}/libexec/android-sdk/${path} $targetDir
'') includeExtras}
# Expose common executables in bin/
mkdir -p $out/bin
find $PWD/tools -not -path '*/\.*' -type f -executable -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | while read i
ln -s $i $out/bin
find $PWD/tools/bin -not -path '*/\.*' -type f -executable -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | while read i
ln -s $i $out/bin
for i in ${platform-tools}/bin/*
ln -s $i $out/bin