{ autoPatchelfHook, c-ares, darwin, expat, fetchurl, glibc, icu60, lib, libiconv, libredirect, libxcrypt-legacy, libxml2, makeWrapper, stdenv, unzip, xercesc, zlib, }: let ovftoolSystems = let baseUrl = "https://vdc-download.vmware.com/vmwb-repository/dcr-public"; in { "i686-linux" = rec { name = "VMware-ovftool-${version}-lin.i386.zip"; # As of 2024-02-20 the "Zip of OVF Tool for 32-bit Linux" download link # on the v4.6.2 page links to v4.6.0. version = "4.6.0-21452615"; url = "${baseUrl}/7254abb2-434d-4f5d-83e2-9311ced9752e/57e666a2-874c-48fe-b1d2-4b6381f7fe97/${name}"; hash = "sha256-qEOr/3SW643G5ZQQNJTelZbUxB8HmxPd5uD+Gqsoxz0="; }; "x86_64-linux" = rec { name = "VMware-ovftool-${version}-lin.x86_64.zip"; version = "4.6.2-22220919"; url = "${baseUrl}/8a93ce23-4f88-4ae8-b067-ae174291e98f/c609234d-59f2-4758-a113-0ec5bbe4b120/${name}"; hash = "sha256-3B1cUDldoTqLsbSARj2abM65nv+Ot0z/Fa35/klJXEY="; }; "x86_64-darwin" = rec { name = "VMware-ovftool-${version}-mac.x64.zip"; version = "4.6.2-22220919"; url = "${baseUrl}/91091b23-280a-487a-a048-0c2594303c92/dc666e23-104f-4b9b-be11-6d88dcf3ab98/${name}"; hash = "sha256-AZufZ0wxt5DYjnpahDfy36W8i7kjIfEkW6MoELSx11k="; }; }; ovftoolSystem = ovftoolSystems.${stdenv.system} or (throw "unsupported system ${stdenv.system}"); in stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "ovftool"; inherit (ovftoolSystem) version; src = fetchurl { inherit (ovftoolSystem) name url hash; }; buildInputs = [ c-ares expat icu60 libiconv libxcrypt-legacy xercesc zlib ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux [ glibc ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin [ darwin.Libsystem libxml2 ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ unzip makeWrapper ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux [ autoPatchelfHook ]; postUnpack = '' # The linux package wraps ovftool.bin with ovftool. Wrapping # below in installPhase. # Rename to ovftool on install for all systems to ovftool if [[ -f ovftool.bin ]]; then mv -v ovftool.bin ovftool fi ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall # Based on https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vmware-ovftool/ # with the addition of a libexec directory and a Nix-style binary wrapper. # Almost all libs in the package appear to be VMware proprietary except for # libgoogleurl and libcurl. The rest of the libraries that the installer # extracts are omitted here, and provided in buildInputs. Since libcurl # depends on VMware's OpenSSL, both libs are still used. # FIXME: Replace libgoogleurl? Possibly from Chromium? # FIXME: Tell VMware to use a modern version of OpenSSL. As of ovftool # v4.6.2 ovftool uses openssl-1.0.2zh which in seems to be the extended # support LTS release: https://www.openssl.org/support/contracts.html # Install all libs that are not patched in preFixup. # Darwin dylibs are under `lib` in the zip. install -m 755 -d "$out/lib" install -m 644 -t "$out/lib" \ '' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux '' libcrypto.so.1.0.2 \ libcurl.so.4 \ libgoogleurl.so.59 \ libssl.so.1.0.2 \ libssoclient.so \ libvim-types.so \ libvmacore.so \ libvmomi.so '' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin '' lib/libcrypto.1.0.2.dylib \ lib/libcurl.4.dylib \ lib/libgoogleurl. \ lib/libssl.1.0.2.dylib \ lib/libssoclient.dylib \ lib/libvim-types.dylib \ lib/libvmacore.dylib \ lib/libvmomi.dylib '' + '' # Install libexec binaries # ovftool expects to be run relative to certain directories, namely `env`. # Place the binary and those dirs in libexec. install -m 755 -d "$out/libexec" install -m 755 -t "$out/libexec" ovftool [ -f ovftool.bin ] && install -m 755 -t "$out/libexec" ovftool.bin install -m 644 -t "$out/libexec" icudt44l.dat # Install other libexec resources that need to be relative to the `ovftool` # binary. for subdir in "certs" "env" "env/en" "schemas/DMTF" "schemas/vmware"; do install -m 755 -d "$out/libexec/$subdir" install -m 644 -t "$out/libexec/$subdir" "$subdir"/*.* done # Install EULA/OSS files install -m 755 -d "$out/share/licenses" install -m 644 -t "$out/share/licenses" \ "vmware.eula" \ "vmware-eula.rtf" \ "open_source_licenses.txt" # Install Docs install -m 755 -d "$out/share/doc" install -m 644 -t "$out/share/doc" "README.txt" # Install final executable install -m 755 -d "$out/bin" makeWrapper "$out/libexec/ovftool" "$out/bin/ovftool" \ '' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux '' --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "$out/lib" '' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin '' --prefix DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH : "$out/lib" '' + '' runHook postInstall ''; preFixup = lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux '' addAutoPatchelfSearchPath "$out/lib" '' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin '' change_args=() # Change relative @loader_path dylibs to absolute paths. for lib in $out/lib/*.dylib; do libname=$(basename $lib) change_args+=(-change "@loader_path/lib/$libname" "$out/lib/$libname") done # Patches for ovftool binary change_args+=(-change /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib ${darwin.Libsystem}/lib/libSystem.B.dylib) change_args+=(-change /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib ${stdenv.cc.libcxx}/lib/libc++.1.dylib) change_args+=(-change /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib ${libiconv}/lib/libiconv.2.dylib) change_args+=(-change /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib ${libxml2}/lib/libxml2.2.dylib) change_args+=(-change /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib ${zlib}/lib/libz.1.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/lib/libcares.2.dylib ${c-ares}/lib/libcares.2.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/lib/libexpat.dylib ${expat}/lib/libexpat.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/lib/libicudata.60.2.dylib ${icu60}/lib/libicudata.60.2.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/lib/libicuuc.60.2.dylib ${icu60}/lib/libicuuc.60.2.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/lib/libxerces-c-3.2.dylib ${xercesc}/lib/libxerces-c-3.2.dylib) # Patch binary install_name_tool "''${change_args[@]}" "$out/libexec/ovftool" # Additional patches for ovftool dylibs change_args+=(-change /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib ${darwin.Libsystem}/lib/libresolv.9.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/libcares.2.dylib ${c-ares}/lib/libcares.2.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/libexpat.dylib ${expat}/lib/libexpat.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/libicudata.60.2.dylib ${icu60}/lib/libicudata.60.2.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/libicuuc.60.2.dylib ${icu60}/lib/libicuuc.60.2.dylib) change_args+=(-change @loader_path/libxerces-c-3.2.dylib ${xercesc}/lib/libxerces-c-3.2.dylib) # Add new abolute paths for other libs to all libs for lib in $out/lib/*.dylib; do libname=$(basename $lib) change_args+=(-change "@loader_path/$libname" "$out/lib/$libname") done # Patch all libs for lib in $out/lib/*.dylib; do libname=$(basename $lib) install_name_tool -id "$libname" "$lib" install_name_tool "''${change_args[@]}" "$lib" done ''; # These paths are need for install check tests propagatedSandboxProfile = lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin '' (allow file-read* (subpath "/usr/share/locale")) (allow file-read* (subpath "/var/db/timezone")) (allow file-read* (subpath "/System/Library/TextEncodings")) ''; doInstallCheck = true; postInstallCheck = lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin '' export HOME=$TMPDIR # Construct a dummy /etc/passwd file - ovftool attempts to determine the # user's "real" home using this DUMMY_PASSWD="$(realpath $HOME/dummy-passwd)" cat > $DUMMY_PASSWD <<EOF $(whoami)::$(id -u):$(id -g)::$HOME:$SHELL EOF export DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES="${libredirect}/lib/libredirect.dylib" export NIX_REDIRECTS="/etc/passwd=$DUMMY_PASSWD" '' + '' mkdir -p ovftool-check && cd ovftool-check ovftool_with_args="$out/bin/ovftool --X:logToConsole" # `installCheckPhase.ova` is a NixOS 22.11 image (doesn't actually matter) # with a 1 MiB root disk that's all zero. Make sure that it converts # properly. $ovftool_with_args --schemaValidate ${./installCheckPhase.ova} $ovftool_with_args --sourceType=OVA --targetType=OVF ${./installCheckPhase.ova} nixos.ovf # Test that the output files are there test -f nixos.ovf test -f nixos.mf test -f nixos-disk1.vmdk $ovftool_with_args --schemaValidate nixos.ovf ''; meta = with lib; { description = "VMware tools for working with OVF, OVA, and VMX images"; homepage = "https://developer.vmware.com/web/tool/ovf-tool/"; sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ]; license = licenses.unfree; maintainers = with maintainers; [ numinit thanegill ]; platforms = builtins.attrNames ovftoolSystems; mainProgram = "ovftool"; knownVulnerabilities = [ "The bundled version of openssl 1.0.2zh in ovftool has open vulnerabilities." "CVE-2024-0727" "CVE-2023-5678" "CVE-2023-3817" "CVE-2009-3767" "CVE-2009-3766" "CVE-2009-3765" "CVE-2009-1390" ]; }; }