# There is no need to verify whether both sha256 and hash are
# valid here, because nuget-to-nix does not generate a deps.nix
# containing both.
# NuGet.org edits packages by signing them during upload, which makes
# those packages nondeterministic depending on which source you
# get them from. We fix this by stripping out the signature file.
# Signing logic is https://github.com/NuGet/NuGet.Client/blob/128a5066b1438627ac69a2ffe9de564b2c09ee4d/src/NuGet.Core/NuGet.Packaging/Signing/Archive/SignedPackageArchiveIOUtility.cs#L518
# Non-NuGet.org sources might not have a signature file; in that case, zip
# exits with code 12 ("zip has nothing to do", per `man zip`).