commit 970fb11a296b5bbdc5e8425851253d2c5913c45e
Author: Leon Bottou <>
Date:   Tue Mar 26 20:36:31 2019 -0400

    Fix bug#296

diff --git a/libdjvu/DjVmDir.cpp b/libdjvu/DjVmDir.cpp
index a6a39e0..0a0fac6 100644
--- a/libdjvu/DjVmDir.cpp
+++ b/libdjvu/DjVmDir.cpp
@@ -299,42 +299,44 @@ DjVmDir::decode(const GP<ByteStream> &gstr)
          memcpy((char*) strings+strings_size, buffer, length);
       DEBUG_MSG("size of decompressed names block=" << strings.size() << "\n");
-      if (strings[strings.size()-1] != 0)
-        {
-         int strings_size=strings.size();
-         strings.resize(strings_size+1);
-         strings[strings_size] = 0;
-        }
+      int strings_size=strings.size();
+      strings.resize(strings_size+3);
+      memset((char*) strings+strings_size, 0, 4);
-         // Copy names into the files
+      // Copy names into the files
       const char * ptr=strings;
          GP<File> file=files_list[pos];
+         if (ptr >= (const char*)strings + strings_size)
+           G_THROW( "DjVu document is corrupted (DjVmDir)" );
          if (file->flags & File::HAS_NAME)
-            file->name=ptr;
-            ptr+=file->name.length()+1;
-         } else
+           file->name=ptr;
+           ptr+=file->name.length()+1;
+         }
+         else
          if (file->flags & File::HAS_TITLE)
-            file->title=ptr;
-       ptr+=file->title.length()+1;
-         } else
-       file->title=file->id;
-   /* msr debug:  multipage file, file->title is null.  
+           file->title=ptr;
+           ptr+=file->title.length()+1;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+           file->title=file->id;
+         }
+         /* msr debug:  multipage file, file->title is null.  
          DEBUG_MSG(file->name << ", " << file->id << ", " << file->title << ", " <<
                    file->offset << ", " << file->size << ", " <<
                    file->is_page() << "\n"); */
-         // Check that there is only one file with SHARED_ANNO flag on
+      // Check that there is only one file with SHARED_ANNO flag on
       int shared_anno_cnt=0;