#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i python -p nix-prefetch-github python3Packages.githubkit import json import subprocess from githubkit import GitHub, UnauthAuthStrategy from githubkit.versions.latest.models import ( Commit, ContentSubmodule, Tag, ) DEPS_PATH: str = "./pkgs/by-name/ed/edopro/deps.nix" with GitHub(UnauthAuthStrategy()) as github: edopro: Tag = github.rest.repos.list_tags("edo9300", "edopro").parsed_data[0] # This dep is not versioned in anyway and is why we check below to see if this is a new version. irrlicht: Commit = github.rest.repos.list_commits( "edo9300", "irrlicht1-8-4" ).parsed_data[0] irrlicht: Commit = github.rest.repos.get_commit( "edo9300", "irrlicht1-8-4", "7edde28d4f8c0c3589934c398a3a441286bb7c22" ).parsed_data edopro_working_version: str = "" try: with open(DEPS_PATH, "r") as file: for line in file.readlines(): if "edopro-version" in line: edopro_working_version = line.split('"')[1] except FileNotFoundError: print("Error: Dep file not found.") exit(2) if edopro_working_version == "": print("Working version is unbound") exit(5) if edopro_working_version == edopro.name: print("Version is updated") exit(0) def get_hash(owner: str, repo: str, rev: str, submodule: bool = False) -> str: args: list[str] = ["nix-prefetch-github", owner, repo, "--rev", rev] if submodule: args.append("--fetch-submodules") out: subprocess.CompletedProcess = subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True) out_json = json.loads(out.stdout.decode()) return out_json["hash"] edopro_hash = get_hash("edo9300", "edopro", edopro.commit.sha) irrlicht_hash = get_hash("edo9300", "irrlicht1-8-4", irrlicht.sha) asset_legacy_hash: str = ( subprocess.run( [ "nix-prefetch-url", f"https://github.com/ProjectIgnis/edopro-assets/releases/download/{edopro.name}/ProjectIgnis-EDOPro-{edopro.name}-linux.tar.gz", "--unpack", ], capture_output=True, ) .stdout.decode() .strip() ) asset_hash: str = ( subprocess.run( [ "nix", "--extra-experimental-features", "nix-command", "hash", "to-sri", "--type", "sha256", asset_legacy_hash, ], capture_output=True, ) .stdout.decode() .strip() ) with open(DEPS_PATH, "w") as file: contents = f"""# This is automatically generated by the update script. # DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. {{ assets-hash = "{asset_hash}"; edopro-version = "{edopro.name}"; edopro-rev = "{edopro.commit.sha}"; edopro-hash = "{edopro_hash}"; irrlicht-version = "{"1.9.0-unstable-" + irrlicht.commit.committer.date.split("T")[0]}"; irrlicht-rev = "{irrlicht.sha}"; irrlicht-hash = "{irrlicht_hash}"; }} """ file.write(contents)