# PostgreSQL's build system for extensions (PGXS) makes the following assumptions: # - All extensions will be installed in the same prefix as PostgreSQL itself. # - pg_config is able to return the correct paths for bindir/libdir/datadir etc. # # Both of those assumptions break with nix. Since each extension is a separate # derivation, we need to put all its files into a different folder. At the same # time, pg_config only points to the PostgreSQL derivation's paths. # # When building extensions, the paths provided by pg_config are used for two # purposes: # - To find postgres libs and headers and reference those paths via -L and -I flags. # - To determine the correct install directory. # # The PGXS Makefiles also support an environment variable DESTDIR, which is added as # a prefix to all install locations. This is primarily used for temporary installs # while running the test suite. Since pg_config returns absolute paths to /nix/store # for us, using DESTDIR will result in install locations of the form: # $DESTIDR/nix/store//... # # In multiple iterations, the following approaches have been tried to work around all # of this: # 1. For a long time, all extensions in nixpkgs just overwrote the installPhase # and moved the respective files to the correct location manually. This approach # is not maintainable, because whenever upstream adds a new file, we'd have to # make sure the file is correctly installed as well. Additionally, it makes adding # a new extension harder than it should be. # # 2. A wrapper around pg_config could just replace the returned paths with paths to # $out of currently building derivation, i.e. the extension. This works for install- # ation, but breaks for any of the libs and headers the extension needs from postgres # itself. # # 3. A variation of 2., but make the pg_config wrapper only return the changed paths # during the installPahse. During configure and build, it would return the regular # paths to the PostgreSQL derivation. This works better, but not for every case. # Some extensions try to be smarter and search for the "postgres" binary to deduce # the necessary paths from that. Those would still need special handling. # # 4. Use the fact that DESTDIR is prepended to every installation directory - and only # there, to run a replacement of all Makefiles in postgres' lib/pgxs/ folder and # all Makefiles in the extension's source. "$DESTDIR/$bindir" can be replaced with # "$out/bin" etc. - thus mapping the installPhase directly into the right output. # This works beautifully - for the majority of cases. But it doesn't work for # some extensions that use CMake. And it doesn't work for some extensions that use # custom variables instead of the default "bindir" and friends. # # 5. Just set DESTDIR to the extensions's output and then clean up afterward. This will # result in paths like this: # /nix/store//nix/store//... # Directly after the installPhase, we'll move the files in the right folder. # This seems to work consistently across all extensions we have in nixpkgs right now. # Of course, it would break down for any extension that doesn't support DESTDIR - # but that just means PGXS is not used either, so that's OK. # # This last approach is the one we're taking in this file. To make sure the removal of the # nested nix/store happens immediately after the installPhase, before any other postInstall # hooks run, this needs to be run in an override of `mkDerivation` and not in a setup hook. { lib, stdenv, postgresql, nix-update-script, }: args: let buildPostgresqlExtension = finalAttrs: { enableUpdateScript ? true, ... }@prevAttrs: { passthru = prevAttrs.passthru or { } // lib.optionalAttrs enableUpdateScript { updateScript = prevAttrs.passthru.updateScript or (nix-update-script ( lib.optionalAttrs (lib.hasInfix "unstable" prevAttrs.version) { extraArgs = [ "--version=branch" ]; } )); }; strictDeps = true; buildInputs = [ postgresql ] ++ prevAttrs.buildInputs or [ ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ postgresql ] ++ prevAttrs.nativeBuildInputs or [ ]; installFlags = [ "DESTDIR=${placeholder "out"}" ] ++ prevAttrs.installFlags or [ ]; postInstall = '' # DESTDIR + pg_config install the files into # /nix/store//nix/store//... # We'll now remove the /nix/store/ part: if [[ -d "$out${postgresql}" ]]; then cp -alt "$out" "$out${postgresql}"/* rm -r "$out${postgresql}" fi if [[ -d "$out${postgresql.dev}" ]]; then mkdir -p "''${dev:-$out}" cp -alt "''${dev:-$out}" "$out${postgresql.dev}"/* rm -r "$out${postgresql.dev}" fi if [[ -d "$out${postgresql.lib}" ]]; then mkdir -p "''${lib:-$out}" cp -alt "''${lib:-$out}" "$out${postgresql.lib}"/* rm -r "$out${postgresql.lib}" fi if [[ -d "$out${postgresql.doc}" ]]; then mkdir -p "''${doc:-$out}" cp -alt "''${doc:-$out}" "$out${postgresql.doc}"/* rm -r "$out${postgresql.doc}" fi if [[ -d "$out${postgresql.man}" ]]; then mkdir -p "''${man:-$out}" cp -alt "''${man:-$out}" "$out${postgresql.man}"/* rm -r "$out${postgresql.man}" fi # In some cases (postgis) parts of the install script # actually work "OK", before we add DESTDIR, so some # files end up in # /nix/store//nix/store//... if [[ -d "$out$out" ]]; then cp -alt "$out" "$out$out"/* rm -r "$out$out" fi if [[ -d "$out/nix/store" ]]; then if ! rmdir "$out/nix/store" "$out/nix"; then find "$out/nix" nixErrorLog 'Found left-overs in $out/nix/store, make sure to move them into $out properly.' exit 1 fi fi '' + prevAttrs.postInstall or ""; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation (lib.extends buildPostgresqlExtension (lib.toFunction args))