self: let # Before removing an EOL major version, make sure to check the versioning policy in: # /nixos/modules/services/databases/ # # Before removing, make sure to update it to the last minor version - and if only in # an immediately preceding commit. This allows people relying on that old major version # for a bit longer to still update up to this commit to at least get the latest minor # version. In other words: Do not remove the second-to-last minor version from nixpkgs, # yet. Update first. versions = { postgresql_13 = ./13.nix; postgresql_14 = ./14.nix; postgresql_15 = ./15.nix; postgresql_16 = ./16.nix; postgresql_17 = ./17.nix; }; mkAttributes = jitSupport: self.lib.mapAttrs' ( version: path: let attrName = if jitSupport then "${version}_jit" else version; in self.lib.nameValuePair attrName ( import path { inherit jitSupport self; } ) ) versions; libpq = self.callPackage ./libpq.nix { }; in { # variations without and with JIT postgresqlVersions = mkAttributes false // mkAttributes true; inherit libpq; }