{ lib, stdenv, alsa-lib, alsa-plugins, autoPatchelfHook, fetchFromGitHub, freetype, installShellFiles, libGLU, libpulseaudio, libX11, libXcursor, libXext, libXfixes, libXi, libXinerama, libXrandr, libXrender, makeWrapper, openssl, pkg-config, scons, udev, yasm, zlib, }: stdenv.mkDerivation (self: { pname = "godot3"; version = "3.6"; godotBuildDescription = "X11 tools"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "godotengine"; repo = "godot"; rev = "${self.version}-stable"; sha256 = "sha256-4WQYO1BBDK9+eyblpI8qRgbBG4+qPRVZMjeAFAtot+0="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ autoPatchelfHook installShellFiles makeWrapper pkg-config scons ]; buildInputs = [ alsa-lib freetype libGLU libpulseaudio libX11 libXcursor libXext libXfixes libXi libXinerama libXrandr libXrender openssl udev yasm zlib ]; shouldAddLinkFlagsToPulse = true; patches = map (rp: ./patches + rp) [ # The version of SConstruct in the godot source appends the OS's PATH to the Scons PATH, # but because it is an append, the Scons PATH takes precedence. The Scons PATH contains a # bunch of standard Linux paths like /usr/bin, so if they happen to contain versions of any # build-time dependencies of Godot, they will be used instead of the Nix version of them. # # This patch simply replaces the entire Scons environment (including the PATH) with that # of the OS. This isn't as surgical as just fixing the PATH, but it seems to work, and # seems to be the Nix community's current strategy when using Scons. /SConstruct/dontClobberEnvironment.patch ]; enableParallelBuilding = true; godotBuildPlatform = "x11"; shouldBuildTools = true; godotBuildTarget = "release_debug"; lto = if self.godotBuildTarget == "release" then "full" else "none"; sconsFlags = [ "arch=${stdenv.hostPlatform.linuxArch}" "platform=${self.godotBuildPlatform}" "tools=${lib.boolToString self.shouldBuildTools}" "target=${self.godotBuildTarget}" "bits=${toString stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.cpu.bits}" "lto=${self.lto}" ]; shouldWrapBinary = self.shouldBuildTools; shouldInstallManual = self.shouldBuildTools; shouldPatchBinary = self.shouldBuildTools; shouldInstallHeaders = self.shouldBuildTools; shouldInstallShortcut = self.shouldBuildTools && self.godotBuildPlatform != "server"; outputs = [ "out" ] ++ lib.optional self.shouldInstallManual "man" ++ lib.optional self.shouldBuildTools "dev"; builtGodotBinNamePattern = if self.godotBuildPlatform == "server" then "godot_server.*" else "godot.*"; godotBinInstallPath = "bin"; installedGodotBinName = self.pname; installedGodotShortcutFileName = "org.godotengine.Godot3.desktop"; installedGodotShortcutDisplayName = "Godot Engine 3"; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall echo "Installing godot binaries." outbin="$out/$godotBinInstallPath" mkdir -p "$outbin" cp -R bin/. "$outbin" mv "$outbin"/$builtGodotBinNamePattern "$outbin/$installedGodotBinName" if [ -n "$shouldWrapBinary" ]; then wrapProgram "$outbin/$installedGodotBinName" \ --set ALSA_PLUGIN_DIR ${alsa-plugins}/lib/alsa-lib fi if [ -n "$shouldInstallManual" ]; then echo "Installing godot manual." mansrc=misc/dist/linux mv "$mansrc"/godot.6 "$mansrc"/godot3.6 installManPage "$mansrc"/godot3.6 fi if [ -n "$shouldInstallHeaders" ]; then echo "Installing godot headers." mkdir -p "$dev" cp -R modules/gdnative/include "$dev" fi if [ -n "$shouldInstallShortcut" ]; then echo "Installing godot shortcut." mkdir -p "$out"/share/{applications,icons/hicolor/scalable/apps} cp misc/dist/linux/org.godotengine.Godot.desktop "$out"/share/applications/$installedGodotShortcutFileName cp icon.svg "$out"/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/godot.svg cp icon.png "$out"/share/icons/godot.png substituteInPlace "$out"/share/applications/$installedGodotShortcutFileName \ --replace "Exec=godot" "Exec=\"$outbin/$installedGodotBinName\"" \ --replace "Name=Godot Engine" "Name=$installedGodotShortcutDisplayName" fi runHook postInstall ''; runtimeDependencies = lib.optionals self.shouldPatchBinary ( map lib.getLib [ alsa-lib libpulseaudio udev ] ); meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://godotengine.org"; description = "Free and Open Source 2D and 3D game engine (" + self.godotBuildDescription + ")"; license = licenses.mit; platforms = [ "i686-linux" "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ rotaerk twey ]; }; })