{ lib, buildFHSEnv, callPackage, makeDesktopItem, runtimeShell, runCommand, unstick, quartus-prime-lite, libfaketime, pkgsi686Linux, withQuesta ? true, supportedDevices ? [ "Arria II" "Cyclone V" "Cyclone IV" "Cyclone 10 LP" "MAX II/V" "MAX 10 FPGA" ], unwrapped ? callPackage ./quartus.nix { inherit unstick supportedDevices withQuesta; }, extraProfile ? "", }: let desktopItem = makeDesktopItem { name = "quartus-prime-lite"; exec = "quartus"; icon = "quartus"; desktopName = "Quartus"; genericName = "Quartus Prime"; categories = [ "Development" ]; }; in # I think questa_fse/linux/vlm checksums itself, so use FHSUserEnv instead of `patchelf` buildFHSEnv rec { pname = "quartus-prime-lite"; # wrapped inherit (unwrapped) version; targetPkgs = pkgs: with pkgs; [ (runCommand "ld-lsb-compat" { } ( '' mkdir -p "$out/lib" ln -sr "${glibc}/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2" "$out/lib/ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3" '' + lib.optionalString withQuesta '' ln -sr "${pkgsi686Linux.glibc}/lib/ld-linux.so.2" "$out/lib/ld-lsb.so.3" '' )) # quartus requirements glib xorg.libICE xorg.libSM xorg.libXau xorg.libXdmcp xorg.libXScrnSaver libudev0-shim bzip2 brotli expat dbus # qsys requirements xorg.libXtst xorg.libXi dejavu_fonts gnumake ]; # Also support 32-bit executables used by simulator. multiArch = withQuesta; # these libs are installed as 64 bit, plus as 32 bit when multiArch is true multiPkgs = pkgs: with pkgs; let # This seems ugly - can we override `libpng = libpng12` for all `pkgs`? freetype = pkgs.freetype.override { libpng = libpng12; }; fontconfig = pkgs.fontconfig.override { inherit freetype; }; libXft = pkgs.xorg.libXft.override { inherit freetype fontconfig; }; in [ # questa requirements libxml2 ncurses5 unixODBC libXft # common requirements freetype fontconfig xorg.libX11 xorg.libXext xorg.libXrender libxcrypt-legacy ]; extraInstallCommands = '' mkdir -p $out/share/applications $out/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps ln -s ${desktopItem}/share/applications/* $out/share/applications ln -s ${unwrapped}/quartus/adm/quartusii.png $out/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/quartus.png progs_to_wrap=( "${unwrapped}"/quartus/bin/* "${unwrapped}"/quartus/sopc_builder/bin/qsys-{generate,edit,script} "${unwrapped}"/questa_fse/bin/* "${unwrapped}"/questa_fse/linux_x86_64/lmutil ) wrapper=$out/bin/${pname} progs_wrapped=() for prog in ''${progs_to_wrap[@]}; do relname="''${prog#"${unwrapped}/"}" bname="$(basename "$relname")" wrapped="$out/$relname" progs_wrapped+=("$wrapped") mkdir -p "$(dirname "$wrapped")" echo "#!${runtimeShell}" >> "$wrapped" NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_THIS_PROG_SUPPORTS_FIXED_CLOCK=1 case "$relname" in questa_fse/*) echo "export NIXPKGS_IS_QUESTA_WRAPPER=1" >> "$wrapped" # Any use of LD_PRELOAD breaks Questa, so disable the # SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH code path. NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_THIS_PROG_SUPPORTS_FIXED_CLOCK=0 ;; esac # SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH blocklist for programs that are known to hang/break # with fixed/static clock. case "$bname" in jtagd|quartus_pgm|quartus) NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_THIS_PROG_SUPPORTS_FIXED_CLOCK=0 ;; esac echo "export NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_THIS_PROG_SUPPORTS_FIXED_CLOCK=$NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_THIS_PROG_SUPPORTS_FIXED_CLOCK" >> "$wrapped" echo "exec $wrapper $prog \"\$@\"" >> "$wrapped" done cd $out chmod +x ''${progs_wrapped[@]} # link into $out/bin so executables become available on $PATH ln --symbolic --relative --target-directory ./bin ''${progs_wrapped[@]} ''; profile = '' # LD_PRELOAD fixes issues in the licensing system that cause memory corruption and crashes when # starting most operations in many containerized environments, including WSL2, Docker, and LXC # (a similiar fix involving LD_PRELOADing tcmalloc did not solve the issue in my situation) # https://community.intel.com/t5/Intel-FPGA-Software-Installation/Running-Quartus-Prime-Standard-on-WSL-crashes-in-libudev-so/m-p/1189032 # # But, as can be seen in the above resource, LD_PRELOADing libudev breaks # compiling encrypted device libraries in Questa (with error # `(vlog-2163) Macro `<protected> is undefined.`), so only use LD_PRELOAD # for non-Questa wrappers. if [ "$NIXPKGS_IS_QUESTA_WRAPPER" != 1 ]; then export LD_PRELOAD=''${LD_PRELOAD:+$LD_PRELOAD:}/usr/lib/libudev.so.0 fi # Implement the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH specification for reproducible builds # (https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch). # Require opt-in with NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD=1 for now, in case # the blocklist is incomplete. if [ -n "$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" ] && [ "$NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD" = 1 ] && [ "$NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_THIS_PROG_SUPPORTS_FIXED_CLOCK" = 1 ]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${ lib.makeLibraryPath [ libfaketime pkgsi686Linux.libfaketime ] }''${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" export LD_PRELOAD=libfaketime.so.1''${LD_PRELOAD:+:$LD_PRELOAD} export FAKETIME_FMT="%s" export FAKETIME="$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" fi '' + extraProfile; # Run the wrappers directly, instead of going via bash. runScript = ""; passthru = { inherit unwrapped; tests = { buildSof = runCommand "quartus-prime-lite-test-build-sof" { nativeBuildInputs = [ quartus-prime-lite ]; env.NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD = "1"; } '' cat >mydesign.vhd <<EOF library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity mydesign is port ( in_0: in std_logic; in_1: in std_logic; out_1: out std_logic ); end mydesign; architecture dataflow of mydesign is begin out_1 <= in_0 and in_1; end dataflow; EOF quartus_sh --flow compile mydesign if ! [ -f mydesign.sof ]; then echo "error: failed to produce mydesign.sof" >&2 exit 1 fi sha1sum mydesign.sof > "$out" ''; questaEncryptedModel = runCommand "quartus-prime-lite-test-questa-encrypted-model" { env.NIXPKGS_QUARTUS_REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD = "1"; } '' "${quartus-prime-lite}/bin/vlog" "${quartus-prime-lite.unwrapped}/questa_fse/intel/verilog/src/arriav_atoms_ncrypt.v" touch "$out" ''; }; }; inherit (unwrapped) meta; }