{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, bash, cmake, runCommandLocal, bison, flex, intel-compute-runtime, llvmPackages_14, opencl-clang, python3, spirv-tools, spirv-headers, spirv-llvm-translator, buildWithPatches ? true, }: let vc_intrinsics_src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "intel"; repo = "vc-intrinsics"; rev = "v0.19.0"; hash = "sha256-vOK7xfOR+aDpdGd8oOFLJc1Ct1S5BCJmLN6Ubn5wlkQ="; }; inherit (llvmPackages_14) lld llvm; inherit (if buildWithPatches then opencl-clang else llvmPackages_14) clang libclang; spirv-llvm-translator' = spirv-llvm-translator.override { inherit llvm; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "intel-graphics-compiler"; version = "1.0.17384.11"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "intel"; repo = "intel-graphics-compiler"; rev = "igc-${version}"; hash = "sha256-O4uMaPauRv2aMgM2B7XdzCcjI5JghsjX5XbkeloLyck="; }; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace IGC/AdaptorOCL/igc-opencl.pc.in \ --replace-fail '/@CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR@' "/include" \ --replace-fail '/@CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR@' "/lib" chmod +x IGC/Scripts/igc_create_linker_script.sh patchShebangs --build IGC/Scripts/igc_create_linker_script.sh ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ bash bison cmake flex (python3.withPackages ( ps: with ps; [ mako pyyaml ] )) ]; buildInputs = [ lld llvm spirv-headers spirv-llvm-translator' spirv-tools ]; strictDeps = true; # testing is done via intel-compute-runtime doCheck = false; # Handholding the braindead build script # cmake requires an absolute path prebuilds = runCommandLocal "igc-cclang-prebuilds" { } '' mkdir $out ln -s ${clang}/bin/clang $out/ ln -s ${opencl-clang}/lib/* $out/ ln -s ${lib.getLib libclang}/lib/clang/${lib.getVersion clang}/include/opencl-c.h $out/ ln -s ${lib.getLib libclang}/lib/clang/${lib.getVersion clang}/include/opencl-c-base.h $out/ ''; cmakeFlags = [ "-DVC_INTRINSICS_SRC=${vc_intrinsics_src}" "-DCCLANG_BUILD_PREBUILDS=ON" "-DCCLANG_BUILD_PREBUILDS_DIR=${prebuilds}" "-DIGC_OPTION__SPIRV_TOOLS_MODE=Prebuilds" "-DIGC_OPTION__VC_INTRINSICS_MODE=Source" "-Wno-dev" ]; passthru.tests = { inherit intel-compute-runtime; }; meta = with lib; { description = "LLVM-based compiler for OpenCL targeting Intel Gen graphics hardware"; homepage = "https://github.com/intel/intel-graphics-compiler"; changelog = "https://github.com/intel/intel-graphics-compiler/releases/tag/${src.rev}"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ SuperSandro2000 ]; }; }