{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, python3Packages, zlib, pkg-config, glib, overrideSDK, buildPackages
, pixman, vde2, alsa-lib, flex, pcre2
, bison, lzo, snappy, libaio, libtasn1, gnutls, nettle, curl, dtc, ninja, meson, perl
, sigtool
, makeWrapper, removeReferencesTo
, attr, libcap, libcap_ng, socat, libslirp
, CoreServices, Cocoa, Hypervisor, Kernel, rez, setfile, vmnet
, guestAgentSupport ? (with stdenv.hostPlatform; isLinux || isNetBSD || isOpenBSD || isSunOS || isWindows) && !minimal
, numaSupport ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && !stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch32 && !minimal, numactl
, seccompSupport ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && !minimal, libseccomp
, alsaSupport ? lib.hasSuffix "linux" stdenv.hostPlatform.system && !nixosTestRunner && !minimal
, pulseSupport ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && !nixosTestRunner && !minimal, libpulseaudio
, pipewireSupport ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && !nixosTestRunner && !minimal, pipewire
, sdlSupport ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && !nixosTestRunner && !minimal, SDL2, SDL2_image
, jackSupport ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && !nixosTestRunner && !minimal, libjack2
, gtkSupport ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin && !xenSupport && !nixosTestRunner && !minimal, gtk3, gettext, vte, wrapGAppsHook3
, vncSupport ? !nixosTestRunner && !minimal, libjpeg, libpng
, smartcardSupport ? !nixosTestRunner && !minimal, libcacard
, spiceSupport ? true && !nixosTestRunner && !minimal, spice, spice-protocol
, ncursesSupport ? !nixosTestRunner && !minimal, ncurses
, usbredirSupport ? spiceSupport, usbredir
, xenSupport ? false, xen
, cephSupport ? false, ceph
, glusterfsSupport ? false, glusterfs, libuuid
, openGLSupport ? sdlSupport, mesa, libepoxy, libdrm
, rutabagaSupport ? openGLSupport && !minimal && lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform rutabaga_gfx, rutabaga_gfx
, virglSupport ? openGLSupport, virglrenderer
, libiscsiSupport ? !minimal, libiscsi
, smbdSupport ? false, samba
, tpmSupport ? !minimal
, uringSupport ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && !userOnly, liburing
, canokeySupport ? !minimal, canokey-qemu
, capstoneSupport ? !minimal, capstone
, pluginsSupport ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
, enableDocs ? !minimal || toolsOnly
, enableTools ? !minimal || toolsOnly
, enableBlobs ? !minimal || toolsOnly
, hostCpuOnly ? false
, hostCpuTargets ? (if toolsOnly
then [ ]
else if xenSupport
then [ "i386-softmmu" ]
else if hostCpuOnly
then (lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isx86_64 "i386-softmmu"
++ ["${stdenv.hostPlatform.qemuArch}-softmmu"])
else null)
, nixosTestRunner ? false
, toolsOnly ? false
, userOnly ? false
, minimal ? toolsOnly || userOnly
, gitUpdater
, qemu-utils # for tests attribute
assert lib.assertMsg (xenSupport -> hostCpuTargets == [ "i386-softmmu" ]) "Xen should not use any other QEMU architecture other than i386.";
hexagonSupport = hostCpuTargets == null || lib.elem "hexagon" hostCpuTargets;
buildPlatformStdenv =
if stdenv.buildPlatform.isDarwin then
overrideSDK buildPackages.stdenv {
# Keep these values in sync with `all-packages.nix`.
darwinSdkVersion = "12.3";
darwinMinVersion = "12.0";
stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: {
pname = "qemu"
+ lib.optionalString xenSupport "-xen"
+ lib.optionalString hostCpuOnly "-host-cpu-only"
+ lib.optionalString nixosTestRunner "-for-vm-tests"
+ lib.optionalString toolsOnly "-utils"
+ lib.optionalString userOnly "-user";
version = "9.1.1";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://download.qemu.org/qemu-${finalAttrs.version}.tar.xz";
hash = "sha256-fcD52lSR/0SVAPMxAGOja2GfI27kVwb9CEbrN9S7qIk=";
depsBuildBuild = [ buildPlatformStdenv.cc ]
++ lib.optionals hexagonSupport [ pkg-config ];
nativeBuildInputs = [
makeWrapper removeReferencesTo
pkg-config flex bison meson ninja perl
# Don't change this to python3 and python3.pkgs.*, breaks cross-compilation
++ lib.optionals gtkSupport [ wrapGAppsHook3 ]
++ lib.optionals enableDocs [ python3Packages.sphinx python3Packages.sphinx-rtd-theme ]
++ lib.optionals hexagonSupport [ glib ]
++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ sigtool rez setfile ]
++ lib.optionals (!userOnly) [ dtc ];
buildInputs = [ glib zlib ]
++ lib.optionals (!minimal) [ dtc pixman vde2 lzo snappy libtasn1 gnutls nettle libslirp ]
++ lib.optionals (!userOnly) [ curl ]
++ lib.optionals ncursesSupport [ ncurses ]
++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ CoreServices Cocoa Hypervisor Kernel vmnet ]
++ lib.optionals seccompSupport [ libseccomp ]
++ lib.optionals numaSupport [ numactl ]
++ lib.optionals alsaSupport [ alsa-lib ]
++ lib.optionals pulseSupport [ libpulseaudio ]
++ lib.optionals pipewireSupport [ pipewire ]
++ lib.optionals sdlSupport [ SDL2 SDL2_image ]
++ lib.optionals jackSupport [ libjack2 ]
++ lib.optionals gtkSupport [ gtk3 gettext vte ]
++ lib.optionals vncSupport [ libjpeg libpng ]
++ lib.optionals smartcardSupport [ libcacard ]
++ lib.optionals spiceSupport [ spice-protocol spice ]
++ lib.optionals usbredirSupport [ usbredir ]
++ lib.optionals (stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && !userOnly) [ libcap_ng libcap attr libaio ]
++ lib.optionals xenSupport [ xen ]
++ lib.optionals cephSupport [ ceph ]
++ lib.optionals glusterfsSupport [ glusterfs libuuid ]
++ lib.optionals openGLSupport [ mesa libepoxy libdrm ]
++ lib.optionals rutabagaSupport [ rutabaga_gfx ]
++ lib.optionals virglSupport [ virglrenderer ]
++ lib.optionals libiscsiSupport [ libiscsi ]
++ lib.optionals smbdSupport [ samba ]
++ lib.optionals uringSupport [ liburing ]
++ lib.optionals canokeySupport [ canokey-qemu ]
++ lib.optionals capstoneSupport [ capstone ];
dontUseMesonConfigure = true; # meson's configurePhase isn't compatible with qemu build
dontAddStaticConfigureFlags = true;
outputs = [ "out" ] ++ lib.optional guestAgentSupport "ga";
# On aarch64-linux we would shoot over the Hydra's 2G output limit.
separateDebugInfo = !(stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 && stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux);
patches = [
# Workaround for upstream issue with nested virtualisation: https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/1008
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/commit/3e4546d5bd38a1e98d4bd2de48631abf0398a3a2.diff";
sha256 = "sha256-oC+bRjEHixv1QEFO9XAm4HHOwoiT+NkhknKGPydnZ5E=";
revert = true;
# musl changes https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/2215
url = "https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/commit/ac1bbe8ca46c550b3ad99c85744119a3ace7b4f4.diff";
sha256 = "sha256-wSlf8+7WHk2Z4I5cLFa37MRroQucPIuFzzyWnG9IpeY=";
url = "https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/commit/99174ce39e86ec6aea7bb7ce326b16e3eed9e3da.diff";
sha256 = "sha256-Cpt01d1ARoCTuJuC66no4doPgL+4/ZqnJTWwjU2MxnY=";
++ lib.optional nixosTestRunner ./force-uid0-on-9p.patch;
postPatch = ''
# Otherwise tries to ensure /var/run exists.
sed -i "/install_emptydir(get_option('localstatedir') \/ 'run')/d" \
preConfigure = ''
unset CPP # intereferes with dependency calculation
# this script isn't marked as executable b/c it's indirectly used by meson. Needed to patch its shebang
chmod +x ./scripts/shaderinclude.py
patchShebangs .
# avoid conflicts with libc++ include for <version>
substituteInPlace configure \
--replace '$source_path/VERSION' '$source_path/QEMU_VERSION'
substituteInPlace meson.build \
--replace "'VERSION'" "'QEMU_VERSION'"
configureFlags = [
"--disable-strip" # We'll strip ourselves after separating debug info.
(lib.enableFeature enableDocs "docs")
(lib.enableFeature enableTools "tools")
(lib.enableFeature guestAgentSupport "guest-agent")
] ++ lib.optional numaSupport "--enable-numa"
++ lib.optional seccompSupport "--enable-seccomp"
++ lib.optional smartcardSupport "--enable-smartcard"
++ lib.optional spiceSupport "--enable-spice"
++ lib.optional usbredirSupport "--enable-usb-redir"
++ lib.optional (hostCpuTargets != null) "--target-list=${lib.concatStringsSep "," hostCpuTargets}"
++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ "--enable-cocoa" "--enable-hvf" ]
++ lib.optional (stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && !userOnly) "--enable-linux-aio"
++ lib.optional gtkSupport "--enable-gtk"
++ lib.optional xenSupport "--enable-xen"
++ lib.optional cephSupport "--enable-rbd"
++ lib.optional glusterfsSupport "--enable-glusterfs"
++ lib.optional openGLSupport "--enable-opengl"
++ lib.optional virglSupport "--enable-virglrenderer"
++ lib.optional tpmSupport "--enable-tpm"
++ lib.optional libiscsiSupport "--enable-libiscsi"
++ lib.optional smbdSupport "--smbd=${samba}/bin/smbd"
++ lib.optional uringSupport "--enable-linux-io-uring"
++ lib.optional canokeySupport "--enable-canokey"
++ lib.optional capstoneSupport "--enable-capstone"
++ lib.optional (!pluginsSupport) "--disable-plugins"
++ lib.optional (!enableBlobs) "--disable-install-blobs"
++ lib.optional userOnly "--disable-system"
++ lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic "--static";
dontWrapGApps = true;
# QEMU attaches entitlements with codesign and strip removes those,
# voiding the entitlements and making it non-operational.
# The alternative is to re-sign with entitlements after stripping:
# * https://github.com/qemu/qemu/blob/v6.1.0/scripts/entitlement.sh#L25
dontStrip = stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin;
postFixup = ''
# the .desktop is both invalid and pointless
rm -f $out/share/applications/qemu.desktop
'' + lib.optionalString guestAgentSupport ''
# move qemu-ga (guest agent) to separate output
mkdir -p $ga/bin
mv $out/bin/qemu-ga $ga/bin/
ln -s $ga/bin/qemu-ga $out/bin
remove-references-to -t $out $ga/bin/qemu-ga
'' + lib.optionalString gtkSupport ''
# wrap GTK Binaries
for f in $out/bin/qemu-system-*; do
wrapGApp $f
'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic ''
# HACK: Otherwise the result will have the entire buildInputs closure
# injected by the pkgsStatic stdenv
# <https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/83667>
rm -f $out/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs
preBuild = "cd build";
# tests can still timeout on slower systems
doCheck = false;
nativeCheckInputs = [ socat ];
preCheck = ''
# time limits are a little meagre for a build machine that's
# potentially under load.
substituteInPlace ../tests/unit/meson.build \
--replace 'timeout: slow_tests' 'timeout: 50 * slow_tests'
substituteInPlace ../tests/qtest/meson.build \
--replace 'timeout: slow_qtests' 'timeout: 50 * slow_qtests'
substituteInPlace ../tests/fp/meson.build \
--replace 'timeout: 90)' 'timeout: 300)'
# point tests towards correct binaries
substituteInPlace ../tests/unit/test-qga.c \
--replace '/bin/bash' "$(type -P bash)" \
--replace '/bin/echo' "$(type -P echo)"
substituteInPlace ../tests/unit/test-io-channel-command.c \
--replace '/bin/socat' "$(type -P socat)"
# combined with a long package name, some temp socket paths
# can end up exceeding max socket name len
substituteInPlace ../tests/qtest/bios-tables-test.c \
--replace 'qemu-test_acpi_%s_tcg_%s' '%s_%s'
# get-fsinfo attempts to access block devices, disallowed by sandbox
sed -i -e '/\/qga\/get-fsinfo/d' -e '/\/qga\/blacklist/d' \
# xattrs are not allowed in the sandbox
substituteInPlace ../tests/qtest/virtio-9p-test.c \
--replace-fail mapped-xattr mapped-file
'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin ''
# skip test that stalls on darwin, perhaps due to subtle differences
# in fifo behaviour
--replace "'test-io-channel-command'" "#'test-io-channel-command'"
# Add a ‘qemu-kvm’ wrapper for compatibility/convenience.
postInstall = lib.optionalString (!minimal) ''
ln -s $out/bin/qemu-system-${stdenv.hostPlatform.qemuArch} $out/bin/qemu-kvm
passthru = {
qemu-system-i386 = "bin/qemu-system-i386";
tests = lib.optionalAttrs (!toolsOnly) {
qemu-tests = finalAttrs.finalPackage.overrideAttrs (_: { doCheck = true; });
qemu-utils-builds = qemu-utils;
updateScript = gitUpdater {
# No nicer place to find latest release.
url = "https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu.git";
rev-prefix = "v";
ignoredVersions = "(alpha|beta|rc).*";
# Builds in ~3h with 2 cores, and ~20m with a big-parallel builder.
requiredSystemFeatures = [ "big-parallel" ];
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "https://www.qemu.org/";
description = "Generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer";
license = licenses.gpl2Plus;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ qyliss ] ++ lib.optionals xenSupport xen.meta.maintainers;
platforms = platforms.unix;
# toolsOnly: Does not have qemu-kvm and there's no main support tool
# userOnly: There's one qemu-<arch> for every architecture
// lib.optionalAttrs (!toolsOnly && !userOnly) {
mainProgram = "qemu-kvm";
# userOnly: https://qemu.readthedocs.io/en/v9.0.2/user/main.html
// lib.optionalAttrs userOnly {
platforms = with platforms; (linux ++ freebsd ++ openbsd ++ netbsd);
description = "QEMU User space emulator - launch executables compiled for one CPU on another CPU";