templateSubmodule =
{ ... }:
options = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "this template";
target = lib.mkOption {
description = "Path in the container";
type = lib.types.path;
template = lib.mkOption {
description = ".tpl file for rendering the target";
when = lib.mkOption {
description = "Events which trigger a rewrite (create, copy)";
type = lib.types.listOf (lib.types.str);
properties = lib.mkOption {
description = "Additional properties";
type = lib.types.attrs;
default = { };
toYAML = name: data: pkgs.writeText name (lib.generators.toYAML { } data);
cfg = config.virtualisation.lxc;
templates =
if cfg.templates != { } then
list = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: { inherit name; } // value) (
lib.filterAttrs (name: value: value.enable) cfg.templates
files = map (tpl: {
source = tpl.template;
target = "/templates/${tpl.name}.tpl";
}) list;
properties = lib.listToAttrs (
map (
lib.nameValuePair tpl.target {
when = tpl.when;
template = "${tpl.name}.tpl";
properties = tpl.properties;
) list
files = [ ];
properties = { };
imports = [
meta = {
maintainers = lib.teams.lxc.members;
virtualisation.lxc = {
templates = lib.mkOption {
description = "Templates for LXD";
type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule templateSubmodule);
example = lib.literalExpression ''
# create /etc/hostname on container creation
"hostname" = {
enable = true;
target = "/etc/hostname";
template = builtins.writeFile "hostname.tpl" "{{ container.name }}";
when = [ "create" ];
# create /etc/nixos/hostname.nix with a configuration for keeping the hostname applied
"hostname-nix" = {
target = "/etc/nixos/hostname.nix";
template = builtins.writeFile "hostname-nix.tpl" "{ ... }: { networking.hostName = "{{ container.name }}"; }";
# copy keeps the file updated when the container is changed
when = [ "create" "copy" ];
# copy allow the user to specify a custom configuration.nix
"configuration-nix" = {
target = "/etc/nixos/configuration.nix";
template = builtins.writeFile "configuration-nix" "{{ config_get(\"user.user-data\", properties.default) }}";
config = {
system.nixos.tags = [
image.extension = "tar.xz";
image.filePath = "tarball/${config.image.fileName}";
system.build.image = config.system.build.metadata;
system.build.metadata = pkgs.callPackage ../../lib/make-system-tarball.nix {
fileName = config.image.baseName;
contents = [
source = toYAML "metadata.yaml" {
architecture = builtins.elemAt (builtins.match "^([a-z0-9_]+).+" (
toString pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system
)) 0;
creation_date = 1;
properties = {
description = "${config.system.nixos.distroName} ${config.system.nixos.codeName} ${config.system.nixos.label} ${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}";
os = "${config.system.nixos.distroId}";
release = "${config.system.nixos.codeName}";
templates = templates.properties;
target = "/metadata.yaml";
] ++ templates.files;