sources_=($sources) targets_=($targets) objects=($objects) symlinks=($symlinks) # Remove the initial slash from a path, since genisofs likes it that way. stripSlash() { res="$1" if test "${res:0:1}" = /; then res=${res:1}; fi } # Add the individual files. for ((i = 0; i < ${#targets_[@]}; i++)); do stripSlash "${targets_[$i]}" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$res")" cp -a "${sources_[$i]}" "$res" done # Add the closures of the top-level store objects. chmod +w . mkdir -p nix/store for i in $(< $closureInfo/store-paths); do cp -a "$i" "${i:1}" done # TODO tar ruxo # Also include a manifest of the closures in a format suitable for # nix-store --load-db. cp $closureInfo/registration nix-path-registration # Add symlinks to the top-level store objects. for ((n = 0; n < ${#objects[*]}; n++)); do object=${objects[$n]} symlink=${symlinks[$n]} if test "$symlink" != "none"; then mkdir -p $(dirname ./$symlink) ln -s $object ./$symlink fi done $extraCommands mkdir -p $out/tarball rm env-vars time tar --sort=name --mtime='@1' --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner -c * $extraArgs | $compressCommand > $out/tarball/$fileName.tar${extension} mkdir -p $out/nix-support echo $system > $out/nix-support/system echo "file system-tarball $out/tarball/$fileName.tar${extension}" > $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products