1410 lines
51 KiB
1410 lines
51 KiB
![]() |
;; /+bindings.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(load! "utils")
(require 'f)
(require 'predd)
(defmacro find-file-in! (path &optional project-p)
"Returns an interactive function for searching files."
`(lambda () (interactive)
(let ((default-directory ,path))
(if project-p
(defun dired-mode-p () (eq 'dired-mode major-mode))
(defun grfn/dired-minus ()
(if (dired-mode-p)
(when buffer-file-name
(-> (buffer-file-name)
(defmacro define-move-and-insert
(name &rest body)
`(defun ,name (count &optional vcount skip-empty-lines)
;; Following interactive form taken from the source for `evil-insert'
(list (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)
(and (evil-visual-state-p)
(memq (evil-visual-type) '(line block))
(let ((m (mark)))
;; go to upper-left corner temporarily so
;; `count-lines' yields accurate results
(evil-visual-rotate 'upper-left)
(prog1 (count-lines evil-visual-beginning evil-visual-end)
(set-mark m)))))
(evil-insert count vcount skip-empty-lines))))
(define-move-and-insert grfn/insert-at-sexp-end
(when (not (equal (get-char) "("))
(define-move-and-insert grfn/insert-at-sexp-start
(define-move-and-insert grfn/insert-at-form-start
(insert " "))
(define-move-and-insert grfn/insert-at-form-end
(insert " "))
(load! "splitjoin")
(defun +hlissner/install-snippets ()
"Install my snippets from https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-snippets into
(doom-fetch :github "hlissner/emacs-snippets"
(expand-file-name "snippets" (doom-module-path :private 'hlissner))))
(defun +hlissner/yank-buffer-filename ()
"Copy the current buffer's path to the kill ring."
(if-let* ((filename (or buffer-file-name (bound-and-true-p list-buffers-directory))))
(message (kill-new (abbreviate-file-name filename)))
(error "Couldn't find filename in current buffer")))
(defmacro +def-finder! (name dir)
"Define a pair of find-file and browse functions."
(defun ,(intern (format "+find-in-%s" name)) ()
(let ((default-directory ,dir)
(call-interactively #'projectile-find-file)))
(defun ,(intern (format "+hlissner/browse-%s" name)) ()
(let ((default-directory ,dir))
(call-interactively (command-remapping #'find-file))))))
(+def-finder! templates +file-templates-dir)
(+def-finder! snippets +grfn-snippets-dir)
(+def-finder! dotfiles (expand-file-name ".dotfiles" "~"))
(+def-finder! doomd (expand-file-name ".doom.d" "~"))
(+def-finder! notes +org-dir)
(+def-finder! home-config (expand-file-name "code/system/home" "~"))
(+def-finder! system-config (expand-file-name "code/system/system" "~"))
(defun +grfn/paxedit-kill (&optional n)
(interactive "p")
(or (paxedit-comment-kill)
(when (paxedit-symbol-cursor-within?)
(paxedit-implicit-sexp-kill n)
(paxedit-sexp-kill n)
(message paxedit-message-kill)))
[remap evil-jump-to-tag] #'projectile-find-tag
[remap find-tag] #'projectile-find-tag
;; ensure there are no conflicts
:nmvo doom-leader-key nil
:nmvo doom-localleader-key nil)
;; --- Global keybindings ---------------------------
;; Make M-x available everywhere
:gnvime "M-x" #'execute-extended-command
:gnvime "A-x" #'execute-extended-command
;; Emacs debug utilities
:gnvime "M-;" #'eval-expression
:gnvime "M-:" #'doom/open-scratch-buffer
;; Text-scaling
"M-+" (λ! (text-scale-set 0))
"M-=" #'text-scale-increase
"M--" #'text-scale-decrease
;; Simple window navigation/manipulation
"C-`" #'doom/popup-toggle
"C-~" #'doom/popup-raise
"M-t" #'+workspace/new
"M-T" #'+workspace/display
"M-w" #'delete-window
"M-W" #'+workspace/close-workspace-or-frame
"M-n" #'evil-buffer-new
"M-N" #'make-frame
"M-1" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 0))
"M-2" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 1))
"M-3" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 2))
"M-4" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 3))
"M-5" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 4))
"M-6" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 5))
"M-7" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 6))
"M-8" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 7))
"M-9" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 8))
"M-0" #'+workspace/switch-to-last
;; Other sensible, textmate-esque global bindings
:ne "M-r" #'+eval/buffer
:ne "M-R" #'+eval/region-and-replace
:ne "M-b" #'+eval/build
:ne "M-a" #'mark-whole-buffer
:ne "M-c" #'evil-yank
:ne "M-q" (if (daemonp) #'delete-frame #'save-buffers-kill-emacs)
:ne "M-f" #'swiper
:ne "C-M-f" #'doom/toggle-fullscreen
:n "M-s" #'save-buffer
:m "A-j" #'+hlissner:multi-next-line
:m "A-k" #'+hlissner:multi-previous-line
:nv "C-SPC" #'+evil:fold-toggle
:gnvimer "M-v" #'clipboard-yank
;; Easier window navigation
:en "C-h" #'evil-window-left
:en "C-j" #'evil-window-down
:en "C-k" #'evil-window-up
:en "C-l" #'evil-window-right
:n "U" #'undo-tree-visualize
"C-x p" #'doom/other-popup
:n "K" #'+lookup/documentation
:n "g d" #'+lookup/definition
;; --- <leader> -------------------------------------
:desc "Ex command" :nv ";" #'evil-ex
:desc "M-x" :nv ":" #'execute-extended-command
:desc "Pop up scratch buffer" :nv "x" #'doom/open-scratch-buffer
:desc "Org Capture" :nv "X" #'org-capture
:desc "Org Capture" :nv "a" #'org-capture
;; Most commonly used
:desc "Find file in project" :n "SPC" #'projectile-find-file
:desc "Switch workspace buffer" :n "," #'persp-switch-to-buffer
:desc "Switch buffer" :n "<" #'switch-to-buffer
:desc "Browse files" :n "." #'find-file
:desc "Toggle last popup" :n "~" #'doom/popup-toggle
:desc "Eval expression" :n "`" #'eval-expression
:desc "Blink cursor line" :n "DEL" #'+doom/blink-cursor
:desc "Jump to bookmark" :n "RET" #'bookmark-jump
;; C-u is used by evil
:desc "Universal argument" :n "u" #'universal-argument
:desc "window" :n "w" evil-window-map
(:desc "previous..." :prefix "["
:desc "Text size" :nv "[" #'text-scale-decrease
:desc "Buffer" :nv "b" #'doom/previous-buffer
:desc "Diff Hunk" :nv "d" #'git-gutter:previous-hunk
:desc "Todo" :nv "t" #'hl-todo-previous
:desc "Error" :nv "e" #'previous-error
:desc "Workspace" :nv "w" #'+workspace/switch-left
:desc "Smart jump" :nv "h" #'smart-backward
:desc "Spelling error" :nv "s" #'evil-prev-flyspell-error
:desc "Spelling correction" :n "S" #'flyspell-correct-previous-word-generic
:desc "Git conflict" :n "n" #'smerge-prev)
(:desc "next..." :prefix "]"
:desc "Text size" :nv "]" #'text-scale-increase
:desc "Buffer" :nv "b" #'doom/next-buffer
:desc "Diff Hunk" :nv "d" #'git-gutter:next-hunk
:desc "Todo" :nv "t" #'hl-todo-next
:desc "Error" :nv "e" #'next-error
:desc "Workspace" :nv "w" #'+workspace/switch-right
:desc "Smart jump" :nv "l" #'smart-forward
:desc "Spelling error" :nv "s" #'evil-next-flyspell-error
:desc "Spelling correction" :n "S" #'flyspell-correct-word-generic
:desc "Git conflict" :n "n" #'smerge-next)
(:desc "search" :prefix "/"
:desc "Swiper" :nv "/" #'swiper
:desc "Imenu" :nv "i" #'imenu
:desc "Imenu across buffers" :nv "I" #'imenu-anywhere
:desc "Online providers" :nv "o" #'+lookup/online-select)
(:desc "workspace" :prefix "TAB"
:desc "Display tab bar" :n "TAB" #'+workspace/display
:desc "New workspace" :n "n" #'+workspace/new
:desc "Load workspace from file" :n "l" #'+workspace/load
:desc "Load last session" :n "L" (λ! (+workspace/load-session))
:desc "Save workspace to file" :n "s" #'+workspace/save
:desc "Autosave current session" :n "S" #'+workspace/save-session
:desc "Switch workspace" :n "." #'+workspace/switch-to
:desc "Kill all buffers" :n "x" #'doom/kill-all-buffers
:desc "Delete session" :n "X" #'+workspace/kill-session
:desc "Delete this workspace" :n "d" #'+workspace/delete
:desc "Load session" :n "L" #'+workspace/load-session
:desc "Next workspace" :n "]" #'+workspace/switch-right
:desc "Previous workspace" :n "[" #'+workspace/switch-left
:desc "Switch to 1st workspace" :n "1" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 0))
:desc "Switch to 2nd workspace" :n "2" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 1))
:desc "Switch to 3rd workspace" :n "3" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 2))
:desc "Switch to 4th workspace" :n "4" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 3))
:desc "Switch to 5th workspace" :n "5" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 4))
:desc "Switch to 6th workspace" :n "6" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 5))
:desc "Switch to 7th workspace" :n "7" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 6))
:desc "Switch to 8th workspace" :n "8" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 7))
:desc "Switch to 9th workspace" :n "9" (λ! (+workspace/switch-to 8))
:desc "Switch to last workspace" :n "0" #'+workspace/switch-to-last)
(:desc "buffer" :prefix "b"
:desc "New empty buffer" :n "n" #'evil-buffer-new
:desc "Switch workspace buffer" :n "b" #'persp-switch-to-buffer
:desc "Switch buffer" :n "B" #'switch-to-buffer
:desc "Kill buffer" :n "k" #'doom/kill-this-buffer
:desc "Kill other buffers" :n "o" #'doom/kill-other-buffers
:desc "Save buffer" :n "s" #'save-buffer
:desc "Pop scratch buffer" :n "x" #'doom/open-scratch-buffer
:desc "Bury buffer" :n "z" #'bury-buffer
:desc "Next buffer" :n "]" #'doom/next-buffer
:desc "Previous buffer" :n "[" #'doom/previous-buffer
:desc "Sudo edit this file" :n "S" #'doom/sudo-this-file)
(:desc "code" :prefix "c"
:desc "List errors" :n "x" #'flycheck-list-errors
:desc "Evaluate buffer/region" :n "e" #'+eval/buffer
:v "e" #'+eval/region
:desc "Evaluate & replace region" :nv "E" #'+eval:replace-region
:desc "Build tasks" :nv "b" #'+eval/build
:desc "Jump to definition" :n "d" #'+lookup/definition
:desc "Jump to references" :n "D" #'+lookup/references
:desc "Open REPL" :n "r" #'+eval/open-repl
:v "r" #'+eval:repl)
(:desc "file" :prefix "f"
:desc "Find file" :n "." #'find-file
:desc "Sudo find file" :n ">" #'doom/sudo-find-file
:desc "Find file in project" :n "/" #'projectile-find-file
:desc "Find file from here" :n "?" #'counsel-file-jump
:desc "Find other file" :n "a" #'projectile-find-other-file
:desc "Open project editorconfig" :n "c" #'editorconfig-find-current-editorconfig
:desc "Find file in dotfiles" :n "d" #'+find-in-dotfiles
:desc "Find file in system config" :n "s" #'+find-in-system-config
:desc "Find file in home config" :n "h" #'+find-in-home-config
:desc "Browse dotfiles" :n "D" #'+hlissner/browse-dotfiles
:desc "Find file in emacs.d" :n "e" #'+find-in-doomd
:desc "Browse emacs.d" :n "E" #'+hlissner/browse-doomd
:desc "Recent files" :n "r" #'recentf-open-files
:desc "Recent project files" :n "R" #'projectile-recentf
:desc "Yank filename" :n "y" #'+hlissner/yank-buffer-filename)
(:desc "git" :prefix "g"
:desc "Git status" :n "S" #'magit-status
:desc "Git blame" :n "b" #'magit-blame
:desc "Git time machine" :n "t" #'git-timemachine-toggle
:desc "Git stage hunk" :n "s" #'git-gutter:stage-hunk
:desc "Git revert hunk" :n "r" #'git-gutter:revert-hunk
:desc "Git revert buffer" :n "R" #'vc-revert
;; :desc "List gists" :n "g" #'+gist:list
:desc "Git grep" :n "g" #'counsel-git-grep
:desc "Checkout Branch" :n "c" #'counsel-git-checkout
:desc "Next hunk" :nv "]" #'git-gutter:next-hunk
:desc "Previous hunk" :nv "[" #'git-gutter:previous-hunk
(:desc "smerge" :prefix "m"
:desc "Keep Current" :n "SPC" #'smerge-keep-current
:desc "Keep All" :n "a" #'smerge-keep-all))
(:desc "help" :prefix "h"
:n "h" help-map
:desc "Apropos" :n "a" #'apropos
:desc "Reload theme" :n "R" #'doom//reload-theme
:desc "Find library" :n "l" #'find-library
:desc "Toggle Emacs log" :n "m" #'doom/popup-toggle-messages
:desc "Command log" :n "L" #'global-command-log-mode
:desc "Describe function" :n "f" #'describe-function
:desc "Describe key" :n "k" #'describe-key
:desc "Describe char" :n "c" #'describe-char
:desc "Describe mode" :n "M" #'describe-mode
:desc "Describe variable" :n "v" #'describe-variable
:desc "Describe face" :n "F" #'describe-face
:desc "Describe DOOM setting" :n "s" #'doom/describe-setting
:desc "Describe DOOM module" :n "d" #'doom/describe-module
:desc "Find definition" :n "." #'+lookup/definition
:desc "Find references" :n "/" #'+lookup/references
:desc "Find documentation" :n "h" #'+lookup/documentation
:desc "What face" :n "'" #'doom/what-face
:desc "What minor modes" :n ";" #'doom/what-minor-mode
:desc "Info" :n "i" #'info
:desc "Toggle profiler" :n "p" #'doom/toggle-profiler)
(:desc "insert" :prefix "i"
:desc "From kill-ring" :nv "y" #'counsel-yank-pop
:desc "From snippet" :nv "s" #'yas-insert-snippet)
(:desc "notes" :prefix "n"
:desc "Agenda" :n "a" #'org-agenda
:desc "Find file in notes" :n "n" #'+find-in-notes
:desc "Store link" :n "l" #'org-store-link
:desc "Browse notes" :n "N" #'+hlissner/browse-notes
:desc "Org capture" :n "x" #'+org-capture/open
:desc "Create clubhouse story" :n "c" #'org-clubhouse-create-story
:desc "Archive subtree" :n "k" #'org-archive-subtree
:desc "Goto clocked-in note" :n "g" #'org-clock-goto
:desc "Clock Out" :n "o" #'org-clock-out)
(:desc "open" :prefix "o"
:desc "Default browser" :n "b" #'browse-url-of-file
:desc "Debugger" :n "d" #'+debug/open
:desc "Terminal in project" :n "T" #'+term/open-popup-in-project
:desc "Slack IM" :n "i" #'slack-im-select
:desc "Slack Channel" :n "c" #'slack-channel-select
:desc "Slack Group" :n "g" #'slack-group-select
:desc "Slack Unreads" :n "u" #'slack-select-unread-rooms
:desc "Slack Threads" :n "r" #'slack-all-threads
:desc "Email" :n "m" #'notmuch-jump-search
(:desc "ERC" :prefix "e"
:desc "Channel" :n "c" #'erc-switch-to-buffer)
;; applications
:desc "APP: elfeed" :n "E" #'=rss
:desc "APP: twitter" :n "T" #'=twitter
(:desc "spotify" :prefix "s"
:desc "Search track" :n "t" #'counsel-spotify-search-track
:desc "Search album" :n "a" #'counsel-spotify-search-album
:desc "Search artist" :n "A" #'counsel-spotify-search-artist)
;; macos
(:when IS-MAC
:desc "Reveal in Finder" :n "o" #'+macos/reveal-in-finder
:desc "Reveal project in Finder" :n "O" #'+macos/reveal-project-in-finder
:desc "Send to Transmit" :n "u" #'+macos/send-to-transmit
:desc "Send project to Transmit" :n "U" #'+macos/send-project-to-transmit
:desc "Send to Launchbar" :n "l" #'+macos/send-to-launchbar
:desc "Send project to Launchbar" :n "L" #'+macos/send-project-to-launchbar))
(:desc "Email" :prefix "M"
:desc "Compose" :n "m" #'+notmuch/compose)
(:desc "project" :prefix "p"
:desc "Browse project" :n "." (find-file-in! (doom-project-root))
:desc "Find file in project" :n "/" #'projectile-find-file
:desc "Run cmd in project root" :nv "!" #'projectile-run-shell-command-in-root
:desc "Switch project" :n "p" #'projectile-switch-project
:desc "Recent project files" :n "r" #'projectile-recentf
:desc "List project tasks" :n "t" #'+ivy/tasks
:desc "Pop term in project" :n "o" #'+term/open-popup-in-project
:desc "Invalidate cache" :n "x" #'projectile-invalidate-cache)
(:desc "quit" :prefix "q"
:desc "Quit" :n "q" #'evil-save-and-quit
:desc "Quit (forget session)" :n "Q" #'+workspace/kill-session-and-quit)
(:desc "remote" :prefix "r"
:desc "Upload local" :n "u" #'+upload/local
:desc "Upload local (force)" :n "U" (λ! (+upload/local t))
:desc "Download remote" :n "d" #'+upload/remote-download
:desc "Diff local & remote" :n "D" #'+upload/diff
:desc "Browse remote files" :n "." #'+upload/browse
:desc "Detect remote changes" :n ">" #'+upload/check-remote)
(:desc "snippets" :prefix "s"
:desc "New snippet" :n "n" #'yas-new-snippet
:desc "Insert snippet" :nv "i" #'yas-insert-snippet
:desc "Find snippet for mode" :n "s" #'yas-visit-snippet-file
:desc "Find snippet" :n "S" #'+find-in-snippets)
(:desc "toggle" :prefix "t"
:desc "Flyspell" :n "s" #'flyspell-mode
:desc "Flycheck" :n "f" #'flycheck-mode
:desc "Line numbers" :n "l" #'doom/toggle-line-numbers
:desc "Fullscreen" :n "f" #'doom/toggle-fullscreen
:desc "Indent guides" :n "i" #'highlight-indentation-mode
:desc "Indent guides (column)" :n "I" #'highlight-indentation-current-column-mode
:desc "Impatient mode" :n "h" #'+impatient-mode/toggle
:desc "Big mode" :n "b" #'doom-big-font-mode
:desc "Evil goggles" :n "g" #'+evil-goggles/toggle))
;; --- vim-vinegar
:n "-" #'grfn/dired-minus
(:after dired-mode
(:map dired-mode-map
"-" #'grfn/dired-minus))
(:map smartparens-mode-map
:n "g o" #'sp-raise-sexp)
;; --- vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people
(:after paxedit
(:map paxedit-mode-map
:i ";" #'paxedit-insert-semicolon
:i "(" #'paxedit-open-round
:i "[" #'paxedit-open-bracket
:i "{" #'paxedit-open-curly
:n [remap evil-yank-line] #'paxedit-copy
:n [remap evil-delete-line] #'+grfn/paxedit-kill
:n "g o" #'paxedit-sexp-raise
:n [remap evil-join-whitespace] #'paxedit-compress
:n "g S" #'paxedit-format-1
:n "g k" #'paxedit-backward-up
:n "g j" #'paxedit-backward-end))
;; --- vim-splitjoin
:n [remap evil-join-whitespace] #'+splitjoin/join
:n "gS" #'+splitjoin/split
;; --- Personal vim-esque bindings ------------------
:n "zx" #'doom/kill-this-buffer
:n "ZX" #'bury-buffer
:n "]b" #'doom/next-buffer
:n "[b" #'doom/previous-buffer
:n "]w" #'+workspace/switch-right
:n "[w" #'+workspace/switch-left
:m "gt" #'+workspace/switch-right
:m "gT" #'+workspace/switch-left
:m "gd" #'+lookup/definition
:m "gD" #'+lookup/references
:m "K" #'+lookup/documentation
:n "gp" #'+evil/reselect-paste
:n "gr" #'+eval:region
:n "gR" #'+eval/buffer
:v "gR" #'+eval:replace-region
:v "@" #'+evil:macro-on-all-lines
:n "g@" #'+evil:macro-on-all-lines
;; repeat in visual mode (FIXME buggy)
:v "." #'evil-repeat
;; don't leave visual mode after shifting
:v "<" #'+evil/visual-dedent ; vnoremap < <gv
:v ">" #'+evil/visual-indent ; vnoremap > >gv
;; paste from recent yank register (which isn't overwritten)
:v "C-p" "\"0p"
(:map evil-window-map ; prefix "C-w"
;; Navigation
"C-h" #'evil-window-left
"C-j" #'evil-window-down
"C-k" #'evil-window-up
"C-l" #'evil-window-right
"C-w" #'ace-window
;; Swapping windows
"H" #'+evil/window-move-left
"J" #'+evil/window-move-down
"K" #'+evil/window-move-up
"L" #'+evil/window-move-right
"C-S-w" #'ace-swap-window
;; Window undo/redo
"u" #'winner-undo
"C-u" #'winner-undo
"C-r" #'winner-redo
"o" #'doom/window-enlargen
;; Delete window
"c" #'+workspace/close-window-or-workspace
"C-C" #'ace-delete-window
;; Popups
"p" #'doom/popup-toggle
"m" #'doom/popup-toggle-messages
"P" #'doom/popup-close-all)
;; --- Plugin bindings ------------------------------
;; auto-yasnippet
:i [C-tab] #'aya-expand
:nv [C-tab] #'aya-create
;; company-mode (vim-like omnicompletion)
:i "C-SPC" #'+company/complete
(:prefix "C-x"
:i "C-l" #'+company/whole-lines
:i "C-k" #'+company/dict-or-keywords
:i "C-f" #'company-files
:i "C-]" #'company-etags
:i "s" #'company-ispell
:i "C-s" #'company-yasnippet
:i "C-o" #'company-capf
:i "C-n" #'company-dabbrev-code
:i "C-p" #'+company/dabbrev-code-previous)
(:after company
(:map company-active-map
;; Don't interfere with `evil-delete-backward-word' in insert mode
"C-w" nil
"C-o" #'company-search-kill-others
"C-n" #'company-select-next
"C-p" #'company-select-previous
"C-h" #'company-quickhelp-manual-begin
"C-S-h" #'company-show-doc-buffer
"C-S-s" #'company-search-candidates
"C-s" #'company-filter-candidates
"C-SPC" #'company-complete-common
"C-h" #'company-quickhelp-manual-begin
[tab] #'company-complete-common-or-cycle
[backtab] #'company-select-previous
[escape] (λ! (company-abort) (evil-normal-state 1)))
;; Automatically applies to `company-filter-map'
(:map company-search-map
"C-n" #'company-search-repeat-forward
"C-p" #'company-search-repeat-backward
"C-s" (λ! (company-search-abort) (company-filter-candidates))
[escape] #'company-search-abort))
;; counsel
; (:after counsel
; (:map counsel-ag-map
; [backtab] #'+ivy/wgrep-occur ; search/replace on results
; "C-SPC" #'ivy-call-and-recenter ; preview))
;; evil-commentary
;; :n "gc" #'evil-commentary
;; evil-exchange
:n "gx" #'evil-exchange
;; evil-magit
(:after evil-magit
:map (magit-status-mode-map magit-revision-mode-map)
:n "C-j" nil
:n "C-k" nil)
;; Smerge
:n "]n" #'smerge-next
:n "[n" #'smerge-prev
;; evil-mc
(:prefix "gz"
:nv "m" #'evil-mc-make-all-cursors
:nv "u" #'evil-mc-undo-all-cursors
:nv "z" #'+evil/mc-make-cursor-here
:nv "t" #'+evil/mc-toggle-cursors
:nv "n" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-next-cursor
:nv "p" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-prev-cursor
:nv "N" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-last-cursor
:nv "P" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-first-cursor
:nv "d" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-next-match
:nv "D" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-prev-match)
(:after evil-mc
:map evil-mc-key-map
:nv "C-n" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-next-cursor
:nv "C-N" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-last-cursor
:nv "C-p" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-prev-cursor
:nv "C-P" #'evil-mc-make-and-goto-first-cursor)
;; evil-multiedit
:v "R" #'evil-multiedit-match-all
:n "M-d" #'evil-multiedit-match-symbol-and-next
:n "M-D" #'evil-multiedit-match-symbol-and-prev
:v "M-d" #'evil-multiedit-match-and-next
:v "M-D" #'evil-multiedit-match-and-prev
:nv "C-M-d" #'evil-multiedit-restore
(:after evil-multiedit
(:map evil-multiedit-state-map
"M-d" #'evil-multiedit-match-and-next
"M-D" #'evil-multiedit-match-and-prev
"RET" #'evil-multiedit-toggle-or-restrict-region)
(:map (evil-multiedit-state-map evil-multiedit-insert-state-map)
"C-n" #'evil-multiedit-next
"C-p" #'evil-multiedit-prev))
;; evil-snipe
(:after evil-snipe
;; Binding to switch to evil-easymotion/avy after a snipe
:map evil-snipe-parent-transient-map
"C-;" (λ! (require 'evil-easymotion)
(evilem-create #'evil-snipe-repeat
:bind ((evil-snipe-scope 'whole-buffer)
;; evil-surround
:v "S" #'evil-surround-region
:o "s" #'evil-surround-edit
:o "S" #'evil-Surround-edit
;; expand-region
:v "v" #'er/expand-region
:v "V" #'er/contract-region
;; flycheck
:m "]e" #'next-error
:m "[e" #'previous-error
(:after flycheck
:map flycheck-error-list-mode-map
:n "C-n" #'flycheck-error-list-next-error
:n "C-p" #'flycheck-error-list-previous-error
:n "j" #'flycheck-error-list-next-error
:n "k" #'flycheck-error-list-previous-error
:n "RET" #'flycheck-error-list-goto-error)
;; flyspell
:m "]S" #'flyspell-correct-word-generic
:m "[S" #'flyspell-correct-previous-word-generic
;; git-gutter
:m "]d" #'git-gutter:next-hunk
:m "[d" #'git-gutter:previous-hunk
;; git-timemachine
(:after git-timemachine
(:map git-timemachine-mode-map
:n "C-p" #'git-timemachine-show-previous-revision
:n "C-n" #'git-timemachine-show-next-revision
:n "[[" #'git-timemachine-show-previous-revision
:n "]]" #'git-timemachine-show-next-revision
:n "q" #'git-timemachine-quit
:n "gb" #'git-timemachine-blame))
;; gist
(:after gist
:map gist-list-menu-mode-map
:n "RET" #'+gist/open-current
:n "b" #'gist-browse-current-url
:n "c" #'gist-add-buffer
:n "d" #'gist-kill-current
:n "f" #'gist-fork
:n "q" #'quit-window
:n "r" #'gist-list-reload
:n "s" #'gist-star
:n "S" #'gist-unstar
:n "y" #'gist-print-current-url)
;; helm
(:after helm
(:map helm-map
"ESC" nil
"C-S-n" #'helm-next-source
"C-S-p" #'helm-previous-source
"C-u" #'helm-delete-minibuffer-contents
"C-w" #'backward-kill-word
"C-r" #'evil-paste-from-register ; Evil registers in helm! Glorious!
"C-b" #'backward-word
[left] #'backward-char
[right] #'forward-char
[escape] #'helm-keyboard-quit
[tab] #'helm-execute-persistent-action)
(:after helm-files
(:map helm-generic-files-map
:e "ESC" #'helm-keyboard-quit)
(:map helm-find-files-map
"C-w" #'helm-find-files-up-one-level
"TAB" #'helm-execute-persistent-action))
(:after helm-ag
(:map helm-ag-map
"<backtab>" #'helm-ag-edit)))
;; hl-todo
:m "]t" #'hl-todo-next
:m "[t" #'hl-todo-previous
;; ivy
(:after ivy
:map ivy-minibuffer-map
[escape] #'keyboard-escape-quit
"C-SPC" #'ivy-call-and-recenter
"TAB" #'ivy-partial
"M-v" #'yank
"M-z" #'undo
"C-r" #'evil-paste-from-register
"C-k" #'ivy-previous-line
"C-j" #'ivy-next-line
"C-l" #'ivy-alt-done
"C-w" #'ivy-backward-kill-word
"C-u" #'ivy-kill-line
"C-b" #'backward-word
"C-f" #'forward-word)
;; neotree
(:after neotree
:map neotree-mode-map
:n "g" nil
:n [tab] #'neotree-quick-look
:n "RET" #'neotree-enter
:n [backspace] #'evil-window-prev
:n "c" #'neotree-create-node
:n "r" #'neotree-rename-node
:n "d" #'neotree-delete-node
:n "j" #'neotree-next-line
:n "k" #'neotree-previous-line
:n "n" #'neotree-next-line
:n "p" #'neotree-previous-line
:n "h" #'+neotree/collapse-or-up
:n "l" #'+neotree/expand-or-open
:n "J" #'neotree-select-next-sibling-node
:n "K" #'neotree-select-previous-sibling-node
:n "H" #'neotree-select-up-node
:n "L" #'neotree-select-down-node
:n "G" #'evil-goto-line
:n "gg" #'evil-goto-first-line
:n "v" #'neotree-enter-vertical-split
:n "s" #'neotree-enter-horizontal-split
:n "q" #'neotree-hide
:n "R" #'neotree-refresh)
;; realgud
(:after realgud
:map realgud:shortkey-mode-map
:n "j" #'evil-next-line
:n "k" #'evil-previous-line
:n "h" #'evil-backward-char
:n "l" #'evil-forward-char
:m "n" #'realgud:cmd-next
:m "b" #'realgud:cmd-break
:m "B" #'realgud:cmd-clear
:n "c" #'realgud:cmd-continue)
;; rotate-text
:n "gs" #'rotate-text
;; smart-forward
:m "g]" #'smart-forward
:m "g[" #'smart-backward
;; undo-tree -- undo/redo for visual regions
:v "C-u" #'undo-tree-undo
:v "C-r" #'undo-tree-redo
;; yasnippet
(:after yasnippet
(:map yas-keymap
"C-e" #'+snippets/goto-end-of-field
"C-a" #'+snippets/goto-start-of-field
"<M-right>" #'+snippets/goto-end-of-field
"<M-left>" #'+snippets/goto-start-of-field
"<M-backspace>" #'+snippets/delete-to-start-of-field
[escape] #'evil-normal-state
[backspace] #'+snippets/delete-backward-char
[delete] #'+snippets/delete-forward-char-or-field)
(:map yas-minor-mode-map
:i "<tab>" yas-maybe-expand
:v "<tab>" #'+snippets/expand-on-region))
;; --- Major mode bindings --------------------------
;; Markdown
(:after markdown-mode
(:map markdown-mode-map
;; fix conflicts with private bindings
"<backspace>" nil
"<M-left>" nil
"<M-right>" nil))
;; Rust
(:after rust
(:map rust-mode-map
"K" #'racer-describe
"g RET" #'cargo-process-test))
;; Elixir
(:after alchemist
(:map elixir-mode-map
:n "K" #'alchemist-help-search-at-point
:n "g RET" #'alchemist-project-run-tests-for-current-file
:n "g \\" #'alchemist-mix-test-at-point
:n "g SPC" #'alchemist-mix-compile))
;; Haskell
(:after haskell-mode
(:map haskell-mode-map
;; :n "K" #'intero-info
:n "K" #'lsp-describe-thing-at-point
;; :n "g d" #'lsp-ui-peek-find-definitions
:n "g d" #'lsp-ui-peek-find-definitions
;; :n "g SPC" #'intero-repl-load
;; :n "g y" #'lsp-ui-
;; Javascript
;; (:after rjsx-mode
;; (:map rjsx-mode-map
;; :n "g d" #'flow-minor-jump-to-definition
;; :n "K" #'flow-minor-type-at-pos))
(:after js2-mode
(:map js2-mode-map
:n "g d" #'flow-minor-jump-to-definition
:n "K" #'flow-minor-type-at-pos))
;; Elisp
(:map emacs-lisp-mode-map
:n "g SPC" #'eval-buffer
:n "g RET" (λ! () (ert t)))
;; --- Custom evil text-objects ---------------------
:textobj "a" #'evil-inner-arg #'evil-outer-arg
:textobj "B" #'evil-textobj-anyblock-inner-block #'evil-textobj-anyblock-a-block
:textobj "i" #'evil-indent-plus-i-indent #'evil-indent-plus-a-indent
:textobj "I" #'evil-indent-plus-i-indent-up #'evil-indent-plus-a-indent-up
:textobj "J" #'evil-indent-plus-i-indent-up-down #'evil-indent-plus-a-indent-up-down
;; --- Built-in plugins -----------------------------
(:after comint
;; TAB auto-completion in term buffers
:map comint-mode-map [tab] #'company-complete)
(:after debug
;; For elisp debugging
:map debugger-mode-map
:n "RET" #'debug-help-follow
:n "e" #'debugger-eval-expression
:n "n" #'debugger-step-through
:n "c" #'debugger-continue)
(:map help-mode-map
:n "[[" #'help-go-back
:n "]]" #'help-go-forward
:n "o" #'ace-link-help
:n "q" #'quit-window
:n "Q" #'+ivy-quit-and-resume)
(:after vc-annotate
:map vc-annotate-mode-map
:n "q" #'kill-this-buffer
:n "d" #'vc-annotate-show-diff-revision-at-line
:n "D" #'vc-annotate-show-changeset-diff-revision-at-line
:n "SPC" #'vc-annotate-show-log-revision-at-line
:n "]]" #'vc-annotate-next-revision
:n "[[" #'vc-annotate-prev-revision
:n "TAB" #'vc-annotate-toggle-annotation-visibility
:n "RET" #'vc-annotate-find-revision-at-line))
;; evil-easymotion
(after! evil-easymotion
(let ((prefix (concat doom-leader-key " /")))
;; NOTE `evilem-default-keybinds' unsets all other keys on the prefix (in
;; motion state)
(evilem-default-keybindings prefix)
(evilem-define (kbd (concat prefix " n")) #'evil-ex-search-next)
(evilem-define (kbd (concat prefix " N")) #'evil-ex-search-previous)
(evilem-define (kbd (concat prefix " s")) #'evil-snipe-repeat
:pre-hook (save-excursion (call-interactively #'evil-snipe-s))
:bind ((evil-snipe-scope 'buffer)
(evilem-define (kbd (concat prefix " S")) #'evil-snipe-repeat-reverse
:pre-hook (save-excursion (call-interactively #'evil-snipe-s))
:bind ((evil-snipe-scope 'buffer)
;; Keybinding fixes
;; This section is dedicated to "fixing" certain keys so that they behave
;; properly, more like vim, or how I like it.
(map! (:map input-decode-map
[S-iso-lefttab] [backtab]
(:unless window-system "TAB" [tab])) ; Fix TAB in terminal
;; I want C-a and C-e to be a little smarter. C-a will jump to
;; indentation. Pressing it again will send you to the true bol. Same goes
;; for C-e, except it will ignore comments and trailing whitespace before
;; jumping to eol.
:i "C-a" #'doom/backward-to-bol-or-indent
:i "C-e" #'doom/forward-to-last-non-comment-or-eol
:i "C-u" #'doom/backward-kill-to-bol-and-indent
;; Emacsien motions for insert mode
:i "C-b" #'backward-word
:i "C-f" #'forward-word
;; Highjacks space/backspace to:
;; a) balance spaces inside brackets/parentheses ( | ) -> (|)
;; b) delete space-indented blocks intelligently
;; c) do none of this when inside a string
;; :i "SPC" #'doom/inflate-space-maybe
;; :i [remap delete-backward-char] #'doom/deflate-space-maybe
;; :i [remap newline] #'doom/newline-and-indent
(:after org
(:map org-mode-map
:i [remap doom/inflate-space-maybe] #'org-self-insert-command
;; Restore common editing keys (and ESC) in minibuffer
(:map (minibuffer-local-map
;; [escape] #'abort-recursive-edit
"C-r" #'evil-paste-from-register
"C-a" #'move-beginning-of-line
"C-w" #'doom/minibuffer-kill-word
"C-u" #'doom/minibuffer-kill-line
"C-b" #'backward-word
"C-f" #'forward-word
"M-z" #'doom/minibuffer-undo)
(:map messages-buffer-mode-map
"M-;" #'eval-expression
"A-;" #'eval-expression)
(:map tabulated-list-mode-map
[remap evil-record-macro] #'doom/popup-close-maybe)
(:after view
(:map view-mode-map "<escape>" #'View-quit-all)))
(defun +sexp-transpose ()
(case evil-this-operator
('evil-shift-right (paxedit-transpose-forward))
('evil-shift-left (paxedit-transpose-backward))))
;; (defun nmap (&rest keys-and-ops)
;; (->>
;; (seq-partition keys-and-ops 2)
;; (seq-map
;; (lambda (k-op)
;; (let* ((k (car k-op))
;; (op (cadr k-op))
;; (prefix (substring k 0 1))
;; (prefix-sym (lookup-key evil-normal-state-map prefix))
;; (keyseq (substring k 1)))
;; (list keyseq prefix-sym op))))
;; (seq-group-by #'car)
;; (seq-map
;; (lambda (k-ops)
;; (let* ((keyseq (car k-ops))
;; (ops (cdr k-ops))
;; (existing-binding (lookup-key evil-operator-state-map keyseq))
;; (handler (λ! ()
;; (if-let
;; ((oplist
;; (seq-find (lambda (op)
;; (equal (nth 1 op)
;; evil-this-operator))
;; ops)))
;; (message "calling oplist")
;; (->> oplist (nth 2) funcall)
;; (when existing-binding
;; (funcall existing-binding))))))
;; (if existing-binding
;; (progn
;; (define-key evil-operator-state-map
;; (vector 'remap existing-binding)
;; handler)
;; (define-key evil-motion-state-map
;; (vector 'remap existing-binding)
;; handler))
;; (define-key evil-operator-state-map keyseq handler)))))))
;; (nmap
;; ">e" #'paxedit-transpose-forward
;; "<e" #'paxedit-transpose-backward)
(require 'paxedit)
(require 'general)
(general-evil-setup t)
">" (general-key-dispatch 'evil-shift-right
"e" 'paxedit-transpose-forward
")" 'sp-forward-slurp-sexp
"(" 'sp-backward-barf-sexp
"I" 'grfn/insert-at-sexp-end
;; "a" 'grfn/insert-at-form-end
"<" (general-key-dispatch 'evil-shift-left
"e" 'paxedit-transpose-backward
")" 'sp-forward-barf-sexp
"(" 'sp-backward-slurp-sexp
"I" 'grfn/insert-at-sexp-start
;; "a" 'grfn/insert-at-form-start
(defmacro saving-excursion (&rest body)
`(λ! () (save-excursion ,@body)))
(nmap "c" (general-key-dispatch 'evil-change
"r c" (saving-excursion (string-inflection-lower-camelcase))
"r C" (saving-excursion (string-inflection-camelcase))
"r m" (saving-excursion (string-inflection-camelcase))
"r s" (saving-excursion (string-inflection-underscore))
"r u" (saving-excursion (string-inflection-upcase))
"r -" (saving-excursion (string-inflection-kebab-case))
"r k" (saving-excursion (string-inflection-kebab-case))
;; "r ." (saving-excursion (string-inflection-dot-case))
;; "r ." (saving-excursion (string-inflection-space-case))
;; "r ." (saving-excursion (string-inflection-title-case))
(predd-defmulti eval-sexp (lambda (form) major-mode))
(predd-defmethod eval-sexp 'clojure-mode (form)
(cider-interactive-eval form))
(predd-defmethod eval-sexp 'emacs-lisp-mode (form)
(pp-eval-expression form))
(predd-defmulti eval-sexp-region (lambda (_beg _end) major-mode))
(predd-defmethod eval-sexp-region 'clojure-mode (beg end)
(cider-interactive-eval nil nil (list beg end)))
(predd-defmethod eval-sexp-region 'emacs-lisp-mode (beg end)
(pp-eval-expression (read (buffer-substring beg end))))
(predd-defmulti eval-sexp-region-context (lambda (_beg _end _context) major-mode))
(predd-defmethod eval-sexp-region-context 'clojure-mode (beg end context)
(cider--eval-in-context (buffer-substring beg end)))
(defun pp-eval-context-region (beg end context)
(interactive "r\nxContext: ")
(let* ((inner-expr (read (buffer-substring beg end)))
(full-expr (list 'let* context inner-expr)))
(pp-eval-expression full-expr)))
(predd-defmethod eval-sexp-region-context 'emacs-lisp-mode (beg end context)
(pp-eval-context-region beg end context))
(predd-defmulti preceding-sexp (lambda () major-mode))
(predd-defmethod preceding-sexp 'clojure-mode ()
(predd-defmethod preceding-sexp 'emacs-lisp-mode ()
(defun eval-sexp-at-point ()
(let ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)))
(eval-sexp-region (car bounds)
(cdr bounds))))
(defun eval-last-sexp ()
(eval-sexp (preceding-sexp)))
(defun cider-insert-current-sexp-in-repl (&optional arg)
"Insert the expression at point in the REPL buffer.
If invoked with a prefix ARG eval the expression after inserting it"
(interactive "P")
(cider-insert-in-repl (cider-sexp-at-point) arg))
(evil-define-operator fireplace-send (beg end)
(cider-insert-current-sexp-in-repl nil nil (list beg end)))
(defun +clojure-pprint-expr (form)
(format "(with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint %s))"
(defun cider-eval-read-and-print-handler (&optional buffer)
"Make a handler for evaluating and reading then printing result in BUFFER."
(or buffer (current-buffer))
(lambda (buffer value)
(let ((value* (read value)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(if (derived-mode-p 'cider-clojure-interaction-mode)
(format "\n%s\n" value*)
(lambda (_buffer out) (cider-emit-interactive-eval-output out))
(lambda (_buffer err) (cider-emit-interactive-eval-err-output err))
(defun cider-eval-and-replace (beg end)
"Evaluate the expression in region and replace it with its result"
(interactive "r")
(let ((form (buffer-substring beg end)))
(cider-nrepl-sync-request:eval form)
(kill-region beg end)
(+clojure-pprint-expr form)
(defun cider-eval-current-sexp-and-replace ()
"Evaluate the expression at point and replace it with its result"
(apply #'cider-eval-and-replace (cider-sexp-at-point 'bounds)))
(evil-define-operator fireplace-eval (beg end)
(eval-sexp-region beg end))
(evil-define-operator fireplace-replace (beg end)
(cider-eval-and-replace beg end))
(evil-define-operator fireplace-eval-context (beg end)
(eval-sexp-region-context beg end))
;;; fireplace-esque eval binding
(nmap :keymaps 'cider-mode-map
"c" (general-key-dispatch 'evil-change
"p" (general-key-dispatch 'fireplace-eval
"p" 'cider-eval-sexp-at-point
"c" 'cider-eval-last-sexp
"d" 'cider-eval-defun-at-point
"r" 'cider-test-run-test)
"q" (general-key-dispatch 'fireplace-send
"q" 'cider-insert-current-sexp-in-repl
"c" 'cider-insert-last-sexp-in-repl)
"x" (general-key-dispatch 'fireplace-eval-context
"x" 'cider-eval-sexp-at-point-in-context
"c" 'cider-eval-last-sexp-in-context)
"!" (general-key-dispatch 'fireplace-replace
"!" 'cider-eval-current-sexp-and-replace
"c" 'cider-eval-last-sexp-and-replace)
"y" 'cider-copy-last-result))
(nmap :keymaps 'emacs-lisp-mode-map
"c" (general-key-dispatch 'evil-change
"p" (general-key-dispatch 'fireplace-eval
"p" 'eval-sexp-at-point
"c" 'eval-last-sexp
"d" 'eval-defun
"r" 'cider-test-run-test)
"x" (general-key-dispatch 'fireplace-eval-context
"x" 'cider-eval-sexp-at-point-in-context
"c" 'cider-eval-last-sexp-in-context)
"!" (general-key-dispatch 'fireplace-replace
"!" 'cider-eval-current-sexp-and-replace
"c" 'cider-eval-last-sexp-and-replace)
"y" 'cider-copy-last-result))
(nmap :keymaps 'sly-mode-map
"c" (general-key-dispatch 'evil-change
"p" (general-key-dispatch 'sly-eval
;; "p" 'eval-sexp-at-point
"c" 'sly-eval-last-expression
"d" 'sly-eval-defun
;; "r" 'cider-test-run-test
;; "x" (general-key-dispatch 'fireplace-eval-context
;; "x" 'cider-eval-sexp-at-point-in-context
;; "c" 'cider-eval-last-sexp-in-context
;; )
;; "!" (general-key-dispatch 'fireplace-replace
;; "!" 'cider-eval-current-sexp-and-replace
;; "c" 'cider-eval-last-sexp-and-replace)
;; "y" 'cider-copy-last-result
;; >) ; slurp forward
;; <) ; barf forward
;; <( ; slurp backward
;; >( ; slurp backward
;; (require 'doom-themes)
(defun grfn/haskell-test-file-p ()
(string-match-p (rx (and "Spec.hs" eol))
(require 'haskell)
(defun grfn/intero-run-main ()
(intero-with-repl-buffer nil
(get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
(defun grfn/run-clj-or-cljs-test ()
(message "Running tests...")
(cl-case (cider-repl-type-for-buffer)
"(with-out-str (cljs.test/run-tests))"
(lambda (_ value)
(with-output-to-temp-buffer "*cljs-test-results*"
(->> value
(s-replace "\"" "")
(s-replace "\\n" "\n")))))
nil nil nil)))
(('clj 'multi)
(defun cider-copy-last-result ()
(lambda (_ value)
(kill-new value)
(message "Copied last result (%s) to clipboard"
(if (= (length value) 1) "1 char"
(format "%d chars" (length value)))))
nil nil nil)))
(defun grfn/insert-new-src-block ()
(let* ((current-src-block (org-element-at-point))
(src-block-head (save-excursion
(goto-char (org-element-property
:begin current-src-block))
(let ((line (thing-at-point 'line t)))
(if (not (s-starts-with? "#+NAME:" (s-trim line)))
(thing-at-point 'line t)))))
(if-let (results-loc (org-babel-where-is-src-block-result))
(goto-char results-loc)
(org-element-property :end (org-element-at-point)))))
(goto-char point-to-insert)
(insert "\n")
(insert src-block-head)
(let ((contents (point-marker)))
(insert "\n#+END_SRC\n")
(goto-char contents))))
(defun grfn/+org-insert-item (orig direction)
(if (and (org-in-src-block-p)
(equal direction 'below))
(funcall orig direction)))
(advice-add #'+org--insert-item :around #'grfn/+org-insert-item)
;; (advice-add #'+org/insert-item-below :around
;; (lambda (orig) (grfn/+org-insert-item orig 'below)))
(defun set-pdb-trace ()
(insert (format "\n%simport pdb;pdb.set_trace()"
(make-string (python-indent-calculate-indentation)
(evil-indent (line-beginning-position)
(:map magit-mode-map
:n "#" 'forge-dispatch)
(:map haskell-mode-map
:n "K" 'lsp-info-under-point
:n "g d" 'lsp-ui-peek-find-definitions
:n "g r" 'lsp-ui-peek-find-references
:n "g \\" '+haskell/repl
;; :n "K" 'intero-info
;; :n "g d" 'intero-goto-definition
;; :n "g SPC" 'intero-repl-load
;; :n "g \\" 'intero-repl
;; :n "g y" 'intero-type-at
;; :n "g RET" 'grfn/run-sputnik-test-for-file
:desc "Apply action" :n "e" 'intero-repl-eval-region
:desc "Rename symbol" :n "r" 'intero-apply-suggestions))
(:map python-mode-map
:n "K" #'anaconda-mode-show-doc
:n "g SPC" #'+eval/buffer
:n "g RET" #'python-pytest-file
:n "g \\" #'+python/open-ipython-repl
[remap evil-commentary-yank] #'set-pdb-trace)
(:after agda2-mode
(:map agda2-mode-map
:n "g SPC" 'agda2-load
:n "g d" 'agda2-goto-definition-keyboard
:n "] g" 'agda2-next-goal
:n "[ g" 'agda2-previous-goal
:desc "Give" :n "SPC" 'agda2-give
:desc "Case Split" :n "c" 'agda2-make-case
:desc "Make Helper" :n "h" 'agda2-helper-function-type
:desc "Refine" :n "r" 'agda2-refine
:desc "Auto" :n "a" 'agda2-auto-maybe-all
:desc "Goal type and context" :n "t" 'agda2-goal-and-context
:desc "Goal type and context and inferred" :n ";" 'agda2-goal-and-context-and-inferred)))
(:after clojure-mode
(:map clojure-mode-map
:n "] f" 'forward-sexp
:n "[ f" 'backward-sexp))
(:after cider-mode
(:map cider-mode-map
:n "g SPC" 'cider-eval-buffer
:n "g \\" 'cider-switch-to-repl-buffer
:n "K" 'cider-doc
:n "g K" 'cider-grimoire
:n "g d" 'cider-find-dwim
:n "C-w ]" 'cider-find-dwim-other-window
;; :n "g RET" 'cider-test-run-ns-tests
:n "g RET" 'grfn/run-clj-or-cljs-test
"C-c C-r r" 'cljr-add-require-to-ns
"C-c C-r i" 'cljr-add-import-to-ns
;; :desc "Inspect last result" :n "i" 'cider-inspect-last-result
;; :desc "Search for documentation" :n "h s" 'cider-apropos-doc
:desc "Add require to ns" :n "n r" 'cljr-add-require-to-ns
:desc "Add import to ns" :n "n i" 'cljr-add-import-to-ns))
(:map cider-repl-mode-map
:n "g \\" 'cider-switch-to-last-clojure-buffer))
(:after w3m
(:map w3m-mode-map
"/" 'evil-search-forward
"?" 'evil-search-backward))
(:after slack
(:map slack-message-buffer-mode-map
:i "<up>" #'slack-message-edit))
(:after org
:n "C-c C-x C-o" #'org-clock-out
(:map org-mode-map
[remap counsel-imenu] #'counsel-org-goto
"M-k" #'org-move-subtree-up
"M-j" #'org-move-subtree-down
:n "g" #'counsel-org-goto))
(:map org-capture-mode-map
:n "g RET" #'org-capture-finalize
:n "g \\" #'org-captue-refile))
(:map lsp-mode-map
:n "K" #'lsp-describe-thing-at-point
:n "g r" #'lsp-rename
:n "a" #'lsp-execute-code-action))