import ./make-test-python.nix ( { pkgs, lib, ... }: { name = "dolibarr"; meta.maintainers = [ ]; nodes.machine = { ... }: { services.dolibarr = { enable = true; domain = "localhost"; nginx = { forceSSL = false; enableACME = false; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ]; }; testScript = '' from html.parser import HTMLParser start_all() csrf_token = None class TokenParser(HTMLParser): def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): attrs = dict(attrs) # attrs is an assoc list originally if tag == 'input' and attrs.get('name') == 'token': csrf_token = attrs.get('value') print(f'[+] Caught CSRF token: {csrf_token}') def handle_endtag(self, tag): pass def handle_data(self, data): pass machine.wait_for_unit("phpfpm-dolibarr.service") machine.wait_for_unit("nginx.service") machine.wait_for_open_port(80) # Sanity checks on URLs. # machine.succeed("curl -fL http://localhost/index.php") # machine.succeed("curl -fL http://localhost/") # Perform installation. machine.succeed('curl -fL -X POST http://localhost/install/check.php -F selectlang=auto') machine.succeed('curl -fL -X POST http://localhost/install/fileconf.php -F selectlang=auto') # First time is to write the configuration file correctly. machine.succeed('curl -fL -X POST http://localhost/install/step1.php -F "testpost=ok" -F "action=set" -F "selectlang=auto"') # Now, we have a proper conf.php in $stateDir. assert 'nixos' in machine.succeed("cat /var/lib/dolibarr/conf.php") machine.succeed('curl -fL -X POST http://localhost/install/step2.php --data "testpost=ok&action=set&dolibarr_main_db_character_set=utf8&dolibarr_main_db_collation=utf8_unicode_ci&selectlang=auto"') machine.succeed('curl -fL -X POST http://localhost/install/step4.php --data "testpost=ok&action=set&selectlang=auto"') machine.succeed('curl -fL -X POST http://localhost/install/step5.php --data "testpost=ok&action=set&login=root&pass=hunter2&pass_verif=hunter2&selectlang=auto"') # Now, we have installed the machine, let's verify we still have the right configuration. assert 'nixos' in machine.succeed("cat /var/lib/dolibarr/conf.php") # We do not want any redirect now as we have installed the machine. machine.succeed('curl -f -X GET http://localhost') # Test authentication to the webservice. parser = TokenParser() parser.feed(machine.succeed('curl -f -X GET http://localhost/index.php?mainmenu=login&username=root')) machine.succeed(f'curl -f -X POST http://localhost/index.php?mainmenu=login&token={csrf_token}&username=root&password=hunter2') ''; } )