import ./make-test-python.nix (
{ pkgs, ... }:
name = "influxdb2";
meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ offline ];
nodes.machine =
{ lib, ... }:
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.influxdb2-cli ];
# Make sure that the service is restarted immediately if tokens need to be rewritten
# without relying on any Restart=on-failure behavior = 6000;
services.influxdb2.enable = true;
services.influxdb2.provision = {
enable = true;
initialSetup = {
organization = "default";
bucket = "default";
passwordFile = pkgs.writeText "admin-pw" "ExAmPl3PA55W0rD";
tokenFile = pkgs.writeText "admin-token" "verysecureadmintoken";
organizations.someorg = {
buckets.somebucket = { };
auths.sometoken = {
description = "some auth token";
readBuckets = [ "somebucket" ];
writeBuckets = [ "somebucket" ];
users.someuser.passwordFile = pkgs.writeText "tmp-pw" "abcgoiuhaoga";
specialisation.withModifications.configuration =
{ ... }:
organizations.someorg.buckets.somebucket.present = false;
organizations.someorg.auths.sometoken.present = false;
users.someuser.present = false;
organizations.myorg = {
description = "Myorg description";
buckets.mybucket = {
description = "Mybucket description";
auths.mytoken = {
operator = true;
description = "operator token";
tokenFile = pkgs.writeText "tmp-tok" "someusertoken";
users.myuser.passwordFile = pkgs.writeText "tmp-pw" "abcgoiuhaoga";
specialisation.withParentDelete.configuration =
organizations.someorg.present = false;
# Deleting the parent implies:
#organizations.someorg.buckets.somebucket.present = false;
#organizations.someorg.auths.sometoken.present = false;
specialisation.withNewTokens.configuration =
organizations.default = {
auths.operator = {
description = "new optoken";
tokenFile = pkgs.writeText "tmp-tok" "newoptoken";
auths.allaccess = {
description = "new allaccess";
tokenFile = pkgs.writeText "tmp-tok" "newallaccess";
auths.specifics = {
description = "new specifics";
readPermissions = [
writePermissions = [ "tasks" ];
tokenFile = pkgs.writeText "tmp-tok" "newspecificstoken";
testScript =
{ nodes, ... }:
specialisations = "${}/specialisation";
tokenArg = "--token verysecureadmintoken";
def assert_contains(haystack, needle):
if needle not in haystack:
print("The haystack that will cause the following exception is:")
raise Exception(f"Expected string '{needle}' was not found")
def assert_lacks(haystack, needle):
if needle in haystack:
print(haystack, end="")
raise Exception(f"Unexpected string '{needle}' was found")
machine.wait_for_unit("influxdb2.service")"curl --fail -X POST 'http://localhost:8086/api/v2/signin' -u admin:wrongpassword")
machine.succeed("curl --fail -X POST 'http://localhost:8086/api/v2/signin' -u admin:ExAmPl3PA55W0rD")
out = machine.succeed("influx org list ${tokenArg}")
assert_contains(out, "default")
assert_lacks(out, "myorg")
assert_contains(out, "someorg")
out = machine.succeed("influx bucket list ${tokenArg} --org default")"influx bucket list ${tokenArg} --org myorg")
out = machine.succeed("influx bucket list ${tokenArg} --org someorg")
assert_contains(out, "somebucket")
out = machine.succeed("influx user list ${tokenArg}")
assert_contains(out, "admin")
assert_lacks(out, "myuser")
assert_contains(out, "someuser")
out = machine.succeed("influx auth list ${tokenArg}")
assert_lacks(out, "operator token")
assert_contains(out, "some auth token")
with subtest("withModifications"):
machine.succeed('${specialisations}/withModifications/bin/switch-to-configuration test')
assert_contains(out, "myorg")
out = machine.succeed("influx bucket list ${tokenArg} --org myorg")
assert_contains(out, "mybucket")
assert_lacks(out, "somebucket")
assert_contains(out, "myuser")
assert_lacks(out, "someuser")
assert_contains(out, "operator token")
assert_lacks(out, "some auth token")
# Make sure the user token is also usable
machine.succeed("influx auth list --token someusertoken")
with subtest("keepsUnrelated"):
machine.succeed('${}/bin/switch-to-configuration test')
with subtest("withParentDelete"):
machine.succeed('${specialisations}/withParentDelete/bin/switch-to-configuration test')
assert_lacks(out, "someorg")"influx bucket list ${tokenArg} --org someorg")
with subtest("withNewTokens"):
machine.succeed('${specialisations}/withNewTokens/bin/switch-to-configuration test')
assert_contains(out, "new optoken")
assert_contains(out, "new allaccess")
assert_contains(out, "new specifics")