{ config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.sourcehut; opt = options.services.sourcehut; scfg = cfg.hg; iniKey = "hg.sr.ht"; rcfg = config.services.redis; drv = pkgs.sourcehut.hgsrht; in { options.services.sourcehut.hg = { user = mkOption { type = types.str; internal = true; readOnly = true; default = "hg"; description = '' User for hg.sr.ht. ''; }; port = mkOption { type = types.port; default = 5010; description = '' Port on which the "hg" module should listen. ''; }; database = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "hg.sr.ht"; description = '' PostgreSQL database name for hg.sr.ht. ''; }; statePath = mkOption { type = types.path; default = "${cfg.statePath}/hgsrht"; defaultText = literalExpression ''"''${config.${opt.statePath}}/hgsrht"''; description = '' State path for hg.sr.ht. ''; }; cloneBundles = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Generate clonebundles (which require more disk space but dramatically speed up cloning large repositories). ''; }; }; config = with scfg; lib.mkIf (cfg.enable && elem "hg" cfg.services) { # In case it ever comes into being environment.etc."ssh/hgsrht-dispatch" = { mode = "0755"; text = '' #! ${pkgs.stdenv.shell} ${cfg.python}/bin/gitsrht-dispatch $@ ''; }; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.mercurial ]; users = { users = { "${user}" = { isSystemUser = true; group = user; # Assuming hg.sr.ht needs this too shell = pkgs.bash; description = "hg.sr.ht user"; }; }; groups = { "${user}" = { }; }; }; services = { cron.systemCronJobs = [ "*/20 * * * * ${cfg.python}/bin/hgsrht-periodic" ] ++ optional cloneBundles "0 * * * * ${cfg.python}/bin/hgsrht-clonebundles"; openssh.authorizedKeysCommand = ''/etc/ssh/hgsrht-dispatch "%u" "%h" "%t" "%k"''; openssh.authorizedKeysCommandUser = "root"; openssh.extraConfig = '' PermitUserEnvironment SRHT_* ''; postgresql = { authentication = '' local ${database} ${user} trust ''; ensureDatabases = [ database ]; ensureUsers = [ { name = user; ensurePermissions = { "DATABASE \"${database}\"" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; }; } ]; }; }; systemd = { tmpfiles.rules = [ # /var/log is owned by root "f /var/log/hg-srht-shell 0644 ${user} ${user} -" "d ${statePath} 0750 ${user} ${user} -" "d ${cfg.settings."${iniKey}".repos} 2755 ${user} ${user} -" ]; services.hgsrht = import ./service.nix { inherit config pkgs lib; } scfg drv iniKey { after = [ "redis.service" "postgresql.service" "network.target" ]; requires = [ "redis.service" "postgresql.service" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; path = [ pkgs.mercurial ]; description = "hg.sr.ht website service"; serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${cfg.python}/bin/gunicorn ${drv.pname}.app:app -b ${cfg.address}:${toString port}"; }; }; services.sourcehut.settings = { # URL hg.sr.ht is being served at (protocol://domain) "hg.sr.ht".origin = mkDefault "http://hg.${cfg.originBase}"; # Address and port to bind the debug server to "hg.sr.ht".debug-host = mkDefault ""; "hg.sr.ht".debug-port = mkDefault port; # Configures the SQLAlchemy connection string for the database. "hg.sr.ht".connection-string = mkDefault "postgresql:///${database}?user=${user}&host=/var/run/postgresql"; # The redis connection used for the webhooks worker "hg.sr.ht".webhooks = mkDefault "redis://${rcfg.bind}:${toString rcfg.port}/1"; # A post-update script which is installed in every mercurial repo. "hg.sr.ht".changegroup-script = mkDefault "${cfg.python}/bin/hgsrht-hook-changegroup"; # hg.sr.ht's OAuth client ID and secret for meta.sr.ht # Register your client at meta.example.org/oauth "hg.sr.ht".oauth-client-id = mkDefault null; "hg.sr.ht".oauth-client-secret = mkDefault null; # Path to mercurial repositories on disk "hg.sr.ht".repos = mkDefault "/var/lib/hg"; # Path to the srht mercurial extension # (defaults to where the hgsrht code is) # "hg.sr.ht".srhtext = mkDefault null; # .hg/store size (in MB) past which the nightly job generates clone bundles. # "hg.sr.ht".clone_bundle_threshold = mkDefault 50; # Path to hg-ssh (if not in $PATH) # "hg.sr.ht".hg_ssh = mkDefault /path/to/hg-ssh; # The authorized keys hook uses this to dispatch to various handlers # The format is a program to exec into as the key, and the user to match as the # value. When someone tries to log in as this user, this program is executed # and is expected to omit an AuthorizedKeys file. # # Uncomment the relevant lines to enable the various sr.ht dispatchers. "hg.sr.ht::dispatch"."/run/current-system/sw/bin/hgsrht-keys" = mkDefault "${user}:${user}"; }; # TODO: requires testing and addition of hg-specific requirements services.nginx.virtualHosts."hg.${cfg.originBase}" = { forceSSL = true; locations."/".proxyPass = "http://${cfg.address}:${toString port}"; locations."/query".proxyPass = "http://${cfg.address}:${toString (port + 100)}"; locations."/static".root = "${pkgs.sourcehut.hgsrht}/${pkgs.sourcehut.python.sitePackages}/hgsrht"; }; }; }