# Release 21.05 {#sec-release-21.05}

The 21.05 release branch became the stable branch in May, 2021.

## Highlights {#sec-release-21.05-highlights}

This release has the following notable changes:

-   The 'opt-programs.broot.verbs\` option is now a list rather than an
    attribute set. To migrate, move the keys of the attrset into the
    list items' `invocation` keys. For example,

    ``` nix
    programs.broot.verbs = {
      "p" = { execution = ":parent"; };


    ``` nix
    programs.broot.verbs = [
        invocation = "p";
        execution = ":parent";

-   The [programs.mpv.package](#opt-programs.mpv.package) option has been changed to
    allow custom derivations. The following configuration is now

    ``` nix
    programs.mpv.package = (pkgs.wrapMpv (pkgs.mpv-unwrapped.override {
      vapoursynthSupport = true;
    }) {
      extraMakeWrapperArgs = [
        "--prefix" "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ":" "${pkgs.vapoursynth-mvtools}/lib/vapoursynth"

    As a result of this change, [programs.mpv.package](#opt-programs.mpv.package) is no
    longer the resulting derivation. Use the newly introduced
    `programs.mpv.finalPackage` instead.

-   The [programs.rofi.extraConfig](#opt-programs.rofi.extraConfig) option is now an attribute
    set rather than a string. To migrate, move each line into the
    attribute set, removing the `rofi.` prefix from the keys. For

    ``` nix
    programs.rofi.extraConfig = ''
      rofi.show-icons: true
      rofi.modi: drun,emoji,ssh


    ``` nix
    programs.rofi.extraConfig = {
      show-icons = true;
      modi = "drun,emoji,ssh";

-   The [programs.rofi.theme](#opt-programs.rofi.theme) option now supports defining a
    theme using an attribute set, the following configuration is now

    ``` nix
    programs.rofi.theme = let
      # Necessary to avoid quoting non-string values
      inherit (config.lib.formats.rasi) mkLiteral;
    in {
       "@import" = "~/.config/rofi/theme.rasi";

      "*" = {
        background-color = mkLiteral "#000000";
        foreground-color = mkLiteral "rgba ( 250, 251, 252, 100 % )";
        border-color = mkLiteral "#FFFFFF";
        width = 512;

      "#textbox-prompt-colon" = {
        expand = false;
        str = ":";
        margin = mkLiteral "0px 0.3em 0em 0em";
        text-color = mkLiteral "@foreground-color";

-   The `services.redshift.extraOptions` and
    `services.gammastep.extraOptions` options were removed in favor of
    [services.redshift.settings](#opt-services.redshift.settings) and
    `services.gammastep.settings`, that are now an attribute set rather
    than a string. They also support new features not available before,
    for example:

    ``` nix
    services.redshift = {
      dawnTime = "6:00-7:45";
      duskTime = "18:35-20:15";
      settings = {
        redshift = {
          gamma = 0.8;
          adjustment-method = "randr";

        randr = {
          screen = 0;

    It is recommended to check either
    for the available additional options in each program.

-   Specifying `programs.neomutt.binds.map` or
    `programs.neomutt.macros.map` as a single string is now deprecated
    in favor of specfiying it as a list of strings.

-   The `programs.neovim.configure` is deprecated in favor of other
    `programs.neovim` options; please use the other options at your

    ``` nix
    configure.packages.*.opt  -> programs.neovim.plugins = [ { plugin = ...; optional = true; }]
    configure.packages.*.start  -> programs.neovim.plugins = [ { plugin = ...; }]
    configure.customRC -> programs.neovim.extraConfig

-   Home Manager now respects the `NO_COLOR` environment variable as per

-   Qt module now supports [qt.style.name](#opt-qt.style.name) to specify a theme
    name and [qt.style.package](#opt-qt.style.package) to specify a theme package. If
    you have set [qt.platformTheme](#opt-qt.platformTheme) to `gnome`, a
    [qt.style.package](#opt-qt.style.package) compatible with both Qt and Gtk is now
    required to be set. For instance:

    ``` nix
    qt = {
      platformTheme = "gnome";
      style = {
        name = "adwaita-dark";
        package = pkgs.adwaita-qt;

-   The library type `fontType` now has a `size` attribute in addition
    to `name`. For example:

    ``` nix
    font = {
      name = "DejaVu Sans";
      size = 8;

-   The [programs.htop.settings](#opt-programs.htop.settings) option is introduced to
    replace individual options in `programs.htop`. To migrate, set the
    htop options directly in [programs.htop.settings](#opt-programs.htop.settings). For

    ``` nix
    programs.htop = {
      enabled = true;
      settings = {
         color_scheme = 5;
         delay = 15;
         highlight_base_name = 1;
         highlight_megabytes = 1;
         highlight_threads = 1;

## State Version Changes {#sec-release-21.05-state-version-changes}

The state version in this release includes the changes below. These
changes are only active if the `home.stateVersion` option is set to
\"21.05\" or later.

-   The `newsboat` module now stores generated configuration in