{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.services.woodpecker-server; in { meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ ambroisie ]; options = { services.woodpecker-server = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "the Woodpecker-Server, a CI/CD application for automatic builds, deployments and tests"; package = lib.mkPackageOption pkgs "woodpecker-server" { }; environment = lib.mkOption { default = { }; type = lib.types.attrsOf lib.types.str; example = lib.literalExpression '' { WOODPECKER_HOST = "https://woodpecker.example.com"; WOODPECKER_OPEN = "true"; WOODPECKER_GITEA = "true"; WOODPECKER_GITEA_CLIENT = "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff"; WOODPECKER_GITEA_URL = "https://git.example.com"; } ''; description = "woodpecker-server config environment variables, for other options read the [documentation](https://woodpecker-ci.org/docs/administration/server-config)"; }; environmentFile = lib.mkOption { type = with lib.types; coercedTo path (f: [ f ]) (listOf path); default = [ ]; example = [ "/root/woodpecker-server.env" ]; description = '' File to load environment variables from. This is helpful for specifying secrets. Example content of environmentFile: ``` WOODPECKER_AGENT_SECRET=your-shared-secret-goes-here WOODPECKER_GITEA_SECRET=gto_************************************** ``` ''; }; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { systemd.services = { woodpecker-server = { description = "Woodpecker-Server Service"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network-online.target" ]; wants = [ "network-online.target" ]; serviceConfig = { DynamicUser = true; WorkingDirectory = "%S/woodpecker-server"; StateDirectory = "woodpecker-server"; StateDirectoryMode = "0700"; UMask = "0007"; ConfigurationDirectory = "woodpecker-server"; EnvironmentFile = cfg.environmentFile; ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/woodpecker-server"; Restart = "on-failure"; RestartSec = 15; CapabilityBoundingSet = ""; # Security NoNewPrivileges = true; # Sandboxing ProtectSystem = "strict"; ProtectHome = true; PrivateTmp = true; PrivateDevices = true; PrivateUsers = true; ProtectHostname = true; ProtectClock = true; ProtectKernelTunables = true; ProtectKernelModules = true; ProtectKernelLogs = true; ProtectControlGroups = true; RestrictAddressFamilies = [ "AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6" ]; LockPersonality = true; MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true; RestrictRealtime = true; RestrictSUIDSGID = true; PrivateMounts = true; # System Call Filtering SystemCallArchitectures = "native"; SystemCallFilter = "~@clock @privileged @cpu-emulation @debug @keyring @module @mount @obsolete @raw-io @reboot @setuid @swap"; }; inherit (cfg) environment; }; }; }; }