# buildLisp provides Nix functions to build Common Lisp packages, # targeting SBCL. # # buildLisp is designed to enforce conventions and do away with the # free-for-all of existing Lisp build systems. { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, ... }: let inherit (builtins) map elemAt match filter; inherit (pkgs) lib runCommand makeWrapper writeText writeShellScriptBin sbcl ecl-static ccl; inherit (pkgs.stdenv) targetPlatform; # # Internal helper definitions # defaultImplementation = impls.sbcl; # Many Common Lisp implementations (like ECL and CCL) will occasionally drop # you into an interactive debugger even when executing something as a script. # In nix builds we don't want such a situation: Any error should make the # script exit non-zero. Luckily the ANSI standard specifies *debugger-hook* # which is invoked before the debugger letting us just do that. disableDebugger = writeText "disable-debugger.lisp" '' (setf *debugger-hook* (lambda (error hook) (declare (ignore hook)) (format *error-output* "~%Unhandled error: ~a~%" error) #+ccl (quit 1) #+ecl (ext:quit 1))) ''; # Process a list of arbitrary values which also contains “implementation # filter sets” which describe conditonal inclusion of elements depending # on the CL implementation used. Elements are processed in the following # manner: # # * Paths, strings, derivations are left as is # * A non-derivation attribute set is processed like this: # 1. If it has an attribute equal to impl.name, replace with its value. # 2. Alternatively use the value of the "default" attribute. # 3. In all other cases delete the element from the list. # # This can be used to express dependencies or source files which are specific # to certain implementations: # # srcs = [ # # mixable with unconditional entries # ./package.lisp # # # implementation specific source files # { # ccl = ./impl-ccl.lisp; # sbcl = ./impl-sbcl.lisp; # ecl = ./impl-ecl.lisp; # } # ]; # # deps = [ # # this dependency is ignored if impl.name != "sbcl" # { sbcl = buildLisp.bundled "sb-posix"; } # # # only special casing for a single implementation # { # sbcl = buildLisp.bundled "uiop"; # default = buildLisp.bundled "asdf"; # } # ]; implFilter = impl: xs: let isFilterSet = x: builtins.isAttrs x && !(lib.isDerivation x); in builtins.map ( x: if isFilterSet x then x.${impl.name} or x.default else x ) (builtins.filter ( x: !(isFilterSet x) || x ? ${impl.name} || x ? default ) xs); # Generates lisp code which instructs the given lisp implementation to load # all the given dependencies. genLoadLispGeneric = impl: deps: lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (lib: "(load \"${lib}/${lib.lispName}.${impl.faslExt}\")") (allDeps impl deps)); # 'genTestLispGeneric' generates a Lisp file that loads all sources and deps # and executes expression for a given implementation description. genTestLispGeneric = impl: { name, srcs, deps, expression }: writeText "${name}.lisp" '' ;; Dependencies ${impl.genLoadLisp deps} ;; Sources ${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (src: "(load \"${src}\")") srcs)} ;; Test expression (unless ${expression} (exit :code 1)) ''; # 'dependsOn' determines whether Lisp library 'b' depends on 'a'. dependsOn = a: b: builtins.elem a b.lispDeps; # 'allDeps' flattens the list of dependencies (and their # dependencies) into one ordered list of unique deps which # all use the given implementation. allDeps = impl: deps: let # The override _should_ propagate itself recursively, as every derivation # would only expose its actually used dependencies. Use implementation # attribute created by withExtras if present, override in all other cases # (mainly bundled). deps' = builtins.map (dep: dep."${impl.name}" or (dep.overrideLisp (_: { implementation = impl; }))) deps; in (lib.toposort dependsOn (lib.unique ( lib.flatten (deps' ++ (map (d: d.lispDeps) deps')) ))).result; # 'allNative' extracts all native dependencies of a dependency list # to ensure that library load paths are set correctly during all # compilations and program assembly. allNative = native: deps: lib.unique ( lib.flatten (native ++ (map (d: d.lispNativeDeps) deps)) ); # Add an `overrideLisp` attribute to a function result that works # similar to `overrideAttrs`, but is used specifically for the # arguments passed to Lisp builders. makeOverridable = f: orig: (f orig) // { overrideLisp = new: makeOverridable f (orig // (new orig)); }; # This is a wrapper arround 'makeOverridable' which performs its # function, but also adds a the following additional attributes to the # resulting derivation, namely a repl attribute which builds a `lispWith` # derivation for the current implementation and additional attributes for # every all implementations. So `drv.sbcl` would build the derivation # with SBCL regardless of what was specified in the initial arguments. withExtras = f: args: let drv = (makeOverridable f) args; in lib.fix (self: drv.overrideLisp (old: let implementation = old.implementation or defaultImplementation; brokenOn = old.brokenOn or [ ]; targets = lib.subtractLists (brokenOn ++ [ implementation.name ]) (builtins.attrNames impls); in { passthru = (old.passthru or { }) // { repl = implementation.lispWith [ self ]; # meta is done via passthru to minimize rebuilds caused by overriding meta = (old.passthru.meta or { }) // { ci = (old.passthru.meta.ci or { }) // { inherit targets; }; }; } // builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.map (impl: { inherit (impl) name; value = self.overrideLisp (_: { implementation = impl; }); }) (builtins.attrValues impls)); }) // { overrideLisp = new: withExtras f (args // new args); }); # 'testSuite' builds a Common Lisp test suite that loads all of srcs and deps, # and then executes expression to check its result testSuite = { name, expression, srcs, deps ? [ ], native ? [ ], implementation }: let lispDeps = allDeps implementation (implFilter implementation deps); lispNativeDeps = allNative native lispDeps; filteredSrcs = implFilter implementation srcs; in runCommand name { LD_LIBRARY_PATH = lib.makeLibraryPath lispNativeDeps; LANG = "C.UTF-8"; } '' echo "Running test suite ${name}" ${implementation.runScript} ${ implementation.genTestLisp { inherit name expression; srcs = filteredSrcs; deps = lispDeps; } } | tee $out echo "Test suite ${name} succeeded" ''; # 'impls' is an attribute set of attribute sets which describe how to do common # tasks when building for different Common Lisp implementations. Each # implementation set has the following members: # # Required members: # # - runScript :: string # Describes how to invoke the implementation from the shell, so it runs a # lisp file as a script and exits. # - faslExt :: string # File extension of the implementations loadable (FASL) files. # Implementations are free to generate native object files, but with the way # buildLisp works it is required that we can also 'load' libraries, so # (additionally) building a FASL or equivalent is required. # - genLoadLisp :: [ dependency ] -> string # Returns lisp code to 'load' the given dependencies. 'genLoadLispGeneric' # should work for most dependencies. # - genCompileLisp :: { name, srcs, deps } -> file # Builds a lisp file which instructs the implementation to build a library # from the given source files when executed. After running at least # the file "$out/${name}.${impls.${implementation}.faslExt}" should have # been created. # - genDumpLisp :: { name, main, deps } -> file # Builds a lisp file which instructs the implementation to build an # executable which runs 'main' (and exits) where 'main' is available from # 'deps'. The executable should be created as "$out/bin/${name}", usually # by dumping the lisp image with the replaced toplevel function replaced. # - wrapProgram :: boolean # Whether to wrap the resulting binary / image with a wrapper script setting # `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. # - genTestLisp :: { name, srcs, deps, expression } -> file # Builds a lisp file which loads the given 'deps' and 'srcs' files and # then evaluates 'expression'. Depending on whether 'expression' returns # true or false, the script must exit with a zero or non-zero exit code. # 'genTestLispGeneric' will work for most implementations. # - lispWith :: [ dependency ] -> drv # Builds a script (or dumped image) which when executed loads (or has # loaded) all given dependencies. When built this should create an executable # at "$out/bin/${implementation}". # # Optional members: # # - bundled :: string -> library # Allows giving an implementation specific builder for a bundled library. # This function is used as a replacement for the internal defaultBundled # function and only needs to support one implementation. The returned derivation # must behave like one built by 'library' (in particular have the same files # available in "$out" and the same 'passthru' attributes), but may be built # completely differently. impls = lib.mapAttrs (name: v: { inherit name; } // v) { sbcl = { runScript = "${sbcl}/bin/sbcl --script"; faslExt = "fasl"; # 'genLoadLisp' generates Lisp code that instructs SBCL to load all # the provided Lisp libraries. genLoadLisp = genLoadLispGeneric impls.sbcl; # 'genCompileLisp' generates a Lisp file that instructs SBCL to # compile the provided list of Lisp source files to "$out/${name}.fasl". genCompileLisp = { name, srcs, deps }: writeText "sbcl-compile.lisp" '' ;; This file compiles the specified sources into the Nix build ;; directory, creating one FASL file for each source. (require 'sb-posix) ${impls.sbcl.genLoadLisp deps} (defun nix-compile-lisp (srcfile) (let ((outfile (make-pathname :type "fasl" :directory (or (sb-posix:getenv "NIX_BUILD_TOP") (error "not running in a Nix build")) :name (substitute #\- #\/ srcfile)))) (multiple-value-bind (out-truename _warnings-p failure-p) (compile-file srcfile :output-file outfile) (if failure-p (sb-posix:exit 1) (progn ;; For the case of multiple files belonging to the same ;; library being compiled, load them in order: (load out-truename) ;; Return pathname as a string for cat-ting it later (namestring out-truename)))))) (let ((*compile-verbose* t) (catted-fasl (make-pathname :type "fasl" :directory (or (sb-posix:getenv "out") (error "not running in a Nix build")) :name "${name}"))) (with-open-file (file catted-fasl :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create) ;; SBCL's FASL files can just be bundled together using cat (sb-ext:run-program "cat" (mapcar #'nix-compile-lisp ;; These forms were inserted by the Nix build: '(${ lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (src: "\"${src}\"") srcs })) :output file :search t))) ''; # 'genDumpLisp' generates a Lisp file that instructs SBCL to dump # the currently loaded image as an executable to $out/bin/$name. # # TODO(tazjin): Compression is currently unsupported because the # SBCL in nixpkgs is, by default, not compiled with zlib support. genDumpLisp = { name, main, deps }: writeText "sbcl-dump.lisp" '' (require 'sb-posix) ${impls.sbcl.genLoadLisp deps} (let* ((bindir (concatenate 'string (sb-posix:getenv "out") "/bin")) (outpath (make-pathname :name "${name}" :directory bindir))) ;; Tell UIOP that argv[0] will refer to running image, not the lisp impl (when (find-package :uiop) (eval `(setq ,(find-symbol "*IMAGE-DUMPED-P*" :uiop) :executable))) (save-lisp-and-die outpath :executable t :toplevel (lambda () ;; Filter out everything prior to the `--` we ;; insert in the wrapper to prevent SBCL from ;; parsing arguments at startup (setf sb-ext:*posix-argv* (delete "--" sb-ext:*posix-argv* :test #'string= :count 1)) (${main})) :purify t)) ''; wrapProgram = true; genTestLisp = genTestLispGeneric impls.sbcl; lispWith = deps: let lispDeps = filter (d: !d.lispBinary) (allDeps impls.sbcl deps); in writeShellScriptBin "sbcl" '' export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${lib.makeLibraryPath (allNative [] lispDeps)}" export LANG="C.UTF-8" exec ${sbcl}/bin/sbcl ${ lib.optionalString (deps != []) "--load ${writeText "load.lisp" (impls.sbcl.genLoadLisp lispDeps)}" } $@ ''; }; ecl = { runScript = "${ecl-static}/bin/ecl --load ${disableDebugger} --shell"; faslExt = "fasc"; genLoadLisp = genLoadLispGeneric impls.ecl; genCompileLisp = { name, srcs, deps }: writeText "ecl-compile.lisp" '' ;; This seems to be required to bring make the 'c' package available ;; early, otherwise ECL tends to fail with a read failure… (ext:install-c-compiler) ;; Load dependencies ${impls.ecl.genLoadLisp deps} (defun getenv-or-fail (var) (or (ext:getenv var) (error (format nil "Missing expected environment variable ~A" var)))) (defun nix-compile-file (srcfile &key native) "Compile the given srcfile into a compilation unit in :out-dir using a unique name based on srcfile as the filename which is returned after compilation. If :native is true, create an native object file, otherwise a byte-compile fasc file is built and immediately loaded." (let* ((unique-name (substitute #\_ #\/ srcfile)) (out-file (make-pathname :type (if native "o" "fasc") :directory (getenv-or-fail "NIX_BUILD_TOP") :name unique-name))) (multiple-value-bind (out-truename _warnings-p failure-p) (compile-file srcfile :system-p native :load (not native) :output-file out-file :verbose t :print t) (if failure-p (ext:quit 1) out-truename)))) (let* ((out-dir (getenv-or-fail "out")) (nix-build-dir (getenv-or-fail "NIX_BUILD_TOP")) (srcs ;; These forms are inserted by the Nix build '(${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (src: "\"${src}\"") srcs}))) ;; First, we'll byte compile loadable FASL files and load them ;; immediately. Since we are using a statically linked ECL, there's ;; no way to load native objects, so we rely on byte compilation ;; for all our loading — which is crucial in compilation of course. (ext:install-bytecodes-compiler) ;; ECL's bytecode FASLs can just be concatenated to create a bundle ;; at least since a recent bugfix which we apply as a patch. ;; See also: https://gitlab.com/embeddable-common-lisp/ecl/-/issues/649 (let ((bundle-out (make-pathname :type "fasc" :name "${name}" :directory out-dir))) (with-open-file (fasc-stream bundle-out :direction :output) (ext:run-program "cat" (mapcar (lambda (f) (namestring (nix-compile-file f :native nil))) srcs) :output fasc-stream))) (ext:install-c-compiler) ;; Build a (natively compiled) static archive (.a) file. We want to ;; use this for (statically) linking an executable later. The bytecode ;; dance is only required because we can't load such archives. (c:build-static-library (make-pathname :type "a" :name "${name}" :directory out-dir) :lisp-files (mapcar (lambda (x) (nix-compile-file x :native t)) srcs))) ''; genDumpLisp = { name, main, deps }: writeText "ecl-dump.lisp" '' (defun getenv-or-fail (var) (or (ext:getenv var) (error (format nil "Missing expected environment variable ~A" var)))) ${impls.ecl.genLoadLisp deps} ;; makes a 'c' package available that can link executables (ext:install-c-compiler) (c:build-program (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "bin") :name "${name}") (truename (getenv-or-fail "out"))) :epilogue-code `(progn ;; UIOP doesn't understand ECL, so we need to make it ;; aware that we are a proper executable, causing it ;; to handle argument parsing and such properly. Since ;; this needs to work even when we're not using UIOP, ;; we need to do some compile-time acrobatics. ,(when (find-package :uiop) `(setf ,(find-symbol "*IMAGE-DUMPED-P*" :uiop) :executable)) ;; Run the actual application… (${main}) ;; … and exit. (ext:quit)) ;; ECL can't remember these from its own build… :ld-flags '("-static") :lisp-files ;; The following forms are inserted by the Nix build '(${ lib.concatMapStrings (dep: '' "${dep}/${dep.lispName}.a" '') (allDeps impls.ecl deps) })) ''; wrapProgram = false; genTestLisp = genTestLispGeneric impls.ecl; lispWith = deps: let lispDeps = filter (d: !d.lispBinary) (allDeps impls.ecl deps); in writeShellScriptBin "ecl" '' exec ${ecl-static}/bin/ecl ${ lib.optionalString (deps != []) "--load ${writeText "load.lisp" (impls.ecl.genLoadLisp lispDeps)}" } $@ ''; bundled = name: runCommand "${name}-cllib" { passthru = { lispName = name; lispNativeDeps = [ ]; lispDeps = [ ]; lispBinary = false; repl = impls.ecl.lispWith [ (impls.ecl.bundled name) ]; }; } '' mkdir -p "$out" ln -s "${ecl-static}/lib/ecl-${ecl-static.version}/${name}.${impls.ecl.faslExt}" -t "$out" ln -s "${ecl-static}/lib/ecl-${ecl-static.version}/lib${name}.a" "$out/${name}.a" ''; }; ccl = { # Relatively bespoke wrapper script necessary to make CCL just™ execute # a lisp file as a script. runScript = pkgs.writers.writeBash "ccl" '' # don't print intro message etc. args=("--quiet") # makes CCL crash on error instead of entering the debugger args+=("--load" "${disableDebugger}") # load files from command line in order for f in "$@"; do args+=("--load" "$f") done # Exit if everything was processed successfully args+=("--eval" "(quit)") exec ${ccl}/bin/ccl ''${args[@]} ''; # See https://ccl.clozure.com/docs/ccl.html#building-definitions faslExt = /**/ if targetPlatform.isPowerPC && targetPlatform.is32bit then "pfsl" else if targetPlatform.isPowerPC && targetPlatform.is64bit then "p64fsl" else if targetPlatform.isx86_64 && targetPlatform.isLinux then "lx64fsl" else if targetPlatform.isx86_32 && targetPlatform.isLinux then "lx32fsl" else if targetPlatform.isAarch32 && targetPlatform.isLinux then "lafsl" else if targetPlatform.isx86_32 && targetPlatform.isDarwin then "dx32fsl" else if targetPlatform.isx86_64 && targetPlatform.isDarwin then "dx64fsl" else if targetPlatform.isx86_64 && targetPlatform.isDarwin then "dx64fsl" else if targetPlatform.isx86_32 && targetPlatform.isFreeBSD then "fx32fsl" else if targetPlatform.isx86_64 && targetPlatform.isFreeBSD then "fx64fsl" else if targetPlatform.isx86_32 && targetPlatform.isWindows then "wx32fsl" else if targetPlatform.isx86_64 && targetPlatform.isWindows then "wx64fsl" else builtins.throw "Don't know what FASLs are called for this platform: " + pkgs.stdenv.targetPlatform.system; genLoadLisp = genLoadLispGeneric impls.ccl; genCompileLisp = { name, srcs, deps }: writeText "ccl-compile.lisp" '' ${impls.ccl.genLoadLisp deps} (defun getenv-or-fail (var) (or (getenv var) (error (format nil "Missing expected environment variable ~A" var)))) (defun nix-compile-file (srcfile) "Trivial wrapper around COMPILE-FILE which causes CCL to exit if compilation fails and LOADs the compiled file on success." (let ((output (make-pathname :name (substitute #\_ #\/ srcfile) :type "${impls.ccl.faslExt}" :directory (getenv-or-fail "NIX_BUILD_TOP")))) (multiple-value-bind (out-truename _warnings-p failure-p) (compile-file srcfile :output-file output :print t :verbose t) (declare (ignore _warnings-p)) (if failure-p (quit 1) (progn (load out-truename) out-truename))))) (fasl-concatenate (make-pathname :name "${name}" :type "${impls.ccl.faslExt}" :directory (getenv-or-fail "out")) (mapcar #'nix-compile-file ;; These forms where inserted by the Nix build '(${ lib.concatMapStrings (src: '' "${src}" '') srcs }))) ''; genDumpLisp = { name, main, deps }: writeText "ccl-dump.lisp" '' ${impls.ccl.genLoadLisp deps} (let* ((out (or (getenv "out") (error "Not running in a Nix build"))) (bindir (concatenate 'string out "/bin/")) (executable (make-pathname :directory bindir :name "${name}"))) ;; Tell UIOP that argv[0] will refer to running image, not the lisp impl (when (find-package :uiop) (eval `(setf ,(find-symbol "*IMAGE-DUMPED-P*" :uiop) :executable))) (save-application executable :purify t :error-handler :quit :toplevel-function (lambda () ;; Filter out everything prior to the `--` we ;; insert in the wrapper to prevent SBCL from ;; parsing arguments at startup (setf ccl:*command-line-argument-list* (delete "--" ccl:*command-line-argument-list* :test #'string= :count 1)) (${main})) :mode #o755 ;; TODO(sterni): use :native t on macOS :prepend-kernel t)) ''; wrapProgram = true; genTestLisp = genTestLispGeneric impls.ccl; lispWith = deps: let lispDeps = filter (d: !d.lispBinary) (allDeps impls.ccl deps); in writeShellScriptBin "ccl" '' export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${lib.makeLibraryPath (allNative [] lispDeps)}" exec ${ccl}/bin/ccl ${ lib.optionalString (deps != []) "--load ${writeText "load.lisp" (impls.ccl.genLoadLisp lispDeps)}" } "$@" ''; }; }; # # Public API functions # # 'library' builds a list of Common Lisp files into an implementation # specific library format, usually a single FASL file, which can then be # loaded and built into an executable via 'program'. library = { name , implementation ? defaultImplementation , brokenOn ? [ ] # TODO(sterni): make this a warning , srcs , deps ? [ ] , native ? [ ] , tests ? null , passthru ? { } }: let filteredDeps = implFilter implementation deps; filteredSrcs = implFilter implementation srcs; lispNativeDeps = (allNative native filteredDeps); lispDeps = allDeps implementation filteredDeps; testDrv = if ! isNull tests then testSuite { name = tests.name or "${name}-test"; srcs = filteredSrcs ++ (tests.srcs or [ ]); deps = filteredDeps ++ (tests.deps or [ ]); expression = tests.expression; inherit implementation; } else null; in lib.fix (self: runCommand "${name}-cllib" { LD_LIBRARY_PATH = lib.makeLibraryPath lispNativeDeps; LANG = "C.UTF-8"; passthru = passthru // { inherit lispNativeDeps lispDeps; lispName = name; lispBinary = false; tests = testDrv; }; } '' ${if ! isNull testDrv then "echo 'Test ${testDrv} succeeded'" else "echo 'No tests run'"} mkdir $out ${implementation.runScript} ${ implementation.genCompileLisp { srcs = filteredSrcs; inherit name; deps = lispDeps; } } ''); # 'program' creates an executable, usually containing a dumped image of the # specified sources and dependencies. program = { name , implementation ? defaultImplementation , brokenOn ? [ ] # TODO(sterni): make this a warning , main ? "${name}:main" , srcs , deps ? [ ] , native ? [ ] , tests ? null , passthru ? { } }: let filteredSrcs = implFilter implementation srcs; filteredDeps = implFilter implementation deps; lispDeps = allDeps implementation filteredDeps; libPath = lib.makeLibraryPath (allNative native lispDeps); # overriding is used internally to propagate the implementation to use selfLib = (makeOverridable library) { inherit name native brokenOn; deps = lispDeps; srcs = filteredSrcs; }; testDrv = if ! isNull tests then testSuite { name = tests.name or "${name}-test"; srcs = ( # testSuite does run implFilter as well filteredSrcs ++ (tests.srcs or [ ]) ); deps = filteredDeps ++ (tests.deps or [ ]); expression = tests.expression; inherit implementation; } else null; in lib.fix (self: runCommand "${name}" { nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; LD_LIBRARY_PATH = libPath; LANG = "C.UTF-8"; passthru = passthru // { lispName = name; lispDeps = [ selfLib ]; lispNativeDeps = native; lispBinary = true; tests = testDrv; }; } ('' ${if ! isNull testDrv then "echo 'Test ${testDrv} succeeded'" else ""} mkdir -p $out/bin ${implementation.runScript} ${ implementation.genDumpLisp { inherit name main; deps = ([ selfLib ] ++ lispDeps); } } '' + lib.optionalString implementation.wrapProgram '' wrapProgram $out/bin/${name} \ --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${libPath}" \ --add-flags "\$NIX_BUILDLISP_LISP_ARGS --" '')); # 'bundled' creates a "library" which makes a built-in package available, # such as any of SBCL's sb-* packages or ASDF. By default this is done # by calling 'require', but implementations are free to provide their # own specific bundled function. bundled = name: let # TODO(sterni): allow overriding args to underlying 'library' (e. g. srcs) defaultBundled = implementation: name: library { inherit name implementation; srcs = lib.singleton (builtins.toFile "${name}.lisp" "(require '${name})"); }; bundled' = { implementation ? defaultImplementation , name }: implementation.bundled or (defaultBundled implementation) name; in (makeOverridable bundled') { inherit name; }; in { library = withExtras library; program = withExtras program; inherit bundled; # 'sbclWith' creates an image with the specified libraries / # programs loaded in SBCL. sbclWith = impls.sbcl.lispWith; inherit (impls) sbcl ecl ccl ; }