{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let keysPath = "/var/lib/yggdrasil/keys.json"; cfg = config.services.yggdrasil; settingsProvided = cfg.settings != { }; configFileProvided = cfg.configFile != null; format = pkgs.formats.json { }; in { imports = [ (mkRenamedOptionModule [ "services" "yggdrasil" "config" ] [ "services" "yggdrasil" "settings" ]) ]; options = with types; { services.yggdrasil = { enable = mkEnableOption "the yggdrasil system service"; settings = mkOption { type = format.type; default = {}; example = { Peers = [ "tcp://aa.bb.cc.dd:eeeee" "tcp://[aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd::eeee]:fffff" ]; Listen = [ "tcp://" ]; }; description = '' Configuration for yggdrasil, as a Nix attribute set. Warning: this is stored in the WORLD-READABLE Nix store! Therefore, it is not appropriate for private keys. If you wish to specify the keys, use . If the is enabled then the keys that are generated during activation will override those in or . If no keys are specified then ephemeral keys are generated and the Yggdrasil interface will have a random IPv6 address each time the service is started, this is the default. If both and are supplied, they will be combined, with values from taking precedence. You can use the command nix-shell -p yggdrasil --run "yggdrasil -genconf" to generate default configuration values with documentation. ''; }; configFile = mkOption { type = nullOr path; default = null; example = "/run/keys/yggdrasil.conf"; description = lib.mdDoc '' A file which contains JSON configuration for yggdrasil. See the {option}`config` option for more information. ''; }; group = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.str; default = null; example = "wheel"; description = lib.mdDoc "Group to grant access to the Yggdrasil control socket. If `null`, only root can access the socket."; }; openMulticastPort = mkOption { type = bool; default = false; description = lib.mdDoc '' Whether to open the UDP port used for multicast peer discovery. The NixOS firewall blocks link-local communication, so in order to make local peering work you will also need to set `LinkLocalTCPPort` in your yggdrasil configuration ({option}`config` or {option}`configFile`) to a port number other than 0, and then add that port to {option}`networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts`. ''; }; denyDhcpcdInterfaces = mkOption { type = listOf str; default = []; example = [ "tap*" ]; description = lib.mdDoc '' Disable the DHCP client for any interface whose name matches any of the shell glob patterns in this list. Use this option to prevent the DHCP client from broadcasting requests on the yggdrasil network. It is only necessary to do so when yggdrasil is running in TAP mode, because TUN interfaces do not support broadcasting. ''; }; package = mkOption { type = package; default = pkgs.yggdrasil; defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.yggdrasil"; description = lib.mdDoc "Yggdrasil package to use."; }; persistentKeys = mkEnableOption '' If enabled then keys will be generated once and Yggdrasil will retain the same IPv6 address when the service is restarted. Keys are stored at ${keysPath}. ''; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable (let binYggdrasil = cfg.package + "/bin/yggdrasil"; in { assertions = [{ assertion = config.networking.enableIPv6; message = "networking.enableIPv6 must be true for yggdrasil to work"; }]; system.activationScripts.yggdrasil = mkIf cfg.persistentKeys '' if [ ! -e ${keysPath} ] then mkdir --mode=700 -p ${builtins.dirOf keysPath} ${binYggdrasil} -genconf -json \ | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq \ 'to_entries|map(select(.key|endswith("Key")))|from_entries' \ > ${keysPath} fi ''; systemd.services.yggdrasil = { description = "Yggdrasil Network Service"; after = [ "network-pre.target" ]; wants = [ "network.target" ]; before = [ "network.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; preStart = (if settingsProvided || configFileProvided || cfg.persistentKeys then "echo " + (lib.optionalString settingsProvided "'${builtins.toJSON cfg.settings}'") + (lib.optionalString configFileProvided "$(cat ${cfg.configFile})") + (lib.optionalString cfg.persistentKeys "$(cat ${keysPath})") + " | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -s add | ${binYggdrasil} -normaliseconf -useconf" else "${binYggdrasil} -genconf") + " > /run/yggdrasil/yggdrasil.conf"; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${binYggdrasil} -useconffile /run/yggdrasil/yggdrasil.conf"; ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID"; Restart = "always"; DynamicUser = true; StateDirectory = "yggdrasil"; RuntimeDirectory = "yggdrasil"; RuntimeDirectoryMode = "0750"; BindReadOnlyPaths = lib.optional configFileProvided cfg.configFile ++ lib.optional cfg.persistentKeys keysPath; ReadWritePaths = "/run/yggdrasil"; AmbientCapabilities = "CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; CapabilityBoundingSet = "CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true; ProtectControlGroups = true; ProtectHome = "tmpfs"; ProtectKernelModules = true; ProtectKernelTunables = true; RestrictAddressFamilies = "AF_UNIX AF_INET AF_INET6 AF_NETLINK"; RestrictNamespaces = true; RestrictRealtime = true; SystemCallArchitectures = "native"; SystemCallFilter = "~@clock @cpu-emulation @debug @keyring @module @mount @obsolete @raw-io @resources"; } // (if (cfg.group != null) then { Group = cfg.group; } else {}); }; networking.dhcpcd.denyInterfaces = cfg.denyDhcpcdInterfaces; networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = mkIf cfg.openMulticastPort [ 9001 ]; # Make yggdrasilctl available on the command line. environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ]; }); meta = { doc = ./yggdrasil.xml; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ gazally ehmry ]; }; }