{ cudaVersion, runPatches ? [ ], autoPatchelfHook, autoAddDriverRunpath, addDriverRunpath, alsa-lib, curlMinimal, expat, fetchurl, fontconfig, freetype, gdk-pixbuf, glib, glibc, gst_all_1, gtk2, lib, libxcrypt-legacy, libxkbcommon, libkrb5, krb5, makeWrapper, markForCudatoolkitRootHook, ncurses5, ncurses6, numactl, nss, patchelf, perl, python3, # FIXME: CUDAToolkit 10 may still need python27 python39, python310, python311, pulseaudio, setupCudaHook, stdenv, backendStdenv, # E.g. gcc11Stdenv, set in extension.nix unixODBC, wayland, xorg, zlib, libglut, libGLU, libsForQt5, libtiff, qt6Packages, qt6, rdma-core, ucx, rsync, libglvnd, }: let # Version info for the classic cudatoolkit packages that contain everything that is in redist. releases = builtins.import ./releases.nix; release = releases.${cudaVersion}; in backendStdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "cudatoolkit"; inherit (release) version; inherit runPatches; dontPatchELF = true; dontStrip = true; src = fetchurl { inherit (release) url sha256; }; outputs = [ "out" "lib" "doc" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ perl makeWrapper rsync addDriverRunpath autoPatchelfHook autoAddDriverRunpath markForCudatoolkitRootHook ] ++ lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast version "11.8") [ qt6Packages.wrapQtAppsHook ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ setupCudaHook ]; buildInputs = [ # To get $GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE via setup-hook gdk-pixbuf # For autoPatchelf ncurses5 expat python3 zlib glibc xorg.libX11 xorg.libXext xorg.libXrender xorg.libXt xorg.libXtst xorg.libXi xorg.libXext xorg.libXdamage xorg.libxcb xorg.xcbutilimage xorg.xcbutilrenderutil xorg.xcbutilwm xorg.xcbutilkeysyms pulseaudio libxkbcommon libkrb5 krb5 gtk2 glib fontconfig freetype numactl nss unixODBC alsa-lib wayland libglvnd ] ++ lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast version "11.8") [ (lib.getLib libtiff) qt6Packages.qtwayland rdma-core (ucx.override { enableCuda = false; }) # Avoid infinite recursion xorg.libxshmfence xorg.libxkbfile ] ++ (lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast version "12") ( map lib.getLib ([ # Used by `/target-linux-x64/CollectX/clx` and `/target-linux-x64/CollectX/libclx_api.so` for: # - `libcurl.so.4` curlMinimal # Used by `/host-linux-x64/Scripts/WebRTCContainer/setup/neko/server/bin/neko` gst_all_1.gstreamer gst_all_1.gst-plugins-base ]) ++ (with qt6; [ qtmultimedia qttools qtpositioning qtscxml qtsvg qtwebchannel qtwebengine ]) )) ++ lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast version "12.6") [ # libcrypt.so.1 libxcrypt-legacy ncurses6 python39 python310 python311 ]; # Prepended to runpaths by autoPatchelf. # The order inherited from older rpath preFixup code runtimeDependencies = [ (placeholder "lib") (placeholder "out") "${placeholder "out"}/nvvm" # NOTE: use the same libstdc++ as the rest of nixpkgs, not from backendStdenv "${lib.getLib stdenv.cc.cc}/lib64" "${placeholder "out"}/jre/lib/amd64/jli" "${placeholder "out"}/lib64" "${placeholder "out"}/nvvm/lib64" ]; autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps = [ # This is the hardware-dependent userspace driver that comes from # nvidia_x11 package. It must be deployed at runtime in # /run/opengl-driver/lib or pointed at by LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, rather # than pinned in runpath "libcuda.so.1" # The krb5 expression ships libcom_err.so.3 but cudatoolkit asks for the # older # This dependency is asked for by target-linux-x64/CollectX/RedHat/x86_64/libssl.so.10 # - do we even want to use nvidia-shipped libssl? "libcom_err.so.2" ]; preFixup = '' ${lib.getExe' patchelf "patchelf"} $out/lib64/libnvrtc.so --add-needed libnvrtc-builtins.so ''; unpackPhase = '' sh $src --keep --noexec ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir $out mkdir -p $out/bin $out/lib64 $out/include $doc for dir in pkg/builds/* pkg/builds/cuda_nvcc/nvvm pkg/builds/cuda_cupti/extras/CUPTI; do if [ -d $dir/bin ]; then mv $dir/bin/* $out/bin fi if [ -d $dir/doc ]; then (cd $dir/doc && find . -type d -exec mkdir -p $doc/\{} \;) (cd $dir/doc && find . \( -type f -o -type l \) -exec mv \{} $doc/\{} \;) fi if [ -L $dir/include ] || [ -d $dir/include ]; then (cd $dir/include && find . -type d -exec mkdir -p $out/include/\{} \;) (cd $dir/include && find . \( -type f -o -type l \) -exec mv \{} $out/include/\{} \;) fi if [ -L $dir/lib64 ] || [ -d $dir/lib64 ]; then (cd $dir/lib64 && find . -type d -exec mkdir -p $out/lib64/\{} \;) (cd $dir/lib64 && find . \( -type f -o -type l \) -exec mv \{} $out/lib64/\{} \;) fi done mv pkg/builds/cuda_nvcc/nvvm $out/nvvm mv pkg/builds/cuda_sanitizer_api $out/cuda_sanitizer_api ln -s $out/cuda_sanitizer_api/compute-sanitizer/compute-sanitizer $out/bin/compute-sanitizer mv pkg/builds/nsight_systems/target-linux-x64 $out/target-linux-x64 mv pkg/builds/nsight_systems/host-linux-x64 $out/host-linux-x64 rm $out/host-linux-x64/libstdc++.so* ${lib.optionalString (lib.versionAtLeast version "11.8" && lib.versionOlder version "12") # error: auto-patchelf could not satisfy dependency libtiff.so.5 wanted by /nix/store/.......-cudatoolkit-12.0.1/host-linux-x64/Plugins/imageformats/libqtiff.so # we only ship libtiff.so.6, so let's use qt plugins built by Nix. # TODO: don't copy, come up with a symlink-based "merge" '' rsync ${lib.getLib qt6Packages.qtimageformats}/lib/qt-6/plugins/ $out/host-linux-x64/Plugins/ -aP '' } ${lib.optionalString (lib.versionAtLeast version "12") # Use Qt plugins built by Nix. '' for qtlib in $out/host-linux-x64/Plugins/*/libq*.so; do qtdir=$(basename $(dirname $qtlib)) filename=$(basename $qtlib) for qtpkgdir in ${ lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (x: qt6Packages.${x}) [ "qtbase" "qtimageformats" "qtsvg" "qtwayland" ] }; do if [ -e $qtpkgdir/lib/qt-6/plugins/$qtdir/$filename ]; then ln -snf $qtpkgdir/lib/qt-6/plugins/$qtdir/$filename $qtlib fi done done '' } rm -f $out/tools/CUDA_Occupancy_Calculator.xls # FIXME: why? ${lib.optionalString (lib.versionAtLeast version "12.0") '' rm $out/host-linux-x64/libQt6* ''} # Fixup path to samples (needed for cuda 6.5 or else nsight will not find them) if [ -d "$out"/cuda-samples ]; then mv "$out"/cuda-samples "$out"/samples fi # Change the #error on GCC > 4.9 to a #warning. sed -i $out/include/host_config.h -e 's/#error\(.*unsupported GNU version\)/#warning\1/' # Fix builds with newer glibc version sed -i "1 i#define _BITS_FLOATN_H" "$out/include/host_defines.h" '' + # Point NVCC at a compatible compiler # CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR is legacy, # Cf. https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindCUDA.html#input-variables '' mkdir -p $out/nix-support cat <<EOF >> $out/nix-support/setup-hook cmakeFlags+=' -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=$out' EOF # Move some libraries to the lib output so that programs that # depend on them don't pull in this entire monstrosity. mkdir -p $lib/lib mv -v $out/lib64/libcudart* $lib/lib/ # Remove OpenCL libraries as they are provided by ocl-icd and driver. rm -f $out/lib64/libOpenCL* # nvprof do not find any program to profile if LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set wrapProgram $out/bin/nvprof \ --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : $out/lib '' # 11.8 includes a broken symlink, include/include, pointing to targets/x86_64-linux/include + lib.optionalString (lib.versions.majorMinor version == "11.8") '' rm $out/include/include '' # Python 3.8 is not in nixpkgs anymore, delete Python 3.8 cuda-gdb support # to avoid autopatchelf failing to find libpython3.8.so. + lib.optionalString (lib.versionAtLeast version "12.6") '' find $out -name '*python3.8*' -delete '' + '' runHook postInstall ''; postInstall = '' for b in nvvp; do wrapProgram "$out/bin/$b" \ --set GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE "$GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE" done ${lib.optionalString (lib.versionAtLeast version "12") # Check we don't have any lurking vendored qt libraries that weren't # replaced during installPhase '' qtlibfiles=$(find $out -name "libq*.so" -type f) if [ ! -z "$qtlibfiles" ]; then echo "Found unexpected vendored Qt library files in $out" >&2 echo $qtlibfiles >&2 echo "These should be replaced with symlinks in installPhase" >&2 exit 1 fi '' } ''; # cuda-gdb doesn't run correctly when not using sandboxing, so # temporarily disabling the install check. This should be set to true # when we figure out how to get `cuda-gdb --version` to run correctly # when not using sandboxing. doInstallCheck = false; postInstallCheck = '' # Smoke test binaries pushd $out/bin for f in *; do case $f in crt) continue;; nvcc.profile) continue;; nsight_ee_plugins_manage.sh) continue;; uninstall_cuda_toolkit_6.5.pl) continue;; computeprof|nvvp|nsight) continue;; # GUIs don't feature "--version" *) echo "Executing '$f --version':"; ./$f --version;; esac done popd ''; passthru = { inherit (backendStdenv) cc; majorMinorVersion = lib.versions.majorMinor version; majorVersion = lib.versions.majorMinor version; }; meta = with lib; { description = "Deprecated runfile-based CUDAToolkit installation (a compiler for NVIDIA GPUs, math libraries, and tools)"; homepage = "https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit"; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; license = licenses.nvidiaCuda; maintainers = teams.cuda.members; }; }