Release 20.09 (“Nightingale”, 2020.09/??)Highlights
In addition to numerous new and upgraded packages, this release has the
following highlights:
Support is planned until the end of April 2021, handing over to 21.03.
GNOME desktop environment was upgraded to 3.36, see its release notes.
PHP now defaults to PHP 7.4, updated from 7.3.
Two new options, authorizedKeysCommand
and authorizedKeysCommandUser, have
been added to the openssh module. If you have AuthorizedKeysCommand
in your services.openssh.extraConfig you should
make use of these new options instead.
There is a new module for Podman(virtualisation.podman), a drop-in replacement for the Docker command line.
The new virtualisation.containers module manages configuration shared by the CRI-O and Podman modules.
New Services
The following new services were added since the last release:
Backward Incompatibilities
When upgrading from a previous release, please be aware of the following
incompatible changes:
Grafana is now built without support for phantomjs by default. Phantomjs support has been
deprecated in Grafana
and the phantomjs project is
currently unmaintained.
It can still be enabled by providing phantomJsSupport = true to the package instanciation:
services.grafana.package = pkgs.grafana.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
phantomJsSupport = false;
The supybot module now uses /var/lib/supybot
as its default stateDir path if stateVersion
is 20.09 or higher. It also enables number of
systemd sandboxing options
which may possibly interfere with some plugins. If this is the case you can disable the options through attributes in
The security.duosec.skey option, which stored a secret in the
nix store, has been replaced by a new
option for better security.
security.duosec.ikey has been renamed to
The initrd SSH support now uses OpenSSH rather than Dropbear to
allow the use of Ed25519 keys and other OpenSSH-specific
functionality. Host keys must now be in the OpenSSH format, and at
least one pre-generated key must be specified.
If you used the
options, you'll get an error explaining how to convert your host
keys and migrate to the new
Otherwise, if you don't have any host keys set, you'll need to
generate some; see the option
documentation for instructions.
Since this release there's an easy way to customize your PHP install to get a much smaller
base PHP with only wanted extensions enabled. See the following snippet installing a smaller PHP
with the extensions imagick, opcache and
pdo_mysql loaded:
environment.systemPackages = [
(pkgs.php.buildEnv { extensions = pp: with pp; [
]; })
The default php attribute hasn't lost any extensions -
the opcache extension was added there.
All upstream PHP extensions are available under ]]>.
The updated php attribute is now easily customizable to your liking
by using extensions instead of writing config files or changing configure flags.
Therefore we have removed the following configure flags:
PHP config flags that we don't read anymore:config.php.argon2config.php.bcmathconfig.php.bz2config.php.calendarconfig.php.curlconfig.php.exifconfig.php.ftpconfig.php.gdconfig.php.gettextconfig.php.gmpconfig.php.imapconfig.php.intlconfig.php.ldapconfig.php.libxml2config.php.libzipconfig.php.mbstringconfig.php.mysqliconfig.php.mysqlndconfig.php.opensslconfig.php.pcntlconfig.php.pdo_mysqlconfig.php.pdo_odbcconfig.php.pdo_pgsqlconfig.php.phpdbgconfig.php.postgresqlconfig.php.readlineconfig.php.soapconfig.php.socketsconfig.php.sodiumconfig.php.sqliteconfig.php.tidyconfig.php.xmlrpcconfig.php.xslconfig.php.zipconfig.php.zlib
Gollum received a major update to version 5.x and you may have to change
some links in your wiki when migrating from gollum 4.x. More information
can be found
Deluge 2.x was added and is used as default for new NixOS
installations where stateVersion is >= 20.09. If you are upgrading from a previous
NixOS version, you can set service.deluge.package = pkgs.deluge-2_x
to upgrade to Deluge 2.x and migrate the state to the new format.
Be aware that backwards state migrations are not supported by Deluge.
The NixOS options nesting.clone and
nesting.children have been deleted, and
replaced with named
Replace a nesting.clone entry with:
specialisation.example-sub-configuration = {
configuration = {
Replace a nesting.children entry with:
specialisation.example-sub-configuration = {
inheritParentConfig = false;
configuration = {
To switch to a specialised configuration at runtime you need to
# sudo /run/current-system/specialisation/example-sub-configuration/bin/switch-to-configuration test
Before you would have used:
# sudo /run/current-system/fine-tune/child-1/bin/switch-to-configuration test
Other Notable Changes
was updated from
1000 to 10000 to follow the new
upstream systemd default.
The notmuch package move its emacs-related binaries and
emacs lisp files to a separate output. They're not part
of the default out output anymore - if you relied on the
notmuch-emacs-mua binary or the emacs lisp files, access them via
the notmuch.emacs output.