# Release 25.05 (“Warbler”, 2025.05/??) {#sec-release-25.05}

## Highlights {#sec-release-25.05-highlights}

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- **This release of Nixpkgs requires macOS Big Sur 11.3 or newer, as announced in the 24.11 release notes.**
  We cannot guarantee that packages will continue to work on older versions of macOS.
  Future Nixpkgs releases will only support [macOS versions supported by Apple](https://endoflife.date/macos); this means that **Nixpkgs 25.11 will require macOS Sonoma 14 or newer**.
  Users on old macOS versions should consider upgrading to a supported version (potentially using [OpenCore Legacy Patcher](https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/) for old hardware) or installing NixOS.
  If neither of those options are viable and you require new versions of software, [MacPorts](https://www.macports.org/) supports versions back to Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.

- The default kernel package has been updated from 6.6 to 6.12. All supported kernels remain available.

- GCC has been updated from GCC 13 to GCC 14.
  This introduces some backwards‐incompatible changes; see the [upstream porting guide](https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-14/porting_to.html) for details.

- LLVM has been updated from LLVM 16 (on Darwin) and LLVM 18 (on other platforms) to LLVM 19.
  This introduces some backwards‐incompatible changes; see the [upstream release notes](https://releases.llvm.org/) for details.

- The default PHP version has been updated to 8.3.

- The default Erlang OTP version has been updated to 27.

- The default Elixir version has been updated to 1.18.

- `buildPythonPackage`, `buildPythonApplication` and the Python building setup hooks now support both `__structuredAttrs = true` and `__structuredAttrs = false`.

- `services.dex` now restarts upon changes to the `.environmentFile` or entries in `.settings.staticClients[].secretFile` when the entry is a `path` type.

- `nixos-rebuild-ng`, a full rewrite of `nixos-rebuild` in Python, is available for testing. You can enable it by setting [system.rebuild.enableNg](options.html#opt-system.rebuild.enableNg) in your configuration (this will replace the old `nixos-rebuild`), or by adding `nixos-rebuild-ng` to your `environment.systemPackages` (in this case, it will live side-by-side with `nixos-rebuild` as `nixos-rebuild-ng`). It is expected that the next major version of NixOS (25.11) will enable `system.rebuild.enableNg` by default.

- The `nixos-generate-config` command now supports a optional `--flake` option, which will generate a flake.nix file alongside the `configuration.nix` and `hardware-configuration.nix`, providing an easy instroduction into flake-based system configurations.

- A `nixos-rebuild build-image` sub-command has been added.
  It allows users to build platform-specific (disk) images from their NixOS configurations. `nixos-rebuild build-image` works similar to the popular [nix-community/nixos-generators](https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-generators) project. See new [section on image building in the nixpkgs manual](https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#sec-image-nixos-rebuild-build-image). It is also available for `nixos-rebuild-ng`.

- `nixos-option` has been rewritten to a Nix expression called by a simple bash script. This lowers our maintenance threshold, makes eval errors less verbose, adds support for flake-based configurations, descending into `attrsOf` and `listOf` submodule options, and `--show-trace`.

- The Mattermost module ({option}`services.mattermost`) and packages (`mattermost` and `mmctl`) have been substantially updated:
  - {option}`services.mattermost.preferNixConfig` now defaults to true if you advance {option}`system.stateVersion` to 25.05. This means that if you have {option}`services.mattermost.mutableConfig` set, NixOS will override your settings to those that you define in the module. It is recommended to leave this at the default, even if you used a mutable config before, because it will ensure that your Mattermost data directories are correct. If you moved your data directories, you may want to review the module changes before upgrading.
  - Mattermost telemetry reporting is now disabled by default, though security update notifications are enabled. Look at {option}`services.mattermost.telemetry` for options to control this behavior.
  - `pkgs.mattermostLatest` is now an option to track the latest (non-prerelease) Mattermost release. We test upgrade migrations from ESR releases (`pkgs.mattermost`) to `pkgs.mattermostLatest`.
  - The Mattermost frontend is now built from source and can be overridden.
    - Note that the Mattermost derivation containing both the webapp and server is now wrapped to allow them to be built independently, so overrides to both webapp and server look like `mattermost.overrideAttrs (prev: { webapp = prev.webapp.override { ... }; server = prev.server.override { ... }; })` now.
  - `services.mattermost.listenAddress` has been split into {option}`services.mattermost.host` and {option}`services.mattermost.port`. If your `listenAddress` contained a port, you will need to edit your configuration.
  - Mattermost now supports peer authentication on both MySQL and Postgres database backends. Updating {option}`system.stateVersion` to 25.05 or later will result in peer authentication being used by default if the Mattermost server would otherwise be connecting to localhost. This is the recommended configuration.
  - The Mattermost module will produce eval warnings if a database password would end up in the Nix store, and recommend alternatives such as peer authentication or using the environment file.
  - Mattermost's entire test suite is now enabled by default, which will extend build time from sources by up to an hour. A `withoutTests` passthru has been added in case you want to skip it.
  - We now support `mmctl` for Mattermost administration if both {option}`services.mattermost.socket.enable` and {option}`services.mattermost.socket.export` are set, which export the Mattermost control socket path into the system environment.
  - A new `pkgs.mattermost.buildPlugin` function has been added, which allows plugins to be built from source, including webapp frontends with a supported package-lock.json. See the Mattermost NixOS test and [manual](https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#sec-mattermost-plugins-build) for an example.
  - Note that the Mattermost module will create an account _without_ a well-known UID if the username differs from the default (`mattermost`). If you used Mattermost with a nonstandard username, you may want to review the module changes before upgrading.

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## New Modules {#sec-release-25.05-new-modules}

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- [AmneziaVPN](https://amnezia.org/en), an open-source VPN client, with a key feature that enables you to deploy your own VPN server on your server. Available as [programs.amnezia-vpn](#opt-programs.amnezia-vpn.enable).

- [Bazecor](https://github.com/Dygmalab/Bazecor), the graphical configurator for Dygma Products.

- [Bonsai](https://git.sr.ht/~stacyharper/bonsai), a general-purpose event mapper/state machine primarily used to create complex key shortcuts, and as part of the [SXMO](https://sxmo.org/) desktop environment. Available as [services.bonsaid](#opt-services.bonsaid.enable).

- [archtika](https://github.com/archtika/archtika), a FLOSS, modern, performant, lightweight and self‑hosted CMS. Available as [services.archtika](#opt-services.archtika.enable).

- [scanservjs](https://github.com/sbs20/scanservjs/), a web UI for SANE scanners. Available at [services.scanservjs](#opt-services.scanservjs.enable).

- [Kimai](https://www.kimai.org/), a web-based multi-user time-tracking application. Available as [services.kimai](options.html#opt-services.kimai).

- [Homer](https://homer-demo.netlify.app/), a very simple static homepage for your server. Available as [services.homer](options.html#opt-services.homer).

- [Ghidra](https://ghidra-sre.org/), a software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools. Available as [programs.ghidra](options.html#opt-programs.ghidra).

- [Omnom](https://github.com/asciimoo/omnom), a webpage bookmarking and snapshotting service. Available as [services.omnom](options.html#opt-services.omnom.enable).

- [Yggdrasil-Jumper](https://github.com/one-d-wide/yggdrasil-jumper) is an independent project that aims to transparently reduce latency of a connection over Yggdrasil network, utilizing NAT traversal to automatically bypass intermediary nodes.

- [uMurmur](https://umurmur.net), minimalistic Mumble server primarily targeted to run on embedded computers. Available as [services.umurmur](options.html#opt-services.umurmur).

- [Zenoh](https://zenoh.io/), a pub/sub/query protocol with low overhead. The Zenoh router daemon is available as [services.zenohd](options.html#opt-services.zenohd.enable)

- [ytdl-sub](https://github.com/jmbannon/ytdl-sub), a tool that downloads media via yt-dlp and prepares it for your favorite media player, including Kodi, Jellyfin, Plex, Emby, and modern music players. Available as [services.ytdl-sub](options.html#opt-services.ytdl-sub.instances).

- [MaryTTS](https://github.com/marytts/marytts), an open-source, multilingual text-to-speech synthesis system written in pure Java. Available as [services.marytts](options.html#opt-services.marytts).

- [networking.modemmanager](options.html#opt-networking.modemmanager) has been split out of [networking.networkmanager](options.html#opt-networking.networkmanager). NetworkManager still enables ModemManager by default, but options exist now to run NetworkManager without ModemManager.

- [Routinator 3000](https://nlnetlabs.nl/projects/routing/routinator/), a full-featured RPKI Relying Party software package that runs as a service which periodically downloads and verifies RPKI data.

- [doh-server](https://github.com/m13253/dns-over-https), a high performance DNS over HTTPS server. Available as [services.doh-server](options.html#opt-services.doh-server.enable).

- [ncps](https://github.com/kalbasit/ncps), a Nix binary cache proxy service implemented in Go using [go-nix](https://github.com/nix-community/go-nix). Available as [services.ncps](options.html#opt-services.ncps.enable).

- [Conduwuit](https://conduwuit.puppyirl.gay/), a federated chat server implementing the Matrix protocol, forked from Conduit. Available as [services.conduwuit](#opt-services.conduwuit.enable).

- [Readeck](https://readeck.org/), a read-it later web-application. Available as [services.readeck](#opt-services.readeck.enable).

- [Traccar](https://www.traccar.org/), a modern GPS Tracking Platform. Available as [services.traccar](#opt-services.traccar.enable).

- [Schroot](https://codeberg.org/shelter/reschroot), a lightweight virtualisation tool. Securely enter a chroot and run a command or login shell. Available as [programs.schroot](#opt-programs.schroot.enable).

- [crab-hole](https://github.com/LuckyTurtleDev/crab-hole), a cross platform Pi-hole clone written in Rust using hickory-dns/trust-dns. Available as [services.crab-hole](#opt-services.crab-hole.enable).

- [zwave-js-ui](https://zwave-js.github.io/zwave-js-ui/), a full featured Z-Wave Control Panel and MQTT Gateway. Available as [services.zwave-js-ui](#opt-services.zwave-js-ui.enable).

- [Amazon CloudWatch Agent](https://github.com/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent), the official telemetry collector for AWS CloudWatch and AWS X-Ray. Available as [services.amazon-cloudwatch-agent](options.html#opt-services.amazon-cloudwatch-agent.enable).

- [Bat](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat), a {manpage}`cat(1)` clone with wings. Available as [programs.bat](options.html#opt-programs.bat).

- [Autotier](https://github.com/45Drives/autotier), a passthrough FUSE filesystem. Available as [services.autotierfs](options.html#opt-services.autotierfs.enable).

- [µStreamer](https://github.com/pikvm/ustreamer), a lightweight MJPEG-HTTP streamer. Available as [services.ustreamer](options.html#opt-services.ustreamer).

- [Whoogle Search](https://github.com/benbusby/whoogle-search), a self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine. Available as [services.whoogle-search](options.html#opt-services.whoogle-search.enable).

- [autobrr](https://autobrr.com), a modern download automation tool for torrents and usenets. Available as [services.autobrr](#opt-services.autobrr.enable).

- [cross-seed](https://www.cross-seed.org), a tool to set-up fully automatic cross-seeding of torrents. Available as [services.cross-seed](#opt-services.cross-seed.enable).

- [agorakit](https://github.com/agorakit/agorakit), an organization tool for citizens' collectives. Available with [services.agorakit](options.html#opt-services.agorakit.enable).

- [vivid](https://github.com/sharkdp/vivid), a generator for LS_COLOR. Available as [programs.vivid](#opt-programs.vivid.enable).

- [matrix-alertmanager](https://github.com/jaywink/matrix-alertmanager), a bot to receive Alertmanager webhook events and forward them to chosen Matrix rooms. Available as [services.matrix-alertmanager](options.html#opt-services.matrix-alertmanager.enable).

- [waagent](https://github.com/Azure/WALinuxAgent), the Microsoft Azure Linux Agent (waagent) manages Linux provisioning and VM interaction with the Azure Fabric Controller. Available with [services.waagent](options.html#opt-services.waagent.enable).

- [nfc-nci](https://github.com/StarGate01/ifdnfc-nci), an alternative NFC stack and PC/SC driver for the NXP PN54x chipset, commonly found in Lenovo systems as NXP1001 (NPC300). Available as [hardware.nfc-nci](#opt-hardware.nfc-nci.enable).

- [grav](https://getgrav.org/), a modern flat-file CMS. Available with [services.grav](options.html#opt-services.grav.enable).

- [duckdns](https://www.duckdns.org), free dynamic DNS. Available with [services.duckdns](options.html#opt-services.duckdns.enable)

- [victorialogs][https://docs.victoriametrics.com/victorialogs/], log database from VictoriaMetrics. Available as [services.victorialogs](#opt-services.victorialogs.enable)

- [nostr-rs-relay](https://git.sr.ht/~gheartsfield/nostr-rs-relay/), This is a nostr relay, written in Rust. Available as [services.nostr-rs-relay](options.html#opt-services.nostr-rs-relay.enable).

- [Prometheus Node Cert Exporter](https://github.com/amimof/node-cert-exporter), a prometheus exporter to check for SSL cert expiry. Available under [services.prometheus.exporters.node-cert](#opt-services.prometheus.exporters.node-cert.enable).

- [Actual Budget](https://actualbudget.org/), a local-first personal finance app. Available as [services.actual](#opt-services.actual.enable).

- [immich-public-proxy](https://github.com/alangrainger/immich-public-proxy), a proxy for sharing Immich albums without exposing the Immich API. Available as [services.immich-public-proxy](#opt-services.immich-public-proxy.enable).

- [Zipline](https://zipline.diced.sh/), a ShareX/file upload server that is easy to use, packed with features, and with an easy setup. Available as [services.zipline](#opt-services.zipline.enable).

- [GlitchTip](https://glitchtip.com/), an open source Sentry API compatible error tracking platform. Available as [services.glitchtip](#opt-services.glitchtip.enable).

- [Stash](https://github.com/stashapp/stash), An organizer for your adult videos/images, written in Go. Available as [services.stash](#opt-services.stash.enable).

- [vsmartcard-vpcd](https://frankmorgner.github.io/vsmartcard/virtualsmartcard/README.html), a virtual smart card driver. Available as [services.vsmartcard-vpcd](#opt-services.vsmartcard-vpcd.enable).

- [Fider](https://fider.io/), an open platform to collect and prioritize feedback. Available as [services.fider](#opt-services.fider.enable).

- [PDS](https://github.com/bluesky-social/pds), Personal Data Server for [bsky](https://bsky.social/). Available as [services.pds](option.html#opt-services.pds).

- [synapse-auto-compressor](https://github.com/matrix-org/rust-synapse-compress-state?tab=readme-ov-file#automated-tool-synapse_auto_compressor), a rust-based matrix-synapse state compressor for postgresql. Available as [services.synapse-auto-compressor](#opt-services.synapse-auto-compressor.enable).

- [mqtt-exporter](https://github.com/kpetremann/mqtt-exporter/), a Prometheus exporter for exposing messages from MQTT. Available as [services.prometheus.exporters.mqtt](#opt-services.prometheus.exporters.mqtt.enable).

- [nvidia-gpu](https://github.com/utkuozdemir/nvidia_gpu_exporter), a Prometheus exporter that scrapes `nvidia-smi` for GPU metrics. Available as [services.prometheus.exporters.nvidia-gpu](#opt-services.prometheus.exporters.nvidia-gpu.enable).

- [OpenGamepadUI](https://github.com/ShadowBlip/OpenGamepadUI/), an open source gamepad-native game launcher and overlay for Linux. Available as [programs.opengamepadui](#opt-programs.opengamepadui.enable).

- [InputPlumber](https://github.com/ShadowBlip/InputPlumber/), an open source input router and remapper daemon for Linux. Available as [services.inputplumber](#opt-services.inputplumber.enable).

- [PowerStation](https://github.com/ShadowBlip/PowerStation/), an open source TDP control and performance daemon with DBus interface for Linux. Available as [services.powerstation](#opt-services.powerstation.enable).

- [`g3proxy`](https://github.com/bytedance/g3), an open source enterprise forward proxy from ByteDance, similar to Squid or tinyproxy. Available as [services.g3proxy](#opt-services.g3proxy.enable).

- [echoip](https://github.com/mpolden/echoip), a simple service for looking up your IP address. Available as [services.echoip](#opt-services.echoip.enable).

- [Buffyboard](https://gitlab.postmarketos.org/postmarketOS/buffybox/-/tree/master/buffyboard), a framebuffer on-screen keyboard. Available as [services.buffyboard](option.html#opt-services.buffyboard).

- [KanBoard](https://github.com/kanboard/kanboard), a project management tool that focuses on the Kanban methodology. Available as [services.kanboard](#opt-services.kanboard.enable).

- [git-worktree-switcher](https://github.com/mateusauler/git-worktree-switcher), switch between git worktrees with speed. Available as [programs.git-worktree-switcher](#opt-programs.git-worktree-switcher.enable)

- [GLPI-Agent](https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi-agent), GLPI Agent. Available as [services.glpiAgent](options.html#opt-services.glpiAgent.enable).

- [Recyclarr](https://github.com/recyclarr/recyclarr) a TRaSH Guides synchronizer for Sonarr and Radarr. Available as [services.recyclarr](#opt-services.recyclarr.enable).

- [Rebuilderd](https://github.com/kpcyrd/rebuilderd) an independent verification of binary packages - Reproducible Builds. Available as [services.rebuilderd](#opt-services.rebuilderd.enable).

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## Backward Incompatibilities {#sec-release-25.05-incompatibilities}

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- `ast-grep` remove `sg` command to prevent conflict with `sg` command from shadow-utils. If you need legacy sg command compatibility with old code, you can use `ast-grep.override { enableLegacySg = true; }`

- rename package `wtf` to `wtfutil`.

- `python3Packages.beancount` was updated to 3.1.0. Previous major version remains available as `python3Packages.beancount_2`.

- `binwalk` was updated to 3.1.0, which has been rewritten in rust. The python module is no longer available.
  See the release notes of [3.1.0](https://github.com/ReFirmLabs/binwalk/releases/tag/v3.1.0) for more information.

- The latest available version of Nextcloud is v31 (available as `pkgs.nextcloud31`). The installation logic is as follows:
  - If [`services.nextcloud.package`](#opt-services.nextcloud.package) is specified explicitly, this package will be installed (**recommended**)
  - If [`system.stateVersion`](#opt-system.stateVersion) is >=24.11, `pkgs.nextcloud30` will be installed by default.
  - If [`system.stateVersion`](#opt-system.stateVersion) is >=24.05, `pkgs.nextcloud31` will be installed by default.
  - Please note that an upgrade from v29 (or older) to v31 directly is not possible. Please upgrade to `nextcloud30` (or earlier) first. Nextcloud prohibits skipping major versions while upgrading. You can upgrade by declaring [`services.nextcloud.package = pkgs.nextcloud30;`](options.html#opt-services.nextcloud.package).

- `pkgs.nextcloud28` has been removed since it's out of support upstream.

- Emacs lisp build helpers, such as `emacs.pkgs.melpaBuild`, now enables `__structuredAttrs` by default.
  Environment variables have to be passed via the `env` attribute.

- `buildGoModule` now passes environment variables via the `env` attribute. `CGO_ENABLED` should now be specified with `env.CGO_ENABLED` when passing to buildGoModule. Direct specification of `CGO_ENABLED` is now redirected by a compatibility layer with a warning, but will become an error in future releases.

  Go-related environment variables previously shadowed by `buildGoModule` now results in errors when specified directly. Such variables include `GOOS` and `GOARCH`.

  Third-party projects supporting both stable and unstable channels could detect this change through the absence of the `CGO_ENABLED` function argument in `buildGoModule` (`!((lib.functionArgs buildGoModule) ? CGO_ENABLED)`).

- `buildGoPackage` has been removed. Use `buildGoModule` instead. See the [Go section in the nixpkgs manual](https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#sec-language-go) for details.

- top-level `playwright` now refers to the github Microsoft/playwright package
  instead of the python tester launcher. You can still refer to the python
  launcher via `python3Packages.toPythonApplication python3Packages.playwright`

- The representation of the flags attributes as shell/environment variables for most Python building setup hooks are now the same as `stdenv.mkDerivation` and other build helpers -- they are space-separated environment variables when `__structuredAttrs = false` and Bash arrays when `__structuredAttrs = true`, and are concatenated to the command without Bash-evaluation. The following behaviour changes are introduced during the conversion:

  - The following flags are no longer Bash-expanded before concatenated to the command:
    - `disabledTests` and `disabledTestPaths` for `pytestCheckHook`. (`disabledTestPaths` used to be expanded twice before concatenation.)
    - `setupPyBuildFlags` and `setupPyGlobalFlags` for `setuptoolsBuildHook`.

  - `pytestFlags` and `unittestFlags` replace `pytestFlagsArray` and `unittestFlagsArray` and become the new and conforming interface.

  - `pytestFlagsArray` and `unittestFlagsArray` are kept for compatibility purposes. They continue to be Bash-expanded before concatenated. This compatibility layer will be removed in future releases.

- `strawberry` has been updated to 1.2, which drops support for the VLC backend and Qt 5. The `strawberry-qt5` package
  and `withGstreamer`/`withVlc` override options have been removed due to this.

- `nezha` and its agent `nezha-agent` have been updated to v1, which contains breaking changes. See the [official wiki](https://nezha.wiki/en_US/) for more details.

- `ps3-disc-dumper` was updated to 4.2.5, which removed the CLI project and now exclusively offers the GUI

- [](#opt-services.nextcloud.config.dbtype) is unset by default, the previous default was `sqlite`.
  This was done because `sqlite` is not a reasonable default since it's
  [not recommended by upstream](https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/30/admin_manual/installation/system_requirements.html)
  and thus doesn't qualify as default.

- Nextcloud's default FPM pool settings have been increased according to upstream recommentations. It's advised
  to review the new defaults and description of

- The `services.locate` module does no longer support findutil's `locate` due to its inferior performance compared to `mlocate` and `plocate`. The new default is `plocate`.
  As the `service.locate.localuser` option only applied when using findutil's `locate`, it has also been removed.

- `services.paperless` now installs `paperless-manage` as a normal system package instead of creating a symlink in `/var/lib/paperless`.
  `paperless-manage` now also changes to the appropriate user when being executed.

- `kmonad` is now hardened by default using common `systemd` settings.
  If KMonad is used to execute shell commands, hardening may make some of them fail.  In that case, you can disable hardening using {option}`services.kmonad.keyboards.<name>.enableHardening` option.

- `asusd` has been upgraded to version 6 which supports multiple aura devices. To account for this, the single `auraConfig` configuration option has been replaced with `auraConfigs` which is an attribute set of config options per each device. The config files may also be now specified as either source files or text strings; to account for this you will need to specify that `text` is used for your existing configs, e.g.:
  -services.asusd.asusdConfig = '''file contents'''
  +services.asusd.asusdConfig.text = '''file contents'''

- `linuxPackages.nvidiaPackages.stable` now defaults to the `production` variant instead of `latest`.

- `timescaledb` requires manual upgrade steps.
    After you run ALTER EXTENSION, you must run [this SQL script](https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb-extras/blob/master/utils/2.15.X-fix_hypertable_foreign_keys.sql). For more details, see the following pull requests [#6797](https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb/pull/6797).
    PostgreSQL 13 is no longer supported in TimescaleDB v2.16.

- Support for CUDA 10 has been dropped, as announced in the 24.11 release notes.

- `virtualisation/azure-common.nix`'s filesystem and grub configurations have been moved to `virtualisation/azure-image.nix`. This makes `azure-common.nix` more generic so it could be used for users who generate Azure image using other methods (e.g. nixos-generators and disko). For existing users depending on these configurations, please also import `azure-image.nix`.

- `zammad` has had its support for MySQL removed, since it was never working correctly and is now deprecated upstream. Check the [migration guide](https://docs.zammad.org/en/latest/appendix/migrate-to-postgresql.html) for how to convert your database to PostgreSQL.

- `mepo` was updated to version 1.3.3.  The manual page was removed,
  a new JSON API was introduced to replace Mepolang for configuration,
  and a few default key bindings were changed.
  See the [1.3.0 changelog](https://git.sr.ht/~mil/mepo/refs/1.3.0)
  for more details.

- `tauon` 7.9.0+ when launched for the first time, migrates its database to a new schema that is not backwards compatible. Older versions will refuse to start at all with that database afterwards. If you need to still use older tauon versions, make sure to back up `~/.local/share/TauonMusicBox`.

- The `earlyoom` service is now using upstream systemd service, which enables
  hardening and filesystem isolation by default. If you need filesystem write
  access or want to access home directory via `killHook`, hardening setting can
  be changed via, e.g. `systemd.services.earlyoom.serviceConfig.ProtectSystem`.

  `services.earlyoom.extraArgs` is now shell-escaped for each element without
  word-breaking. So you want to write `extraArgs = [ "--prefer" "spaced pat" ]`
  rather than previous `extraArgs = [ "--prefer 'spaced pat'" ]`.

- `mkBinaryCache` now defaults to using `zstd` compression for the binary caches it creates. The previous `xz` compression method can be used by passing `compression = "xz";`.

- `nodePackages."@commitlint/config-conventional"` has been removed, as it is a library, and projects should depend on it instead.

-  zigbee2mqtt is now available in version 2.x as `zigbee2mqtt_2`. In NixOS 25.11 we'll remove `zigbee2mqtt_1` and default to `zigbee2mqtt_2`. See the [breaking changes](https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/discussions/24198) announcement for 2.0.0.

- `nodePackages.vls` has been deprecated, as the upstream consumer of it, vetur, has been deprecated by upstream. Upstream suggests migrating to Volar for Vue LSP tooling instead.

- `nodePackages.create-react-native-app` has been removed, as it is deprecated. Upstream suggests using a framework for React Native apps instead.

- `nodePackages.insect` has been removed, as it's deprecated by upstream. The suggested replacement is `numbat`.

- `nodePackages.webpack-dev-server` has been removed, as it should be installed in projects that use it instead.

- `nodePackages.copy-webpack-plugin` has been removed, as it should be installed in projects that use it instead.

- `himalaya` has been updated from `v1.0.0-beta.4` to `v1.1.0`, which introduces breaking changes. Check out the [release notes](https://github.com/pimalaya/himalaya/releases) for details.

- `linuxPackages.nvidiaPackages.dc_520` has been removed since it is marked broken and there are better newer alternatives.

- `pnpm` was updated to version 10. If your project is incompatible, you can install the previous version from the package attribute `pnpm_9`.

- `zig_0_9` and `zig_0_10` have been removed, you should upgrade to `zig_0_13` (also available as just `zig`), `zig_0_12` or `zig_0_11` instead.

- `webpack-cli` was updated to major version 6, which has breaking changes from the previous version 5.1.4. See the [upstream release notes](https://github.com/webpack/webpack-cli/releases/tag/webpack-cli%406.0.0) for details on these changes.

- `programs.less.lessopen` is now null by default. To restore the previous behaviour, set it to `''|${lib.getExe' pkgs.lesspipe "lesspipe.sh"} %s''`.

- `hardware.pulseaudio` has been renamed to `services.pulseaudio`.  The deprecated option names will continue to work, but causes a warning.

- `services.nextcloud` now uses systemd's credential mechanism to read in secret files. The `nextcloud-occ` wrapper script implements this using `systemd-run`, as such it now also requires root privileges or `$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY` set where running it as user `nextcloud` was enough previously.

- `minetest` has been renamed to `luanti` to match the upstream name change but aliases have been added. The new name hasn't resulted in many changes as of yet but older references to minetest should be sunset. See the [new name announcement](https://blog.minetest.net/2024/10/13/Introducing-Our-New-Name/) for more details.

- `poac` has been renamed to `cabinpkg` to match the upstream name change but an alias has been added. See the [new name announcement](https://github.com/orgs/cabinpkg/discussions/1052) for more details.

- `serious-sans` has been removed because upstream changed its name to Serious Shanns, which is not currently packaged.

- `racket_7_9` has been removed, as it is insecure. It is recommended to use Racket 8 instead.

- `services.mongodb.initialRootPassword` has been replaced with the more secure option [`services.mongodb.initialRootPasswordFile`](#opt-services.mongodb.initialRootPasswordFile)

- `rofi` has been updated from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6 which introduces some breaking changes to binary plugins, and also contains a lot of new features and bug fixes. This is highlighted because the patch version bump does not indicate the volume of changes by itself. See the [upstream release notes](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi/releases/tag/1.7.6) for the full list of changes.

- `ente-auth` now uses the name `enteauth` for its binary. The previous name was `ente_auth`.

- `foundationdb` was upgraded to 7.3.

- `fluxus` has been removed, as it depends on `racket_7_9` and had no updates in 9 years.

- `sm64ex-coop` has been removed as it was archived upstream. Consider migrating to `sm64coopdx`.

- `tldr` now uses [`tldr-python-client`](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr-python-client) instead of [`tldr-c-client`](https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr-c-client) which is unmaintained.

- `services.bird2` has been renamed to `services.bird` and the default bird package has been switched to `bird3`. `bird2` can still be chosen via the `services.bird.package` option.

- `renovate` was updated to v39. See the [upstream release notes](https://docs.renovatebot.com/release-notes-for-major-versions/#version-39) for breaking changes.
  Like upstream's docker images, renovate now runs on NodeJS 22.

- The behavior of the `networking.nat.externalIP` and `networking.nat.externalIPv6` options has been changed. `networking.nat.forwardPorts` now only forwards packets destined for the specified IP addresses.

- `python3Packages.bpycv` has been removed due to being incompatible with Blender 4 and unmaintained.

- `python3Packages.jaeger-client` was removed because it was deprecated upstream. [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io) is the recommended replacement.

- `nodePackages.meshcommander` has been removed, as the package was deprecated by Intel.

- The default version of `z3` has been updated from 4.8 to 4.13. There are still a few packages that need specific older versions; those will continue to be maintained as long as other packages depend on them but may be removed in the future.

- `prometheus` has been updated from 2.55.0 to 3.1.0.
  Read the [release blog post](https://prometheus.io/blog/2024/11/14/prometheus-3-0/) and
  [migration guide](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/3.1/migration/).

- `kanata` was updated to v1.8.0, which introduces several breaking changes.
  See the release notes of
  [v1.7.0](https://github.com/jtroo/kanata/releases/tag/v1.7.0) and
  for more information.

- `ags` was updated to v2, which is just a CLI for Astal now. Components are available as a different package set `astal.*`.
  If you want to use v1, it is available as `ags_1` package.

  See the release notes of
  for more information.

- `nodePackages.expo-cli` has been removed, as it was deprecated by upstream. The suggested replacement is the `npx expo` command.

- DokuWiki with the Caddy webserver (`services.dokuwiki.webserver = "caddy"`) now sets up sites with Caddy's automatic HTTPS instead of HTTP-only.
  To keep the old behavior for a site `example.com`, set `services.caddy.virtualHosts."example.com".hostName = "http://example.com"`.
  If you set custom Caddy options for a DokuWiki site, migrate these options by removing `http://` from `services.caddy.virtualHosts."http://example.com"`.

- `open-policy-agent` has has been updated to 1.0.0+.
  This major release makes the `rego.v1` syntax the default.
  This is a breaking change for those using v0 Rego.
  See the [upgrade documentation](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/v1.0.1/v0-upgrade/) for more details.
  For those unable to upgrade yet, there is a [v0 compatibility mode](https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/v1.0.1/v0-compatibility/)
  available too.

- `vscode-utils.buildVscodeExtension` now requires pname as an argument

- The behavior of `services.hostapd.radios.<name>.networks.<name>.authentication.enableRecommendedPairwiseCiphers` was changed to not include `CCMP-256` anymore.
  Since all configured pairwise ciphers have to be supported by the radio, this caused startup failures on many devices which is hard to debug in hostapd.

- `nerdfonts` has been separated into individual font packages under the namespace `nerd-fonts`. The directories for font
  files have changed from `$out/share/fonts/{opentype,truetype}/NerdFonts` to
  `$out/share/fonts/{opentype,truetype}/NerdFonts/<fontDirName>`, where `<fontDirName>` can be found in the
  [official website](https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads) as the titles in preview images, with the "Nerd Font"
  suffix and any whitespaces trimmed. Configuration changes are required, see build output.

- `retroarch` has been refactored and the older `retroarch.override { cores = [ ... ]; }` to create a RetroArch derivation with custom cores doesn't work anymore, use `retroarch.withCores (cores: [ ... ])` instead. If you need more customization (e.g.: custom settings), use `wrapRetroArch` instead.

- `gkraken` software and `hardware.gkraken.enable` option have been removed, use `coolercontrol` via `programs.coolercontrol.enable` option instead.

- To avoid delaying user logins unnecessarily the `multi-user.target` is no longer ordered after `network-online.target`.
  System services requiring a connection to start correctly must explicitly state so, i.e.
  systemd.services.<name> = {
    wants = [ "network-online.target" ];
    after = [ "network-online.target" ];
  This changed follows a deprecation period of one year started in NixOS 24.05 (see [PR #283818](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/283818)).

- The values of `services.borgbackup.jobs.*.extraArgs` and other `extra*Args` options are now represented as Bash arrays. If these arguments were modified using `services.borgbackup.jobs.*.preHook`, they will need to be adjusted to append to these arrays, i.e.
  -extraCreateArgs="$extraCreateArgs --exclude /some/path"
  +extraCreateArgs+=("--exclude" "/some/path")

- `borgmatic` has been updated from 1.8.14 to 1.9.5, please check the [upstream changelog](https://projects.torsion.org/borgmatic-collective/borgmatic/releases) for more details, especially for a few possibly breaking changes noted in the [1.9.0 changelog](https://projects.torsion.org/borgmatic-collective/borgmatic/releases/tag/1.9.0).

- `programs.xonsh.package` now gets overrided internally with `extraPackages` to support `programs.xonsh.extraPackages`. See `programs.xonsh.extraPackages` for more details.

- `nodePackages.ganache` has been removed, as the package has been deprecated by upstream.

- `virtualisation.azure.agent` option provided by `azure-agent.nix` is replaced by `services.waagent`, and will be removed in a future release.

- `matomo` now defaults to version 5 (previously available as `matomo_5`). Version 4 has been removed as it reached EOL on December 19, 2024.

- `matomo-beta` has been removed as the version of the `matomo` package can now be easily overridden through `overrideAttrs` (see [PR #374022](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/374022))

- `docker_24` has been removed, as it was EOL with vulnerabilities since June 08, 2024.

- `containerd` has been updated to v2, which contains breaking changes. See the [containerd
  2.0](https://github.com/containerd/containerd/blob/main/docs/containerd-2.0.md) documentation for more

- The ZFS import service now respects `fileSystems.*.options = [ "noauto" ];` and does not add that pool's import service to `zfs-import.target`, meaning it will not be automatically imported at boot.

- `nodePackages.stackdriver-statsd-backend` has been removed, as the StackDriver service has been discontinued by Google, and therefore the package no longer works.

- `python3Packages.opentracing` has been removed due to being unmaintained upstream. [OpenTelemetry](https://opentelemetry.io/) is the recommended replacement.

- Default file names of images generated by several builders in `system.build` have been changed as outlined in the table below.

  Names are now known at evaluation time and customizable via the new options `image.baseName`, `image.extension`, `image.fileName` and `image.filePath` with the latter returning a path relative to the derivations out path (e.g. `iso/${image.fileName` for iso images).

  | `system.build` Option    | Old Filename                                               | New Filename                                                    |
  | amazonImage              | nixos-amazon-image-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.vhd           | nixos-image-amazon-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.vhd                |
  | azureImage               | disk.vhd                                                   | nixos-image-azure-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.vhd                 |
  | digitalOceanImage        | nixos.qcow2.gz                                             | nixos-image-digital-ocean-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.qcow2.gz    |
  | googleComputeImage       | nixos-image-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.raw.tar.gz           | nixos-image-google-compute-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.raw.tar.gz |
  | hypervImage              | nixos-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.vhdx                       | nixos-image-hyperv-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.vhdx               |
  | isoImage (installer)     | nixos-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.iso                        | nixos-image-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.iso                       |
  | isoImage                 | nixos.iso                                                  | nixos-image-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.iso                       |
  | kubevirtImage            | nixos.qcow2                                                | nixos-image-kubevirt-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.qcow2            |
  | linodeImage              | nixos-image-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.img.gz               | nixos-image-linode-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.img.gz             |
  | metadata (lxc-container) | nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz                           | nixos-image-lxc-metadata-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.tar.xz       |
  | OCIImage                 | nixos.qcow2                                                | nixos-image-oci-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.qcow2                 |
  | openstackImage (zfs)     | nixos-openstack-image-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.root.qcow2 | nixos-image-openstack-zfs-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.root.qcow2  |
  | openstackImage           | nixos.qcow2                                                | nixos-image-openstack-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.qcow2           |
  | sdImage                  | nixos-sd-image-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.img.zst           | nixos-image-sd-card-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.img.zst           |
  | tarball (lxc-container)  | nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz                           | nixos-image-lxc-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.tar.xz                |
  | tarball (proxmox-lxc)    | nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz                           | nixos-image-lxc-proxmox-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.tar.xz        |
  | vagrantVirtualbox        | nixos-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.ova                        | nixos-image-virtualbox-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.ova            |
  | virtualBoxOVA            | virtualbox-vagrant.box                                     | nixos-image-vagrant-virtualbox-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.ova    |
  | vmwareImage              | nixos-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.vmdk                       | nixos-image-vmware-25.05pre-git-x86_64-linux.vmdk               |

- `security.apparmor.policies.<name>.enforce` and `security.apparmor.policies.<name>.enable` were removed.
  Configuring the state of apparmor policies must now be done using `security.apparmor.policies.<name>.state` tristate option.

- the notmuch vim plugin now lives in a separate output of the `notmuch`
  package. Installing `notmuch` will not bring the notmuch vim package anymore,
  add `vimPlugins.notmuch-vim` to your (Neo)vim configuration if you want the
  vim plugin.

- `prisma` and `prisma-engines` have been updated to version 6.3.0, which
  introduces several breaking changes. See the
  [Prisma ORM upgrade guide](https://www.prisma.io/docs/orm/more/upgrade-guides/upgrading-versions/upgrading-to-prisma-6)
  for more information.

- `depdendency-track` no longer bundes the UI inside the jar. This bundling
  functionality is deprecated by upstream and causes UI assets not being served
  after weeks of runtime.

- `nq` was updated to 1.0, which renames the `fq` and `tq` utilities to `nqtail` and `nqterm` respectively.

- `zf` was updated to 0.10.2, which includes breaking changes from the [0.10.0 release](https://github.com/natecraddock/zf/releases/tag/0.10.0).
  `zf` no longer does Unicode normalization of the input and no longer supports terminal escape sequences in the `ZF_PROMPT` environment variable.

- `programs.clash-verge.tunMode` was deprecated and removed because now service mode is necessary to start program. Without `programs.clash-verge.enable`, clash-verge-rev will refuse to start.

- `siduck76-st` has been renamed to `st-snazzy`, like the project's [flake](https://github.com/siduck/st/blob/main/flake.nix).

- `python3Packages.jax` now directly depends on `python3Packages.jaxlib`.
  As a result, packages that depend on jax no longer need to include jaxlib to their dependencies.
  There is also a breaking change in the handling of CUDA. Instead of using a CUDA compatible jaxlib
  as before, you can use plugins like `python3Packages.jax-cuda12-plugin`.

- `services.rippled` has been removed, as `rippled` was broken and had not been updated since 2022.

- `services.rippleDataApi` has been removed, as `ripple-data-api` was broken and had not been updated since 2022.

- `services.netbird.tunnels` was renamed to [`services.netbird.clients`](#opt-services.netbird.clients),
  hardened (using dedicated less-privileged users) and significantly extended.

<!-- To avoid merge conflicts, consider adding your item at an arbitrary place in the list instead. -->

## Other Notable Changes {#sec-release-25.05-notable-changes}

<!-- To avoid merge conflicts, consider adding your item at an arbitrary place in the list instead. -->

- `virtualisation.containers` with backend "podman" now supports rootless containers and `sd_notify(3)`-integration
  based on container healthchecks.

- Cinnamon has been updated to 6.4, please check the [upstream announcement](https://www.linuxmint.com/rel_xia_whatsnew.php) for more details.
  - Following [changes in Mint 22](https://github.com/linuxmint/mintupgrade/commit/f239cde908288b8c250f938e7311c7ffbc16bd59) we are no longer overriding Qt application styles. You can still restore the previous default with `qt.style = "gtk2"` and `qt.platformTheme = "gtk2"`.
  - Following [changes in Mint 20](https://github.com/linuxmint/mintupgrade-legacy/commit/ce15d946ed9a8cb8444abd25088edd824bfb18f6) we are replacing xplayer with celluloid since xplayer is no longer maintained.

- Pantheon has been updated to 8, please check the [upstream announcement](https://blog.elementary.io/os-8-available-now/) for more details.
  - Same as elementary OS, the X11 session is named "Classic Session" and the Wayland session is named "Secure Session".
  - The dock has been rewritten, you need to manually migrate the dock items on update. You can check `~/.config/plank/dock1/launchers/` for your previous settings.

- Xfce has been updated to 4.20, please check the [upstream feature tour](https://www.xfce.org/about/tour420) for more details.
  - Wayland session is still [experimental](https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/wayland_roadmap) and requires opt-in using `enableWaylandSession` option.
  - Overriding Wayland compositor is possible using `waylandSessionCompositor` option, but you might need to take care [`xfce4-session`](https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-session/-/merge_requests/49), [`dbus-update-activation-environment`](https://github.com/labwc/labwc/blob/eaf11face68ee1f1bcc7ce1498304ca8c108c8ba/src/config/session.c#L234) and [`systemctl --user import-environment`](https://github.com/labwc/labwc/blob/eaf11face68ee1f1bcc7ce1498304ca8c108c8ba/src/config/session.c#L239) on startup.
  - For new Xfce installations, default panel layout has [changed](https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/-/merge_requests/158/diffs) to not include external panel plugins by default. You can still add them yourself using the "Panel Preferences" dialog.

- [`system.stateVersion`](#opt-system.stateVersion) is now validated and must be in the `"YY.MM"` format, ideally corresponding to a prior NixOS release.

- GOverlay has been updated to 1.2, please check the [upstream changelog](https://github.com/benjamimgois/goverlay/releases) for more details.

- [`services.mongodb`](#opt-services.mongodb.enable) is now compatible with the `mongodb-ce` binary package. To make use of it, set [`services.mongodb.package`](#opt-services.mongodb.package) to `pkgs.mongodb-ce`.

- [`services.jupyter`](#opt-services.jupyter.enable) is now compatible with `Jupyter Notebook 7`. See [the migration guide](https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/en/latest/migrate_to_notebook7.html) for details.

- `networking.wireguard` now has an optional networkd backend. It is enabled by default when `networking.useNetworkd` is enabled, and it can be enabled alongside scripted networking with `networking.wireguard.useNetworkd`. Some `networking.wireguard` options have slightly different behavior with the networkd and script-based backends, documented in each option.

- The `stackclashprotection` hardening flag has been enabled by default on compilers that support it.

- `services.rss-bridge` now has a `package` option as well as support for `caddy` as reverse proxy.

- `services.avahi.ipv6` now defaults to true.

- All services that require a root certificate bundle now use the value of a new read-only option, `security.pki.caBundle`.

- hddfancontrol has been updated to major release 2. See the [migration guide](https://github.com/desbma/hddfancontrol/tree/master?tab=readme-ov-file#migrating-from-v1x), as there are breaking changes.

- The Home Assistant module has new options {option}`services.home-assistant.blueprints.automation`, `services.home-assistant.blueprints.script`, and {option}`services.home-assistant.blueprints.template` that allow for the declarative installation of [blueprints](https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/blueprint/) into the appropriate configuration directories.

- For matrix homeserver Synapse we are now following the upstream recommendation to enable jemalloc as the memory allocator by default.

- `services.kmonad` now creates a determinate symlink (in `/dev/input/by-id/`) to each of KMonad virtual devices.

- `services.gitea` now supports CAPTCHA usage through the `services.gitea.captcha` variable.

- `services.soft-serve` now restarts upon config change.

- `bind.cacheNetworks` now only controls access for recursive queries, where it previously controlled access for all queries.

- [`services.mongodb.enableAuth`](#opt-services.mongodb.enableAuth) now uses the newer [mongosh](https://github.com/mongodb-js/mongosh) shell instead of the legacy shell to configure the initial superuser. You can configure the mongosh package to use through the [`services.mongodb.mongoshPackage`](#opt-services.mongodb.mongoshPackage) option.

- The paperless module now has an option for regular automatic export of
  documents data using the integrated document exporter.

- New options for the declarative configuration of the user space part of ALSA have been introduced under [hardware.alsa](options.html#opt-hardware.alsa.enable), including setting the default capture and playback device, defining sound card aliases and volume controls.
  Note: these are intended for users not running a sound server like PulseAudio or PipeWire, but having ALSA as their only sound system.

- Caddy can now be built with plugins by using `caddy.withPlugins`, a `passthru` function that accepts an attribute set as a parameter. The `plugins` argument represents a list of Caddy plugins, with each Caddy plugin being a versioned module. The `hash` argument represents the `vendorHash` of the resulting Caddy source code with the plugins added.

  services.caddy = {
    enable = true;
    package = pkgs.caddy.withPlugins {
      plugins = [
        # tagged upstream
        # pseudo-version number generated by Go
      hash = "sha256-wqXSd1Ep9TVpQi570TTb96LwzNYvWL5EBJXMJfYWCAk=";

  To get the necessary hash of the vendored dependencies, omit `hash`. The build will fail and tell you the correct value.

  Note that all provided plugins must have versions/tags (string after `@`), even if upstream repo does not tag each release. For untagged plugins, you can either create an empty Go project and run `go get <plugin>` and see changes in `go.mod` to get the pseudo-version number, or provide a commit hash in place of version/tag for the first run, and update the plugin string based on the error output.

- KDE Partition Manager `partitionmanager`'s support for ReiserFS is removed.
  ReiserFS has not been actively maintained for many years. It has been marked as obsolete since Linux 6.6, and
  [is removed](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=c01f664e4ca210823b7594b50669bbd9b0a3c3b0)
  in Linux 6.13.

- `programs.fzf.keybindings` now supports the fish shell.

- `gerbera` now has wavpack support.

- A toggle has been added under `users.users.<name>.enable` to allow toggling individual users conditionally. If set to false, the user account will not be created.

- `ddclient` was updated from 3.11.2 to 4.0.0 [Release notes](https://github.com/ddclient/ddclient/releases/tag/v4.0.0)

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```{=include=} sections