{ lib, aws-sdk-cpp, boehmgc, callPackage, fetchFromGitHub, fetchpatch, rustPlatform, Security, storeDir ? "/nix/store", stateDir ? "/nix/var", confDir ? "/etc", }: let boehmgc-nix_2_3 = boehmgc.override { enableLargeConfig = true; }; boehmgc-nix = boehmgc-nix_2_3.overrideAttrs (drv: { patches = (drv.patches or [ ]) ++ [ # Part of the GC solution in https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/4944 ../nix/patches/boehmgc-coroutine-sp-fallback.patch ]; }); aws-sdk-cpp-nix = (aws-sdk-cpp.override { apis = [ "s3" "transfer" ]; customMemoryManagement = false; }).overrideAttrs { # only a stripped down version is build which takes a lot less resources to build requiredSystemFeatures = [ ]; }; # Since Lix 2.91 does not use boost coroutines, it does not need boehmgc patches either. needsBoehmgcPatches = version: lib.versionOlder version "2.91"; common = args: callPackage (import ./common.nix ({ inherit lib fetchFromGitHub; } // args)) { inherit Security storeDir stateDir confDir ; boehmgc = if needsBoehmgcPatches args.version then boehmgc-nix else boehmgc-nix_2_3; aws-sdk-cpp = aws-sdk-cpp-nix; }; in lib.makeExtensible (self: { buildLix = common; lix_2_90 = ( common rec { version = "2.90.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "lix-project"; repo = "lix"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-f8k+BezKdJfmE+k7zgBJiohtS3VkkriycdXYsKOm3sc="; }; docCargoDeps = rustPlatform.fetchCargoVendor { name = "lix-doc-${version}"; inherit src; allowGitDependencies = false; sourceRoot = "${src.name or src}/lix-doc"; hash = "sha256-VPcrf78gfLlkTRrcbLkPgLOk0o6lsOJBm6HYLvavpNU="; }; } ); lix_2_91 = ( common rec { version = "2.91.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "lix-project"; repo = "lix"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-hiGtfzxFkDc9TSYsb96Whg0vnqBVV7CUxyscZNhed0U="; }; docCargoDeps = rustPlatform.fetchCargoVendor { name = "lix-doc-${version}"; inherit src; allowGitDependencies = false; sourceRoot = "${src.name or src}/lix-doc"; hash = "sha256-U820gvcbQIBaFr2OWPidfFIDXycDFGgXX1NpWDDqENs="; }; } ); latest = self.lix_2_91; stable = self.lix_2_91; })