import ./make-test-python.nix (
  { pkgs, ... }:
    name = "bpf";
    meta.maintainers = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; [ martinetd ];

    nodes.machine =
      { pkgs, ... }:
        programs.bcc.enable = true;
        environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ bpftrace ];

    testScript = ''
      ## bcc
      # syscount -d 1 stops 1s after probe started so is good for that
      print(machine.succeed("syscount -d 1"))

      ## bpftrace
      # list probes
      machine.succeed("bpftrace -l")
      # simple BEGIN probe (user probe on bpftrace itself)
      print(machine.succeed("bpftrace -e 'BEGIN { print(\"ok\\n\"); exit(); }'"))
      # tracepoint
      print(machine.succeed("bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_* { print(probe); exit() }'"))
      # kprobe
      print(machine.succeed("bpftrace -e 'kprobe:schedule { print(probe); exit() }'"))
      # BTF
      print(machine.succeed("bpftrace -e 'kprobe:schedule { "
          "    printf(\"tgid: %d\\n\", ((struct task_struct*) curtask)->tgid); exit() "
      # module BTF (bpftrace >= 0.17)
      # test is currently disabled on aarch64 as kfunc does not work there yet
      print(machine.succeed("uname -m | grep aarch64 || "
          "bpftrace -e 'kfunc:nft_trans_alloc_gfp { "
          "    printf(\"portid: %d\\n\", args->ctx->portid); "
          "} BEGIN { exit() }'"))
      # glibc includes
      print(machine.succeed("bpftrace -e '#include <errno.h>\n"
          "BEGIN { printf(\"ok %d\\n\", EINVAL); exit(); }'"))