# when changing this expression convert it from 'fetchzip' to 'stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation' { lib, fetchzip }: let name = "undefined-medium-1.0"; in (fetchzip rec { inherit name; url = "https://github.com/andirueckel/undefined-medium/archive/v1.0.zip"; sha256 = "1wa04jzbffshwcxm705yb5wja8wakn8j7fvim1mlih2z1sqw0njk"; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://undefined-medium.com/"; description = "A pixel grid-based monospace typeface"; longDescription = '' undefined medium is a free and open-source pixel grid-based monospace typeface suitable for programming, writing, and whatever else you can think of … it’s pretty undefined. ''; license = licenses.ofl; platforms = platforms.all; }; }).overrideAttrs (_: { postFetch = '' mkdir -p $out/share/fonts unzip -j $downloadedFile ${name}/fonts/otf/\*.otf -d $out/share/fonts/opentype ''; })