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# Use this file to add `meta.mainProgram` to packages in `nodePackages`.
# Packages that provide multiple executables where one is clearly the `mainProgram`.
"@antfu/ni" = "ni";
"@electron-forge/cli" = "electron-forge";
"@microsoft/rush" = "rush";
"@webassemblyjs/cli-1.11.1" = "wasm2wast";
# Packages that provide a single executable.
"@angular/cli" = "ng";
"@babel/cli" = "babel";
"@commitlint/cli" = "commitlint";
"@gitbeaker/cli" = "gitbeaker";
"@prisma/language-server" = "prisma-language-server";
"@uppy/companion" = "companion";
"@webassemblyjs/repl-1.11.1" = "wasm";
"@webassemblyjs/wasm-strip" = "wasm-strip";
"@webassemblyjs/wasm-text-gen-1.11.1" = "wasmgen";
"@webassemblyjs/wast-refmt-1.11.1" = "wast-refmt";
aws-cdk = "cdk";
cdk8s-cli = "cdk8s";
cdktf-cli = "cdktf";
clipboard-cli = "clipboard";
conventional-changelog-cli = "conventional-changelog";
cpy-cli = "cpy";
diff2html-cli = "diff2html";
fast-cli = "fast";
fauna-shell = "fauna";
fkill-cli = "fkill";
fleek-cli = "fleek";
graphql-cli = "graphql";
graphql-language-service-cli = "graphql-lsp";
grunt-cli = "grunt";
gulp-cli = "gulp";
kaput-cli = "kaput";
less = "lessc";
localtunnel = "lt";
lua-fmt = "luafmt";
neovim = "neovim-node-host";
parsoid = "parse.js";
poor-mans-t-sql-formatter-cli = "sqlformat";
postcss-cli = "postcss";
prettier = "prettier";
pulp = "pulp";
purescript-language-server = "purescript-language-server";
purescript-psa = "psa";
purs-tidy = "purs-tidy";
purty = "purty";
pscid = "pscid";
remod-cli = "remod";
vscode-json-languageserver = "vscode-json-languageserver";
webtorrent-cli = "webtorrent";