# shellcheck shell=bash disable=SC2154 export MSBUILDALWAYSOVERWRITEREADONLYFILES=1 export MSBUILDTERMINALLOGGER=false declare -Ag _nugetInputs addNugetInputs() { if [[ -d $1/share/nuget ]]; then _nugetInputs[$1]=1 fi } addEnvHooks "$targetOffset" addNugetInputs _linkPackages() { local -r src="$1" local -r dest="$2" local dir local x ( shopt -s nullglob for x in "$src"/*/*; do dir=$dest/$(basename "$(dirname "$x")") mkdir -p "$dir" ln -s "$x" "$dir"/ done ) } configureNuget() { runHook preConfigureNuGet local nugetTemp x nugetTemp="$(mktemp -dt nuget.XXXXXX)" # trailing slash required here: # Microsoft.Managed.Core.targets(236,5): error : SourceRoot paths are required to end with a slash or backslash: '/build/.nuget-temp/packages' # also e.g. from avalonia: # export NUGET_PACKAGES=$nugetTemp/packages/ export NUGET_FALLBACK_PACKAGES=$nugetTemp/fallback/ nugetSource=$nugetTemp/source mkdir -p "${NUGET_PACKAGES%/}" "${NUGET_FALLBACK_PACKAGES%/}" "$nugetSource" for x in "${!_nugetInputs[@]}"; do if [[ -d $x/share/nuget/packages ]]; then _linkPackages "$x/share/nuget/packages" "${NUGET_FALLBACK_PACKAGES%/}" fi if [[ -d $x/share/nuget/source ]]; then _linkPackages "$x/share/nuget/source" "$nugetSource" fi done if [[ -f .config/dotnet-tools.json || -f dotnet-tools.json ]]; then : ${linkNugetPackages=1} fi if [[ -z ${keepNugetConfig-} && -f paket.dependencies ]]; then sed -i "s:source .*:source $nugetSource:" paket.dependencies sed -i "s:remote\:.*:remote\: $nugetSource:" paket.lock : ${linkNuGetPackagesAndSources=1} fi if [[ -n ${linkNuGetPackagesAndSources-} ]]; then for x in "${!_nugetInputs[@]}"; do if [[ -d $x/share/nuget/source ]]; then @lndir@/bin/lndir -silent "$x/share/nuget/packages" "${NUGET_PACKAGES%/}" @lndir@/bin/lndir -silent "$x/share/nuget/source" "${NUGET_PACKAGES%/}" fi done elif [[ -n ${linkNugetPackages-} ]]; then for x in "${!_nugetInputs[@]}"; do if [[ -d $x/share/nuget/packages ]]; then _linkPackages "$x/share/nuget/packages" "${NUGET_PACKAGES%/}" fi done fi # create a root nuget.config if one doesn't exist local rootConfig rootConfig=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -iname nuget.config -print -quit) if [[ -z $rootConfig ]]; then dotnet new nugetconfig fi ( shopt -s nullglob local -a xmlConfigArgs=() xmlRootConfigArgs=() local -ra xmlSourceConfigArgs=( -s /configuration -t elem -n packageSources -d '/configuration/packageSources[position() != 1]' -s /configuration/packageSources -t elem -n __new -i /configuration/packageSources/__new -t attr -n key -v _nix -i /configuration/packageSources/__new -t attr -n value -v "$nugetSource" -r /configuration/packageSources/__new -v add) if [[ -z ${keepNugetConfig-} ]]; then xmlConfigArgs+=(-d '//configuration/*') xmlRootConfigArgs+=("${xmlSourceConfigArgs[@]}") else if [[ -n ${mapNuGetDependencies-} ]]; then xmlConfigArgs+=( -s /configuration -t elem -n __tmp # If there's no packageSourceMapping, we need to add * patterns for # all the sources, else they won't be used. -u \$prev -x ../packageSources/add -d '/configuration/__tmp/add/@*[name() != "key"]' -r /configuration/__tmp/add -v packageSource -s /configuration/__tmp/packageSource -t elem -n package -i \$prev -t attr -n pattern -v \* -r /configuration/__tmp -v packageSourceMapping -d '/configuration/packageSourceMapping[position() != 1]' "${xmlSourceConfigArgs[@]}" # add package source mappings from all existing patterns to _nix # this ensures _nix is always considered -s /configuration/packageSourceMapping -t elem -n packageSource -u \$prev -x ../packageSource/package -i \$prev -t attr -n key -v _nix) cd "$nugetSource" local id for id in *; do id=${id,,} xmlConfigArgs+=( # unmap any fully-qualified patterns that exist, so they # can't be used, using a horrific method for # case-insensitivity in xpath1 -d "/configuration/packageSourceMapping/packageSource/package[translate(@pattern, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') = ${id@Q}]" -s '/configuration/packageSourceMapping/packageSource[@key="_nix"]' -t elem -n package -i \$prev -t attr -n pattern -v "$id") done cd - < /dev/null else xmlConfigArgs+=( "${xmlSourceConfigArgs[@]}" # add package source mappings from all existing patterns to _nix # this ensures _nix is always considered -s /configuration/packageSourceMapping -t elem -n packageSource -u \$prev -x '../packageSource/package' -i \$prev -t attr -n key -v _nix # delete empty _nix mapping -d '/configuration/packageSourceMapping/packageSource[@key="_nix" and not(*)]') fi fi # try to stop the global config from having any effect if [[ -z ${keepNugetConfig-} || -z ${allowGlobalNuGetConfig-} ]]; then local -ar configSections=( config bindingRedirects packageRestore solution packageSources auditSources apikeys disabledPackageSources activePackageSource fallbackPackageFolders packageSourceMapping packageManagement) for section in "${configSections[@]}"; do xmlRootConfigArgs+=( -s /configuration -t elem -n "$section" # hacky way of ensuring we use existing sections when they exist -d "/configuration/$section[position() != 1]" # hacky way of adding to the start of a possibly empty element -s "/configuration/$section" -t elem -n __unused -i "/configuration/$section/*[1]" -t elem -n clear -d "/configuration/$section/__unused" # delete consecutive clears # these actually cause nuget tools to fail in some cases -d "/configuration/$section/clear[position() = 2 and name() = \"clear\"]") done fi find . \( -iname nuget.config \) -print0 | while IFS= read -rd "" config; do local dir isRoot= dir=$(dirname "$config") [[ $dir != . ]] || isRoot=1 @xmlstarlet@/bin/xmlstarlet \ ed --inplace \ "${xmlConfigArgs[@]}" \ ${isRoot:+"${xmlRootConfigArgs[@]}"} \ "$config" done ) runHook postConfigureNuGet } if [[ -z ${dontConfigureNuget-} ]]; then preConfigurePhases+=(configureNuget) fi